2014/10/17 The Terms referred to these Indigenous Peoples Are Controversial American Indians’ History and 口承文学 =Oral Literature • American Indian=>Indian American • =>Native American=>the First American Major Transatlantic Explorations, 10001587 Their Origin • • • • Around 25,000 to 12,000 years ago, started to move from Urasia through the Bering Strait to the North America. moving through the Central American to South America in thousands of years. Empires in the Central America • Some of the indigenous peoples founded Incan Empire and Aztech Empire in the Central America. 1 2014/10/17 Quiz 1 • Where do “American Indians” originate? • • • • 1. 2. 3. 4. South America North America Eursia Micronesia American Indians in 8 Different Areas with Different Culture • 1.California; Shasta, Chumash, Costano • 2.Northeast Woodland; hunters and gatherers, but also fishermen and farmers; Algonquians and Iroquoians. • 3.Southeast; farmers; Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminole • 4.Great Plains; nomadic hunters; Sioux, Pawnee, Blackfoot, Crow, Cheyenne, Arapaho、トウモロコシ栽培 による定着の農業と、バッファロー狩り • 5.Plateau; Chinook, Nez Perce, Flathead, and Spokane • 6.Southwest; agrarian and nomadic; Pueblo, Navajo, Apache • 7.Great Basin; gatherers or “Diggers”, hunters; Paiute, Ute and Shoshoni • 8.Northwest Coast; Haida, Chinook, Tillamook, Chimakum、漁業、トーテンポール Indigenous Peoples in the North America • Around 500 tribes • No common political unions • No common languages • 1.Northeast Woodland; hunters and gatherers, but also fishermen and farmers; Algonquians and Iroquoians. • 2.Southeast; farmers; Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminole • 3.Great Plains; nomadic hunters; Sioux, Pawnee, Blackfoot, Crow, Cheyenne, Arapah、トウ モロコシ栽培による定着 の農業と、バッファロー 狩り 2 2014/10/17 • 4.Plateau; Chinook, Nez Perce, Flathead, and Spokane • 5.Southwest; agrarian and nomadic; Pueblo, Navajo, Apache • 6.Great Basin; gatherers or “Diggers”, hunters; Paiute, Ute and Shoshoni Mississippi川河畔のmound • 7.Northwest Coast; Haida, Chinook, Tillamook, Chimakum、 漁業、トーテンポール • 8.California; Shasta, Chumash, Costano Beginning of Conflict with Europeans • In 1607, against the British • Who came with King James of England’s permission to colonize the north America • King Powhatan and his tribes fought with them. • 1607年、VirginiaのJamestownにやってきた 白人(イギリス国王から許可を得て営利目的 でやってきた)と接触したインディアン、キン A Cruel Indian Image by Europeans Pocahontas, a Daughter of King Powhatan,1595-1617 3 2014/10/17 Misery of Jamestown Causes the fights • The British in Jamestown decreased in population. • To one-sixth in 3 years • Their leader, John Smith, organized violent actions to get food. A drama during the War • Pocahontas asked his father to save John Smith’s life, captured by the tribe. • Disney Movie • They robbed the tribes of their lands because they had not idea of owning lands. • Used the lands in their own ways Marriage of Pocahontas with a John Rolfe Kind and humanitarian Indians • The政略的結婚 enables Rolfe to get rich. • He used the knowledge of planting tobacco. • Rolfe, when asked permission to marry Pocahontas, said: "for the good of this plantation, for the honour of our country, for the glory of God, for my own salvation, and for the converting to the true knowledge of God and Jesus Christ, an unbelieving creature, Pokahuntas . . . ." • Taught white settlers the ways to cultivate and harvest indigenous foods like peanuts, cocoas, kidney beans, pumpkins, melons, and corns. Ungrateful アングロサクソン=WAS P:White Anglo Saxon Protestant) Recent Understanding of Thanks Giving Day • 白人が死に直面し、食べ物を携えてやってき たインディアンに空腹を満たしてもらったとき、 彼らは神の恩寵のせいで助かったと考えた。 • “ God’s grace to the Pilgrims was extended through a Native-American named Squanto ” • その後異教徒のインディアン達を殺戮に成功 するごとに神の加護を感じ、自分たちの勢 • from “The Pilgrims and the First Thanksgiving” by Jim Echman at • ”http://graceuniversity.edu/iip/2012/11/1211-24-1/ • 力範囲の拡大に神への奉仕を達成したと喜 んだ。 4 2014/10/17 History of Conflicts between Indians and Whites • Frenchi-Indian War(17 54-63) – Decided to part areas where these two different people live by the Appalalachian Mountains. • 北西部領地条例(1778) • 「インディアンに対しては常に最高の信義を 守らねばならない・・・彼らの財産・権利・自由 は、連合議が承認した正しい合法的戦争の 場合をのぞいては、侵害されてはならない」 by President George Wasington Indian Removal Act by President Andrew Jackson,1830 • 公有地条例(1785) • 国民に土地を開放する方策 • 1838 The Trail of Tears – ミシシッピ川以東でアパラチア山脈 までの地域に住んでいたインディアンを 遙か西のオクラホマへ強制的に移住させた • 米英戦争(1812) • 南東部諸州は先住民保有地の獲得要求に応 じて、先住民から土地を奪取 5 2014/10/17 Andrew Jackson, 1763-1845 Jacksonのしたこと • 貴族生まれでない、 • 先住民(=非市民)を連邦法で規制、 • 西部(= 「アメリカン・フロン ティア」 )出身の最初の大 統領。 • 合衆国政府による、ミシシッピ川以西での先 住民の連邦州設立構想 • 1840年代以降領土獲得 • =マニフェストデスティニーによる先住民掃討 Looting lands and destroying culture Civilizing Indians 福音主義プロテスタント伝道協会 18世紀末から先住民へ布教 Whites considered Indians morally inferior 農業、手工業教育 先住狩猟民へ食べていく手段を与えた 白人への土地割譲への対策 Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 • Eliminating the Indians as culturally distinct entity(文化的異民族視) • Propelling Native Americans into mainstream society 1887年、ドーズ法がもたらしたこと • 1887年、ドーズ法=「インディアンを殺せ、 人間(白人)は救え」=民族浄化法 • 保留地面積 1億3800エーカー(1887) • 4700エーカー(1937) 6 2014/10/17 Off Reservation Boarding Schools (Assimilation Policy) Quiz 1 • Which of these is NOT what white America did to Native Americans? a. To kill Indians. b. To force Indians to assimilate into white society. c. To educate to maintain their culture. American Indians’ protest and Restoration of their Culture ショーニー族、指導者、テカムセ • In 1805, to eliminate White’s cultural influence and restore their own tradition. • Unity between the tribes was Necessary • To found an independent space between the Great Lakes and the Bay of Mexico. 伝統の改変と先住民の多様性 • 固有の土地に根ざし逃亡 Accepted Civilization Policy =Abandoned their own culture • 南東部、文明化5部族(チェロキー、チョクトー、 チカソー、クリーク、セミノール) • 伝統的生活をる • Hunters, Food gathering Farmers 7 2014/10/17 Accepted Civilization Policy =Abandoned their own culture • 南東部、文明化5部族( Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminole ) • Hunters, Food gathering Farmers Quiz 2 Civilized to be Indian Nations Large-scale agriculture With black slaves Modernization of political system Develop their own alphabet • Formulate their constitution in • Protest against the white to possess their teritory • • • • • Indian Wars 1860s to 1870s • Which of these is NOT what Indians did to white man’s policy? a. They accepted the policy to assimilate white man’s culture. b. They rejected the policy to maintain their culture. c. They created their own country. d. They united tribes to protest white people. e. None of the above. Colonel George Custer and Sitting Bull The Battle of Little Bighorn, 1876 • 209 men of the Seventh Cavalry, lead by Custer, recklessly advanced against 1,500 to 5,000 Sioux warriors in Little Bighorn • Custer’s force was wiped out 8 2014/10/17 White Desire for Gold and Silver in Indian Reservation Sand Creek Massacre, 1864 • "Gold" was discovered in the Black Hills in • In August of 1864, Colonel John Chivington declared, • The Black Hills were a sacred place to the Indians • "the Cheyennes will have to be completely wiped out • Laramie Treaty. • offered six million dollars for the Black Hills • the only thing to do is kill them." John Chivington and the site Quiz 3 • Which of them is NOT related with white man’s severe attitudes to Indians? • a. The annihilation of Colonel Custer’s cavalry. b. The assimilation policy to white society. c. White man’s greed for gold and silver. Ghost Dance Ghost Dance 2 • The Indian Ghost Dance was started by Wovoka. • The dance to celebrate the customs of Indian life and looked forward for Sioux to regain their independence. 9 2014/10/17 Wounded Knee, S.D. in 1890 Wounded Knee, S.D. in 1890 • After seeing Indian Ghost Dance the settlers interpreted it wrongly as a war dance. • killing 300 Indian men, women, and children. • The Indians saw this as a symbol of the bitter times that lay ahead. Quiz 4 • What did the Wounded Knee case mean? a. The start of Indians’ vengeance to whites. b. The end of Indians’ protest against whites. c. The completion of white’s mission to eliminate Indians. Frederic Jackson Turner’s “The Significance of the Frontier in American History”, 1890 • Positive side • The West as a place of escape from society • the West as a stage on which the moral conflicts confronting society • The frontiersmen as a mythic American Adam – simple, virtuous, and innocent, untainted by a corrupt social order Frederic Jackson Turner’s • “The Significance of the Frontier in American History”, 1890 Results of Vanishing the Frontier – Negative side • The brutalities of Indian war fares, • the forced removal of the Indians to the reservations, • the racist discrimination against MexicanAmericans and blacks, • the risk and perils of commercial agriculture and cattle growing, • boom-and-bust mentality in the selfish exploitation of natural resources 10 2014/10/17 Quiz 5 • Which of these topics is contained in Turner’s historic dissertation? a. The role of the West to make American myth. b. The role of the West to provide a space of escape for whites. c. The role of the West to make whites utilize nature. d. All of the above. Red Power & Brown Power • In 1968, the leaders of the American Indian Movement (AIM) occupied Alcatraz Island in SF Bay. • Chicano leader, Cezar Chavez formed United Farm Workers. Oral Poetry for American Indians • • • • • Necessity in their daily life Magic disease treatment, prayer of victory, wish for a good harvest and game, requiem for victims, • Medium for journey to spirituality • and to gain supernatural power against nature. • 「インディアンの歌とは、人間と、宇宙の中の 目に見えない存在との間に交わされる伝達 の手段なのだ」 Magic Word アニミズム, animism、 • Make no distinction among creatures and things • • • • • identify ourselves with surroundings through our feelings. • • • • • • In the very earliest time, When both people and animals lived on earth, A person could become an animal if he wanted to And an animal could become a human being. Sometimes they were people And sometimes animals And there was no difference. All spoke the same language. That was the time when words were like magic. The human mind had mysterious powers. • • • • • • • A word spoken by chance Might have strange consequences. It would suddenly come alive And what people wanted to happen could happen— All you had to do was say it. Nobody could explain this: That’s the way it was. 11 2014/10/17 American Indian’s Oral Literature in America • Mainstream White society’s concerns Europe North America • Reasons for long-time neglect White’s Guilt for the past brutal acts Contempt for oral literature=non-literate culture 意味のない音だけの詩 • 「こうした詩は、本質にもっとも近い言語」 • 魔法 • その魔法の詩人が定めた目的に向かって物 事を動かす Sound-poem No. 1 • • • • • • • • • Ohohoho hehehe heyaheya Ohohoho hehehe heyaheya Eo lado ed lado eo lado nase Howani how owow owe Eo lado eo ledo eo lado nase Howani how owow owe Howani howani how heyeyeye yeyeyahi Howowow heyeheya heyaheya Howa hehehehe heya heya heya • • • • • • • Ohohoho howe heya heya Ohohoho hehehe heya heya Habi niye habi niye Ha’huizanaha sihiwanaha Hahaya eaheoo eaheoo Sihiwanaha ha’uizanaha Ha’haya eaheoo eaheoo eaheoo eaheoo eaheoo 創造主に先行するコトバ • コトバが神をつくった。ことばこそ生命、リアリ ティー、本質そのもの。 • 呪術的 • 人の言葉には霊が宿っている Sound-poem No. 1 • • • • • • • • • Ohohoho hehehe heyaheya Ohohoho hehehe heyaheya Eo lado ed lado eo lado nase Howani how owow owe Eo lado eo ledo eo lado nase Howani how owow owe Howani howani how heyeyeye yeyeyahi Howowow heyeheya heyaheya Howa hehehehe heya heya heya • • • • • • • Ohohoho howe heya heya Ohohoho hehehe heya heya Habi niye habi niye Ha’huizanaha sihiwanaha Hahaya eaheoo eaheoo Sihiwanaha ha’uizanaha Ha’haya eaheoo eaheoo eaheoo eaheoo eaheoo 創世記冒頭(旧約聖書) – 「 初めに、神は天地を創造された。地は混沌で あって、闇が深淵の面にあり、神の霊が水の面を 動いていた。神は言われた。「光あれ。」こうして、 光があった。神は光を見て、良しとされた。」 – 3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 – 光り=言葉=命 12 2014/10/17 ヨハネによる福音書冒頭(新約聖書) – 「初めに言があった。言は主と共にあった。言は 神であった。この言は初めに神と共にあった。す べてのものはこれによってできた。できたもののう ち、一つとしてこれによらないものはなかった。こ の言は命であった。そしてこの命は人の光であっ た。」 インディアン詩と シャーマニズム、shamanism ヨハネによる福音書冒頭(新約聖書) • 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it. Shaman • 恐山・いたこ • もっとも原初的な詩人としてのシャーマン(メ ディシン・マン)。 • 超自然のヴィジョンをみることはインディアン にとって成人の儀式 • http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=IYUP38Aw-kk 語り継ぐ物語 • 神話ー天地開闢(かいびゃく)以来、物事の 起源、超自然的存在について • 伝説ー歴史的に実在した人物について • 昔話ー娯楽のための物語 演じる芸術としての昔話 VS 神話 • 改変ー物語の本質を変 えない範囲で、パ フォーマーが創造力を 発揮する • http://jp.youtube.com/ watch?v=HQGW5a0q51 w • 神話は長大な物語を一 言一句違えずに覚え、 伝えることが求められ る • 神話は超自然的存在 =神から与えられたも の。 • 改変するのはおそれお おい 13 2014/10/17 儀式劇と詩 • 宗教儀式に用いられる言葉には霊力が込め られている • 言葉通りの望みが叶うと信じられている • 音楽を伴うことが多い。 演説と口述自伝 • ヨーロッパ人との接触以来生まれた • 雄弁術が記録され、後生に残された – 口述自伝『ブラックエルクは語る』 • 言葉と音楽は切り離せない Today’s Last Question • What do you think of the relation between whites and Indians in the history of US? • Give your opinion first and explain your opinion with reasonings you learned in the period. 14
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