Status on “Infrastructure for Multilayer Interoperability (IMI)” Project in Japan April 2014 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake (1) 11 March 2011 at 14:46 (JST) Magnitude 9.0 15,883 Deaths and 2,654 Missing (Most victims died due to drowning in a tsunami) Total financial damage of 25 trillion Japanese yen (approx. 175 billion euro) Public demands for the information disclosure have grown Accident at the Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant : Radiation data (SPEEDI) Electricity saving activity : To deal with the shortage of supply of electricity due to the power plant accident, electricity saving target of 15% was set. The government launched an energy saving promotion portal site "" in order to encourage the public cooperate in electricity saving. 1 Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake (2) Various issues have emerged Examples: ●Shelter Information ・Information was available only in paper and PDF formats. →Volunteers manually converted into electronic data. ・Address and location information were missing or wrong. Place names were abbreviated by local rules. →Checked one by one and plotted on maps. ・Difficult to find information managed by each local government.→Collected by manpower. ・Information of newly opened or closed shelters was not updated.→Checked one by one. Notices on a bulletin board in a shelter Take photos Post on the Internet to share information ●Radiation Information ・SPEEDI (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), Monitoring Post (Ministry of Environment), and local governments provided information individually. →Collected all information by manpower. ・Locations of data were not clear. →Searched various locations by manpower. ・Locations of data changed frequently. →Developers of applications and portal sites modified the programs frequently. 2 Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake (3) ITS Japan provided road trafficability and closure information by GIS. Data Provided from: 'Internavi' by Honda 'Smartloop Traffic Information' by Pioneer 'G-BOOK' by Toyota 'Carwings' by Nissan Automobile Traffic Record and Road Closure Information 封鎖 3 Utilisation of Open Data in the Areas of Disaster Recovery (Reconstruction Support Platform) Provides disaster response information such as shelter information and water supply points. Allows displaying posted comments as well. Volunteers launched the platform on the day of the disaster. Kirari Kawaguchi Yume Map Source: (Service to provide geographical information held by Kawaguchi-City using electronic map) Provides information of facilities owned by the city such as AED and others. Living information and disaster prevention information can be retrieved using the same application, allowing search for shelters and other information with the application that users use on a daily basis. Source: 4 OPEN GOVERNMENT DATA STRATEGY 4 July 2012 IT Strategic Headquarters, Japan (Chair: The Prime Minister) 5 Ⅰ. Significance and Objectives The significance and objectives of promoting the use of public data are set forth below. (1) Enhancement of Transparency and Confidence ・ Raise the transparency of government administration ・ Build the public’s confidence in government (2) Promotion of the Public’s Participation and Collaboration between the Public and Private Sectors ・ Rapidly and efficiently provide public services that make use of creative innovations ・ Respond to the diversification of needs and values (3) Economic Stimulus and Higher Efficiency in Government ・ Provide stimulus to the entire economy of Japan ・ Increase the efficiency of operations of the national and local governments and advance them 6 Ⅱ. Basic Direction 1. Fundamental Principles The fundamental principles concerning measures for promoting the use of public data in Japan are set forth in (1) through (4) below: (1) Government shall actively release public data, (2) Public data shall be released in machine-readable formats, (3) The use of public information shall be encouraged regardless of whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes, and (4) Specific measures shall be taken such as prompt disclosure of public data that can be released and results shall be steadily accumulated. 2. Public Data Subject to Measures Measures will be taken first with respect to data in the possession of the government (excluding information not suitable for public release such as information relating to security), and the measures will be expanded to independent administrative institutions, local governmental bodies, public utilities, and so on. 3. Collaboration with Private Sectors and Local Governmental Bodies From the perspective of encouraging the use of public data through various means that take advantage of creative innovations, the government will collaborate fully with private sectors and local governmental bodies. 7 Ⅲ. Specific Measures 1. Promoting the Use of Public Data The MIC and the METI will implement trial programs as set forth in (1) through (3) in collaboration with government ministries, independent administrative institutions, local governmental bodies, and private sectors. (1) Identification of Public Data Use Needs By conducting investigations in collaboration with private sectors and holding service development contests and so on, public data use needs will be investigated and analyzed and issues concerning current use will be examined and organised. (2) Examination and Organisation of Issues Relating to Current Data Provision Methods Issues will be examined and organised through trial projects, surveys, and research in order to create the rules necessary for the use of the public data, develop data catalogues, and promote standardisation of data formats and structures. (3) Development of Private Sector Services By conducting investigations in collaboration with private sectors and holding service development contests and so on, examples of service development by private sectors using public data will be accumulated. 8 Ⅲ. Specific Measures 2. Development of Environments for the Use of Public Data The Cabinet Secretariat will obtain the cooperation of relevant ministries and develop the following environments for the use of public data. (1) Creation of Rules Necessary for the Use of Public Data Rules necessary for the use of public data will be created with respect to the handling of copyrights, use conditions, rules on access from machines, allocation of responsibilities between users and providers, and handling of confidential information at the time of disclosure of data by government ministries. (2) Development of Data Catalogues Data catalogues that collect metadata including summaries and data formats will be developed with respect to data that is available for secondary use. (3) Promotion of Standardisation of Data Formats and Structures Standardisation concerning data formats and structures and methods of prevention will be promoted, and manuals and support tools will be developed to enable machine reading, collaboration, and searches among multiple agencies and fields. (4) Consideration of Support to Provider Agencies From the perspective of providing support to agencies that provide public data, issues concerning review to make operational procedures suitable for the provision of public data by provider agencies and related fees will be considered and organised while considering feasible policies. 9 Ⅳ. Implementation Structures Implementation Structures : The Cabinet Secretariat established “Committee of Open Government Data” consisting of public and private sectors as an implementing body of open data policies (1) Consideration of fundamental matters including the development of environments for the use of public data; (2) Consideration of policies to be implemented in the future and adoption of a roadmap; (3) Review and follow-up on policies. Committee of open government data (Cabinet secretariat) IT Fusion Forum - Public data wg. (METI) Open data promotion consortium (Sponsored by MIC) METI:Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry MIC:Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 10 “Declaration to be the World’s Most Advanced IT Nation” (Cabinet Approval on 14 June 2013) 3. Development of one-stop public services that anyone can access at any time and from anywhere (1) Provision of Highly Convenient Electronic Government Services Open user environments that utilise cloud computing are being developed through the standardisation and sharing of data format, terminologies, codes, and characters and the public release of application interfaces (API) to facilitate active participation by members of the public as stakeholders. Roadmap 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Development of an action plan toward preparation of an open usage environment [Cabinet Secretariat] Deployment of character data platforms [Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry] Provide highly convenient public services by promoting collaboration between government ministries based on the action plan. [Cabinet Secretariat and Associated Government Ministries] Development / Demonstration of Vocabulary Database for Information Linkage [Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry] Collaboratio n Development and demonstration of the common API for information circulation and sharing platform [Ministry of International Affairs and Communications] 11 “Infrastructure for Multilayer Interoperability (IMI)” "Infrastructure for Multilayer Interoperability" aims to enhance “semantic level” interoperability for various data by creating a reference dictionary of terms and as a result, serves as an infrastructure to facilitate cooperation between systems and use of open data. System Cooperation Establish cooperation between systems using Information Exchange Package. ・High-speed information linkage ・Improvement of efficiency of design Vocabulary Information Exchange Package (IEP) 項目名( Type / Su b- propertie s) 人型 氏名 性別 項目名( エントリー名) ic:人型 ic:人_氏名 ic:人_性別 ic:氏名型 <抽象要素> ic:PersonNameType <abstract element, no type> 0..1 0..1 項目説明 人の情報を表現するためのデータ型。 氏名 性別 ic:人_性別コード ic:人_性別名 ic:人_生年月日 ic:人_死亡年月日 ic:人_現住所 ic:人_本籍 + PersonSexCode + PersonSexText BirthDate DeathDate PresentAddress LegalResidence codes:性別コード型 ic:テキスト型 ic:日付型 ic:日付型 ic:住所型 ic:住所型 codes:GenderCodeType ic:TextType ic:DateType ic:DateType ic:AddressType ic:AddressType 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 性別コード 性別の名称。 生年月日 死亡年月日 現住所 本籍 ic:人_国籍 Citizenship <抽象要素> <abstract element, no type> 0..n Substitutable Elements: 性別コード 性別名 生年月日 死亡年月日 現住所 本籍 国籍 英語名 PersonType PersonName PersonSex データタイプ データタイプ( 英語) cardin ality Substitutable Elements: + CitizenshipText ic:テキスト型 ic:TextType 国籍の名称。 ic:人_国籍コード + CitizenshipCode codes:国籍コード型 codes:CitizenshipCodeType 住民基本台帳で利用されている国籍コード。 ISO3166Alpha2 ic:人_ISO3166Alpha2 + ISO3166Alpha2 iso_3166:ISO3166Alpha2CodeTiso_3166:ISO3166Alpha2CodeType ISO3166Numeric 1 男 - A county that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. 国籍 ic:人_国籍名 国籍コード ISO3166Alpha3 サンプル値 1 Mappin g to NIEM nc:PersonType nc:PersonName nc:PersonSex Mappin g to ISA Join u p Person gender - nc:PersonSexCode nc:PersonSexText nc:PersonBirthDate dateOfBirth nc:PersonDeathDate dateOfDeath nc:PersonResidenceAssoc residency nc:PersonCitizenship citizenship Substitutable Elements: 国籍名 出生国 出生地 氏名型 姓名 カナ姓名 ローマ字姓名 姓 カナ姓 ローマ字姓 名 カナ名 ローマ字名 ミドルネーム カナミドルネーム ローマ字ミドルネーム 旧姓 カナ旧姓 ローマ字旧姓 項目説明( 英語) Name of a Person Gender of a Person Gender of a Person Gender of a Person Date of Birth of a Person Date of Death of a Person Substitutable Elements: ic:人_ISO3166Alpha3 + ISO3166Alpha3 ic:人_ISO3166Numeric ic:人_出生国 ic:人_出生地 ic:氏名型 ic:氏名_姓名 ic:氏名_カナ姓名 ic:氏名_ローマ字姓名 ic:氏名_姓 ic:氏名_カナ姓 ic:氏名_ローマ字姓 ic:氏名_名 ic:氏名_カナ名 ic:氏名_ローマ字名 ic:氏名_ミドルネーム ic:氏名_カナミドルネーム ic:氏名_ローマ字ミドルネーム ic:氏名_旧姓 ic:氏名_カナ旧姓 ic:氏名_ローマ字旧姓 + ISO3166Numeric BirthCountry BirthPlace PersonNameType FullName KanaFullName RomanFullName FamilyName KanaFamilyName RomanFamilyName GivenName KanaGivenName RomanGivenName MiddleName KanaMiddleName RomanMiddleName MaidenName KanaMaidenName RomanMaidenName iso_3166:ISO3166Alpha3CodeTiso_3166:ISO3166Alpha3CodeType 国名コード。ISO3166Alpha2。2文字コード。 国名コード。ISO3166Alpha3。3文字コード。 iso_3166:ISO3166NumericCodeiso_3166:ISO3166NumericCodeType 国名コード。ISO3166Numeric。数字3桁コード。 ic:場所型 ic:場所型 ic:LocationType ic:LocationType 0..1 0..1 ic:テキスト型 ic:カタカナテキスト型 ic:テキスト型 ic:テキスト型 ic:カタカナテキスト型 ic:テキスト型 ic:テキスト型 ic:カタカナテキスト型 ic:テキスト型 ic:テキスト型 ic:カタカナテキスト型 ic:テキスト型 ic:テキスト型 ic:カタカナテキスト型 ic:テキスト型 ic:TextType ic:TextType ic:TextType ic:TextType ic:TextType ic:TextType ic:TextType ic:TextType ic:TextType ic:TextType ic:TextType ic:TextType ic:TextType ic:TextType ic:TextType 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 生まれた国。 生まれた場所。 氏名を表現するためのデータ型。 氏名(姓、名)。 氏名(姓、名)のカナ表記。 氏名(姓、名)のローマ字表記。 姓。 姓のカナ表記。 姓のローマ表記。 名。 名のカナ表記。 名のローマ字表記。 ミドルネーム。 ミドルネームのカナ表記。 ミドルネームのローマ字表記。 旧姓。 旧姓のカナ表記。 旧姓のローマ字表記。 A county that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. A county that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. A county that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. A county that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. A county that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. A location where a person was born. A location where a person was born. Full name of a Person Full name in Katakana. Full name in Roman alphabet. Family name of a Person Family name in Katakana. Family name in Roman alphabet. Given name of a Person Given name in Katakana. Given name in Roman alphabet. Middle name of a person Middle name in Katakana. Middle name in Roman alphabet. Maiden name. Maiden name in Katakana. Maiden name in Roman alphabet. because of because of 日本国 nc:PersonCitizenshipText 392 nc:PersonCitizenshipFIPS10-4Code because of nc:PersonCitizenshipISO3166Alpha2Code because of nc:PersonCitizenshipISO3166Alpha3Code because of nc:PersonCitizenshipISO3166NumericCode 経済 太郎 ケイザイタロウ Keizai Taro 経済 ケイザイ 太郎 タロウ nc:PersonBirthLocation nc:PersonBirthLocation nc:PersonNameType nc:PersonFullName fullName nc:PersonSurName familyName countryOfBirth placeOfBirth nc:PersonGivenName given name nc:PersonMiddleName alternativeName nc:PersonMaidenName birthName Open Data 三鷹市立第四小学校 ic:建物_所在 ic:場所_地名 ic:場所_地理識別子 ic:場所_住所 東京都三鷹市下連雀1 丁目25−1 ic:住所_住所 Identify semantics with vocabularies, and extract information from Information Exchange Package. ・Improvement of efficiency of service design ・Stable information linkage ic:住所_構造化住所 ic:構造化住所_国 ic:構造化住所_都道府県 ic:構造化住所_市区町村 ic:構造化住所_町名 ic:構造化住所_街区符号 ic:構造化住所_住居番号 ic:構造化住所_地番 ic:構造化住所_方書 東京都 三鷹市 下連雀 1 25 1 ic:方書_方書 ic:方書_ビル名 ic:方書_部屋番号 ic:構造化住所_郵便番号 ic:構造化住所_住所ID ic:構造化住所_住所コード 181-0013 ic:場所_経緯度座標 ic:経緯度座標系_測地系コード ic:経緯度座標系_緯度 ic:緯度_度 ic:緯度_分 ic:緯度_秒 ic:経緯度座標系_経度 ic:経度_度 ic:経度_分 ic:経度_秒 ic:場所_UTM座標 ic:UTM座標系_UTM座標 ic:UTM座標系_UTM測地系ID ic:UTM座標系_東距 ic:UTM座標系_グリッドゾーンID ic:UTM座標系_グリッドゾーン格子 ID ic:UTM座標系_北距 ic:場所_MGRS座標 ic:MGRS座標系_MGRS座標 ic:MGRS座標系_MGRS座標格子ID ic:建物_施設情報 ic:施設_ID ic:証明_識別ID ic:証明_証明種類 ic:証明_発行日 ic:証明_失効日 ic:証明_発行者 ic:施設_名称 ic:施設_種別 ic:施設_商用区分 ic:施設_概要 三鷹市立第四小学校 小学校 小・中一貫教育校「連 雀学園」に属する小学 校。 Search Structured data markup schema supported by major search engines. Perform efficient search by having relationship between vocabularies organized. ・Improvement of convenience of search ・Achievement of effective PR 12 Public Vocabulary Framework Project IMI : Infrastructure for Multilayer Interoperability Prepare a system that enables exchange of data, primarily vocabulary sets. • Divide into two domains. – core domain and business domain • Unnecessary to reconvert exiting systems. • International interoperability • Utilise existing standards (e.g. LG vocabulary set & DC ・・) as much as possible. Domain Applications Share, Exchange, Storage (Format) Person Location Business Tax Vocabulary Citizen ID Enterprise ID IMI Characterset “IMI Database” Project Development of a database (database to manage and search core vocabularies) Select and examine sample vocabularies from among "finance", "transportation", "geographical space/facility" and "disaster prevention" that are associated to one another. … Core Item Activity Emergency Management Identification Social security “IMI Tools” Project Development of tools, and verification in collaboration with local governments Select and verify sample vocabularies from among "institution", "road", "event" and "sightseeing" that are related to businesses of local governments. 13 Usage Examples of IMI Vocabulary Vocabulary set and Information Exchange Package are defined in a trial area. Sample 2 : Information Exchange Package Sample 1 : Definition of vocabulary Item Name Item Name 項目名 英語名 (English) 人 PersonType Data Type データタイプ Item Description Item Description 項目説明(英語) 項目説明 (English) Sample Keyword Usage Info Info キーワード AED サンプル値 Usage Value 氏名 PersonName PersonNameType 氏名 Name of a Person - 性別 Gender <abstract element, no type> 性別 Gender of a Person - CodeType 性別のコード Substitutable Elements: 性別コード 性別名 現住所 GenderCode Gender of a Person 1 Location Address LocationTwoDimensional GeographicCoordinate Equipment APPLIC標準仕様V2.3 Information データ一覧 Spot of 住民基本台帳:性別 Equipment 引用 男 Owner 現住所 - Business Hours AddressType 本籍 - GenderText TextType 性別 PresentAddr ess AddressType Gender of a Person … … … … … … … … … Access Availability … … … … … … … … … User 本籍 Day of Installation Item Name(Type/Sub-properties) 氏名 氏名 フリガナ 姓 カナ姓 … English Name PersonNameType FullName FamilyName … Data Type TextType TextType TextType TextType … … Homepage AED Information Type of Pad Expiry date Type Model Number Serial Number Photo Contact Note Information Source 14 Vocabulary structure of “IMI” “Infrastructure for Multilayer Interoperability” consists of core vocabulary, cross domain vocabulary and domain-specific vocabularies. Core Vocabulary Universal vocabularies that are widely used in any domain. Eg) people, object, place, date. Geographical Space /Facilities Transportation Hospital Cross Domain Vocabulary Key vocabularies among domainspecific vocabularies that are referenced in other domains. Eg) hospital, station, shelter. Location Station Core Vocabulary Shelter Cross Domain Vocabulary Domain-specific Vocabularies Domain-specific Vocabularies Disaster Prevention Disaster Restoration Cost Finance Vocabularies that are specialised for the use in each domain. Eg) number of beds, Schedule. 15 Interoperability International interoperability is highly considered in preparing IMI. Primary considerations: vocabulary sets used in Japan and existing standards Japanese Local government Standard (APPLIC) Defact Standard (DC, foaf, etc) IMI ISA (EU) NIEM (US) 16 Development of Data Structure (Metadata) It is desirable to set common rules within the government. For the data independent of business characteristics such as address, name and organisation. Data to input Shoyu-Kaikan Building 2nd Floor, 3-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0013 Store Tanaka Ltd. CEO Ichiro Tanaka Entry format of various applications Description format of application A 100-0013 千代田区 霞が関三丁目3-1 尚友会館2階 株式会社 田中商店 カブシキカイシャ タナカショウテン 田中 一郎 タナカ イチロウ Description format of basic vocabularies (such as address and name) differ even in administrative applications. Description format of application B 100-0013 千代田区 霞が関三丁目3-1尚友会館2階 チヨダクカスミガセキ 株式会社田中商店 タナカショウテン 代表取締役 田中 一郎 タナカ イチロウ Description format of application C 100-0013 東京都 千代田区 霞が関 3 3 1 尚友会館2階 株式会社田中商店 田中 一郎 タナカ イチロウ 17 Developing a List of Alternative Vocabularies for Data Items Expressed in Several Terms Creation in a bottom-up way according to the situation of actual business scenes; Scenes with high needs and where specific organisation is performed in various locations Organisation is performed based on the use cases as parts of vocabulary database project and tool project for information linkage. Local Government A Shelter Tentative Definition Shelter Collective name for shelters. Shelters designated by local governments in advance. Shelter Shelters which accept people requiring assistance Welfare Shelter Secondary Shelter with daily living. Temporary shelters that are specially opened to the Makeshift Shelter public at the time of disasters. Hub of activity to provide support to evacuees in wide Hub of Wide Area Support Activity area. Equipped with a temporary heliport and stockpiling warehouses. Evacuation Site Collective name for evacuation sites Wide Area Evacuation Site Acceptance Facility for People Having Trouble Returning home Support Station for Returning Home after Disasters Temporary Evacuation Facility Place where nearby evacuees temporarily gather to wait and see before evacuating to evacuation sites, or place where evacuees form groups temporarily to evacuate. Refers to open spaces such as large-scale parks and green spaces with area required to protect lives of evacuees from spreading fire and other hazards occur at the time of great earthquakes. Facility where people having trouble returning home stay temporarily Privately-owned facilities that provide various supports such as opening toilets to people returning home. Local Government B Shelter Shelter Local Government B-1 Evacuation Facility Designated Shelter Emergency Evacuation Site Local Government A-1 Temporary Gathering Spot Hub of Wide Area Support Activity Hub of Regional Disaster Prevention Wide Area Evacuation Site Wide Area Evacuation Spot Temporary Evacuation Spot Wide Area Evacuation Spot Temporary Stay Facility, Temporary Waiting Facility Support Station for Returning Home after Disasters Prefecture-owned facilities that are temporarily used as evacuation facilities by municipalities. Temporary Stay Station for People Having Trouble Returning Home Support Station of Returning Home Support Station for Returning After Disaster Home after Disasters Temporary Evacuation Facility, Temporary Shelter, Temporary Acceptance Facility Mashup of information is not possible due to differences in vocabularies by prefectures and municipalities. 18 IMI Database Project 1. Design of Data Structure Cooperate with Vocabulary DB to design highly-reusable input templates for data. • Definition of data items • Definition of data input rules 2. Data Input Cooperate with Vocabulary DB to create highly-reusable data. • Unification of structure • Unification of terms • Linking to semantics definition Data Structure Designer 3. Creation of Vocabulary Data Create common vocabulary data to be stored in Vocabulary DB • Definition of semantics, sources and others of terms • Definition of relation of terms • Definition of data input rules Data Template Data Structure Design Support Tool Data Provider Cooperate with DB by obtaining required information Highly-reusable Highly-reusable data Highly-reusable data data Vocabulary DB Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Data Designer API Catalogue Data Conversio n Tool Making data available to the public as highlyreusable open data Data Data Template Template Create conversion rules Oranisation A Data Input Support Tool Utilise for effective information exchange among/between organisations Create conversion rules Data Conversio n Tool Effective information linkage by converting existing data to the data whose structure, semantics and terms are unified. Oranisation B 19 IMI Tool Project 1 Area of “Facility/Service” at Kanazawa-Ku, Yokohama City Input the vacancy status of the nursery centre Data Input Support Tool Common Vocabulary DB Nursery Centre Type RDF Event Type 1 Nursery Centre Type Medical Institution Type Easy acquisition of consultation status of medical institutions and vacancy status of nurseries. Nursery Centre Input information such as temporary closing days Data Input Support Tool Park Type Event Type 1 Medical Institution Type Medical Institution Event Type 2 RDF RDF Event Type 2 Data Input Support Tool Event Type 3 HTML Portal sites providing facility information (such as “Kanazawa” portal site specialised in childcare) HTML Residents RDF Park Type Input opening hours etc. Park Maintenance Office Event Type 3 Provide extensive childcare information (such as vacancy status of nurseries) Companies that provide childcare information provision services ・Propose a basic data type for describing various “facility/service”. ・Consider the requirements of data input support tool and DB. 20 IMI Tool Project 2 “Event Template” at Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture Local Governments Attach meta information (location information/date and time) of attributes etc. related to data items. Easily Viewable Display Childcare-related event information Event-Type Data Event-Type Data (HTML) Child Medical Examination /Vaccination etc. Childcare-related event information (General sites) HTML (HTML plus Meta Information) Structured Data Attachment Tool Event Template Meta Childcare-related event Information information (Add meta information such as location information, date and time) Residents Location Type Date and Time Type Common Vocabulary DB Add event information obtained from meta information to product information Information of children‘s products Makers of Children's (with childcare-related event information) Products, etc. ・Propose various “Event Templates” ・Consider the requirements of structured data attachment tool and DB 21 Future Development of the Project Develop a concept model of “IMI Database”and “IMI Tools” (requirements of database and tools that support IMI) by August this year. Promote public awareness to stimulate actual deployment of “IMI” in information exchange situations between relevant government organisations and local governments. Develop various conversion tools as one of measures to reduce the burden. IMI does not replace existing codes and vocabulary systems, but will support information exchange means and rules. 22
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