PowerPoint プレゼンテーション

第3回 産総研/福島発電 共催
日時 :2014年11月14日(金)13:00~15:45
場所 :産総研福島再生可能エネルギー研究所 研究本館
所在地:〒963-0215 福島県郡山市待池台2-2-9
申込先:[email protected](産総研)担当:松本
 受付開始:12:30~
定員 :30名(事前予約制 申込締切:11月12日)
◆13:00-13:10 ~Introduction~
福島再生可能エネルギー研究所 所長代理 近藤 道雄
「Smart Inverters in U.S」
Jay Johnson
-ProfileHe leads a number of multidisciplinary, international renewable energy research projects
including: coordination of the Smart Grid International Research Facilities Network (SIRFN)
advanced inverter interoperability test protocol development, the U.S.-Japan collaborative
engineering effort for PV-smoothing controls with battery systems, and developing US and
international PV DC arc-fault detection and mitigation standards.
「Smart Inverters in Europe Countries」オーストリア国立研究所(AIT) Roland Bründlinger
-ProfileHe is member of national and international TCs working on PV standardization and is member of
the Board of DERlab e.V., the Association of the European Laboratories for Distributed Energy
Resources. As Operating Agent of IEA-PVPS Task 14, he is coordinating the international
research activities in the framework of the “High Penetration PV in Electricity Grids” task within
the Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme of the International Energy Agency.
◆14:20-14:35 ~Coffee Break~
「Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations (PHLS) Theory and Practice」
Georg Lauss
-ProfileHe has experience as a researcher in the field of power electronics and electric drive control
systems. Since 2007 he is part of the research division of AIT focusing on the field of electric
energy systems (PV, DG) specialized on PV inverters. His main interests are described as power
electronics, control theory, optimization, power hardware in the loop simulation (PHIL) and
mathematical methods for control/simulation.
「Energy Integration Research in Australia」
オーストラリア連邦科学産業研究機構 (CSIRO)
Glenn Platt
-ProfileHe leads the Grids and Energy Efficiency program within CSIRO’s Energy Flagship, focussing on solving the
energy challenges of consumers, business, and grids. The program’s work ranges from solar cooling, electric
vehicles, smart grids and the integration of large-scale solar systems, through to energy futures modelling,
economics and understanding people’s response and uptake of particular low carbon energy options. He
holds PhD and electrical engineering degrees from the University of Newcastle Australia, is a graduate of
Harvard Business School, and an adjunct professor at the University of Technology, Sydney.
◆15:45- ~Networking~
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