Global IPv6 Deployment -- Toward the Smart City with IoT-- Board of Trustee, ISOC Director, WIDE Project Executive director, IPv6 Promotion Council Japan Director, Task Force for IPv4 Address Exhaustion 江崎 浩 (Hiroshi ESAKI) • Netflix streams on IPv6 now since mid Sep 2014 in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland. – Contributor: Javed Vohra, Senior Network Engineer at Netflix • SK Telecom launched IPv6 enabled commercial LTE services based on IPv6 since September 25th, 2014. And, focusing on IoT market leadership. What is our goal ; toward the “Eco-System” • Back-Ground Discussion in 2007 – There are many systems/networks with IP – Still, there are many non-IP systems/networks – Networks and Systems are tend to be Fragmented... • Objective and Goal – Avoiding the fragmentation of IP systems/networks – Encourage the collaboration among sub-systems – Explore the “Eco-System”, that deliver the cheapest system deployment , while delivering innovations. Two Aspects on “ The Internet” 1. The “future internet” with “i”. – What is and how looks like the future internet “architecture” should be with “Real-Space”. 2. The “future of Internet” with capital “I” with “The”. – Think about the innovations and roles of “The Internet” – “The Internet”, must be unique common shared infrastructure for all industry segments. Feature of The Internet • is “Global” • is “Transparent” • is “Multi-culture” • has “Liberty” and “Anonymity” • has “Fairness”, not equity • provides “Commons” • provides “Opportunity” IP for Everyone IoT (Internet of Things) IP for Everything in 2005 Collaboration with Tokyo Gov. since 2004 Established FNIC in2006 (Facility Network Interop) Since 2005 (7th at Kyoto) In 2008 DUMBO2006 with AIT KU+KUS with MIC+JGN2 IIT Hyderabad With IMD FIAP in 2009 (Live E! architecture) IEEE 1888 in Feb.2011 JTC1 SC6 WP7 Building Automation WG in 2003 at Beijing Olympic In 2008 China-Japan Green IT Project funded by MIC in 2009 with NIST@USA B2G in SGIP (Smart Grid Interoperability Panel) toward CoS 空調 照明 一般 電力 【垂直統合型】 Vertical Lock-on 空調 照明 一般 電力 【上下分離・水平統合型】 Horizontal Cooperaiton IEEE1888 System Architecture GW, Storage, APP Binding (Management Plane) User Interface Reporting Data Analysis Command Submission Data Archive Rendezvous Point for GWs, APPs TCP/IP Network HTTP and XML Virtualization of Input/Output Proprietary Circuits CSV Files, … 9 Independency IEEE1888 System Architecture from HW, GW, Storage, APP Binding User Interface (Management Plane) i.e., SDNReporting Data Analysis Command Submission Data Centric for Transparency HTTP and XML Data Archive Rendezvous Point for GWs, APPs TCP/IP Network Virtualization of Integration and Input/Output Interoperability via GW for legacy and Proprietary Circuits {new} unique systems10 CSV Files, … TCP/IP CATV Cable Modem Wireless Satelite ATM Optical Fiber Copper Cable WDM/SDH ISDN Net Neutrality 1. Must be able to access the lawful content of their choice. 2. Must be able to run applications and use services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement. 3. Must be able to connect their choice of legal devices that do not harm the network. 4. Must be able to participate in the competition among network providers, application and service providers, and content providers. for “Open-Data” 1. User can to access and to use the lawful data, with the same way. 2. User can connect/put the sensor, that does not harm the network, with their choice, with the same way. 3. User can provide service using the open-data. Features of Internet’s Alternativeness 1. Independent from how to use (application) 2. Independent from who use (person) 3. Independent from where to use (infrastructure) As a result, it is avoiding the exclusiveness for “Commons” and “Sustainability” 東京電力(株) 2012年7月12日 公開資料 「RFCを踏まえたスマートメータ仕様に関する基本的な考え方」 Service Service Service Providers Service Providers Service Providers Providers Providers 27 million Smart Meters for residents Smart Meter MDMS (data repository) Power company Residents (Home) 4G LTE Network for Smart Meter Access Available both IPv4 and IPv6 Fixed IP address assignment to every Smart Meter with CRG Closed Remote Gateway AAA function at KDDI NOC CRG: WVS: Wide-area Vertual Switch 【1:N Wireless access with LTE】 Utility Company Office KDDI NOC CRG(閉域) Smart Meter (LTE) WVS ※800MHz Head End 16 Open Smart Campus and Building System Design and Operation with IEEE1888 Professional operation, since 2009 all-building since April 2011 all-5-campuses since July 2011 17 IEEE1888 : UGCCNet (Ubiquitous Green Community Control Network) “Strategic use of Cloud & DC” 1. Facility on the Net(Cloud) 2. Computers into the Net (Cloud/DC) Energy Saving at The University of Tokyo in Summer of 2011 Peak Peak Total (2011) RoI (2011) (2010) 75%-78% less than Major 5 66 MW 69% campus ($60M/yr) (△31%) (22%-25%) 1 month 56% Eng. No2 1 MW Bldg. ($1M/yr) (△44%) 69% (△31%) 2 yrs 【Contributions】 1. Multi-Vender for sustainability 2. Global Standards for procurement 12 Fl. EECS & Machinery Dept. System overview Eng.No.2 Building in Hongo Campus, Tokyo, Japan CSV Savic Yamatake 200V Power monitoring, EHP Mitsubishi EHP mngmnt and control GHP Mitsubishi N-MAST Panasonic GHP Lightening mngmnt and control control Metering Aichi Electricity and water metering Legacy system + common I/F gateway System overview Eng.No.2 Building in Hongo Campus, Tokyo, Japan Data Integration among legacy sub-systems Schedule Server Student Router BACnet/ WS Yamatake Visualization of data Web I/F CiMX Server TE LON-IP G/W LMJ LON-ADP Professor TE Common DB (Live E!) Management TE G/W BACnet/ BXWS Office Ubiteq Toshiba /Cisco/ Panasonic BACnet CSV Savic Yamatake EHP Mitsubishi GHP Mitsubishi N-MAST Panasonic Action and Control Electricity Data Analysis (CiMX) (Yokogawa) oBIX G/W Schedule controller LMJ EHP mngmnt and control GHP Lightening mngmnt and control control Legacy system + common I/F gateway Digital LMJ LONーIP G/W LONーIP HDPLC G/W DU CiMX HDPLC PLC Wireless temperature Wireless sensor temperature sensor Toshiba HDPLC 100V outlets Electricity Electricity (100V・200V) (100V) Breaker PC Server LMJ LON-IP G/W Panasonic DU Metering Aichi Electricity and water metering Ubiteq/Cisco データ 収集PC DU 200V Power monitoring, Digital signage LMJ Wireless temperature sensor NEC Electricity Sensor Watanabe Wireless temperature sensor Yamatake Data spots Additional system Smart Meter With Smart Phone Smart Kiosk Smart Tap Smart Lights Receiver Smart HVAC SmartTap Smart Meter With Smart Phone Smart Kiosk 1. Multi-vendor More than 10 vendors Tap thanSmart Lights 2.Smart More 2,000 points 3. Energy saving in 2011Smart HVAC 44%(peak), 31%(total) 4. 2 year RoI Receiver SmartTap 工学部全体の電力見える化制御構成図 GUTP 施設課 施設課 GUTP Connecting 5 Campuses on the Same Platform Visualization Service Provider Archive and Share IEEE1888 App IEEE1888 Storage Esaki Lab CIMX IEEE1888 IEEE1888 The Internet IEEE1888 IEEE1888 GW IEEE1888 IEEE1888 GW IEEE1888 IEEE1888 GW IEEE1888 IEEE1888 GW IEEE1888 IEEE1888 GW ALTER BUILDING HITACH MITSUBISHI KINKEI PANASONIC TOSHIBA MEIDENSHA 特高受電 特高受電 Kashiwa Campus Shirogane Campus TAKAOKA 特高受電 集中検針 Hongo Campus 350 points 受電設備 特高受電 KomabaⅠ Campus 203 points Komaba Ⅱ Campus 32 points Total: 665 points 48 points 22 points 26 RoI of investment less than 1 months Tokyo Institute of Technology Green Hills,No.1 Bldg Microsoft Japan HQ in Tokyo Otsuka Corp. HQ Shinryo Reinetsu HQ and other buildings Hitachi Info& Tele Eng Ltd. Nakai Development Center CANON S Tower (Canon MJ HQ) Tokyo Institute of Technology Green Hills,No.1 Bldg Otsuka Corp. HQ in Tokyo Chiba Univ. Plant factory Microsoft Japan HQ in Tokyo Hitachi Info& Tele Eng Ltd. Nakai Development Center SEIKO Solutoins Factory in Thailand CANON S Tower (Canon MJ HQ) GreenTALK - Number of Sales (Sep. 2012 – Sep. 2014) Installation Category Number of Sales Supermarkets and Shopping Malls (All and partial) 54 Factories 7 Drug stores 151 Buildings 3 “Pachinko” stores 227 [Standardization] - IEEE1888 (March 2011) - IEEE1888.1 Wide-area operation management - IEEE1888.2 Scalable GW function - IEEE1888.3 Security - ISO/IEC JTC1 TC6 : Fast Track - NIST SGIP B2G 北京で 約50か所 - China GB (国内標準) 上海 中国科学院 ビル Thang Long Industrial Park (Vietnam) 管理棟 浜松市 (政令指定都市) 城北図書館 浜松市福祉交流センター 中央図書館 北部水泳場 Global/International collaboration 1. Beijing team (e.g., Tsinghua Univ., China Telecom), China (*) Including Standardization: IEEE1888 2. 3. 4. 5. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand IIT Hyderabad, India UCB with Intel in USA SGIP of NIST in USA 6. 7. 8. 9. NTU(National Taiwan University), Taiwan Vietnam with MIC (Japanese gov. support) iDA in Singapore UMPS/LIP6/CNRS in Paris, France “Strategic use of Cloud & DC” 1. Facility on the Net(Cloud) 2. Computers into the Net (Cloud/DC) Private Cloud in our Lab. Achievement: Saving 71% (2.52kW)! Before Faculty’s shared servers 0.647kW Web, mail, DNS, group tool (Essential servers…) Infra-servers of our Lab. 1.595kW After Private cloud (stable) 0.794kW Xen Xen VMware ESXi No failure since April 11 Nexsan SATABeast Private cloud (experimental) web/mail/radius/dns/document/misc bld2-guest-gw/mozilla-miror/storage Students’ machines Xen 0.700kW x10 Infra-servers in another Lab. 0.623kW Xen Private cloud in another Lab. 0.153kW 0.100kW Xen Using inexpensive model:HP ProLiant DL120 G6/G7 34 Private Cloud in our Lab. Achievement: Saving 71% (2.52kW)! Before After RoI of investment Faculty’s shared servers 0.647kW Private cloud (stable) 6 months (w/ Xen PUE=2.0)0.794kW Web, mail, DNS, group tool (Essential servers…) 1.595kW Infra-servers of our Lab. Xen VMwar e ESXi “True” benefits for us;Nexsan SATABeast 0.153kW 1.Manageability Xen of system Xen Students’ machines 0.700kW 2.BCP for power incidents 0.100kW x10 Xen Infra-servers in another0.623kW Lab. 3.Comfortable environment web/mail/radius/dns/document/misc bld2-guest-gw/mozilla-miror/storage No failure since April 11 Private cloud (experimental) Private cloud in another Lab. Using inexpensive model:HP ProLiant DL120 G6/G7 35 Tokyo Institute of Technology Green Hills,No.1 Bldg Best Current Practice forSOLUTIONS Commercial Building SEIKO Factory in Thailand 新菱冷熱工業 1. Facility management control 本社棟 by IEEE1888 2. Servers go to Data Center = No server room in the bldg Microsoft Japan HQ in Tokyo 大塚商会 本社棟 Microsoft Japan HQ in Tokyo CANON S Tower (Canon MJ HQ) 東京工業大学 Green Hills,No.1 Bldg 【Cost-saving清華大学 & QoE】 FIT棟 1. Initial cost (初期入居経費) for Microsoft Japan computer room HQ in Tokyo Best Current Practice 2. During use of office (入居中)大塚商会 本社棟 for Commercial Building SEIKO SOLUTIONS 3. Move out (退去時) cost forMicrosoft Japan Factory in Thailand 新菱冷熱工業 1. Facility management control HQ in Tokyo restoration (現状復帰) 本社棟 by Internet architecture (IEEE1888) 【BCP】 2. Servers go to Data Center Intellectual property (知的財産) = No a. server room in the bldg CANON b. Remote office (遠隔業務) S Tower (Canon MJ HQ) What happened on Tokyo Local Government officer ? 1. Initial (Spring 2008) i. “Hate” Data Center, because of huge power consumption and continuous increase. 2. Beginning 2010 i. Data Center is ”good” for reduce the power consumption 3. Now i. Include the ”exception” for iDC into the “regulation” on the CO2 carbon footprint reduction ii. ”Promoting” to use iDC and cloud platform 38 Energy Saving BCP Shared Multi-Purpose ICT TQC & DC) for Eco(Cloud System (Productivity) Sustainable Growth New Services Challenge of Global Platform Example; Data Center or Cloud Service • You can store and can compute the data, where ever you want on the earth. • You could not control where the data is stored or is processed on the earth. • Recognized as “national security issue”. Then, it would leads to government regulation/law • Business and company is larger foot-print than country…..i.e., “Global economy”. Which one you select/prefer ? Viable Walled Garden Enclosure/Lock-on Common New Business Pool Model Monetization Open access Decentralized & Distributed Exclusive/Proprietary Command & Control Censorship Regulation Well Controlled Control Cooperative/Open No-Rule/ No-Regulation) Boutique Dependent & Stubborn) Four Scenarios 1. Telecom Heaven – Strong regulations by governments. 2. Boutique Networks – Tunnels and NATs and AltRoots……fragmented…. 3. Porous Garden Scenario – Small group build their own garden, such as iPhone, Apple App Store 4. Common Pool Scenario – Legacy Internet end-to-end model “Internet by Design” 0. Global and Unique Infrastructure 1. Evidence & Experience Based Research Reject: kings, presidents and voting. Believe in: rough consensus and running code. 2. Provide “alternatives”, intentionally New component with the same interface Open interface for legacy system 3. Best-Effort (e.g., stupid) Network and Intelligent End-Node Does not have any responsibility for end-to-end service 4. Transparent Anyone can do anything, with Opt-Out One asset, for multiple purposes 5. Social infrastructure Autonomous, distributed, cooperation
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