
第回臨床解剖研究会記録 ..~
近年,術後 QOL 向上の観点から乳癌根治手術にと
性が乳腺センチネルリンパ節( MSLN )の概念導入
体 8 体を用いた.リンパ系の解析には腋窩全域の伸
回避に必要とされる MSLN を中心とした腋窩リンパ
系(ALS )の正確な形態学的特徴や MSLN と上肢リ
た.上肢から ALS へ流入するリンパ管の確認とリン
多い.本研究では, ALS の形態学的特徴を明らかに
(ICG)蛍光 PDE 観察法を用いてカニクイザルにて解
するとともに, MSLN と上肢リンパ系との交通様式
析した.なお ALS の表記は乳癌取り扱い規約(2008)
Fig. 2. Schematic drawing of the lymphatic collateral routes
between the mammary sentinel lymph nodes (LN) and lymphatic system of the upper extremity
Fig. 1 ICG ‰uorescence images. The subcutaneus lymphatic
stream was observed from the forearm to the deep axillary
space (☆); it ˆnally reached level Ia lymphatic nodes (arrows)
on each side of axilla (1a, 1b). Dotted lines indicate the white
line of latissimus dorsi muscle (LD).
PMa: M. pectoralis major
No. 12
2012. 2
AV LN: axillary vein LN, AVS: axillary vein sheath, IP LN: interpectoral LN,
LD: latissimus dorsi muscle, MSLN: mammary sentinel LN, PMa: pectoralis
major, PMi: pectoralis minor, SubC LN: subclavicular LN, SubP LN: subpectoral LN, SubS LN: subscapular LN, SupC LN: supraclavicular LN, VC: cephalic vein, VJI: internal jugular vein, VSS: subclavicular vein, VTD: thoracodorsal
vein, VTEG: thoracoepigastric vein, VTL: lateral thoracic vein, VTS: superior
thoracic vein
ALS は腋窩動脈系の走行変化(浅肩甲下動脈系列
MSLN は,乳腺から ALS へ向かうリンパ管流入数
SSS )にともない ALS の基軸(肋間上腕神経を基
から 1b CALN と胸筋 LN であると考えられた.剖査
準)2) が頭尾方向にシフトした.しかし,その基本構
所見で確認された上肢深層リンパ系と Ia 領域との側
副路については,同様の所見が生体内 ICG 吸収路に
おいても検証できた( Fig. 2 ).乳癌根治手術にとも
80 は Level Ib 領域の中心腋窩 LN ( CALN ),残り
なう腋窩 LN 郭清では, Level Ia 領域進入のランド
20 は胸腹壁静脈内側の胸筋下 LN に注いだ.上肢
マークとして White line の露出操作,また,腋窩静
深層リンパ系は,腋窩血管鞘( AVS )内を上行した
のち AVS を逸脱して広背筋の腱性部( White line )
上縁から Level Ia 肩甲下 LN・腋窩静脈 LN に流入す
る経路と,Level II 胸筋下 LN に注ぐ 2 系統の側副路
(Fig. 1)が認められた.両経路は最終的に Level II
Level III を介して左静脈角へ注いだ.ICGPDE 観察
において, AVS 内リンパ本幹の一部が反回して Ia
LN に向かう側副路の存在が確認された(Fig. 2)
White line 上縁結合組織と AVS は術後上肢浮腫を
文 献
1) Noguchi M. 2002. Sentinel lymph node biopsy and brest cancer.
Br J Surg 89: 2134
2 ) 三浦真弘ほか. 2007 .腋窩領域リンパ管系と N. intercostobrachialis 後枝との位置的関系.臨床解剖研究会記録 7: 1415
The anastomotic connection between the mammary sentinel lymph nodes and lymphatic system of the upper extremity:
a study on the pathogenesis of upper limb lymphedema following radical axillary lymph node dissection
Masahiro MIURA1, Miyuki ABE1, Kazuyuki SHIMADA2
of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Oita University,
2Department of Neurology Gross Anatomy, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
The signiˆcance of the radical axillary lymph node dissection as part of radical mastectomy and the importance of breast reductive
surgery from the standpoint of improving postoperative quality of life (QOL) have been among the topics recently discussed in relation to the concept of mammary sentinel lymph nodes (MSLNs). However, little is yet known of the morphological characteristics of
the axillary lymphatic system (ALS) and MSLNs, and the true nature of the anastomotic connections between the upper extremity
lymphatic system (UELS) and MSLNs. Thus, these issues need to be addressed to prevent upper extremity edema. This study attempts to better explore the morphological characteristics of the ALS, and to anatomically examine the communication patterns between the MSLNs and UELS. The structural factors associated with prevention of the upper extremity edema after axillary dissection
are also discussed. The specimens were taken from 8 dissected bodies of adult women in Oita University. We examined the lymphatic
system using the reverse-dissection method after whole-mount preparations. Indocyanine green (ICG) ‰uorescence imaging was used
in combination with a Photodynamic Eye (PDE) for vital observation of the lymphatic vessels ‰owing from the upper extremities to
the ALS. The ALS changed its direction following the course of the axillary artery (the series of superˆcial subscapular arteries), and
aligned itself along the craniocaudal axis. However, the fundamental structure was demonstrated to be a shared regularity among individuals. The majority (80 percent) of lymph nodes (LNs), which were ˆrst connected by lymphatic vessels from the superˆcial
region of the mammary glands were level Ib central axillary LNs (CALNs), and the remaining nodes (about 20 percent) were level II
subpectoral LNs. The deep lymphatic system of the upper extremities followed a pathway which ascended via the axillary vascular
sheath (AVS), then ran away from the AVS along the upper edge of the tendinous part (the white line) of the latissimus dorsi muscle
in the level Ia subscapular LNs and axillary vein LNs, and the two auxiliary pathways drained into the subpectoral LNs. Furthermore,
the observation by PDE revealed the ‰uorescent traces of an auxiliary pathway from the lymphatic route in the AVS to the Ia region.
MSLNs were thought to be CALNs and pectoral LNs based on the number of in‰owing lymphatic vessels originating from the mammary glands. It was suggested that the axillary dissection procedure may damage the collateral pathways that ‰ow from the upper extremities into the ALS during exposure of the axillary veins, and the white line, a key landmark for entry into level Ia. The AVS and
connective tissues at the upper margin of the white line were thought to be important structural factors necessary for preventing
postoperative upper extremity edema.
Key words: axillary lymph node, mammary sentinel lymph nodes, upper extremity edema, gross anatomy