Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School 1 / 10 SAITAMA UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Science and Engineering Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School 1. General overview Saitama University and RIKEN (, one of Japan’s leading advanced research institutes began the Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School on October 1, 2008. This school offers Saitama University students from overseas the opportunity to enroll in a doctoral program at Saitama University’s Graduate School of Science and Engineering, and to pursue their studies under the supervision of faculty with concurrent appointments at RIKEN and Saitama University. RIKEN will provide its research resources covering the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and engineering, and financial support for a part of the student’s living and accommodation costs. Enrollment is once per year in the autumn. The seventh year of this program will begin in October, 2014. 2. Program The Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School is a part of RIKEN’s Joint Graduate School Program. Graduate students from abroad participating in the Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School are supervised by faculty in the six departments of Saitama University’s Graduate School of Science and Engineering and the Saitama University Brain Science Institute. The six departments include the Department of Bioscience; the Department of Material Sciences; the Department of Mathematics; Electronics and Informatics; the Department of Human Support and Production Sciences; the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; and the Department of Advanced Collaborative Research. The faculty members listed on the table at the end of this program description hold concurrent appointments with RIKEN and Saitama University and have their research laboratory at RIKEN’s Wako campus. Successful candidates will pursue their PhD study at RIKEN as Saitama University student and will receive some financial support in the form of a living and accommodation allowance. 3. Eligibility Non-Japanese students who satisfy the qualifications to apply for the PhD courses of the six departments and one institute listed above are eligible to apply. Applicants must also have the following qualifications: • A Master’s Degree or equivalent research experience • A high TOEFL or IELTS score(indicative minimum scores are 550(PBT)and 5.5, respectively) Note: International applicants whose original language of instruction is not English must take TOEFL. • Be in good mental and physical health 1 Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School 2 / 10 If admitted, the applicant must be able to come to Saitama University by October 3, 2014. 4. How to Apply Applicants for this program should first contact by email the faculty member who they would like to have as the supervisor of their studies. Application must be made through one of the faculty listed on the table at the end of this program description. • Evaluation of applications will be based on the candidate’s scholastic ability and research potential assessed from previous credentials, recommendation letters and essays on selected topics. A screening committee will review all applications and the faculty member who has been contacted will inform the applicant of the screening results. Successful applicants must have an internet or telephone interview with one of the six departments and one institute listed above according to a pre-determined time schedule. The details of this interview will be sent out to short-listed candidates.The final selection is based on the performance at the interview and the successful candidate must be accepted as a regular PhD course student at Saitama University. Applicants who fail to meet these criteria will not be accepted. • Schedule of applications for October 2014 admissions April 4, 2014 Application deadline April 7- May 8, 2014 Screening of applicants June 20, 2014 Notification of results to applicants September 29-October 3, 2014 Arrival date for international students enrolling in 2014 • Required documents (refer to the following Saitama University’s application forms ) (a) Completed application form: Form 1 (pdf:103kb)(word:103kb)(4 pages) (Concise resume and certificates of degrees (BSc & MSc) including official copies of academic records and grades obtained during previous undergraduate and graduate studies as well as list of publications and copies of refereed papers, if any.) (b) Completed application form: Form 2 (pdf:41kb) (word:41kb)(1 page) (c) Completed application form: Form 3 (pdf:41kb) (word:41kb)(2 pages or more) (Including essays on field of study and study program in Japan) (d) Two letters of recommendation including one from the dean of your Master’s course (e) Certificate of English proficiency: Official score of TOEFL, IELTS or equivalent (f) Statement of source of funding (If you receive scholarship, please submit certificate as evidence.) 2 Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School 3 / 10 5. Financial Support The successful applicant will hold the position of International Program Associate (IPA) at RIKEN; RIKEN shall be paid the following for IPA: 1. JPY 5,200 per day for living expenses 2. Accommodation costs: If campus housing is unavailable, up to JPY 70,000 per month (utilities and telephone not included) Note: If RIKEN campus housing is available, rent is not charged 3. Discounted economy round-trip airfare from home country 6. Application, Admission, and Tuition Fees Applicants to Saitama University’s PhD course are required to pay JPY 30,000 application fee. An additional JPY 282,000 admission fee must be paid upon acceptance. One-half of the annual tuition fee (JPY 535,800) for the PhD course must be paid prior to enrollment. Contacts Saitama University Graduate School of Science and Engineering Address: 255 Shimo-okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama, 338-8570 Japan URL TEL +8148-858-3951 FAX +8148-858-3698 +8148-858-3430 RIKEN Global Relations Office [email protected] URL: 3 Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School 4 / 10 Graduate School of Science and Engineering departments and faculty with concurrent appointments for Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School (as of January 2013) Department Type of Degree Bioscience Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Science Faculty Email Hiroyuki Osada hisyo(at) Naoko Imamoto Toshihide Kobayashi Department Outline Chemical biology, recombinant DNA in eukaryotes, molecular cell biology relating to nucleocytoplasmic exchange, the growth and differentiation of insects, the physiology of the cell cycle and posttranslational modification tion/doctor/life.html Key words & comments Chemical Biology, Drug Discovery Our research starts from the discovery of the bioactive compounds that regulate the mammalian cell function. Then, the research will be expanded to the following subjects. 1) Biosynthesis of microbial metabolites. 2) Identification of molecular targets of bioactive compounds. 3) Mining and functional analysis of molecular targets of bioactive compounds. cs/ In eukaryotic cells, most of genomic information is stored in the cell nucleus. The main subject of our laboratory is to understand the nucleocytoplasmic transport and organization of cell nucleus to uncover new aspects and principles on regulation and maintenance of nuclear function. Our current effort has been focused on dissecting the dynamic behavior of nucleocytoplasmic transport machinery, transport pathways, and functional relation between nuclear envelope and chromatin structure in the context of live cells and cell-free reconstituted systems. We are taking cell biological, molecular biological, and biochemical approaches coupled with newly developed imaging techniques. nimamoto(at) /cell-dyna/index.html Lipid Biology Laboratory focuses on the elucidation of molecular organization of lipids and lipid domains that are involved in cellular signaling. Our strategy is to visualize cellular lipids in vivo and reconstitute the lipid membranes in vitro. In order to visualize lipids, we develop proteins, peptides and small molecules that recognize specific lipids. The reconstituted membranes are evaluated by a variety of biophysical techniques. Those who have background in biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, biophysics and organic chemistry are encouraged to apply to the laboratory. kobayasi(at) 4 Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School 5 / 10 Tadashi Suzuki Naoshi Dohmae Minoru Yoshida Yoichi Shinkai Research Subjects: (1) studies on mechanism of novel catabolic pathway for glycans; (2) functional role and evolutional diversion of the cytoplasmic PNGase. Research Background Desired: Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Genetics; Mammalian Genomics. tsuzuki_gm(at) _planck/sys_glycobiol/glycometabolome/ Biomolecular characterization. We develop high quality structural characterization methods to the biological science, aiming to further understand the mechanism and action of biological molecules. dohmae(at) Chemical genetics, a new approach to drug and drug target discovery in the post-genomic era. In our laboratory, biological functions of a number of proteins targeted by small molecules are studied by chemical genetics, functional genomics and proteomics. In particular, we focus on protein subcellular localization and protein modifications and their interplays such as acetylation, methylation ubiquitination, and sumoylation, which are regulated by small molecules. yoshidam(at) enet/ This laboratory’s principal objective is to understand the molecular mechanism of epigenetic gene regulation and roles of epigenetics in health and disease. To address above questions, we take multidisciplinary approaches toward this goal, including molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, structural biology and mouse molecular genetics. yshinkai(at) ml/index.html Noncoding RNAs, Nuclear Structures, Epigenetics, Evolution. Shinichi Nakagawa We are interested in the function of non protein coding RNAs (ncRNAs) that are transcribed from a wide region of the mammalian genomes. These ncRNAs regulate a variety of cellular processes including epigenetic regulation of gene expression, post-transctiptional control of gene expression, and formation of nuclear bodies. Many of these ncRNAs are species-specific, raising an intriguing possibility that emergence of particular ncRNAs delineated the course of evolution of certain species. [email protected] ml Department Type of Degree Department Outline 5 Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School 6 / 10 Material Sciences Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Science or Doctor of Engineering Faculty Email Zhaomin Hou houz(at) Satoshi Kamiguchi Kamigu(at) Tahei Tahara tahei(at) Reizo Kato Mikiko Sodeoka tion/doctor/material.html Key words & comments Organometallic Chemistry, Molecular Catalysis, Polymer Chemistry. Our research interest includes development of more efficient, selective catalysts for olefin polymerization and organic synthesis, organometallic complexes having novel structures or properties, and organic functional materials. dex_e.html Inorganic chemistry and catalytic chemistry. Our research interest is synthesis of multi-nuclear transition metal cluster complexes and their application to functional materials. Recent study is especially focused on utilization of sulfide cluster complexes as catalysts. Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Nonlinear Spectroscopy, and Single Molecule & Correlation Spectroscopy. We study ‘complicated systems’ in the condensed phase using advanced molecular spectroscopy. Especially, we now focus on (1) elucidation and control of ultrafast phenomena using advanced time-resolved spectroscopy, (2) study of soft interfaces using new nonlinear spectroscopy, and (3) study of the dynamics of complex systems in the femtosecond - millisecond time region. In the course of these researches, we develop new methods in molecular spectroscopy. html en/index.html Chemistry and physics of molecular materials, especially molecular conductors. The basic concept of our science is organization of electrons, molecules, and crystals. In order to reveal its mechanisms and develop methods for its control, we are carrying out basic studies on organization of electrons in strongly correlated electron systems, self assembling of molecules through supramolecular interactions, and fabrication of micro/nano-scaled crystals in the molecular device. reizo(at) Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Our research interests cover from transition metal-catalyzed enantioselective reactions to design and synthesis of intracellular signal transduction modulators and their application to the cell biology research. sodeoka(at) g_chem/ lab/wako/organic/index.html 6 Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School 7 / 10 Yousoo Kim Takuo Tanaka Katsunori Tanaka Hiroshi Abe Our research focuses on describing details of the energy transport and conversion at the solid surfaces and interfaces in the nanoscale regime. In order to understand their basic mechanism at a single molecule/atom level, we carry out combined study of scanning probe microscopy/spectroscopy and density functional theory calculation on the well-defined surfaces under ultra-high vacuum condition. ykim(at) In this research laboratory, we are intensively investigating breakthrough science and techniques that can artificially control the electro-magnetic / optical properties of materials by using metal nano-structures. We collectively call these artificial materials “metamaterials.” Metamaterial technology can control the permittivity and permeability of the materials and can create unprecedented optical materials such that its refractive index can be zero, negative or gargantuan. We also intensively extend the application of metamaterials to develop novel and functional photonic devices. In addition, other active studies for the development of peta-byte optical data storage or the development of laser nano 3D fabrication technology are also running. t-tanaka(at) Synthetic organic chemistry and reaction-based chemical biology. Our research focuses on exploring the new reactivity of unsaturated imines and their utilization in discovering the new biological phenomena, establishing the innovative PET imaging, and synthesizing the bioactive natural products in living animals. kotzenori(at) funct_synth_chem/ /research/lab/asi/biofunc/ Development of medicine and diagnosis method based on organic chemistry. We create new functional molecule inspired from natural system. Especially, artificial nucleic acids are designed and synthesized. Specific subjects are: RNA interference technology for RNA medicine, bio-probe for imaging RNA or protein in living cells, new fluorescent compound, bio-molecular catalyst for organic chemical reaction. Students can learn organic chemistry, synthetic chemistry and molecular biology through the h-abe(at) research. Department Type of Degree Department Outline 7 Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School 8 / 10 Mathematics, Electronics and Informatics Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Engineering Faculty Email Katsumi Midorikawa kmidori(at) Hideki Hirayama This course takes the harmony of humanity, science, and technology as its theme and deals comprehensively with education and research on underlying theoretical concepts, hardware and software. tion/doctor/mathematic.html Key words & comments Laser Physics and Engineering. Novel nonlinear phenomena caused by interaction of ultrashort intense laser pulses with matters are investigated for creation of coherent x-ray sources. Nonlinear optical phenomena in the soft x-ray region and generation of attosecond pulses are also pursued by use of high-order harmonics. In addition, applications of short wavelength and ultrashort laser pulses to material processing are studied. ch/ We are studying on terahertz (THz) quantum devices and deep-UV emitting devices. Especially, we recently aim to develop 1-10 THz-band quantum cascade laser (QCL) and THz photo detector using semiconductor superlattices (SLs) and also 230-350nm-band deep-ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs) using group III nitride semiconductors. hirayama(at) Tetsuya Aoyama taoyama(at) Keiji Ono k-ono(at) Tomohiro Yamaguchi tyamag(at) Department Type of Degree Human Support and Production Sciences Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Engineering odevice/ Organic semiconductor devices such as transistors, photovoltaic devices and light-electroluminescenceemitting diodes. The influence of the molecular packing on device performances are investigated. Soft-optoelectronics with aggregated, aligned, or organized organic materials, which takes advantage of softness and flexibility in organic materials. Low temperature electron transport experiments on semiconductor nanostructures, especially quantum dots. Recently, we focus on electron-spin and nuclear-spin related effects in quantum dots. Physics and engineering of quantum nanoscale devices. Our main interest involves a search for novel phenomana in nanoscale devices based on carbon nanotubes, semiconductor nanowires or superconducting materials and its application to quantum functional devices. Department Outline This course is divided into the two areas of manufacturing science and human support engineering. The area of manufacturing science deals mostly with materials science, manufacturing science, and thermal-fluid science, and the area of 8 Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School 9 / 10 human support engineering deals with robotics and mechatronics, and mechanics and design. tion/doctor/mechanical.html Faculty Hitoshi Ohmori Email Key words & comments Tuelid(at) jp Micro-mechanical fabrication, micro-mechanics, IT assisted fabrication ab/ Chemistry and physics of nanocomposite materials. We utilize the so called “nano-integration” approach for the construction of progressive composite materials from conventional materials and functionalized nanocarbons. Yusuke Tajima tajima(at) Department Type of Degree Department Outline Advanced Collaborative Research Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Engineering 002_07_coll.html Faculty Particle Physics Email Key words & comments Tohru Motobayashi motobaya(at) Experimental astrophysics nuclear physics and nuclear Tomohiro Uesaka uesaka(at) Experimental nuclear physics at RI-beam factory, RIKEN: Weak responses of unstable nuclei, Shell structure, Nuclear matter properties, and Spin-related phenomena Yuko Motizuki motizuki(at) Theoretical nuclear astrophysics; computer simulations of element synthesis and supernova explosions. Institute Type of Degree Department Outline Saitama University Brain Science Institute Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Science u/nou.htm Faculty E-mail Kazuhiro Yamakawa yamakawa(at)brain.riken.j p Key Words & Comments Molecular Genetics of Neurological diseases. The laboratory is focusing on the researches of epilepsy and Down syndrome by using genetics, molecular biology, histology, mouse disease models. 9 Saitama University-RIKEN International Joint Graduate School 10 / 10 Yasunori Hayashi yhayashi(at) Tomomi Shimogori tshimogori(at)brain.riken.j p Kang Cheng Hajime Hirase kcheng(at) My laboratory is interested in the mechanism of hippocampal learning and memory in both in vitro and in vivo preparation. The student will have opportunity to learn state-of-art two-photon microscopic imaging, probe designing, behavior analysis, etc. Please refer to our laboratory webpage h/ for accomplishments and ongoing research. Neural Circuit Development, Thalamus-Cortex connectivity, Evolution. _thal_dev/ Neuro Imaging, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), Neurophysiology, Cognition, Vision magn_reson_img/ Neuron-glia communication; in vivo electrophysiology and imaging to investigate glial role in neural processing. astrocytes, synapses hirase(at) circ/ *Replace (at) with @ 10 Application Form 1 RIKEN International Graduate Program Graduate School of Saitama Science and Engineering University [ RIKEN - SAITAMA UNIV. INTERNATIONAL 2014 AUTUMN PROGRAM ] SCHOOL INSTRUCTIONS(記入上の注意) 1.The application should be typed if possible, or neatly handwritten in block letters. (明瞭に記入すること。) 2.Numbers should be in Arabic numerals.(数字は算用数字を用いること。) 3.Years should be written using the Anno Domini system. (年号はすべて西暦とすること。) 4.Proper nouns should be written in full and not abbreviated. (固有名詞はすべて正式な名称とし,一切省略しないこと。) * Personal data entered in this application will only be used for scholarship selection purposes, and contact information such as e-mail addresses will only be used for forming related human networks after the student returns home and for sending of information by the Japanese Government.) (本申請書に記載された個人情報については,本奨学金の選考のために使用するほかは,特に E-mail アドレス等の連絡先については, 帰国後における関係者のネットワークを作ること及び必要に応じ日本政府より各種情報を送信する以外には使用しない。 ) (Sex) 1.Name in full in native language (姓名(自国語)) (Family name) In Roman block capitals (ローマ字) (Family name) , , □Male(男) (First name) (Middle name) (First name) (Middle name) □Female(女) (Marital Status) □Single(未婚) □Married(既婚) 2.Nationality (国 籍) 3.Date of birth(生年月日) 19 Year(年) Paste a passport photograph Month(月) Day(日) Age(as of October 1,2014)(年齢 2014 年10月1日現在) taken within the past 6 months. Write your name and nationality in block letters on the back of 4.Present status with the name of the university attended or employer the photo. (現職(在学大学名又は勤務先名まで記入すること。)) (写真(6cm×4cm) 5.Present address and telephone number, facsimile number, e-mail address (現住所及び電話,ファックス番号,E-mail アドレス) 現住所(Present address): 電話番号/FAX 番号(Telephone/facsimile number): E-mail address: * If possible, write an e-mail address that can be used for periods including the time before you come to Japan, your stay in Japan and the period after you return home. (可能な限り、渡日前~日本留学中~帰国後にわたり使い続けることが予想される E-mail アドレスを記入すること。 ) 6.Field of specialization studied in the past(Be as detailed and specific as possible.) (過去に専攻した専門分野(できるだけ具体的に詳細に書くこと。) ) -1- 7.Educational background (学歴) Name and Address of School (学校名及び所在地) Year and Month of Entrance and Completion (入学及び卒業年月) Amount of time spent at the school attended (修学年数) Name (学校名) From (入学) years (年) Location (所在地) To (卒業) and months (月) Name (学校名) From (入学) years (年) Location (所在地) To (卒業) and months (月) Name (学校名) From (入学) years (年) Location (所在地) To (卒業) and months (月) Name (学校名) From (入学) years (年) Location (所在地) To (卒業) and months (月) Name (学校名) From (入学) years (年) Location (所在地) To (卒業) and months (月) Diploma or Degree awarded, Major subject (学位・資格,専攻科目) Elementary Education (初等教育) Elementary School (小学校) Secondary Education (中等教育) Lower Secondary School (中学) Upper Secondary School (高校) Higher Education (高等教育) Undergraduate Level (大学) Graduate Level (大学院) Total years of schooling mentioned above (以上を通算した全学校教育修学年数) years (年) * If the blank spaces above are not sufficient for the information required, please attach a separate sheet. ((注) 上欄に書ききれない場合には,適当な別紙に記入して添付すること。) 8.State the titles or subjects of books or papers (including master thesis authored by the applicant), if any, with the name and address of the publisher and the date of publication. (著書,論文(修士論文を含む。)があればその題名,出版社名,出版年月日,出版場所を記すこと。) * Please attach abstracts of those papers to this application. ((注)論文の概要を添付のこと。) -2- 9.Employment Record: Begin with the most recent employment, if applicable.(職歴) Name and address of organization Period of employment Position Type of work (勤務先及び所在地) (勤務期間) (役職名) (職務内容) From To From To 10.Foreign language proficiency: Evaluate your level and insert an X where appropriate in the following blank space. (英語能力等を自己評価のうえ,該当欄に×印を記入すること。) Excellent (優) Good (良) Fair (可) Poor (不可) Fair (可) Poor (不可) English (英語) French (仏語) German (独語) Spanish (西語) 11.Japanese language proficiency: Evaluate your level and insert an X where appropriate in the following blank space. (日本語能力を自己評価のうえ,該当欄に×印を記入すること。) Excellent (優) Good (良) Reading (読む能力) Writing (書く能力) Speaking (話す能力) 12.Accompanying Dependents (Provide the following information if you plan to bring any family members to Japan.) 同伴家族欄(渡日する場合,同伴予定の家族がいる場合に記入すること。) * All expenses incurred by the presence of dependents must be borne by the grantee. He/She is advised to take into consideration various difficulties and the great expense that will be involved in finding living quarters. Therefore, those who wish to be accompanied by their families are advised to come alone first and let their dependents come after suitable accommodation has been found. ( (注)なお同伴者に必要な経費はすべて留学生の負担であるが,家族用の宿舎をみつけることは相当困難であり賃貸料も非常に割高になるの であらかじめ承知されたい。このため,留学生はまず単身で来日し,適当な宿舎をみつけた後,家族を呼び寄せること。 Name (氏 名) Relationship (続 柄) 13. Person to be notified in applicant's home country in case of emergency: (緊急の際の母国の連絡先) ⅰ) Name in full: (氏名) ⅱ) Address: with telephone number, facsimile number, e-mail address (住所:電話番号,ファックス番号及び E-mail アドレスを記入のこと。) -3- Age (年 齢) ) 現住所(Present address): 電話番号/FAX 番号(Telephone/Facsimile number): E-mail address: ⅲ) Occupation: (職 業) ⅳ) Relationship: (本人との関係) 14.Immigration Records to Japan(日本への渡航記録) Date(日付) Purpose(渡航目的) From To From To Date of application: (申請年月日) Applicant's signature: (申請者署名) Applicant's name (in Roman block capitals): (申請者氏名) -4- Application Form 2 RIKEN International Graduate Program Graduate School of Saitama Science and Engineering University [ RIKEN - SAITAMA UNIV. INTERNATIONAL 2014 AUTUMN PROGRAM ] SCHOOL 1.Full name in Roman block capitals(姓名を記入,ローマ字で表記) , (Sex) (Family name) (First name) (Middle name) □Male(男) □Female(女) 2.Date of birth(生年月日) 19 Year(年) Month(月) Day(日) Age As of October 1, 2014 (2014 年 10 月1日現在の年齢) Paste your passport size photograph of your taken 3.Nationality (国籍) within the past 6 months. Write your name and nationality in block letters on the back of the photo. 4.Present address, telephone and facsimile number, E-mail address (写真(6×4㎝)) (現住所及び電話,ファクシミリ番号,E メールアドレス) 5.The institution you have graduated/will graduate.(卒業した,あるいは卒業予定の機関) Institution(機関) Conferred Degree: (取得学位) Year(年) Month(月) a) Master’s Degree (修士) 6.Field of study in Japan(日本での専攻希望) 7.If you are applying for other scholarships, state the name of sponsor, duration, amount, etc. (もし他の奨学金に応募している場合は,その名前,期間,金額等を記すこと。) -1- Application Form 3 RIKEN International Graduate Program Graduate School of Science Saitama and Engineering University [ RIKEN - SAITAMA UNIV. INTERNATIONAL 2014 AUTUMN PROGRAM ] SCHOOL 専攻分野及び研究計画 Field of Study and Study Program Full name in native language (姓名(自国語) ) (Family name) , (First name) (Middle name) Nationality (国 籍) Proposed study program in Japan (State the outline of your major field of study on this side and the details of your study program on the backside of this sheet. This section will be used as one of the most important references for selection. Statement must be typewritten or written in block letters. Additional sheets of paper may be attached if necessary.) ) ( 日本での研究計画;この研究計画は,選考の重要な参考となるので,表面に専攻分野の概要を,裏面に研究計画の詳細を記入すること。記入は 楷書によるものとし,必要な場合は別紙を追加してもよい。 If you have Japanese language ability, write in Japanese. (相当の日本語能力を有する者は,日本語により記入すること。) 1 Field of study(専攻分野) -1- 2 Study program in Japan in detail(研究計画:詳細に記入すること。) -2-
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