CONTENTS Declaration on the Occasion of the Opening of APU The Ritsumeikan Charter Basic Policy on the Protection of Personal Information AY 2014 Academic Calendar 1.Study at APU Page 1. 1 Human Resource Development Goals 1 1. 2 Academic Information and Notices from APU 2 1. 2. 1 Academic Information and Services 2 1. 2. 2 Notices from the Academic Office 2 1. 2. 3 Faculty Office Hours and Contact Details 4 1. 3 Basic Academic Information 5 1. 3. 1 Advancement and Graduation 5 1. 3. 2 Overview of Academic Year 6 1. 3. 3 Credit System 6 1. 3. 4 Course Types 6 1. 3. 5 Course Timetable and Class Times 7 1. 3. 6 Class Cancellations, Changes and Make-up Days 8 1. 3. 7 Tardiness, and Class Absences Due to Illness or Bereavement 9 1. 3. 8 Academic Advising 2.Curriculum 13 Page 2. 1 Information Common to all Curricula 15 2. 1. 1 What is a Curriculum and How does it Apply 15 2. 1. 2 Graduation Requirements 16 2. 1. 3 Systematic Study 16 2. 2 AY 2011 Curriculum 18 2. 2. 1 College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS) 18 2. 2. 2 College of International Management (APM) 21 2. 2. 3 AY 2011 Curriculum Language Education Subjects 25 2. 2. 4 AY 2011 Curriculum Outline 34 2. 2. 5 AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List 36 2. 3 AY 2006 Curriculum 46 2. 3. 1 College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS) 46 2. 3. 2 College of International Management / College of Asia Pacific Management (APM) 48 2. 3. 3 Crossover Advanced Program (CAP) 51 2. 3. 4 AY 2006 Curriculum Language Education Subjects 58 2. 3. 5 AY 2006 Curriculum Outline 66 2. 3. 6 AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List 77 3.Course Registration Page 3. 1 Registering for Courses 91 3. 1. 1 From Registration to Credit Completion 91 3. 1. 2 Course Re-registration System 94 3. 1. 3 Course Registration Overview 95 3. 1. 4 Important Notes for Course Registration System 96 3. 1. 5 Registration Advising 97 3. 2 Syllabus 98 3. 2. 1 Viewing the Syllabus Online 98 3. 2. 2 Finding Textbooks and Reading Materials at the Library 99 3. 2. 3 Introduction to the APU Library 4.Examinations and Grading 102 Page 4. 1 Examinations 103 4. 1. 1 Final Examinations 103 4. 1. 2 Make-up Examinations 105 4. 1. 3 Final Reports 106 4. 1. 4 APU Plagiarism Guidelines 107 4. 2 Grades and GPA 108 4. 2. 1 Grading System 108 4. 2. 2 Grade Point Average (GPA) 108 4. 2. 3 Graduation Assessment 109 4. 2. 4 Release of Grades 111 4. 2. 5 Grade Inquiries 112 5.Seminar Subjects Page 5. 1 Seminars 113 5. 1. 1 1st Year Seminars 113 5. 1. 2 2nd Year Seminars 115 5. 1. 3 3rd Year Seminars 116 5. 1. 4 4th Year Seminars 117 5. 1. 5 3rd and 4th Year Seminar Applications and Credit 117 5. 2 AY 2014 Undergraduate Thesis Schedule and Details 123 6.Active Learning (Student Exchange-Overseas & Domestic, Study Abroad Programs) Page 6. 1 Active Learning 129 6. 1. 1 List of Active Learning Programs (Short-term programs) 130 6. 2 Long-term Programs 132 6. 2. 1 International Exchange Programs 132 6. 2. 2 Domestic Exchange Programs 135 6. 2. 3 Dual Degree Program 137 6. 2. 4 Independently Arranged Study Abroad 138 7.Other Information and Programs Page 7. 1 Accelerated Graduation Program 141 7. 2 College Transfer 144 7. 3 Pre-enrollment Credit Transfer 145 7. 4 Curricular Exchange Program with Oita University 146 7. 5 APU/RU English Teaching Certificate Program for Domestic Students 146 7. 6 Open University of Japan 149 Index 151 Campus Map 152 Overview of Facilities in Each Building 154 Campus Map Index 170 Declaration on the Occasion of the Opening of APU Since the beginning of human history, human beings have attempted to create their own distinctive cultures and develop civilizations in the various regions of the world. They have also had to overcome many constraints and obstacles in order to achieve their goal of living in conditions of freedom, peace and humanity. The twentieth century was an era of rapid progress and unprecedented advance in the political, economical and cultural fields, as human activity increasingly took place on a global scale. Through the experience of the two World Wars, the United Nations and other international organizations were formed to enhance cooperation in order to maintain peace and to promote international understanding. Given that the 21st century will see the emergence of a global society, we firmly believe that coexistence between mankind and nature, as well as between diverse cultures, will be indispensable for the peaceful and sustainable development of the Asia Pacific region. This is why we are now establishing a university here, to nurture the young talent and to create a new academic discipline which will help shape the region’s future. April 1, 2000 therefore marked the birth of the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, based on a vision of freedom, peace and humanity, mutual international understanding, and the future shape of the Asia Pacific region. The establishment of the University at Jumonjibaru, in Beppu City, has been made possible through the cooperation of the people of Beppu and Oita Prefecture, together with many others both within and outside Japan. Our hope is that it will be a place where the young future leaders from countries and regions throughout the world will come to study together, live together, and understand each other’s cultures and ways of life, in pursuit of goals that are common to all mankind. The Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University is hereby declared open. April 1, 2000 The Ritsumeikan Charter Ritsumeikan traces its roots to Prince Saionji’s private academy of the same name, established in 1869. It was officially founded in 1900 by his protégé, Kojuro Nakagawa, as the Kyoto Hosei Gakko (Kyoto School of Law and Politics), later to take on the name ″Ritsumeikan″. The name is derived from a passage in the Jinxin chapter of the Discourses of Mencius, and means ″a place to establish one’s destiny through cultivating one’s mind.″ Ritsumeikan’s founding ideals are ″freedom and innovation″ and reflecting upon its wartime experience, it committed itself to a core educational philosophy of ″peace and democracy″ after World War II. Ritsumeikan has faced the challenges of the times by pursuing an independent path to rise above adversity and has become the comprehensive private educational institution that it is today through extensive cooperation and support from both within and outside Japan. Ritsumeikan, as a Japanese institution located in the Asia Pacific region, is committed to sincerely reflecting upon history and to building an institution where many cultures coexist in the spirit of international mutual understanding. Ritsumeikan will build relationships of trust, through research and education, as well as sports and cultural activities, and establish its roots in the local community, to create an academic institution open to international society. Ritsumeikan will strive to strengthen links with society and promote its institutional development by fully utilizing the characteristics of a private academic institution, the participation of its faculty, staff and students, and the support of alumni and parents, while respecting the principles of autonomy, democracy, transparency, non-violence and justice. Ritsumeikan will pursue the creation of universal values based on academic freedom and search for solutions to the pressing issues facing humankind, with its educational endeavors based on its founding spirit and educational ideals, bearing in mind ″to believe in the future, to live for the future″. Ritsumeikan will foster learning and the development of individual talents in order to nurture just and ethical global citizens. Ritsumeikan, as an institute of education and research, pledges to promote peace, democracy and sustainable development in Japan and throughout the world, in keeping with the sprit of this Charter. The Ritsumeikan Trust July 21, 2006 Basic Policy on the Protection of Personal Information The Ritsumeikan Trust (hereinafter, “the Trust”) has instituted its own rules and systems to ensure that the personal information of its students used in the course of the Trust’s educational and research activities is handled in accordance with laws, regulations and other personal information protection standards. As part of this, the Trust implements and maintains the following Basic Policy on the Protection of Personal Information. Rules for the handling of personal information for the purposes of academic research are stipulated separately to this policy. 1. In order to implement this Basic Policy, the Trust shall establish and publicly announce the Ritsumeikan Trust Personal Information Protection Regulations, and ensure that they are known and observed by all faculty and staff (including executives, faculty members, administrative staff members, part-time workers and dispatched workers) and associates of the Trust. 2. The Trust shall establish appropriate information security measures against illicit access, computer viruses, etc., in order to prevent the loss, destruction, manipulation or leakage of personal information. 3. The Trust shall acquire personal information only by legal and proper means. As well as refraining from acquisition of information by improper means, the Trust shall ensure that the subject of the personal information consents to the purposes of its use, or announce the necessary arrangements on the Trust’s website. 4. The Trust shall ensure that personal information acquired indirectly has been acquired properly from its subject, and shall announce the intended purpose of use and other necessary arrangements on the Trust’s website. 5. The Trust shall confirm that the subject of personal information has the right to disclose, correct, suspend, or erase that information, and shall treat applications from the subject concerning such acts with due respect. 6. When sharing personal information with a third party or entrusting it to a third party under an outsourcing arrangement, the Trust shall investigate that party, conclude a contractual agreement, and take all other steps required by law. 7. Personal information provided for the purposes of becoming a student of any of the educational institutions of the Trust shall be handled by the Trust with the same care as is applied to personal information provided by past and current students of those institutions. 8. The following principles shall apply to specific aspects of the acquisition and handling of personal information: • Personal information shall only be used within the scope of the purpose of its acquisition, only by persons granted authority in accordance with the specific tasks involved, and only to the extent necessary to perform those tasks. • Personal information shall not, in principle, be provided to any third party. • Personal information shall not be used outside the original purpose, removed from its regular place of use, transmitted to any third party, or otherwise leaked. • Employees of the Trust are prohibited from recklessly disclosing personal information encountered in the course of their work to any third party and from using such information for improper purposes. This prohibition continues to apply after employees have ceased to engage in the work in question. • The Trust shall not acquire, use or provide personal information of the following nature: 1. Matters concerning personal thoughts, beliefs or religion 2. Matters that may be the cause of social discrimination April 1, 2005 Handling of Personal Information at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Personal information acquired from prospective students by Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (hereinafter, “APU”) shall be handled as follows, in observance of laws and regulations concerning personal information protection and the Ritsumeikan Trust Personal Information Protection Regulations. Purposes of use Students’ personal information shall be used for the following purposes: • To provide study and learning support for students, including administration of enrollment, course registration, grades and results, and information relating to tuition fees. • To provide extracurricular and living support for students, including campus life advisory services, support for extracurricular activities, administration of scholarships, and administration of public health and hygiene. • To provide career development and job placement assistance for students, including academic and career counseling, support for job hunting, and administration of career and job placement information. • To provide consultative and advisory services on courses of study, grades and career paths to students’ parents/guardians, including the sending of grade reports to parents/guardians. • To perform work related to entrance examinations and enrollment procedures. • To send information and documentation related to the APU and the Ritsumeikan Academy’s other universities and schools. • To administer the use of internal facilities and equipment, and maintain the safety and security thereof. • To issue certificates. • To provide information required by organizations authorized by the Ritsumeikan Trust Personal Information Protection Committee, such as scholarship providers and associations composed of alumni, parents, etc. • To conduct university evaluation (self-assessment evaluation, third party evaluation, certified evaluation) and statistical research. • To conduct education, research and faculty development activities. • To process other matters necessary in the administration and management of APU. AY 2014 Academic Calendar Year Date 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 4/1 4/2 4/3 4/4 4/5 4/6 4/7 4/8 4/9 4/10 4/11 4/12 4/13 4/14 4/15 4/16 4/17 4/18 4/19 4/20 4/21 4/22 4/23 4/24 4/25 4/26 4/27 4/28 4/29 4/30 5/1 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/6 5/7 5/8 5/9 5/10 5/11 5/12 5/13 5/14 5/15 5/16 5/17 5/18 5/19 5/20 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/24 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/30 5/31 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/13 6/14 6/15 6/16 6/17 6/18 6/19 6/20 6/21 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/29 6/30 Day Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Class Spring Semester Entrance Ceremony Start of Classes Spring Semester 1st Quarter ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Make-up Classes National Holiday National Holiday National Holiday National Holiday National Holiday Classes as usual Classes as usual Classes as usual Make-up Classes TOEFL®/ITP ● ● ● ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ Make-up Classes Final Examinations,1st Quarter Spring Semester Final Examinations,1st Quarter Spring Semester Final Examinations,1st Quarter Spring Semester ● ● ● ● ● 1st Quarter Make-up Examinations TOEIC®/IP Make-up Classes TOEFL®/ITP Class Column: ● School Day or Examination Day ◦ : Make-up Classes None: No Classes March 24 - 27, Monday - Thursday Course Registration Period A March 28, Friday English placement test Japanese placement test April 2, Wednesday Mathematics placement test(APM only) April 7 - 8, Monday - Tuesday Course Registration Period B April 7 - 14, Monday - Monday FIRST Program application period (for Spring semester program) April 9, Wednesday FIRST Program guidance session (for Spring semester program) April 14 - 30, Monday - Wednesday Short-term Active Learning program application period April 16 - May 2, Wednesday - Friday 2014 Fall semester student exchange (domestioc) application period April 16, Wednesday Short-term Active Learning program general guidance session 2015 Spring semester student exchange (international) guidance session 2014 Fall semester student exchange (domestic) guidance session April 17 - April 18, Thursday - Friday Course Registration Correction Period 1 April 18, Friday FIRST Program application results released (Spring semester program) April 23, Wednesday SEND guidance session May 14, Wednesday 2014 Fall semester seminar subject guidance session held and syllabus released May 14 - June 16, Wednesday - Monday Student exchange (international) application period / guidance session May 19. Monday Spring semester 1st quarter final examination schedule released May 31 - June 3, Saturday - Tuesday FIRST Program held (Spring semester program) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ No Classes No Classes Start of Classes Spring Semester 2nd Quarter Schedule ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● June 4 - 11, Wednesday - Wednesday 2014 Fall semester seminar subject new application and cancellation period June 12 - 13, Thursday - Friday Course Registration Correction Period 2 June 13, Friday Spring semester undergraduate thesis submission deadline June 16 - 27, Monday - Friday AP Language subject exemption application period June 30 - July 4, Monday - Friday Open University of Japan application period (Fall semester courses) ● ● ● ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● *The schedule is subject to change Year 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Date 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1 9/2 9/3 9/4 9/5 9/6 9/7 9/8 9/9 9/10 9/11 9/12 9/13 9/14 9/15 9/16 9/17 9/18 9/19 9/20 Day Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 9/21 9/22 9/23 9/24 9/25 9/26 9/27 9/28 9/29 9/30 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue TOEFL®/ITP Make-up Classes Class ● ● ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● Make-up Classes National Holiday Classes as usual No Classes Final Examinations,2nd Quarter Spring Semester Final Examinations,2nd Quarter Spring Semester Back-up Examination ● ● ● ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● Final Examinations,2nd Quarter Spring Semester Final Examinations,2nd Quarter Spring Semester Final Examinations,2nd Quarter Spring Semester(Back-up Examination) Summer Session Summer Session Summer Session Summer Session Summer Session ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2nd Quarter Make-up Examinations 2nd Quarter Make-up Examinations ● ● Graduation Results Announced Schedule July 14, Monday Spring semester 2nd quarter final examination schedule released July 15, Tuesday 2015 Spring semester student exchange (international) application results released July 16, Wednesday 2015 Spring semester student exchange (international) guidance July 16, Wednesday Fall semester seminar subject application results released (new applicants) July 16 - August 1, Wednesday - Friday Japanese and English language subject exemption/credit award application period (for AY 2006 curriculum students) July 17 - 23, Thursday - Wednesday Fall semester sub-seminar application period (3rd year students only) July 21 - August 29, Monday - Friday Application to take 300 or higher level Major Education subjects held in non-basis language (AY 2006 curriculum students only) July 30, Wednesday Fall semester sub-seminar application results released (3rd year students only) Note: The period for Summer Session I this academic year is June 31 - August 4, Thursday - Monday. Classes will be held on Saturday the 2nd and Sunday the 3rd. September 1 - 3, Monday - Wednesday Grade Inquiry period (for gradutating students) September 10 - 12, Wednesday - Friday Grade inquiry period (for all other students) Course re-registration application period Mid September Course Registration Period A Spring Semester Results Released,Registration Guidance Graduation Ceremony National Holiday Entrance Ceremony Fall Semester National Holiday If a final examination is postponed due to the decision to halt public transportation due to a typhoon, snow, labor strike, etc., then the final examination will be rescheduled for a "back-up examination" date which will either be the Wednesday during the final examination period (during a class period that does not have previously scheduled examinations) or the Saturday following the end of the final examination period. Students should not schedule trips or make plans to return home during this period due to the possibility that examinations may be rescheduled. AY 2014 Academic Calendar Year 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Date 10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/11 10/12 10/13 10/14 10/15 10/16 10/17 10/18 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 10/23 10/24 10/25 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/29 10/30 10/31 11/1 11/2 11/3 11/4 11/5 11/6 11/7 11/8 11/9 11/10 11/11 11/12 11/13 11/14 11/15 11/16 11/17 11/18 11/19 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/23 11/24 11/25 11/26 11/27 11/28 11/29 11/30 12/1 12/2 12/3 12/4 12/5 12/6 12/7 12/8 12/9 12/10 12/11 12/12 12/13 12/14 12/15 12/16 12/17 12/18 12/19 12/20 12/21 12/22 12/23 12/24 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/28 12/29 12/30 12/31 Day Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Class National Holiday Start of Classes, Fall Semester 1st Quarter ● ● ● ● ● Classes as usual ● ● ● ● ● ○ TOEFL®/ITP Make-up Classes ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● National Holiday Classes as usual Make-up Classes ● ● ● ● ● ○ Schedule 1st Week of October Course Registration Period B October 1 - 10, Wednesday - Friday FIRST Program application period (for Fall semester program) October 1, Wednesday FIRST Program guidance session (for Fall semester program) October 8 - 29, Wednesday - Wednesday Short-term Active Learning Program application period October 8 - 24, Wednesday - Friday 2015 Spring semester student exchange (domestic) application period October 8, Wednesday Short-term Active Learning Program general guidance session 2015 Spring semester student exchange (domestic) guidance session 2015 Fall semester student exchange (international) guidance session 3rd Week of October Course Registration Correction Period 1 October 15 - November 10, Wednesday - Monday 2015 Fall semester student exchange (international) application period October 15, Wednesday FIRST Program application results released (Fall semester program) November 5, Wednesday 2015 Spring semester seminar subject guidance session held and syllabus released November 12, Wednesday Fall semester 1st quarter final examination schedule released November 26 - December 3, Wednesday - Wednesday 2015 Spring semester seminar subject new application and cancellation period November 27 - 30, Thursday - Sunday FIRST Program held (Fall semester program) ● ● ● ● ● National Holiday National Holiday Make-up Classes ● ● ● ● ● ○ Final Examinations, 1st Quarter Fall Semester Classes as usual Final Examinations, 1st Quarter Fall Semester Final Examinations, 1st Quarter Fall Semester No Classes No Classes ● ● ● Start of Classes, Fall Semester 2nd Quarter ● ● ● ● ● TOEIC® /IP, 1st Quarter Make-up Examinations ● ● ● ● ● Make-up Classes ● ● ● ● ● ○ Classes as usual ● ● TOEFL®/ITP National Holiday Class Column: ● School Day or Examination Day ◦ : Make-up Classes None: No Classes 2nd Week of December Course Registration Correction Period 2 December 8 - 19, Monday - Friday AP Language subject exemption application period December 12, Friday Fall semester undergraduate thesis submission deadline December 16, Tuesday 2015 Fall semester student exchange (international) application results released December 17, Wednesday 2015 Fall semester student exchange (international) guidance session Year 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Date 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/12 1/13 1/14 1/15 1/16 1/17 1/18 1/19 1/20 1/21 1/22 1/23 1/24 1/25 1/26 1/27 1/28 1/29 1/30 1/31 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/8 2/9 2/10 2/11 2/12 2/13 2/14 2/15 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/20 2/21 2/22 2/23 2/24 2/25 2/26 2/27 2/28 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/10 3/11 3/12 3/13 3/14 3/15 3/16 3/17 3/18 3/19 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/24 3/25 3/26 3/27 3/28 3/29 3/30 3/31 Day Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Class National Holiday Classes as usual(Jan.12 classes) TOEFL®/ITP National Holiday National Holiday No Classes ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Make-up Classes ● ● ● ● ● ○ Make-up Classes ● ● ● ● ● ○ Final Examinations,2nd Quarter Fall Semester Final Examinations,2nd Quarter Fall Semester Final Examinations,2nd Quarter Fall Semester(Back-up Examination) Final Examinations,2nd Quarter Fall Semester Final Examinations,2nd Quarter Fall Semester Back-up Examination ● ● ● ● ● ● Winter Session Winter Session Winter Session (classes as usual) Winter Session Winter Session ● ● ● ● ● 2nd Quarter Make-up Examinations 2nd Quarter Make-up Examinations ● ● Graduation Results Announced Schedule January 9 - 16, Friday - Friday Open University of Japan application period (2015 Spring semester courses) January 21, Wednesday Fall semester 2nd quarter final examination schedule released January 21, Wednesday Spring semester seminar subject application results released (new applicants) January 21 - February 13, Wednesday - Friday Japanese and English language subject exemption/credit award application period (for AY 2006 Curriculum students only) January 22 - 28, Thursday - Wednesday Spring semester sub-seminar application period (3rd year students only) January 26 - February 27, Monday - Friday Application to take 300 level or higher Major Education subjects held in non-basis language (AY 2006 Curriculum students only) February 4, Wednesday Spring semester sub-seminar application results released (3rd year students only) March 4 - 6, Wednesday - Friday Grade inquiry period (for graduating students) March 18 - 20, Wednesday - Friday Grade inquiry period (for all other students) Course re-registration application period Late March 2015 Spring semester Course Registration Period A Graduation Ceremony Fall Semester Results Released, Registration Guidance National Holiday If a final examination is postponed due to the decision to halt public transportation due to a typhoon, snow, labor strike, etc., then the final examination will be rescheduled for a "back-up examination" date which will either be the Wednesday during the final examination period (during a class period that does not have previously scheduled examinations) or the Saturday following the end of the final examination period. Students should not schedule trips or make plans to return home during this period due to the possibility that examinations may be rescheduled. 1. Study at APU Study at APU Human Resource Development Goals Curriculum The founding principles of APU academics and research are freedom, peace and humanity, international mutual understanding, and the future shape of the Asia Pacific region. In addition to these, the College of Asia Pacific Studies and the College of International Management (College of Asia Pacific Management) have each established human resource development goals and a curriculum in order to educate the leaders of tomorrow’s international society. ■ 1.1 Human Resource Development Goals APU seeks to achieve the following human resource development goals. College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS) Course Registration The college of Asia Pacific Studies aims to cultivate human resources that, upon comprehensive understanding of the diverse political conditions, economies, societies, and cultures of the Asia Pacific region, will 1) achieve basic and advanced knowledge in such areas as global society, environment and development, and tourism, 2) develop language, communication and problem-solving abilities, and 3) through understanding of the diverse problems facing the Asia Pacific, will be able to contribute to sustainable development and coexistence in the region. Examinations and Grading College of International Management (APM)* Seminar Subjects The College of International Management aims to cultivate human resources that, upon comprehensive understanding of the diverse political conditions, economies, societies and cultures of the Asia Pacific region, will 1) achieve basic and advanced knowledge in such areas as Business and Management, 2) develop intercultural communication skills in addition to strategic business planning and administration abilities, and 3) through understanding of the diversity in managing corporations in this region, will be able to contribute to globalizing enterprise activities. *The College of Asia Pacific Management changed its name to the ″College of International Management″ in AY 2009. Active Learning Other Information and Programs 1 Academic Information and Notices from APU ■ Study at APU 1.2 Academic Information and Notices from APU 1.2.1 Academic Information and Services Curriculum Office Academic Office (1st floor, Building B) Services Office Hours Curriculum, Course Registration, Grades, Classes, Examinations, Reports, TOEFL®/TOEIC® Examinations Active Learning programs outside the University such as Language Immersion, Field Study, Study Abroad, etc. Monday, Wednesday through Friday: 10:0016:30 Tuesday: 11:30-16:30 Course Registration Other topics covered in the Undergraduate Academic Handbook 1.2.2 Notices from the Academic Office General messages to students will be posted on Campus Terminal, the Academic Office website or the notice board outside Building B. Please check daily for important notices. Examinations and Grading Campus Terminal URL: New (Announcements) APU Bulletin Board Messages concerning University events and other general notices will be posted here. Other Information and Programs Active Learning Seminar Subjects Notices of class cancellations, make-up classes and classroom changes will be posted here. Academic This link accesses the course schedule and Academic website, syllabus etc. 2 New (Personal Message) Individual messages from the University will be posted here. Important messages may also be sent by e-mail. Please check these regularly. ■ The Academic Office website offers a variety of general academic information. Important updates about studying at APU are posted often in the News section. Please visit Study at APU URL: Academic Information and Notices from APU Academic Office Website this site frequently. Curriculum Course Registration Examinations and Grading Seminar Subjects Bulletin Boards Timetables and various announcements will be posted on the bulletin boards next to Building B and in front of the Academic Office. Active Learning Other Information and Programs 3 Academic Information and Notices from APU ■ Study at APU 1.2.3 Faculty Office Hours and Contact Details Each faculty member has allocated office hours in order to facilitate consultation and guidance relating to coursework. Students may visit faculty as necessary during these office hours. Information on faculty office hours, locations and contact e-mail addresses is available on the Course Registration Curriculum Academic Office website under "Faculty Contact Info and Office Hours". Examinations and Grading Faculty Contact Info and Office Hours ● Finding Faculty Information D etailed information about faculty members can be obtained from the pages for each College on the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University official website. Seminar Subjects Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University official website Other Information and Programs Active Learning URL: 4 ■ For more information regarding student status, please refer to the ″Campus Life Handbook.″ The following contains details relating primarily to academic matters and Academic Office Study at APU Basic Academic Information 1.3 Basic Academic Information procedures. Curriculum 1.3.1 Advancement and Graduation Year Level Upon enrollment, students will be referred to as 1st year students. After studying each year, students will advance to the next year level. Those who fail to complete the requirements for Course Registration graduation by the end of their 4th year will become 5th year students, then 6th year students, and so on. However, students may stay enrolled no more than eight years (16 semesters). Year levels may not be repeated. Graduation In order to graduate from APU, students should fulfill all of the following requirements. Those Examinations and Grading who have fulfilled these requirements will be eligible to graduate from APU. ● Students must be enrolled at least four years. The following three cases however are exceptions. ○ Accelerated Graduation Program students can graduate after three years of study. ○2 nd year transfer students can graduate after three years of study. ○3 rd year transfer students can graduate after two years of study. Seminar Subjects ● Students must have completed the required number of credits. Students must have obtained at least 124 credits in total and fulfill the requirements specified by their respective curriculum. More detail can be found in the section for the corresponding curriculum and enrolled college of the student. Active Learning Degree Those who have fulfilled graduation requirements will be awarded a bachelor’s degree. The title of the degree can be found in the section for the corresponding curriculum and enrolled college of the student. Other Information and Programs 5 Basic Academic Information The APU academic year begins in April. Each year is divided into 2 semesters, and each semester is comprised of two quarters and a session. Registration and grade announcements are semester-based, with grades for all courses, including 1st quarter, released at the end of ■ Study at APU 1.3.2 Overview of Academic Year the semester. There may also be instances where classes are scheduled on Saturdays or Curriculum holidays. For details, please refer to the Academic Calendar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Spring Semester Course Registration 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Dec. Jan. Feb. March Fall Semester Summer Session 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Winter Session 1.3.3 Credit System Coursework at APU is based on the credit system. The number of credits earned per course is determined by the Japanese University Establishment Criteria, and is based upon the number Examinations and Grading of class hours (including study conducted outside of class, homework, etc.). Students who receive a passing grade in a class for which they are registered receive credits based on the hours completed. Example: Seminar Subjects Course Type Number of Classes Number of Credits Lecture Course 15 classes + out-of-class study, homework, etc. 2 Language Course 60 classes + out-of-class study, homework, etc. 4 Active Learning 1.3.4 Course Types Course Type Lecture Other Information and Programs Seminar Language 6 Credits 2 2 4 2 Offered Classes per Week Total No. of Classes Quarter-basis (2 months) 2 Semester-basis (4 months) 1 *Final Examination during the last week. Semester-basis (4 months) 1 15 4 60 2 30 Semester-basis (4 months) 15 ■ Regular Class Timetable Class Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 8:45-10:20 A (1) F (1) K (1) L (1) F (2) 2 10:35-12:10 A (2) G (1) K (2) L (2) G (2) 3 12:25-14:00 B (1) H (1) - B (2) H (2) 4 14:15-15:50 C (1) I (1) - C (2) M (1) 5 16:05-17:40 D (1) I (2) - D (2) M (2) 6 17:55-19:30 E (1) J (1) - E (2) J (2) Curriculum Period Study at APU Basic Academic Information 1.3.5 Course Timetable and Class Times Subjects that are held twice per week are either 1) held on different days during the same Course Registration period; or 2) held during consecutive periods on the same day. For example: 1. B (1) and B (2) held Mon. 3rd period and Thu. 3rd period 2. A (1) and A (2) held Mon. 1st and 2nd period Make-up Day and Winter/Summer Session Timetable Session 1 8:45-10:20 9:00-10:35 2 10:35-12:10 10:50-12:25 3 13:00-14:35 13:15-14:50 4 14:50-16:25 15:05-16:40 5 16:40-18:15 16:55-18:30 6 18:30-20:05 - Seminar Subjects Make-up Day Examinations and Grading Period Note: ● These times differ from the regular timetable. ● See p.103 for the Final Examination schedule. Active Learning Other Information and Programs 7 Basic Academic Information Information regarding class cancellations, make-up classes and classroom changes will be made available on Campus Terminal. Please be sure to check these before attending classes. ■ Study at APU 1.3.6 Class Cancellations, Changes and Make-up Days Class Cancellation Curriculum If an instructor does not appear after the class starts, please promptly inform the Academic Office. A class will be cancelled if the instructor does not arrive at the classroom within 20 minutes of the beginning of class. Classes will also be cancelled if public transportation stops due to typhoon, snow or a strike. Course Registration ● Class Cancellation Due to Typhoon, Snow or Transportation Problems Classes will be cancelled in either one of the following circumstances. These measures will also apply during the final examination period. Please continually check the announcements on Campus Terminal during that time as the Division of Academic Affairs will make decisions in response to changing circumstances. ● When a storm alert (boufu keiho) is issued for a region including Oita, Beppu, Hiji, or in the Examinations and Grading event of a public transportation employees strike ● When either Oita Kotsu Bus or Kamenoi Bus completely stops their service to and from APU Seminar Subjects Time of Decision Time of Announcement Response 7:00 a.m. approx. 7:15 a.m. Periods 1 and 2 will be cancelled 10:30 a.m. approx.10:45 a.m. Classes From Period 3 onward will be cancelled After 10:30 a.m. As decided Decisions will be made as appropriate ● Class Cancellation Information Information regarding the cancellation of classes may be accessed on Campus Terminal. Campus Terminal may also be accessed by mobile phone. Active Learning ● Campus Terminal (PC): ● Campus Terminal (Mobile): Other Information and Programs ● QR Code: 8 ■ As a rule, if a class is cancelled, a make-up class will be held. In certain circumstances, makeup classes may be held before the actual cancelled class. Make-up classes are usually scheduled on a Saturday. Make-up class timetables will be posted on the bulletin board on Tuesday prior to the make-up day. As classrooms and class times for make-up classes may Study at APU Basic Academic Information Make-up Classes differ from those of the regular class, please be sure to check the Campus Terminal. Curriculum Classroom Changes Information on temporary or permanent classroom changes will be posted on Campus Terminal. Course Registration 1.3.7 Tardiness, and Class Absences Due to Illness or Bereavement In the event that you are unable to attend classes due to unavoidable circumstances such as illness or the death of a family member, please inform your instructors of your absence from classes. Each instructor will determine how to handle your absence in these cases. Examinations and Grading These procedures, however, will differ in cases of long-term absence. Please read the following information for details and application instructions. Short-term Absences In the event a student is absent for 1-3 weeks due to personal illness or injury, or due to bereavement leave of up to 7days due to the death of parent, spouse or child, or up to 5days from the death of grand parent or brother/sister, the University may issue a "Report of Absence Seminar Subjects from Class."If a student is absent for less than one week due to personal illness or injury, a "Report of Absence from Class" cannot be issued. Please explain your circumstances to your instructors directly. Please note that this "Report of Absence from Class" does not automatically guarantee approval of the absence however. All decisions regarding absence from class are the prerogative of individual instructors. A "Report of Absence from Class" cannot be issued for Active Learning personal or family issues. If you will be absent for reasons other than those listed on the next page, please consult directly with your instructor. Other Information and Programs 9 Basic Academic Information ■ Study at APU Curriculum Course Registration ● Application Criteria Reason for Absence Application Criteria Illness Only for a student's own illness. This report does not apply to illnesses of a family member or friend. Injury The illness or injury is not a result of willful actions by the student. Bereavement Applicable for 7days including public holidays from the death of parent, spouse or child, or 5days including public holidays from the death of grand parent or brother/sister. If a student needs to go home for more than applicable period, he/she should check the "Funeral" box as well as "Other" box on the application form and write reason for the extended absence. Official Certificates Required Medical certificate (Shindansho) and medical expense receipt (original) Funeral thank you letter or official death certificate (original) ● As a rule, official certificates should be written in either English or Japanese. However, if you cannot secure a certificate in English or Japanese, please submit the original official Examinations and Grading certificate along with a brief translation into English or Japanese. ● Application Method 1. Download the application form from the Academic Office website and fill in one form per subject. 2. Attach an official original certificate that clearly states the reason for and duration of absence, as well as an original receipt for medical services. Submit these along with the application form to the Academic Office. Seminar Subjects 3. An Academic Office staff member will check your official medical certificate, original receipt for medical services. If there are no mistakes, the staff member will stamp the application forms with the office seal and return them to the student. 4. The student will submit the stamped forms to the instructors. ● Application Deadline You must apply by 16:30 on the last class day (excluding final examinations and make-up Active Learning classes) for the relevant subject. Late applications cannot be accepted. Long-term Absences In the event a student is absent for more than half the term of a semester or quarter-length course, or absent from all of a session course due to illness or personal injury, for those students who meet the following conditions for Long-Term absence and submit an application Other Information and Programs by the deadline, course registration for the period of absence will be cancelled. Please note that if cancellation is approved, all courses in the affected semester or quarter will be cancelled. You may not cancel only specific subjects. ● Application Criteria ● Able to submit an official medical certificate and receipt for medical expenses that prove a 10 ■ ● M ust be a student's own illness or cases such as injury. Illnesses or injuries of family members or friends are not eligible. ● As a rule, the absence must be by doctor's orders. Study at APU of a session's classes. Basic Academic Information student was unable to attend more than half of the classes of a Semester or Quarter, or all ● The absence was unforeseen during the registration correction period. ● The student's attendance record until the absence was good. Curriculum ● Application Method Students must notify the Academic Office as soon as a situation requiring a long-term absence arises. Students must file an application along with official original certificate and original medical expense receipts during the appropriate application period as shown below. Course Registration ● Application Deadline The following are submission deadlines for each subject type. Applications submitted after the respective deadline will not be accepted. Subject Type Application Deadline By 16:30 on the last day that 1st quarter classes are being held (excluding final examinations and make-up classes) Semester/2nd Quarter Subjects By 16:30 on the last day that 2nd quarter classes are being held (excluding final examinations and make-up classes) Session Subjects By 16:30 on the last final examination day before the session classes begin Examinations and Grading 1st Quarter Subjects Class Absences due to Infectious Disease Seminar Subjects ● Application Criteria In the case a student misses classes due to an Infectious Disease as defined by the Japanese School Health and Safety Act, these missed classes will be treated as a recognized absence by submitting to the University a "Certificate of Recovery from Infectious Disease" (which may be downloaded from the Class Absences page of the Academic Office website) completed by a medical institution, along with a medical expenses receipt. Active Learning Please note that if the Certificate of Recovery from Infectious Disease does not indicate that the absence must be by doctor's order, then the illness will not be considered an infectious disease even if it is included on the list of recognized Infectious Diseases. Infectious Diseases Recognized by the Japanese School Health and Safety Act Avian influenza(H5N1)etc Category 2 Influenza(excluding avian influenza (H5N1)), whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, pharyngoconjunctival fever, tuberculosis and meningococcal meningitis Category 3 Cholera, shigellosis, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, EKC: epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, acute hemorrhaging conjunctivitis, infectious gastroenteritis, mycoplasma pneumonia and other infectious disease Other Information and Programs Category 1 11 Basic Academic Information Students who have contracted one of the diseases listed on p.11 should notify the Student Office by e-mail immediately ( [email protected] ), after which they should confirm the application procedures on the Class Absences page of the Academic Office website and submit an original "Certificate of Recovery from Infectious Disease" and original medical ■ Study at APU ● Application Method expenses receipt to the Academic Office by the application deadline for the subjects in Curriculum question. ● Application Deadline Applications must be submitted by 16:30 on the last class day of the term in which the relevant subjects are held (excluding final examination and make-up class days). Applications will not Examinations and Grading Course Registration be accepted after the deadline. Seminar Subjects Class Absences Other Reasons for Absences Active Learning ● Absence due to job-hunting activities: Please consult with the Career Office ● Absence due to extracurricular activities: Please consult with the Student Office ● Absence due to Japan's lay judge system or other trial-related reasons: Please consult with the Academic Office beforehand Other Information and Programs Tardiness In the event that you experience a public transportation scheduling delay or disruption, the relevant transportation company will issue "delay certificates" if requested. Show this certificate to your instructor and they will determine how to handle your tardiness. 12 ■ both academically and personally. Advising is conducted through meetings with university faculty and staff, and aims to enable students to achieve the following: Study at APU APU offers ″Academic Advising″ for students in order to help them find and achieve their goals Basic Academic Information 1.3.8 Academic Advising ● Awareness and utilization of the APU multicultural learning environment Curriculum ● Smooth transition into university student life ● Creation of an education plan ● Following one’s own study plan responsibly The following two methods are available to receive advising. ● Advising by Appointment Course Registration You can reserve 45 minutes advising sessions with an advisor. Information regarding available dates and how to reserve an advising session can be found on "Academic Advising" page on the Academic Office website. Examinations and Grading Seminar Subjects Academic Advising ● Walk-in Advising Advisors who do not have prior appointments will be available at the Advising Booth in the library. Please make use of this type of advising whenever you feel the need to consult with Active Learning someone. Walk-in appointments may last up to a maximum of 45 minutes. You can speak with an advisor on any issue, large or small. Please consider academic advising for the following topics, or for any other questions you wish to ask. ● Difficulty getting used to the university ● Unsure what to do now to prepare for your future ● Time-management problems ● Difficulty waking up in the morning ● Help with study methods Other Information and Programs ● Trouble understanding in class ● Unsure how to write reports ● Trouble completing credits ● Feeling lost or unsure and wanting to talk with someone ● Having too many things you want to do and not knowing where to begin For scholarship-related inquiries, please consult with the Student Office. 13 , 2. Curriculum Study at APU 2.1 Information Common to all Curricula 2.1.1 What is a Curriculum and How does it Apply change in enrollment status, it will not normally change during a student’s time at APU. Curriculum and Year of Enrollment Curriculum Applied Year Enrolled Semester in Spring 2014 Semester in Fall 2014 2011 Spring or later Semester 1-7 Semester 1-8 AY 2006 Curriculum 2006 Spring - 2010 Fall Semester 8-16 Semester 9-16 Course Registration AY 2011 Curriculum Curriculum student’s curriculum is determined by the year of their enrollment, and with the exception of a ■ Information Common to all Curricula A ″curriculum″ is a set of requirements for graduation and courses which may be taken. A Changes in Curriculum While a student’s curriculum will normally remain the same through graduation, in the case of status changes such as readmission or reinstatement, a curriculum change may occur. A Examinations and Grading returning student is placed on the same curriculum as that of other students of the same semester number. Curriculum Applied to Readmitted and Reinstated Students Time of Student's Return 2014 Fall Spring 2016 Fall Spring Fall Seminar Subjects Spring 2015 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Student Semester Return Sem 5 AY 2011 Curriculum Sem 6 Sem 7 Active Learning at Time of Sem 4 Sem 8 Sem 9 Sem 10 AY 2006 Curriculum Sem 11 Other Information and Programs ●Curriculum Change Examples Returning in spring of 2014 as a 8th semester student AY 2006 Curriculum (no change) Returning in fall of 2014 as a 8th semester student AY 2011 Curriculum (changed) 15 Study at APU Special Measures for Students with Changed Curriculum In the event a student’s curriculum changes, all requirements, including the credit requirements for graduation, will be based on the new curriculum. This may result in a change of the courses and number of credits required for graduation. The following exceptions will be Information Common to all Curricula Course Registration ■ Changing Culliculum (PDF)" in "Change in Curriculum" page under the "Curriculum" menu on Academic Office website. Curriculum Change Curriculum made for these students. For more details, please refer to the "Special Measure for Students Examinations and Grading Change from AY 2004 or 2006 to AY 2011 Curriculum Description ● Credit registration limits will remain unchanged. ● Students will not have F evaluations counted in their cumulative GPA. In addition, F grades will not appear on a student's official transcript. ● Students enrolled in the College of International Management will not be required to register for Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects which would be automatically registered for AY 2011 Curriculum students. ● Regarding the special measure for Japanese-basis students to take Common Education subjects and Major Education subjects in English, they will receive permission to take 300-level or higher offerings instructed in English if they can submit either a TOEFL® score of 500 or higher or complete "Intermediate English A and B." Additionally, as with AY 2006 Curriculum students, there are no requirements to take 100- or 200- level course offerings in English. ● English-basis students with a reduced Japanese credit requirement of 12 credits can follow the same credit structure as the AY 2011 curriculum. Seminar Subjects 2.1.2 Graduation Requirements Graduation requirements and the subjects that students can take differ depending on the student’s curriculum, enrollment basis language and status as either a domestic or international student. These requirements are set at the time of admission and will remain the same until graduation. Please note that changes in student status may result in a change in curriculum, but they will not affect graduation requirements. Active Learning Graduation requirements are listed in the sections for each curriculum. Please make sure you read these carefully. 2.1.3 Systematic Study Coursework at APU is arranged systematically, starting from introductory subjects and moving Other Information and Programs in increments of difficulty and complexity toward advanced courses. Students are encouraged to use the grade level, subject field, any listed prerequisite subjects and registration criteria as a reference in choosing classes in a systematic manner. With the exception of courses with specific registration procedures, such as seminars, students are able to take any course at or below their grade level. However, the University recommends completing introductory and foundation subjects in a planned manner before attempting higher-level study. 16 Study at APU Grade Level Each course corresponds to a particular level of study, indicated by a grade level code. The levels are as follows. The criteria for registering courses held in a student's non-basis language will vary by curriculum. Please confirm the details for the curriculum which applies to you. 100 level Primarily for 1st year students 200 level Primarily for 2nd year students 300 level Primarily for 3rd year students 400 level Primarily for 4th year students Curriculum Description ■ Information Common to all Curricula Grade Level Course Registration Prerequisite Subjects In order to encourage the systematic study of material, some subjects specify "prerequisite subjects," which students are encouraged to complete before taking that subject. Classes with prerequisites specified are held under the assumption that students have completed all recommended subjects. Please read the syllabus and confirm the contents of the course Examinations and Grading before registering. Subjects for which all prerequisites have been completed by the previous semester will become available for registration regardless of the subject's grade level. Please note that certain subjects require mandatory completion of credit for its prerequisites before it may be registered. These can be found within the course list. Seminar Subjects Active Learning Other Information and Programs 17 Study at APU AY 2011 Curriculum (APS) 2.2.1 College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS) This curriculum applies to the following groups of students. 1. Students who enrolled in the College of Asia Pacific Studies as new students in AY 2011 or later 2. Students who enrolled in the College of Asia Pacific Studies as 2nd year or 3rd year transfer students and who will be the same semester as students in group 1 3. Students who originally enrolled in the College of Asia Pacific Studies before AY 2011, but ■ Curriculum 2.2 AY 2011 Curriculum Course Registration as a result of reinstatement or re-enrollment, will be the same semester as students in group 1 Degree Those who have fulfilled the graduation requirements will be awarded a bachelor’s degree Examinations and Grading upon graduation. Degree Titles Bachelor of Social Science Seminar Subjects Areas of Study The College of Asia Pacific Studies has established 4 Areas of Study in order to conduct education and research for the development of wide-ranging problem solving ability and specialized know-how of the issues facing the Asia Pacific region. Studies are centered on solid language proficiency and a basic understanding of the diverse cultures, histories, societies, natural environments, and historical conditions of the Asia Pacific region. Once students have completed more than 20 credits from among the designated subjects for Active Learning their Area of Study, the name of that Area of Study will be noted on their diploma. Please note that students need to apply for the Area of Study they wish to complete via Campusmate in order to have the name of their Area of Study noted on their diploma. For more details regarding the application procedure for an Area of Study, please refer to the Academic Office website. Area of Study かんきょう かいはつ Other Information and Programs 環境・開発 かんこうがく 観光学 Hospitality & Tourism こくさいかんけい 国際関係 ぶ ん か しゃかい 文化・社会・メディア 18 Environment & Development International Relations & Peace Studies Culture, Society & Media Study at APU Requirements for Graduation In order to graduate, students must fulfill the credit requirements for each subject field, as well as complete at least 124 credits total. Subject Field Subjects Counted Toward Subject Field ● Major Education Subjects from enrolled college (APS) General Electives ●C redits from Language Education Subjects, Common Liberal Arts Subjects and Major Education Subjects exceeding that required for graduation ●M ajor Education Subjects from another college (APM) (available from 2nd year) Additional General Elective credits must be completed equivalent to the number of any exempted Language Education credits. Course Registration Major Education Subject Examinations and Grading Japanese-basis Students Japanese-basis students will be placed on either the English Standard Track (24 credits) or English Advanced Track (12 credits) based on the results of a placement test taken at the time of enrollment. English Standard Track Field English 24 Language Education and Common Liberal Arts Subjects 16 Major Education Subjects General Electives Total Seminar Subjects Common Education Subjects No. of Required Credits Curriculum ● Language Education Subjects (elective and Asia Pacific language) ● Common Liberal Arts Subjects AY 2011 Curriculum (APS) Common Education Subjects ■ ● Opposite language-basis subjects: Japanese-basis students: English English-basis students: Japanese 40 at least 124 62 at least 22 Active Learning Important: ● Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Common Liberal Arts and Major Education subjects held in English (own College or other College subjects) excluding language subjects. Subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) will not be counted towards this total. The maximum number of Bridge Program subject credits a student can take is set at 6. ″Bridge Program″ courses offer students a way to study a wide variety of Liberal Arts subjects while improving their English ability. These courses were established as a first step for students who have completed English Preintermediate A and B and are ready to begin taking classes held in English. Lectures are team-taught by college Other Information and Programs and language faculty, and are designed to ensure effective study of both English language and Liberal Arts subjects. Only Japanese-basis domestic students are eligible to register. ● Japanese-basis domestic and international students must complete "Intermediate English A & B" before they may register for Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects held in English. They must also complete and receive credit for "Pre-Intermediate English A & B" in order to take "Bridge Program" subjects. 19 Study at APU English Advanced Track Field AY 2011 Curriculum (APS) English 12 Language Education and Common Liberal Arts Subjects 28 Major Education Subjects Total 40 at least 124 62 General Electives at least 22 Important: ● Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Common Liberal Arts and Major Education subjects held in English (own College or other College subjects) ■ Curriculum Common Education Subjects No. of Required Credits Course Registration excluding language subjects. Subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) will not be counted towards this total. ● There are no special requirements for English Advanced Track students in order to register Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects held in the English language. Advanced Track students cannot, however, register for "Bridge Program" subjects. See "Standard Track" for details. Examinations and Grading English-basis Students Field Common Education Subjects Japanese 16 Language Education and Common Liberal Arts Subjects 24 Seminar Subjects Major Education Subjects Other Information and Programs Active Learning General Electives 20 No. of Required Credits Total 40 at least 124 62 at least 22 Study at APU 2.2.2 College of International Management (APM) This curriculum applies to the following groups of students. 1. Students who enrolled in the College of International Management as new students in AY ■ 2011 or later 3. Students who originally enrolled in the College of International Management before AY 2011, but as a result of reinstatement or re-enrollment, will be the same semester as students in group 1 Curriculum transfer students and who will be the same semester as students in group 1 AY 2011 Curriculum (APM) 2. Students who enrolled in the College of International Management as 2nd year or 3rd year Course Registration Degree Those who have fulfilled the graduation requirements will be awarded a bachelor’s degree upon graduation. Degree Titles Examinations and Grading Bachelor of Business Administration Areas of Study Based on a foundation of wide-ranging understanding of the diverse societies, cultures and traditions of the Asia Pacific region, the College of International Management has established Seminar Subjects 4 Areas of Study in order to develop students with values and social awareness geared toward creating new businesses and cultivate human resources with the drive and creativity to succeed in the dynamic world of business in Asia. Once students have completed more than 30 credits from among the designated subjects for their Area of Study, the name of that Area of Study will be noted on their diploma. Please note that students need to apply for the Area of Study they wish to complete via Campusmate in order to have the name of their Area of Study noted on their diploma. For more details Active Learning regarding the application procedure for an Area of Study, please refer to the Academic Office website. Area of Study かいけい 会計・ファイナンス Accounting and Finance マーケティング Marketing けいえいせんりゃく そ しき 経営戦略と組織 イノベーション・経済学 Other Information and Programs Strategic Management and Organization けいざいがく Innovation and Economics 21 Study at APU Requirements for Graduation In order to graduate, students must fulfill the credit requirements for each subject field, as well as complete at least 124 credits total. AY 2011 Curriculum (APM) Common Education Subjects Course Registration Subjects Counted Toward Subject Field ● Opposite language-basis subjects: Japanese-basis students: English English-basis students: Japanese ● L anguage Education Subjects (elective and Asia Pacific language) ● Common Liberal Arts Subjects Major Education Subject ● Major Education Subjects from enrolled college (APM) General Electives ● Credits from Language Education Subjects, Common Liberal Arts Subjects and Major Education Subjects exceeding that required for graduation ● Major Education Subjects from another college (APS) (available from 2nd year) Additional General Elective credits must be completed equivalent to the number of any exempted Language Education credits. ■ Curriculum Subject Field Japanese-basis Students Japanese-basis students will be placed on either the English Standard Track (24 credits) or Examinations and Grading English Advanced Track (12 credits) based on the results of a placement test taken at the time of enrollment. English Standard Track Field Seminar Subjects Common Education Subjects No. of Required Credits English 24 Language Education and Common Liberal Arts Subjects 16 Major Education Subjects General Electives Total 40 at least 124 62 at least 22 Important: ● Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Common Liberal Arts and Major Education subjects held in English (own College or other College subjects) Active Learning excluding language subjects. Subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) will not be counted towards this total. They must also complete and receive credit for "Pre-intermediate English A & B" in order to take "Bridge Program" subjects. The maximum number of Bridge Program subject credits a student can take is set at 6. ″Bridge Program″ courses offer students a way to study a wide variety of Liberal Arts subjects while improving their Other Information and Programs English ability. These courses were established as a first step for students who have completed English Preintermediate A and B and are ready to begin taking classes held in English. Lectures are team-taught by college and language faculty, and are designed to ensure effective study of both English language and Liberal Arts subjects. Only Japanese-basis domestic students are eligible to register. ● Japanese-basis domestic and international students must complete "Intermediate English A & B" before they may register for Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects held in English. 22 No. of Required Credits Field Common Education Subjects 12 Language Education and Common Liberal Arts Subjects 28 40 at least 124 General Electives at least 22 Important: ● Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Common Liberal Arts and Major Education subjects held in English (own College or other College subjects) Curriculum 62 AY 2011 Curriculum (APM) Major Education Subjects Total ■ English Study at APU English Advanced Track excluding language subjects. Subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) will not be Course Registration counted towards this total. ● There are no special requirements for English Advanced Track students in order to register Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects held in the English language. Advanced Track students cannot, however, register for "Bridge Program" subjects. See "Standard Track" for details. No. of Required Credits Field Common Education Subjects Japanese 16 Language Education and Common Liberal Arts Subjects 24 Major Education Subjects Examinations and Grading English-basis Students Total 40 at least 124 62 Seminar Subjects General Electives at least 22 Automatically Registered Subjects ″Business Mathematics″ and ″Introduction to Management″ are subjects which form the basis for study in APM. These subjects are automatically registered by the University for all APM students during their first year. Description Registration Registration Semester Automatic Other Information and Programs The aim of this subject is to give students a general understanding of contemporary corporations and how they are managed. In Introduction to particular, students will 1) understand the big 1st Semester Management picture of management culture and 2) gain the fundamental business knowledge needed for their other major subjects. This class is the basis of all other studies within APM. In Social Science, it is necessary to analyze various organizations and structures of society Business using the scientific method. The primary 2nd Semester Mathematics objective of this subject is to attain a solid knowledge of mathematics which are most used in business. Active Learning Subject Automatic 23 Study at APU ● Starting Mathematics Level Students will begin from one of the following levels according to the results of the mathematics placement test at the time of enrollment. The Academic Office will inform students which level they have qualified for during their first semester, before Course Registration Period B begins. AY 2011 Curriculum (APM) semester, and the University will automatically register students for ″Business Mathematics″ during their 2nd semester. While the completion of ″Fundamental Mathematics″ is not mandatory, there is a need for these students to improve their mathematic ability. 2. The University will automatically register students for ″Business Mathematics″ during their 2nd semester. 3. Registration for ″Business Mathematics″ is unnecessary. Regardless of whether or not students wish to be exempted, they cannot register for ″Business Mathematics.″ Course Registration ■ Curriculum 1. Registration for ″Fundamental Mathematics″ is strongly recommended during the 1st Core Subjects Students are strongly encouraged to complete the following 5 ″Core Subjects.″ These form the foundation for later major subject studies, and students should aim to complete them by the end of their 2nd year. Examinations and Grading Subject Name Accounting I Other Information and Programs Active Learning Seminar Subjects Accounting II 24 Description Accounting is often called the ″language of business″ and it is as important as learning English in today's business world. By taking Accounting I and II, students will gain the fundamental accounting skills and knowledge needed in the real world. Finance This subject aims to give students a solid grounding in financial systems, namely the theories and models of banks' roles as financial brokers, as well as the basics of corporate finance. Principles of Marketing Marketing allows for the flow of goods and services by considering customer needs, creating new value for customers and improving customer satisfaction. This subject aims to give students an overview of this sector along with an understanding of the fundamental theories and strategies of marketing. Organizational Behavior This subject seeks to deepen understanding of personnel movement and behavior within organizations. It also examines the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations' management activities from both micro (individual and team-level) and macro (organizational structure, functions and culture) levels. Study at APU 2.2.3 AY 2011 Curriculum Language Education Subjects Language Study The different language subjects offered at APU vary in degrees of difficulty. Prerequisite knowledge (level at entry) and course objectives (level at exit) are established for every course. The level of the non-basis language course that students start at will be determined by Curriculum student’s curriculum. Please refer to the section appropriate for your curriculum. AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects English, English-basis students: Japanese). The required number of credits depends on a ■ Students are required to take subjects in their non-basis language (Japanese-basis students: the placement test taken at the time of enrollment. Course Registration English Subjects For Japanese-basis students, the appropriate curriculum and starting level of English language courses will be based on the results of the placement test taken at the time of enrollment. The curriculum types include the English Standard Track (24 credits) and the Examinations and Grading English Advanced Track (12 credits). Note that once curriculum types are set, no changes can be made. Course Registration ● English courses (required subjects) are divided into A (4 credit) and B (2 credit) subjects, each graded according to its own evaluation criteria. Listening, speaking and writing are taught in the A class and reading and vocabulary are taught in the B class. Only once credit Seminar Subjects for both subjects is completed can a student proceed to the next level. ● Until all required English courses for the language track are completed, the University will continue to automatically register for and assign students to classes. When retaking the same course a student will not necessarily be registered for the same instructor or class, and this registration may not be changed or cancelled. ● The grade evaluation of each English course (required subjects) will include the score from the TOEFL®/ITP test held at the end of each semester. For more details, refer to the syllabus Active Learning of the respective subject. Other Information and Programs 25 AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects Subject Name (credits) ■ Curriculum Study at APU English Standard Track Required / Elective Registration Elementary English A (4) Elementary English B (2) 310-419 Required Automatic Pre-Intermediate English A (4) Pre-Intermediate English B (2) 420-459 Required Automatic Intermediate English A (4) Intermediate English B (2) 460-479 Required Automatic Upper-Intermediate English A (4) Upper-Intermediate English B(2) 480-499 Required Automatic Elective Registered by student English for Business Writing (2) Languages for Specific Purposes Course Registration Placement Score (TOEFL®/ITP) English for Business Presentation (2) English Project 1 (2) English for Discussion and Debate (2) ● ″Language for Specific Purposes″ in the Standard Track is a group of subjects offered to students who have completed the English courses required for graduation and wish to develop their language ability further. Examinations and Grading ● Students who wish to proceed to the English Advanced Track courses may do so by completing at least 2 of the ″Language for Specific Purposes″ elective subjects in the Standard Track. Study in the Advanced Track begins with Advanced English 1A and 1B. English Advanced Track Seminar Subjects Subject Name (credits) Placement Score (TOEFL®/ITP) Required / Elective Registration Advanced English 1A (4) Advanced English 1B (2) 500-524 Required Automatic Advanced English 2A (4) Advanced English 2B (2) 525-550 Required Automatic Elective Registered by student English for Business 1 (2) Active Learning Languages English for Business 2 (2) for Specific Purposes Extensive Reading in English (2) English Project 2 (2) ″Language for Specific Purposes″ in the Advanced Track is a group of subjects offered to students who have completed the English courses required for graduation and wish to develop their language ability further. Registration of English Language Subjects by English-basis Students Other Information and Programs English-basis students who wish to register English courses may take English courses at the "Advanced Track" level by submitting an application to do so the preceding semester. After receiving the application, English faculty members will screen and interview students to determine their starting level. Once a level is assigned, students may register for the English course themselves during Course Registration Period B. Registration becomes possible from a student's 2nd semester. Application instructions for the 2014 Fall semester will be made 26 Study at APU available on the Academic Office website in June 2014; applications for 2015 Spring semester, in December 2014. Application Schedule for Registration of English Subjects by English-basis Students Application Period Semester of Registration 2014 Fall Semester 2014 Fall Semester: Mon. December 8, 2014Fri. December 19 at 16:30 2014 Fall Semester: Wed. January 7, 2015Wed. January 21 2015 Spring Semester Course Registration ● A pplications may be made by students who will be taking the registered class from their 2nd semester or later. ● F or further details, please visit the Academic Office website during the application periods above. Curriculum 2014 Spring Semester: Mon. July 7, 2014Fri. July 18 AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects 2014 Spring Semester: Mon. June 16, 2014Fri. June 27 at 16:30 ■ Screening and Interviews (tentative) TOEFL®/ITP and TOEIC®/IP Examinations TOEFL®/ITP and TOEIC®/IP tests are held a number of times throughout the academic year. TOEFL® and TOEIC® are widely recognized tests that can be used to measure and monitor Examinations and Grading English language ability. Both tests allow an institution to evaluate students’ overall language proficiency and progress. It is also an important part of studies for students to acquire comprehensive English skills necessary in this international era. The results of the TOEFL®/ITP test held at the end of each semester will be reflected in the grade evaluation for the English course (required subjects). They are also necessary when applying for overseas study programs. The TOEFL®/ITP tests held at the end of each semester Seminar Subjects are mandatory for 1st and 2nd year Japanese-basis students. Test fees for these required tests will be covered by APU. Students are also able to take other TOEFL®/ITP and TOEIC®/IP tests which are not mandatory. These tests, however, require advance application (subject to fees). ● TOEFL®/ITP TOEFL® stands for ″Test of English as a Foreign Language.″ This test is designed to Active Learning comprehensively measure the English levels of non-native English speakers that apply to study at universities and graduate schools in English-speaking countries (primarily North America). Most students wishing to apply to overseas study programs will be required to submit TOEFL® scores during application. The TOEFL®/ITP (Institutional Testing Program) tests held on campus are designed for institutional use. Scores from these tests cannot be used in an official manner, however the Other Information and Programs question format and grading methods conform to TOEFL® tests. ● TOEIC®/IP TOEIC® stands for ″Test of English For International Communication.″ This internationally recognized test aims to measure English communication skills and is currently offered in over 60 countries in Europe, Asia and other regions. 27 Study at APU The TOEIC®/IP (Institutional Program) tests held on campus are part of a special group program. Thus, scores from these tests cannot be used in an official manner. (Please note that these differ from the TOEIC® test.) ● Application Procedures AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects Terminal. ● S core sheets cannot be reissued under any circumstances. You must submit the original Score Sheet when making various applications. Please be careful not to lose your score sheet after receiving your score. ● The TOEFL®/ITP results will be included in the grade evaluation for the English courses (mandatory courses). The score of the TOEFL®/ITP held at the end of the semester will be ■ Curriculum Information about examination dates and application procedures will be posted to Campus Course Registration automatically reflected in your grade evaluation. Mandatory TOEFL®/ITP Tests for 1st Year and 2nd Year Japanese-basis Students Japanese-basis students who enroll as 1st year students after AY 2011 are required to take a total of 4 TOEFL®/ITP tests within two years from the time of enrollment as designated by the University. The University will cover the expenses for these tests. Please be sure to complete these tests, as the results will be reflected in the grade evaluation of English courses (required Examinations and Grading subjects) and will be needed when applying for overseas programs. Please note that test dates differ according to student year and semester of enrollment. If a student does not take a test on the designated date for personal reasons, APU will consider that the student has relinquished the right to take the examination. AY 2013 Enrolled Japanese-basis Student Mandatory TOEFL®/ITP Test Schedule Semester Seminar Subjects Spring Semester Fall Semester Date Examinees Wed. June 25, 2014 Students enrolled in AY 2013 Spring/Fall Wed. December 17, 2014 Semester AY 2014 Enrolled Japanese-basis Student Mandatory TOEFL®/ITP Test Schedule Semester Spring Semester Active Learning Fall Semester Date Wed. May 14, 2014 Wed. July 2, 2014 Wed. January 7, 2015 Examinees Students enrolled in AY 2014 Spring Semester Students enrolled in 2014 Spring/Fall Semester ● APU Internal Test Schedule AY 2014 TOEFL®/ITP and TOEIC®/IP APU Internal Test Schedule Semester Other Information and Programs Spring TOEFL®/ITP TOEIC®/IP Wed. May 14, 2014 Wed. June 18, 2014 Wed. June 25, 2014 - Wed. July 2, 2014 - Wed. October 15, 2014 Fall 28 Wed. December 17, 2014 Wed. December 3, 2014 Wed. January 7, 2015 - Study at APU Japanese Subjects For English-basis students, the starting level of Japanese language courses will be based on the results of the placement test taken at the time of enrollment. Required Automatic Required Automatic Elective Registered by student ↓Credit or Exemption Japanese Intermediate Course (4) ↓Credit or Exemption ↓Credit or Exemption Pre-Advanced Japanese (4) Language for Specific Purposes ↓Credit or Exemption Japanese Project A (2) Advanced Japanese (4) Japanese Project B (2) ↓Credit or Exemption Japanese Project C (2) Language for Specific Purposes Japanese Project D (2) Japanese Language and Culture I (2) Japanese Project E (2) ↓Credit ↓Credit Japanese Project F (2) Career Japanese II (2) Japanese Language and Culture II (2) Japanese for Lectures (2) Examinations and Grading Career Japanese I (4) Course Registration Japanese Foundation Course I, II, III (4 x 3 courses = 12) Curriculum Registration AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects Required / Elective ■ Subject Name (credits) ↓Credit Career Japanese III (2) Seminar Subjects ● After enrollment, students designated as "beginner" level will be placed into one of the following 3 levels according to their Japanese ability. 1. W hen beginning from "Japanese Foundation Course I", students will be registered for "Japanese Foundation Course I, II and III." (12 classes per week) 2. W hen beginning from "Japanese Foundation Course II", students will be registered for "Japanese Foundation Course II and III." (8 classes per week) 3. W hen beginning from "Japanese Foundation Course III", students will be registered for Active Learning "Japanese Foundation Course III" only. (4 classes per week) ● S tudents starting from levels I or II must take all courses in the set, and are not allowed to take only I or II separately. ● U ntil all required Japanese courses for the language graduation requirement are completed, the University will continue to automatically register for and assign students to classes. When retaking the same course a student will not necessarily be registered for the Other Information and Programs same instructor or class, and this registration may not be changed or cancelled. ● C ompleted credits exceeding a student's language credit graduation requirement will instead be counted toward "Common Education Subject" and "General Elective" fields in order. 29 This group of subjects is offered to students who have completed the Japanese courses required for graduation and wish to develop their language ability further. As each course has AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects its own prerequisites and recommended language level, please refer to the syllabus for details. ■ Curriculum Study at APU Language for Specific Purposes Subject Name Prerequisite Subjects Japanese Project A, B, C, D Japanese Intermediate Japanese Project E, F Advanced Japanese Japanese for Lectures Advanced Japanese Recommended Language Level Completed Japanese Intermediate Completed Advanced Japanese, with a score of Japanese Language Japanese Language approx. 240 points on the EJU and Culture II and Culture I Course Registration Japanese Language Advanced and Culture I Japanese Career Japanese I Advanced Japanese Career Japanese II Career Japanese I Target Students English-basis students (students whose native language is not Japanese) International Students, English-basis Domestic Students (students whose native language is not Japanese) Examinations and Grading Career Japanese III Career Japanese II Asia Pacific Languages (AP Languages) APU offers ″Asia Pacific Language″ courses in the 6 languages of Chinese, Korean, MalayIndonesian, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese. Different levels of these courses have varying degrees of difficulty, therefore students must complete or be exempted from each course’s Seminar Subjects prerequisite subject in order to register. Active Learning Language Levels (Credits) Chinese I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (4) Korean I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (4) Malay-Indonesian I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (2) Spanish I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (2) Thai I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (2) Vietnamese I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (2) ● Registration Requirements ● Applicants cannot be native speakers of the course’s language. Other Information and Programs ● J apanese-basis students must complete or be exempted from ″Elementary English A and B″ in order to register. ● E nglish-basis students must complete or be exempted from ″Japanese Foundation I, II, and III″ in order to register. 30 Study at APU Exemptions for Language Education Subjects English/Japanese Language Exemption Students may apply for exemption from English or Japanese language subjects in one of the ■ following cases. preceding your return to APU. ● W hile taking a leave of absence, you attain a language score specified by the University, and apply for exemption during the semester immediately preceding your return to APU. Course Registration In cases other than the above, students may not apply for exemption. Curriculum specified by the University, and apply for exemption during the semester immediately AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects ● While studying abroad (participating in an exchange program), you attain a language score ● If the application for exemption is approved, you may register for a higher course. Note that in the case of exemption, the number of credits exempted will be added to the General Elective credit graduation requirement. ● S tudents must apply for exemption during the application period of the semester prior to Examinations and Grading the semester they return to APU. Application for exemption cannot be made in semesters following a student's return to APU. Please refer to p.32 for the application schedule. Details about application procedures will be announced on the Academic Office website in August 2014 for students returning for the Fall semester, or January 2015 for students returning for the Spring semester. ● W hen applying, submit an application form and original score sheet of the designated test during the application period. An "original score sheet" is a certificate or report from a Seminar Subjects testing organization which shows an evaluation of language ability. This must be printed by the testing organization itself, and downloaded documents will not be accepted. APU will not accept photocopied, faxed or emailed documents. Applications must be brought to the office in person or sent by post. English Subject Exemption Criteria Standard Track Exemption Criteria (TOEFL®/iBT) Elementary English A & B 37 Pre-Intermediate A & B 48 Intermediate English A & B 55 Upper-Intermediate A & B 61 Advanced English 1A & 1B 71 Advanced English 2A & 2B 80 Other Information and Programs Advanced Track Subject Name Active Learning English Track ● Only TOEFL®/iBT scores are valid. TOEFL®/(PBT/ITP/CBT ) scores are not accepted. 31 AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects Subject Name ■ Curriculum Study at APU Japanese Subject Exemption Criteria Japanese Foundation I JLPT 4th level (Old) or JLPT (New) N5 Japanese Foundation II JLPT 4th level (Old) or JLPT (New) N5 Japanese Foundation III JLPT 3rd level (Old) or JLPT (New) N4 Japanese Intermediate EJU, Japanese 200 points or JLPT (New) N4 Pre-advanced Japanese EJU, Japanese 220 points or JLPT (New) N3 Advanced Japanese EJU, Japanese 240 points or JLPT (New) N2 Application Schedule (English and Japanese) Application Period Course Registration Exemption Criteria Screening and Interviews (planned) Exemption Takes Effect 2014 Spring Semester: Mon. August 18 - Fri. August 29, 2014 at 16:30 2014 Spring Semester: Mon. September 1 - Wed. September 3, 2014 2014 Fall Semester 2014 Fall Semester: Mon. February 23 - Fri. March 6, 2015 at 16:30 2014 Fall Semester: Mon. March 9 - Wed. March 11, 2015 2015 Spring Semester Examinations and Grading For further details, please visit the Academic Office website during the application periods above. AP Language Subject Exemption Students who have received a score from a language ability test specified by APU may apply for exemption from AP language subjects. Students will be evaluated comprehensively based Seminar Subjects on the application, test score and an interview. ● Application details will be announced in June for 2014 Spring semester, and in December for 2014 Fall semester. Please refer to the Academic Office website for details. ● W hen applying, submit the original score sheet of the designated test during the application period. An ″original score sheet″ is a certificate or report from a testing organization which shows an evaluation of language ability. This must be printed by the testing organization itself, and downloaded documents will not be accepted. APU will not accept photocopied, Active Learning faxed or emailed documents. Applications must be brought to the office in person or sent by post. ● If an applicant is unable to attend the interview their application for exemption will be cancelled. Please plan accordingly to attend the interview. ● E ven if a student has been exempted from an AP language course, Japanese basis students must first complete or be exempted from ″Elementary English A & B″ and English Other Information and Programs basis students must first complete or be exempted from ″Japanese Foundation Course I, II and III″ before they may register any AP language courses. 32 Subject Name Study at APU AP Language Subject Exemption Criteria Exemption Criteria ちゅうごくごけんてい し け ん じゅん きゅう じつようちゅうごくご ぎ の う けんてい し け ん じゅん きゅう しん きゅう 中国語検定試験4級,実用中国語技能検定試験4級,新HSK2級 Chinese III 中国語検定試験3級,実用中国語技能検定試験3級,新HSK3級 Korean I 韓国語 能 力 検定試験1級,「ハングル」能力検定試験5級 Korean II 韓国語 能 力 検定試験2級,「ハングル」能力検定試験4級 Korean III 韓国語 能 力 検定試験3級,「ハングル」能力検定試験3級 Spanish I スペイン語技能検定5級 Spanish II スペイン語技能検定4級 Spanish III スペイン語技能検定3級 ちゅうごくごけんてい し け ん きゅう じつようちゅうごくご ぎ の う けんてい し け ん きゅう しん きゅう ちゅうごくごけんてい し け ん きゅう じつようちゅうごくご ぎ の う けんてい し け ん きゅう しん きゅう かんこく ご のうりょくけんてい し け ん きゅう のうりょくけんてい し け ん きゅう かんこく ご のうりょくけんてい し け ん きゅう のうりょくけんてい し け ん きゅう かんこく ご のうりょくけんてい し け ん きゅう のうりょくけんてい し け ん きゅう きゅう ご ぎ の う けんてい きゅう ご ぎ の う けんてい きゅう Course Registration ご ぎ の う けんてい Curriculum Chinese II AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects 中国語検定試験準4級,実用中国語技能検定試験準4級,新HSK1級 ■ Chinese I Application Schedule (AP Languages) Interview Date Exemption Takes Effect 2014 Spring Semester: Mon. June 16 - Fri. June 27, 2014 at 16:30 Wed. July 9 2014 Fall Semester 2014 Fall Semester: Mon. December 8 - Fri. December 19, 2014 at 16:30 Wed. January 14 2015 Spring Semester Examinations and Grading Application Period Seminar Subjects Active Learning Other Information and Programs 33 34 Liberal Arts Language Total General Electives APS Major Common Social Theory Gender Studies Social Psychology Cultural Studies Transnational Sociology Sociology of Organizations Cultural Anthropology Social Stratification Research Methods for Culture, Society and Media Introduction to Research Methods Culture, Society & Media 文化・社会・メディア Seminar・AL International Politics and Security Comparative Political Economy of the Asia Pacific Political Theory International Cooperation Politics of Development Research Methods for International Relations and Peace Studies TESOL Ⅰ TJSOL Ⅰ Business Communication Statistics Ⅱ Japanese Civil Law Introduction to GIS Health Science Environmental Chemistry Environmental Geoscience Data Mining Ⅰ Programming Ⅱ Internet Technology Integration Media Production Lab A International Relations & Peace Studies 国際関係 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Sociology of Tourism Research Methods for Tourism and Hospitality 1st Year Student Workshop Ⅰ 1st Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Introduction to APU Peer Leader Training Ⅰ FIRST Program Career Design Ⅰ Bridge Program A Bridge Program B Bridge Program C Bridge Program D Bridge Program E Bridge Program F Special Lecture (Liberal Arts) Chinese Ⅱ・Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ・Ⅲ Spanish Ⅱ・Ⅲ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 International Peace Studies Global Issues and Policies Conflict and Development Globalization and Regionalism Globalization and Law International Law History of International Politics Media and Popular Culture Media and the Arts Religion and Belief Language and Society Area Studies Ⅰ Area Studies Ⅱ Global History and the World System Multiculturalism and Society Field Study Special Lecture (APS Major) 2 2 2 Organizational Management Accounting for Tourism and Hospitality Human Resource Management 2 2 2 2 2 Major Seminar Ⅰ Major Seminar Ⅱ War and Media Politics and Media Literature and Modernity Technology and New Media Education and Society Language and History Migration Studies Identity and Politics Strategic Decision-Making International Organizations Geo-Politics and Post-Cold War Conflicts Violence and Terrorism Tourism Development Tourism and Hospitality Law Health and Wellness Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Destination Marketing and Branding Hospitality Marketing Operations Research Environmental Economics Industrial Ecology GIS and Remote Sensing NGOs and Development Community Development Pollution and Waste Management Global Crime Law, Media and Society Ethnicity and Nationalism Heritage and Cultural Tourism NGOs and Development Community Development Special Lecture (Culture, Society and Media) Development Policy Environmental Policy Environmental Modeling and Analysis International Economics Project Management in Development Ecotourism Special Lecture (Environment and Development) Resort Management Hospitality Management The Travel Industry The Business Tourism Industry Ecotourism Heritage and Cultural Tourism Project Management in Development) Special Lecture (Hospitality and Tourism) International Relations in the Asia Pacific International Conflict Resolution International Political Economy Asia Pacific and Human Rights Regional Systems in the Asia Pacific Special Lecture (International Relations and Peace Studies) Data Mining Ⅱ Database Systems Applied Programming Media Production Lab B Media Production Lab C Media Production Lab D Information Science Lab A Information Science Lab B Information Science Lab C Japanese Language and Culture Ⅰ Japanese Language and Culture Ⅱ Japanese Project E Japanese Project F Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ Thai Ⅳ Vietnamese Ⅳ 2 Applied Training 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 English for Business Presentations 2 English for Business Writing 2 AY 2011 Curriculum Outline: APS Curriculum 300 (3rd Year) ■ TESOL Ⅱ TJSOL Ⅱ Basic English-Japanese Interpretation Skill Ⅰ Basic English-Japanese Interpretation Skill Ⅱ Business Negotiation Career Design Ⅲ Career Japanese Ⅰ Career Japanese Ⅱ Career Japanese Ⅲ Japanese for Lectures Chinese Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Spanish Ⅳ 2 2 2 2 4・4 4・4 4・4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 English Project 1 English for Discussion and Debate English Project 2 4 2 2 Course Registration Development Economics Urban Environment and Development Conflict and Development International Cooperation Politics of Development Peer Leader Training Ⅱ A Peer Leader Training Ⅱ B Career Design Ⅱ Internship Volunteer Activities Japanese Traditional Arts A Japanese Traditional Arts B Japanese Traditional Arts C Japanese Traditional Arts D 200 (2nd Year) 4 Upper Intermediate English A 2 Upper Intermediate English B 2 Extensive Reading in English 2 4 Japanese Project A 4 Japanese Project B Japanese Project C Japanese Project D 4・4 Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ・Ⅲ 4・4 Thai Ⅱ・Ⅲ 4・4 Vietnamese Ⅱ・Ⅲ Hospitality & Tourism 観光学 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Intermediate English A Intermediate English B English for Business 1 English for Business 2 Pre-Advanced Japanese Advanced Japanese Biodiversity Environment and Society Global Environmental Issues Development Sociology and Anthropology Research Methods for Environment and Development Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ Thai Ⅰ Vietnamese Ⅰ Special Lecture (Language) Mathematics for Social Sciences Statistics Ⅰ Programming Ⅰ Computer Literacy Business History Bioethics Japanese History Japanese Economy Japanese Culture and Society Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages of the Asia Pacific Religions of the Asia Pacific Culture and Society of the Asia Pacific Business and Economy in the Asia Pacific History of the Asia Pacific 4 2 4 2 4 Environment & Development 環境・開発 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 Examinations and Grading AY 2011 Curriculum Outline: APS Seminar Subjects ○Any excess credits obtained in Language, Liberal Arts, and APS Major Education Subjects ○APM Major Education Subjects(From 2nd Year) *Students must take additional General Electives Subjects equivalent to the number of exempted Language Education credits. Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ Intensive Language Learning Overseas Introduction to Economics Introduction to Political Science Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Law Introduction to Environmental Studies Introduction to Development Studies Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Intercultural Communication Introduction to Culture and Society Introduction to Area Studies Introduction to Media Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality Introduction to the Internet Constitution of Japan AP言語 AP Lang AL Elementary English A Elementary English B Advanced English 1A Advanced English 1B Japanese Foundation Course Ⅰ Japanese Foundation Course Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course Ⅲ 100 (1st Year) Pre-Intermediate English A Pre-Intermediate English B Advanced English 2A Advanced English 2B Japanese Intermediate Course Active Learning 英語スタンダードトラック English Standard Track 英語アドバンストトラック English Advanced Track 日本語 Japanese Other Information and Programs 400 (4th Year) 2 Research Seminar 2 Undergraduate Thesis 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 124 Credits or more 22 Credits or more 62 Credits or more 40 Credits or more Credits 24 Credits 12 Credits 16 Credits Study at APU 2.2.4 AY 2011 Curriculum Outline Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ AP言語 AP Lang 2 Introduction to APU 2 Geography of the Asia Pacific 2 Languages of the Asia Pacific Introduction to Area Studies Introduction to Media International Logistics Macroeconomics Microeconomics Business Law Corporate Law 経営戦略と組織 Innovation & Economics イノベーション・経済学 APM Major Field Study International Management Strategic Management & Organization Seminar・AL 2 2 International Logistics マーケティング 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 International Management ○Any excess credits obtained in Language, Liberal Arts, and APM Major Education Subjects ○APS Major Education Subjects(From 2nd Year) *Students must take additional General Electives Subjects equivalent to the number of exempted Language Education credits. 2 2 Marketing Principles of Marketing 2 Finance Financial Accounting Ⅰ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4・4 4・4 4・4 4 4 2 2 2 Financial Accounting Ⅱ 2 Accounting Ⅱ Accounting Ⅰ 2 Introduction to Management 2 Media Production Lab A 2 Internet Technology Integration 2 Programming Ⅱ 2 Data Mining Ⅰ 2 Environmental Geoscience 2 Environmental Chemistry 2 Health Science 2 Introduction to GIS 2 Japanese Civil Law 2 Statistics Ⅱ 2 Business Communication 2 TJSOL Ⅰ 2 TESOL Ⅰ Spanish Ⅱ・Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ・Ⅲ Chinese Ⅱ・Ⅲ Advanced Japanese Pre-Advanced Japanese English for Business 2 English for Business 1 Intermediate English B 4 Special Lecture (APM Major) Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Human Resource Management E-Commerce Corporate Finance Cost Accounting Organizational Behavior Japanese Traditional Arts D Japanese Traditional Arts C Japanese Traditional Arts B Japanese Traditional Arts A Volunteer Activities Internship Career Design Ⅱ Peer Leader Training ⅡB Peer Leader Training ⅡA Vietnamese Ⅱ・Ⅲ Thai Ⅱ・Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ・Ⅲ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4・4 4・4 4・4 2 2 Japanese Project C 2 2 2 2 4 Japanese Project D Japanese Project B Japanese Project A Extensive Reading in English Upper Intermediate English B Upper Intermediate English A 200 (2nd Year) Accounting & Finance 2 Business Mathematics Fundamental Mathematics 2 2 Business and Economy in the Asia Pacific 2 Constitution of Japan History of the Asia Pacific 2 Culture and Society of the Asia Pacific 2 Special Lecture (Liberal Arts) 2 Bridge Program F 2 Bridge Program E Introduction to the Internet Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality 2 Religions of the Asia Pacific 2 Japanese Culture and Society 2 Bridge Program D 2 Bridge Program B 2 Bridge Program C Introduction to Intercultural Communication 2 Japanese Economy Introduction to Culture and Society 2 Bridge Program A Introduction to International Relations 2 Japanese History 2 Bioethics 2 FIRST Program 2 Peer Leader Training Ⅰ 2 Career Design Ⅰ 2 Programming Ⅰ 2 Computer Literacy Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Law 2 1st Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental Studies 2 Business History 2 Statistics Ⅰ Introduction to Political Science 2 2 1st Year Student Workshop Ⅰ Introduction to Development Studies 2 Mathematics for Social Sciences Introduction to Economics Intensive Language Learning Overseas 2 Special Lecture (Language) 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 Intermediate English A 会計・ファイナンス Compulsory/Core Subjects Other Information and Programs Total General Electives 4 Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ 4 Thai Ⅰ 4 Vietnamese Ⅰ Japanese Foundation Course Ⅲ Active Learning APM Major 4 Japanese Foundation Course Ⅰ Japanese Foundation Course Ⅱ 日本語 Japanese AL 4 Japanese Intermediate Course 4 Advanced English 1B English Advanced Track 4 Advanced English 2A 4 Seminar Subjects Liberal Arts 2 Advanced English 2B Advanced English 1A 英語アドバンストトラック 2 Pre-Intermediate English B Elementary English B English Standard Track 4 Pre-Intermediate English A Elementary English A 英語スタンダードトラック Examinations and Grading Language 2 Investment Strategy 2 Applied Training 2 Major Seminar2 2 Major Seminar1 Legal Strategy in Business 2 2 International Political Economy 2 Development Economics Technology Management Operations Research Business Ethics 2 International Economics Development and Production Systems 2 Asian Economy 2 Management Information System 2 International Transactions Strategic Management Production Management 2 Family Business Management International Comparative Management 2 Service Management 2 Brand Management Marketing Data Analysis Global Human Resource Management 2 Supply Chain Management 2 Service Management Consumer Behavior International Marketing 2 Promotion and Sales Management Auditing Marketing Research 2 International Finance 2 Investment and Securities Analysis 2 Financial Market and Institutions Information Science Lab C Information Science Lab B Information Science Lab A 2 Media Production Lab D 2 Media Production Lab C 2 Media Production Lab B 2 Applied Programming 2 Database Systems 2 Data Mining Ⅱ 2 Vietnamese Ⅳ 4 Thai Ⅳ 4 Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ 2 Japanese Project F 2 Japanese Project E 2 Japanese Language and Culture Ⅱ 4 Japanese Language and Culture Ⅰ 2 2 English for Business Writing 2 English for Business Presentations Advanced Accounting 300 (3rd Year) International Accounting Management Accounting Career Design Ⅲ Business Negotiation Basic English-Japanese Interpretation Skill Ⅱ Basic English-Japanese Interpretation Skill Ⅰ TJSOL Ⅱ TESOL Ⅱ Spanish Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Chinese Ⅳ Japanese for Lectures Career Japanese Ⅲ Career Japanese Ⅱ Career Japanese Ⅰ English Project 2 English for Discussion and Debate English Project 1 Course Registration Common Curriculum AY 2011 Curriculum Outline: APM AY 2011 Curriculum Outline: APM 100 (1st Year) 400 (4th Year) Undergraduate Thesis 4 2 Research Seminar 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Credits 124 Credits or more 22 Credits or more 62 Credits or more 40 Credits or more Credits 16 Credits 12 Credits 24 Study at APU ■ 35 Study at APU AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List About the Subject List ■ Curriculum 2.2.5 AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List The subject list includes information for each course, such as the course code and credit completion field. An explanation of how to read this information follows. Subject Field The ″Field″ column for a subject indicates the field in which a course’s credit will be counted. For details of these fields, refer to p.19 for APS or p. 22 for APM. Course Registration Subject Field Common Education Subjects Examinations and Grading Major Education Subjects Notation in Subject List Language Education Subject Language Liberal Arts Subject Liberal Arts APS Major Subject APS APM Major Subject APM APS and APM Major Subject APS/APM Area of Study The ″Area of Study″ column indicates which area of study a course’s credit will count towards when completed. For more information on this topic, please see p.18 for APS or p.21 for APM. Seminar Subjects College Active Learning APS Other Information and Programs APM 36 Area of Study Subject List Code Environment & Development ED Hospitality & Tourism HT International Relations & Peace Studies IRP Culture, Society & Media CSM Accounting & Finance AF Marketing M Strategic Management & Organization SMO Innovation & Economics IE All APM Areas of Study ALL ALL● (automatically registered subject) ALL■ (core subject) Study at APU Grade Level Each course corresponds to a particular level of study, indicated by a grade level code. See p.17 for details. Grade Level Description 200 level Primarily for 2nd year students 300 level Primarily for 3rd year students 400 level Primarily for 4th year students Primarily for 1st year students ■ 100 level Curriculum AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List Prerequisites Subjects The ″Prerequisite Subject″ column lists subjects which must be completed before the Course Registration respective course may be registered. Refer to p.17 for more information on prerequisites. Notes The following information may appear in the ″Notes″ column. Description Subject List Code ST English Advanced Track Subject AT Re-registration Possible ○ Examinations and Grading English Standard Track Subject Seminar Subjects Active Learning Other Information and Programs 37 Study at APU AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List 科目CD Subject CD 分野 Field 010081 Language AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List 010092 010101 010102 Language Language Language Language 010103 Language 010180 Language 010190 Language ■ Curriculum 010091 Course Registration 010200 010210 Language 010220 Language 010230 Language Examinations and Grading 010240 Language 010260 Language 010270 Language Language 010290 Language 010300 Language Seminar Subjects Language 010311 Language 010320 Language 010330 Language 010340 Language 010341 Language 010350 Language 010360 Language 010370 Active Learning Language 010281 010310 Language 010371 Language 011100 Language 011101 Language 011102 Language 011103 011104 Other Information and Programs Language 010250 010280 Language Language 011105 Language 011106 Language 011107 011200 38 Language Language Language 学修分野/Area APS 科目名 Subject Name APM 日本語初級Ⅰ Japanese Foundation Course I 日本語初級Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course II 日本語初級Ⅲ Japanese Foundation Course III 日本語中級 Japanese Intermediate Course 日本語中上級 Pre-Advanced Japanese 日本語上級 Advanced Japanese 中国語Ⅰ Chinese I 中国語Ⅱ Chinese II 中国語Ⅲ Chinese III 中国語Ⅳ Chinese IV 韓国語Ⅰ Korean I 韓国語Ⅱ Korean II 韓国語Ⅲ Korean III 韓国語Ⅳ Korean IV マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian I マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian II マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian III マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅳ Malay/Indonesian IV スペイン語Ⅰ Spanish I スペイン語Ⅱ Spanish II スペイン語Ⅲ Spanish III スペイン語Ⅳ Spanish IV タイ語Ⅰ Thai I タイ語Ⅱ Thai II タイ語Ⅲ Thai III タイ語Ⅳ Thai IV ベトナム語Ⅰ Vietnamese I ベトナム語Ⅱ Vietnamese II ベトナム語Ⅲ Vietnamese III ベトナム語Ⅳ Vietnamese IV 英語初級A Elementary English A 英語初級B Elementary English B 英語準中級A Pre-Intermediate English A 英語準中級B Pre-Intermediate English B 英語中級A Intermediate English A 英語中級B Intermediate English B 英語準上級A Upper Intermediate English A 英語準上級B Upper Intermediate English B 英語上級1A Advanced English 1A 単位 Credits グレード番号 Grade Level 4 100 4 100 4 100 4 100 4 200 4 200 4 100 4 200 4 200 4 300 4 100 4 200 4 200 4 300 4 100 4 200 4 200 2 300 4 100 4 200 4 200 2 300 4 100 4 200 4 200 2 300 4 100 4 200 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects 備考 Note 日本語初級Ⅰ ・ Ⅱ ・ Ⅲ Japanese Foundation Course I ・ II ・ III 日本語中級 Japanese Intermediate Course 日本語中上級 Pre-Advanced Japanese 中国語Ⅰ Chinese I 中国語Ⅱ Chinese II 中国語Ⅲ Chinese III 韓国語Ⅰ Korean I 韓国語Ⅱ Korean II 韓国語Ⅲ Korean III マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian I マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian II マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian III スペイン語Ⅰ Spanish I スペイン語Ⅱ Spanish II スペイン語Ⅲ Spanish III タイ語Ⅰ Thai I タイ語Ⅱ Thai II タイ語Ⅲ Thai III ベトナム語Ⅰ Vietnamese I ベトナム語Ⅱ 4 200 2 300 4 100 ST 2 100 ST 4 100 2 4 100 200 2 200 4 200 2 200 4 100 Vietnamese II ベトナム語Ⅲ Vietnamese III 英語初級A ・ B Elementary English A ・ B 英語初級A ・ B Elementary English A ・ B 英語準中級A ・ B Pre-Intermediate English A ・ B 英語準中級A ・ B Pre-Intermediate English A ・ B 英語中級A ・ B Intermediate English A ・ B 英語中級A ・ B Intermediate English A ・ B ST ST ST ST ST ST AT 分野 Field 011201 Language 011202 011203 011300 Language Language Language 011400 Language 011401 Language 011500 Language 011600 Language 011601 Language Language 011603 Language 011604 Language 011605 011800 011801 011803 011900 011901 011902 011903 Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Career Japanese I キャリア日本語Ⅱ Career Japanese II キャリア日本語Ⅲ Career Japanese III 日本語 ・ 日本文化Ⅰ Japanese Language and Culture I 日本語 ・ 日本文化Ⅱ Japanese Language and Culture II 講義の日本語 Japanese for Lectures 日本語プロジェクトA Japanese Project A 日本語プロジェクトB Japanese Project B 日本語プロジェクトC Japanese Project C 日本語プロジェクトD Japanese Project D 日本語プロジェクトE Japanese Project E 日本語プロジェクトF Japanese Project F 英語ビジネス ・ ライティング English for Business Writing 英語ビジネス ・ プレゼンテーション English for Business Presentations 英語ディスカッションとディベート English for Discussion and Debate 英語プロジェクト1 English Project 1 ビジネス英語1 English for Business 1 ビジネス英語2 English for Business 2 英語多読 Extensive Reading in English 英語プロジェクト2 4 2 100 100 4 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 2 2 2 2 2 300 300 300 200 200 200 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 200 2 100 2 100 2 200 2 100 2 200 2 200 Language 020022 Liberal Arts 政治学入門 Introduction to Political Science 020023 Liberal Arts 国際関係論入門 020025 Liberal Arts 法学入門 020026 Liberal Arts 心理学入門 020031 Liberal Arts 経済学入門 020033 Liberal Arts メディア入門 020035 Liberal Arts 文化 ・ 社会学入門 020036 Liberal Arts 開発学入門 020037 Liberal Arts 地域学入門 020038 Liberal Arts GIS入門 020039 Liberal Arts 観光学入門 020041 Liberal Arts インターネット入門 020050 Liberal Arts ウェルネス 020051 Liberal Arts 生命倫理 020052 Liberal Arts 環境と化学 020053 Liberal Arts 地球環境科学 Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Law Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Economics Introduction to Media Introduction to Culture and Society Introduction to Development Studies Introduction to Area Studies Introduction to GIS Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality Introduction to the Internet Health Science Bioethics Environmental Chemistry Environmental Geoscience AT 日本語上級 Advanced Japanese キャリア日本語Ⅰ Career Japanese I キャリア日本語Ⅱ Career Japanese II 日本語上級 Advanced Japanese 日本語 ・ 日本文化Ⅰ Japanese Language and Culture I 日本語上級 Advanced Japanese 日本語中級 Japanese Intermediate Course 日本語中級 Japanese Intermediate Course 日本語中級 Japanese Intermediate Course 日本語中級 Japanese Intermediate Course 日本語上級 Advanced Japanese 日本語上級 Advanced Japanese 英語準上級A ・ B Upper Intermediate English A ・ B 英語準上級A ・ B Upper Intermediate English A ・ B 英語準上級A ・ B Upper Intermediate English A ・ B 英語準上級A ・ B Upper Intermediate English A ・ B 英語上級2A ・ B Advanced English 2A ・ B 英語上級2A ・ B Advanced English 2A ・ B 英語上級2A ・ B Advanced English 2A ・ B 英語上級2A ・ B Advanced English 2A ・ B ST ST ST ST AT AT AT AT ○ Other Information and Programs 2 012010 Advanced English 1 A ・ B AT Active Learning 300 English Project 2 Advanced English 1 A ・ B 英語上級1A ・ B Seminar Subjects 2 海外集中言語研修 Intensive Language Learning Overseas AT 英語上級1A ・ B Examinations and Grading 011802 Language Advanced English 2B キャリア日本語Ⅰ 100 備考 Note Course Registration 011602 Advanced English 2A 英語上級2B 2 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects Curriculum Language Advanced English 1B 英語上級2A グレード番号 Grade Level AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List 011302 英語上級1B 単位 Credits Language 科目名 Subject Name APM ■ 011301 学修分野/Area APS Study at APU 科目CD Subject CD 39 ■ AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List Study at APU Curriculum Course Registration Examinations and Grading Seminar Subjects Active Learning Other Information and Programs 40 学修分野/Area 科目CD Subject CD 分野 Field 020070 Liberal Arts 020091 Liberal Arts コンピューターリテラシー 020092 Liberal Arts インターネット技術統合 020093 Liberal Arts プログラミングⅠ 020094 Liberal Arts プログラミングⅡ 020095 Liberal Arts データマイニングⅠ 020096 Liberal Arts データマイニングⅡ 020097 Liberal Arts データベースシステム 020098 Liberal Arts 応用プログラミング 020111 Liberal Arts 情報科学ラボA 020112 Liberal Arts 情報科学ラボB 020113 Liberal Arts 情報科学ラボC 020114 Liberal Arts メディア制作ラボA 020115 Liberal Arts メディア制作ラボB 020116 Liberal Arts メディア制作ラボC 020117 Liberal Arts メディア制作ラボD 020121 Liberal Arts 新入生ワークショップⅠ 020122 Liberal Arts 新入生ワークショップⅡ 020123 Liberal Arts APU入門 020241 Liberal Arts 020242 Liberal Arts 日本の文化と社会 020243 Liberal Arts 日本の民法 020244 Liberal Arts 経営史 020255 Liberal Arts 特殊講義(共通教養科目) 021005 Liberal Arts 異文化間コミュニケーション入門 021008 Liberal Arts 日本の歴史 021011 Liberal Arts 環境学入門 021012 Liberal Arts アジア太平洋の地理 021013 Liberal Arts アジア太平洋の言語 021014 Liberal Arts アジア太平洋の宗教 021015 Liberal Arts アジア太平洋の文化と社会 021016 Liberal Arts アジア太平洋のビジネス ・ 経済事情 021017 Liberal Arts アジア太平洋の歴史 021043 Liberal Arts 日本国憲法 021047 Liberal Arts 統計学Ⅰ 021048 Liberal Arts 統計学Ⅱ Statistics II 特殊講義(言語教育科目) Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) APS 科目名 Subject Name APM 社会科学のための数学 Mathematics for Social Sciences Computer Literacy Internet Technology Integration Programming I Programming II Data Mining I Data Mining II Database Systems Applied Programming Information Science Lab A Information Science Lab B Information Science Lab C Media Production Lab A Media Production Lab B Media Production Lab C Media Production Lab D 1st Year Student Workshop I 1st Year Student Workshop II Introduction to APU 日本の経済 Japanese Economy Japanese Culture and Society Japanese Civil Law Business History Special Lecture (Liberal Arts Subject) Introduction to Intercultural Communication Japanese History Introduction to Environmental Studies Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages of the Asia Pacific Religions of the Asia Pacific Culture and Society of the Asia Pacific Business and Economy in the Asia Pacific History of the Asia Pacific Constitution of Japan Statistics I 021050 Language 021100 Liberal Arts TESOL Ⅰ TESOL I 021101 Liberal Arts TESOL Ⅱ 021102 Liberal Arts 日本語教授法Ⅰ TESOL II TJSOL I 単位 Credits グレード番号 Grade Level 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects 備考 Note 2 100 2 100 2 200 2 100 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 100 1st year only 2 100 1st year only 2 100 1st year only 2 100 2 100 2 200 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 200 2 100 2 200 2 300 2 200 ○ ○ 021106 Liberal Arts ビジネス ・ コミュニケーション 021107 Liberal Arts ビジネス ・ ネゴシエーション 021130 Liberal Arts キャリア ・ デザインⅠ 021131 Liberal Arts キャリア ・ デザインⅡ 021132 Liberal Arts キャリア ・ デザインⅢ 021150 Liberal Arts 日本の伝統芸術A 021151 Liberal Arts 日本の伝統芸術B 021152 Liberal Arts 日本の伝統芸術C 021153 Liberal Arts 日本の伝統芸術D 021170 Liberal Arts ブリッジプログラムA 021171 Liberal Arts ブリッジプログラムB 021172 Liberal Arts ブリッジプログラムC 021173 Liberal Arts ブリッジプログラムD 021174 Liberal Arts ブリッジプログラムE 021175 Liberal Arts ブリッジプログラムF 021190 Liberal Arts ピアリーダートレーニングⅠ 021191 Liberal Arts ピアリーダートレーニングⅡA 021192 Liberal Arts ピアリーダートレーニングⅡB 021193 Liberal Arts ファーストプログラム 021194 Liberal Arts ボランティア研究 021195 Liberal Arts インターンシップ Internship 030002 APS APS Basic English-Japanese Interpretation Skill II Business Communication Business Negotiation Career Design I Career Design II Career Design III Japanese Traditional Arts A Japanese Traditional Arts B Japanese Traditional Arts C Japanese Traditional Arts D Bridge Program A Bridge Program B Bridge Program C Bridge Program D Bridge Program E Bridge Program F Peer Leader Training I Peer Leader Training II A Peer Leader Training II B FIRST Program Volunteer Activities CSM IRP 030003 APS ED 030004 APS HT 030011 APS CSM APS CSM 030021 APS CSM 030022 030024 APS APS CSM CSM 030025 APS CSM 030026 APS CSM 030027 APS CSM CSM 030029 APS CSM 030031 APS CSM 030032 APS CSM Research Methods for International Relations and Peace Studies 調査研究法(環境 ・ 開発) Research Methods for Environment and Development 調査研究法(観光学) Research Methods for Tourism and Hospitality 社会理論 Social Theory 文化人類学 Cultural Anthropology 宗教と信仰 Religion and Belief ジェンダー研究 Gender Studies グローバル ・ ヒストリー Global History and the World System カルチュラルスタディーズ Cultural Studies 地域研究Ⅰ Area Studies I 地域研究Ⅱ Area Studies II メディアと芸術 Media and the Arts メディアと文化 Media and Popular Culture 文学と近代化 Literature and Modernity 言語と社会 Language and Society 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 100 2 200 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 100 ST 2 100 ST 2 100 ST 2 100 ST 2 100 ST 2 100 ST 2 100 2 200 2 200 2 100 2 200 2 200 ○ 2 200 APS only 2 200 APS only 2 200 APS only 2 200 APS only 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 200 ○ Other Information and Programs 030028 APS 調査研究法(国際関係) 300 Active Learning 030013 調査研究法(文化 ・ 社会 ・ メディア) Research Methods for Culture, Society and Media 2 Seminar Subjects Liberal Arts 備考 Note Examinations and Grading 021105 日英通訳の基礎Ⅱ Basic English-Japanese Interpretation Skill I 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects Course Registration 日英通訳の基礎Ⅰ グレード番号 Grade Level Curriculum 021104 Liberal Arts 日本語教授法Ⅱ TJSOL II 単位 Credits AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List Liberal Arts 030001 科目名 Subject Name APM 021103 APS ■ 分野 Field Study at APU 学修分野/Area 科目CD Subject CD 41 Study at APU 分野 Field APS 030033 APS CSM 030034 030035 AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List ■ Curriculum 030036 030037 030038 030039 030041 030100 030102 Course Registration 030103 030104 030110 030121 030141 030150 Examinations and Grading 030181 030182 030184 030185 030186 030187 030188 Seminar Subjects 030189 030191 030192 030193 030194 030195 030196 Active Learning 030197 030261 030262 030263 030265 Other Information and Programs 030266 030267 030268 030269 030271 42 学修分野/Area 科目CD Subject CD APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS CSM CSM CSM CSM CSM CSM CSM CSM IRP IRP IRP CSM CSM CSM IRP IRP IRP,ED IRP,ED IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED, HT ED, CSM 科目名 Subject Name APM 言語と歴史 Language and History 組織社会学 Sociology of Organizations 社会階層論 Social Stratification 戦争とメディア War and Media 政治とメディア Politics and Media テクノロジーとニューメディア Technology and New Media 法とメディアと社会 Law, Media and Society グローバル化と犯罪 Global Crime 国際社会学 Transnational Sociology 国際法 International Law 平和学 International Peace Studies 国際機構論 International Organizations 多文化社会論 Multiculturalism and Society マイグレーション研究 Migration Studies エスニシティと国民国家 Ethnicity and Nationalism グローバリゼーションと規範 Globalization and Law 政治理論 Political Theory 開発政治論 Politics of Development 紛争と開発 Conflict and Development 国際政治とセキュリティ International Politics and Security アジア太平洋の比較政治経済 Comparative Political Economy of the Asia Pacific アジア太平洋における国際関係 International Relations in the Asia Pacific アジア太平洋地域システム論 Regional Systems in the Asia Pacific アジア太平洋と人権 Asia Pacific and Human Rights グローバル化と地域主義 Globalization and Regionalism 国際問題と政策 Global Issues and Policies 国際紛争解決 International Conflict Resolution 戦略分析と意思決定 Strategic Decision-Making アイデンティティと政治 Identity and Politics 冷戦後紛争と地政学 Geo-Politics and Post-Cold War Conflicts 暴力とテロリズム Violence and Terrorism 開発社会学 ・ 人類学 Development Sociology and Anthropology 生物多様性 Biodiversity 地球環境問題 Global Environmental Issues 都市の環境と開発 Urban Environment and Development 環境と社会 Environment and Society 環境経済学 Environmental Economics 産業生態学 Industrial Ecology 開発のプロジェクト ・ マネジメント Project Management in Development NGOと開発 NGOs and Development 単位 Credits グレード番号 Grade Level 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects 備考 Note 分野 Field APS 030272 APS ED 030273 030274 030275 030335 030336 030339 030341 030342 030343 030344 030345 030347 030350 030360 030400 030401 APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS 030515 APS 030516 030517 030518 030540 030541 030550 030553 030564 030565 030566 030572 030595 030597 APS 開発政策 ED Development Policy コミュニティー開発論 ED, CSM Community Development 環境政策 ED Environmental Policy 観光学のための会計学 HT Accounting for Tourism and Hospitality 観光資源評価 ・ 管理 HT Tourism Resources Management 組織マネジメント HT Organizational Management 遺産 ・ 文化観光 HT, CSM Heritage and Cultural Tourism 旅行産業論 HT The Travel Industry ホスピタリティ ・ マネジメント HT Hospitality Management 観光と法 HT Tourism and Hospitality Law 観光開発 HT Tourism Development ヘルス&ウェルネスツーリズム HT Health and Wellness Tourism リスク ・ マネジメントとサービス ・ デリバリー HT Risk Management and Service Delivery デスティネーション ・ マーケティング&ブランディング HT Destination Marketing and Branding ホスピタリティ ・ マーケティング HT Hospitality Marketing リゾートマネジメント HT Resort Management 観光社会学 HT Sociology of Tourism 観光政策 HT Tourism Policy エコ ・ ツーリズム論 HT,ED Ecotourism ビジネス ・ ツーリズム論 HT The Business Tourism Industry 調査 ・ 研究入門 Introduction to Research Methods 特殊講義(文化 ・ 社会 ・ メディア) CSM Special Lecture (Culture, Society and Media) 特殊講義(国際関係) IRP Special Lecture (International Relations and Peace Studies) 特殊講義(環境 ・ 開発) ED Special Lecture (Environment and Development) 特殊講義(観光学) HT Special Lecture (Hospitality and Tourism) 卒業研究 APS Research Seminar 卒業論文 APS Undergraduate Thesis プロジェクト研究 APS Applied Training 特殊講義(専門教育科目) APS Special Lecture (Asia Pacific Studies) 特殊講義(専門教育科目) APS Special Lecture (Asia Pacific Studies) 基礎数学 APM APM APM APM APM APM APM Fundamental Mathematics ALL● ALL● ALL■ ALL■ SMO ビジネス数学 Business Mathematics 経営学入門 Introduction to Management 会計学Ⅰ Accounting I 会計学Ⅱ Accounting II 経営情報システム Management Information System ビジネス法 Business Law 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 200 APS only 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 400 4 400 2 300 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 300 2 200 卒業研究 Research Seminar Other Information and Programs 030571 APS Environmental Modeling and Analysis 300 Active Learning 030545 APS ED 2 Seminar Subjects 030511 環境モデリング 300 Examinations and Grading 030346 APS GIS and Remote Sensing 2 Course Registration 030340 APS ED 備考 Note Curriculum 030334 APS GISとリモートセンシング 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List 030333 APS Pollution and Waste Management グレード番号 Grade Level 030300 APS 公害 ・ 廃棄物処理 単位 Credits ■ 030276 APS 科目名 Subject Name APM Study at APU 学修分野/Area 科目CD Subject CD 43 Study at APU 分野 Field 030600 APM Course Registration AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List 030602 ■ Curriculum 科目CD Subject CD ALL■ 030606 APM ALL■ 030611 030630 Examinations and Grading AF APM IE APM IE 030674 APM IE 030675 030676 APM IE APM IE 030701 APM AF 030702 APM AF APM AF APM AF 030715 APM AF 030716 APM AF 030718 APM APM 030740 APS/APM 030760 AF APM 030721 030750 Seminar Subjects APM 030673 030717 AF IE HT APM IE M APM M 030800 APM M,SMO 030820 APM AF 030861 030870 Active Learning AF APM 030714 APM AF APM M 030892 APM SMO 031070 APM ALL 031071 APM 031073 APM 031080 APM 031084 APM 032005 032006 Other Information and Programs ALL■ APM APS APS ALL Organizational Behavior 原価会計 Cost Accounting 生産管理論 Production Management ミクロ経済学 Microeconomics マクロ経済学 Macroeconomics アジア経済論 Asian Economy 開発 ・ 生産システム論 Development and Production Systems 財務会計論Ⅰ Financial AccountingI 財務会計論Ⅱ Financial AccountingII 管理会計論 Management Accounting 上級会計 Advanced Accounting 監査 Auditing 金融市場と金融制度 Financial Market and Institutions 投資 ・ 証券分析 Investment and Securities Analysis 投資戦略 Investment Strategy 技術経営 Technology Management オペレーションズ ・ リサーチ Operations Research マーケティング ・ リサーチ Marketing Research 消費者行動論 Consumer Behavior 国際経営論 International Management 国際金融論 International Finance 国際会計 International Accounting 国際マーケティング論 International Marketing 国際取引 International Transactions 卒業研究 Research Seminar 卒業論文 Undergraduate Thesis Special Lecture (Management) 社会心理学 CSM Social Psychology 教育と社会 CSM IRP,ED Education and Society 国際政治史 History of International Politics 国際協力論 International Cooperation フィールド ・ スタディ APS Field Study 専門演習Ⅰ APS APS/APM 組織行動論 特殊講義(専門教育科目) APS 032080 Principles of Marketing Special Lecture (Management) 032019 APS Corporate Finance マーケティング入門 特殊講義(専門教育科目) IRP 032070 コーポレート ・ ファイナンス Applied Training APS 032060 金融論 Finance プロジェクト研究 032015 032040 科目名 Subject Name APM 030605 030710 44 学修分野/Area APS Major Seminar I 専門演習Ⅱ Major Seminar II ED IE 開発経済学 Development Economics 単位 Credits グレード番号 Grade Level 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects 備考 Note 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 400 4 400 2 300 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 200 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 S200 M300 卒業研究 Research Seminar ○ 分野 Field APS APM 032081 APS/APM ED IE 032082 032083 033011 033023 033024 033025 033027 033028 033029 033030 033032 033040 033060 033070 APM APM APM APM APM APM APM APM APM APM SMO M SMO,IE M M M M M,SMO M,SMO SMO SMO SMO Entrepreneurship ブランドマネジメント Brand Management 販売 ・ プロモーションマネジメント Promotion and Sales Management マーケティングデータ分析 Marketing Data Analysis Eコマース E-Commerce 国際物流論 International Logistics サービスマネジメント Service Management 国際人的資源管理論 Global Human Resource Management ファミリービジネス Family Business Management 経営戦略論 Strategic Management ビジネスエシックス Business Ethics フィールド ・ スタディ APM APM Supply Chain Management アントレプレナーシップ Corporate Law APM APM International Comparative Management サプライ ・ チェーン ・ マネジメント 会社法 APM Field Study ALL ALL 専門演習Ⅰ Major Seminar I 専門演習Ⅱ Major Seminar II 300 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 300 Examinations and Grading 033033 APM Legal Strategy in Business 国際比較経営 2 Course Registration 033026 ビジネス法務戦略 APM APM Human Resource Management 300 備考 Note Curriculum 033022 SMO International Political Economy 人的資源管理論 2 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List 033019 HT IE 国際政治経済学 グレード番号 Grade Level 033018 APS/APM IRP 国際経済学 International Economics 単位 Credits ■ 033013 APS/APM 科目名 Subject Name Study at APU 学修分野/Area 科目CD Subject CD ○ * Please refer to p.36 for more information on this subject list. Seminar Subjects Active Learning Other Information and Programs 45 Study at APU AY 2006 Curriculum (APS) 2.3.1 College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS) ■ Curriculum 2.3 AY 2006 Curriculum This curriculum applies to the following groups of students. 1. Students who enrolled in the College of Asia Pacific Studies as new students between AY 2006 and 2010 2. Students who enrolled in the College of Asia Pacific Studies as 2nd year or 3rd year transfer students and who will be the same semester as students in group 1 3. Students who originally enrolled in the College of Asia Pacific Studies before AY 2006, but Course Registration as a result of reinstatement or re-enrollment, will be the same semester as students in group 1 Clusters Based on a foundation of social sciences, international relations and area studies, the College Examinations and Grading of Asia Pacific Studies has divided its courses into 4 "Clusters." Clusters ひ かくしゃかい ぶん か 比較社会・文化 こくさいしゃかい 国際社会ガバナンス かんきょうしげんせいさく 環境資源政策 じ ぞ く か の う か い は つ Seminar Subjects 持続可能開発 Comparative Societies and Cultures International Governance Environmental Resource Policy Sustainable Development Degree Those who have fulfilled the graduation requirements will be awarded a bachelor’s degree upon graduation. In addition, students who complete 20 or more credits in a certain cluster will have the cluster name included on their degree. If a student has completed 20 or more credits in multiple clusters, the name of the cluster in which they completed the most credits shall be Active Learning included on the degree. Degree Titles Bachelor of Social Science Bachelor of Social Science〔Comparative Societies and Cultures〕 Other Information and Programs Bachelor of Social Science〔International Governance〕 Bachelor of Social Science〔Environmental Resource Policy〕 Bachelor of Social Science〔Sustainable Development〕 46 Study at APU Requirements for Graduation In order to graduate, students must complete at least 124 credits and fulfill the requirements for the following subject fields. ● L anguage Education Subjects (elective and Asia Pacific language) ● Foundation Education Subjects ● Major Education Subjects from enrolled college (APS) ● CAP Major Education Subjects General Electives ● C redits from Language Education Subjects, Foundation Education Subjects and Major Education Subjects exceeding that required for graduation ● Major Education Subjects from another college (APM) (available from 2nd year) Additional General Elective credits must be completed equivalent to the number of any exempted Language Education credits. Course Registration Major Education Subject Curriculum ● O pposite language-basis subjects: Japanese-basis students: English English-basis students: Japanese AY 2006 Curriculum (APS) Common Education Subjects Subjects Counted Toward Subject Field ■ Subject Field Examinations and Grading In order to take 300 level or higher subjects held in a non-basis language, students must first fulfill the following language proficiency requirements. See p.93 for application instructions. ● Japanese-basis students must attain 500 points or more on the TOEFL®, or an equivalent test score. ● E nglish-basis students must meet one of the following conditions. ○ Completion of ″Japanese Advanced Course II″ or ″Advanced Japanese″ (From AY 2011) Seminar Subjects ○ 240 points or more on the EJU ○ Attainment of JLPT N2 (new) Japanese-basis Students Field English 20 Language Education and Foundation Education Subjects 20 Major Education General Electives Total Active Learning Common Education No. of Required Credits 40 at least 124 62 at least 22 Important: Other Information and Programs Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Foundation or Major Education subjects (from either college) held in the English Language. Subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) will not be counted towards this total. 47 Study at APU English-basis Students Field AY 2006 Curriculum (APM) ■ Curriculum Common Education No. of Required Credits Japanese 24 Language Education and Foundation Education Subjects 16 Total 40 at least 124 Major Education 62 General Electives at least 22 Important: In the following cases, students’ Japanese credit requirement will be reduced from 24 to 12 Course Registration credits, resulting in changed graduation criteria. ● A student has not completed ″Japanese Foundation Course II″ by the end of the 1st semester ● A student has not completed ″Japanese Intermediate Course″ by the end of the 4th semester Examinations and Grading English-basis Students with Reduced Japanese Credit Requirements Field Common Education Japanese 12 Language Education and Foundation Education Subjects 16 Major Education General Electives Seminar Subjects No. of Required Credits Total 28 at least 124 62 at least 34 Students with reduced Japanese language requirements are not eligible for the Accelerated Graduation Program. Active Learning 2.3.2 College of International Management / College of Asia Pacific Management (APM) This curriculum applies to the following groups of students. 1. Students who enrolled in the College of International Management / College of Asia Pacific Management as new students between AY 2006 and 2010 2. Students who enrolled in the College of International Management / College of Asia Pacific Other Information and Programs Management as 2nd year or 3rd year transfer students and who will be the same semester as students in group 1 3. Students who originally enrolled in the College of International Management / College of Asia Pacific Management before AY 2006, but as a result of reinstatement or re-enrollment, will be the same semester as students in group 1 48 Study at APU Degree Those who have fulfilled the graduation requirements will be awarded a bachelor’s degree upon graduation. ■ Degree Title In April 2009 the ″College of Asia Pacific Management″ changed its name to the ″College of International Management.″ However, students enrolled in AY 2008 or earlier will remain Curriculum ●Regarding College Name Change AY 2006 Curriculum (APM) Bachelor of Business Administration affiliated with the ″College of Asia Pacific Management.″ The English degree title will remain Course Registration unchanged. Students who took a leave of absence or withdrew from University before April 2009 and then reinstated or re-enrolled after April 2009 will be affiliated under the same college name as other students at the same semester level. Requirements for Graduation In order to graduate, students must complete at least 124 credits and fulfill the requirements Examinations and Grading for the following subject fields. Subject Field Common Education Subjects Subjects Counted Toward Subject Field ● O pposite language-basis subjects: Japanese-basis students: English English-basis students: Japanese ● Major Education Subjects from enrolled college (APM) ● CAP Major Education Subjects General Electives ● C redits from Language Education Subjects, Foundation Education Subjects and Major Education Subjects exceeding that required for graduation ● Major Education Subjects from another college (APS) (available from 2nd year) Additional General Elective credits must be completed equivalent to the number of any exempted Language Education credits. Active Learning Major Education Subject Seminar Subjects ● L anguage Education Subjects (elective and Asia Pacific language) ● Foundation Education Subjects In order to take 300 level or higher subjects held in a non-basis language, students must first fulfill the following language proficiency requirements. See p.93 for application instructions. ● J apanese-basis students must attain 500 points or more on the TOEFL®, or an equivalent Other Information and Programs test score. ● E nglish-basis students must meet one of the following conditions. ○ Completion of ″Japanese Advanced Course II″ or ″Advanced Japanese″ (From AY 2011) ○2 40 points or more on the EJU ○ Attainment of JLPT N2 (new) 49 Study at APU Japanese-basis Students Field AY 2006 Curriculum (APM) English 20 Language Education and Foundation Education Subjects 20 Total 40 at least 124 Major Education 62 General Electives at least 22 Important: Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Foundation or Major Education subjects (from either college) held in the English language. Subjects held in both ■ Curriculum Common Education No. of Required Credits Course Registration English and Japanese (E/J) will not be counted towards this total. English-basis Students Field Examinations and Grading Common Education No. of Required Credits Japanese 24 Language Education and Foundation Education Subjects 16 Total 40 at least 124 Major Education 62 General Electives at least 22 Important: In the following cases, students’ Japanese credit requirement will be reduced from 24 to 12 Seminar Subjects credits, resulting in changed graduation criteria. ● A student has not completed ″Japanese Foundation Course II″ by the end of the 1st semester ● A student has not completed ″Japanese Intermediate Course″ by the end of the 4th semester Active Learning English-basis Students with Reduced Japanese Credit Requirements Field Common Education Other Information and Programs Major Education General Electives No. of Required Credits Japanese 12 Language Education and Foundation Education Subjects 16 Total 28 at least 124 62 at least 34 Students with reduced Japanese language requirements are not eligible for the Accelerated Graduation Program. 50 Study at APU Core Subjects The following 8 subjects are considered the core of APM, and students are strongly advised to enroll in them. These form the foundation for later major subject studies, and students should aim to complete them by the end of the 2nd year. Accounting I Accounting II Marketing / Principles of Marketing* Accounting is often called the ″language of business″ and it is as important as learning English in today's business world. By taking Accounting I & II, students will gain the fundamental accounting skills and knowledge needed in the real world. This subject aims to give students a solid grounding in financial systems, namely the theories and models of banks' roles as financial brokers, as well as the basics of corporate finance. Examinations and Grading Finance Course Registration Introduction to Management* The aim of this subject is to give students a general understanding of contemporary corporations and how they are managed. In particular, students will 1) understand the big picture of management culture and 2) gain the fundamental business knowledge needed for their other major subjects. This class is the basis of all other studies within APM. Marketing allows for the flow of goods and services by considering customers' needs, creating new value for customers and improving customer satisfaction. This subject aims to give students an overview of this sector along with an understanding of the fundamental theories and strategies of marketing. Active Learning Production Management The bottom line of business is to provide society with the goods and services it deems necessary. Students will gain an overview of production systems while looking into the various issues encountered in the management of those systems. Seminar Subjects Human Resources Management Students will learn the basics of human resources management and consider various personal strategies used to respond to issues in the ever-changing world of business. Students will gain an awareness of the HRM systems used by corporations today as well as delve into the future perspectives of the industry. Curriculum Fundamentals of Business Management/ This course is designed to teach the basic concepts of the field to students who have never studied the subject before. The curriculum uses textbook examples to introduce perspectives on finance in an easy to understand manner. AY 2006 Curriculum (CAP) Introduction to Economics Description ■ Subject Name ● S ubjects showing "*" are AY 2011 Curriculum subjects, available for registration from AY 2011. 2.3.3 Crossover Advanced Program (CAP) Other Information and Programs The Crossover Advanced Program (CAP) refers to several original programs with curricula that cover applied disciplines and topics. CAP consists of interdisciplinary programs that integrate the core areas of APS and APM. The five available programs offer advanced content that will serve as a stepping stone from undergraduate to graduate studies and prepare students to become future leaders in their respective fields. 51 Study at APU Note: ● C AP is a program intended primarily for B-course students (those approved for CAP at time of enrollment in APU). As this program targets AY 2006 curriculum students, and students begin in their 3rd semester, we are not currently accepting new applications. AY 2006 Curriculum (CAP) semester. Although program participants would normally continue studying within the same CAP through graduation, in instances where a student's education or research plan changes, the University will allow two opportunities to return to normal college student status in the 5th and 7th semesters. The screening for this status change is conducted during a student's 4th and 6th semesters respectively. Please note that CAP students may not change from one CAP program to another. Course Registration ■ Curriculum ● C AP students begin taking major subjects from their enrolled CAP program from the 3rd Examinations and Grading THP Seminar Subjects HLS Active Learning ISS Other Information and Programs ICT LCS 52 Tourism and Hospitality Program Cultural exchange and the promotion of regional industries through tourism are important themes in the development of the Asia Pacific region. In this program, students will explore all facets of tourism through the lenses of culture, society and community. They will study the theory and practice of hospitality management as they relate to the tourism, service, public welfare and medical industries. Health, Environment and Life Sciences Program The concept for this program is to learn how health and ecosystem problems relate to the issues in the environment, the basic essence of life. Students will take a multifaceted learning approach to the myriad issues in the fields of health, environment and life sciences. Students will search for solutions to problems that concern securing and sustaining natural and human ecosystems at the regional, national and global levels. International Strategic Studies Program While the Asia Pacific region has the potential to prosper, critical thinking and decision-making abilities are required to solve the complex issues it faces in the realms of ethnicity, religion, resources, energy and security. After students learn the fundamentals of international relations, they will explore issues that require strategic decision-making at the organizational, national and regional levels in pursuit of the ideal policy direction for global society. Information and Communication Technology Program In recent years, there is a growing need in the Asia Pacific for talented individuals knowledgeable in both social sciences and information technology. To respond to these needs, this program will provide students with a solid foundation in the study of societies, cultures, economics and business management. In addition, students will acquire the skills and knowledge of information and communications technology needed to work in a variety of ICT-related fields. *Offered only in English Language and Culture Studies Program The Asia Pacific is home to many people with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Drawing from both APS and APM subject matter, students in this program will gain a heightened awareness that language is a necessary element in intercultural understanding. Students will strive for advanced language proficiency required to handle various situations in a multicultural environment. Study at APU Degrees Students enrolled in a CAP program who have completed at least 30 credits of designated CAP subjects are eligible to have the enrolled program name included on their degree. If a CAP student does not meet the 30 credit requirement to graduate with a CAP degree, they Degree Title Bachelor of Social Science 〔Tourism and Hospitality Program 〕 Bachelor of Social Science 〔Health, Environment and Life Sciences Program〕 APS Bachelor of Social Science 〔International Strategic Studies Program〕 Bachelor of Social Science 〔Language and Culture Studies Program〕 Course Registration College of Asia Pacific Studies Bachelor of Social Science 〔Information and Communication Technology Program〕 Bachelor of Business Administration 〔Tourism and Hospitality Program〕 College of Asia Pacific Management Bachelor of Business Administration 〔Health, Environment and Life Sciences Program〕 College of International Management Bachelor of Business Administration 〔Language and Culture Studies Program〕 Bachelor of Business Administration 〔International Strategic Studies Program〕 Examinations and Grading APM Curriculum College AY 2006 Curriculum (CAP) on the degree. ■ may still be eligible to graduate as a normal student from APS or APM without the CAP name Bachelor of Business Administration 〔Information and Communication Technology Program〕 Seminar Subjects Requirements for Graduation In order to graduate, students must complete at least 124 credits and fulfill the requirements for the following subject fields. If a student is unable to complete 30 or more credits of major subjects from their enrolled CAP program, they will be evaluated for graduation as a regular APS or APM student. If graduation in this case is possible, the student will not receive the CAP program name on their degree. Active Learning Other Information and Programs 53 Study at APU AY 2006 Curriculum (CAP) Common Education Subjects Examinations and Grading Course Registration ■ Curriculum Subject Field CAP Major Education Subjects Subjects Counted Toward Subject Field ● O pposite language-basis subjects: Japanese-basis students: English English-basis students: Japanese ● L anguage Education Subjects (Elective and Asia Pacific language) ● F oundation Education Subjects ● C AP Major Education Subjects from enrolled program or Major Education Subjects which count toward enrolled program Major Education Subjects ● M ajor Education Subjects from enrolled college ● C AP Major Education Subjects from enrolled program or Major Education Subjects which count toward enrolled program exceeding 30 credits ● C AP Major Education Subjects from a program in which you are not enrolled General Electives ● C redits from Language Education Subjects, Foundation Education Subjects and Major Education Subjects exceeding that required for graduation ● Major Education Subjects from another college (available from 2nd year) Additional General Elective credits must be completed equivalent to the number of any exempted Language Education credits. In order to take 300 level or higher subjects held in their non-basis language, students must first fulfill the following language proficiency requirements. See p.93 for application instructions. ● J apanese-basis students must attain 500 points or more on the TOEFL®, or equivalent test score. ● E nglish-basis students must meet one of the following conditions. Seminar Subjects ○ Completion of ″Japanese Advanced Course II″ or ″Advanced Japanese″ (From AY 2011) ○ 240 points or more on the EJU ○ Attainment of JLPT N2 (new) Japanese-basis Students (criteria for both colleges and all CAP programs) Active Learning Field Common Education Major Education Other Information and Programs General Elective No. of Required Credits English 20 Language Education and Foundation Education Subjects 20 Cap Major Subjects (enrolled program) 30 Total 40 62 at least 124 at least 22 Important: ● J apanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Foundation or Major Education subjects (from either college) held in the English language. Subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) will not be counted towards this total. 54 Field Language Education and Foundation Education Subjects 16 Cap Major Subjects (enrolled program) 30 General Elective 40 62 at least 124 at least 22 Important: In the following cases, students’ Japanese credit requirement will be reduced from 24 to 12 Curriculum 24 AY 2006 Curriculum (CAP) Major Education Japanese Total ■ Common Education No. of Required Credits Study at APU English-basis Students (criteria for both colleges and all CAP programs) credits, resulting in changed graduation criteria. Course Registration ● A student has not completed ″Japanese Foundation Course II″ by the end of the 1st semester ● A student has not completed ″Japanese Intermediate Course″ by the end of the 4th semester Field Common Education Japanese 12 Language Education and Foundation Education Subjects 16 Cap Major Subjects (enrolled program) 30 General Elective Total 28 62 at least 124 Seminar Subjects Major Education No. of Required Credits Examinations and Grading English-basis Students with Reduced Japanese Credit Requirements at least 34 CAP Studies In their 1st year, CAP students will pursue the same course of study as APS and APM Active Learning students. Starting in their 2nd year, CAP students will enroll in small-group seminar subjects ahead of their non-CAP counterparts. The following seminar classes are offered. Students may only enroll in seminar courses during the semester level at which the course is offered. Students must apply in advance for 3rd and 4th year seminars. Please refer to p.117 for instructions. Other Information and Programs 55 Study at APU Year Subject Name (credits) Spring enrolled students AY 2006 Curriculum (CAP) 2 Course Registration Fall semester: ″1st Year Student Workshop II″ (2)* Fall enrolled students Fall Semester: ″1st Year Student Workshop I & II″ (2 each)* APS students ″Introduction to Research Methods″ (2)* APM students ″Introduction to Business Studies″ (2)* ■ Curriculum 1 Spring semester:″1st Year Student Workshop I″ (2)* Automatic Registration Automatic Registration Registered by student ″Introduction to CAP Major Seminar″ (2) Automatic Registration Spring semester ″CAP Major Seminar I″ (2) Fall semester ″CAP Major Seminar II″ (2) After student application in advance, Registered by University 7th semester ″CAP Research Seminar″ (2) After student application in advance, Registered by University 8th semester ″Undergraduate Thesis (CAP)″ (4) Registered by University if CAP Research Seminar grade is passing 3 4 Examinations and Grading Registration ● In the above table, course credit showing a ″*″ are APS or APM major subjects, which will not count towards CAP Major Subject credit. Seminar Subjects 4 Years of Study as a CAP Student 2nd Year Seminar Subjects CAP Introductory Seminar is the 2nd year seminar subject for CAP students. It is intended to give students the foundation that they need for their major subjects in the 3rd and 4th years. Students are required to register for the CAP Introductory Seminar offered for their program. Active Learning Faculty members in each CAP supervise the CAP Introductory Seminars. These classes strongly correlate with 3rd and 4th year seminar subjects. Number of Classes Semester-based, 1 class per week Class Type Lecture and workshop Other Information and Programs Objective 56 Gain fundamental knowledge required for major subject education in enrolled CAP program Study at APU 3rd Year Seminar Subjects 3rd year students must register for CAP Major Seminar I and CAP Major Seminar II, smallgroup seminars offered for their program. CAP Major Seminar I & II are both semester-length subjects. Students are encouraged to take these seminars in succession. Students may, however, take other CAP Major Seminar I & II courses with differing themes as long as they Semester-based, 1 class per week Class Type Refer to course syllabus Course Registration Sub-Seminar Registration Students will normally enroll in one seminar subject per semester. However, students that wish to engage in in-depth studies outside of their field may be permitted to enroll in two seminar subjects in the same semester, provided they meet certain conditions. For sub-seminar registration, students may choose from courses offered by a different faculty member from the same CAP program, as well as APS or APM seminars. Curriculum Number of Classes AY 2006 Curriculum (CAP) instructions for 3rd year seminar. ■ are also within their enrolled CAP program. See p.117 for the application period and Sub-Seminar credits completed by CAP students will be calculated in the following manner: Credit Field A student registers for a sub-seminar course held by another faculty member in the same CAP program CAP Major Education Subject A student registers for a sub-seminar course from their enrolled college Major Education Subject (for enrolled college) A student registers for a sub-seminar course from a different college than the one in which they are enrolled General Elective Examinations and Grading Sub-Seminar Case Seminar Subjects 4th Year Seminar Subjects Building on accumulated knowledge and skills over the previous three years, CAP students write their undergraduate theses–the culmination of their 4 years of study–in 4th year seminars. In this subject, students research a topic of interest over the course of one year and write a thesis in the latter half of the 4th year. Active Learning Students take ″CAP Research Seminar″ (2 credits) in the 1st semester of their 4th year. Students who pass this subject then register for ″Undergraduate Thesis (CAP)″ (4 credits) in their final semester. Students who fail CAP Research Seminar cannot enroll in CAP ″Undergraduate Thesis (CAP).″ In other words, they cannot write a thesis for credit. See p.117 for the application period and instructions for 4th year seminar. Other Information and Programs 57 Study at APU Study Facilities for CAP Major Subjects CAP Lab AY 2006 Curriculum Language Subjects Course Registration ■ Curriculum CAP students may use the Institute Academic Laboratory, or "CAP Lab," located on the 2nd floor of Building BII (Faculty Offices II). The CAP Lab is a shared study facility for all five Institutes. Students may use the lab for research meetings, group work, seminar presentation preparation, consultations with faculty or for self-study. The CAP Lab is normally open Monday through Friday from 9:30 to 17:30. The CAP Lab is equipped with the following facilities. Cyber Space ● Computers ● Scanner ● Printer* ● Copier* Self-study Space ●M eeting space ●C AP-specific books ●P eriodicals ●S tationery Meeting Space ● Whiteboard ● CAP faculty consultation room Note: Equipment marked with an asterisk (*) requires a rechargeable card. HLS Biochemistry Lab The objective of this lab is to give HLS students practical experience with the knowledge they Examinations and Grading have gained in the following required foundation subjects: Bioscience, Environment and Chemistry, and Earth Science and Statistics. Students will learn the basics of lab etiquette as well as how to run experiments, handle lab results and write lab reports. CAP ICT Laboratory (Electronic Engineering Experiment Lab & Physics Lab) The ICT student laboratory is designed to enhance classroom instruction and enforce learning Seminar Subjects through hands-on, practical experimentation. The electronics lab is equipped with instruments which are particularly needed for courses along Computer Engineering and Communication Engineering tracks of the program. The physics laboratory on the other hand, is intended for foundation physics courses and environmental physics. Active Learning 2.3.4 AY 2006 Curriculum Language Education Subjects Language Study Students are required to take subjects in their non-basis language (Japanese-basis students: English, English-basis students: Japanese). The required number of credits depends on a Other Information and Programs student’s curriculum. Please refer to the section appropriate for your curriculum. The different language subjects offered at APU vary in degrees of difficulty. Prerequisite knowledge (level at entry) and course objectives (level at exit) are established for every course. In order to complete language courses at APU, students must first either have completed or be exempt from taking that course’s prerequisite subjects. The level of the nonbasis language course that students start at will be determined by the placement test taken at 58 the time of enrollment. Study at APU English Subjects Although APU carried out a curriculum reform in AY 2011, students on the AY 2006 curriculum will continue to take English language subjects from the AY 2006 Curriculum. Please note that these students will have different course names and course registration procedures than those Objective (for exemption) Prerequisite Subject 2004 Curriculum Subject Name 4 Up to TOEFL® 400 TOEFL® 400 None Introduction To English Fundamental English I & II (4 each, 8 total) 8 TOEFL® 400-450 TOEFL® 450 Introduction to English English I Intermediate English I & II (4 each, 8 total) 8 TOEFL® 450-500 TOEFL® 500 Fundamental English I & II English II Advanced English I (4) 4 TOEFL® 500-550 TOEFL® 550 Intermediate English I & II English III Advanced English II (4) 4 TOEFL® 550-600 TOEFL® 600 Advanced English I N/A Course Registration Introduction to English (4) Curriculum Prerequisite Level AY 2006 Curriculum Language Subjects Classes per week Subject Name (credits) ■ of students enrolling from the 2011 Spring Semester. Examinations and Grading Important: ● F undamental English I & II subjects and Intermediate English I & II subjects are meant to be taken together as a set. ● Introduction to English, Fundamental English I & II and Intermediate English I & II include in their grading and assessment TOEFL®/ITP scores of tests taken at APU in the semester the courses are registered. ● E nglish-basis students will only be allowed to take Advanced English II. Seminar Subjects ● C redits obtained in excess of the required number of credits will be counted first as ″Common Education Subjects,″ then as ″General Electives″ if applicable. Registration of AY 2011 English language courses Students who fulfill the following criteria are able to register for AY 2011 Curriculum English Advanced Track Electives if there are spaces available during the Course Registration Period B. Active Learning 1. AY 2006 Curriculum Japanese basis students who have either gained credit or have been exempted from taking Advanced English I (4 credits) 2. AY 2006 Curriculum English basis students who are non-native speakers of English TOEFL®/ITP & TOEIC®/IP Examinations TOEFL®/ITP and TOEIC®/IP tests are held a number of times throughout the academic year. Other Information and Programs TOEFL® and TOEIC® are widely recognized tests that can be used to measure and monitor English language ability. Both tests allow an institution to evaluate students’ overall language proficiency and progress. It is also an important part of studies for students to acquire comprehensive English skills necessary in this international era. Scores from these tests cannot be used in an official manner. (Please note that these differ from the TOEIC® test.) 59 Study at APU AY 2014 TOEFL®/ITP and TOEIC®/IP APU Internal Test Schedule ■ AY 2006 Curriculum Language Subjects Spring Curriculum TOEFL®/ITP Semester Fall TOEIC®/IP Wed. May 14, 2014 Wed. June 18, 2014 Wed. June 25, 2014 - Wed. July 2, 2014 - Wed. October 15, 2014 - Wed. December 17, 2014 Wed. December 3, 2014 Wed. January 7, 2015 - ● S core sheets cannot be reissued under any circumstances. You must submit the original Score Sheet when making various applications (overseas programs, course exemptions, Course Registration etc.). Please be careful not to lose your score sheet after receiving your score. ● The TOEFL®/ITP results will be included in the grade evaluation for the English courses (mandatory courses). The score of the TOEFL®/ITP held at the end of the semester will be automatically reflected in your grade evaluation. Japanese Subjects Examinations and Grading APU carried out a curriculum reform in AY 2011. Beginning from the 2011 academic year, AY 2006 Curriculum students will take Japanese language courses using the new subject names. Course name changes are as follows. Active Learning Seminar Subjects Subject Name No. of Credits Prerequisite Subject Prerequisite Level Objective Japanese Foundation Course I, II & III 4 each, None 3 courses Beginner Japanese Foundation Course II & III 4 each, Japanese Foundation Course I 2 courses JLPT 4th level (Old) 60% Japanese Foundation Course III 4 Japanese Foundation Course II JLPT 4th level (Old) 80% or 3rd level (Old) 50% Japanese Intermediate Course 4 Japanese Foundation Course III JLPT 3rd level (Old) 60% or JLPT (New) N4 Japanese Advanced Course I or Preadvanced Japanese* 4 Japanese Intermediate Course EJU, Japanese 200 points or JLPT (New) N3 Japanese Advanced Course II or Advanced Japanese* 4 Japanese Advanced Course I or Pre-advanced Japanese* EJU, Japanese 220 points or JLPT (New) N2 ● In the above table, subject names showing a ″*″ are AY 2011 curriculum courses. These names will apply if taken during AY 2011 or later. Other Information and Programs ● After enrollment, students designated as ″beginner″ level will be placed into one of the following levels according to their Japanese ability. ○ Begin from ″Japanese Foundation Course I,″ including Japanese Foundation Course I, II & III as a set. Twelve classes per week. 60 Study at APU ○ Begin from ″Japanese Foundation Course II,″ including Japanese Foundation Course II & III as a set. Eight classes per week. ○ Begin from ″Japanese Foundation Course III,″ one subject only for 4 classes per week. ● S tudents beginning from levels 1 or 2 above must take all subjects in the set. ● A student has not completed ″Japanese Intermediate Course″ by the end of the 4th semester Curriculum semester AY 2006 Curriculum Language Subjects ● A student has not completed ″Japanese Foundation Course II″ by the end of the 1st reduced from 24 to 12 credits, resulting in changed graduation criteria. ■ In the following cases, AY 2006 Curriculum students’ Japanese credit requirement will be Course Registration Once a student's Japanese graduation requirements have been reduced to 12 credits, consecutive Japanese classes will be automatically registered by the University. Students with reduced requirements may take more than 12 credits of Japanese, however these credits will be counted as "Common Education Subjects." Language for Specific Purposes Examinations and Grading This group of subjects is offered to students who have completed the Japanese courses required for graduation and wish to develop their language ability further. Please refer to the syllabus for more details on course objectives and prerequisite subjects. Subject Name Prerequisite Subjects Japanese Advanced Course II or Advanced Japanese Japanese Language and Culture I Japanese Advanced Course II or Advanced Japanese Japanese Language and Culture II Japanese Language and Culture I Career Japanese I Japanese Advanced Course II or Advanced Japanese Career Japanese II Business Japanese II or Career Japanese I Career Japanese III Career Japanese II Completed Japanese Advanced Course II or Advanced Japanese, with a score of approx. 240 points on the EJU International students, English-basis Domestic students (students whose native language is not Japanese) Other Information and Programs Japanese for Lectures Active Learning Japanese Advanced Course II or Advanced Japanese Target Students Seminar Subjects Japanese Project E/F Recommended Language Level 61 Study at APU Asia Pacific Languages (AP Languages) Subjects Offered APU offers ″Asia Pacific Language″ courses in the 6 languages of Chinese, Korean, MalayAY 2006 Curriculum Language Subjects Course Registration ■ Curriculum Indonesian, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese. Different levels of these courses have varying degrees of difficulty, therefore students must complete or be exempted from each course’s prerequisite subject in order to register. Languages and Levels Language Levels (Credits) Chinese I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (4) Korean I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (4) Malay-Indonesian I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (2) Spanish I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (2) Thai I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (2) Vietnamese I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (2) ● Registration Requirements Examinations and Grading ● Applicants cannot be native speakers of the course’s language. ● J apanese-basis students must complete or be exempted from ″Intermediate English I & II″ in order to register. ● E nglish-basis students must complete or be exempted from ″Japanese Advanced I″ in order to register. Seminar Subjects Exemptions and Credit Award for Language Education Subjects Difference Between Exemption and Credit Award Students who meet certain conditions set by APU can apply for an exemption or credit award. The difference between exemption and credit award are explained below. Course Credit Necessary Application Materials Active Learning Students are exempted from taking the course, however, they must complete ● Application form Exemption an equivalent number of credits by ● Original certified test score taking other courses. Other Information and Programs Credit Award ● Application form ● Original certified test score Students receive credit for the subject, 9th semester students and above must which will count towards graduation pay an amount of 20,500 JPY per credit requirements. credit. (Students will be contacted after credit award is approved) ● Students exempted from courses by the placement test taken at the time of enrollment are not required to complete any special procedures. ● Credit award by submission of certified test scores will only be allowed for "Intermediate 62 Study at APU English I & II," "Advanced English I," "Advanced Japanese I" (or the AY 2011 Curriculum course "Advanced Japanese") and "Advanced Japanese II" (or the AY 2011 Curriculum course "Pre-advanced Japanese"). ● The following are conditions in which a student will be ineligible to apply for credit award ● Application is with a placement test result ■ ● The language course is the same as the applicant’s basis language of enrollment ● The applicant is a 3rd year transfer student Language Exemption and Credit Award Criteria and Schedule English Subject Criteria Introduction to Exemption English Only Fundamental English I & II Intermediate English I TOEFL®/iBT 400 32 97 300 450 45 133 500 61 550 79 IELTS STEP - 4.5 2nd level 442 - 5.0 Pre-1st level 173 587 B level 5.5 - 213 730 A level 6.0 1st level Examinations and Grading Exemption English I & II or Credit Advanced Award UNATE TOEFL®/ TOEIC® (UN Test of (or IP) CBT English) TOEFL®/PBT (or ITP) Course Registration Subject Name Curriculum AY 2006 Curriculum Language Subjects ● The applicant has already been exempted from the course ● S TEP (Japanese Eiken) test scores are only accepted for exemption from newly enrolled 1st year students. Japanese Subject Criteria Japanese Foundation Course I JapaneseFoundation Exemption Course II Only Japanese Foundation Course III Japanese Language Proficiency Test 4th level (Old) or JLPT (New) N5 Japanese Language Proficiency Test 4th level (Old) or JLPT (New) N5 Japanese Language Proficiency Test 3rd level (Old) or JLPT (New) N4 EJU, Japanese 200 points or JLPT (New) N4 Active Learning Japanese Intermediate Course Criteria Seminar Subjects Subject Name Other Information and Programs Pre-Advanced Japanese EJU, Japanese 220 points or JLPT (New) N3 Exemption (Old Name: Advanced or Credit Japanese I) Award Advanced Japanese (Old Name: Advanced EJU, Japanese 240 points or JLPT (New) N2 Japanese II) 63 AY 2006 Curriculum Language Subjects Application Period ■ Curriculum Study at APU Application Schedule (English and Japanese) Results Released 2014 Spring Semester: Wed. July 16 - Fri. August 1, 2014 at16:30 Date of 2014 Spring Semester grade release, or for graduating students, the day of graduation assessment 2014 Fall Semester: Wed. January 21 - Fri. February 13, 2015 at 16:30 Date of 2014 Fall Semester grade release, or for graduating students, the day of graduation assessment ● W hen applying, submit the original score sheet of the designated test during the application period. An "original score sheet" is a certificate or report from a testing organization which shows an evaluation of language ability. This must be printed by the testing organization itself, and downloaded documents will not be accepted. We will not accept a copy or fax of this document. Course Registration ● Information regarding 2014 Spring semester applications will be available in July, while information for 2014 Fall semester applications will be available from January 2015. Please see the Academic Office website for more details. Asia Pacific Language Subject Criteria Subject Name Exemption Criteria Examinations and Grading ちゅうごくごけんていしけんじゅん Chinese I きゅう しん きゅう Seminar Subjects Exemption Active Learning Only じつようちゅうごくごぎのうけんていしけん きゅう じつようちゅうごくごぎのうけんていしけん きゅう 中国語検定試験4級、実用中国語技能検定試験4級 、 しん きゅう 新HSK2級 ちゅうごくごけんていしけん Chinese III きゅう 新HSK1級 ちゅうごくごけんていしけん きゅう Chinese II じつようちゅうごくごぎのうけんていしけんじゅん 中国語検定試験準4級、実用中国語技能検定試験準4級、 きゅう 中国語検定試験3級、実用中国語技能検定試験3級、 しん きゅう 新HSK3級 かんこくごのうりょくけんていしけん きゅう のうりょくけんていしけん きゅう かんこくごのうりょくけんていしけん きゅう のうりょくけんていしけん きゅう かんこくごのうりょくけんていしけん きゅう のうりょくけんていしけん きゅう ごぎのうけんてい きゅう ごぎのうけんてい きゅう ごぎのうけんてい きゅう Korean I 韓国語能力検定試験1級、「ハングル」能力検定試験5級 Korean II 韓国語能力検定試験2級、「ハングル」能力検定試験4級 Korean III 韓国語能力検定試験3級、「ハングル」能力検定試験3級 Spanish I スペイン語技能検定5級 Spanish II スペイン語技能検定4級 Spanish III スペイン語技能検定3級 ● In screening AP language exemption applications, students will be evaluated comprehensively based on submitted documents, test score and an interview. ● E ven in the event that a student is exempted from an AP language course, Japanese basis students must first complete or be exempted from "Intermediate English I and II", while Other Information and Programs English basis students must first complete or be exempted from "Japanese Advanced I" or "Upper Intermediate Japanese" (AY 2011 Curriculum course) before registering for AP language courses. 64 Application Period Interview Date Study at APU Application Schedule (Asia Pacific Languages) Exemption Takes Effect 2014 Fall Semester 2014 Fall Semester : Mon. December 8 Fri. December 19, 2014 at 16:30 Wed. January 14 2015 Spring Semester shows an evaluation of language ability. This must be printed by the testing organization itself, and downloaded documents will not be accepted. We will not accept a copy or fax of this document. ● If an applicant is unable to attend the interview, their application for exemption will be Course Registration cancelled. Please plan accordingly to attend the interview. Curriculum period. An "original score sheet" is a certificate or report from a testing organization which AY 2006 Curriculum Language Subjects ● W hen applying, submit the original score sheet of the designated test during the application Wed. July 9 ■ 2014 Spring Semester : Mon. June 16 - Fri. June 27, 2014 at 16:30 ● Information regarding 2014 Spring Semester applications will be available in July, while information for 2014 Fall Semester applications will be available from January 2015. Please see the Academic Office website for more details. Examinations and Grading Seminar Subjects Active Learning Other Information and Programs 65 66 演習・AL Seminar APM専門教育科目 APM Major APS専門教育科目 APS Major CAP 専門科目 CAP Major 共通教育科目 Common 演習・AL Seminar 基礎 Foundation 言語 Language Other Information and Programs 124 62 Required 40 Foundation in Information Technology Introduction to Programming Internet Fundamentals The Asia Pacific and Human Rights Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages and Cultures of the Asia Pacific Peoples and Religions of the Asia Pacific Traditions and Societies of the Asia Pacific Contemporary Business in the Asia Pacific Japanese Culture Japanese History Contemporary Japanese Economics Contemporary Japanese Society Special Lecture (Foundation Education Subject) Bioscience Earth Sciences Introduction to Environmental Studies Contemporary Science and Technology First-Year Student Workshop Ⅰ First-Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Psychology Ethics and Contemporary Society Introduction to History Introduction to Intercultural Communication Society and Law Introduction to Political Science Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Economics Statistics Mathematics for Social Science Mathematics ⅠⅡⅢ Mathematics for Information Technology Physics ⅠⅡ Environment and Chemistry Health Science Constitution of Japan Accounting Ⅰ Accounting Ⅱ Business Management (LCS) (ICT) (ISS) (HLS) (THP) Year) Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ Thai Ⅰ Vietnamese Ⅰ Societies in East Asia Societies in South Asia Social Theory Examinations and Grading Course Registration Field Study Volunteer Activities Transnational Sociology Cultural Anthropology Developmental Sociology Multiculturalism and Society Cultural Sociology Comparative Social History Research Methods for Social Sciences Social Psychology Gender Studies Politics and Economics in the Asia Pacific International Cooperation Environment and Society Environmental Studies in the Asia Pacific Finance Cost Accounting History of Management Logistics Management Information System Introduction to Business Law Civil Code ⅠⅡ Commercial Law ⅠⅡ Micro Economics Macro Economics International Trade Human Resources Management Production Management Overview of Business Sectors in Japan Education and Society NGOs and NPOs and Citizen Networking Comparative Analysis of Western and Asia Pacific Societies Ethnicity and Nationalism Information Technology and Society Communication and Mass Media Studies Environmental Policy Environmental Economics Geoinformatics International Economics Developmental Economics International Law of the Sea Corporate Finance Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Markets in Asia Financial Accounting Ⅰ Financial Accounting Ⅱ Management Accounting International Transactions Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior International Economics Developmental Economics Advanced Macroeconomics Advanced Microeconomics Legal Strategy in Business Operations Research Technological Development and Production System Technology Management Introduction to Research Methods Internship Introduction to Business Studies Applied Training Japanese Corporations in the Asia Pacific Production Management Entrepreneurship Special Lecture (APM Major Subject) Energy and Resources International Politics History of International Politics International Law Globalization and Law Regional Systems of the Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Governance Project Management and Evaluation Social Life and Development Urban and Rural Studies in the Asia Pacific Special Lecture (Area Studies) Special Lecture (APS Major Subject) AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: APS Curriculum Environmental Governance Policy and Law Human Security Ecological Security Human Security Pollution Control and Waste Management Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Global Human Resources Management International Comparative Management History of Economic Development and Management in Japan History of Economic Development and Management in Asia Human Resource Development in the Asia Pacific Business Law in Asia Economies in the Asia Pacific International Finance Consumer Behavior Marketing Research Supply Chain Management International Marketing Japanese Production Systems E-Business Business Plans Major Seminar ⅠⅡ Developmental Policy Community Development Urban Environment Environmental Resource Management Sociology of Organizations International Organizations Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis Auditing Advanced Accounting Tax Accounting International Accounting Investment and Security Analysis Hospitality Business Strategy International Management Investment Strategies in Asia Management Studies in the Asia Pacific Corporate Strategy Sales and Promotion Management Product Development Strategy Media Studies Environmental Law and Administration Advanced Reading Ⅰ Advanced Reading Ⅱ CAP Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis (CAP) Security Information Systems Management Embedded Programming Knowledge Management and Data Mining Design in the Digital Age Information Systems Architecture and Networks Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅰ Cultural Exchange Studies Language and Culture Studies Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅱ International Strategy in the Asia Pacific Political Geography Tourism Development and Planning Legal Framework of Tourism 400 (4th Year) Study at APU Hospitality Marketing 300 (3rd Year) Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ Business Japanese Ⅰ Spanish Ⅳ Business Japanese Ⅱ Thai Ⅳ Applied Japanese Vietnamese Ⅳ Japanese Linguistics Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Chinese Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ ■ Travel and Hospitality Management Cultural Heritage Management Special Lecture Eco Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Environmental Analysis and Modeling Techniques Human Ecology Special Lecture Genetics and Cell Biology Ageing, Disability and Health Management Globalization and Regionalism Migration Studies Special Lecture International Politics and Economy Strategic Planning and Decision Making Design Usability Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing Technologies Internet Technological Integration Sequential and Electrical Circuits Multimedia Design Technologies Software Engineering Special Lecture Business Negotiation Introduction to Language and Culture Studies Business Communication Asia Pacific Languages ⅠⅡ Contemporary English Studies TESOL Ⅱ Special Lecture TESOL Ⅰ CAP Major Seminar Ⅰ Introduction to CAP Major Seminar Field Study (CAP) CAP Major Seminar Ⅱ Asia Pacific Tourism Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Introduction to Global Environmental Issues Natural Ecology Industrial Ecology Introduction to International Strategy International Exchange International Peace Studies Law, the Internet and Society Systems and Application Programming Database Management Systems 200 (2nd Year) Advanced English Ⅰ Spanish Ⅱ Advanced English Ⅱ Spanish Ⅲ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅰ Thai Ⅱ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅱ Thai Ⅲ Chinese Ⅱ Vietnamese Ⅱ Chinese Ⅲ Vietnamese Ⅲ Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) Korean Ⅱ Korean Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian Ⅲ Occupational Awareness and Career Development Projects in Multicultural Studies AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: APS Seminar Subjects 100 (1st Introduction to English Fundamental English Ⅰ Fundamental English Ⅱ Intermediate English Ⅰ Intermediate English Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course ⅠⅡⅢ Japanese Intermediate Course Japanese for Science Technology ⅠⅡⅢⅣ Active Learning 2.3.5 AY 2006 Curriculum Outline CSC Cluster Other Information and Programs 演習・AL Seminar APM専門教育科目 APM Major APS専門教育科目 APS Major 演習・AL Seminar 124 20/62 62 Accounting Ⅰ Accounting Ⅱ Business Management Societies in East Asia Societies in South Asia Social Theory Active Learning CAP 専門科目 CAP Major (LCS) (ICT) (ISS) (HLS) (THP) Foundation in Information Technology Introduction to Programming Internet Fundamentals The Asia Pacific and Human Rights Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages and Cultures of the Asia Pacific Peoples and Religions of the Asia Pacific Traditions and Societies of the Asia Pacific Contemporary Business in the Asia Pacific Japanese Culture Japanese History Contemporary Japanese Economics Contemporary Japanese Society Special Lecture (Foundation Education Subject) Bioscience Earth Sciences Introduction to Environmental Studies Contemporary Science and Technology First-Year Student Workshop Ⅰ First-Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Psychology Ethics and Contemporary Society Introduction to History Introduction to Intercultural Communication Society and Law Introduction to Political Science Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Economics Statistics Mathematics for Social Science Mathematics ⅠⅡⅢ Mathematics for Information Technology Physics ⅠⅡ Environment and Chemistry Health Science Constitution of Japan Seminar Subjects 基礎 Foundation Year) Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ Thai Ⅰ Vietnamese Ⅰ Year) Spanish Ⅱ Spanish Ⅲ Thai Ⅱ Thai Ⅲ Vietnamese Ⅱ Vietnamese Ⅲ Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) Overview of Business Sectors in Japan 300 (3rd Business Japanese Ⅰ Business Japanese Ⅱ Applied Japanese Japanese Linguistics Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Chinese Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Field Study Volunteer Activities Transnational Sociology Cultural Anthropology Developmental Sociology Multiculturalism and Society Cultural Sociology Finance Cost Accounting History of Management Logistics Management Information System Introduction to Business Law Civil Code ⅠⅡ Commercial Law ⅠⅡ Micro Economics Macro Economics International Trade Human Resources Management Production Management International Cooperation Environment and Society Environmental Studies in the Asia Pacific Energy and Resources International Politics History of International Politics International Law Asia Pacific Tourism Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Introduction to Global Environmental Issues Natural Ecology Industrial Ecology Introduction to International Strategy International Exchange International Peace Studies Law, the Internet and Society Systems and Application Programming Database Management Systems Introduction to Research Methods Introduction to Business Studies Globalization and Law Regional Systems of the Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Governance Project Management and Evaluation Social Life and Development Urban and Rural Studies in the Asia Pacific Special Lecture (Area Studies) Special Lecture (APS Major Subject) Comparative Social History Research Methods for Social Sciences Social Psychology Gender Studies Politics and Economics in the Asia Pacific Japanese Corporations in the Asia Pacific Marketing Entrepreneurship Special Lecture (APM Major Subject) Corporate Finance Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Markets in Asia Financial Accounting Ⅰ Financial Accounting Ⅱ Management Accounting International Transactions Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior International Economics Developmental Economics Advanced Macroeconomics Advanced Microeconomics Legal Strategy in Business Operations Research Technological Development and Production System Technology Management Internship Applied Training Information Technology and Society Communication and Mass Media Studies Environmental Policy Environmental Economics Geoinformatics International Economics Developmental Economics International Law of the Sea Education and Society NGOs and NPOs and Citizen Networking Comparative Analysis of Western and Asia Pacific Societies Ethnicity and Nationalism Travel and Hospitality Management Cultural Heritage Management Special Lecture Eco Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Environmental Analysis and Modeling Techniques Human Ecology Special Lecture Genetics and Cell Biology Ageing, Disability and Health Management Globalization and Regionalism Migration Studies Special Lecture International Politics and Economy Strategic Planning and Decision Making Design Usability Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing Technologies Internet Technological Integration Sequential and Electrical Circuits Multimedia Design Technologies Software Engineering Special Lecture Business Negotiation Introduction to Language and Culture Studies Business Communication Asia Pacific Languages ⅠⅡ Contemporary English Studies TESOL Ⅱ TESOL Ⅰ Special Lecture Introduction to CAP Major Seminar CAP Major Seminar Ⅰ Field Study (CAP) CAP Major Seminar Ⅱ 200 (2nd Advanced English Ⅰ Advanced English Ⅱ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅰ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅱ Chinese Ⅱ Chinese Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ Korean Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian Ⅲ Occupational Awareness and Career Development Projects in Multicultural Studies Examinations and Grading 100 (1st Introduction to English Fundamental English Ⅰ Fundamental English Ⅱ Intermediate English Ⅰ Intermediate English Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course ⅠⅡⅢ Japanese Intermediate Course Japanese for Science Technology ⅠⅡⅢⅣ Course Registration Required 40 Environmental Governance Policy and Law Human Security Ecological Security Human Security Pollution Control and Waste Management Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Global Human Resources Management International Comparative Management History of Economic Development and Management in Japan History of Economic Development and Management in Asia Human Resource Development in the Asia Pacific Business Law in Asia Economies in the Asia Pacific International Finance Consumer Behavior Marketing Research Supply Chain Management International Marketing Japanese Production Systems E-Business Business Plans Major Seminar ⅠⅡ Migration Studies International Politics and Economy Developmental Policy Community Development Urban Environment Environmental Resource Management Sociology of Organizations International Organizations Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis Auditing Advanced Accounting Tax Accounting International Accounting Investment and Security Analysis Hospitality Business Strategy International Management Investment Strategies in Asia Management Studies in the Asia Pacific Corporate Strategy Sales and Promotion Management Product Development Strategy Media Studies Environmental Law and Administration Advanced Reading Ⅰ Advanced Reading Ⅱ CAP Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis (CAP) Security Information Systems Management Embedded Programming Knowledge Management and Data Mining Design in the Digital Age Information Systems Architecture and Networks Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅰ Cultural Exchange Studies Language and Culture Studies Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅱ International Strategy in the Asia Pacific Political Geography Tourism Development and Planning Legal Framework of Tourism 400 (4th Year) Hospitality Marketing Year) Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ Spanish Ⅳ Thai Ⅳ Vietnamese Ⅳ Curriculum AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: APS (CSC) 言語 Language 共通教育科目 Common AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: APS Comparative Societies and Cultures (CSC) Study at APU ■ 67 68 演習・AL Seminar APM専門教育科目 APM Major APS専門教育科目 APS Major CAP 専門科目 CAP Major 共通教育科目 Common GOV Cluster 演習・AL Seminar 基礎 Foundation 言語 Language Other Information and Programs 124 20/62 62 Required 40 Seminar Subjects Examinations and Grading Course Registration ■ AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: APS (GOV) Curriculum Foundation in Information Technology Introduction to Programming Internet Fundamentals The Asia Pacific and Human Rights Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages and cultures of the Asia Pacific Peoples and Religions of the Asia Pacific Traditions and Societies of the Asia Pacific Contemporary Business in the Asia Pacific Japanese Culture Japanese History Contemporary Japanese Economics Contemporary Japanese Society Special Lecture (Foundation Education Subject) Bioscience Earth Sciences Introduction to Environmental Studies Contemporary Science and Technology First-Year Student Workshop Ⅰ First-Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Psychology Ethics and Contemporary Society Introduction to History Introduction to Intercultural Communication Society and Law Introduction to Political Science Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Economics Statistics Mathematics for Social Science Mathematics ⅠⅡⅢ Mathematics for Information Technology Physics ⅠⅡ Environment and Chemistry Health Science Constitution of Japan Finance Cost Accounting History of Management Logistics Management Information System Introduction to Business Law Civil Code ⅠⅡ Commercial Law ⅠⅡ Micro Economics Macro Economics International Trade Human Resources Management Production Management Accounting Ⅰ Accounting Ⅱ Business Management Field Study Volunteer Activities Transnational Sociology Cultural Anthropology Developmental Sociology Multiculturalism and Society Cultural Sociology Comparative Social History Research Methods for Social Sciences Social Psychology Politics and Economics in the Asia Pacific Social Life and Development International Cooperation International Peace Studies International Exchange Introduction to Language and Culture Studies Asia Pacific Languages ⅠⅡ TESOL Ⅰ Introduction to CAP Major Seminar Field Study (CAP) Asia Pacific Tourism Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Introduction to Global Environmental Issues Natural Ecology Industrial Ecology Introduction to International Strategy International Exchange International Peace Studies Law, the Internet and Society Systems and Application Programming Database Management Systems 200 (2nd Advanced English Ⅰ Advanced English Ⅱ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅰ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅱ Chinese Ⅱ Chinese Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ Korean Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian Ⅲ Occupational Awareness and Career Development Projects in Multicultural Studies Societies in East Asia Societies in South Asia Social Theory (LCS) (ICT) (ISS) (HLS) (THP) Year) Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ Thai Ⅰ Vietnamese Ⅰ 100 (1st Introduction to English Fundamental English Ⅰ Fundamental English Ⅱ Intermediate English Ⅰ Intermediate English Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course ⅠⅡⅢ Japanese Intermediate Course Japanese for Science Technology ⅠⅡⅢⅣ Introduction to Research Methods Introduction to Business Studies Energy and Resources Urban and Rural Studies in the Asia Pacific International Cooperation Environment and Society Environmental Studies in the Asia Pacific Gender Studies Special Lecture (Area Studies) Special Lecture (APS Major Subject) International Politics History of International Politics International Law Globalization and Law Regional Systems of the Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Governance Project Management and Evaluation Japanese Corporations in the Asia Pacific Marketing Entrepreneurship Special Lecture (APM Major Subject) Design Usability Internet Technological Integration Multimedia Design Technologies Special Lecture Business Communication Contemporary English Studies Special Lecture Globalization and Regionalism Special Lecture Human Ecology Special Lecture Travel and Hospitality Management Special Lecture Year) Spanish Ⅱ Spanish Ⅲ Thai Ⅱ Thai Ⅲ Vietnamese Ⅱ Vietnamese Ⅲ Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) Corporate Finance Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Markets in Asia Financial Accounting Ⅰ Financial Accounting Ⅱ Management Accounting International Transactions Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior International Economics Developmental Economics Advanced Macroeconomics Advanced Microeconomics Legal Strategy in Business Operations Research Technological Development and Production System Technology Management Internship Applied Training Education and Society NGOs and NPOs and Citizen Networking Comparative Analysis of Western and Asia Pacific Societies Information Technology and Society Communication and Mass Media Studies Environmental Policy Environmental Economics Geoinformatics Ethnicity and Nationalism Developmental Policy CAP Major Seminar Ⅰ CAP Major Seminar Ⅱ Business Negotiation TESOL Ⅱ Cultural Heritage Management Eco Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Environmental Analysis and Modeling Techniques Genetics and Cell Biology Ageing, Disability and Health Management Migration Studies International Politics and Economy Strategic Planning and Decision Making Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing Technologies Sequential and Electrical Circuits Software Engineering Overview of Business Sectors in Japan 300 (3rd Business Japanese Ⅰ Business Japanese Ⅱ Applied Japanese Japanese Linguistics Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Chinese Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Global Human Resources Management International Comparative Management History of Economic Development and Management in Japan History of Economic Development and Management in Asia Human Resource Development in the Asia Pacific Business Law in Asia Economies in the Asia Pacific International Finance Consumer Behavior Marketing Research Supply Chain Management International Marketing Japanese Production Systems E-Business Business Plans Major Seminar ⅠⅡ Sociology of Organizations International Organizations Migration Studies International Politics and Economy Strategic Planning and Decision Making Community Development Urban Environment Environmental Resource Management Developmental Economics International Law of the Sea International Economics Security Information Systems Management Knowledge Management and Data Mining Design in the Digital Age Information Systems Architecture and Networks Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅰ Language and Culture Studies International Strategy in the Asia Pacific Political Geography Pollution Control and Waste Management Hospitality Marketing Year) Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ Spanish Ⅳ Thai Ⅳ Vietnamese Ⅳ AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: APS International Governance (GOV) Active Learning Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis Auditing Advanced Accounting Tax Accounting International Accounting Investment and Security Analysis Hospitality Business Strategy International Management Investment Strategies in Asia Management Studies in the Asia Pacific Corporate Strategy Sales and Promotion Management Product Development Strategy Media Studies Environmental Law and Administration Advanced Reading Ⅰ Advanced Reading Ⅱ CAP Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis (CAP) Cultural Exchange Studies Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅱ Embedded Programming Environmental Governance Policy and Law Human Security Ecological Security Human Security Tourism Development and Planning Legal Framework of Tourism 400 (4th Year) Study at APU ERP Cluster Other Information and Programs 演習・AL Seminar APM専門教育科目 APM Major APS専門教育科目 APS Major 124 20/62 62 Finance Cost Accounting History of Management Logistics Management Information System Introduction to Business Law Civil Code ⅠⅡ Commercial Law ⅠⅡ Micro Economics Macro Economics International Trade Human Resources Management Production Management Accounting Ⅰ Accounting Ⅱ Business Management Field Study Volunteer Activities Transnational Sociology Cultural Anthropology Developmental Sociology Multiculturalism and Society Cultural Sociology Comparative Social History Research Methods for Social Sciences Social Psychology Gender Studies Politics and Economics in the Asia Pacific International Cooperation Environment and Society Environmental Studies in the Asia Pacific Introduction to Language and Culture Studies Asia Pacific Languages ⅠⅡ TESOL Ⅰ Introduction to CAP Major Seminar Field Study (CAP) Asia Pacific Tourism Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Introduction to Global Environmental Issues Natural Ecology Industrial Ecology Introduction to International Strategy International Exchange International Peace Studies Law, the Internet and Society Systems and Application Programming Database Management Systems Societies in East Asia Societies in South Asia Social Theory Active Learning 演習・AL Seminar (LCS) (ICT) (ISS) (HLS) (THP) Seminar Subjects CAP 専門科目 CAP Major Foundation in Information Technology Introduction to Programming Internet Fundamentals The Asia Pacific and Human Rights Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages and cultures of the Asia Pacific Peoples and Religions of the Asia Pacific Traditions and Societies of the Asia Pacific Contemporary Business in the Asia Pacific Japanese Culture Japanese History Contemporary Japanese Economics Contemporary Japanese Society Special Lecture (Foundation Education Subject) Bioscience Earth Sciences Introduction to Environmental Studies Contemporary Science and Technology First-Year Student Workshop Ⅰ First-Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Psychology Ethics and Contemporary Society Introduction to History Introduction to Intercultural Communication Society and Law Introduction to Political Science Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Economics Statistics Mathematics for Social Science Mathematics ⅠⅡⅢ Mathematics for Information Technology Physics ⅠⅡ Environment and Chemistry Health Science Constitution of Japan 200 (2nd Advanced English Ⅰ Advanced English Ⅱ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅰ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅱ Chinese Ⅱ Chinese Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ Korean Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian Ⅲ Occupational Awareness and Career Development Projects in Multicultural Studies Introduction to Research Methods Introduction to Business Studies Japanese Corporations in the Asia Pacific Marketing Entrepreneurship Special Lecture (APM Major Subject) Urban and Rural Studies in the Asia Pacific Energy and Resources International Politics History of International Politics International Law Globalization and Law Regional Systems of the Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Governance Project Management and Evaluation Social Life and Development Special Lecture (Area Studies) Special Lecture (APS Major Subject) Design Usability Internet Technological Integration Multimedia Design Technologies Special Lecture Business Communication Contemporary English Studies Special Lecture Globalization and Regionalism Special Lecture Human Ecology Special Lecture Travel and Hospitality Management Special Lecture Year) Spanish Ⅱ Spanish Ⅲ Thai Ⅱ Thai Ⅲ Vietnamese Ⅱ Vietnamese Ⅲ Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) Examinations and Grading 基礎 Foundation Year) Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ Thai Ⅰ Vietnamese Ⅰ 100 (1st Introduction to English Fundamental English Ⅰ Fundamental English Ⅱ Intermediate English Ⅰ Intermediate English Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course ⅠⅡⅢ Japanese Intermediate Course Japanese for Science Technology ⅠⅡⅢⅣ Urban Environment Environmental Resource Management Environmental Policy Environmental Economics Geoinformatics International Economics Developmental Economics International Law of the Sea Corporate Finance Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Markets in Asia Financial Accounting Ⅰ Financial Accounting Ⅱ Management Accounting International Transactions Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior International Economics Developmental Economics Advanced Macroeconomics Advanced Microeconomics Legal Strategy in Business Operations Research Technological Development and Production System Technology Management Internship Applied Training Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Global Human Resources Management International Comparative Management History of Economic Development and Management in Japan History of Economic Development and Management in Asia Human Resource Development in the Asia Pacific Business Law in Asia Economies in the Asia Pacific International Finance Consumer Behavior Marketing Research Supply Chain Management International Marketing Japanese Production Systems E-Business Business Plans Major Seminar ⅠⅡ Developmental Policy Community Development Sociology of Organizations International Organizations Security Information Systems Management Knowledge Management and Data Mining Design in the Digital Age Information Systems Architecture and Networks Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅰ Language and Culture Studies International Strategy in the Asia Pacific Political Geography Pollution Control and Waste Management Hospitality Marketing Year) Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ Spanish Ⅳ Thai Ⅳ Vietnamese Ⅳ Education and Society NGOs and NPOs and Citizen Networking Comparative Analysis of Western and Asia Pacific Societies Ethnicity and Nationalism Information Technology and Society Communication and Mass Media Studies CAP Major Seminar Ⅰ CAP Major Seminar ⅠⅡ Cultural Heritage Management Eco Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Environmental Analysis and Modeling Techniques Genetics and Cell Biology Ageing, Disability and Health Management Migration Studies International Politics and Economy Strategic Planning and Decision Making Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing Technologies Sequential and Electrical Circuits Software Engineering Business Negotiation TESOL Ⅱ Overview of Business Sectors in Japan 300 (3rd Business Japanese Ⅰ Business Japanese Ⅱ Applied Japanese Japanese Linguistics Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Chinese Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Course Registration Required 40 Curriculum AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: APS (ERP) 言語 Language 共通教育科目 Common AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: APS Environmental Resource Policy (ERP) Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis Auditing Advanced Accounting Tax Accounting International Accounting Investment and Security Analysis Hospitality Business Strategy International Management Investment Strategies in Asia Management Studies in the Asia Pacific Corporate Strategy Sales and Promotion Management Product Development Strategy Environmental Law and Administration Media Studies Advanced Reading Ⅰ Advanced Reading Ⅱ CAP Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis (CAP) Cultural Exchange Studies Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅱ Embedded Programming Environmental Governance Policy and Law Human Security Ecological Security Human Security Tourism Development and Planning Legal Framework of Tourism 400 (4th Year) Study at APU ■ 69 70 演習・AL Seminar APM専門教育科目 APM Major APS専門教育科目 APS Major CAP 専門科目 CAP Major 共通教育科目 Common SDS Cluster 演習・AL Seminar 基礎 Foundation 言語 Language Other Information and Programs 124 20/62 62 Required 40 Seminar Subjects Examinations and Grading Course Registration ■ AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: APS (SDS) Curriculum Accounting Ⅰ Accounting Ⅱ Business Management Societies in East Asia Societies in South Asia Social Theory First-Year Student Workshop Ⅰ First-Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Psychology Ethics and Contemporary Society Introduction to History Introduction to Intercultural Communication Society and Law Introduction to Political Science Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Economics Statistics Mathematics for Social Science Mathematics ⅠⅡⅢ Mathematics for Information Technology Physics ⅠⅡ Environment and Chemistry Health Science Constitution of Japan 100 (1st Introduction to English Fundamental English Ⅰ Fundamental English Ⅱ Intermediate English Ⅰ Intermediate English Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course ⅠⅡⅢ Japanese Intermediate Course Japanese for Science Technology ⅠⅡⅢⅣ (LCS) (ICT) (ISS) (HLS) (THP) Foundation in Information Technology Introduction to Programming Internet Fundamentals The Asia Pacific and Human Rights Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages and Cultures of the Asia Pacific Peoples and Religions of the Asia Pacific Traditions and Societies of the Asia Pacific Contemporary Business in the Asia Pacific Japanese Culture Japanese History Contemporary Japanese Economics Contemporary Japanese Society Special Lecture (Foundation Education Subject) Bioscience Earth Sciences Introduction to Environmental Studies Contemporary Science and Technology Year) Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ Thai Ⅰ Vietnamese Ⅰ Field Study Volunteer Activities Finance Cost Accounting History of Management Logistics Management Information System Introduction to Business Law Civil Code ⅠⅡ Commercial Law ⅠⅡ Micro Economics Macro Economics International Trade Human Resources Management Production Management Developmental Sociology International Cooperation Transnational Sociology Cultural Anthropology Multiculturalism and Society Cultural Sociology Comparative Social History Research Methods for Social Sciences Social Psychology Gender Studies Politics and Economics in the Asia Pacific Environment and Society Introduction to Language and Culture Studies Asia Pacific Languages ⅠⅡ TESOL Ⅰ Introduction to CAP Major Seminar Field Study (CAP) Law, the Internet and Society Systems and Application Programming Database Management Systems Asia Pacific Tourism Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Introduction to Global Environmental Issues Natural Ecology Industrial Ecology Introduction to International Strategy International Exchange International Peace Studies 200 (2nd Advanced English Ⅰ Advanced English Ⅱ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅰ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅱ Chinese Ⅱ Chinese Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ Korean Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian Ⅲ Occupational Awareness and Career Development Projects in Multicultural Studies Introduction to Research Methods Introduction to Business Studies Japanese Corporations in the Asia Pacific Marketing Entrepreneurship Special Lecture (APM Major Subject) International Politics Project Management and Evaluation Social Life and Development Energy and Resources History of International Politics International Law Globalization and Law Regional Systems of the Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Governance Urban and Rural Studies in the Asia Pacific Environmental Studies in the Asia Pacific Special Lecture (Area Studies) Special Lecture (APS Major Subject) Design Usability Internet Technological Integration Multimedia Design Technologies Special Lecture Business Communication Contemporary English Studies Special Lecture Globalization and Regionalism Special Lecture Human Ecology Special Lecture Travel and Hospitality Management Special Lecture Year) Spanish Ⅱ Spanish Ⅲ Thai Ⅱ Thai Ⅲ Vietnamese Ⅱ Vietnamese Ⅲ Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) Corporate Finance Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Markets in Asia Financial Accounting Ⅰ Financial Accounting Ⅱ Management Accounting International Transactions Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior International Economics Developmental Economics Advanced Macroeconomics Advanced Microeconomics Legal Strategy in Business Operations Research Technological Development and Production System Technology Management Internship Applied Training NGOs and NPOs and Citizen Networking Environmental Policy Environmental Economics Geoinformatics Education and Society Comparative Analysis of Western and Asia Pacific Societies Ethnicity and Nationalism Information Technology and Society Communication and Mass Media Studies International Law of the Sea CAP Major Seminar Ⅰ CAP Major Seminar Ⅱ Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing Technologies Sequential and Electrical Circuits Software Engineering Business Negotiation TESOL Ⅱ Cultural Heritage Management Eco Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Environmental Analysis and Modeling Techniques Genetics and Cell Biology Ageing, Disability and Health Management Migration Studies International Politics and Economy Strategic Planning and Decision Making Overview of Business Sectors in Japan 300 (3rd Business Japanese Ⅰ Business Japanese Ⅱ Applied Japanese Japanese Linguistics Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Chinese Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Global Human Resources Management International Comparative Management History of Economic Development and Management in Japan History of Economic Development and Management in Asia Human Resource Development in the Asia Pacific Business Law in Asia Economies in the Asia Pacific International Finance Consumer Behavior Marketing Research Supply Chain Management International Marketing Japanese Production Systems E-Business Business Plans Major Seminar ⅠⅡ International Economics Developmental Economics Developmental Policy Community Development Urban Environment Environmental Resource Management Sociology of Organizations International Organizations Security Information Systems Management Knowledge Management and Data Mining Design in the Digital Age Information Systems Architecture and Networks Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅰ Language and Culture Studies Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis Auditing Advanced Accounting Tax Accounting International Accounting Investment and Security Analysis Hospitality Business Strategy International Management Investment Strategies in Asia Management Studies in the Asia Pacific Corporate Strategy Sales and Promotion Management Product Development Strategy Environmental Law and Administration Advanced Reading Ⅰ Advanced Reading Ⅱ Media Studies CAP Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis (CAP) Cultural Exchange Studies Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅰ Embedded Programming Environmental Governance Policy and Law Human Security Ecological Security Human Security Pollution Control and Waste Management International Strategy in the Asia Pacific Political Geography Tourism Development and Planning Legal Framework of Tourism 400 (4th Year) Study at APU Hospitality Marketing Year) Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ Spanish Ⅳ Thai Ⅳ Vietnamese Ⅳ AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: APS Sustainable Development Studies (SDS) Active Learning Other Information and Programs 演習・AL Seminar 124 Accounting Ⅰ Accounting Ⅱ Business Management APM専門教育科目 APM Major 62 Societies in East Asia Societies in South Asia Social Theory 演習・AL Seminar Active Learning APS専門教育科目 APS Major CAP 専門科目 CAP Major First-Year Student Workshop Ⅰ First-Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Psychology Ethics and Contemporary Society Introduction to History Introduction to Intercultural Communication Society and Law Introduction to Political Science Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Economics Statistics Mathematics for Social Science Mathematics ⅠⅡⅢ Mathematics for Information Technology Physics ⅠⅡ Environment and Chemistry Health Science Constitution of Japan (LCS) (ICT) (ISS) (HLS) (THP) Foundation in Information Technology Introduction to Programming Internet Fundamentals The Asia Pacific and Human Rights Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages and Culutres of the Asia Pacific Peoples and Religions of the Asia Pacific Traditions and Societies of the Asia Pacific Contemporary Business in the Asia Pacific Japanese Culture Japanese History Contemporary Japanese Economics Contemporary Japanese Society Special Lecture (Foundation Education Subject) Bioscience Earth Sciences Introduction to Environmental Studies Contemporary Science and Technology Seminar Subjects 基礎 Foundation Year) Spanish Ⅱ Spanish Ⅲ Thai Ⅱ Thai Ⅲ Vietnamese Ⅱ Vietnamese Ⅲ Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) Overview of Business Sectors in Japan 300 (3rd Business Japanese Ⅰ Business Japanese Ⅱ Applied Japanese Japanese Linguistics Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Chinese Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Field Study Volunteer Activities Transnational Sociology Cultural Anthropology Developmental Sociology Multiculturalism and Society Cultural Sociology Comparative Social History Research Methods for Social Sciences Social Psychology Gender Studies Politics and Economics in the Asia Pacific International Cooperation Environment and Society Environmental Studies in the Asia Pacific Finance Cost Accounting History of Management Logistics Management Information System Introduction to Business Law Civil Code ⅠⅡ Commercial Law ⅠⅡ Micro Economics Macro Economics International Trade Human Resources Management Production Management Education and Society NGOs and NPOs and Citizen Networking Comparative Analysis of Western and Asia Pacific Societies Ethnicity and Nationalism Information Technology and Society Communication and Mass Media Studies Environmental Policy Environmental Economics Geoinformatics International Economics Developmental Economics International Law of the Sea Corporate Finance Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Markets in Asia Financial Accounting Ⅰ Financial Accounting Ⅱ Management Accounting International Transactions Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior International Economics Developmental Economics Advanced Macroeconomics Advanced Microeconomics Legal Strategy in Business Operations Research Technological Development and Production System Technology Management Introduction to Research Methods Internship Introduction to Business Studies Applied Training Japanese Corporations in the Asia Pacific Marketing Entrepreneurship Special Lecture (APM Major Subject) Energy and Resources International Politics History of International Politics International Law Globalization and Law Regional Systems of the Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Governance Project Management and Evaluation Social Life and Development Urban and Rural Studies in the Asia Pacific Special Lecture (Area Studies) Special Lecture (APS Major Subject) Travel and Hospitality Management Cultural Heritage Management Special Lecture Eco Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Human Ecology Environmental Analysis and Modeling Techniques Special Lecture Genetics and Cell Biology Ageing, Disability and Health Management Globalization and Regionalism Migration Studies Special Lecture International Politics and Economy Strategic Planning and Decision Making Design Usability Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing Technologies Internet Technological Integration Sequential and Electrical Circuits Multimedia Design Technologies Software Engineering Special Lecture Business Negotiation Introduction to Language and Culture Studies Business Communication Asia Pacific Languages ⅠⅡ Contemporary English Studies TESOL Ⅱ TESOL Ⅰ Special Lecture Introduction to CAP Major Seminar CAP Major Seminar Ⅰ Field Study (CAP) CAP Major Seminar Ⅱ Asia Pacific Tourism Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Introduction to Global Environmental Issues Natural Ecology Industrial Ecology Introduction to International Strategy International Exchange International Peace Studies Law, the Internet and Society Systems and Application Programming Database Management Systems 200 (2nd Adavanced English Ⅰ Adavanced English Ⅱ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅰ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅱ Chinese Ⅱ Chinese Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ Korean Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian Ⅲ Occupational Awareness and Career Development Projects in Multicultural Studies Examinations and Grading 言語 Language Course Registration 共通教育科目 Common AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: APM Environmental Governance Policy and Law Human Security Ecological Security Human Security Pollution Control and Waste Management Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Global Human Resources Management International Comparative Management History of Economic Development and Management in Japan History of Economic Development and Management in Asia Human Resource Development in the Asia Pacific Business Law in Asia Economies in the Asia Pacific International Finance Consumer Behavior Marketing Research Supply Chain Management International Marketing Japanese Production Systems E-Business Business Plans Major Seminar ⅠⅡ Developmental Policy Community Development Urban Environment Environmental Resource Management Sociology of Organizations International Organizations Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis Auditing Advanced Accounting Tax Accounting International Accounting Investment and Security Analysis Hospitality Business Strategy International Management Investment Strategies in Asia Management Studies in the Asia Pacific Corporate Strategy Sales and Promotion Management Product Development Strategy Media Studies Environmental Law and Administration Advanced Reading Ⅰ Advanced Reading Ⅱ CAP Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis (CAP) Security Information Systems Management Embedded Programming Knowledge Management and Data Mining Design in the Digital Age Information Systems Architecture and Networks Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅰ Cultural Exchange Studies Language and Culture Studies Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅱ International Strategy in the Asia Pacific Political Geography Tourism Development and Planning Legal Framework of Tourism 400 (4th Year) Hospitality Marketing Year) Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ Spanish Ⅳ Thai Ⅳ Vietnamese Ⅳ Curriculum AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: APM 100 (1st Year) Chinese Ⅰ Introduction to English Korean Ⅰ Fundamental English Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ Fundamental English Ⅱ Spanish Ⅰ Intermediate English Ⅰ Thai Ⅰ Intermediate English Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course ⅠⅡⅢ Vietnamese Ⅰ Japanese Intermediate Course Japanese for Science Technology ⅠⅡⅢⅣ Required 40 Study at APU ■ 71 72 演習・AL Seminar APM専門教育科目 APM Major APS専門教育科目 APS Major CAP 専門科目 CAP Major 共通教育科目 Common CAP Count CAP Count 演習・AL Seminar 基礎 Foundation 言語 Language Other Information and Programs 124 32 30 Required 40 Seminar Subjects Examinations and Grading Course Registration ■ AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: CAP (THP) Curriculum Accounting Ⅰ Accounting Ⅱ Business Management Societies in East Asia Societies in South Asia Social Theory First-Year Student Workshop Ⅰ First-Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Psychology Ethics and Contemporary Society Introduction to History Introduction to Intercultural Communication Society and Law Introduction to Political Science Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Economics Statistics Mathematics for Social Science Mathematics ⅠⅡⅢ Mathematics for Information Technology Physics ⅠⅡ Environment and Chemistry Health Science Constitution of Japan 100 (1st Introduction to English Fundamental English Ⅰ Fundamental English Ⅱ Intermediate English Ⅰ Intermediate English Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course ⅠⅡⅢ Japanese Intermediate Course Japanese for Science Technology ⅠⅡⅢⅣ (LCS) (ICT) (ISS) (HLS) (THP) Foundation in Information Technology Introduction to Programming Internet Fundamentals The Asia Pacific and Human Rights Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages and Culutres of the Asia Pacific Peoples and Religions of the Asia Pacific Traditions and Societies of the Asia Pacific Contemporary Business in the Asia Pacific Japanese Culture Japanese History Contemporary Japanese Economics Contemporary Japanese Society Special Lecture (Foundation Education Subject) Bioscience Earth Sciences Introduction to Environmental Studies Contemporary Science and Technology Year) Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ Thai Ⅰ Vietnamese Ⅰ Field Study Volunteer Activities Marketing Human Resources Management Finance Cost Accounting History of Management Logistics Management Information System Introduction to Business Law Civil Code ⅠⅡ Commercial Law ⅠⅡ Micro Economics Macro Economics International Trade Politics and Economics in the Asia Pacific Environmental Studies in the Asia Pacific Transnational Sociology Cultural Anthropology Developmental Sociology Multiculturalism and Society Cultural Sociology Comparative Social History Research Methods for Social Sciences Social Psychology Gender Studies International Cooperation Environment and Society Introduction to Language and Culture Studies Asia Pacific Languages ⅠⅡ TESOL Ⅰ Introduction to CAP Major Seminar Field Study (CAP) Asia Pacific Tourism Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Introduction to Global Environmental Issues Natural Ecology Industrial Ecology Introduction to International Strategy International Exchange International Peace Studies Law, the Internet and Society Systems and Application Programming Database Management Systems 200 (2nd Adavanced English Ⅰ Adavanced English Ⅱ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅰ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅱ Chinese Ⅱ Chinese Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ Korean Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian Ⅲ Occupational Awareness and Career Development Projects in Multicultural Studies Introduction to Research Methods Introduction to Business Studies Japanese Corporations in the Asia Pacific Production Management Entrepreneurship Special Lecture (APM Major Subject) Energy and Resources International Politics History of International Politics International Law Globalization and Law Regional Systems of the Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Governance Project Management and Evaluation Social Life and Development Urban and Rural Studies in the Asia Pacific Special Lecture (Area Studies) Special Lecture (APS Major Subject) Design Usability Internet Technological Integration Multimedia Design Technologies Special Lecture Business Communication Contemporary English Studies Special Lecture Globalization and Regionalism Special Lecture Human Ecology Special Lecture Travel and Hospitality Management Special Lecture Year) Spanish Ⅱ Spanish Ⅲ Thai Ⅱ Thai Ⅲ Vietnamese Ⅱ Vietnamese Ⅲ Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) Consumer Behavior Marketing Research Supply Chain Management Internship Applied Training Corporate Finance Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Markets in Asia Financial Accounting Ⅰ Financial Accounting Ⅱ Management Accounting International Transactions Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior International Economics Developmental Economics Advanced Macroeconomics Advanced Microeconomics Legal Strategy in Business Operations Research Education and Society NGOs and NPOs and Citizen Networking Comparative Analysis of Western and Asia Pacific Societies Ethnicity and Nationalism Information Technology and Society Communication and Mass Media Studies Environmental Policy Environmental Economics Geoinformatics International Economics Developmental Economics International Law of the Sea Developmental Policy Community Development CAP Major Seminar Ⅰ CAP Major Seminar Ⅱ Business Negotiation TESOL Ⅱ Cultural Heritage Management Eco Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Environmental Analysis and Modeling Techniques Genetics and Cell Biology Ageing, Disability and Health Management Migration Studies International Politics and Economy Strategic Planning and Decision Making Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing Technologies Sequential and Electrical Circuits Software Engineering Overview of Business Sectors in Japan 300 (3rd Business Japanese Ⅰ Business Japanese Ⅱ Applied Japanese Japanese Linguistics Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Chinese Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Major Seminar ⅠⅡ Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Global Human Resources Management International Comparative Management History of Economic Development and Management in Japan History of Economic Development and Management in Asia Human Resource Development in the Asia Pacific Business Law in Asia Economies in the Asia Pacific International Finance Technological Development and Production System Technology Management International Marketing Japanese Production Systems E-Business Business Plans Urban Environment Environmental Resource Management Sociology of Organizations International Organizations Security Information Systems Management Knowledge Management and Data Mining Design in the Digital Age Information Systems Architecture and Networks Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅰ Language and Culture Studies Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesi Auditing Advanced Accounting Tax Accounting International Accounting Investment and Security Analysis International Management Investment Strategies in Asia Management Studies in the Asia Pacific Corporate Strategy Sales and Promotion Management Product Development Strategy Hospitality Business Strategy Media Studies Environmental Law and Administration Advanced Reading Ⅰ Advanced Reading Ⅱ CAP Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis (CAP) Cultural Exchange Studies Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅱ Embedded Programming Environmental Governance Policy and Law Human Security Ecological Security Human Security Pollution Control and Waste Management International Strategy in the Asia Pacific Political Geography Tourism Development and Planning Legal Framework of Tourism 400 (4th Year) Study at APU Hospitality Marketing Year) Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ Spanish Ⅳ Thai Ⅳ Vietnamese Ⅳ AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: CAP Tourism and Hospitality Program (THP) Active Learning CAP Count CAP Count Other Information and Programs 演習・AL Seminar APM専門教育科目 APM Major APS専門教育科目 APS Major 演習・AL Seminar 124 32 30 Accounting Ⅰ Accounting Ⅱ Business Management Societies in East Asia Societies in South Asia Social Theory Active Learning CAP 専門科目 CAP Major First-Year Student Workshop Ⅰ First-Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Psychology Ethics and Contemporary Society Introduction to History Introduction to Intercultural Communication Society and Law Introduction to Political Science Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Economics Statistics Mathematics for Social Science Mathematics ⅠⅡⅢ Mathematics for Information Technology Physics ⅠⅡ Environment and Chemistry Health Science constitution of Japan (LCS) (ICT) (ISS) (HLS) (THP) Foundation in Information Technology Introduction to Programming Internet Fundamentals The Asia Pacific and Human Rights Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages and Culutres of the Asia Pacific Peoples and Religions of the Asia Pacific Traditions and Societies of the Asia Pacific Contemporary Business in the Asia Pacific Japanese Culture Japanese History Contemporary Japanese Economics Contemporary Japanese Society Special Lecture (Foundation Education Subject) Bioscience Earth Sciences Introduction to Environmental Studies Contemporary Science and Technology Seminar Subjects 基礎 Foundation Year) Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ Thai Ⅰ Vietnamese Ⅰ Japanese Corporations in the Asia Pacific Field Study Volunteer Activities Finance Cost Accounting History of Management Logistics Management Information System Introduction to Business Law Civil Code ⅠⅡ Commercial Law ⅠⅡ Micro Economics Macro Economics International Trade Human Resources Management Environmental Studies in the Asia Pacific Transnational Sociology Cultural Anthropology Developmental Sociology Multiculturalism and Society Cultural Sociology Comparative Social History Research Methods for Social Sciences Social Psychology Gender Studies Politics and Economics in the Asia Pacific International Cooperation Introduction to Language and Culture Studies Asia Pacific Languages ⅠⅡ TESOL Ⅰ Introduction to CAP Major Seminar Field Study (CAP) Asia Pacific Tourism Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Introduction to Global Environmental Issues Natural Ecology Industrial Ecology Introduction to International Strategy International Exchange International Peace Studies Law, the Internet and Society Systems and Application Programming Database Management Systems 200 (2nd Adavanced English Ⅰ Adavanced English Ⅱ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅰ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅱ Chinese Ⅱ Chinese Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ Korean Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian Ⅲ Occupational Awareness and Career Development Projects in Multicultural Studies Production Management Introduction to Research Methods Introduction to Business Studies Marketing Entrepreneurship Special Lecture (APM Major Subject) Environment and Society International Politics History of International Politics International Law Globalization and Law Regional Systems of the Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Governance Project Management and Evaluation Social Life and Development Urban and Rural Studies in the Asia Pacific Special Lecture (Area Studies) Special Lecture (APS Major Subject) Energy and Resources Design Usability Internet Technological Integration Multimedia Design Technologies Special Lecture Business Communication Contemporary English Studies Special Lecture Globalization and Regionalism Special Lecture Human Ecology Special Lecture Travel and Hospitality Management Special Lecture Year) Spanish Ⅱ Spanish Ⅲ Thai Ⅱ Thai Ⅲ Vietnamese Ⅱ Vietnamese Ⅲ Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) Examinations and Grading 100 (1st Introduction to English Fundamental English Ⅰ Fundamental English Ⅱ Intermediate English Ⅰ Intermediate English Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course ⅠⅡⅢ Japanese Intermediate Course Japanese for Science Technology ⅠⅡⅢⅣ Corporate Finance Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Markets in Asia Financial Accounting Ⅰ Financial Accounting Ⅱ Management Accounting International Transactions Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior International Economics Developmental Economics Advanced Macroeconomics Advanced Microeconomics Legal Strategy in Business Operations Research Technology Management Consumer Behavior Internship Applied Training Urban Environment Education and Society NGOs and NPOs and Citizen Networking Comparative Analysis of Western and Asia Pacific Societies Ethnicity and Nationalism Information Technology and Society Communication and Mass Media Studies Environmental Economics International Economics CAP Major Seminar Ⅰ CAP Major Seminar Ⅱ Business Negotiation TESOL Ⅱ Cultural Heritage Management Eco Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Environmental Analysis and Modeling Techniques Genetics and Cell Biology Ageing, Disability and Health Management Migration Studies International Politics and Economy Strategic Planning and Decision Making Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing Technologies Sequential and Electrical Circuits Software Engineering Overview of Business Sectors in Japan 300 (3rd Business Japanese Ⅰ Business Japanese Ⅱ Applied Japanese Japanese Linguistics Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Chinese Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Course Registration Required 40 Environmental Policy Geoinformatics Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Global Human Resources Management International Comparative Management History of Economic Development and Management in Japan History of Economic Development and Management in Asia Human Resource Development in the Asia Pacific Business Law in Asia Economies in the Asia Pacific International Finance Marketing Research Supply Chain Management International Marketing Japanese Production Systems E-Business Business Plans Technological Development and Production System Major Seminar ⅠⅡ Environmental Resource Management Sociology of Organizations International Organizations Developmental Economics International Law of the Sea Developmental Policy Community Development Security Information Systems Management Knowledge Management and Data Mining Design in the Digital Age Information Systems Architecture and Networks Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅰ Language and Culture Studies Product Development Strategy Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis Auditing Advanced Accounting Tax Accounting International Accounting Investment and Security Analysis Hospitality Business Strategy International Management Investment Strategies in Asia Management Studies in the Asia Pacific Corporate Strategy Sales and Promotion Management Media Studies Environmental Law and Administration Advanced Reading Ⅰ Advanced Reading Ⅱ CAP Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis (CAP) Cultural Exchange Studies Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅱ Embedded Programming Environmental Governance Policy and Law Human Security Ecological Security Human Security Pollution Control and Waste Management International Strategy in the Asia Pacific Political Geography Tourism Development and Planning Legal Framework of Tourism 400 (4th Year) Hospitality Marketing Year) Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ Spanish Ⅳ Thai Ⅳ Vietnamese Ⅳ Curriculum AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: CAP (HLS) 言語 Language Study at APU 共通教育科目 Common AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: CAP Health, Environment and Life Sciences Program (HLS) ■ 73 74 演習・AL Seminar APM専門教育科目 APM Major APS専門教育科目 APS Major CAP 専門科目 CAP Major 共通教育科目 Common CAP Count CAP Count 演習・AL Seminar 基礎 Foundation 言語 Language Other Information and Programs 124 32 30 Required 40 Seminar Subjects Examinations and Grading Course Registration ■ AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: CAP (ISS) Curriculum Accounting Ⅰ Accounting Ⅱ Business Management Societies in East Asia Societies in South Asia Social Theory Foundation in Information Technology Introduction to Programming Internet Fundamentals The Asia Pacific and Human Rights Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages and Culutres of the Asia Pacific Peoples and Religions of the Asia Pacific Traditions and Societies of the Asia Pacific Contemporary Business in the Asia Pacific Japanese Culture Japanese History Contemporary Japanese Economics Contemporary Japanese Society Special Lecture (Foundation Education Subject) Bioscience Earth Sciences Introduction to Environmental Studies Contemporary Science and Technology First-Year Student Workshop Ⅰ First-Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Psychology Ethics and Contemporary Society Introduction to History Introduction to Intercultural Communication Society and Law Introduction to Political Science Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Economics Statistics Mathematics for Social Science Mathematics ⅠⅡⅢ Mathematics for Information Technology Physics ⅠⅡ Environment and Chemistry Health Science Constitution of Japan (LCS) (ICT) (ISS) (HLS) (THP) Year) Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ Thai Ⅰ Vietnamese Ⅰ 100 (1st Introduction to English Fundamental English Ⅰ Fundamental English Ⅱ Intermediate English Ⅰ Intermediate English Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course ⅠⅡⅢ Japanese Intermediate Course Japanese for Science Technology ⅠⅡⅢⅣ Year) Spanish Ⅱ Spanish Ⅲ Thai Ⅱ Thai Ⅲ Vietnamese Ⅱ Vietnamese Ⅲ Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) Overview of Business Sectors in Japan 300 (3rd Business Japanese Ⅰ Business Japanese Ⅱ Applied Japanese Japanese Linguistics Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Chinese Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Field Study Volunteer Activities International Trade Finance Cost Accounting History of Management Logistics Management Information System Introduction to Business Law Civil Code ⅠⅡ Commercial Law ⅠⅡ Micro Economics Macro Economics Human Resources Management Production Management Transnational Sociology Cultural Anthropology Developmental Sociology Multiculturalism and Society Cultural Sociology Comparative Social History Research Methods for Social Sciences Social Psychology Gender Studies Politics and Economics in the Asia Pacific Environment and Society International Law Asia Pacific Tourism Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Introduction to Global Environmental Issues Natural Ecology Industrial Ecology Introduction to International Strategy International Exchange International Peace Studies Law, the Internet and Society Systems and Application Programming Database Management Systems International Economics Education and Society NGOs and NPOs and Citizen Networking Comparative Analysis of Western and Asia Pacific Societies Ethnicity and Nationalism Information Technology and Society Communication and Mass Media Studies Environmental Policy Developmental Economics Corporate Finance Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Markets in Asia Financial Accounting Ⅰ Financial Accounting Ⅱ Management Accounting International Transactions Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Developmental Economics Advanced Macroeconomics Advanced Microeconomics Legal Strategy in Business Operations Research Technological Development and Production System International Economics International Finance Introduction to Research Methods Internship Introduction to Business Studies Applied Training Energy and Resources History of International Politics Environmental Studies in the Asia Pacific Globalization and Law Regional Systems of the Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Governance Project Management and Evaluation Social Life and Development Urban and Rural Studies in the Asia Pacific Special Lecture (Area Studies) Special Lecture (APS Major Subject) International Cooperation International Politics Japanese Corporations in the Asia Pacific Marketing Entrepreneurship Special Lecture (APM Major Subject) Travel and Hospitality Management Cultural Heritage Management Special Lecture Eco Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Environmental Analysis and Modeling Techniques Human Ecology Special Lecture Genetics and Cell Biology Ageing, Disability and Health Management Globalization and Regionalism Migration Studies Special Lecture International Politics and Economy Strategic Planning and Decision Making Design Usability Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing Technologies Internet Technological Integration Sequential and Electrical Circuits Multimedia Design Technologies Software Engineering Special Lecture Business Negotiation Introduction to Language and Culture Studies Business Communication Asia Pacific Languages ⅠⅡ Contemporary English Studies TESOL Ⅱ Special Lecture TESOL Ⅰ CAP Major Seminar Ⅰ Introduction to CAP Major Seminar Field Study (CAP) CAP Major Seminar Ⅱ 200 (2nd Adavanced English Ⅰ Adavanced English Ⅱ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅰ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅱ Chinese Ⅱ Chinese Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ Korean Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian Ⅲ Occupational Awareness and Career Development Projects in Multicultural Studies Environmental Governance Policy and Law Human Security Ecological Security Human Security Pollution Control and Waste Management International Organizations International Law of the Sea Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Global Human Resources Management History of Economic Development and Management in Japan History of Economic Development and Management in Asia Human Resource Development in the Asia Pacific Business Law in Asia Economies in the Asia Pacific Consumer Behavior Marketing Research Supply Chain Management Technology Management Japanese Production Systems E-Business Business Plans International Marketing International Comparative Management Major Seminar ⅠⅡ Developmental Policy Community Development Urban Environment Environmental Resource Management Sociology of Organizations Environmental Economics Geoinformatics Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis International Management Auditing Advanced Accounting Tax Accounting International Accounting Investment and Security Analysis Hospitality Business Strategy Investment Strategies in Asia Management Studies in the Asia Pacific Corporate Strategy Sales and Promotion Management Product Development Strategy Media Studies Environmental Law and Administration Advanced Reading Ⅰ Advanced Reading Ⅱ CAP Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis (CAP) Security Information Systems Management Embedded Programming Knowledge Management and Data Mining Design in the Digital Age Information Systems Architecture and Networks Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅰ Cultural Exchange Studies Language and Culture Studies Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅱ International Strategy in the Asia Pacific Political Geography Tourism Development and Planning Legal Framework of Tourism 400 (4th Year) Study at APU Hospitality Marketing Year) Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ Spanish Ⅳ Thai Ⅳ Vietnamese Ⅳ AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: CAP International Strategic Studies Program (ISS) Active Learning CAP Count Other Information and Programs 演習・AL Seminar APM専門教育科目 APM Major APS専門教育科目 APS Major 演習・AL Seminar 124 32 30 Accounting Ⅰ Accounting Ⅱ Business Management Societies in East Asia Societies in South Asia Social Theory Active Learning CAP 専門科目 CAP Major (LCS) (ICT) (ISS) (HLS) (THP) Foundation in Information Technology Introduction to Programming Internet Fundamentals The Asia Pacific and Human Rights Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages and Culutres of the Asia Pacific Peoples and Religions of the Asia Pacific Traditions and Societies of the Asia Pacific Contemporary Business in the Asia Pacific Japanese Culture Japanese History Contemporary Japanese Economics Contemporary Japanese Society Special Lecture (Foundation Education Subject) Bioscience Earth Sciences Introduction to Environmental Studies Contemporary Science and Technology First-Year Student Workshop Ⅰ First-Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Psychology Ethics and Contemporary Society Introduction to History Introduction to Intercultural Communication Society and Law Introduction to Political Science Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Economics Statistics Mathematics for Social Science Mathematics ⅠⅡⅢ Mathematics for Information Technology Physics ⅠⅡ Environment and Chemistry Health Science Constitution of Japan Seminar Subjects 基礎 Foundation Year) Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ Thai Ⅰ Vietnamese Ⅰ Management Information System Field Study Volunteer Activities Transnational Sociology Cultural Anthropology Developmental Sociology Multiculturalism and Society Cultural Sociology Comparative Social History Research Methods for Social Sciences Social Psychology Gender Studies Politics and Economics in the Asia Pacific International Cooperation Environment and Society Environmental Studies in the Asia Pacific Finance Cost Accounting History of Management Logistics Introduction to Business Law Civil Code ⅠⅡ Commercial Law ⅠⅡ Micro Economics Macro Economics International Trade Human Resources Management Production Management Introduction to Language and Culture Studies Asia Pacific Languages ⅠⅡ TESOL Ⅰ Introduction to CAP Major Seminar Field Study (CAP) Asia Pacific Tourism Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Introduction to Global Environmental Issues Natural Ecology Industrial Ecology Introduction to International Strategy International Exchange International Peace Studies Law, the Internet and Society Systems and Application Programming Database Management Systems 200 (2nd Adavanced English Ⅰ Adavanced English Ⅱ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅰ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅱ Chinese Ⅱ Chinese Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ Korean Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian Ⅲ Occupational Awareness and Career Development Projects in Multicultural Studies Introduction to Research Methods Introduction to Business Studies Japanese Corporations in the Asia Pacific Marketing Entrepreneurship Special Lecture (APM Major Subject) Energy and Resources International Politics History of International Politics International Law Globalization and Law Regional Systems of the Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Governance Project Management and Evaluation Social Life and Development Urban and Rural Studies in the Asia Pacific Special Lecture (Area Studies) Special Lecture (APS Major Subject) Design Usability Internet Technological Integration Multimedia Design Technologies Special Lecture Business Communication Contemporary English Studies Special Lecture Globalization and Regionalism Special Lecture Human Ecology Special Lecture Travel and Hospitality Management Special Lecture Year) Spanish Ⅱ Spanish Ⅲ Thai Ⅱ Thai Ⅲ Vietnamese Ⅱ Vietnamese Ⅲ Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) Examinations and Grading 100 (1st Introduction to English Fundamental English Ⅰ Fundamental English Ⅱ Intermediate English Ⅰ Intermediate English Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course ⅠⅡⅢ Japanese Intermediate Course Japanese for Science Technology ⅠⅡⅢⅣ Corporate Finance Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Markets in Asia Financial Accounting Ⅰ Financial Accounting Ⅱ Management Accounting International Transactions Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior International Economics Developmental Economics Advanced Macroeconomics Advanced Microeconomics Legal Strategy in Business Operations Research Technological Development and Production System E-Business Internship Applied Training Education and Society NGOs and NPOs and Citizen Networking Comparative Analysis of Western and Asia Pacific Societies Ethnicity and Nationalism Information Technology and Society Communication and Mass Media Studies Environmental Policy Environmental Economics Geoinformatics International Economics Developmental Economics International Law of the Sea CAP Major Seminar Ⅰ CAP Major Seminar Ⅱ Business Negotiation TESOL Ⅱ Cultural Heritage Management Eco Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Environmental Analysis and Modeling Techniques Genetics and Cell Biology Ageing, Disability and Health Management Migration Studies International Politics and Economy Strategic Planning and Decision Making Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing Technologies Sequential and Electrical Circuits Software Engineering Overview of Business Sectors in Japan 300 (3rd Business Japanese Ⅰ Business Japanese Ⅱ Applied Japanese Japanese Linguistics Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Chinese Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Course Registration Required 40 Major Seminar ⅠⅡ Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Global Human Resources Management International Comparative Management History of Economic Development and Management in Japan History of Economic Development and Management in Asia Human Resource Development in the Asia Pacific Business Law in Asia Economies in the Asia Pacific International Finance Consumer Behavior Marketing Research Supply Chain Management International Marketing Japanese Production Systems Technology Management Business Plans Developmental Policy Community Development Urban Environment Environmental Resource Management Sociology of Organizations International Organizations Security Information Systems Management Knowledge Management and Data Mining Design in the Digital Age Information Systems Architecture and Networks Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅰ Language and Culture Studies International Strategy in the Asia Pacific Political Geography Pollution Control and Waste Management Hospitality Marketing Year) Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ Spanish Ⅳ Thai Ⅳ Vietnamese Ⅳ Curriculum AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: CAP (ICT) 言語 Language 共通教育科目 Common Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis Auditing Advanced Accounting Tax Accounting International Accounting Investment and Security Analysis Hospitality Business Strategy International Management Investment Strategies in Asia Management Studies in the Asia Pacific Corporate Strategy Sales and Promotion Management Product Development Strategy Media Studies Environmental Law and Administration Advanced Reading Ⅰ Advanced Reading Ⅱ CAP Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis (CAP) Cultural Exchange Studies Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅱ Embedded Programming Environmental Governance Policy and Law Human Security Ecological Security Human Security Tourism Development and Planning Legal Framework of Tourism 400 (4th Year) AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: CAP Information and Communications Technology Program (ICT) Study at APU ■ 75 76 演習・AL Seminar APM専門教育科目 APM Major APS専門教育科目 APS Major CAP 専門科目 CAP Major 共通教育科目 Common CAP Count CAP Count 演習・AL Seminar 基礎 Foundation 言語 Language Other Information and Programs Required 40 124 32 30 Seminar Subjects Examinations and Grading Course Registration ■ AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: CAP (LCS) Curriculum Accounting Ⅰ Accounting Ⅱ Business Management Societies in East Asia Societies in South Asia Social Theory First-Year Student Workshop Ⅰ First-Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Psychology Ethics and Contemporary Society Introduction to History Introduction to Intercultural Communication Society and Law Introduction to Political Science Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Economics Statistics Mathematics for Social Science Mathematics ⅠⅡⅢ Mathematics for Information Technology Physics ⅠⅡ Environment and Chemistry Health Science Constitution of Japan 100 (1st Introduction to English Fundamental English Ⅰ Fundamental English Ⅱ Intermediate English Ⅰ Intermediate English Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course ⅠⅡⅢ Japanese Intermediate Course Japanese for Science Technology ⅠⅡⅢⅣ (LCS) (ICT) (ISS) (HLS) (THP) Foundation in Information Technology Introduction to Programming Internet Fundamentals The Asia Pacific and Human Rights Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages and Culutres of the Asia Pacific Peoples and Religions of the Asia Pacific Traditions and Societies of the Asia Pacific Contemporary Business in the Asia Pacific Japanese Culture Japanese History Contemporary Japanese Economics Contemporary Japanese Society Special Lecture (Foundation Education Subject) Bioscience Earth Sciences Introduction to Environmental Studies Contemporary Science and Technology Year) Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ Thai Ⅰ Vietnamese Ⅰ Field Study Volunteer Activities Japanese Corporations in the Asia Pacific Transnational Sociology Developmental Sociology Comparative Social History Research Methods for Social Sciences Social Psychology Gender Studies Politics and Economics in the Asia Pacific International Cooperation Environment and Society Environmental Studies in the Asia Pacific Urban and Rural Studies in the Asia Pacific Multiculturalism and Society Cultural Anthropology Finance Cost Accounting History of Management Logistics Management Information System Introduction to Business Law Civil Code ⅠⅡ Commercial Law ⅠⅡ Micro Economics Introduction to Language and Culture Studies Asia Pacific Languages ⅠⅡ TESOL Ⅰ Introduction to CAP Major Seminar Field Study (CAP) Asia Pacific Tourism Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Introduction to Global Environmental Issues Natural Ecology Industrial Ecology Introduction to International Strategy International Exchange International Peace Studies Law, the Internet and Society Systems and Application Programming Database Management Systems 200 (2nd Adavanced English Ⅰ Adavanced English Ⅱ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅰ Japanese Advanced Course Ⅱ Chinese Ⅱ Chinese Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ Korean Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian Ⅲ Occupational Awareness and Career Development Projects in Multicultural Studies Introduction to Research Methods Introduction to Business Studies Macro Economics International Trade Human Resources Management Production Management Marketing Entrepreneurship Special Lecture (APM Major Subject) Energy and Resources International Politics History of International Politics International Law Globalization and Law Regional Systems of the Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Governance Project Management and Evaluation Social Life and Development Special Lecture (Area Studies) Special Lecture (APS Major Subject) Cultural Sociology Design Usability Internet Technological Integration Multimedia Design Technologies Special Lecture Business Communication Contemporary English Studies Special Lecture Globalization and Regionalism Special Lecture Human Ecology Special Lecture Travel and Hospitality Management Special Lecture Year) Spanish Ⅱ Spanish Ⅲ Thai Ⅱ Thai Ⅲ Vietnamese Ⅱ Vietnamese Ⅲ Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) Internship Applied Training Corporate Finance Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Markets in Asia Financial Accounting Ⅰ Financial Accounting Ⅱ Management Accounting International Transactions Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior International Economics Developmental Economics Advanced Macroeconomics Advanced Microeconomics Legal Strategy in Business Operations Research Technological Development and Production System Technology Management Economies in the Asia Pacific Education and Society NGOs and NPOs and Citizen Networking Comparative Analysis of Western and Asia Pacific Societies Ethnicity and Nationalism Information Technology and Society Communication and Mass Media Studies Environmental Policy Environmental Economics Geoinformatics CAP Major Seminar Ⅰ CAP Major Seminar Ⅱ Business Negotiation TESOL Ⅱ Cultural Heritage Management Eco Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Environmental Analysis and Modeling Techniques Genetics and Cell Biology Ageing, Disability and Health Management Migration Studies International Politics and Economy Strategic Planning and Decision Making Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing Technologies Sequential and Electrical Circuits Software Engineering Overview of Business Sectors in Japan 300 (3rd Business Japanese Ⅰ Business Japanese Ⅱ Applied Japanese Japanese Linguistics Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Chinese Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Major Seminar ⅠⅡ Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Global Human Resources Management International Comparative Management History of Economic Development and Management in Japan History of Economic Development and Management in Asia Human Resource Development in the Asia Pacific Business Law in Asia International Finance Consumer Behavior Marketing Research Supply Chain Management International Marketing Japanese Production Systems E-Business Business Plans Developmental Policy Community Development Urban Environment Environmental Resource Management Sociology of Organizations International Organizations International Economics Developmental Economics International Law of the Sea Security Information Systems Management Knowledge Management and Data Mining Design in the Digital Age Information Systems Architecture and Networks Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅰ Language and Culture Studies International Strategy in the Asia Pacific Political Geography Pollution Control and Waste Management Hospitality Marketing Year) Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ Spanish Ⅳ Thai Ⅳ Vietnamese Ⅳ AY 2006 Curriculum Outline: CAP Language and Cultural Studies Program (LCS) Active Learning Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis Management Studies in the Asia Pacific Auditing Advanced Accounting Tax Accounting International Accounting Investment and Security Analysis Hospitality Business Strategy International Management Investment Strategies in Asia Corporate Strategy Sales and Promotion Management Product Development Strategy Media Studies Environmental Law and Administration Advanced Reading Ⅰ Advanced Reading Ⅱ CAP Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis (CAP) Cultural Exchange Studies Cultural Literacy and Interpreting Ⅱ Embedded Programming Environmental Governance Policy and Law Human Security Ecological Security Human Security Tourism Development and Planning Legal Framework of Tourism 400 (4th Year) Study at APU Study at APU 2.3.6 AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List About the Subject List The subject list includes information for each course, such as the course code and credit ■ completion field. An explanation of how to read this information follows. For details of these fields, refer to p.47 for APS or p.49 for APM. Notation in Subject List Subject Field Language Education Subject Lang Foundation Education Subject F APS Major Subject APS APM Major Subject APM APS and APM Major Subject APS/APM CAP Major Education Subject THP HEALS HLS ISS ISS LCS LCS ICT ICT All CAP programs All CAPs Seminar Subjects THP Examinations and Grading Major Education Subjects Course Registration Common Education Subjects CAP Count Subjects Certain APS and APM courses may count toward a CAP student’s enrolled CAP Major Subject credit requirement. These are called ″CAP Count Subjects,″ and acronyms for eligible CAP programs will appear in the ″CAP Count″ column for these subjects. Active Learning Grade Level Each course corresponds to a particular level of study, indicated by a grade level code. See p. 17 for details. Grade Level Description Primarily for 1st year students 200 level Primarily for 2nd year students 300 level Primarily for 3rd year students 400 level Primarily for 4th year students Other Information and Programs 100 level Curriculum The ″Field″ column for a subject indicates the field in which a course’s credit will be counted. AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List Subject Field 77 The APS Cluster column will show the name of the cluster or clusters to which a subject belongs. See p.46 for more information on Clusters. AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List Cluster Name ■ Curriculum Study at APU APS Clusters Notation in Subject List Comparative Societies and Cultures CSC International Governance GOV Environmental Resource Policy ERP Sustainable Development SDS Prerequisites The ″Prerequisite Subject″ column lists subjects for which the University strongly recommends Course Registration students complete before registering the respective course. The completion of prerequisites is mandatory for certain subjects. Refer to p.17 for more information on prerequisites. Notation in Subject List Examinations and Grading Description Completion of prerequisites required for registration ■ Completion of prerequisites or fulfillment of grade level criteria required for registration □ AY 2011 Curricular Reforms Due to the curricular reforms carried out in the 2011 academic year, a number of the AY 2006 Curriculum subjects have changed. The AY 2011 curriculum column in the subject list will show the details of any reform-related changes, such as name changes, merging with other courses and closing of courses. Future plans for these courses are also indicated using the notation Seminar Subjects shown below. Other Information and Programs Active Learning Description 78 Notation in Subject List Still offered after AY 2011 ○ To be closed in the future △ Not offered × Study at APU Major Subject Credit Major subject credits will apply differently for APS/APM students and CAP students. Please review the following table for details. Subjects offered in both colleges each have their own course code. Please be sure to carry out course registration for the subject affiliated with your enrolled college. If an incorrect subject is registered it will be counted as a General Elective ■ credit. Major Education CAP Student CAP Major Education General Elective Major General Elective Education Enrolled CAP program Other CAP program Major Education CAP Major Education Course Registration APS/APM Student CAP Major Subjects Curriculum CAP Count Subjects from Enrolled CAP program Major Subject from Other College* (including CAP Count subjects) AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List Major Subject from Enrolled College Major Education Registration for major education subjects from the other college becomes possible from a student’s 2nd year. Examinations and Grading Seminar Subjects Active Learning Other Information and Programs 79 Study at APU AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List 科目CD 分野 CAPカウント Subject CD Field APS APM 010009 Lang Lang 010092 Lang 010101 Lang 010102 010103 Lang Lang 010111 Lang 010121 Lang AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List 010091 010151 Course Registration ■ Curriculum 010081 Lang 010162 Lang 010190 Lang Examinations and Grading 010210 010230 Lang Lang Lang 010260 Lang 010270 Lang 010280 Seminar Subjects Lang Lang 010250 010281 Lang Lang 010290 Lang 010300 Lang 010310 010311 Active Learning Lang 010220 010240 Lang Lang 010320 Lang 010330 Lang 010340 010341 Lang Lang 010350 Lang 010360 Lang 010370 010371 Other Information and Programs Lang 010180 010200 Lang Lang 011000 Lang 011001 Lang 011002 011003 80 Lang Lang Lang 科目名 Subject Name 英語入門 Introduction to English 日本語初級 I Japanese Foundation Course I 日本語初級 II Japanese Foundation Course II 日本語初級 III Japanese Foundation Course III 日本語中級 Japanese Intermediate Course 日本語中上級 Pre-Advanced Japanese 日本語上級 Advanced Japanese 日本語上級 I Japanese Advanced Course I 日本語上級 II Japanese Advanced Course II 日本語教授法 Teaching Japanese as a Second Language 応用日本語 Applied Japanese 中国語 I Chinese I 中国語 II Chinese II 中国語 III Chinese III 中国語 IV Chinese IV 韓国語 I Korean I 韓国語 II Korean II 韓国語 III Korean III 韓国語 IV Korean IV マレー語・インドネシア語 I Malay/Indonesian I マレー語・インドネシア語 II Malay/Indonesian II マレー語・インドネシア語 III Malay/Indonesian III マレー語・インドネシア語 IV Malay/Indonesian IV スペイン語 I Spanish I スペイン語 II Spanish II スペイン語 Ⅲ Spanish Ⅲ スペイン語 IV Spanish IV タイ語 I Thai I タイ語 II Thai II タイ語 III Thai III タイ語 IV Thai IV ベトナム語 I Vietnamese I ベトナム語 II Vietnamese II ベトナム語 III Vietnamese III ベトナム語 IV Vietnamese IV 英語初級 I Fundamental English I 英語初級 II Fundamental English II 英語中級 I Intermediate English I 英語中級 II Intermediate English II Prerequisite Subjects 単位 グレード番号 APSクラスター ■ : Required to complete the Prerequisite Subjects. Credits Grade Level APS Cluster □ : Prerequisite Subjects or Grade Level AY 2011 Curriculum Reform ○ : Offer △ : Limited offered subjects × : Not offered 4 100 △ By the end of AY2014 4 100 ○ 4 100 ○ 4 100 ○ 4 100 ■ Jpn. Foundation Course I, II, III ○ 4 200 ■ Jpn. Intermediate Course ○ Old Name 'Japanese Advanced Course I' 4 200 Jpn. Advanced Course I ■ (Pre-Advanced Japanese) ○ Old Name 'Japanese Advanced Course II' 4 200 ■ Jpn. Intermediate Course × 4 200 ■ Jpn. Advanced Course I × Change to 'Advanced Japanese (010103)' 2 300 ■ Jpn. Advanced Course II × By the end of AY2010 2 300 ■ Jpn. Advanced Course II × By the end of AY2010 4 100 4 200 ■ Chinese I ○ 4 200 ■ Chinese II ○ 4 300 ■ Chinese III ○ 4 100 4 200 ■ Korean I ○ 4 200 ■ Korean II ○ 4 300 ■ Korean III ○ 4 100 4 200 ■ Malay/Indonesian I ○ 4 200 ■ Malay/Indonesian II ○ 2 300 ■ Malay/Indonesian III ○ 4 100 4 200 ■ Spanish I ○ 4 200 ■ Spanish II ○ 2 300 ■ Spanish III ○ 4 100 4 200 ■ Thai I ○ 4 200 ■ Thai II ○ 2 300 ■ Thai III ○ 4 100 4 200 ■ Vietnamese I ○ 4 200 ■ Vietnamese II ○ 2 300 ■ Vietnamese III ○ 4 100 ■ Intr. to English △ By the end of AY2014 4 100 ■ Intr. to English △ By the end of AY2014 4 100 ■ Fundamental English I, II △ By the end of AY2014 4 100 ■ Fundamental English I, II △ By the end of AY2014 Change to 'Pre-Advanced Japanese (010102)' ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 011004 011005 011010 011011 011300 011301 011302 011401 011500 011604 011605 011900 011902 011903 012010 020010 020012 020013 020023 020025 020026 020031 Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang F F F F F F F F F 020033 F 020035 020036 F F 020037 F 020040 F 020041 F 020050 F 020051 F 020052 F Business Japanese II キャリア日本語 I Career Japanese I キャリア日本語 II Career Japanese II キャリア日本語 III Career Japanese III 日本語 ・ 日本文化 I Japanese Language and Culture I 日本語 ・ 日本文化 II Japanese Language and Culture II 講義の日本語 Japanese for Lectures 日本語プロジェクトE Japanese Project E 日本語プロジェクトF Japanese Project F ビジネス英語1 English for Business 1 ビジネス英語2 English for Business 2 英語多読 Extensive Reading in English 英語プロジェクト2 ■ Advanced English I △ By the end of AY2014 4 100 ■ Jpn. Foundation Course I, II, III × By the end of AY2010 4 100 □ Jpn. for Science Technology I × By the end of AY2010 4 100 ■ Jpn. for Science Technology II × By the end of AY2010 4 100 ■ Jpn. for Science Technology III × By the end of AY2010 2 300 ■ Jpn. Advanced Course II × By the end of AY2010 2 300 ■ Business Jpn. I × By the end of AY2010 4 300 Jpn. Advanced Course II ■ (Advanced Japanese) ○ 2 300 ■ Career Japanese I ○ 2 300 ■ Career Japanese II ○ 2 300 Jpn. Advanced Course II ■ (Advanced Japanese) ○ 2 300 ■ Japanese Language and Culture I ○ 2 300 ■ Jpn. Advanced Course II (Advanced Japanese) ○ 2 300 ■ Jpn. Advanced Course II (Advanced Japanese) ○ 2 300 Jpn. Advanced Course II ■ (Advanced Japanese) ○ 2 300 ■ Advanced English I ○ 2 300 ■ Advanced English I ○ 2 300 ■ Advanced English I ○ ■ Advanced English I ○ 2 300 海外集中言語研修 Intensive Language Learning Overseas 2 100 ○ 社会と法 Society and Law 2 100 × Change to 'Intr. to Law (020025)' 2 100 × Change to 'Bioethics (020051)' 2 100 × Change to 'Intr. to Psychology (020026)' 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ Old Name 'Society and Law' 2 100 ○ Old Name 'Psychology' 2 100 ○ 2 100 × Change to 'Japanese Economy (020241)' 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ 2 100 △ By the end of AY2011 2 100 2 100 × Change to 'Bioethics (020051)' 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ Old Name 'Bioscience' 'Ethics and Contemporary Society' 2 100 ○ English Name Change only Old Name 'Environment and Chemistry' English Project 2 現代社会の倫理 Ethics and Contemporary Society 心理学 Psychology 政治学入門 Introduction to Political Science 国際関係論入門 Introduction to International Relations 法学入門 Introduction to Law 心理学入門 Introduction to Psychology 経済学入門 Introduction to Economics 現代の日本経済 Contemporary Japanese Economics メディア入門 Introduction to Media 文化 ・ 社会学入門 Introduction to Culture and Society 開発学入門 Introduction to Development Studies 地域学入門 Introduction to Area Studies 現代の科学技術 Contemporary Science and Technology インターネット入門 Introduction to the Internet 生命科学 Bioscience ウェルネス Health Science 生命倫理 Bioethics 環境と化学 Environmental Chemistry ■ Intr. to Programming (Programming I) ○ Old Name 'Internet Fundamentals' Other Information and Programs 020042 F Business Japanese I ビジネス日本語 II 200 Active Learning 020032 Japanese for Science Technology IV ビジネス日本語 I 4 Seminar Subjects 020022 Lang Japanese for Science Technology III 科学技術日本語 IV △ By the end of AY2014 Examinations and Grading 011901 Lang Japanese for Science Technology II 科学技術日本語 III ■ Intermediate English I, II Course Registration 011400 Lang Japanese for Science Technology I 科学技術日本語 II 200 Curriculum 011021 Lang Advanced English II 科学技術日本語 I 4 AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List 011020 Lang Advanced English I 英語上級 II AY 2011 Curriculum Reform ○ : Offer △ : Limited offered subjects × : Not offered 011013 Lang 英語上級 I Prerequisite Subjects 単位 グレード番号 APSクラスター ■ : Required to complete the Prerequisite Subjects. Credits Grade Level APS Cluster □ : Prerequisite Subjects or Grade Level ■ 011012 Lang 科目名 Subject Name Study at APU 科目CD 分野 CAPカウント Subject CD Field APS APM 81 Study at APU 科目CD 分野 CAPカウント Subject CD Field APS APM 020053 020060 AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List ■ Curriculum 020070 020093 F 020095 020098 020111 020112 020113 Course Registration 020121 020122 Examinations and Grading 020160 Seminar Subjects F F F F F F F F F F 020170 F 020180 F 020201 F 020231 F 020241 F 020242 F 020253 F 020254 Active Learning F F 020117 Other Information and Programs F 020091 020116 F 020255 F 021000 Lang 021001 F 021002 F 021003 F 021004 F 021005 F 021006 F 021007 F 021008 F 021009 F 021010 F 021011 F 021012 82 F F 021013 F 021014 F 021015 F 科目名 Subject Name 地球環境科学 Environmental Geoscience 統計学 Statistics 社会科学のための数学 Mathematics for Social Sciences コンピューターリテラシー Computer Literacy プログラミング I Programming I データマイニング I Data Mining I 応用プログラミング Applied Programming 情報科学ラボA Information Science Lab A 情報科学ラボB Information Science Lab B 情報科学ラボC Information Science Lab C メディア制作ラボC Media Production Lab C メディア制作ラボD Media Production Lab D 新入生ワークショップ I 1st Year Student Workshop I 新入生ワークショップ II 1st Year Student Workshop II アジア太平洋と人権 The Asia Pacific and Human Rights アジア太平洋の伝統と社会 Traditions and Societies of the Asia Pacific アジア太平洋の言語と文化 Languages and Cultures of the Asia Pacific 歴史学入門 Introduction to History 現代の日本社会 Contemporary Japanese Society 日本の経済 Japanese Economy 日本の文化と社会 Japanese Culture and Society 特殊講義(基礎教育科目) Special Lecture (Foundation Education Subject) 特殊講義(基礎教育科目) Prerequisite Subjects 単位 グレード番号 APSクラスター ■ : Required to complete the Prerequisite Subjects. Credits Grade Level APS Cluster □ : Prerequisite Subjects or Grade Level AY 2011 Curriculum Reform ○ : Offer △ : Limited offered subjects × : Not offered 2 100 ○ Old Name 'Earth Science' 2 100 × Change to 'Statistics I (021047)' 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ Old Name 'Intr. to Programming' 2 200 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ 2 100 × Change to 'Culture and Society of the AP (021015)' 2 100 × Change to 'Languages of the AP (021013)' 2 100 × Merger with 'Japanese History (021008)' 2 100 × Change to 'Japanese Culture and Society (020242)' 2 100 ○ Old Name 'Contemporary Japanese Economics' 2 100 ○ Old Name 'Contemporary Japanese Society' 'Japanese Culture' 2 100 × Change to 'Special Lecture (Liberal Arts Subject) (020255)' Old Name 'Foundation in Information Technology' 2 100 × By the end of AY2010 特殊講義(共通教養科目) Special Lecture (Liberal Arts Subject) 2 100 ○ 日本語学 Japanese Linguistics 2 300 △ By the end of AY2013 職業意識とキャリア開発 Occupational Awareness and Career Development 2 200 × Change to 'Career Design II (021131)' 2 200 × 2 300 × Change to 'Career Design III (021132)' 2 100 × 2 100 ○ 2 100 × Change to 'Religions of the AP (021014)' 2 100 × 2 100 ○ 2 100 × English Name Change only Change to 'Environmental Chemistry (020052)' 2 100 × Change to 'Environmental Geoscience (020053)' 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ Old Name 'Languages and Cultures of the AP' 2 100 ○ Old Name 'Peoples and Religions of the AP' 2 100 ○ Old Name 'Traditions and Societies of the AP' Special Lecture(Foundation Education Subject) 多文化学習プロジェクト Projects in Multicultural Studies 業界分析 Overview of Business Sectors in Japan アジア太平洋のビジネス事情 Contemporary Business in the Asia Pacific 異文化間コミュニケーション入門 Introduction to Intercultural Communication アジア太平洋の民族と宗教 Peoples and Religions of the Asia Pacific 日本の文化 Japanese Culture 日本の歴史 Japanese History 環境と化学 Environment and Chemistry 地球科学 Earth Sciences 環境学入門 Introduction to Environmental Studies アジア太平洋の地理 Geography of the Asia Pacific アジア太平洋の言語 Languages of the Asia Pacific アジア太平洋の宗教 Religions of the Asia Pacific アジア太平洋の文化と社会 Culture and Society of the Asia Pacific Old Name 'Special Leture (Foundation Education Subject)' Change to 'Peer Leader Training I (021190)' Change to 'Business and Economy in the AP (021016)' Change to 'Japanese Culture and Society (020242)' 021016 F 021017 F 021020 021021 021040 021041 021042 021047 021050 021102 021103 021130 F Mathematics for Information Technology 物理 I F Physics I 物理 II F Physics II 情報技術入門 F Foundation in Information Technology プログラミング入門 F Introduction to Programming インターネット概論 F Internet Fundamentals 日本国憲法 F Constitution of Japan 統計学 I F Statistics I 特殊講義(言語教育科目) F Special Lecture(Language Education Subject) 日本語教授法 I F TJSOL I 日本語教授法 II F TJSOL II キャリア ・ デザイン I F Career Design I キャリア ・ デザイン II F 021150 F 021153 Mathematics III 情報基礎数学 F F 021152 Mathematics II 数学 III F 021132 021151 Mathematics I 数学 II Career Design II キャリア ・ デザイン III Career Design III 日本の伝統芸術A Japanese Traditional Arts A 日本の伝統芸術B F Japanese Traditional Arts B 日本の伝統芸術C F Japanese Traditional Arts C 日本の伝統芸術D F F 021191 F F 030001 APS 030002 APS 030003 APS 030004 APS 030011 APS 030012 APS 030013 APS ピアリーダートレーニング IIA APS 030024 APS 030025 APS 030026 APS 030027 APS △ By the end of AY2011 2 100 ■ Math II ○ 2 100 × 2 100 △ By the end of AY2011 2 100 2 100 × Change to 'Computer Literacy (020091)' 2 100 × Change to 'Programming I (020093)' 2 100 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ Old Name 'Statistics' 2 200 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 100 ○ 2 200 ○ Old Name 'Occupational Awareness and Career Development' 2 300 ○ Old Name 'Overview of Business Sectors in Japan' 2 200 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 200 ○ ■ Physics I ■ Intr. to Programming Merger with 'Mathematics for Social Sciences (020070)' △ By the end of AY2011 × Change to 'Intr. to the Internet (020041)' Old Name 'Projects in Multicultural Studies' 200 ○ 調査研究法(文化 ・ 社会 ・ メディア) Research Methods for Culture, Society and Media 2 200 ○ Old Name 'Research Methods for Social Sciences' 2 200 ○ Old Name 'Research Methods for Social Sciences' 2 200 ○ Old Name 'Research Methods for Social Sciences' 2 200 ○ Old Name 'Research Methods for Social Sciences' 2 100 CSC 2 200 CSC, SDS □ Social Theory × 2 200 CSC □ Social Theory ○ 2 200 CSC, GOV 2 200 2 200 CSC 2 200 CSC 2 200 CSC ○ Old Name 'Cultural Sociology' 2 100 CSC ○ Old Name 'Societies in East Asia' 2 100 CSC ○ Old Name 'Societies in South Asia' 調査研究法(観光学) Research Methods for Tourism and Hospitality 社会理論 Social Theory 開発社会学 Developmental Sociology 文化人類学 Cultural Anthropology アジア太平洋の政治と経済 Politics and Economics in the Asia Pacific 宗教と信仰 Religion and Belief ジェンダー研究 Gender Studies グローバル ・ ヒストリー Global History and the World System LCS ■ Math I カルチュラルスタディーズ Cultural Studies 地域研究 I Area Studies I 地域研究 II Area Studies II ○ × Change to 'Development Sociology and Anthropology (030261)' Change to 'Comparative Political Economy of the AP (030186)' ○ ○ □ Social Theory Japanese Name Change only Old Name 「ジェンダー論」 Other Information and Programs 030022 100 2 調査研究法(環境 ・ 開発) APS 2 ○ Research Methods for Environment and Development 030021 △ By the end of AY2011 200 調査研究法(国際関係) APS THP 100 2 Research Methods for International Relations and Peace Studies 030018 2 ピアリーダートレーニング IIB Peer Leader Training II B Peer Leader Training II A LCS ○ Active Learning 021192 Peer Leader Training I 100 Seminar Subjects 021190 Japanese Traditional Arts D ピアリーダートレーニング I 2 Examinations and Grading 021131 F ○ Course Registration 021043 History of the Asia Pacific 数学 I 100 Curriculum 021031 アジア太平洋の歴史 Old Name 'Contemporary Business in the AP' 2 AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List 021030 Business and Economy in the Asia Pacific AY 2011 Curriculum Reform ○ : Offer △ : Limited offered subjects × : Not offered 021023 アジア太平洋のビジネス ・ 経済事情 Prerequisite Subjects 単位 グレード番号 APSクラスター ■ : Required to complete the Prerequisite Subjects. Credits Grade Level APS Cluster □ : Prerequisite Subjects or Grade Level ■ 021022 科目名 Subject Name Study at APU 科目CD 分野 CAPカウント Subject CD Field APS APM ○ Old Name 'Comparative Social History' 83 Study at APU AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List Course Registration ■ Curriculum 科目CD 分野 CAPカウント Subject CD Field APS APM 030029 APS 030031 APS 030033 APS 030034 APS 030035 APS 030036 APS 030037 APS 030038 APS 030041 APS 030050 APS 030100 APS 030102 030104 APS 030141 APS Examinations and Grading Seminar Subjects Active Learning メディアと文化 Media and Popular Culture 文学と近代化 Literature and Modernity 言語と歴史 Language and History 組織社会学 Sociology of Organizations 社会階層論 Social Stratification 戦争とメディア War and Media 政治とメディア Politics and Media テクノロジーとニューメディア Technology and New Media グローバル化と犯罪 Global Crime ジェンダー論 Gender Studies 国際社会学 Transnational Sociology ISS ISS LCS 030186 APS THP 030188 APS 030190 APS 030220 APS 030241 APS 030251 THP APS HLS 030261 APS 030265 APS ISS Asia Pacific Governance 欧米社会とアジア太平洋 Comparative Analysis of Western and Asia Pacific Societies アジア太平洋の都市と農村 Urban and Rural Studies in the Asia Pacific 環境法 Environmental Law and Administration 開発社会学 ・ 人類学 Development Sociology and Anthropology HLS APS 030275 APS THP Environmental Economics 開発のプロジェクト ・ マネジメント Project Management in Development HLS NGOs and Development APS THP 030291 APS APS 都市環境論 Urban Environment NGOと開発 030276 030345 都市の環境と開発 Urban Environment and Development 環境経済学 030271 APS Environmental Studies in the Asia Pacific Developmental Economics APS 030343 アジア太平洋環境論 開発経済論 030270 APS Comparative Political Economy of the Asia Pacific アジア太平洋ガバナンス論 APS 030335 アジア太平洋の比較政治経済 アジア太平洋地域システム論 030269 APS 国際政治とセキュリティ International Politics and Security Regional Systems in the Asia Pacific APS 030320 Multiculturalism and Society Regional Systems of the Asia Pacific 030267 APS 多文化社会論 アジア太平洋地域システム論 APS APS International Organizations Globalization and Law 030185 030253 国際機構論 グローバリゼーションと規範 APS APS International Law エスニシティと国民国家 APS 030252 国際法 Ethnicity and Nationalism 030180 030300 Other Information and Programs APS 030110 030150 84 APS 科目名 Subject Name 開発政策 Development Policy コミュニティー開発論 Community Development 環境社会学 Environment and Society HLS 環境政策 Environmental Policy 環境経済論 Environmental Economics 組織マネジメント Organizational Management ヘルス&ウェルネスツーリズム Health and Wellness Tourism デスティネーション ・ マーケティング&ブランディング Destination Marketing and Branding Prerequisite Subjects 単位 グレード番号 APSクラスター ■ : Required to complete the Prerequisite Subjects. Credits Grade Level APS Cluster □ : Prerequisite Subjects or Grade Level CSC AY 2011 Curriculum Reform ○ : Offer △ : Limited offered subjects × : Not offered 300 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 2 200 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 400 ○ Old Name 'Media Studies' 2 300 2 300 2 200 CSC 2 200 CSC □ Social Theory ○ 2 200 GOV □ Society and Law ○ 2 300 GOV □ Intr. to Political Science ○ 2 200 CSC 2 300 CSC, GOV 2 200 GOV ○ 2 200 GOV × 2 200 GOV, SDS 2 200 CSC, GOV ○ Old Name 'Politics and Economics in the AP' 'AP Governance' 2 200 GOV ○ English Name Change only Old Name 'Regional Systems of the AP' 2 200 GOV × Change to 'Comparative Political Economy of the AP (030186)' 2 300 CSC × Change to 'Media and Popular Culture (030029)' 2 200 ERP △ By the end of AY2012 2 200 ERP 2 300 ERP, SDS 2 400 2 200 2 GOV ○ Old Name 'Communication and Mass Media Studies' 'Comparative Analysis of Western and AP Societies' 2 □ Cultural Anthropology □ Cultural Anthropology ○ ○ Japanese Name Change only Old Name 「組織社会論」 Old Name 'Information Technology and Society' ○ × Japanese Name Change only Change to 「ジェンダー研究 (030022)」 ○ □ Transnational Sociology □ Intr. to Political Science Intr. to Int'l Relations □ Intr. to Political Science ○ English Name Change only Change to 'Regional Systems in the AP (030188)' ○ Old Name 'Int'l Politics' △ By the end of AY2012 × Change to 'Development Economics (032080)' ERP, SDS × Merger with 'Environmental Policy (030300)' CSC, □ Social Theory SDS,GOV ○ Old Name 'Developmental Sociology' 'Social Life and Development' 300 ERP ○ Old Name 'Urban Environment' 2 300 ERP, SDS Intr. to Economics □ Environmental Studies in AP ○ Japanese Name Change only Old Name 「環境経済論」 2 200 GOV, SDS Intr. to Int'l Relations □ Intr. to Economics Math for Social Sciences ○ Old Name 'Project Management and Evaluation' 2 300 ERP × Change to 'Urban Environment and Development (030265)' 2 300 CSC, SDS □ Cultural Anthropology ○ Old Name 'NGOs and NPOs and Citizen Networking' 2 300 GOV, SDS □ Intr. to Political Science Int'l Law ○ Old Name 'Developmental Policy' 2 300 SDS □ Intr. to Political Science Int'l Law ○ 2 200 ERP × Merger with 'Human Ecology (042004)' 300 ERP, SDS ○ 2 300 ERP, SDS 2 200 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 Developmental Sociology □ Intr. to Economics □ Intr. to Economics Environmental Studies in AP × Japanese Name Change only Old Name 「地域・コミュニティ開発論」 Japanese Name Change only Change to 「環境経済学 (030267)」 030347 030401 030451 APS 030544 030545 030553 030561 030564 030566 030571 APS Introduction to Research Methods 卒業研究 APS Research Seminar 卒業論文 APS Undergraduate Thesis インターンシップ APS Internship 原書講読 I APS Advanced Reading I 原書講読 II APS Advanced Reading II プロジェクト研究 APS Applied Training 特殊講義(専門教育科目) APS Special Lecture(Asia Pacific Studies) 特殊講義(専門教育科目) APS Special Lecture (Asia Pacific Studies) 経営学 APM Business Management 基礎数学 APM Fundamental Mathematics 経営学入門 APM Introduction to Management 会計学 I APM Accounting I 会計学 II APM 030590 APM 030595 APM 030596 APM 030597 APM 030599 APM 030600 APM Accounting II 経営戦略論 Corporate Strategy ICT APM 030605 APM 030606 APM 030611 APM Developmental Economics ビジネス法 Business Law 販売 ・ プロモーション戦略 Sales and Promotion Management 金融論 Finance コーポレート ・ ファイナンス APM 030640 APM Corporate Finance 投資 ・ 証券分析 Investment and Security Analysis THP 組織行動論 Organizational Behavior 原価会計 Cost Accounting HLS Production Management ロジスティクス論 THP 030660 APM THP 030671 APM 030672 APM 030673 APM 030674 APM 030675 APM 030676 APM マーケティング論 Marketing 人的資源管理論 Human Resources Management ミクロ経済学 Micro Economics マクロ経済学 Macro Economics ミクロ経済学 Microeconomics マクロ経済学 Macroeconomics アジア経済論 Asian Economy HLS 開発 ・ 生産システム論 Development and Production Systems 金融市場と金融機関 Financial Markets and Institutions 2 300 × 2 400 × Change to 'Politics and Media (030037)' 2 200 ○ 2 400 ○ 4 400 2 300 ○ 2 400 △ By the end of AY2014 2 400 2 300 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 100 × Change to 'Intr. to Management (030566)' 2 100 ○ 2 100 ○ Old Name 'Business Management' 2 100 ○ 2 100 2 400 2 200 □ Business Management Accounting II ○ 2 300 □ Math for Social Sciences × Change to 'Development Economics (032080)' 2 200 □ Business Management ○ Old Name 'Intr. to Business Law' 'Business Law in Asia' 2 400 □ Consumer Behavior Marketing Research × Change to 'Promotion and Sales Management (033023)' 2 200 □ Accounting II Intr. to Economics ○ 2 300 □ Finance ○ 2 400 □ Corporate Finance English Name Change only Change × to 'Investment and Securities Analysis (030717)' 2 200 □ Psychology ○ Old Name 'Marketing' 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 □ Contemporary Business in the AP × Change to 'Int'l Logistics (033026)' 2 200 □ Psychology × Change to 'Principles of Marketing (030605)' 2 200 × English Name Change only Change to 'Human Resource Management (032083)' 2 200 □ Math for Social Sciences Intr. to Economics × English Name Change only 'Microeconomics (030673)' 2 200 □ Math for Social Sciences Intr. to Economics × English Name Change only Change to 'Macroeconomics (030674)' 2 200 □ Math for Social Sciences Intr. to Economics ○ English Name Change only 'Micro Economics' Old Name 2 200 □ Math for Social Sciences Intr. to Economics ○ English Name Change only 'Macro Economics' Old Name 2 300 2 300 2 300 Change to 'Media and Popular Culture (030029)' ■ Research Seminar □ Advanced Reading I ■ Accounting I ○ △ By the end of AY2014 ○ × ○ □ Accounting II English Name Change only Change to 'Strategic Management (033030)' Old Name 'Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior' ○ ○ Change to Other Information and Programs APM APM 生産管理論 Logistics 030650 030691 マーケティング入門 Principles of Marketing ○ Active Learning 030630 Management Information System 開発経済論 APM 030604 経営情報システム 300 Seminar Subjects 030602 調査 ・ 研究入門 2 Examinations and Grading 030572 メディア論 Media Studies ○ Course Registration 030550 Communication and Mass Media Studies 300 Curriculum 030543 マス ・ コミュニケーション論 2 AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List 030542 The Business Tourism Industry AY 2011 Curriculum Reform ○ : Offer △ : Limited offered subjects × : Not offered 030541 ビジネス ・ ツーリズム論 Prerequisite Subjects 単位 グレード番号 APSクラスター ■ : Required to complete the Prerequisite Subjects. Credits Grade Level APS Cluster □ : Prerequisite Subjects or Grade Level ■ 030540 Resort Management APS APS 030511 リゾートマネジメント APS 030422 科目名 Subject Name Study at APU 科目CD 分野 CAPカウント Subject CD Field APS APM Old Name 'History of Economic Develop○ ment and Management in Japan' 'HEDM in Asia' English Name Change only Old Name ○ 'Technological Development and Production System' □ Finance Microeconomics × Change to 'Financial Market and Institutions (030716)' 85 Study at APU 科目CD 分野 CAPカウント Subject CD Field APS APM 030701 030702 030710 AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List Course Registration ■ Curriculum 030712 030714 030715 APM 030740 APM Examinations and Grading Seminar Subjects Active Learning Other Information and Programs 86 Investment and Securities Analysis 投資戦略 Investment Strategy 技術経営 Technology Management HLS 開発 ・ 生産システム論 Technological Development and Production System オペレーションズ ・ リサーチ Operations Research HLS マーケティング ・ リサーチ APM ISS ISS ISS 030970 APM 031010 APM 031041 APM 031070 APM ISS 031080 APM ISS 032002 APS APS International Trade 国際金融論 International Finance 国際マーケティング論 International Marketing 国際経済論 International Economics 国際取引 International Transactions HLS アジア太平洋における日本企業 LCS Japanese Corporations in the Asia Pacific アジア金融市場 Financial Markets in Asia アジア投資戦略 Investment Strategies in Asia 日本的生産システム Japanese Production System アジア太平洋の人材開発 Human Resources Development in the Asia Pacific 企業研究入門 Introduction to Business Studies 卒業研究 Research Seminar 卒業論文 Undergraduate Thesis インターンシップ Internship プロジェクト研究 Applied Training 特殊講義(専門教育科目) Special Lecture(Management) 特殊講義(専門教育科目) Special Lecture (Management) 東アジアの社会 APS APS 国際貿易論 Global Human Resources Management APM 032001 International Management 国際人的資源管理論 APM APM 国際経営論 International Accounting APM 031073 Product Development Strategy 国際会計 APM APM 製品開発戦略論 Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior APM 030960 Marketing Research 経営組織論 APM 030892 032003 投資 ・ 証券分析 APM APM 032000 Financial Market and Institutions APM 030890 031084 金融市場と金融制度 APM APM 031072 Auditing APM 030881 031071 監査 APM APM 030950 Advanced Accounting THP 030800 030940 上級会計 THP 消費者行動論 HLS Consumer Behavior APM 030870 Business Law in Asia APM 030791 030861 アジアビジネス法 APM 030730 030820 Management Accounting APM APM 030810 管理会計論 APM 030718 030770 Financial Accounting II APM APM 030760 財務会計論 II APM 030717 030750 Financial Accounting I APM APM 030721 財務会計論 I APM 030716 科目名 Subject Name Societies in East Asia 南アジアの社会 Societies in South Asia LCS 文化社会学 Cultural Sociology 比較社会史 Comparative Social History Prerequisite Subjects 単位 グレード番号 APSクラスター ■ : Required to complete the Prerequisite Subjects. Credits Grade Level APS Cluster □ : Prerequisite Subjects or Grade Level AY 2011 Curriculum Reform ○ : Offer △ : Limited offered subjects × : Not offered 2 300 □ Accounting II ○ 2 300 □ Financial Accounting I ○ 2 300 □ Cost Accounting ○ 2 300 □ Intr. to Business Law × Change to 'Business Law (030597)' 2 400 □ Financial Accounting II ○ 2 400 □ Financial Accounting I ○ 2 300 □ Finance, Microeconomics ○ Old Name 'Financial Markets and Institutions' 'Financial Markets in Asia' 2 400 □ Corporate Finance ○ English Name Change only Old Name 'Investment and Security Analysis' 2 400 Japanese Corporations in the AP □ Financial Markets in Asia (Financial Market and Institutions) ○ Old Name 'Investment Strategies in Asia' 2 300 ○ 2 300 English Name Change only Change to × 'Development and Production Systems (030676)' 2 300 □ 2 300 □ Marketing (Principles of Marketing) ○ 2 300 □ Marketing (Principles of Marketing) ○ 2 400 □ Marketing × Change to 'Brand Management (033022)' 2 300 2 400 □ 2 200 □ Contemporary Business in the AP 2 300 □ 2 400 □ Financial Accounting I ○ 2 300 □ Marketing (Principles of Marketing) ○ 2 300 □ Human Resources Management English Name Change only Change to × 'Global Human Resource Management (033028)' 2 300 □ Microeconomics Macroeconomics × 2 300 □ Int'l Trade Intr. to Business Law (Business Law) ○ 2 200 Contemporary Business in the AP □ Modern Jpn. Economics △ By the end of AY2012 2 300 □ Finance × Change to 'Financial Market and Institutions (030716)' 2 400 □ × Change to 'Investment Strategy (030718)' 2 300 × Merger with 'Production Management (030630)' 2 300 × Merger with 'Global Human Resource Management (033028)' 2 200 △ By the end of AY2012 2 400 ○ 4 400 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 100 CSC × Change to 'Area Studies I (030026)' 2 100 CSC × Change to 'Area Studies II (030027)' 2 200 CSC × Change to 'Cultural Studies (030025)' 2 200 CSC Internet Fundamentals (Intr. to the Internet) ○ × Business Management (Intr. to Management) Financial Markets and Institutions (Financial Market and Institutions) Jpn. Corporations in AP Financial Markets in Asia □ Human Resources Management ■ Research Seminar □ Social Theory Change to 'Organizational Behavior (030606)' ○ × Merger with 'Int'l Economics (032081)' ○ Japanese Name Change only Change to 「国際経済学 (032081)」 ○ × Change to 'Global History and the World System (030024)' 032004 APS 032005 APS 032006 社会心理学 Social Psychology 教育と社会 APS APS 情報社会学 Information Technology and Society APS ISS 032012 APS ISS 032015 APS 032016 APS 032017 APS 032018 APS 032019 APS 032040 032050 032060 032070 国際政治史 History of International Politics 組織社会論 Sociology of Organizations プロジェクト ・ マネジメント Project Management and Evaluation 生活と開発 Social Life and Development 国際協力論 ISS International Cooperation 開発政策論 Developmental Policy 地域 ・ コミュニティ開発論 Community Development 特殊講義(地域研究) Special Lecture(Area Studies) フィールド ・ スタディ Field Study ボランティア研究 Volunteer Activities 専門演習 I Major Seminar I 専門演習 II APS Major Seminar II 033004 APM ISS ISS THP APM APM APM APM 2 300 CSC ○ 2 300 CSC, SDS 2 300 2 200 ビジネス法入門 Introduction to Business Law 民法 I Civil Code I 民法 II Civil Code II 商法 I Commercial Law I 商法 II Commercial Law II THP ホスピタリティ経営戦略 Hospitality Business Strategy 上級マクロ経済学 Advanced Macroeconomics 上級ミクロ経済学 Advanced Microeconomics ビジネス法務戦略 Legal Strategy in Business ビジネス ・ エシックスと企業の社会的責任 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility ISS 国際比較経営 International Comparative Management 日本経済 ・ 経営発展史 History of Economic Development and Management in Japan □ Cultural Anthropology × Change to 'NGOs and Development (030271)' □ Cultural Anthropology × Change to 'Technology and New Media (030038)' ERP △ By the end of AY2012 Environmental Studies in AP □ Foundation in Infor. Technology (Computer Literacy) 300 ERP, SDS 2 300 ERP, SDS 2 300 ERP □ 2 300 ERP □ Environment and Society 2 200 GOV, SDS □ 2 200 GOV □ Intr. to Int'l Relations ○ 2 300 GOV □ Cultural Anthoropogy × Japanese Name Change only Change to 「組織社会学 (030034)」 2 200 GOV, SDS × Change to 'Project Management in Development (030269)' 2 200 GOV, SDS Intr. to Economics □ Math for Social Sciences Intr. to Int'l Relations Intr. to Economics □ Intr. to Int'l Relations Society and Law × Change to 'Development Sociology and Anthropology (030261)' 2 200 GOV, SDS □ 2 300 GOV, SDS Intr. to Political Science □ Intenational Law 2 300 SDS □ 2 200 △ By the end of AY2012 2 200 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 2 ○ × Intenational Law Intr. to Int'l Relations Intr. to Political Science Intr. to Int'l Relations Intr. to Political Science Intr. to Int'l Relations Intr. to Political Science Intenational Law Japanese Name Change only Change to 「国際経済学 (032081)」 △ By the end of AY2013 × Merger with 'Industrial Ecology (042003)' × Change to 'Int'l Politics and Security (030185)' ○ × Change to 'Development Policy (030275)' × Japanese Name Change only Change to 「コミュニティー開発論 (030276)」 ○ 2 300 ERP, SDS (APS&APM) Intr. to Economics Developmental Sociology □ (APS) (Development Sociol. and Anthrop.) ○ Old Name 'Developmental Economics' (APM) Math for Social Sciences 2 300 ERP, SDS □ 2 (APS&APM) Microeconomics (APM) Macroeconomics ○ Japanese Name Change only Old Name 「国際経済論」 200 ○ English Name Change only Old Name 'Human Resources Management' 2 400 △ By the end of AY2014 2 200 ○ 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 400 2 300 □ Macroeconomics △ By the end of AY2013 2 300 □ Microeconomics △ By the end of AY2013 2 300 □ Intr. to Business Law (Business Law) ○ 2 300 × Change to 'Business Ethics (033033)' 2 300 ○ 2 300 × Change to 'Asian Economy (030675)' □ Business Management × Change to 'Business Law (030597)' ○ □ Civil Code I × Merger with 'Civil Code I (033004)' × Change to 'Corporate Law (033032)' □ Commercial Law I × Change to 'Corporate Law (033032)' ○ Other Information and Programs 033012 Human Resource Management History of Management APM APM 人的資源管理論 経営史 APM 033011 ○ Active Learning 033008 International Economics 税務会計 APM APM 国際経済学 Tax Accounting APM 033007 CSC Development Economics APM APM 200 開発経済学 APS APM 033003 033014 International Politics APS APM 033013 ISS APS 033001 033010 国際政治論 APS APM 033009 Environmental Resource Management APS 032083 033006 環境資源管理 APS THP APS APM 033005 国際海洋法 International Law of the Sea APS THP 032081 033002 International Economics 2 Change to 'Research Method for APS (030001,030002,030003,030004)' Seminar Subjects 032080 国際経済論 × Examinations and Grading 032030 Geoinformatics CSC Course Registration APS 032021 地理情報システム APS 032014 032020 Energy and Resources HLS 032011 032013 資源 ・ エネルギー論 HLS 200 Curriculum 032009 NGOs and NPOs and Citizen Networking 2 AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List APS NGO ・ NPOと市民ネットワーク AY 2011 Curriculum Reform ○ : Offer △ : Limited offered subjects × : Not offered 032008 Education and Society Prerequisite Subjects 単位 グレード番号 APSクラスター ■ : Required to complete the Prerequisite Subjects. Credits Grade Level APS Cluster □ : Prerequisite Subjects or Grade Level ■ APS 032010 社会調査法 Research Methods for Social Sciences APS 032007 科目名 Subject Name Study at APU 科目CD 分野 CAPカウント Subject CD Field APS APM 87 Study at APU 科目CD 分野 CAPカウント Subject CD Field APS APM 033015 033016 033017 AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List ■ Curriculum 033018 033019 033020 033023 APM 033024 APM Course Registration Examinations and Grading 033029 APM APM APM APM APM 033032 APM 033033 APM 033050 033060 033070 041001 041002 Seminar Subjects APM 033030 033040 041003 041004 041005 041006 041010 Active Learning APM APM 033028 APM APM APM APM THP THP THP THP THP THP THP 041020 THP 041021 THP 041022 041023 THP THP 042001 HLS 042002 HLS 042003 042004 HLS HLS 042005 HLS 042006 HLS 042007 History of Economic Development and Management in Asia LCS LCS THP HLS アジア太平洋地域経済研究 Economies in the Asia Pacific アジア太平洋地域経営研究 Management Studies in the Asia Pacific サプライ ・ チェーン ・ マネジメント Supply Chain Management アントレプレナーシップ APM 033022 033027 Other Information and Programs APM APM 033026 88 APM 033021 033025 アジア経済 ・ 経営発展史 APM APM 科目名 Subject Name Entrepreneurship ICT Eビジネス E-Business ビジネスプラン Business Plans HLS ブランドマネジメント Brand Management 販売 ・ プロモーションマネジメント Promotion and Sales Management マーケティングデータ分析 Marketing Data Analysis ICT Eコマース E-Commerce 国際物流論 International Logistics サービスマネジメント Service Management 国際人的資源管理論 Global Human Resource Management ファミリービジネス Family Business Management 経営戦略論 Strategic Management 会社法 Corporate Law ビジネスエシックス Business Ethics フィールド ・ スタディ Field Study ボランティア研究 Volunteer Activities 専門演習 I Major Seminar I 専門演習 II Major Seminar II 観光資源評価 ・ 管理 Tourism Resources Management トラベル&ホスピタリティ ・ マネジメント Travel and Hospitality Management 文化 ・ 遺産管理論 Cultural Heritage Management リスク ・ マネジメントとサービス ・ デリバリー Risk Management and Service Delivery ホスピタリティ ・ マーケティング Hospitality Marketing 観光法制 Legal Framework of Tourism 特殊講義(ツーリズム&ホスピタリティ) Special Lecture (Tourism and Hospitality) アジア太平洋観光論 Asia Pacific Tourism 観光政策 Tourism Policy 観光開発と計画 Tourism Development and Planning エコ ・ ツーリズム論 Ecotourism 地球環境問題入門 Introduction to Global Environmental Issues 自然生態学 Natural Ecology 産業生態学 Industrial Ecology ヒューマンエコロジー Human Ecology 環境分析とモデリング ・ アセスメント Environmental Analysis and Modelling Techniques 遺伝子と細胞 Genetics and Cell Biology 高齢化 ・ 障害 ・ 健康管理 Ageing, Disability and Health Management Prerequisite Subjects 単位 グレード番号 APSクラスター ■ : Required to complete the Prerequisite Subjects. Credits Grade Level APS Cluster □ : Prerequisite Subjects or Grade Level AY 2011 Curriculum Reform ○ : Offer △ : Limited offered subjects × : Not offered 2 300 × Change to 'Asian Economy (030675)' 2 300 △ By the end of AY2013 2 400 △ By the end of AY2014 2 300 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 300 × Change to 'E-Commerce (033025)' 2 300 × Change to 'Family Business Management (033029)' 2 400 □ Marketing (Principles of Marketing) ○ Old Name 'Product Development Strategy' 2 400 □ ○ Old Name 'Sales and Promotion Management' 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ Old Name 'E-Business' 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 ○ Old Name 'Business Plans' 2 400 ○ English Name Change only 'Corporate Strategy' 2 200 ○ Old Name 'Commercial Law I' 'Commercial Law II' 2 300 ○ Old Name 'Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility' 2 200 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 200 Marketing Research Consumer Behavior □ Contemporary Business in the AP ○ Old Name 'Logistics' ○ □ Human Resources Management ○ English Name Change only Old Name 'Global Human Resources Management' ○ AP Tourism □ Business Management (Intr. To Management) 2 300 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 400 2 200 △ By the end of AY2014 2 200 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 400 □ AP Tourism ○ 2 300 □ AP Tourism ○ 2 200 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 △ By the end of AY2013 2 300 △ By the end of AY2013 □ Society and Law (Intr. To Law) ○ ○ Old Name 042008 042009 042010 042011 043004 043005 043006 043020 043021 043022 044001 044002 044004 044005 044006 044007 044008 044009 044011 044012 044013 044014 ISS ISS ISS ISS ISS ISS ISS ISS ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT 045001 LCS 045002 045003 LCS LCS 045004 LCS 045005 LCS 045006 LCS LCS 045008 LCS 045009 LCS 045010 LCS Globalization and Regionalism 戦略分析と意思決定 Strategic Planning & Decision Making アジア太平洋における国際戦略 International Strategy in the Asia Pacific 政治地理学 Political Geography 特殊講義(国際戦略) Special Lecture(International Strategy) 国際政治経済学 International Politics and Economy 平和学 International Peace Studies マイグレーション研究 Migration Studies 社会 ・ インターネットと法 Law, the Internet and Society システム ・ アプリケーションプログラミング Systems and Application Programming データベース管理システム Database Management Systems デザイン ・ ユーザビリティ Design Usability インターネット技術統合 Internet Technology Integration マルチメディア ・ デザイン技術 Multimedia Design Technologies コンピュータ支援設計と製造デザイン Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing Technologies シーケンス ・ 電気回路 Sequential and Electrical Circuits ソフトウエア工学 Software Engineering セキュリティ情報システム管理 Security Information Systems Management 知識管理とデータマイニング Knowledge Management and Data Mining デジタル時代のデザイン Design in the Digital Age 情報システム構造とネットワーク Information Systems Architecture and Networks 埋め込みプログラミング Embedded Programming 特殊講義(ICT) Special Lecture(Information Communication Technology) 言語 ・ 文化概論 Introduction to Language and Culture Studies アジア太平洋の諸言語 I Asia Pacific Languages I アジア太平洋の諸言語 II Asia Pacific Languages II ビジネス ・ コミュニケーション Business Communication 現代英語学 Contemporary English Studies TESOL I TESOL I TESOL II TESOL II ビジネス ・ ネゴシエーション Business Negotiation 文化的リテラシーと通訳 I Cultural Literacy and Interpreting I 文化的リテラシーと通訳 II Cultural Literacy and Interpreting II 2 400 ○ 2 400 △ By the end of AY2014 2 200 △ By the end of AY2014 2 200 ○ 2 200 2 200 2 300 Merger with 'Environmental Policy (030300)' 2 300 2 300 2 200 GOV × Merger with 'Int'l Cooperation (032019)' ○ GOV ○ Regional Systems of AP □ AP Governance (Comparative Political Economy of the AP) ○ ○ △ By the end of AY2014 2 300 CSC, GOV 2 200 GOV □ Intr. to Int'l Relations ○ 2 300 CSC, GOV □ Transnational Sociology ○ 2 200 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 200 △ By the end of AY2012 2 200 ○ 2 200 △ By the end of AY2012 2 300 △ By the end of AY2013 2 300 □ Math II, PhysicsI △ By the end of AY2013 2 300 □ Math II, PhysicsI △ By the end of AY2013 2 300 △ By the end of AY2013 2 300 ○ 2 300 △ By the end of AY2013 2 300 Intr. to Infor. Technology (Computer □ Literacy) △ By the end of AY2013 Contemporary Science and Technology 2 400 □ 2 200 △ By the end of AY2014 2 200 ○ 2 200 □ Lang. and Cultures of AP △ By the end of AY2012 2 200 □ Lang. and Cultures of AP △ By the end of AY2012 2 200 □ Psycology ○ 2 200 2 200 ■ Advanced English I ○ 2 300 ■ TESOL I ○ 2 300 2 300 ■ Advanced English I ○ 2 400 ■ Cultural Literacy and Interpreting I ○ ○ Intr. to Programming (Programming I) Math for Info. Technology △ By the end of AY2014 × Merger with 'Cultural Literacy and Interpreting I (045009)' Other Information and Programs 045007 International Exchange グローバル化と地域主義 × Active Learning 044020 Introduction to International Strategy 国際交流論 400 Seminar Subjects 044010 ISS Special Lecture(Health, Environment and Life Sciences) 国際戦略入門 2 Examinations and Grading 044003 ISS Ecological Security 特殊講義(健康 ・ 環境 ・ 生命) ○ Course Registration 043010 HLS Human Security 環境の安全保障 300 Curriculum 043003 HLS Environmental Governance, Policy and Law 人間の安全保障 2 AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List 043002 HLS ISS Pollution Control and Waste Management 環境ガバナンスと政策 AY 2011 Curriculum Reform ○ : Offer △ : Limited offered subjects × : Not offered 043001 HLS 公害防止と廃棄物処理 Prerequisite Subjects 単位 グレード番号 APSクラスター ■ : Required to complete the Prerequisite Subjects. Credits Grade Level APS Cluster □ : Prerequisite Subjects or Grade Level ■ 042020 HLS 科目名 Subject Name Study at APU 科目CD 分野 CAPカウント Subject CD Field APS APM ○ 89 Study at APU Course Registration AY 2006 Curriculum Subject List 045011 ■ Curriculum 科目CD 分野 CAPカウント Subject CD Field APS APM LCS 045012 LCS 045020 LCS 文化交流論 Cultural Exchange Studies 言語文化研究 Language and Culture Studies 特殊講義(言語 ・ 文化) Special Lecture(Language and Culture) All 046010 CAPs CAP入門演習 All 046020 CAPs CAP専門演習 I 046030 All CAPs CAP専門演習 II 046040 All CAPs CAP卒業研究 Introduction to CAP Major Seminar CAP Major Seminar I CAP Major Seminar II CAP Research Seminar All 046050 CAPs 卒業論文(CAP) All 046060 CAPs 特殊講義(大学院科目) Undergraduate Thesis(CAP) Special Lecture(Graduate Subject) 046070 All CAPs 特殊講義(CAP) 046080 All CAPs フィールド ・ スタディ(CAP) 046081 046082 THP HLS 046083 ISS 046084 ICT 046085 LCS Prerequisite Subjects 単位 グレード番号 APSクラスター ■ : Required to complete the Prerequisite Subjects. Credits Grade Level APS Cluster □ : Prerequisite Subjects or Grade Level 科目名 Subject Name Special Lecture Field Study(CAP) フィールド ・ スタディ(CAP) THP Field Study(CAP) フィールド ・ スタディ(CAP) HLS Field Study(CAP) フィールド ・ スタディ(CAP) ISS Field Study(CAP) フィールド ・ スタディ(CAP) ICT Field Study(CAP) フィールド ・ スタディ(CAP) LCS Field Study(CAP) AY 2011 Curriculum Reform ○ : Offer △ : Limited offered subjects × : Not offered 2 400 △ By the end of AY2014 4 300 2 200 △ By the end of AY2014 2 200 △ By the end of AY2012 2 300 △ By the end of AY2013 2 300 △ By the end of AY2013 2 400 △ By the end of AY2014 4 400 2 400 △ By the end of AY2014 2 300 △ By the end of AY2014 2 200 △ By the end of AY2012 2 200 △ By the end of AY2012 2 200 △ By the end of AY2012 2 200 △ By the end of AY2012 2 200 △ By the end of AY2012 2 200 △ By the end of AY2012 ■ AP Languages III ■ CAP Research Seminar △ By the end of AY2013 △ By the end of AY2014 Other Information and Programs Active Learning Seminar Subjects Examinations and Grading * Please refer to p.77 for more information on this subject list. 90 3. Course Registration Study at APU 3.1 Registering for Courses 3.1.1 From Registration to Credit Completion Classwork, Attendance, Review Evaluation → Participation, Examinations, → Reports Passing Acquire Credit Examinations and Grading Credit Registration Limits Seminar Subjects There is a fixed number of credits that students may register up to each semester. Please note that this number differs depending on the student curriculum. There are no minimum credit requirements per semester. However, there are minimum requirements when applying for certain scholarships and various programs. As the number of credits registered may impact visa status for international students, it is imperative that students register carefully. For more information, please consult with the Student Office. ● Maximum Number of Credits Students who, due to a leave of absence or withdrawal from the University, are moved from the AY 2004/2006 curriculum to the AY 2011 curriculum will receive the same credit registration limits specified by the AY 2004/2006 curriculum (see p.92). Accelerated Graduation Program Students 1st Semester 18 Credits - 2nd Semester 18 Credits - 3rd Semester 20 Credits 24 Credits 4th Semester 20 Credits 24 Credits 5th Semester 20 Credits 24 Credits 6th Semester 20 Credits 24 Credits 7th Semester 24 Credits 24 Credits 8th Semester 24 Credits 24 Credits Other Information and Programs Regular Students Active Learning AY 2011 Curriculum Semester Course Registration Study Course Registration → Registering for Courses Course Registration ■ Course registration occurs each semester. Please use the Undergraduate Academic Handbook, syllabus (see p.98), course timetable (available on the Academic Office website) and course registration guidance materials in order to create a study plan, then register for courses via Campus Terminal during the appropriate course registration period. If you are not fully prepared when the time to register comes, it can lead to either incomplete or incorrect registration of classes, costing you valuable time and effort. Please use extra caution when registering for classes to ensure you are able to progress in your study plan. Curriculum Course registration is the process of each student registering for classes they would like to take, as well as a declaration of intent. Course registration is the most important part of course planning, and absolutely necessary in order to attend classes, receive credit and graduate. 91 Study at APU AY 2004 / 2006 Curriculum Registering for Courses Curriculum Accelerated Graduation Program Students 1st Semester 18 Credits - 2nd Semester 18 Credits - 3rd Semester 20 Credits 24 Credits 4th Semester 20 Credits 24 Credits 5th Semester 20 Credits 30 Credits 6th Semester 20 Credits 30 Credits 7th Semester 30 Credits 30 Credits 8th Semester 30 Credits 30 Credits Important Notes for Course Registration All Students ● Students cannot register over the credit limit per semester. ● Students cannot register for subjects held during the same period on the same day, unless the subjects are held during different quarters. ■ Course Registration Regular Students Semester Examinations and Grading ● Students are not able to register for subjects that have reached capacity. ● Students cannot normally register for subjects that they have already passed, even in the case the instructor, class letter, or language is different. However, students may register for subjects that can be taken more than once or when they are approved for re-registration (see p.94). ● Students are not able to register for subjects that do not appear on their course registration screen. Seminar Subjects ● Students must complete the necessary procedures in order to register for subjects requiring prior application. ● Courses may be cancelled in cases where the number of students registered for the subject does not satisfy the established minimum quota. ● No session courses may be registered during a student’s semester of scheduled graduation. Active Learning AY 2004 / 2006 Curriculum Students ● S ubject name changes due to the curricular reforms can be verified in the subject list. For details of course content (APS: p.83, APM: p.85), please refer to the syllabus of the course. ● T o avoid major differences in class sizes for language subjects, the University may move students from one class to another to adjust the number of students in each class. Other Information and Programs ● In order to take 300 level or higher subjects held in a non-basis language, students must first fulfill the following language proficiency requirements. Score Conversion Chart for 500 on the TOEFL® Converted Score 92 TOEFL®/PBT (or ITP) TOEFL®/iBT TOEFL®/CBT TOEIC (or IP) UNATE IELTS 500 61 173 587 Level B 5.5 Study at APU ● Japanese-basis students: Must attain 500 points or more on the TOEFL®, or an equivalent test score ●E nglish-basis students: Must meet one of the following conditions. ○C ompletion of "Japanese Advanced Course II" or "Advanced Japanese" (From AY 2011) ○2 40 points or more on the EJU ○ Attainment of JLPT N2 (new) Curriculum Once a student either receives credit for specified prerequisite Japanese subjects, or attains the necessary score on a University internal TOEFL®/ITP or TOEIC®/IP test, from the following semester they will automatically become able to register 300 level or higher courses held in their non-basis language. ■ Course Registration Semester of Registration Course Registration Application Period Registering for Courses Students seeking permission to register 300 level or higher courses by submitting test scores issued by other institutions must submit an application in advance, including the original score sheet. Application periods are as follows. Application Period Mon. July 21 - Fri. August 29, 2014 2015 Spring Semester Mon. January 26 - Fri. February 27, 2015 Examinations and Grading 2014 Fall Semester The following are subjects which specifically allow for the course to be taken multiple times (Only applicable when course contents are different from the previous time.) Thus, students are not required to apply for course re-registration for these subjects. Subject Name Notes Special Lecture (Foundation Education Subject) Special Lecture (Liberal Arts Subject) Special Lecture (Asia Pacific Studies) Special Lecture (Management) Special Lecture (Area Studies) Economies in the Asia Pacific Please check the syllabus in order to determine whether the current course contents are same as the contents for which students previously earned credit. Additional subjects with registration conditions may be specified at the registration guidance session. Active Learning Special Lecture (5 CAP programs) Seminar Subjects Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) Management Studies in the Asia Pacific Internship Field Study Volunteer Activities Other Information and Programs Applied Training Certain registration and credit limit restrictions may apply. Refer to Active Learning p.129. Intensive Language Learning Overseas 93 Study at APU AY 2011 Curriculum Students ● J apanese-basis students must complete ″Intermediate English A & B″ before they may register for Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects held in English. They must also complete "Pre-Intermediate English A & B" in order to take "Bridge Program" subjects. The maximum number of Bridge Program subject credits a student can take is set at 6. ● The following are subjects which specifically allow for the course to be taken multiple times Curriculum (Only applicable when course contents are different from the previous time.) Thus, students are not required to apply for course re-registration for these subjects. Subject Name Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) Registering for Courses ■ Course Registration Special Lecture (Liberal Arts Subject) Special Lecture (Asia Pacific Studies) Special Lecture (Management) Special Lecture (each APS area of study) Please check the syllabus in order to determine whether the current course contents are same as the contents for which students previously earned credit. Additional subjects with registration conditions may be specified at the registration guidance session. Internship Field Study Volunteer Activities Applied Training Examinations and Grading Notes Certain registration and credit limit restrictions may apply. Refer to Active Learning p.129. Intensive Language Learning Overseas 3.1.2 Course Re-registration System For most subjects, once a course has been completed and credit received, it cannot be Seminar Subjects registered again. The re-registration system was developed for students who wish to deepen their understanding of a completed course and try for a higher grade by allowing the registration of the same subject in cases where the instructor, course content or language of instruction has changed. For details, please refer to the ″Course Requiring prior Applications″ Other Information and Programs Active Learning page on the Academic Office website. 94 Study at APU 3.1.3 Course Registration Overview In order to take classes, students register for courses during ″Course Registration Periods″ held before each semester begins. After classes begin, there are additional ″Correction Periods″ in which current classes may be dropped, and future classes may be added or dropped. Please review the course syllabus and consider carefully before registering for Curriculum courses. Please also note that there is no correction period for courses held during summer and winter sessions, and once registration is finalized these may not be dropped for jobhunting or other personal reasons. Notes Add Drop Add Drop Add Drop Registration Period B All subjects (including other college and other CAP program subjects) Major subjects from the other college become available (from 2nd year onward) Add Drop Add Drop Add Drop Add Drop Last chance to register for 2nd quarter classes Drop Drop Add Drop Add Drop Last chance to register for session classes - - Drop Add Drop Examinations and Grading Add Drop Semester and 1st Quarter Classes Begin Correction Period 1 All subjects Seminar Subjects 2nd Quarter Classes Begin Correction Period 2 All subjects Course Registration Registration times will vary according to student GPA. Course Registration Registration Period A Language, Common Liberal Arts, Major Subjects (from own college), CAP Subjects (from own CAP) Registering for Courses Available Subjects ■ Registration Changes Possible Semester 1Q 2Q Session Courses Courses Courses Courses Period Session Classes Begin Active Learning Note: ● R egistration Period A is only available to current APU students. Newly enrolled, re-enrolled and reinstated students will begin from Registration Period B. ● C lasses requiring advance registration and designated classes will appear automatically on the course registration screen during Registration Periods A and B. Other Information and Programs 95 Study at APU 2014 Spring Semster Course Registration Schedule The schedule is subject to change due to typhoons, transportation problems or other unforeseeable circumstances. The course registration schedule for 2014 Fall semester will be released in late July. Period Curriculum 1st Priority APS 1st Priority APM 2nd Priority Registering for Courses Regular Date Mon. March 24 Wed. March 26 New or Reinstated All Mon. April 7 Students Current Students Time 9:30 12:30 15:30 9:30 12:30 15:30 10:00 15:00 Registration Ends Date Time Tue. March 25 12:00 Thu. March 27 12:00 Tue. April 8 12:00 Correction Period 1 All Students Thu. April 17 10:00 Fri. April 18 10:00 Correction Period 2 All Students Thu. June 12 10:00 Fri. June 13 10:00 ● Registration Priority According to Grades ■ Course Registration 2nd Priority Regular Registration Period A Registration Period B Registration Begins Student Group Examinations and Grading Students will be assigned registration priority based on GPA as follows. ● 1 st Priority: Cumulative or semester GPA ≥ 3.00 ● 2 nd Priority: Cumulative or semester GPA ≥ 2.50 3.1.4 Important Notes for Course Registration System Students are able to register online via the ″Campusmate″ system, accessible through Seminar Subjects Campus Terminal. For instructions and precautions please see the Academic Office website. Every morning, between the hours of 3:00 and 5:00 (Japan Standard Time), Campusmate will close for maintenance. Other Information and Programs Active Learning ● Accessing Campusmate Note: ● Y ou must take full responsibility for any errors made during course registration. As no special consideration will be given for such errors, please use extra caution during registration to ensure no mistakes are made. ● D o not log into multiple screens with the same account at the same time. This can lead to 96 Study at APU system errors, preventing registration. The University will bear no responsibility for any problems a student may experience in this case. ● W hen you register or cancel subjects online, please be sure to click the Apply button to register your changes. Curriculum ● If you log out or close the registration screen prior to completing course registration, you will lose all changes. You must first complete your course registration, log out, and then log in again to confirm your course registration is correct. Mistakes in registration are your own responsibility. It is also very important that you print out a copy of the Course Registration Verification Sheet. ● P lease do not share your password with anyone else. The University recommends regularly changing your password. Course Registration Course Registration Registering for Courses 3.1.5 Registration Advising ■ ● Y ou may conduct course registration off campus. However, as accessing the system from outside the campus network may be slow or unreliable, the University recommends the use of on campus terminals for course registration. You are responsible for any adverse result of using these systems. Advising for course registration is always available at the Academic Office. When requesting Examinations and Grading assistance with course registration, please refer to the following guidelines. This will ensure the University is able to provide timely and accurate support. ● Office Contact Please visit the Academic Office during office hours. As a rule, registration assistance is not provided via email or phone, as we cannot confirm a student’s identity. Due to possible delays in a reply to email enquiries, in the case of an emergency please come directly to the office for assistance. Monday, Wednesday through Friday 10:00-16:30 Tuesday 11:30-16:30 Seminar Subjects Academic Office Hours ● Documents to Bring ● An up-to-date printout of your Course Registration Confirmation Screen from Campusmate ● An up-to-date printout of your Grade Confirmation Screen (including subject list and credit Active Learning completion information) ● U ndergraduate Academic Handbook ● Any other necessary documents ● Preparation ● P lease consider the topics you wish to talk about before coming to the office. ● P lease review the Undergraduate Academic Handbook for relevant information and rules. Other Information and Programs Details such as the credit field of subjects may be viewed in the handbook. ● P lease confirm your own credit completion or registration status using Campusmate. Instructions on how to do this are available on the Academic Office website. ● Future Plans and Goals After fully understanding the content discussed, students are responsible for making their own decision in carrying out registration. 97 Study at APU 3.2 Syllabus 3.2.1 Viewing the Syllabus Online Curriculum The syllabus is an important tool for providing students with information on subjects, including the following items: ● S ubject/Class Name; Semester offered (fall/spring) ● Instructor ● C lass outline (course objectives, standards for course completion, teaching methods, method of grade evaluation) Syllabus ● R equired readings and further readings Examinations and Grading ■ Course Registration ● R equirements for students ② Active Learning Seminar Subjects ① ● Notes on Syllabus Searches ● The syllabus cannot be searched by course year level or course field. Other Information and Programs ● P lease refer to your curriculum’s subject list for course year and field information. ● P lease note that certain course credit is calculated differently according to curriculum year and college. 98 Study at APU 3.2.2 Finding Textbooks and Reading Materials at the Library Reading materials used for classes and individual study may be viewed or borrowed at the APU Library. The reading materials listed within the syllabus are linked to the RUNNERS Library System, allowing online checks of book availability, placing of reservations and ordering of materials from Ritsumeikan University Library. Curriculum Searching for and Acquiring Materials There are two methods of searching for and acquiring materials listed in the syllabus: ″Reference Materials″ available in the Reserve Corner, and ″Other Reading″ materials, which Course Registration Course Registration Syllabus method of viewing them will vary. See pp.100-101 figures A, B and C for instructions. ■ are not available at the Reserve Corner. Depending on the availability of the materials, the Examinations and Grading Seminar Subjects 1. Textbooks and Further Reading (in Reserve Corner): The names of textbooks and Active Learning reference materials available in the Library Reserve Corner are displayed in the syllabus under the ″Textbook″ and ″Further Reading″ sections. Names which are linked may be clicked to display the material’s cataloged location and bibliographic information. Textbooks and reference materials are each cataloged in the library in sets of two. One copy of the reference material may be checked out for up to 3 days, however the other copy of the reference material, as well as both textbooks may only be viewed in the library. Other Information and Programs 2. Other Materials (not in Reserve Corner): Other materials introduced by instructors are displayed here. These materials are not necessarily available in the library. Please inquire at the Reference Counter concerning availability. 99 Study at APU Syllabus Click linked material names Screen will change to the RUNNERS Library System. Please note that the screen may appear differently than those shown here. Please confirm the page online. Examinations and Grading ■ Course Registration Curriculum Searching for materials listed in the Syllabus Active Learning Seminar Subjects A - Materials Available in the APU Library Other Information and Programs The ″Location″ column will show where the book is currently cataloged. Materials located in ″APU Reserve (On-Site Use)″ may be found in the Reserve Corner. These materials may only be used inside the library. Those located in ″APU Reserve″ may be checked out for up to 3 days. 100 Study at APU B - Reservation and ordering of materials at Ritsumeikan Library Curriculum ■ Reserve Course Registration Course Registration Syllabus Materials that are currently checked out, but are available at another campus can be reserved or ordered. Materials ordered from another campus take approximately 3 days (weekdays) to arrive. Examinations and Grading C - Viewing materials at the APU Library Seminar Subjects Active Learning Other Information and Programs Materials located in ″APU AV Materials (On-Site Use)″ can be found in the AV Materials section. These may only be viewed inside the library. 101 Study at APU 3.2.3 Introduction to the APU Library The APU library is not only a place to read and check out books and materials. It also provides venues for individual and group study, as well as presentations. Technology-assisted study is also possible, with IT facilities such as the Multimedia Room and wireless Internet. Curriculum As the library is used by a large number of people every day, its rules of use are strictly enforced. Please be considerate of other library users and follow the facility rules to ensure that everyone is able to benefit in their studies. ● The first floor includes the ″Group Study Rooms″ and ″Presentation Room,″ which are useful to students working in study groups or on joint projects. ● S tudy booths are located on the second floor for those who want a quiet place to Syllabus concentrate and study. ■ Course Registration ● Library Facilities ● W ireless LAN access areas are located throughout the library, and computers are available in the Multimedia Room. ● Also found within the library are the ″Advising Booth,″ used for student advising, and Other Information and Programs Active Learning Seminar Subjects Examinations and Grading ″Writing Center,″ which provides support for reading and writing-related studying. 102 4. Examinations and Grading Study at APU 4.1 Examinations 4.1.1 Final Examinations Timetable Curriculum The following is the standard timetable for final examinations. However, the length of examinations is subject to change for some subjects. Please check the notice board and specific information from instructors. Examination Time Warning Bell Examination Begins Examination Ends 1 8:45-10:20 8:45 9:00 10:20 2 10:35-12:10 10:35 10:50 12:10 3 12:25-14:00 12:25 12:40 14:00 4 14:15-15:50 14:15 14:30 15:50 5 16:05-17:40 16:05 16:20 17:40 6 17:55-19:30 17:55 18:10 19:30 ″Permit to Take Examination″ slip. Those who do not realize that they have forgotten their ID cards until after the examination has begun are allowed to take the examination only on the condition that they do not leave the examination room during the examination period. Examinations and Grading Students who forget their ID card must promptly go to the Academic Office and receive a Final Examinations ● Students who do not bring Student ID cards will not be authorized to take an examination. ■ Notes on Final Examinations Course Registration Period They must then go to the Academic Office with a proctor after the examination ends. Seminar Subjects ● Students must bring all supplies necessary for the examination (such as pen and pencil). These items will not be provided by the University. ● All information regarding examination schedule and locations will be posted on the bulletin board and the Academic Office website a week before examinations begin. ● Final report instructions will be posted on the notice board only. ● The day and period of final examinations may differ from the normal class schedule. Please be sure to confirm the correct times on the notice board. Active Learning ● Students are not allowed to take an examination for subjects and classes (JA/JB/EA/EB etc) that they have not registered. Please double check your course registration in advance. ● Students who do not arrive within 20 minutes of the beginning of an examination will lose the right to take that examination, and will not be permitted to enter. Suspension of Public Transportation Services Other Information and Programs The following measures will be taken in the case of suspension of public transportation service due to reasons such as typhoon, snow or a strike. The conditions for ″suspension of public transportation service″ are the same as those outlined on p.8. 103 Study at APU Time of Announcement Curriculum Time of Decision Response 7:00 a.m. approx. 7:15 a.m. For examinations held during periods 1 and 2, make-up examinations will be held on the examination make-up day. 10:30 a.m. approx. 10:45 a.m. For examinations held from period 3 or later, make-up examinations will be held on the examination make-up day. After 10:30 a.m. As decided Decisions regarding make-ups will be made as appropriate. ● Announcements will be made on Campus Terminal. Make sure to check this yourself. ● Information about newly scheduled examination dates, make-up reports, submission Course Registration methods and deadlines will also be announced on Campus Terminal. ● E ven if there is no ″suspension of public transportation,″ decisions may be made regarding examinations depending on the traffic conditions. In this case, announcements will also be made on Campus Terminal. ● P lease do not plan for trips or make plans to return home on the examination make-up day (written in the Academic Calendar). You will not be permitted to take a make-up Final Examinations ■ Examinations and Grading examination if you miss a final examination for personal reasons. Academic Misconduct Examinations at APU are conducted in order to assess students’ level of achievement in their studies, and as such must be conducted fairly and impartially. Cheating during an examination amounts to an abandonment of one’s own right to learning and will result in a student’s disqualification from study at APU. As a university providing scholarships and other forms of Seminar Subjects support from both internal and external sources, APU cannot permit activities such as cheating. From this standpoint, APU strictly enforces the rules for examinations. ● Cheating The following acts are regarded as cheating and will be strictly punished: ● U sing a stand-in (another person to take the test for you) Active Learning ● F raud (false statements) on the answer sheet or attendance sheet ● P ossessing a cheat sheet (including leaving them on the lower shelf of the desk) ● Taking your answer sheet out of the examination room ● Talking or whispering during the examination, as well as looking at other people’s answers ● U sing any materials not permitted for the examination ● E xchanging answer sheets Other Information and Programs ● L ending and borrowing of allowed materials, other items, etc. ● S haring answers ● U sing your mobile phone (including as a dictionary, watch or calculator) ● W riting on the desk ● F ailing to follow the proctor’s instructions 104 Study at APU ● O bstructing the examination in any other way ● P lease note that even in the case of open-book examinations, the use of Internet-enabled devices such as mobile phones and notebook computers is not permitted. ● Consequences of Cheating Students found to be cheating may be punished in several ways, including the following: Curriculum ● Invalidation of all classes for the relevant semester (all subjects receive a grade of ″F″) ● R evocation of student scholarships ● D isciplinary measures such as suspension or expulsion Additional Notes Course Registration ● F or closed-book examinations, any texts or materials other than those specifically permitted will be regarded as ″cheat sheets.″ ● The only items permitted on your desk during the examination are a watch, pens, pencils, erasers and student ID card. All personal items that you do not need for the examination, such as coats, stationery, bags, etc. must be placed under the seat (not ON the seat). ● The examination will be considered invalid if you take it at a different time than the submitting question and answer sheets, etc. If you fail to follow the proctor’s instructions, this may be considered academic misconduct, and treated as a form of cheating. The University Examinations and Grading In addition, you must follow the instructions of the examination proctor(s) in regards to seating, Make-up Examinations ● You must bring a pen to the test and write your name in ink. ■ scheduled examination time. will not be responsible for the consequences of failing to follow instructions during the Seminar Subjects examination. 4.1.2 Make-up Examinations When it is not possible to take an examination due to unavoidable reasons (hospitalization, sudden illness, accident, fire, job interview, etc.), an "Application for Make-up Examination" Active Learning (available at the Academic Office) may be submitted after the examination has finished. The form must be submitted within one week, including the day of the examination. (i.e.: If your examination was scheduled for a Thursday, you have until the following Wednesday to submit the application.) Students are also required to submit an original official certificate. Copies are not accepted. Other Information and Programs Students will be notified of the decision made regarding make-up examination applications. There is no limit to the number of make-up assignments a student may complete. A make-up examination fee of 1,000 JPY per subject is required. Depending on the subject, the make-up examination may be in the form of a written test or a report. In the case that a student cannot come to the Academic Office, another student may submit the application as a proxy. Applications by phone, email or FAX, however, will not be accepted. 105 Study at APU Necessary Document or Requirement Illness of the student Medical certificate and medical expense receipt (medical certificates must be obtained on the date of the examination to be valid) Bereavement (death of a relative to the 2nd degree, i.e. spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent or grandchild) Official death certificate with the actual date of death (applicable for 7 days, including public holidays from the date of death of parent, spouse or child, or 5 days including public holidays from the date of grand parent or brother/sister. Disaster Certificate for disaster victim Job interview Official document to certify job interview (available at the Career Office) Graduate school examination Examination admission slip Transportation delay Delay certificate from transportation company Absent relating to Japan's lay judge system Unavoidable reasons such as participation in extracurricular activities Advance permission by the Dean of Academic Affairs Final Reports These rules only apply to examinations held in the final examination period. There is no official ■ Examinations and Grading Course Registration Curriculum Reason for Not Taking Examination make-up examination system for other examinations such as mid-term examinations and language subject examinations. Please seek advice from the individual instructor. Make-up Examination Schedule Seminar Subjects In the case that a missed examination will be made up by an additional examination, it will be held according to the following schedule. Please note that if you are unable to take the test at that time, in principle, there will be no additional opportunities to take a make-up examination. Course Offered Spring Active Learning Fall Make-up Examination Date 1st Quarter Wed. June 11, 2014 2nd Quarter Wed. August 6 - Thu. August 7, 2014 1st Quarter Wed. December 3, 2014 2nd Quarter Mon. February 16 - Tue. February 17, 2015 4.1.3 Final Reports Other Information and Programs Points to Remember When Writing Final Reports Students should follow the citation methods outlined in the ″First Year Student Workshop I″ textbook or in this handbook in the section dealing with guidelines on undergraduate thesis format (pp.123 - 127) when quoting from another person’s work or from the Internet, etc. Students who do not follow these APU guidelines may be accused of plagiarism. 106 Study at APU Points to Remember When Submitting Final Reports The final report submission periods and locations will be announced on the bulletin board, as well as on the Academic Office homepage. Make a habit of checking the bulletin board often. Since there is a fixed submission period, there are no make-up options for reports. Be sure you submit your report by the stated deadline. If you cannot submit the report in person, please ask someone to submit your report as a proxy to the designated place. Curriculum 4.1.4 APU Plagiarism Guidelines ● What is Plagiarism Plagiarism is the copying of a copyrighted work without acknowledgement, and is against Course Registration academic rules and ethics. Plagiarism is also illegal and offenders may be fined or imprisoned. At APU, plagiarism is considered a form of academic misconduct or cheating. Cases of plagiarism will be handled in the same manner cheating on examinations is handled. Students found to have plagiarized materials will be disciplined severely. Please refer to p.104 ″Academic Misconduct″ for further information on punitive measures. ■ submitted or presented within APU. This includes reports, answer sheets, presentation materials, resumes, and all other media resources. Examinations and Grading ″Reports, etc.″ refers to any reports or other items for assessment created by students to be Plagiarism ● Reports, etc. ● Copyrighted Work Seminar Subjects ″Copyrighted Work″ refers to all works as defined by the Japanese copyright law. This includes written/verbal works such as dissertations and lectures, and also includes broadcasts, music, performances, works of art, architecture, maps, technical drawings, models, movies, photographs, programs, etc. Online documents, data and images are also considered copyrighted works. ● Quotations Active Learning ″Quotation″ is the act of using the contents of an existing copyrighted work for your own use in line with the rules below. Although there are a number of ways to use quotations in reports, papers, etc, students may use the method taught in class or as directed by individual instructors. ● An individual’s work must form the main part of a work with quotes only used to supplement Other Information and Programs the main work. ● A quote must be considered necessary. ● The source must be clearly shown. ● The parameters of the quote must be clear. ● There must be no changes to the content of the quote. 107 Study at APU 4.2 Grades and GPA 4.2.1 Grading System Curriculum The APU grading system is as follows. Letter Grades Letter Course Registration A+ Grade (%) 90% or higher A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% F 59% or lower Pass Fail Other Evaluation Codes Seminar Subjects ■ Grades and GPA Code Examinations and Grading Pass / Fail Definition Memo P Pass Utilized in some subjects T Transfer A maximum of 60 credits* R Approved for Re-registration Credits are not counted E Exemption Credits are not counted * The credits transfered at the time of 2nd or 3rd year transfer student’s enrollment do not count toward this limit. 4.2.2 Grade Point Average (GPA) A GPA is a value representing a student’s overall grade evaluation, calculated from the individual grades of their classes according to a specific set of rules established by the University. Active Learning Cumulative GPA and Semester GPA ″Cumulative GPA″ is calculated from the time of a student’s enrollment through to a student’s last semester. This is the number that is printed on official transcripts. Cumulative GPA is used when applying for exchange programs, the Accelerated Graduation Program, priority Other Information and Programs registration, etc. ″Semester GPA″ is calculated using only the grades acquired in the present semester. This is the number that is included in grade reports. Semester GPA is used when applying for scholarships, priority registration, etc. 108 Study at APU Calculating GPA ● AY 2011 Curriculum Students Cumulative GPA: (No.of A+credits×4) + (No.of A credits×3)+(No.of B credits×2)+(No.of C credits×1)+(No.of F credits×0) Total registered credits (excluding P/T) Curriculum Semester GPA: (No.of A+credits×4)+(No.of A credits×3)+(No.of B credits×2)+(No.of C credits×1)+(No.of F credits×0) Registered credits for given semester (excluding P/T) Course Registration ● AY 2004/2006 Curriculum Students The following calculation method also applies to students who were originally enrolled in or before AY 2010 (AY 2004/2006 Curriculum) but who will study under the AY 2011 Curriculum after being reinstated or readmitted. ■ Total completed credits (excluding P/T) Semester GPA: Seminar Subjects (No.of A+credits×4)+(No.of A credits×3)+(No.of B credits×2)+(No.of C credits×1)+(No.of F credits×0) Examinations and Grading (No.of A+credits×4)+(No.of A credits×3)+(No.of B credits×2)+(No.of C credits×1) Graduation Assessment Cumulative GPA: Registered credits for given semester (excluding P/T) A distribution chart of student Cumulative GPA and Semester GPA is posted each semester on the Academic Office website. This data will give students an approximate idea about their academic standing in APU. Active Learning 4.2.3 Graduation Assessment This procedure will assess whether a student is eligible to graduate within a certain period of study (generally four years for regular students). In Japan, students are often requested to submit a ″Certificate of Scheduled Graduation″ during job-hunting activities. Other Information and Programs Please note that these certificates only indicate the prospect of graduation and do not guarantee a student’s graduation. 109 Study at APU ● Scheduled Graduation Assessment Criteria AY 2011 Curriculum Period of Assessment Curriculum Regular Students At completion of 6th semester Completion of at least 76 credits After completion of 7th semester, at completion of each semester Completion of at least 100 credits After completion of 4th semester, at completion of each semester Enrolled in the Accelerated Graduation Program Timing of Issue Spring Semester : Early April Fall Semester : Early October AY 2006 Curriculum Period of Enrollment Release of Grades Regular Students Seminar Subjects Active Learning Accelerated Graduation Program Students Period of Assessment Criteria Remarks At completion Completion of 6th of at least 80 semester credits Those who have completed 64 credits or more can apply for graduation assessment at the Academic Office. At completion Completion Fall Semester of 5th of at least 66 (Sept.) semester credits Those who have completed 44 credits or more can apply for graduation assessment through the Academic office. Spring Semester (April) Spring Semester (April) ■ Examinations and Grading Course Registration Accelerated Graduation Program Students Criteria Enrolled in the At completion Accelerated of 4th Graduation semester Program Enrolled in the At completion Fall Semester Accelerated of 3rd (Sept.) Graduation semester Program Scheduled graduation will be cancelled for those who do not pass Accelerated Graduation Program reevaluation upon completion of the 4th semester. These students will return to normal student status. See p.141 for details. ● A ″Certificate of Scheduled Graduation″ may be printed from automatic issue machines located on the first floor of Building A and in the APU Library for those who complete the above criteria (Spring semester: early April, Fall semester : early October). ● Application procedures for various certificates and information regarding certificates at the Other Information and Programs graduation ceremony can be found in the ″Campus Life Handbook.″ ● S cheduled graduation assessments will be held every semester until graduation from the period of the assessment onwards. 110 Study at APU 4.2.4 Release of Grades In AY 2014, student grades will be released on the following dates. After grades are released, students may confirm their grades via Campusmate. Grades cannot be released before these dates and we ask that students do not contact faculty members directly regarding grades. Semester Graduating Students All Other Students Mon. September 1, 2014 Wed. September 10, 2014 Fall Semester Wed. March 4, 2015 Wed. March 18, 2015 Curriculum Spring Semester Grade reports will be distributed to students who applied for them beforehand within a three day period after grades have been announced. Please note that official transcripts (which may Course Registration be purchased from the Automatic Issue Machine) and student grade reports may vary in content. See below for details. AY 2011 Curriculum Students All grades except ″F″ Will be printed *Grades cannot be cancelled once received. However, course re-registration is possible. Will be printed *Grades cannot be cancelled once received. However, course re-registration is possible. ″F″ grade Will be printed Will be printed AY 2004/2006 Curriculum Students This will also apply to students who were originally enrolled in or before AY 2010 (AY Examinations and Grading Student Grade Report Grade Inquiries Official Transcript ■ Grade Evaluation 2004/2006 Curriculum) but will study under the AY 2011 Curriculum after being reinstated or Grade Evaluation Official Transcript Seminar Subjects readmitted. Student Grade Report Will be printed *Grades cannot be cancelled once received. However, course reregistration is possible. "F" grade Will not be printed Only ″F″ grades for that semester will be printed. Active Learning All grades except ″F″ Will be printed *Grades cannot be cancelled once received. However, course reregistration is possible. Other Information and Programs 111 Study at APU 4.2.5 Grade Inquiries Students may, in the following cases, make inquiries regarding their grade reports within a three-day period until 16:30 of the last day after their student grades are announced. ● A grade is not printed for a registered subject. Curriculum ● A grade is printed for a subject that the student did not register. ● O ther reasons leading to errors in the grade report. The Academic Office will not respond to inquiries concerning the details of an evaluation. However, students who are able to prove that their grade is clearly incorrect may make a formal inquiry. In such cases, the student must clearly specify their inquiry, based on the Course Registration information given in the syllabus and grade comments. Inquiries that do not provide specific explanations will not be accepted. Please do not contact your instructor directly. The Grade Inquiry Form may be downloaded from the Academic Office website. Grade Evaluation Comments may be downloaded from the Academic Office website. Grade Inquiries URL: Other Information and Programs Active Learning Seminar Subjects ■ Examinations and Grading ● Accessing Grade Evaluation Comments 112 html&content_id=28&cat_id=13&lang=english For other information regarding examinations and grading, please visit the Academic Office website. 5. Seminar Subjects Other Information and Programs Active Learning Examinations and Grading Course Registration Curriculum Study at APU 5.1 Seminars APU offers the following seminar subjects. Seminar Subject List Subject Name (credits) Spring enrollees 1 3 Fall semester: ″1st Year Student Workshop II″ (2) Automatic Registration Fall enrollees Fall Semester: ″1st Year Student Workshop I & II″ (2 each) Automatic Registration APS students ″Introduction to Research Methods″ (2) Registered by student Spring semester ″Major Seminar I″ (2) Fall semester ″Major Seminar II″ (2) 7th semester ″Research Seminar″ (2) After student application in advance, Registered by University ″Undergraduate Thesis″ (4) Registered by University if Research Seminar grade is passing 8th semester After student application in advance, Registered by University Examinations and Grading 4 Course Registration 2 Spring semester: ″1st Year Student Workshop I″ (2) Application, Registration and Completion Curriculum Year ■ Research Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis may be taken by students at the 4th year and higher. For Accelerated Graduation Program student 3rd year and 4th year seminar courses, Seminar Subjects Students are only able to register seminar courses for their respective year level. However, 1st Year Seminars ● C AP students should refer to p.55. please refer to p.122. Active Learning 5.1.1 1st Year Seminars APU offers even first year students the opportunity to study seminar subjects in the form of First Year Student Workshops. These subjects are designed to prepare students for their study at APU through a range of lectures and workshops on issues including study skills and cross- Other Information and Programs cultural communication. Lecture themes are as follows. 113 Study at APU First Year Student Workshop I Learning Objectives University academics differ greatly compared to the academic style employed in high schools. Unlike the memorization-focused, passive way of learning in high school, university academics require an independent, active, self-driven way of learning that will encourage students to discover problems and solve them on their own. Thus First Year Student Workshop I aims at Curriculum developing study skills and positive attitude towards learning. Instruction Methods One seminar class is made up of roughly 60 students. All classes are composed of a lecture by the instructor followed by a small-size workshop. The workshop portion of the class is facilitated by undergraduate Teaching Assistants (TAs). Instructors routinely visit the workshop Course Registration classes and provide support and advice when necessary. The smaller workshop classes are further divided into two groups where each group will spend the semester researching a specific topic together. Each person in the group must submit an individual report on the topic at the end of a semester as well as give a presentation. Learning Objectives Doing group work with students from many different cultural backgrounds is a daily occurrence here at APU and also quite usual in today’s globalized society. This subject aims to foster in first year students the basic skills and attitudes that are necessary for such intercultural cooperation. 1st Year Seminars Instruction Methods Active Learning ■ Seminar Subjects Examinations and Grading First Year Student Workshop II Classes will fundamentally consist of lectures by instructors in conjunction with seminar classes run by undergraduate Teaching Assistants (TAs). Large classroom lectures will be divided by language basis (either Japanese or English), whereas the seminar part of the class will take place in smaller classrooms where students will be divided into groups of both Japanese-basis and English-basis students. The groups will conduct a group project throughout the semester. For the group project, each group will plan and implement a project that will help APU students fulfill their unfulfilled desires at APU. For the final step, each group will give a presentation on their project at a presentation competition. Class Structure Other Information and Programs Spring Semester (1st Year) Fall Semester (1st Year) Spring Enrollees First Year Student Workshop I First Year Student Workshop II Fall Enrollees - First Year Student Workshop I & II First Year Student Workshops are taken by ALL 1st year students in both APS and APM. 114 Study at APU Workshop classes will be announced at the time course registration begins. Curriculum ● C lass Structure: There will be a combination of lectures and workshops. ● C lass Registration: Classes will be designated by APU. ● L anguage of Instruction: Japanese and English classes will be held separately for First Year Student Workshop I. First Year Student Workshop II will consist of a mix of Englishbasis and Japanese-basis students. ● G rade Evaluation: Students will be awarded a grade of A+, A, B, C or F. ● An instructor and several teaching assistants (TAs) will be assigned to each class. 5.1.2 2nd Year Seminars 2nd year seminars are established by each college in order to prepare students for more Course Registration specialized study in their 3rd and 4th years. In ″Introduction to Research Methods″ from APS, students study survey and research methods in the area of social science, conduct basic surveys and analysis, write reports, and present their findings. Please refer to the syllabus for more details. Examinations and Grading ■ Seminar Subjects 2nd Year Seminars Active Learning Other Information and Programs 115 Study at APU 5.1.3 3rd Year Seminars Any students interested in advancing to graduate study or finding employment in Japan are strongly encouraged to register for a small group 3rd year seminar. Although the contents of each individual seminar vary greatly, the main aim of all 3rd year seminars is the same: Deepen understanding of a specific field through case studies, journal articles and debate, and Curriculum master the specialized knowledge and skills necessary for writing an undergraduate thesis. Applications are accepted between May and June during the Spring Semester and between November and December during the Fall Semester. An information session is held prior to each application period. Please refer to p.121 for application details. Course Registration APS ″Major Seminar I & II″ The main aim of the APS seminar is to deepen students’ academic understanding of specific economic social issues, including the background and the structure of those issues, affecting the Asia Pacific region through research and discussion. Students also write academic reports on a chosen topic, which is essential training for further studies. The main fields are Examinations and Grading ″Environment & Development,″ ″Hospitality & Tourism,″ ″International Relations & Peace Studies″ and ″Culture, Society & Media.″ During their studies, students will further develop the fundamental research methods they acquired during their first 2 years and deepen their knowledge through analyzing a range of information. Some students may also take part in surveys, interviews or fieldwork in Japan or overseas. 3rd Year Seminars ■ Seminar Subjects APM ″Major Seminar I & II″ In the APM seminar, students study actual cases to learn about corporate behavior and the business environment. Discussions are held during classes on topics such as accounting and finance, marketing, strategic management and organization, and innovation and economics. To build up their basic knowledge, students will first research a topic designated by the instructor and then discuss that topic in class. Students later select their own individual topic to Active Learning research. Sub-Seminars (additional 3rd year seminar) In general, students only take one seminar subject per semester. However, under certain conditions, students will be allowed to attend two seminar classes per semester in order to Other Information and Programs broaden their knowledge in their field of study. 116 Study at APU ● Application Criteria Students can apply for seminars in the other College as sub-seminars. Credits earned from seminars offered by the other College will be counted as General Electives. ● B oth instructors of the main seminar subject and sub-seminar subject must authorize the student to take two seminars. (Only if there is space in the sub-seminar class.) ● If it becomes apparent that a student’s main seminar class timetable overlaps with their sub-seminar class timetable after application, the sub-seminar subject will be automatically Curriculum deleted. ● S tudents who fail to apply for a main seminar subject will not be permitted to apply for a sub-seminar (Applications for sub-seminar only are not permitted.) ● Grade Evaluation Regular grading (A+, A, B, C, or F) Course Registration 5.1.4 4th Year Seminars 4th year seminars form the culmination of students’ four years of study at APU. This highly specialized subject allows students to select a topic of interest and conduct focused research over a one-year period. Examinations and Grading Students take Research Seminar (2 credits) in the first half of their 4th year. Students who successfully pass this subject are then able to take Undergraduate Thesis (4 credits) the following semester. Only students who pass Research Seminar are able to register Undergraduate Thesis. Interested students must apply to take Research Seminar during the latter half of their 3rd year of studies. ● Grade Evaluation Seminar Subjects 5.1.5 3rd and 4th Year Seminar Applications and Credit 4th Year Seminars Undergraduate Thesis: Regular grading (A+, A, B, C, or F) ■ Research Seminar: Pass (P) / Fail (F) Application Period and Registration Active Learning ● S tudents must apply for a 3rd year or 4th year seminar the semester immediately preceding the semester they intend to take the seminar subject. Students are unable to cancel their enrollment after their application has been approved. ● S tudents may only apply to take a seminar in their own college of enrollment for their 1st or ″Main Seminar.″ Only when registering for a 2nd, or ″Sub Seminar,″ may a subject from another college be registered. Other Information and Programs ● 3 rd year seminar courses (Major Seminar I & II, 2 credits each) are held each semester. Once accepted to a seminar course, the same instructor’s course will be automatically registered each following semester as long as a student does not participate in a study abroad program or take a leave of absence. See p.120 for details on cancelling or changing a seminar. 117 Study at APU ● P lease note that sub-seminars must be applied for each semester, and are not automatically registered. ● F ourth year seminars are held over a one-year period. Both Research Seminar (2 credits) and Undergraduate Thesis (4 credits) will be held by the same instructor. ● S tudents are able to take 4th year seminars from their 4th year of study. Ordinarily, students register for these in their 7th and 8th semesters, however, students may elect to Curriculum take their seminar during their 8th and 9th semesters. Please visit the Academic Office for further advice. 3rd and 4th Year Seminar Application Process 3rd Year 4th Semester ▲ Continue (automatic registration) ▲ Major Seminar Ⅰ or ⅠⅠ Continue (automatic registration) ▲ Course Registration 6th Semester ▲ △ New Application 5th Semester Leave Major Seminar Ⅰ or ⅠⅠ 2 credits 2 credits New Application △ ▲ Leave 4th Year 6th Semester Research Seminar Pass (automatic registration) 2 credits Undergraduate Thesis 4 credits ▲ △ New Application ▲ Examinations and Grading 8th Semester ▲ ▲ Continue (automatic registration) 7th Semester Fail (unable to register) ● Accelerated Graduation Program students and students on exchange (or who have just 3rd & 4th Year Seminar Applications ■ Seminar Subjects finished an Exchange Program) will take 3rd and 4th-year seminars at different times than regular students. Please refer to page 122 for details. 3rd and 4th Year Seminar Credit Field ● Subject Field 3rd and 4th Year Seminar courses are graded each semester. Credits completed from 3rd and 4th year seminar courses taken from one's enrolled college will count toward the Major Education Subject field. Sub-seminar courses taken from another college will count toward the Active Learning General Elective field. ● Credits for subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) Subjects Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of subjects held in English (excluding Language Education Subjects), but seminar subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) will not be counted towards this total. Other Information and Programs ● Area of Study on Diplomas (for AY 2011 Curriculum students in the College of International Management only) AY 2011 Curriculum students in the College of International Management who complete at least 30 credits of a specific Area of Study, Core Subjects and Seminar Subjects will have their Course name listed on their diplomas. Please note that students need to apply fo the Area of Sutdy they wish to complete via Campusmate in order to have the name of their Area of Study noted on their diploma. Credits earned for all APM 3rd and 4th-year seminars will count toward 118 this requirement regardless of the area of study. Study at APU Main Seminar Application ● Eligibility ● S tudents not currently taking a seminar ● S tudents currently taking a seminar, but wishing to change to a different instructor for the next semester ● S tudents currently studying abroad who will be resuming studies at APU next semester Curriculum ● S tudents currently taking a leave of absence who will be resuming studies at APU next semester ●Application Method Newly applying students should review the details of the course syllabus, consult individually with their desired seminar instructor, then submit an application via Blackboard. Application Course Registration instructions are available on the Academic Office website. A guidance session will be held each semester before the seminar registration period begins. ●Registering Seminar Subjects held in English by Japanese-basis Students (for AY 2011 Curriculum students only) AY 2011 Curriculum Japanese-basis students on the Standard Track are required to complete "Intermediate English A/B" in order to apply for a 3rd and 4th-year seminar subjects offered in Examinations and Grading English. Students taking seminars held in both English and Japanese and students changing to the AY 2011 Curriculum due to reinstatement or readmission are not subject to this requirement. Students Currently Studying Abroad or on Leave of Absence Students who Plan to Participate in an Exchange Program Student who have applied for a student exchange program but have not been accepted to an Seminar Subjects before return to APU. 3rd & 4th Year Seminar Applications submitted through Blackboard during the application period of the semester immediately should contact their desired seminar instructor via e-mail for consultation. Applications must be ■ In order to apply for a seminar while studying abroad or on a leave of absence, students exchange program by the seminar application deadline must submit a seminar application Active Learning within the seminar application period if they wish to take a seminar subject in the upcoming semester. Students who have received notice of their acceptance should notify the Academic Office as soon as possible in order to cancel their seminar subject registration. Students who have already been accepted to an exchange program cannot register for 3rd-year seminars. Students who Plan to Applying for Transfer Colleges within the University Other Information and Programs Students who are planning on applying to transfer colleges within APU should consult with the Academic Office during the new student application period as it is possible for students to apply for a seminar offered by the college that they are applying to transfer to. Please note that enrollment in seminars in the post-transfer College is only possible once their transfers 119 Study at APU have been approved and procedures completed*. * Students whose college transfer application has been approved must submit a ″Seminar Cancellation Application″ to the Academic Office upon notification of college transfer results. Cancelling or Changing a Seminar Curriculum After applying for and being accepted to a seminar, that instructor’s seminars through ″Undergraduate Thesis″ will be automatically registered each semester. In the case a seminar is cancelled due to a study abroad or leave of absence, it will not be automatically registered (with the exception of Undergraduate Thesis). If you do not wish to continue your currently enrolled seminar, you may submit a form to cancel this automatic registration during the seminar cancellation application period. Similarly, if you would like to change to a different Course Registration instructor’s seminar, you may do so by submitting a new seminar application during the same period. Application Results Each instructor will accept applicants based on their essay and interview. Application results will be announced on the Academic Office website. Once a seminar has been registered it Examinations and Grading cannot be cancelled during that semester. Sub Seminar Application (3rd year seminar subjects only) ● Eligibility 3rd & 4th Year Seminar Applications ■ Seminar Subjects Students who are eligible to take the course (main seminar) for which they originally registered ● Application Method Download the application form from the Academic Office website, receive the signatures of both their main seminar and sub seminar instructor on the form, then submit it to the Academic Office. Full details are available on the Academic Office website. Note: The course timetable for a semester is released before the course registration period for that Active Learning semester begins. If, at the time the timetable is released, two of a student’s seminar courses Other Information and Programs will be overlapping, the sub seminar class will be automatically cancelled. 120 Description Fall Semester Courses Study at APU 3rd and 4th Year Seminar Application Schedule Spring Semester Courses Wed, November. 5 New application and cancellation period Wed. June 4 Wed. June 11 at 16:30 Wed. November 26 Wed. December 3 at 16:30 New application results released Wed. July 16 at 15:00 Wed. January 21, 2015 at 15:00 Sub-seminar application period (3rd year students only) Thu. July 17 Wed. July 23 at 16:30 Thu. January 22, 2015 Wed. January 28 at 16:30 Sub-seminar application results (3rd year students only) Wed. July 30 at 15:00 Wed. February 4, 2015 at 15:00 Seminar classes begin 2014 Fall Semester 2015 Spring Semester Course Registration Wed. May 14 Curriculum Seminar details released and guidance session held ● The schedule is subject to change. Please check the Academic Office website regularly for updates. ● O nce a student has been accepted to a seminar, the University will carry out course registration for the class. Please confirm the registration of your seminar course before the end of Course Registration Period B. Examinations and Grading ■ Seminar Subjects 3rd & 4th Year Seminar Applications Active Learning Other Information and Programs 121 Study at APU 3rd & 4th Year Seminar for Accelerated Graduation Program and Exchange Students Accelerated Graduation Program students and students on exchange (or who have just finished an exchange program) should refer to the following chart for information on registering 3rd and 4th year seminars. Application procedures for returning exchange program students will also be discussed at the pre-departure exchange program guidance session. Curriculum Period Course Registration Accelerated Graduation Program Students 6th Semester Graduation Registration of Major Seminar, Research Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis in 6th Semester (Total 8 credits) 7th Semester Graduation Registration of Research Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis in 7th Semester (Total 6 credits) Study Abroad in the 5th and 6th Semesters Examinations and Grading Exchange Students Seminars Study Abroad in the 6th and 7th Semesters ■ Seminar Subjects Registration Details Application Period Applications will be accepted during the regular application period. For students who do not obtain credits for Research Seminar or Undergraduate Thesis in their 6th or 7th semester, the University will register these subjects again the following semester Cannot register for Major Seminar I or II during the period abroad. Students returning from an exchange program who wish to take a seminar course from their 7th semester should complete an application during the 6th semester Registration of Research Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis in 8th semester (Total 6 credits) Only in the case a student has received permission from the instructor may they submit an application in the 7th semester. In this case, the instructor will carry out distance supervision via e-mail during 7th semester IMPORTANT Accelerated Graduation Program students will take 3rd and 4th-year seminars at different Active Learning times than regular students. Please consult with your desired instructor and ensure you Other Information and Programs have room for these subjects in your study plan before applying. 122 Study at APU 5.2 AY 2014 Undergraduate Thesis Schedule and Details More details will be made available at the start of each semester on the Academic Office website. Curriculum Thesis Submission ● Submission Deadline ● S tudents graduating at the end of Spring Semester: Fri. June 13 at 16:30 ● S tudents graduating at the end of Fall Semester: Fri. December 12 at 16:30 Late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances; this includes late Course Registration submissions due to traffic delays or technical problems such as computer or printer failures. ● Submit to Theses are to be submitted to the Academic Office. Theses submitted to other offices or by post etc. will not be accepted. Examinations and Grading ● Storage of Theses Theses will be stored at the Academic Office after submission. No materials will be returned to students. Please ensure you have made copies of your thesis before submission. ● Printing Method Typed using word processing software Active Learning ● Inner Coversheet Seminar Subjects A4 one-sided; portrait orientation, horizontal writing Undergraduate Thesis Schedule and Details ● Paper size ■ Thesis Requirements Designated coversheet form available at the Academic Office. List thesis title, college of enrollment, ID Number, student's name and instructor’s name. Samples are available at the Academic Office. ● Folder/Cover Other Information and Programs ● APS: pink paper file ● APM: blue paper file Thesis title, ID number, student's name and instructor's name must be written on the spine and cover of the paper file. The inner coversheet must be attached to the thesis, stapled in three 123 Study at APU places on the left-hand side, hole-punched and bound in the specified folder. In the case of group work, each individual is to fill out a coversheet and attach it to one thesis. Additionally, all names and student ID numbers should be written on the paper file cover. Carefully follow the "Instructions" on the coversheet mentioned above. ● Binding method Curriculum Theses are to be bound on the left-hand side Thesis Format Thesis Written in Japanese Course Registration Any directions given by instructors are to take precedent. If no specific instructions are given, the format below is to be followed. ● No. of Characters ● N o. of characters per line: follow instructor’s directions ● No. of Pages ● APS: Equivalent of 80 to 100 pages of 400-character pages (main text only) ● APM: Equivalent of 50 to 100 pages of 400-character pages (including main text and Undergraduate Thesis Schedule and Details footnotes) Active Learning ■ Seminar Subjects Examinations and Grading ● N o. of lines per page: follow instructor’s directions Any tables or reference material is to be included in the above page counts ● Page Numbering Page numbers must be given (following any specific directions given by instructors). ● Font Font is to be between 10.5 and 12 point ● Table of contents Table of contents on page following coversheet, listing the titles of each chapter and section and page numbers for each. ● Writing style Other Information and Programs The "da" or "de aru" style is to be used. ● Editorial style Theses are to follow the APA style (editorial style adopted by the American Psychological Association and used widely in psychology and the social sciences). Details of this style are 124 Study at APU given below. ● H eadings and Sub-headings: The main text body is to be divided into chapters each numbered (1, 2, 3…). Chapters may be divided further into sections, which are also to be numbered (1.1, 1.2, 1.3…). Headings and sub-headings should be in bold. ● E xplanatory Notes: Explanatory notes in the main body of the text often impair the logical flow of the text. Therefore, endnotes are used in such circumstances. Endnotes are to be given as follows. Curriculum ○N umbers are to be given at the point in the text the endnote refers to. ○ " Chu" (Explanatory Notes) are to be written at the end of the main text body in bold and the explanatory notes written from the following line. ○ The endnote numbers are to correspond with the numbers given in the main text body. ○ " Chu" and the endnotes are to be a smaller font size than the main text. Course Registration ● C itations: Citations are used to reinforce the contents of an author's thesis or to build on the previously conducted research etc. Refer to p.127 for further information regarding citation methods. ● List of References and Bibliography: A List of References contains details only of those works cited in the text. A Bibliography shows both cited works and sources that are not cited but are relevant to the subject. Either a List of References or a Bibliography must be given. Examinations and Grading ○B ibliography (or List of References) is to be written in bold, beginning two lines below the explanatory notes. ○R eferences are to be listed in Japanese phonetic order according to author. Order to follow is: Author (Publication Date)「Article Title」 「Title of Publication」Publisher. ○R eferences are to be written in the same sized font as explanatory notes. Thesis Written in English Seminar Subjects TAGUCHI Hiroko (20, October 2002)「Thoughts on Gachimaya」 「Okinawa Times」(online) Undergraduate Thesis Schedule and Details access date): ■ ○E lectronic media references are to be documented as follows (given the posting date or Any directions given by instructors are to take precedent. If no specific instructions are given, Active Learning the below format is to be followed. ● No. of Words ● N o. of words per line: follow instructor's directions ● N o. of lines per page: follow instructor's directions Other Information and Programs ● No. of Pages ● APS: Equivalent of 12,000 to 15,000 words (main text only) ● APM: Equivalent of 7,000 to 15,000 words (including main text and footnotes) Any tables or reference materials are to be included in the above page counts 125 Study at APU ● Page Numbering Page numbers must be given (following any specific directions given by instructors). ● Font Font is to be between 10.5 and 12 point Curriculum ● Table of contents Table of contents on the page following the coversheet, listing the titles of each chapter and section and page numbers for each. ● Editorial Style Theses are to follow the APA style (editorial style adopted by the American Psychological Course Registration Association and used widely in psychology and the social sciences). Details of this style are given below. ● H eadings and Sub-headings: The main text body is to be divided into chapters each numbered (1, 2, 3…). Chapters may be divided further into sections, which are also to be numbered (1.1, 1.2, 1.3…). Headings and sub-headings should be in bold. flow of the text. Therefore, endnotes are used in such circumstances. Endnotes are to be given as follows. ○N umbers are to be given at the point in the text to which the endnote refers. ○ " Explanatory Notes" are to be written at the end of the main text body in bold and the Undergraduate Thesis Schedule and Details explanatory notes written from the following line. ■ Seminar Subjects Examinations and Grading ● E xplanatory Notes: Explanatory notes in the main body of the text often impair the logical ○ The endnote numbers are to correspond with the numbers given in the main text body. ○ The "Endnotes" title and the endnotes are to be a smaller font size than the main text. ● C itations: Citations are used to reinforce the contents of an author's thesis or to build on the previously conducted research etc. Refer to p.127 for further information regarding citation methods. ● L ist of References and Bibliography: A List of References gives details only of those works cited in the text. A Bibliography shows both cited works and sources that are not cited but are relevant to the subject. Either a List of References or a Bibliography must be Active Learning given. ○B ibliography (or List of References) is to be written in bold, beginning two lines below the explanatory notes. ○ Author's name is to be written Surname, followed by comma, followed by the initial of the author's first name. ○R eferences are to be listed in alphabetical order according to author. Order to follow is: Other Information and Programs Author (Publication Date) Article Title, Title of Publication, Location Published, Publisher ○ Titles of articles written in English are to be written normally, and the title of the publication the article appeared in written in italics. ○R eferences are to be written in the same sized font as explanatory notes. ○E lectronic media references are to be given as follows (given the posting date or access date): 126 Study at APU J ohnson, M. (1999 March 3) Music Education for Preschoolers. Modern Education [Online serial], 4.1 Citation Methods ● Short Citations Citations of four lines or less are to be kept in the main body of the text. ●Quotation marks for English, or「 」for Japanese, are used to enclose the direct quotation. Japanese report: いずれにせよ、 「香港はバイリンガル社 会であり、広東語と英語が実際上のリ ングア・フランカである」 (陳、1979、 p.20)というふうに英語と広東語の実 生活上の役割を安易に同視することは 香港の実情を正しく伝えることにはな らない。 English report: Morrison (1993) defines flyleaf as "a blank leaf at the beginning or end of a book" (p.32). Japanese report: Japanese report: ●Page number is shown in parentheses ( ) directly after the citation. ●Quotation marks are not used. ●Publication date is shown in parentheses ( ) directly after the author's name. ●Page number is shown in parentheses ( ) directly after the cited section. Active Learning 中嶋(1987)によれば、香港の工業は対 外依存性がきわめて高く、生産に対す る輸出の割合は80~85%にものぼる と言われる(p.220)。 ●Year of publication is shown in parentheses ( ) directly after the author's name. Seminar Subjects English report: Churchill (1987) compares the history of printing to the history of France (see p.47). ●Quotation marks for English, or「 」for Japanese, are used to enclose the direct quotation. Undergraduate Thesis Schedule and Details Endacott(1983)は「イギリスの大学 におけると同様の教育を中国人に施す こと」 (p.283)が香港大学設立の趣旨 であったとしている。 ●Author's name, year of publication, and page number are shown in parentheses ( ) directly after the citation. ■ Paraphrasing a source, referring directly to the author. English report: Just as "England was intoxicated by a surge of political energy in the mid-1770s" (Smith, 1979, p.88), Australia is currently gripped by an interest in politics. Examinations and Grading Citation in the main body of a text referring directly to the author. Notes Course Registration Citation in the main body of a text without referring directly to the author. Example Curriculum Case ● Long Citations Other Information and Programs Citations of five lines or more are to be shown in a separate paragraph. ● C itation to be given on a new line (one line below the main text). ● Q uotation marks are not used. ● This type of citation is to be used no more than twice in one thesis. 127 a 6. Active Learning (Student Exchange-Overseas & Domestic, Study Abroad Programs) Study at APU 6.1 Active Learning APU education stresses the elements of knowledge, experience and exchange. Classroom lectures are useful for acquiring knowledge; however, it is also necessary to provide students with off-campus opportunities to gain experience and participate in exchange activities. Curriculum Moving away from the standard system of teaching and learning based solely on classroom lectures, APU designs programs to focus on experience and practical learning. This is called Active Learning. APU offers a range of programs from domestic and international fieldwork to internships. The University also makes use of its vast global networks to provide a wide variety of regional and international cooperative programs. We strongly urge all students to take advantage of at least one Active Learning Program as part of their four year course of study. Course Registration Please refer to the Academic Office website for the latest information. URL: Examinations and Grading Seminar Subjects ■ Active Learning Active Learning Other Information and Programs 129 Study at APU 6.1.1 List of Active Learning Programs (Short-term Programs) Introductory Study Program FIRST (Overseas) Curriculum Program Aims and Features FIRST (Domestic) Language Study Program English Immersion AP Language Immersion ● Intercultural experience/ understanding ● Exchange with people from a different country ● Understanding ● Intensive Language Learning Overseas Japanese culture ● Intercultural experience and understanding application ● Practical of Japanese skills with local ● Exchange Japanese people in a non-campus setting 1st year students 1st year students ● Domestic Students ● Japanese-basis international students or international students who have completed Intermediate/ Advanced Japanese International Students Language requirements vary according to program. 1st - 7th semester students Course Registration Eligible Participants Examinations and Grading Application Requirements Spring Semester Semester and (4 days) Duration of Study Application Period April - April FA - October October Subject (Field) Number of Credits Course Registration Grades Korea Kyushu Area, Japan Past programs: USA, Past programs: Korea, Australia, NZ, etc. China,Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico, etc. FIRST Program FIRST Program Intensive Language Learning Overseas (Common Liberal Arts (Common Liberal Arts (Language Education Subject) Subject) 2 credits Subject) 2 credits 2 or 4 credits The University will register the course for The University will register the course for successful applicants. successful applicants. P (Pass) / F (Fail) 2014 Spring semester 2014 Fall semester Regular grading (A+, A, B, C or F) 2014 Summer Programs : 2014 Spring semester 2014 Winter Programs : 2014 Fall semester Semester Credit is Awarded Other Information and Programs ■ List of Active Learning Programs (Short-term Programs) Summer/Winter Session (3 - 5 weeks) SP Study Site (Country/Area) Seminar Subjects Active Learning Fall Semester (4 days) Inclusion in Credit Registration Limit Estimated Cost (Yen) 130 Not included 70,000 - 80,000 Not included 30,000 - 40,000 Not included 300,000 - 600,000 (depending on the program) 180,000 - 450,000 (depending on the program) Field Study (Session based) Applied Training Internship Global Collaborative University Education (GLUE) Global Communication South East Asian Program (GCP) Studies Program (SEAS) ● Practical, specialized ● Practical, specialized ● Work experience ● Communication study study ● Career development Skills ● On-site research ● Research and ● Intercultural activities analysis understanding ● Seminar-linked practical learning ● Field work & research ● Collabrative studies at other universities ● Interconnection of subjects Curriculum 2nd - 3rd year students Credits are only ● Japanese conferred for contract basis students, internship operated English standard with companies Track (Domestic, and organizations International) that have signed ● Student must have Memoranda of taken all of English Understanding with subjects APU. Summer/Winter Sessions (several days – 4 weeks) Summer/Winter Sessions (several days – 8 weeks) Selected from GCP participants Examinations and Grading must be ● Students ● Each program has its own requirements enrolled in the program supervisor’s seminar ● If a program is and must intend to held in English, continue studying Japanese-basis under the same students on the AY supervisor in the next 2011 Curriculum semester. (Standard Track) ● Applicants must not be registered for must complete Intermediate English the "Undergraduate Thesis" subject at the A and B. Course Registration ● AY 2006 Curricu semester 3rd semester students ● 5th students and lum: 4th semester and above (excluding above (excluding students and above students in their final students in their final ● AY 2011 Curricusemester) semester) lum: 2nd semester students and above Study at APU Theme-based Major Study Program time of application. Summer/Winter Sessions (several days – 3 weeks) April October Around June November - December Spring semester 2nd quarter (2 months) October (Summer Program in 2015) Past programs: Japan, Thailand, etc. Field Study Subject/Field Study Subject (CAP) (differs depending on the program) 2 or 4 credits Internship (2006 ● Special Lecture Curriculum: Major (Common Liberal Arts Education Subject / 2011 Subject) 2 credits 4 Curriculum: Common courses Activities 2 Education Subject) 2 or ● Volunteer credits, 1 course total 4 credits * Maximum 8 10 credits credits while enrolled 10,000 - 300,000 30,000 - 100,000 Pass (P) / Fail (F) 2014 Summer Programs: 2014 Fall semester 2014 Winter Programs: 2015 Spring semester Regular grading (A+, A, B, C or F) 2015 Summer Programs : 2015 Spring Semester Included Other Information and Programs Not Included Course registration by the University Included min. 350,000 Active Learning 2014 Summer Programs : 2014 Spring semester 2014 Winter Programs : 2014 Fall semester Special Lecture (Common Liberal Arts Subject) 2 credits 2 courses total 4 credits List of Active Learning Programs (Short-term Programs) Regular grading (A+, A, B, C or F) Thailand, Malaysia ■ Course registration by the University U.S.A. (Texas) Seminar Subjects Past programs: Thailand, Past programs: Japan, USA, China, Korea, China, Korea, etc. Japan, etc. Applied Training subject (own college: Major Education subjects, Other college: General Elective) 2 or 4 credits Summer session (2.5 weeks) min. 500,000 131 Study at APU 6.2 Long-term Programs Long-term study abroad programs available to APU students include Student Exchange (Domestic and International), Dual Degree Programs and Independent Study Abroad. Please review the descriptions of each option, and attend the scheduled guidance sessions for more Curriculum information. 6.2.1 International Exchange Programs The following guidelines apply to programs based on Student Exchange Agreements signed with partner universities (host institutions). The primary aim of these programs is to enable participants to take courses in their area of specialization at a different university, giving them Course Registration maximum opportunity to broaden their knowledge. The programs should be seen as an opportunity to further develop study skills and research abilities acquired to date, not merely to improve language ability. This section provides a general explanation of the systems and procedures for international exchange programs. For more information, please refer to the program pages located under Examinations and Grading the Student Exchange menu on the Academic Office website. URL : Student Status, Tuition Fees and Credit Transfer when studying Abroad Student Exchange or Dual Degree Program Long –term Programs (International Exchange Programs) Other Information and Programs ■ Active Learning Seminar Subjects Student Status 132 Independent Study Abroad Overseas Study during a Leave of Absence Study Abroad Study Abroad Leave of Absence Tuition Tuition A and B Screening/administration fee: JPY 15,000 + APU Tuition A and B + tuition matriculation fee: JPY 5,000 of host institution per semester + tuition of host institution Credit Transfer Possible Possible Not Possible Study at APU Eligibility and Requirements for Student Exchange Programs Program Aims and Practical, Specialized Study / On-site research activities Features Eligible Participants 4th – 7th semester students Program Length Current year In the latter half of their first year (2nd semester) to the beginning semester of the 3rd year (5th semester) GPA Semester GPA of at least 2.00 *Cumulative GPA requirements differ depending on the host university Curriculum Language requirements differ depending on the country and host university. A) Those who plan to take the majority of their classes in English: Applicants are asked to submit a TOEFL® score of 500-600 B) Those who plan to take the majority of their classes Language in one of the AP languages: Applicants must be Proficiency proficient to the level that they are able to take Requirement curricular courses in that language. *Note that applicants who are planning on taking the majority of their classes in English at their host university must submit a language proficiency test score (TOEFL® ITP, iBT, etc.) when applying to APU. Additionally, applicants who plan to take the majority of their classes in an AP Language may also be required to submit a language proficiency test score to APU. Course Registration Eligibility Requirements 1 semester or 1 year (2 semesters) * 2 semesters may overlap in year status ( i.e.: 4th semester to 5th semester) Examinations and Grading Recruitment will be held a year before the actual program begins. Application Period Mid April to Mid June for spring semester departure programs Mid October to Mid November for fall semester departure programs Overseas universities with which APU has signed a Student Exchange Agreement; North & South America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and Africa Seminar Subjects Host Universities Program Departures Departure date varies depending on the host universities Course Content Classes offered at the undergraduate level Course Registration Student will register courses at host university Credits will be transferred after students submit a Request for Approval of Transferred Credits, academic transcripts from the host institution and other required documents to be screened by the Division of Academic Affairs Accommodation University dormitory or apartment Other Information and Programs APU Tuition A and B, Dormitory fees, meals, living expenses, Primary Expenses textbooks, visa application fees, round-trip transportation, overseas travel accident insurance, J-TAS fees, miscellaneous expenses Active Learning Timing of Credit Transfer Long –term Programs (International Exchange Programs) T (Transfer) ■ Grades * Universities for which exchange students will be recruited will be chosen based on the balance of incoming and outgoing exchange students as well as consideration of the academic calendar of each university. Time and period of exchange, as well as number of students accepted may also vary based on these factors. 133 Study at APU Screening Process Application Document Review (Initial Screening), Interview (Secondary Screening) Schedule (tentative) Course Registration Curriculum Timing Description After Notification of Acceptance at APU APU nominates accepted students to their host institution Approx. 4 months before departure Application forms submitted to host institution Approx. 3 months before departure Letter of acceptance received from host institution; apply to enter dormitory, insurance, etc. Approx. 2 months before departure Visa application and preparations for departure Credit Transfer after Study Abroad ● The maximum number of credits a student is able to transfer back to APU, including all credit transfers during their time at the University, is 60 credits. Examinations and Grading ● It is not possible to transfer credits from subjects with no relation to those offered at APU, i.e. sports, art, etc. Accepted students will be asked to submit documentation, regarding their intended course of study to the Academic Office. ● O n application, only credits you wish to transfer from subjects studied at the host university will be screened and evaluated. ● It will not be possible to repeat the same subject at APU when the credit from the host institution has been approved and transferred for that subject. student’s grade report. Long-term Programs (International Exchange Programs) ● S tudents must apply for credit transfer within one month of their return. Other Information and Programs ■ Active Learning Seminar Subjects ● " T" (transfer) will be shown for all transferred subjects in the evaluation section of the 134 Study at APU 6.2.2 Domestic Exchange Programs Ritsumeikan University - Akita International University Semester Exchange Program Host Universities and Colleges Curriculum ● Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Campus (KIC: Kyoto city, Kyoto) Ritsumeikan University College of Law, College of Social Sciences, College of International Relations, College of Policy Science, College of Letters ● Ritsumeikan University Biwako-Kusatsu Campus (BKC: Kusatsu city, Shiga) College of Economics, College of Business Administration, College of Science & Engineering, Course Registration College of Sports & Health Sciences ● Applicants to the College of Science & Engineering will be screened individually to determine if they have the academic ability necessary to take courses in this specialization. ● Akita International University (AIU: Akita city, Akita) College of International Liberal Arts Examinations and Grading Number of Students ● R itsumeikan University: Up to 30 students per year ● Akita International University: Up to 5 students per year Note: Students are not permitted to participate on this program in the semester that they are Seminar Subjects scheduled to graduate (including Accelerated Graduation Program students). Also 3rd year transfer students are not eligible to apply. Students who transferred into the 2nd year can apply from their 4th semester. Scholarships (for International Students) Active Learning Students on scholarship should inquire at the Student Office for more information. Long-term Programs (Domestic Exchange Programs) exchange. (Students on exchange will have their status as "study abroad".) ■ APU students currently on reduced tuition will continue to receive their reductions while on Other Information and Programs 135 Study at APU Ritsumeikan University Summer Session Exchange Program Under this program students can attend and receive credit for Ritsumeikan University Summer Session week-long intensive courses held in the beginning of September. Details will be announced on the Academic Office website in mid-May 2014. * Selection Method: Participants are selected at random in accordance with the capacities Curriculum stipulated for each subject. APU plans to undertake a comprehensive review of the total number of credits which can be registered in the Ritsumeikan University Summer Session Exchange Program and credit transfer programs with Oita University and the Open University of Japan. Changes will be announced via Campus Terminal by the end of AY 2014. Please check Campus Terminal Course Registration to confirm the details. Akita International University Winter Exchange Program Under this program students can attend and receive credits for Akita International University Winter Program subjects – intensive courses held in January to March. Details will be announced in mid-April 2014 along with results for the exchange program. * Selection Method: Participants are selected according to the results of a document screening Examinations and Grading and an interview conducted together with screenings for the AIU exchange program (Fall Long-term Programs (Domestic Exchange Programs) Other Information and Programs ■ Active Learning Seminar Subjects dispatch). 136 Study at APU 6.2.3 Dual Degree Program In the dual degree program, students receive two degrees after completing two years of study at APU and another two years at the host institution, a total of four years. The following table shows the outline of the dual degree programs. Please note that degree requirements, application eligibilities, number of participants, and other conditions vary depending on the Period of study at host institution Approximately 2 years (4 semesters) August – October Screening Process Application documents and Interview Student status while at host institution will be "Study Abroad." Time spent abroad will count towards the period of enrollment so that students may graduate in a minimum of 4 years. ● APU tuition A and B (the tuition of the host institution will be waived) fees (or fees for other types of housing), meals, living expenses, textbook fees, application fees, round-trip transportation, overseas travel insurance, and miscellaneous expenses. ● Dormitory Examinations and Grading Primary Expenses Course Registration Application period Student Status Curriculum host institutions. Detailed information will be available at the program guidance sessions. Host institutions The following is the list of host universities. The list is tentative and is subject to change every year. ● S t Edward’s University (USA) Seminar Subjects ● K yung Hee University (Korea) ● S alzburg University of Applied Sciences (Austria) The number of participants will be decided each year based on the balance of incoming and outgoing students with each host university and other factors. ● TOEFL-ITP 550 or above (TOEFL®/iBT and IELTS requirement will be informed in the application information handouts) ● 1 st year students who enrolled at APU in Spring 2014 (except for some host institutions) Active Learning ● A cumulative GPA of 2.8 or above Dual Degree Programs Applicants must meet the following criteria. ■ Application Eligibilities Other Information and Programs 137 Study at APU 6.2.4 Independently Arranged Study Abroad "Independent Study Abroad" does not refer to a Student Exchange Program with a university that APU has signed a "Student Exchange Agreement" with, but instead refers to a system where the student applies on his/her own and is accepted on a study abroad program at a university of the student’s choice after an evaluation by APU. The student’s status will be Curriculum considered as "study abroad" while they are overseas. In order to obtain this "study abroad" status at APU for this type of program, you must fulfill the following three requirements. ● The classes that you will be attending overseas must be accredited undergraduate classes (the duration must be six months or more). ● The course of study at the host university must be deemed academically beneficial to the Course Registration student. ● APU and the host university must agree on the student’s study abroad program. Period 1 semester or 1 year (2 semesters)*Two semesters may overlap in year status (i.e.: 4th semester to 5th semester) Independently Arranged Study Abroad Eligibility Requirement Other Information and Programs ■ Active Learning Seminar Subjects Examinations and Grading *Student should confirm the host university’s application requirements on their own. Primary Expenses 138 Current Year Student must be in their 2nd semester - 5th semester GPA Semester GPA of 2.50 or above Language Proficiency ● Applicants who will be taking the majority of their classes in English: An applicant must have a TOEFL® score of 500 or higher (iBT score is also acceptable). Students must submit a copy of a valid score sheet. ● Applicants who will be taking the majority of their classes in a language other than English: Proficiency in the language that the classes are taught in of a level that the student is able to take curricular courses in that language without any difficulty. ● It is highly preferred that the applicant has acquired all of the credits for language courses necessary for graduation before the start of their "Independent Study Abroad" program. ● An interview may be necessary. No. of Credits 16 credits per semester Duration of Study In principle, within a two-semester period. Students should not go abroad with the intent of graduating from the host institution. The period that participation will be possible is within the 4th to the 7th semesters. Students are not able to participate in study abroad in their last (8th) semester. The student must pay tuition fees to both the host institution and APU. The treatment of the student’s status as well as the credit transfer process is entirely the same as for APU’s Student Exchange Programs (overseas programs). However, all of the expenses must be borne entirely by the student. Study at APU Student Status Student status will be ″Study Abroad″ and the time abroad will count as course time so that it is possible to graduate in four years. However, this only applies to students who will be taking accredited undergraduate courses and does not apply to students going abroad for supplementary language training and other such courses. Curriculum Study Abroad Procedures The student will select the university and is responsible for all registration procedures and preparations. APU Procedures Course Registration 1. The student should first prepare relevant materials (i.e. documents that provide an outline of the university as well as those detailing the contents of the courses, a copy of the university’s website, etc.) concerning the overseas university that he/she wishes to attend. The student should bring these documents to the Academic Office and consult with the office staff approximately 5 months prior to the application deadline of the host institution. 2. After APU has confirmed the course content, the student must fill out and submit a "Study Abroad Request" form to the Academic Office 4 months before the application deadline of Examinations and Grading the host institution. The Academic Office will then make a decision on whether or not to grant the request. Seminar Subjects ■ Active Learning Other Information and Programs Independently Arranged Study Abroad 139 a 7. Other Information and Programs Study at APU 7.1 Accelerated Graduation Program The Accelerated Graduation Program has been devised to encourage the academic efforts of outstanding students who wish to graduate in three years or three and one half years. Those accepted to the program are allowed to register extra credits and higher level subjects each semester (with the exception of certain subjects). Students must understand the specific Curriculum program criteria, such as the credit requirements and grades. Those who aim for accelerated graduation must have clear plans for the future and be ready to make continuous efforts to achieve their goals. Transfer from a non-4 year University or 3rd year transfer students will be ineligible to register for the Accelerated Graduation Program. Course Registration Application and Registration Application Period ● When moving to 2nd year : Apply during the 2nd semester ● When moving to 3rd year : Apply during the 4th semester Examinations and Grading Eligibility ●Application prior to the start of the 2nd year ( During the 2nd semester) Applicants must have completed 32 credits by the end of the 2nd semester and have a cumulative GPA of 3.20 or higher. Seminar Subjects Students who apply during their 2nd semester and registered for the Accelerated Graduation Program from their 3rd semester will be assessed at the end of the 4th semester. Students will have their registration revoked if they do not meet the necessary conditions. The assessment criteria are as follows: ● Completion of 74 credits or more, and a cumulative GPA of 3.20 or higher ● Completion of all of the mandatory Language Education Subject credits by the end of the 4th semester Active Learning ●Application prior to the start of the 3rd year ( During the 4th semester) Applicants must have completed 64 credits by the end of the 4th semester, and have a cumulative GPA of 3.20 or higher. In addition, applicants must have completed all required language courses by the end of the 4th semester. be announced on the same day as semester grade results are released. 141 Other Information and Programs documents will be registered for the Accelerated Graduation Program. Screening results will Accelerated Graduation Program application. Students who are found to be eligible after the initial screening of the application ■ The University is not able to assess whether applicants are eligible or not at the time of Study at APU Application Materials ● Application for APU Accelerated Program (university form) ● E ssay for Accelerated Program (university form) Schedule Curriculum Description Application for 2015 Spring Semester Application Materials Available Early July 2014 Early January 2015 Application Period Mon. July 14 Fri. July 18, 2014 Mon. January 19 Fri. January 23, 2015 Results Announced Wed. September 10, 2014 Tue. March 17, 2015 Program Registered Mon. September 22, 2014 Wed. April 1, 2015 Course Registration ● D ates are subject to change; refer to the appropriate application materials for more information. Important Information for Accelerated Graduation Program Students Examinations and Grading ● Credit Registration Limits The credit registration limits for students on the Accelerated Graduation Program are different. Please refer to pages 91 and 92. ● Application for Preferred Graduation Date The University surveys all Accelerated Graduation Program students about their preferred graduation date before the beginning of each semester. Details will be sent via Personal Message. Seminar Subjects Semester Schedule 2014 Spring semester Tue. March 18, 2014 (2013 Fall semester grade announcement date) 2014 Fall semester Wed. September 10, 2014 (2014 Spring semester grade announcement date) ● 3rd and 4th-Year Seminar Enrollment Please refer to page 122 for more information. Students should consult with their supervisors about when they will start writing their undergraduate thesis and proceed accordingly. ● Study Abroad Precautions Students who fall under either of the following must consult with the exchange program supervisor before applying for the Accelerated Graduation Program. Students are not permitted to participate in exchange programs in their final semester (i.e., semester of scheduled graduation). ・Students scheduled to participate in international or domestic exchange programs ・Students scheduled to participate in individually-arranged exchange programs ■ Accelerated Graduation Program Active Learning Other Information and Programs Application for 2014 Fall Semester 142 Accelerated Graduation Assessment Accelerated Graduation Program students who have satisfied the conditions detailed below, and who subsequently pass the early graduation assessment interview will be eligible to graduate upon completion of the 6th or 7th semester. Students who do not meet these requirements may graduate as regular students from the 8th semester or later. Study at APU ● Eligibility ● S ubmission of the Graduation Assessment Application at the beginning of the semester of intended graduation ● C ompletion of at least 124 credits in the requisite fields ● C umulative GPA of 3.20 or higher ● C ompletion of at least 20 credits of Lecture/Seminar subjects held in the non-basis language (excluding J/E classes) Curriculum 2014 Schedule Spring 2014 Graduation Fall 2014 Graduation Application Tue. March 18, 2014 Wed. September 10, 2014 Announcement of Results Mon. September 1, 2014 Wed. March 4, 2015 Course Registration Accelerated Graduation and Tuition Examinations and Grading Accelerated graduation students will pay adjusted tuition fees according to the tuition model below. Because of these changes, once a student has registered for accelerated graduation they will pay a comparatively higher Tuition Fee B (registered credit based fee) per semester than regular students. Be sure to confirm tuition fees for each semester. Once a student has registered for the Accelerated Graduation Program, they will be unable to return to normal student status unless their registration is revoked during re-evaluation during the 4th semester. Students graduating in three and a half years will not be billed Tuition Fee B (registered credit based fee) for the 7th semester. Tuition Model Number of Credits Billed Student Semester 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Regular Student 15 15 18 18 18 18 11 11 Accelerated Graduation A 15 15 24 24 23 23 - - Accelerated Graduation B 15 15 24 24 12 12 11 11 Accelerated Graduation C 15 15 18 18 29 29 - - Seminar Subjects 1st Active Learning ● A ccelerated Graduation A: Regular student (non-transfer) registered for the program in the 2nd year ● Accelerated Graduation B: Regular student (non-transfer) registered for the program in the 2nd year, but removed from the program after 4th semester re-evaluation ● Accelerated Graduation C: Regular student (non-transfer) registered for the program in the 3rd year Scholarship 143 Other Information and Programs Office for the conditions of the reduction. College Transfer reduction in tuition fees should refer to ″The Guide to Scholarships″ published by the Student ■ When accepted into the Accelerated Graduation Program, international students receiving a Study at APU 7.2 College Transfer ″College Transfer within the University″ is a system whereby an APU student, scheduled to proceed to the 2nd or 3rd year level, transfers from the College in which they are currently studying to another College within the University. As a general rule, transfer from a college is only available when there are openings in the other College. Details can be found on the Curriculum Academic Office website. Application and Screening Application Period Course Registration ● W hen moving to 2nd year: Apply during 2nd semester ● W hen moving to 3rd year: Apply during 4th semester Eligibility ● Transfers at the 2nd year level (2nd semester students): Students must obtain at least 30 credits by the end of their first year of study and maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50. Examinations and Grading ● Transfers at the 3rd year level (4th semester students): Students must obtain at least 60 credits by the end of their second year of study and maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50. The University is not able to assess whether applicants are eligible or not at the time of application. Interviews will be conducted for applicants who pass the initial application document screening. Transfer within the University will be permitted for students who pass the interview screening and who are found to meet the eligibility standards. Screening results will Seminar Subjects be announced on the same day as semester grade results are released. Note: ● P lease note that Accelerated Program students cannot apply for transfer at the 3rd year level. ● Application Form (specified form with transfer fee of JPY 10,000 in certificate stamps attached) ● E ssay: A typed A4 essay outlining the reason you wish to change colleges. Japanese College Transfer essays should be 2,000 characters; English essays should be 800 words. ■ Other Information and Programs Active Learning Application Materials 144 Transfer from 2014 Fall Semester Study at APU AY 2014 Schedule Transfer from 2015 Spring Semester Mid June 2014 Mid December 2014 Application Period Mon. June 16 Fri. June 20, 2014 Mon. December 8 Fri. December 12, 2014 Interviews Mon. June 30 Fri. July 4, 2014 Mon. January 19 Fri. January 23, 2015 Results Announced Wed. September 10, 2014 Wed. March 18, 2015 Procedure Deadline Mid September, 2014 Late March, 2015 Effective Date of Transfer Mon. September 22, 2014 Wed. April 1, 2015 Curriculum Application Materials Available Course Registration ● Dates are subject to change; refer to the appropriate application materials for more information. Credit Transfer Credits earned prior to changing colleges may be transferred after evaluation by the Division Examinations and Grading of Academic Affairs. Major Subject courses taken before the transfer will be counted as General Electives in the new college (except for some courses). Students are therefore advised to give careful consideration before commencing transfer procedures. Note: Please be aware that if transfer within the University is approved, students must complete the required procedures within the designated time period. If students do not complete procedures Seminar Subjects on time, they shall be expelled from the University. 7.3 Pre-enrollment Credit Transfer APU understands the significance of learning through a wide range of channels; therefore, the University will allow students to transfer credits obtained prior to enrollment under certain Active Learning conditions. (Students who transferred into the 2nd year or 3rd year are ineligible for the application.) Credits will be transferred only upon application. To apply, students should submit an Application for Pre-enrollment credit Transfer to the Academic Office. Credit Transfer for Studies Conducted at Other Institutions Prior to Enrollment ● C redits obtained as a part-time APU student prior to enrollment. ● A maximum of 60 credits is transferrable including all forms of transferred credits in APU. ● Eligibility New students (excluding transfer students) 145 Other Information and Programs ● C redits obtained at another university or junior college before entering APU. Pre-enrollment Credit Transfer enrollment at APU in the instances outlined below. APU will authorize: ■ APU will transfer a maximum of 30 credits for studies conducted at other universities prior to Study at APU ● Application Period Applications are only accepted immediately after a student’s enrollment at APU. Students must submit their application form to the Academic Office by 16:30 on the final day of the 2nd Course Registration Correction Period during the 2nd quarter of the student’s 1st semester. APU will not authorize credit transfer after this time under any circumstances. Curriculum Credit Transfer Procedures 1. APU will authorize credit transfer if a correlation can be made with an APU subject, and the contents of the subject taken at the former institution can be verified by an outline, syllabus, etc. 2. If a direct correlation cannot be made between the subject taken at the former institution Course Registration and APU, the credits will be transferred into one of the subject fields, as appropriate. Transfer of Grades APU will not transfer specific grades for subjects taken at other institutions. A ″T″ (transfer) will be shown for all transferred subjects in the evaluation section of student’s grade reports. Examinations and Grading 7.4 Curricular Exchange Program with Oita University This program allows APU students to enroll in lecture subjects offered at Oita University. Credits obtained at Oita University can be transferred to APU. Recruiting is conducted twice a year near the beginning of each semester. APU plans to undertake a comprehensive review of the total number of credits which can be Seminar Subjects registered in the Ritsumeikan University Summer Session Exchange Program and credit transfer programs with Oita University and the Open University of Japan. Changes will be announced via Campus Terminal by the end of AY 2014. Please check Campus Terminal to confirm the details. 7.5 APU/RU English Teaching Certificate Program for Domestic Students become educators in the future. This program is made possible by a collaboration between APU and Ritsumeikan University (RU) College of Letters, and allows program participants to work towards becoming an English teacher within the multicultural environment unique to Curricular Exchange Program with Oita University APU. ■ Other Information and Programs Active Learning APU offers the English Teaching Certificate Program to domestic students who hope to 146 Teaching Certificate Program This program allows APU students to enroll in the Teaching Certificate course at RU on a non-degree basis, complete the following required courses during their four years at APU, and ultimately earn an English Teaching Certificate (Junior High School Category 1 / Senior High School Category 1). Study at APU ● In the 1st and 2nd years, students take on-demand RU lectures over the Internet and intensive session courses at APU. ● In the 3rd year, students study at RU in Kyoto to enroll in teaching certificate subjects and take RU major subjects that are transferable as APU credits required for graduation. ● In the 4th year, students complete a teaching and nursing care practicum, as well as register for Workshop for Teaching Profession during their 8th semester at APU. Curriculum In addition to the required credits for graduation, students must complete approx. 60 credits of RU Teacher Certificate Program subjects. Registering for this program without being fully motivated means that, not only will students be unable to obtain their teaching certificates, they will have difficulty in meeting APU’s graduation requirements. Students should approach their studies systematically and with a firm sense of purpose. Course Registration In addition, they will have to pass a Teacher Employment Examination in order to secure a teaching position at a public or private school. Application, Screening and Important Notification ● S tudents can only apply in the Spring semester of their first year. 2nd and 3rd-year transfer Examinations and Grading students are not eligible for this program. ● S tudents approved for the Teaching Certificate Program cannot register for the Accelerated Graduation Program. ● O nly students who intend to remain enrolled for a full four years may apply. Program students are unable to take a leave of absence. Seminar Subjects Number of Students Maximum of 20 students per academic year Screening The screening for this program is a comprehensive two-part process. Students’ grades, TOEFL®/ITP or TOEIC®/IP scores and application materials will be screened, and those who successfully pass the document screening will be granted an interview. Active Learning Schedule Time Description Second Guidance Session (Distribution of application materials) Mid-June – Early July Application Period (Documents submitted to the Academic Office) Early July Announcement of Interview Candidates Mid-July – Late July Interviews (at APU) Early September Announcement of Results, Registration Procedure Late September Guidance Session for Program Students Fall Semester Program Study Begins 147 Other Information and Programs Mid June APU/RU English Teaching Certificate Program First Guidance Session (Program Overview) ■ Mid-April – late April Study at APU Program Fee Teaching Certificate Program Fees ● Fees: Total fees for the program are estimated at approximately JPY 431,000. Students are responsible for living expenses, accommodation and any other costs incurred while on exchange at RU. Curriculum ● Invoicing: RU will invoice program students. Invoices for the first year will be issued in midSeptember for JPY 71,000. Invoices for subsequent years will be issued in late March or early April for JPY 120,000. Scholarships Course Registration APU students receiving JASSO scholarships may continue to receive payments while on exchange at RU. After Enrollment Detailed information will be provided at the guidance session for program students. Examinations and Grading 4-year Program Progression (Spring enrollees) Semester 1st Semester Guidance Sessions, Application, Screening, Selection of Program Students 2nd-4th Semesters On-demand lectures and intensive session subjects at APU 5th-6th Semesters Seminar Subjects 7th-8th Semesters Certificate Program lectures at RU (Students are responsible for living costs and accommodation in Kyoto) Nursing Care Practicum, Teaching Practicum, Teacher Employment Examination,Workshop for Teaching Profession. Apply for and acquire Teaching Certificate ● The number of teaching certificate program credits which must be registered each semester do not count towards the maximum credit registration limit for APU courses. Reference: Obtaining a Teaching License in Japan Aside from this program, there are a variety of ways to obtain a teaching license. While it is necessary to earn credits from a teaching certificate program in a university or graduate school, this can be accomplished via distance education or through long-term study as a nondegree student, depending upon individual needs (Note: Some subjects such as the teaching Active Learning APU/RU English Teaching Certificate Program practicum may not be possible via distance education). ■ Other Information and Programs Description 148 Study at APU Examples include: ● A fter graduation, APU alumni can earn a teaching certificate via distance education while they work. ● APU graduates can enroll in a graduate school with a teaching certificate program. ● APU students may transfer in their 2nd or 3rd year to a university with a teaching certificate program (students must then meet the graduation requirements of the transfer university). Please consult the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MEXT) website for Curriculum a list of universities and graduate schools that offer teaching certificate programs. 7.6 Open University of Japan With the aim of offering a university education that is open to everyone in the nation regardless Course Registration of age and profession, the Open University of Japan places emphasis on lifelong learning and distance education in providing courses by radio and television broadcasting. Incorporating a broad spectrum of knowledge, there are numerous subjects offered at the Open University of Japan. There will be a mid-term report and final examination requirement for each subject. To be eligible to receive credits, students must sit for the final examination. This examination will be held at the Oita Gakushu Center (Oita City) and other gakushu centers across Japan. Examinations and Grading Students must clearly state their preferred testing location on their initial application form. Note that all the Open University of Japan courses are taught in Japanese. Although there are no specific language requirements, students are required to understand classes taught in Japanese. Credits obtained will appear as a ″T″ (Transfer) in the APU transcript. Item 2014 Fall Semester 2015 Spring Semester Forms and Details Office Mon. June 30 - Fri. July 4, 2014 Payment of Tuition Fees Mid September Mid March Seminar Subjects Application Period Official Open University of Japan Application Form Fri. January Academic Office 9 - Fri. January (green sheet) and APU Open University of Japan 16, 2015 Application Form Invoice will be sent directly Open University to current address by the of Japan Open University of Japan Final Examinations Results Released Gakushu Center Late September Report sent to students Open University of Japan During Spring Semester Correction Period 2 During Fall Semester Correction Period 2 Results will be displayed on the Campus Terminal Grade Report screen Academic Office 149 Other Information and Programs Late March Open University of Japan Late July ■ Credits Transferred Late January Active Learning Start of Classes Wed.October 1 Wed. April 1 Study at APU Tuition Fees and Application Method Tuition fees at the Open University of Japan are calculated on a credit-based system (1 credit = JPY 5,500; no admission fees are required). As most of the subjects offered are 2 credits, each subject will cost JPY 11,000 (as of spring 2014). Curriculum Students may apply for Open University of Japan courses through the Academic Office during the designated period. Please note that the final examination periods at the Open University of Japan and APU coincide; therefore, students should select subjects with examinations on Sundays only. In the event that the Open University of Japan final examination coincides with an APU examination, the student is responsible for deciding which examination to take. Course Registration Neither university offers any special measures for such students. ● APU will only authorize registration of a maximum of 10 Open University of Japan credits per semester. ● There is no application for credit transfer. The Open University of Japan will send all students’ grades to APU. All credits that a student passed will be transferred. ● The maximum number of credits a student is eligible to transfer by the time he/she graduates is 60 credits. Examinations and Grading ● Transferable credits from the Open University of Japan will not be included in a student’s maximum credit limit for that semester. ● S tudents are not permitted to enroll in the Open University of Japan subjects in the semester immediately preceding their graduation. For example, students scheduled to graduate in March 2015 are not permitted to take the Open University of Japan subjects in Fall Semester 2014. Seminar Subjects ● If you apply directly to the Open University of Japan, you cannot transfer those subjects to APU. Make sure you apply at the Academic Office. ● F or more details on how the Open University of Japan subjects transfer to APU, please refer to the ″Open University of Japan″ section on the Academic website. ● C redits obtained under the Open University of Japan Retesting System will not be eligible for transfer. Active Learning Please refer to the Academic Office website for more information on application requirements and the application schedule. Note: Please be sure to confirm the latest information on Campus Terminal before submitting an Open University of Japan ■ Other Information and Programs Application since APU plans to review the maximum number of credits registrable per 150 semester at the Open University of Japan. INDEX Term 1st Year Student Workshop I/II (1st year seminar) Absences Academic Advising Academic Misconduct Academic Office Academic Office Hours Accelerated Graduation Program Page 114-115 9-12 13 104-105 Term Page Examinations (final examinations) 103-105 Exchange Programs (domestic) 135-136 Exchange Programs (international) 132-134 Field Study 131 2 FIRST Program 130 2 GPA (semester and cumulative) 141-144 Grade Evaluation 108-109 108 Active Learning 129 Grade Inquiries AP Language Immersion Programs 130 Grade Level AP Languages (2006) 62 Grade Release 110-111 AP Languages (2011) 30 Graduation Assessment Screening 109-110 Applied Training 131 Graduation Criteria (2006 APM) 49-50 Area of Study (2011 APM) 21 Graduation Criteria (2006 APS) 47-48 Area of Study (2011 APS) Automatically-registered Subjects (2011 APM) Campus Map 111-112 17 18 Graduation Criteria (2006 CAP) 53-54 23-24 Graduation Criteria (2011 APM) 22-23 152-153 Graduation Criteria (2011 APS) 19-20 Cancelled Classes 8-9 Independently Arranged Study Abroad CAP (Crossover Advanced Program) 51 Internships CAP Major Seminar (3rd year) 57 Intro. to CAP Major Seminar (2nd year) 56 CAP Major Seminar (4th year) 57 Intro. to Research Methods (2nd year seminar, 2006 APS) 115 Classroom Changes 9 Japanese Language Subjects (2006) 60-61 Cluster (2006 APS) 46 Japanese Language Subjects (2011) 29-30 College Transfer 144-145 Make-up Classes 51 Make-up Examinations Core Subjects (2011 APM) 24 Office Hours Course Exemption (2006) 62-65 Oita University Curricular Exchange Program Course Exemption (2011) 31-33 Open University of Japan Core Subjects (2006 APM) Course Registration Course Registration Important Notes Course Re-registration Credit Award (2006) Credit Transfer (pre-enrollment) Curriculum and Curriculum Changes 91 92-97 138-139 131 9 105-106 4 146 149-150 Plagiarism 107 Prerequisites 17 94 Reference Materials 99-102 62-65 Registration Advising 97 145-146 15-16 Registration Credit Limits 91-92 Reports (final report) 106-107 Curriculum Outline (2006 APM) 71 Seminar (3rd year) 116-117 Curriculum Outline (2006 APS) 66-70 Seminar (4th year) 117 Curriculum Outline (2006 CAP) 72-76 Seminar Application 117-121 Curriculum Outline (2011 APM) 35 Subject List (2006) 77-90 Curriculum Outline (2011 APS) 34 Subject List (2011) 36-45 Degree (2006 APM) 49 Sub-seminars 120 Degree (2006 APS) 46 Syllabus 98 Degree (2006 CAP) 53 Teaching Certificate Program 146-149 Degree (2011 APM) 21 Textbooks 99-102 Degree (2011 APS) 18 Timetable Dual Degree Program 137 TOEFL®/ITP, TOEIC®/IP (2006) English Immersion Programs 130 TOEFL®/ITP, TOEIC®/IP (2011) , English Language Subjects (2006) 59-60 English Language Subjects (2011) 25-28 Undergraduate Thesis 7 59-60 27-28 123-127 151
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