1392 2 5 : - 1961 -1941 * 1 (92/9/12 : 92/2/22 : ) . . 1961 -1800 . - 1961 -1941 * [email protected] 1392 2 5 ______________________________ - - (... : .1 ) - ) (... . . : . ) (Rueshemeyer Et al., 1999 . . . - . - . 2 _____________________________________ ... - ) . Ragin, ) ( - - .(1987 . .1 -1 . - - . - . . .1 . . .2 . . .3 . .4 . 3 1392 2 5 ______________________________ . . . .5 . .6 . . .7 . .8 : ) . (... .9 .10 .(107 -106 :1389 ) . . - 4 - .2 -1 _____________________________________ ... - . . .3 -1 . [...] [...] .(31 -30 :1358 ) . . : .(Chase-Dunn, 1975: 721) . . (360 :1379 ) . . 5 1392 2 5 ______________________________ (1989) 1 .(Gasiorowski, 1988: 504- 505) . . . . 2 . » .(1975: 318) «. - ) ) ( ( ( (Ibid, 23) 3 ) .(Wallerstein, 1979) . 6 .4 -1 _____________________________________ ... - . . . . . .1 : :1362 . ) .2 .(119 . . » :4 . .(1984: 13) «. . . ) .1 : .2 7 1392 2 5 ______________________________ .3 ) .4 : 160 -143 :1362 ) .(Thomas, 1984: 41 . . » .(MCGowan, 2005: 10) «. ) . . . . . . 8 _____________________________________ ... - .2 .2 .(Mahoney & Rueschemeyer, 2003: 14) 5 - .1 .3 . . Ragin, ) .(1983: 110 & 1987: 13- 14 6 . . (1388) . . . . . .3 1941 1332 -1320 9 1392 2 5 ______________________________ « » .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .7 .6 .8 . - 1870 -1850 .(180 :1380 - .1 -3 ) 1841 - (25 :1369 24 :1384 ) . . .(81 :1379 .(69 :1369 1872 » ) . .(70 :1369 10 ) - ) _____________________________________ ... .(24 :1384 : - ) «. ) .(224 :1376 (73 :1382 ) . . (182 :1380 . 7 . :1369 ) 1930 - 1929 ) .(596 1310 / 1930 . . 11 1930 1392 2 5 ______________________________ . . - .(155 :1369 ) 1930 »: . .(467 -466 :1362) «. - ) - . . 7 - 22 100 .(200 :1384 . .(365 :1372 ) 120 ) . 12 _____________________________________ ... - . . [...]» : . 8 28 . .(1951: 254) «. (1987: 275) 9 . 1950 . . (Nirumand, 1969: 39) .(231 :1372 ) - :1372 . ) .(439 10 . .(203 :1384 168 :1384 « ) » : 13 1392 2 5 ______________________________ .(Ricks, 1979: 178) . 1949 24 . (Ibid, 180 ) . . - 11 - 1947 1947 . . 1949 . « » 12 . - . .(Ricks, 1979: 175 200 -199 :1369 . ) - . . 1930 14 - 1930 _____________________________________ ... - .(Bonneh, 1957: 121- 123 180 :1363 ) 1940 1945 . 1950 586 126 1953 :1380 ) . 232 25 1952 .(274 :1363 ) (428 . - .1 : .2 .3 .4 : - . . . . 15 .2 -3 1392 2 5 ______________________________ . - - . - . . . . . . - ) . 25 ( ) 1950 16 .4 _____________________________________ ... - . . (Keyder, 1987: 43) . 1953 1957 30 1954 .(Weiker, 1963: 10- 11) 8 . . « ». 1953 . 25 1954 .(Hale, 1981: 86) . .(Hurewitz, 1969: 212- 213) 1950 1960 . 1950 . . 27 38 . . 17 1960 1392 2 5 ______________________________ . . . 1838 1950 - - .1-4 - 12 . 5 1840 -1820 . (Keyder, 1987: 29- 31) 13 . . 1850 1840 1838 . 1876 .(Ibid, 213- 216) . . 18 _____________________________________ ... - 14 - .(Keyder, 1987: 33) . . . . . . 1875 15 . . 1873 1850 - . . - . . 30 . 90 .(Ibid, 51- 69) 19 2 /5 1392 2 5 ______________________________ . . . .(Margulies & Yildizoglu, 1987: 286) . 1929 - . . . . . . 1930 ) (. 1950 . . . - .(Ibid, 277- 278) . 20 _____________________________________ ... - . . . 1947 20 . . 0 /6 . 60 3 /4 .(Singer, 1977: 56- 60) 1947 1 .(Schick & Tonak, 1987: 340) 1953 1951 . 11 1956 .(Ibid, 341) . 1955 125 1950 . . . . 21 1392 2 5 ______________________________ ( ) . 1960 .(Schick & Tonak, 1980: 16; Singer, 1977: 21) . . . (Berberoglu, 1981: 71) . - 1950 - . 1930 - . 1957 22 .2 -4 _____________________________________ ... - . . - - 1950 1950 - . . - . 1950 . . 1950 . - - 1957 . . 23 1392 2 5 ______________________________ . .5 1945 1948 . 35 . 200 1948 Henderson, 1968: 158; ) 180 1948 27 . 189 20 .(Kil, 2001: 35 . . 1948 - .(Kim, 1971: 13) . 1952 1954 . . 5 24 _____________________________________ ... 114 - 203 1950 . . . . . Lee, 1975: 21- ) 1960 .(23 1960 . 1960 21 . 175 1960 29 . . 233 - . - . 1961 16 . 25 1392 2 5 ______________________________ - .1 -5 . - 16 - .(Chase-Dunn, 1987: 270) . 1876 1910 17 . .(Koo, 1987: 166) 1930 . . . . . . . 26 1880 _____________________________________ ... - Chase-) .(Dunn, 1987: 279 . (1987: 334) 18 . ( 1961 -1948) . - . 1930 - - 19 . - - » :20 - . . . (1987: 128) «. « » « - . . 27 » 21 1392 2 5 : ______________________________ .(Saxonhouse, 1983: 135) [...] .(30 :1355 » ) «. . . . (Cumings, 1987: 60- 64) . 13 1987 -1945 . . . 4 12 1945 . 1 .(Ibid, 69) . 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