科目名 Subject name 担当者 Instructor 時間割 Schedule Business English IB(ビジネス・イングリッシュⅠB) Business English 1B グリーン ハロルド 秋月3/Mon3,Fall スティーブン 授業コード Class code E142000201 単位数 Credit 1 授業科目区分 Subject category 授業回数 Class frequency 受講対象学科 Department for enrollment 【サブタイトル(Sub-Title)】 Business English (for Beginners) 【講義の目的・内容(Course Purpose and Content)】 Following Business English IA, this course also aims at acquiring basic English knowledge needed for international businesses. Students will deepen their knowledge about internaional economics, international politics and global environmental issues while using newspapers, magazines, reports issued by international organizations as reading materials. 【学修到達目標(Learning Objectives)】 ・To be able to understand English spoken in the international business scenes. ・To be able to respond in person or over the phone in a variety of business scenes using English. ・To be able to understand and write business letters and e-mails. 【講義スケジュール(Lecture Schedule)】 !st Unit 7 People 1 2nd Unit 7 People 2 3rd Prepare for Group activity 1 4th Group Activity 2 5th Unit 8 Advertising 1 6th Unit 8 Advertising 2 7th Group Activity 2 8th Unit 9 Companies 1 9th Unit 9 Companies 2 10th Prepare for Group Activity 3 11th Group Activity 3 12th Unit 10 Communication 1 13th Unit 10 Communication 2 14th Unit Prepare for Group Activity 4 15th Group Activity 4 【指導方法(Instructional Method)】 Business magazines and newspaper articles which are globally read will be used in class. Basic business vocabulary and expressions will be taught using the textbook and its attached CDs while strengthening students’reading, listening and writing skills. Technique for making presentations in English will be also instructed through practicing in pairs and groups. 【事前・事後学習(Supplementary Individual Study)】 Students should prepare for class by reading the textbook, completing assigned homework prior to the next class, researching information on the internet for group activities and reviewing vocabulary. 【成績評価の方法・基準(Grading Criteria and Method of Evaluation)】 Attendance, classroom participation and homework: 40% Group activities: 60%. Grading conforms to Toyo university’s grading standard. 【受講要件(Requirement of Attendance)】 【テキスト(Textbooks)】 Elementary Market Leader 3rd Edition, David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, FT Publishing, Pearson, 2012 (ISBN : 978-1-4082-3705-2) 【参考書(Reference Books)】 English-Japanese Dictionary 【関連分野・関連科目(Related Fields and Subject)】 【備考(Note)】
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