January 24, 2014 COMPILATION OF BEST ESSAY ANSWERS | EDPS015 MIDTERMS Do you think that sometime in the future, computers will cease to exist? Computers will always be a part of our lives and will continue to exist far into the future. We are tied to technology and we use it in day to day living... as we rely more and more on computing power to live, humanity will be forever tied to its use. With continued innovation computers will continue to become smaller, faster, and will become easier to use... as well as being readily accessible to more and more people. The use of computers will continue to spread out until the whole world is connected. The only foreseeable instance in which computers would cease to exist would be if a war broke out and massive electromagnetic bombs were to destroy all electronic components. - Jonathan Chavez (EDPS015 BT11) I think the disappearance of the computers will not happen. We humans have found that computers have been essential to man's existence. Man will constantly find a way to upgrade his way of life, and upgrade computers as well. It will be impossible because humans have been dependent to computers. Our way of life has been driven by these computers. It has offered us entertainment, our way of communicating, our way of how we transact on business, and our way of comfort. - Jazzle Corporal (EDPS015 AC17) No, The computers will continue to work even after we leave this planet. The recent discoveries and inventions make way for the potential gadgets that will be essential for our daily life and survival. There will be more people who will use the computers for their own advantage and this will be an essential part of everyone. The market will grow and more opportunities will be available for each of us. - Theresa Flores (EDPS015 BT11) No, I think that sometime in the future computers will not cease to exist.Because, although we have modern technology today like ipads,smartphones, motion detector etc., still we need the use of computer in storing a large data. And until now there are lot of things that computer can do that the other devices can't do. Like encoding text and making a presentation still it is much easier to make it on a computer. - Bernadette Nadine Villamin (EDPS015 BT11) I think that computers will be there still and will not be extinct. It's an innovation that has become part of our daily life to simplify our work and it has gone improving every time and reducing the time to finish our jobs, the way we communication and we had Department Of Computer Science, College of Computer Studies, Ateneo de Naga University - 8H9FD973 January 24, 2014 COMPILATION OF BEST ESSAY ANSWERS | EDPS015 MIDTERMS availed every possible service it offers now as of the computer. Ceasing them to exist may seem impossible and going back to the basics and "antique" way of doing things is something that most of us cannot accept that for we are in a technological world and the only way the computers can go is they will innovate and improve. - Angelo Horlador (EDPS015 AC17) I think computers will not be cease to exist in the future because computers now is the main source of information and most of the people are depending in computers in everything they do. For example computers are the main base of transactions of business and trade and if ever that computers will cease to exist a lot of transactions will be in chaos.If that happen, education may also be affected because a lot of information maybe gain from computers and its a big help to the society and government. Maybe, the time that computers will cease to exist is the time when another gadget is invented that will surpass the capacity of a computer and I think that it will not happen anymore. Maybe there will be some changes in computers but still computers will exist. - Germie Lyn Barquilla (EDPS015 N1) はい、人々はそれを必要とするまで。コンピュータは、今日は非常に有用かつ重要であ るため。それが将来的に我々はまだコンピュータを使用することができている可能性が ありますが、それはより近代化である。多分より多くの機能と進歩が起こります。その ため、私たちはまだ、将来的にコンピュータを使用するのをやめるを使用できることを 信じています。 - 優菜 凛 (EDPS015 JE002) I think computers will exist even in the end of the world. Since we can all see that computers are everywhere it is impossible that computers will be extinct. Whether we like it or not, computers will always be part of our lives as human. Before we sleep and even we wake up in the morning the first thing we see are computers. It is inevitable for us to live without any form of computer that we use because computers speaks about us. We just have to accept the fact that computers will be our company in our whole lives. Children in todays generation will possibly rebel if computers will fade because they grew up using computers. - Teresa Mapusao (EDPS015 N1) It's a big NO! I think that the existence of computers will last forever. I can't tell the exact time but I am sure that I am going to be the first one to perish here in our planet before computers do. We can notice that computers are really parts of our daily living,so I can't imagine that future generations will adopt to a place like forest and live together with animals. Human minds are really extraordinary so that I am sure they will do their best in making their worlds as a High Technology one.Computers are Department Of Computer Science, College of Computer Studies, Ateneo de Naga University - 8H9FD973 January 24, 2014 COMPILATION OF BEST ESSAY ANSWERS | EDPS015 MIDTERMS going to have a continuous cycle of improvement and innovations, so they will never cease. Computers will last forever, improving, going more extraordinary and unbelievable whether we like it or not. - Raymond Canaba (EDPS015 AC17) Computers will never come to an end. Even after thousands of centuries that will pass, it will never disappear. It will change, be improved but it will NEVER disappear in our lives and in the future. Why? It is because the uses of computers are very helpful for everyone especially to the people with disabilities, these are beneficial, it makes our lives very comfortable and computers have the ability to do the things that we might think impossible to happen. Also, the use of computers are very trendy, it gets popular very fast and even it has certain disadvantages, those will not count compare to what computers give to mankind. Many will say, especially the people in future generations, that they can't live without computers because when they were born, computers surrounded them and maybe they will not be able to do things without computers, in tagalog term, "nakasanayan na". And people will never be controlled nor stopped to innovate and create things that they know will make our lives better, will make them rich and famous and we all know that once we discovered something that we are sure to be helpful to us, we will never stop using it. - Marjorie Maderazo (EDPS015 N1) 私はそうは思わない。世界はテクノロジーベースの一つであると変化しており、それが 改善に止まらないだろう。我々はすでにそれに依存しているため、コンピュータが消滅 するかどうかは私たちのために難しいだろう。皮肉ではなく、私は世界が仮想の一つで あることに変わり予測して溶解し、私たちの周りのすべてがコンピュータ操作されるで あることを時が来るでしょうというより、ある。 - 詩織 陽子 (EDPS015 JE002) somehow yes. because technology now a days is fast growing. everything in this world is now using technology, in our daily life we are dependent to technology. all gadgets are now part of our daily life, it is actually a necessity now, not a wants. i am thinking if our future ahead of us is going to be ruled by all of this technology. i remember a movie "wally" on the other world, everything is being controlled by technology. you just have to sit down and let technology control your life.which is i think one of the disadvantages of technology because we people will going to be dependent on those, and our own capability to work on our own will just be nothing. - Charmaine Amante (EDPS015 BT12) I don't think computers will cease to exist. Instead I think everything will be innovated and will be made to think like a computer. Although it has its cons, computers have been one of man's greatest invention if not the greatest. It has gone a long way in giving man comfort, efficiency, reliability, entertainment, practicality, communication, and so Department Of Computer Science, College of Computer Studies, Ateneo de Naga University - 8H9FD973 January 24, 2014 COMPILATION OF BEST ESSAY ANSWERS | EDPS015 MIDTERMS on. Computers, nowadays, are everywhere. And, I really don't think they'll stop existing. Man and computers go hand in hand now. - Issa Majencar (EDPS015 BT12) I don't think so. The world is changing to be a technology based one and it would not stop from improving. It would be hard for us if computer will be vanished since we are already relying on it. The irony is, rather than being dissolve I predict the world will turn to be a virtual one and there will come a time that everything around us is will be computer operated. - Cheriz Ayuban (EDPS015 AC17) For me, as a student, computers won't cease because people are very imaginative and creative that they aren't still satisfied of what we have now. They want to improvise more components and parts to the computers because people want to be popular by their inventions. And also humans are now becoming hooked by this non-living thing! What we need to do is to be strong and look for a solution that will help us not to get controlled by it. We are the one who invented them, so we should also be able to think of what is good for them. As the technology grows broader, we humans must also learn to be more responsible. As what the friendly neighborhood says, "great power comes with great responsibility." In the end, I hope it is not yet too late for us to make a move. Hope there are still more ways to solve this problem in case. - Rogel Hernandez (EDPS015 AC17) Department Of Computer Science, College of Computer Studies, Ateneo de Naga University - 8H9FD973 January 24, 2014 COMPILATION OF BEST ESSAY ANSWERS | EDPS015 MIDTERMS What are some disadvantages and advantages of using low quality and high quality pictures? 埋め込み画像を分割し、いくつかの画像操作にロバストである領域の位置に基づいて、 デジタル画像の空間ドメイン内のカオス透かし を検出するための新規な方法に関する。本方法のロバスト性、圧縮、フィルタリング、 スケーリング、クロッピング、回転などの攻撃のいく つかの種類に埋め込まれた透かしの耐性を表示する実験結果によって確認される - 花子 美羽 (EDPS015 JE002) When programming exercise number 2, the class does a algorithm to fool-proof captcha codes. Singular observation is fool-proof algorithm declines in effective during when picture is low res digital image. In high res digital image, for "media significance" only and not for computing purpose. In high res digital image also, Neithan 先生 demonstrate how person will put hidden message on pixels of high res and decode thru algorithm hidden message. - 拓真 陽太 (EDPS015 JE001) Using low quality pictures or with low pixel per inch means that using it or transferring it continuously will lower the beauty of the image or it becomes blurry, while using pictures having a high quality allows you to transfer it without losing its beauty. For example you uploaded a photo in the facebook and you want to retrieve it, choose the one with high quality to maintain your photo, but then choosing from a poor and high quality depends on what purpose you are about to make with that image. - Jessa Rona Del Castillo (EDPS015 JE001) 品質の写真は時々のための質の不足のために説明するために、見て、ハードまたはハー ドになりがちですが、印刷をアップロードするか 、他のユーザーに送信し、それが多くのスペースを取らない方が簡単です。それは、説 明して理解し、見やすいので、高品質の写真は 素晴らしいに見えるかもしれませんが、それが取るスペースが大きく、そのサイズにす ることができ、そしてそれは、印刷をアップロードするか 、他の人に送信するために、より長い時間がかかる - 義郎 結愛 (EDPS015 JE001) One of a main advantage of being used a low res digital image is the difficulty to remove embedded watermarks. Neithan 先生 demonstrated that algorithm to counter watermark fails when resolution of image is too low in high resolution digital image the Department Of Computer Science, College of Computer Studies, Ateneo de Naga University - 8H9FD973 January 24, 2014 COMPILATION OF BEST ESSAY ANSWERS | EDPS015 MIDTERMS algorithm works very good. This is very good for copyright protect. Very good for property intellect. - 真美 愛海 (EDPS015 JE001) low quality pictures has its disadvantages. First, the lighting in the picture is too blurry that it doesn't project good brightness and contrast.Second,The background in the captured picture can be nontransparent and lastly, the picture maybe unable to modify or edited.some of its advantages are the following: it can be easily downloaded and lower cost of printing maybe spent. High quality picture has its disadvantages too.As I remember our instructor said that HQ pictures is not easily downloaded(such as PNG and TIFF) it takes a lot of time if we try to download it. high quality pictures has its advantages also. first, it is pleasing to the eyes.second,the picture may convey specific information. third,it is good for editing and Lastly, It adds impact to the picture. - Jessa Lucena (EDPS015AC17) Department Of Computer Science, College of Computer Studies, Ateneo de Naga University - 8H9FD973 January 24, 2014 COMPILATION OF BEST ESSAY ANSWERS | EDPS015 MIDTERMS Do you ever get scared exponential progress? of technology's Yes, I get scared of the technology's exponential progress. People may be able to create other applications that can be used for crimes and the like. We may not have control over the innovations happening but we should also have some time to learn about the latest developments. What if this applications will be used to stalk people? It may be very risky because the computers have a lot of disadvantages. - Theresa Flores (EDPS015 BT11) Yes, as technology grows, I see younger generations have an increasing dependence on it to a point that they are not aware of any alternatives or how to accomplish things without the use of technology... I already know of people who are unable to write formal letters by hand let alone send a letter via mail because they are so accustomed to chatting, txting, or emailing. In my generation, I remember my grandparents complaining about kids using handheld gaming devices which were such alien technology in their eyes while saying kids no longer knew how to play games outside such as kick the can or hide and go seek. I fear the day when people will no longer know how to function naturally without the aide of some electronic device. - Jonathan Chavez (EDPS015 BT11) No, because it helps me to do things or work more easier as it progressed. Like for example, I don't need to bring a calculator because my cellphone already has a calculator. I don't need to write a very long essay in a paper because I can just type it in MS word and print it. Technology also entertains me by its applications and games. Most especially, I am looking forward to what it can serve me in the future for its latest features. - Pauline Abegail Petrasanta (EDPS015 BT11) I love watching sci-fi movies. In these movies, you can see that technology can either be used to save or destroy humanity. These movies makes me both amazed and scared about technology's exponential progress. It's amazing because technology helps us a lot in our everyday lives. There are machines that makes our tasks easier. However, if people use this progress for greedy reasons, like enslaving humanity or killing them or the like, technology can really be a lethal weapon. Bottom line: technology is neither good nor bad. I'm scared for the people who can be blinded but what technology has to offer in the near future - Dessa Anne Binaday (EDPS015 N1) Department Of Computer Science, College of Computer Studies, Ateneo de Naga University - 8H9FD973 January 24, 2014 COMPILATION OF BEST ESSAY ANSWERS | EDPS015 MIDTERMS Yes. It is because the technology's exponential progress possesses threat to humans. An example is the continuously upgrading of computers that leads to more complex thinking of the electronic brain. I am afraid that time will come, electronic brains can already beat human brains. - Marjorie Simando (EDPS015 AC17) yes. as a future teacher I am scared of the fast progress of technology because it might change the understanding of the students of the purpose of technology on their lives. as what I can observe today even preschoolers are able to access facebook, twitter, youtube and other computer programs - - - Things that might corrupt their innocent mind. That is why there are lot of children who are able to commit crimes because of the social medias that they access. - Kem Bron (EDPS015 N1) No, because if I will be scared of it I will be left behind. I enjoy how I learn and experience new things that are happening in my community. Actually, I am looking forward for more new technologies so I will be aware of them. And, hoping that the technologies we have today will be more detailed and more advance in the near future. - Dorothy Kay Clay (EDPS015 N1) technology now a days is scary. because anything could happen. the power now of technology is too strong. by using computer you can see the impossible to possible. like now the movies seems realistic. you can have bogus account and destroy your life, or transfer your face to another person. technology can destroy life but in the other hand computer is a useful user friendly and a world changing invention. - John Henri De Guzman (EDPS015 N1) I do. Technology now already scares me what more its progress? Being a 90's baby, I had never imagined such technology could exist. I thought it was beautiful, but I knew it would be scary. Who knew you could commit crime in the internet? Piracy, cyberbullying, online bank thefts, etc., I've heard of them in the news and I am a witness myself. Advances, would only mean more opportunity for graver crimes. Biometrics for one could cost one's life. - Issa Majencar (EDPS015 BT12) はい、人間として、私は。今のところ私はこの現代の世界では技術の進歩を見ることが できます。私はそれに魅了されました。逆に、私 は私達の何人かの発明または将来の発明、人間の反対するだろう。神は私たちのために 行うするものではありませんことをするために 私達に作成したため。私は、私たちの世界でも多くの技術を持っていることのが怖い。 それは私たちのリソースは最終的になくなってされ Department Of Computer Science, College of Computer Studies, Ateneo de Naga University - 8H9FD973 January 24, 2014 COMPILATION OF BEST ESSAY ANSWERS | EDPS015 MIDTERMS る能性があります。多分、我々は人間が怠惰であるか、単に技術依存していることが原 因の発明を制限する必要があります。はい 、技術は非常に便利ですが、それは私たちの態度は良いと私たちの環境が悪いことしな いようになる場合があります。サービス面での環 境。例えば、レストランではなく、人間のサービスクルーが疑わ彼らはロボットが顧客 にサービスを提供できます。そのシナリオでは、我々 は簡単に顧客にサービスを提供しながら、ロボットが事故で破損した場合に何を考えて いない。 - 彩花彩華 蝶 (EDPS015 JE001) Yes I do get scared because it might harm us physically, socially and mentally. Physically because it would mean that we are exposed to radiation that is a danger for our eyes and also it would lessen physical activities since the innovation of technology can already do things for us. Due to the fast improvements in our technology we bacame affected socially because we are already attach to the growing virtual world. Sometimes others prefer to stay in this world rather than socializing with others personally which is very unhealthy for us. Lastly the upgrade of technology would lessen the use of our thinking skills since in just a click we can already get what we want (ex. calculator,spreadsheet etc.). The speedy progress is a great help for us but let us put boundaries for ourselves. It disturbs me to think of what might happen to us in the next decades of our existence. - Cheriz Ayuban (EDPS015 AC17) YES! of course. People nowadays are very idealistic. I would not be surprised if one day i wake up, and the world was "wow"totally changed. I am afraid that someday,i need not to talk to my friends because they can already read my mind.I need not to prepare my breakfast because there are already computer programs that can set my activities for the day and robots are assigned to make them, even brushing my teeth. T_T.. oh what a creepy world. - Regine Benito (EDPS015 AC17) Definitely yes, the exponential progress of our technology today is so advanced. It scares me in such way that of thinking of the next generation. How greatly it would affect the next generation in how they live. Kids will become more lazier and probably become introvert because of the technologies available around them. The greater the progress of our technology, the higher the chances it kills the social life of each and everyone specially in the next coming generations. :D - Matt Dy (EDPS015 AC17) Yes. I was just 8 years old back then when cellphones are only for communication. I'd never expected that now there are many features that were developed. Then, there are these robotics thing that are useful today for various uses. Thus, as the years go on, this might be scary that we humans may be controlled by the rapid progress of technology. Department Of Computer Science, College of Computer Studies, Ateneo de Naga University - 8H9FD973 January 24, 2014 COMPILATION OF BEST ESSAY ANSWERS | EDPS015 MIDTERMS - Therese Olaco (EDPS015 AC17) No, because as we study science, it says that in order to survive in the fast changing world we should ADAPT, and through adapting the technologies, I am not scared on facing reality that one day computer/technology will be a part of each and everyone of us. - Mc Earl Llorens (EDPS015 AC17) Department Of Computer Science, College of Computer Studies, Ateneo de Naga University - 8H9FD973
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