DEMOCRA丁 D輔 oα話′∞ OFFICIAL BALLOT IC BALLOtt Bolett Oり Waller County Joint Pttmary Elec百 ons‐ ∽ ndado`わ ″りわ ′f/ecc6n Primaria εο″J″ わ ―BOLf乃 4 0FICiAl Waller County,Texas Oondadoめ 形 2た 4L"s lnstruction Text: TO VOTE: Mark the ballot by placlng an 'X' in the square beside the candidate, proposltlon or referendum ofyour choice. Nota de lnstrurcidn: PARA VOTAR: lndia su peferencia por boleb con una equis X" en b asib al lado delnndidato, pmposici6n o refedndum prcbrido. narcar en am a Democrat and that I am ineligible to vote or participate in another political party's primary election or convention during this voting "Yo soy Demficrata y comprendo lneleglble para votar o paiiclpar en Ia eleccldn prlmaria o la convencldn de algin otro padldo politico durante este afio electoral." DEM― United States Senator O昴 ′‐Saη′dγ οむわθ Rtad∝ 働 ねOs Eコ Mlchael‖ Fieぜ l FieJand Eコ Harry Kim DEM - Juez Presldente, Corte Suprema The Unted states Congress must pass imm gradon reform,nclud ng an earned path E William Moody DEM - Justice, Supreme Court, Place 6, [Unexpired Termt DEM - Juez, Cofte Suprema, Lugat N`ma¨ 鮨 ″ ″′ EJ `a″ Lanrsnce Edward Meyers 口DEM‐ Justice,Supreme Court, Place 7 a石″ _J“ 名 o誡eS973"aι N6m/ E=コ り ar Gina Benavides DEM - Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 3 DEM - Juez, Cofte de Apelaciones Criminales, Lugar Nim. 3 E John Granberg r H Kyl. Carter ・ DEM‐ Unled States DEM‐ Justice,lst Court of Appea:s District,Piace 3 ∂働 ′―詮 presentatte"ゎ s ι ′ υbtt Di試威o N6m /θ θ働′‐力銘 館 9■ 4暉 鴫 Diまrtto“ ′ ″ ちιω″ 数加"笏 :θ l `吻 lswana Walter-Cadien DEM - Gobemador E E tTvgn6y R. Davis fsy6sldo "Ray" Madrigal `θ Lctcia Van de Putte DEM‐ Attomey Ceneral Ceremf Eコ sam HoustOn Senemiσb Reras c。 。 k DEM‐ Commissioner of Agricuiture _ぉm、bnadoめ 物 " Eコ Rlchard‖ Kinky"F百 edman □ Hugh Asa Fitzslmons Ⅲ Eコ 」 im Hogan DEM - Railroad Commissioner DEM - Comislonado de Fenocariles E E ppls llsnry St"re Brown gs6 fi sylviu ceditlo □ ∂昴 ′‐の ″なわ,θσ♭め ″ Эtcina aa′ M″ r/ε }ng"sο orlentat on and genderldentity R“ dθ ∂副 ′‐R,た だ ″あ り /os fs″ dク sιウ 7た 195 dPbθ ρe、ooas´ 匡コ YES Sli Eコ NO ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Congress shoud pass eg S aOo口 Eコ ‐ rasng me Federa m nいlm wageto at eastl10%oF■ e たderJ pove"levd for a farriけ offOur wmout excepton a動 ′_&た め ,sum2.4//ysH“ 〃 0 Ю DOSム OS 刀彩 4MOS f/θ ο И asσ debθ pmmutarlegたわ瓦リ ヮρ∂ra ク ロ a“ 富ヵ ヮ ″′θ/sab"″ わ力 ηοんiemヽ ρσわ ″9“喧θθ ///θ %σ し /″ ア 曖/ん dθ″/σ しρゎbP47a 物α ●グθ、3れ 5わ ex“p3,On ″ υ Jaa力 ′ Eコ YES S Eコ NO I /Va lpEM‐ REFERENDUM 3: :霧 EDiCAID EXPANSiON ITlё GovemorandtheTexasLegた ature Should acceptfederalfunds,as provlded in the Padent Protecuon&AFFordable Care∧ ct of undennsured Texans a5ι ′_&た だ ″て 力″ png ::‐ J● a・ f/6ο ピ `Иノわι電 もbんワ ″ηad,′ DEll - County Chairman AEM - Presidente det Condado E gsn T;5gg 石銘as a、P″ ′b77dσSん d動 物電`た″″ん′ 7″ ′ .Mattin R.Hood g;;ssn Birney `И dヮ ι ″″ PttCi威 EJ /vs/alV こ Oε M″ ′ ′a 暉1犠 lhePcacヽ 0協 ‐ノ ル ‐ 月/V「lDiSCRIM■MttORИ b″″ d,「eЮsdθ berb ]〕on§健sο J/ル `D¨ ad7ρ ″′,"ル 76し 面 ,9″θDmp■亀ん pυ わσ を11"rab ο ttOラ 備 aa勧 ヮ勧7″ “● A/7■ /化6 usattρ ′ク aヮ pし0‐ 庇わScり basolε ″4/7む 激力 Sのし″θ憑97′ カググ θ ″ 磁 ■│ ■■‐ il‐ DEM― REFERENDUM 2:A WACE FOR ALL ttEXANS わ崚ψ″ わ aj7″ Pttn′ ρ″む曲 ″′a印 = “ スんπカク ル 3蒻 スタd9/2θ ′ sbゥ αρ″ゎ a卿 ヮ dθ ル わ勧 激フ ″θ′σOク θ リヮ θ 〃 υttpο ′ "″ 曲 n“ め 句し,“ 訪 Sり υ¨ “ “ Eコ YES Sli Eコ NO rva 4 ■5θだと´C16N │‐ ‐ 口 YES 「 肋 ∂/ε″0′ 歿融 c accommodalons based upon sexual ηη m,gttbた ,看π″Fρ dク αρ″b∂ ′ぬa″ ん′ ″ ω″力 70 ga77aめ aを σ ″ぬ凌″Oρ aυ ∂゛e"bs/r"t″ プ し りs9′ θσ ο ウ∂わ ″″ カ θσO″ 0′η治 /bs ρθ応フnasa α″ "第 ″ dθ eSas ェ cに DEM¨ Commissioner of the Cenera:Land Ottce protectlons against discr mlnations ln employment hOuslng,and pub‖ coverage to m‖ ‖ ons of unlnsured and ヨ1漱 1索 背m cueは3S Eコ Mike c。 ││ler 」。hn Go「 don Goodman E ツ Accounts E=コ □ :麗i:」 DEM - Comptroller of Public θ昴 ′_aο ′rra/arめ . DEtl'County Judge D€M - Jua del Condado ∂働 ′‐Oobemad∝ 石o″ た″ ∂昴 ′―Prttrador Sharp /7/ε as Legls ature should adoptleglslation that expands NA θεル ′‐Rθ ierendum/Rttο 2010;fo「 he expanslon of Medicald to provide DEM‐ Lieutenant Govemor □ Eコ 」lm DEM‐ Justice,14th Court of Appeals Distttct,Place 7 θ昴 ′‐ゝ 、こ 、εa“θο り/pelattes, ∂なtr誌oN`m/4 1orNCm/ DEll - Govemor LEG:SLAl10N The Congress andthe Te× lndlvldua s Representat¨ o,Distdct 1 0 Ea NON‐ DiSCR:M:NAT:ON to the economy and the dependents ofthose Apelaciones, Distrito NAm. Kesha Rogers DEM― REFERENDU M 4:ON buJng to cttzensh p forthOse ndMdua s cont‖ DEM - Chief Justice, l4th Court of Appeals District DEM - Juez Presldenle, Coie de Maxey Ma‖ e Scher「 Eコ David M Alameel □ DEM― REFERENDUM l:ON IMM:GRA丁 10N REFORM la 'l □ DEM - Chief Justice, Supreme Court , NO /Va
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