1) Paul is so depressed now. He lost ( ) little money he earned by

(A) 次の英文のカッコ内に入れるのに最も適切なものを一つ選択しなさい。
1) Paul is so depressed now. He lost (
) little money he earned by working
for three days.
① but ② what ③ how ④ every
2) Bill came home yesterday, (
) was a pleasant surprise. ① what ② where ③ which ④ who
3) Your story isn’t consistent with (
) I’ve heard before.
① how ② what ③ which ④ who
4) We live in an age (
) credit cards are indispensable for international travelers. [上智大]
① that ② which ③ as for ④ in which
5) The singer earned a huge amount of money through her concert, half (
she donated to charity.
) which
① by ② for ③ in ④ of
6) The club has its own website (
) shows local events that take place.
① how ② where ③ which ④ whose
7) There are a few cases (
) this rule does not hold good.
① what ② as ③ that ④ where
8) There are some who will (
) defining journalism is difficult.
① contend that
② contend which ③ contended that
④ contended which ⑤ content
9) This ship is for all the people in the city. (
contact us for details.
) welcome. Please do not hesitate to
① Who wants to come on board is ② Whoever wants to come on board is
③ Whomever wanted to come on board are ④ Whom they want to come on board are
10) This list of endangered species gives the current status of 64 types of shark, over
30% ( ) are threatened with extinction.
① of which ② which ③ whose ④ though they
11) Then the funeral procession began to move. The car following the hearse was the
family car, ( ) sat the niece and her parents.
① that ② in which ③ from which ④ who
12) (
) you want to come is fine with me.
① Whichever ② Whatever ③ Whenever ④ Whomever
13) We will deeply appreciate (
) help you can give us.
① which ② whose ③ anything ④ whatever
(B) 次の英文のカッコ内の語句を並び替えて、正しい英文にしなさい。
1) You can look through your textbook and choose [ you / want to / topic/
whatever / write about].
2) John married the man [ thought / Mary’s boyfriend / we / whom / to be].
3) When the box fell, [ inside/ it/ made/ was/ whatever ] a loud noise.
4) 失ってみて初めて、持っているものの価値に気付くことがよくある。(1語不要)
We often don’t recognize [ after/ have/ lost/ of/ them/ the things/ until/ the value/
we/ we’ve].
5) ジャックははっきりと職業を決めてしまっている数少ない人の内に入る。(2語不要)
Jack is one of [ a/ about/ decided/ have/ individuals/ on/ rare/ seldom/ those/
who] definite career.
6) I’m upset because [ are/ going/ not/ the/ things / way] I planned them.
7) 礼状を出すと書き手の感謝の気持ちが明白になり、受け手の心が温かくなる。
A thank-you note makes the writer’s [ the person/ warms/ who/ clear/ gratitude/
and/ of/ the heart] receives it.
1) A wise (a) and experienced manager (b) will assign a job to (c) whomever is
(d) best qualified. [成蹊大]
2) He (a)can give this PC (b)to (c)no matter who (d)wants to read it.
3) Discovery is not the sort of process about finding which the question “Who
discovered it?” is appropriately asked.(文法上削除すべき一語を指摘) [東京大]
4) (a)In former days a teacher was expected to be (b)a man of exceptional
knowledge or wisdom, (c)to which words men (d)would do well to attend.
(D) 次の英文の下線部を、太字の箇所を特に意識して和訳しなさい。
1) What she didn’t understand, she often said, was the kind of laziness which,
in the name of convenience, in the end made more work and deprived one of
the small but real joy. (“she”は時代の変遷に伴う文明化を嫌う老女である)
[東京大 改]
2) After Darwin returned home to England in 1836, he spent several years
analyzing the observations and specimens he had collected on his voyage.
He struggled to develop an explanation that would account for the amazing
diversity of species he saw and for the relationships between them. [三重大 改]
3) Communication is a process of involving two information-processing
devises. Oral communication, for instance, is a modification by the speaker of
the hearer’s acoustic environment, as a result of which the hearer entertains
thoughts similar to the speaker’s own.
[横浜市立大 改]
4) The main ingredient of most bread is flour, which accounts for about threequarters of the finished loaf. Flour will absorb more or less liquid depending on
the variety of wheat that it is made from, the place where it is harvested, and
the way in which it is milled.
[北海道大 改]
5) He would collect snowflakes as they fell and carry them into his unheated
shed. He had to be careful not to breathe on them in case they should melt.
But no matter how much care he took, he never had more than five minutes to
work before they disappeared; and the structure of the snowflake is so
complex that this was not enough.
[中央大 改]
6) In some environments, the average young middle-class child hears 32
million more spoken words than the young underprivileged child by age five.
Children who begin kindergarten having heard and used thousands of words,
whose meanings are already understood, classified, and stored away in their
young brains, have the advantage on the playing field of education. Children
who never have a story read to them, who never hear words that rhyme, who
never imagine fighting with dragons or marrying a prince, have the odds
overwhelmingly against them.
[旭川医科大 改]
(E) 次の各英文を「関係詞」を利用して英訳しなさい。
はそれを使用する人々の習慣について多くの事を教えてくれる。 [日本女子大]
2) ここは私が2月から働いている図書館だ。
3) 私たちはその国で一番古いと言われているお城を訪ねた。
4) 私が最初に英語を教わった先生はアイルランド人だった。
5) 私にもう少し経験と知識があれば、誰もが難しいと思うその仕事をどうにか成し遂
6) ビデオゲームは若者の娯楽として考えられがちだが、近年は高齢者の生活の質を高
7) 携帯電話は、私たちの日常生活においてとても便利だと言われているが、そう言っ