SPECIAL CONDIT10NS FOR DELiVERIES Should‖ be determined by enherthe Mu‖ Regional Co‐ Opl KILLEEN ISD,or awarded vendors that more i¨ than once delivery a week to any ofthe drop sites withln the Sch∞ I DistHcts iS necessary,please list any addttonalfees below.Be Specinc as 10 fOmulas,fees,or any other charges incurred. Mnmum numttr d cases α red each sh"m耐 r 2瓦 四 豚″ メ4__"6“ θ 1、 │lο "unds b be dell℃ Additional fee if any for other warehouse 回 me b ttm由 針 dぃ Oisticts: N C M ∞騰 O ご Please provide any other additional information below: Vendor 11^^r'. chotls Au詢 oHzed COmpany ttdが co-u SNamα -ne'- roc,As ι amク }na Dノ `ρ ′ ∫ Signature of ComPanY Ofiici Complde and retum witt ProposJ t Shlp RFP#2014‐ 10 Page 16 of29 FELONY CONVICTION NOTIFICATION Subsection (a)' State of Texas Legislative Senate Bill No. 1, Section 44.034, Notrfication of Criminal History, musl give advance notice to states 'a person oibusiness entity that enters into a conlract with a school districl of a felony The the distriit if the person or an owner or operator of he business entity has been rynygted of a felony"' notice must include a general description of the conduct resulting in tre mnviction if the district person or business Subsection (b) states "a school district may terminate a confact with a ^enti$ entity failed to give notice as required by Subseclion (a) or determines that the person or businesj the person or business *i.i.pr...ntaO the conduct resulling in tre mnviction. The district must mmpensate " entity for services perlormed before the termination of he conhact This Notice ls Not Required of a Publicly Held Corporation Vendofs Name Aufrorized Company Official's Name (Printed): Cl l"n0'a Itl't Wenrrs A.Myfrmisapublic|yheldcorporation;therefore,hisreportingrequirementisnotapplicable' Signature of ComPanY Ofiicial: B. My frm is not owned nor operated by been convicted of a felonY. Signature of ComPanY Ofiicial: c. who has/have been convicted of a felony' [/y lirm is owned or operated by the following individual(s) Name of Felon(s): Details of Conviclion(s Signature of CompanY fficial: Complete and retum with Prooosal @shipRFP#20l4-10 Page 17 of 29 '‐ U ^‐ ■ ' ― ‐ ●― ― ― ……… ● ●― … ´ │‐ │ヽ ヽ │― _ ●● CertincaliOn Rogarding Lobbying Exceedhg S1001000 h Federd Applicable to Granls,Subgrants,C00perauve Agreements,and Conlracts i Funds. such fa‖ ure edge and be‖ ef,that: The unders 9ned certies,to he best of his Or her kno悧 t 槙焉 朧 黒 Mim焉 腎 野蠍蝦黙γ 豊 識豊 oぃ 所ヽ け n〆 Narne/Address of Organizalion , q n, )ial Signature W COmplote and retumり 輌山 Pr。 ●OSal p RFP#201410 Page 18 of 29 Reauestfor ProDOSd Reglon 10 Education Service Center Tol 6d, Yhひ″ From: Organization Name VendorshallnotpreparethisProposalincollusionwithanyotherVendorsandlhemnlenbofthisProposal or agent a uy m,. organization nor by an employee as to prices, terms or condition, prior persons engaied in lhis type of business actirrity any other vendor or to any other ;;;;i ;;.;;;uni..t of this organization to and has t,. .rrhorized agent or offi-cer signing this Proposal is notand/ or proposal due date. to the official the conditions concemeo in any agreement to control not been, for six months, drrectty oiinuirectty purpose hereon' anv personio propose or noi ;;;i;#;p;"p".;, i.r.r.r, ",.il;;ii;a;Lnced thavereadthemmpleteProposalRFP#tI!+IIFULLLINEGRooERYITEfutSWAREHoUSE'DIRECT contained in the uno*|,rtv the accuracy of all information in disrids member sHlp ior Mriiiii;;';;p Proposal. Signature Typed name NOTARY PUBLIC ′ θ3_day Of望 堕L,aο ツ My com面 SSOn ex口 reSOnthe State of California County ofAlam€da S卿 :薔 猾 alr下 陥 ∝ 躙肥 露榔器 i::露甲 ;‖ proved t9 m9。 nthe b,Jig」:a“ sfadory e● dence to be the AttACHMENT B b鮮 ∫ 脚糧 端 制 1脚 l:珊 乱 L器 脱 W盤 瓢I船慇胤i牌 淵訛 朧∫ any Federal depaiment or agency Where the prospectve orerOr、 unabtt tO Ce山 ly to any of he stalements Of lhヽ Ce由 lcaOon,Such prospec‖ ve pattcipant sha‖ atach an explanaJon 10 1hiS Proposal. 繕 膏 織 襦 鮮 贈 熙 雛 郡驀 鮒 lb e remedieS,induding suspens:on andlordebament 澗 :nⅧ ふ肥 思 '鵬朧鴨 増 褥 鮮 i鼈 翻 撚 I[F譜 subnllted Or has beCOme eroneOus 酬f∬Wtti畳 曜 肌 塁 驚 i革櫛礫 嘴暖 駒 鼈 ‖ 贄織‐ 滞も 乱 躍需 ま 糠 :躍 l野 op ll轟 D― l:lilil鞘 i撤 │:i[││]lil:iilI[1li!唱 Op may pursue and a‖ avallable remedies,including suspension andノ debarrnent Po● nid Vendσ Namα ιれ(S 6r narら "` edAuhonzttRepresentatvα Oa SFoaぃ ¬ ‖ [aqQe.d C* ? etrw+ ■ sab` ら Mailing Address: sじ Comdete and retum面 th ProDOSJ o「 ヽONυ A?レ εab移 ATTACHMENT C CONFuCT OFINTEREST QUE釧 ONNAIRE 希 轟 嵩蒜葡高 凛 而雨 覇 高石面 百 T甲 而 ter i76 of● ob∽ ! Government Cpde by a person doin3 bu“ ness With the gOVernmental en,w 悧酬:鷲 蹴l選 輩 ‖ 累 獅芋 事 事裏 ギ♀ y琳 ‖に ´ ‖ Y¬ "` Ⅲ ‐` … … ― .… awarc Offacts that requrc the statemen にto be ntd,`section1176006′ LocJ nmttt .'600ら 回 G″ 軒 L“ S'轟 ° ° i5SCm● demeano“ 讐よl浜露‖∬よ 盟 i■ 1乱哩 ]彙 d口 "品 C not an uttated cOm口 eted quesiOnnJre with the appropnate ttng authCriヽ nmO威 J6oVσ , =● ‐と,こ ● Jス ● ´ ハ ha“ 171` ´ dHon■ 7610061al,Lc(a16oVernmont ,ヒ dettb.dh'dOn 17● 1轟 OrUna町 ■ed queS10nn」 に lavaFterthe datethё 慟 711 buShe■ ∞ de,卜 peぃ an3111 nolbO「 「漏ま:I獅 ↓ iT滞 滞葛富 麗I響 僣 Щ■ he hW reqJreSthat,unに 「 'ltに s recommerldatlonS h resPeCt tO expenditures Of money tO a local government ofncer Of he governmentalentity wi」 :こ be the a価 atOn O「 bい inest tebt1015hや 品 ‖ NI肝 叫 昴 画 針 ホe Cttibe the a簡 ‖at10n or busincSS 巨。vcrnmental entity fOr which thiS questionnalre is nled AND dぃ AdOpt“ ,V02′ 005 FULL LINE CROCERY ITEMS VVAREHOUSE,Di10■ Ship RFP■ 201410 Page 21 of29 Nam[Of h“ l goVernme咸 ●憮 erulⅢ who"輌 r toへ (COmp ete thⅢ ect10n onlv rthe an"。 に rい OS'口 li訛 B′ 。r c 6TFince s retedonshiP. ls VES) officer with whom A, B' C & D' must be cgmpleted.for each This section, item 5 including subParB necessarY' Attach edditional Patcstd this Form CIQaE the filer has affiliation or other relationshlp' ol´ ●CeiVing Or‖ kel,tO reCetve taxable A.lS the l― l BOVernment o爾 Cer n3med in this Sec」 hcome from the merofthe qu“ "nnJに '口 Ve= 口 No B Is the nler of the qu`tiOnnallereceiVIngOrilkelytOreceivetaXableincomefromOratthC ‐ 18● Vemment Officer named in this sectiOn AND the taxable income iS not from direction of the!。 local govemmental entiry? E va E tb C. :S the nler Of thiS queSt10nn3ire afF:iated With a corPorition Or other busineSS entity that the orh01dsanownershipof10percentor ′ es aS an oFnCer or drector′ local government oFncer seぃ more? E Y6 ENc De$ribe each affili.tion or business relationshiP' 'llr 2′ 2015 。11′ ● い。 ^d。 FULL LINE GROCERY ITEMS WAREH00SE,DI「 麒 Ship RFP#201牛 10 Page 22 of29 - Disclosure of Lobbying Activities c;,piJ"ii"-r"- - N ll ?ldts psl Laobl (9( wt/' (oodts does u's'c' 1352 l,r*',"ff"r,,"J,,,Ji1i;"11',:':i"lH::i"'31 Approved by OMB 1. LI - 6, For Material Change OnlY: date Of last [コ Disl initial filing Year- quafierreport.-.- Ente' Na'ne 5. lfReportiDg Entity in No 4 is SubawardeE' and Address of Prime: 4. Name and Address of Reporting EDlity: hme a. b. marerial change c. Post'award lgteement d. loan e, loalr guarl[tee f. loan insuranc€ □ r-t LJ r-r a. bid/offer/rPPlication lJ t. initial award a. contract 6. g1.n, c. cooperative 3. Report TYPe: 2. Status ofFcdelal Actiotr; Type of Federal Actior; lfk.Ow・ ly窒 ct. i{ known? 7. Federal Program Neme / Dcscliption: Fedetal Department / Agency: CFDA Number, if aPPlicable: iiii"a;r,a*f, (1111温 last name' firsttrame' Mt): や Srこ f“ rent tom No 10a)Oast namc, i炉 :Ck狙 血 ap口 ‖ ∬" 詫 総 … of Pay-"nt ("heck all lhat appty) ? a. cash 1riil. a. rctainer ? b- o.e-time fce ? c. commission ? d. contirgeni fee ? ? b. in-kindl spccifY: oature e. cd or"be pcfお rmed and 鳳:鳳 T器 :ぶ ]:席 :i融 輌H dcfered ) "f S.,"t."rr",,rd-g employee(s)' or Me rnber(s) "ff"er(s)' Sheet(s) SF-LLL-A, lljl‖11裏 鷲 驀瑕 繋 ::ilT;",J; if necessarY) ? No SF LLL'A atlached: ? Yes IW盤 躙邪∬ 諄輝畷i暇11照 驚 鷲 ' ? I. o!h!r; sPecifY: value ,5rc"",inr"", ttttAs) “ ? 碁 le 1零 l:… ii0b,0oo ror each l嵩 …… 話 三 コ 二 厖 五 五 藁 宝 女 量 齢 量 萱 遣 such rairure' Aurhorized Io, Local Rcproduction sundard From " LLL Federal Use OolY: cOmplete and retum Wlth ProD型 P#Ⅲ 綱 0 P∞ o23● f29 PROCUREMENT lnstructions for Completion of SF-t!1, Disdosure of Lobblng Aclivities at the iniliation or repo,t.i .itty vthette-r, subawardee or pflms Federal recipient' This drsdosure form shall be mmprereo"ty ile Thafilingof a 1352' 31 u.S,c' ttaion ciangi to a previors filing,.pursuant to receipt of a mvered Federat action, or a ri'aeriat an to-influence auemptng p.vr["., any lo'bbyng entity for influencing or l. form is reauired for ead, pay*enr o, of Member ol a emplovee in oi congress' or an omta 6' offcer or emplovee of any agency, . space if tre inlormation rn" sr-uL-n Continuafion Sh;t for sdditional conoress in connection wfi, a covereo r"Jlrar-*i*."'ur. change report Reler to the +pri roiuor' trt".initial filing and material on 6e form is inadequare. corpr"t" infomation' additional dv ut omo oitvtanag#dnt ano audgettur tit agoil.ii" irii *irovt' #;';ii;;i;tl frjtiliiirri il##;; ililproritn"o 'l.Identrythetypeofcol,eredFederalactionbrwhicirlobbyingac.tivityisand/orhasbeenSecuredtoinfluencetheoutmme of a covered Fedenal Action' the report €used bv a materiarchanse to last of he date the quarter in wiridr ure ctrange ocflred. Ente] ,ntormation p|.rriourry Action' FeGral reporring int'ty for this co'rcred check oreviously submitted report oitris tnouoe congressional Distict' if known ' uni ,ip .oa" ot t ,+orting. entiv. uty, udo*o, nam", 'or EnEr he award prime sub or " a be, exoecls to tt .t O".idtr*.i it i* but'ecipient are not he appropriate classificra. is he 1d tror' Subawards indude suo#J'el ot tie, ldentifv he 3 l::lXflTl,'.'5,#,fl,*?:ffiff:ittJl;*n ,"porr#I""n; il;,#i *n i:-i..P..P"P ,t# ,t 4. n i[. ffi*"S;",, il''i1i""l;i':!F:f:-:llt'* t'' , and zip enterheturrname' address' citv' state - ',lTy"'i:l*ry;T'ffr'ihTlffiTi:,JT1ffiJi"ffiffyDistrict known' H;;iil; p*; Fed;alrocipient lndude congre$ional organizalional level or toan,rrit *t. lnclude at least one awara F."i:ifi;ffiffi;g"u; the of name the 6. Enter r"n"portalion' united states coa$ Guard' below agenc'v name, il #:i##itfi;'i"lmenior enter the tullcatalog of coue,eo r"oeJ tJon tit , 1). lf known, #;fi#;iil;it, p{ogram Federat h€ Enter commifnents' 7. loan grants' cooperarive mre€rnents' bans' and if Ass."'*'idiini'i'ilfor 8. FBderal Domestic Enbr rre mosr app.p,in. i"tu"olillrn,irfrg u nlr.oera il;;ihdb grant nu.l",l nriffi; iii'p|.ip,iJ (lrq acrton idenlified in item 1(e s ' Requesl [or numberi rre mnract' grant' or announcement number; i"o."r.gu."yt. lndude p]efixes, e ur. by proposal mnrol number msigned award numbeq he applicat; 9G001." proposat (RFp) g loan 'RFP-DE- 9'ForacoveredFedera|actionwheretherehasboenala,Jalg.olloancommitnentbytheFederalagency,entertfie in item 4or 5' -tt't''ent for he prima entlty idenlified Federal amount of he 10Ia)Enterthefullname,aoaress,city,stateandlpmdeoftrelobbyinJ.tiv"nsug"oovmerepoftingentityidentifiedin *ii'ttt " lrlll* ;xln*:rJ,ffi ,,', !:f fi:fffl.ffi0fi,b-ins *|-,i,r,, *d fl'j*Ui"?U}$d]!"'['fi$)or reasonabry incrude ur address if dinerent from 10 entitv (item expecry to be pard by the reportins (a) Enrer Last 4). to the robbvins entity(itemrot.rno*t*iJfil"iilffi."y'*.rilb'#maoeLacruaitorwrrb€;ade(planned).che*allboxesfrat to be made' ttp't lnbt he otmulatveamomt of oavment madeor Plann€d contibution' speo! the apply. lf this is a mate'ia *'igt 12 paffii! riraoe trrough an in-klnd all boxes that apply. tt check the appropriate uor 1esi. cnect< payment nalure and vilue of the in+ind nature' i''rlo[ill boxes fiat apPly lf other'soecifY u":< it'f 13. ched( the apprcp'i'tt 14. provideaspecifcandd#i;l;#il;;itt",.ri,ititXtt'.tioviitnaspetrormea'o.rYillbeexpectedtoperhrm' not just time spent in actual conht att prepararry aJiliaeo acljvity. tnoroe ,*;,iJ. ,r,riJ., unv ot Membe(s) and rhe date(s) ol, momcei(.), employee(s)' or Federal official(s) or employee(s) with Federat offcials. tdenhry he r intaciJ of Congress that were contact€d' is atached' not t sr-u-t-'l continuation shee(s) s lilii'r,l.il"it' l6.Thecertitvingofro,'nt"'[i"loi'iniit"ro*pti"ir'iyt'"tame'title'andtslephonenumber' ngbtt D C 20503. P口 ∝t゛ 漁 Ю04o‐ W語 品 lshl RFP I Page 24 of 29 t**5* FAIIILY CODE CERTIFIGATION REGARDING TEXAS code, added by s.B_. M, Acb,73d Legislature, As oer section 14.52 of the lexas Famiry proposat the fo,owins affidavit: unJ iri,nit,riti the R.S. (1993), all ilruffii;o;ilrc pavtng l.theundersignedvendor,doherebyacknowledgethatNosole.proprietor,parlner,majorityShareholderofa is 30 davs oI more delinquent in u"in""t 10"/' of owner an crmoration, or "ntlV I understand that under this is' a sole ag"e'enl cnild support unde, . .owt o'dt' partner' maiority shareholder in w-hich a sole poprietor, .i.rf]"i"ifity corpoiati.^ partnerstrip, paving child oroDnetorship, u so dlvi or m# delinquent in .rtiiv or or a corporation, or an owner i' tlot ttisiutt to Proposal or receive a state ni'fiJ] o|. a oroe' a cou,t support under *i'#;i;;;iitt lt';ffidffttt 1&;,;;;;.;ih.i 6;;;;i;G;;nt -'- contract. itt cf 's ORGANIZAT:ON NAME ■らマ タ ヽ Con nt^ lt'c'^s q+c+s- 4a多 し し ADDRESS we船 ヽク 31ム PR:NTED NAME AND T:TLE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTAT:VE SIGNATURE comolete and return wth ProDOSal DiredShpRFP#201■ 10 aレ `ι │― V ^― ^│ ― ― ●― ― … … ― ― ‐― … ´ .― .ヽ ― .― b― 聯倅鮒聯 構 鮒 聯 :甫i場 柵 iTWl翼 鍔蹴 』 」 需 謂懲 n. 協柵 淵 鯰脚 諜 樹[‖蝋[欄晶道i馘 r鼎 )epattnentof Health「 DH) Texas Depament of Health Manufactured Food D市 iS10n l100 West 49th Street Austin TX78756‐ 3199 (888}963・ 7111 A copy ofthe F∞ d WhOlesaler License must be included With PrOposal 0レ ″ ` じ ′ ′b clク レご 歩 3ノ 「 ‐‐●epreSenlatVe Name a口 u いuじ υlハ uu,vl‐ No M cOpy Of Food WhOlesaler Llcense included wlth PrOposal:Ves o「 si9nature ≪∞影 dva:bfrX w償 h um■ anψ VL■ ` 如ク 物 鰺 ゛1._J、 l呻 _ ` i:; V"'"@-.Y -Y, ル ノ ∼″ hιa放 1:'ff;K,^^ Sハ OfO a ¶ lⅢ 魅 1官 庶 0だ)0, ω い 叫 n9嗣 ヽ ぎ Ⅲ 」 ⅧMlttI読 ん マ `Ⅲ “ 鞣 麟 ι #矧 ‖ 0 Clean Air and Water Act or regulations issued pursuant to the l, the Vendor, am in compliance with all applicable stan^dards, orde6 CleanAirActof 19ZO asemenoJ{+ZuS.C.fASzlrll,Section50SolfreCleanWaterAct,asamended(33 Agency Regulation,40 cFR Part 15 as U.i.C. igOSj i*r.utive Order ttzias ano Environmenlal Protection required under OMB Circular A-102, grantor agency and to the united states o, Paragraph 14 (1) regarding reporting violations to the inuiro.r"nt p.t"ciion Agency Assistant Administrator for lhe Enforcement' Attachment potential Vendor Nrme, Cvel's coao<-r {,..,.,as ι α′レi働 Title of Authorized Representative: Ma‖ ng Address: Signature: Comdeb and retum輛 th ProoosJ shゃ RFP#201■ 10 :0ロ エ‐ ■‐ ‐ 0・ ‐ ‐ 0 1,C‐ ■u,1 ‐ 1‐ べ C,0ら C r。 ‐ ‐ CERTIFiCAT10N OF PROPOSAL SPECiFICAT:ONSrrERMS a CONDIT10NS 飩 鴫 町 鳳 ¨ メ 弥埜 欝 躙 極 ‖ 艘 、 RFP ttm14・ 10 │"a暉 ごし fnιr COMPANY NAME: ご hι (ゝ らそ AddЮ S,│´ 十 ジabじ 5七″ 。硼 叫 幽 と ___」 baS _ 瞬 6r扇 血 ed ln w山 a 季 9牛 弗 “ 2イ 20け ´ C'6ダ FAXσ 整だ董聾生立2望LDateiラ ′ 7-ll -OYtPz Phonarの 10七 μ‖ Pnone:{Qlb1 - uime of nepresentative Aulhorized to sign for vendor: cOmol“ mV 耐 は同 。 謂 闇 l躙肌濡F脳 跳Ю い odtt b""釧 b"∞ 雨 糧摺 耀魃 群f珊鵡 酬 ♂ u鯰 lompany is a“ resident vendori Dale: Signature r yOu quJily as a inOnred,entvendorr you mustttmbh lhe fOlbWlng mbrrnalbni your resdent stale?(The State your p“ ndpJ ttace Of bugness b 10caledぅ Whatも Sab Address Name Company ②幅 げ fnl Zlp State C ty f蠍 轟鼈 甲il鮮棚誕 Ty[)ed Name Pos ition Complete and return with ProDosal ■2014‐ 10 i Company Name Page 26 of 29 ,,C‐ ■ 0`1 ‐ `‐ ヽ‐ 10● ‐ r・ ` RECEIVED MAY 2 9 2014 PROPOSAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT FULLLINEGROCERYITEMSWAREHOUSE,DIRECTSHIP BUSINESSSERVICES IRFP# #2011n01 TO: Education Service Cenler Region l0 General undersigned, having carefully read the lnstructions to Offerors' of Offerors, and Proposal Forms' do ConOition., Noticqto Offerors, Contract-Speciflcatlons, Responsibilities to perform.the work.required agiee to enter into a contract witr Region 10 by tendering this offer l, or we, the duly autrorized trereUy will deliver he product(s) per speciflcations anaioi prJrioe tne product(s) specified in tiris soiicitation. l, or we, also certify to the accuracy o1 the found in this Poposal document for he prices indicaled. l, or we, or Clean Air and Water Act) ..,tiR*tion, required (inctuding, but not limited to, Felony Conviction Notice *niin ..*rpun, this offer. l, oi we, will follow all applicable state or federal laws. without mnsultation, communication' or The prices in lhis offer have been determined indepondently, prices, any other with purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter related to suoh been a party to any oirioi.i -,itn any competitor. l, or wel are auhorized to submit this ofier and have nol at a fixed pnce or to by agreemenl to offer *liusion umong offer/oiferors in restraint of feedom of competiton to quantity, quality' 0r tro, otrJring; or with any Region 10 employee, Board Director, or consultant as in any ierms of the prospective contract except in any authorized price in the prospective contract, '-itt Region 10's Business personnel; or in any discussions or aclions between offeriofferon or other things of Board Director, or consultant conc€ming exchange of money ug*;.ni for th. ir "-t., iir.r*r.trf ..J .^)/-nixji", 10 eriployee, value for special consideration in the award of his contract ` Yn針 こ 各遂 “ re― S市 にやん 目rrn's Address:│千 3そ S― Nane d ttrnい が Date: Signature: :Camι イina Vnas SoacaVSb. Phone #: Fax #: SS of F“ ID#: 収 PROPOSAL ENVELOPES SHOt'LD BE PLAINLY MARKED: IRFPI授 01■ 101 ‐ Mu‖ Regbnd C● 鍵 謂 継 緊 路 黙 獣 busE,回 RECT SHP 街 PЮ "耐 鼎 :諧 翠 l器 2cHJRm面 Jm∞ r 400 East Spring Vailey Rd. Richardson,Texas 75081 DUE:Thursday,May 29,2014 at 4:30 pm complete and return-lulhilgpos4 画 面 雨 10 E GROCERY「 EMS WAREHOuSE,Drtt Shや RFP#2014‐ Page 29 of 29
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