References: IO/13/CFE/10060/AJB “Expert for Business Intelligence for 2014-2015” (ビジネス・インテリジェンス(BI)の専門家による業務支援) 締切り 2013 年 11 月 22 日(金)17.00 時現地時間、2013 年 11 月 23 日(土)01.00 時日本時間 (応募書類は ITER 機構へ直接提出) 概要: イーター機構(IO)では、ビジネス・インテリジェンス(BI)への業務支援を頂く専門家をITER参加 極の企業・機関等から募集しています。応募を希望される企業・機関等は、所定の期限までに応募書類 を直接ITER機構の下記担当までご提出下さい。 ○ 今回の募集に関する書類は以下の通りです。 ・招待状 ・技術仕様書 ・履歴書(CV)テンプレート ・日当提案書テンプレート ・誓約書 ・守秘義務に関する誓約書(契約締結時に署名されること) ○ 応募者は、以下の申込用紙を ITER 機構に直接送付願います。 ・履歴書(ITER 機構の招待状と技術仕様書で規定した要件と基準を満足していることを示す経験と 参加したプロジェクトについて明記されていること) ・誓約書 ・日当提案書 (※ 提出書類は pdf ファイル 1 本にまとめて送付願います。 ) ○ 応募書類の提出先 ITER 機構の下記担当者宛に電子メールにて送付: 連絡先:Andy Brown e-mail:[email protected] ○ 今回の専門家に求められる最低要件 ・tSQL 言語に精通していること。 ・それ以外のプログラミング言語に精通していること。 ・マイクロソフト SQL データツールズ(SSIS と SSRS)を使った実務経験を有する。 ・技術・機能仕様書を作成した実務経験を有すること。 ・顧客重視に徹した業務支援・コミュニケーション能力に優れていること。 ・ユーザー要求事項を読みこなす十分な能力があること。 ・ITER 機構(IO)での公用語は英語であるため、英語でのコミュニケーション (話・聞・書)に支障がないこと、他。 (※ 最低要件を満たしていることを証明できる内容の履歴書を提出願います。 ) (※ 詳しくは添付の英語版技術仕様「One Expert for Business Intelligence 2014 & 2015」を ご参照ください。 」をご参照ください。) ○ 業務範囲 ITER 機構は、人事/ファイナンス/資材管理データの管理に SAP((Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing)を使用しています。SAP は ITER が使用するデータベース/システム(例:ITER Data Warehouse, SmartPlant, Primavera, Cobra, Enovia, Catia, See Visio, SharePoint,ICP)と統合が必 要です。これらを統合するには、マイクロソフト SQL サーバーデータツールズ(例:統合サービス、デ ータ品質サービス、レポーティングサービス、マスターデータサービス)を使って実施されます。つき ましては、業務報告、データ統合、データ・クリーニング、データ・ウェアハウジング、マスターデー タ管理から構成されるビジネスインテリジェンス(BI)の開発と改善業務を支援いただく専門家を募集 します。 (※ 詳しくは添付の英語版技術仕様「One Expert for Business Intelligence 2014 & 2015」をご 参照ください。) ○ 契約期間と作業場所 1 年(220 実働日/年) 。ただし 1 年の延長も可。 100%ITER 機構サイト勤務 ○ タイムテーブル (推定) エキスパート募集:2013 年 10 月 31 日~2013 年 11 月 22 日 受注者発表:2014 年 1 月 契約開始:2014 年 2 月 1 日 以上 ITER_D_LAAX7Y One Expert for Business Intelligence 2014 & 2015 Technical Specifications Contents 1 Abstract ................................................................................................................................2 2 Background and objectives ................................................................................................2 3 Scope of Work ......................................................................................................................2 4 Estimated duration ..............................................................................................................2 5 Specific requirements and conditions................................................................................2 6 Required skills .....................................................................................................................2 7 Skills .....................................................................................................................................2 8 List of deliverables and Acceptance Criteria .....................................................................3 9 Work Monitoring / Meeting Schedule ..............................................................................3 10 Payment schedule / Cost and delivery time breakdown ..................................................3 11 Selection Criteria .................................................................................................................3 12 Timetable .............................................................................................................................3 13 Candidature..........................................................................................................................3 14 References / Terminology and Acronyms ........................................................................4 Author Version 4.0 Name Robert Jober Date: 20-October-2013 Affiliation IT Section Page 1 of 4 ITER_D_LAAX7Y 1 Abstract These technical specifications address the set-up of the contract via Call for Expertise to acquire services of one Business Intelligence Expert needed for the reporting and the integration with the SAP and with other ITER databases and systems. 2 Background and objectives ITER Organization is using SAP to manage HR, Finance and Material Management data to execute administrative support functions. SAP should integrate with other ITER databases and systems like ITER Data Warehouse, SmartPlant, Primavera, Cobra, Enovia, Catia, See Visio, SharePoint and ICP. The integration and other needs are covered using Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools (Integration Services, Data Quality Services, Reporting Services, Master Data Services…). 3 Scope of Work We are seeking a service to develop and improve support of the business intelligence which consists of business reporting, data integration, data cleaning, data warehousing and master data management. 4 Estimated duration The service will start on 01/02/2014. The time frame for this contract is one year with a possibility to extend for a second optional year. These activities require 220 working days per year. 5 - Specific requirements and conditions The service must be rendered on-site. The contract shall be executed by a single person. The individual working on this contract shall be available full time and be based at IO site. 6 Required skills Sound knowledge of t-SQL language, Knowledge of any other programming language, Experience in using Microsoft SQL Data Tools: SSIS and SSRS, Writing technical and functional specifications, Good communication skills with strong orientation towards client needs, Ability to read user requirements, and Demonstrated ability to use English proficiently. 7 Skills Background in engineering and/or construction, Experience in using enterprise application systems like SAP, SAP, Primavera, Cobra, See Visio, Enovia, Catia and SharePoint, Database design and modelling, Experience in using any of the other Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools, and Page 2 of 4 ITER_D_LAAX7Y Knowledge of data warehousing and/or data mining. Administration of SQL Server. Optimization of SQL queries. 8 List of deliverables and Acceptance Criteria Monthly activity report and time sheet. 9 Work Monitoring / Meeting Schedule The progress will be monitored in weekly progress meetings by the ITER RO. A monthly progress report (including time sheet) will be provided to IO each month. 10 Payment schedule / Cost and delivery time breakdown The payment shall be granted on a monthly basis following invoicing for agreed daily rate and actual work performed. No payment shall be made before the report corresponding to the invoiced work is delivered to IO. In case of travel, the IO shall reimburse all travel costs including transportation, accommodation, and meals within the IO guidelines that apply for travel missions. 11 Selection Criteria 1. Experience and quality of implementation regarding Section 6 above, 2. Price (daily rate), 3. Availability, Selection will be based on the CV(s) of the proposed candidates(s) delivering this service. Selected candidates may be asked to give a presentation before a final decision is made.. 12 Timetable Tentative timetable: Call for Expertise Contract Award Contract Start October 2013 January 2014 February 2014 13 Candidature Participation is open to all individuals, companies or consortia which are legally registered in one or more of the ITER Member States. A consortium may be either a permanent, legallyestablished grouping or a grouping which has been constituted informally for a specific tender procedure. All member of a consortium (i.e. the leader and all other members) are jointly and severally liable to the ITER Organization. The consortium groupings shall be presented at the tender submission stage. The consortium cannot be modified later without the approval of the ITER Organization. Page 3 of 4 ITER_D_LAAX7Y 14 References / Terminology and Acronyms IO ICP ITER Organization ITER Collaborative Platform, a web application framework developed at IO based on ASP.NET and MS SQL. BIDS Business Intelligence Team and ITER Organization SSDT SQL Server Data Tools Page 4 of 4 Expert for Business Intelligence for 2014 and 2015 ITER Organization Call for Expertise No: IO/13/CFE/10060/AJB FINANCIAL PROPOSAL Name of Expert: Daily rate in € Including all Costs On Site Envisaged Number of days/year On Site Duration Description Year 1 Business Intelligence Expert 220 Year 2 (option) Business Intelligence Expert 220 Total € TOTAL NB : - ON SITE means the services are to be supplied at the ITER site in Cadarache, France. - ITER site daily fees must include all local expenses that are necessary to deliver the services, including travel, accommodation, daily subsistence allowances and any other conceivable expenses. - Travel for missions and other authorised reimbursable expenses will be covered according to IO acceptable standards - The intention is to have contract in place for a total of two years. The first year will be firm with a further option of one year. - Daily fee rates are calculated on the basis of days actually worked. - Daily rates are based on eight (8) working hours. - Daily fee rates must include all expenses that are necessary to deliver the services including travel, accommodation, daily subsistence allowances and any other conceivable expenses. - Following the implementation of cost containment measures within IO, a financial limit for on/site daily rates has been introduced for the supply of technical & professional related services. The financial limit is capped at €500/day. Signature: Date: Expert for Business Intelligence for 2014 and 2015 ITER Organization Call for Expertise IO/13/CFE/100600/AJB CURRICULUM VITAE (max 5 pages) Family name: First names: Date of birth: Nationality: Civil status: Education: Institution (Date from - Date to) Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic) Language Reading Speaking Membership of professional bodies: Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.) Present position: Years within the firm: Key qualifications: (Relevant to the project) Specific international experience: Country Date from - Date to Page 1 of 2 Writing Expert for Business Intelligence for 2014 and 2015 Professional experience (Relevant to the project) Date from – Date to Location Company & reference person Position Description Other relevant information (e.g., Publications) Page 2 of 2 STATEMENT OF EXCLUSIVITY AND AVAILABILITY Call for Expertise IO/13/CFE/10060/AJB Subject: Support for logistics, project and contract management for the CAD and Design Coordination Division I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I agree to take part in the above-mentioned Call for Expertise. I further declare that I am able and willing to work o for the period(s) foreseen in the Technical Specification attached to the above referenced Call for Expertise for the position for which my CV has been proposed and o within the execution period of the specific contract which runs from < >1 to < >1 I confirm that I am not engaged in another contract financed by the ITER Organization in a position for which my services are required during the above periods and that I will not charge the same working day under more than one contract. Furthermore, should this offer be accepted, I am fully aware that if I am not available at the expected start date of my services for reasons other than ill-health or force majeure, I may be subject to exclusion from other tender procedures and contracts funded by the ITER Organization and that the notification of award of specific contract may be rendered null and void. Name Signature Date 1 To be completed Confidentiality Commitment Expert for Business Intelligence for 2014 and 2015 I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I agree to undertake the tasks assigned to me under the above mentioned contract. I undertake to perform my duties honestly and fairly. My contribution to the activities in which I will be involved will be objective and will fully respect the principles of fairness and impartiality. I undertake to hold in trust and confidence any ITER Project related information or documents. I undertake to use them only for the purposes of executing the tasks assigned to me and not to disclose them to any third party, including my employer. I will endeavour to avoid any conflict of interest situation, either direct or indirect. Should any such situation arise, I will promptly inform the relevant Responsible Officer. I undertake neither to assist nor be associated with any external entity seeking to obtain contracts under the ITER project. I understand that I will be held personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any documents or electronic files received and for returning, erasing or destroying all confidential documents or files upon completing the tasks, unless otherwise instructed. On conclusion of my assignment I will remain obligated to preserve the confidentiality for a period of 5 years. Name: Signature: Date:
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