GSI と FAIR における (p,d)反応を用いた η′中間子原子核分光実験 Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.) on behalf of η-PRiME collaboration η-PRiME Collaboration K.-T. Brinkmann, S. Friedrich, H. Fujioka(*), H. Geissel, R.S. Hayano, Y. Higashi, S. Hirenzaki, Y. Igarashi, N. Ikeno, K. Itahashi(*), M. Iwasaki, D. Jido, V. Metag, T. Nagae, H. Nagahiro, M. Nanova, T. Nishi, H. Outa, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, Y.K. Tanaka, Y.N. Watanabe, H. Weick, H. Yamakami (*) spokesperson ! University Gießen, Kyoto University, GSI, University of Tokyo, Nara Women's University, KEK, RIKEN Nishina Center, Tokyo Metropolitan University, SMI-ÖAW Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. 2 3 introduction Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. η′ meson in vacuum ❖ m=958MeV/c2, Γ=0.2MeV ❖ peculiarly heavy among the pseudoscalar meson nonet ‣ “would-be” Nambu-Goldstone boson ‣ known as “η problem” in 1970’s (why not mη<√3̅mπ ?) ‣ axial U(1) anomaly in QCD ‣ related to spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. 4 pseudoscalar mesons in broken chiral symmetry 0 UA(1) anomaly ⇥, K, 8, 0 K ⇥, K, 8 massless mq = ms = 0 mq = ms = 0 mq = ms = 0 q¯q⇥ = 0 ⇥¯ q q⇤ = 0 ⇥¯ q q⇤ = 0 ChS manifest ChS broken dynamically ChS broken dynamically and explicitly Nagahiro et al., PRC 87, 045201 (2013) Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. 5 η′ meson in medium ❖ At finite density/temperature, chiral symmetry will be partially restored ‣ cf. deeply-bound pionic atom ❖ large mass reduction, as a consequence of suppression of the anomaly effect? ❖ optical potential: V(r)=(V0+iW0)ρ(r)/ρ0 ‣ |V0|= (mass reduction), 2|W0|= (absorption width) Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. 6 η′ optical potential: state of the art -150 -100 -50 COSY-11 0 7 V0 [MeV] (=mη′(ρ0)-mη′) COSY-11 -10 CBELSA/TAPS exp. (η′N int.) theory -20 chiral unitary NJL linear σ exp. (η′A int.) QMC W0 [MeV] (=-Γ/2) Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. Nambu−Jona-Lasinio model s of the ’(958) meson -150 mass of -100presentation at-50 Nagahiro, “Hadron in Nucleus” COSY-11 8 0 cf.) NJL model with KMT V (=m 2201(R) 13) A(1) ’ 800 Meson mass [MeV] omaly fect 600 UA(1) breaking (KMT term[1,2]) -10 CBELSA/TAPS 400 chiral unitary 200 sless mically oken COSY-11 1000 [1] Kobayashi-Maskawa PTP44(70)1422 [2] G. ’t Hooft, PRD14(76)3432 -20 0 W linear MeV @ QMC Costa et al.,PLB560(03)171, Nagahiro et al., PRC 76, 045203 (2006) (=-Γ dyn.NJL & explicitly broken Nagahiro-Takizawa-Hirenzaki, PRC74(06)045203 Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. their result : fm fm chiral unitary model 9 (2) Vector meson-baryon (VB) channel -150 -100 -50 COSY-11 0 fm their result : V Oset and Ramos, PLB 704, 334 (2011) (=m Nagahiro et al., PLB 87 (2012) (3) coupling of 709, the singlet component of pseudoscalar to ba phenomenological estimation for COSY-11 Optical potential B [H.N., S. Hirenzaki, E. Oset, A. Ramos, PLB709(12)87] -10 N B B Kawaraba fm … free parameter t CBELSA/TAPS chiral unitary presentation at “Hadronpotential. in Nucleus” We consider onlyNagahiro, the attractive case & energy-independent and with various values fm -20 in unit of MeV 0.1 0.3 NJL linear 0.5 QMC 1.0 W (=-Γ Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. r medium contains no explicit strange component. So, mixing angle is approaching to a positive value wit ange condensate is insensitive to the nuclear density. partial restoration. heless, the strange condensate does change slightly h the SU(3) flavor breaking of nuclear matter. IV. THE LOW-ENERGY η′ N INTERACTION IN VACU xt, we show the result of the in-medium meson masses ng the SU(3) breaking by the current quark mass in Let us discuss the η′ N two-body interaction in vacuu ′ From this calculation, we find that the η mass reduces the following, we estimate the η′ N interaction strength ut 80 MeV at normal nuclear density. In contrast, the the linear sigma model developed in the previous sectio s of the other pseudoscalar octet mesons are enhanced. evaluateSakai, the invariant amplitude of the meson and nucleo presentation at “Hadron in Nucleus” ally for the η case, the enhancement is about 50 MeV. in the tree level by the scalar meson exchange and Born because under the partial restoration of chiral symmetry shown in Fig. 5: gnitude of the spontaneous breaking is suppressed and • η’ mass in chiral limit −iVab + +… i i (0) (8) = gσ0 NN Cab + gσ8 NN Cab 1000 (k − k ′ )2 − m2σ0 (k − k ′ )2 − linear sigma model -150 -100 10 -50 COSY-11 0 V (=m In-medium meson mass(2) M e so n M a ss [M e V ] COSY-11 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 -10 mη ′ i The contribution The contribution + Ca γ5 C b γ 5 + Cb γ 5 / +the k/ − mNsymmetry breaking p / from the UA(1) anomaly p from chiral CBELSA/TAPS chiral unitary mη mπ 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 Nuclear Density [fm -3 ] − k/′ − mN Ca γ 5 The necessity of both the UA(1) anomaly and chiral symmetry breaking for the generation of (c) the η’ mass (a) (b) Sakai and Jido, PRC 88, 064906 (2013) -20 ※The π mass vanishes in chiral limit 0.16 (mq→0) 14 . 3. The mass shift of the η′ meson in the nuclear medium. id, dotted, and dashed lines represent the η′ , η, and π meson in the nuclear medium, respectively. NJL i linear σ W (=-Γ FIG. 5. The diagrams that contribute to the η′ N interactio dashed, single, and double lines mean the pseudoscalar m nucleon, and scalar meson propagation, respectively. QMC Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. quark-meson coupling model -150 -100 -50 COSY-11 0 Bass and Thomas, Etaprime˙mesic˙nuclei printed on December 20, 2013 Acta Phys. Pol. B 41 (2010) 2239; arXiv:1311.7248 Physical masses fitted in free space, the bag masses in 7 medium at ear-matter density, ρ0 = 0.15 fm−3 , and corresponding meson-nucleon ngths. η8 η (-10o ) η (-20o ) η0 η ′ (-10o ) η ′ (-20o ) m (MeV) 547.75 547.75 547.75 958 958 958 m∗ (MeV) 500.0 474.7 chiral 449.3 878.6 unitary 899.2 921.3 Rea (fm) 0.43 CBELSA/TAPS 0.64 0.85 0.99 0.74 0.47 11 V (=m COSY-11 -10 -20 W NJL linear QMC energy. The strange-quark component of the wavefunction does to the σ field and η-η ′ mixing is readily built into the model. (=-Γ uation and centre-of-mass effects assumed to be independent Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.),are “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理 ” @ Tohoku Univ. and of quantities derived from them are of the order of 20%. are used to estimate the uncertainties: i of 0.1 fm, the η′ width at ρ0 is of the only 6% of it is due to two-body absor taining a width as large 20 MeV, as fou values of |aη′ N | of the order of 0.75 fm, tributions of the one-body and two-body turn out to be similar. We consider this / CBELSA/TAPS Collaboration situation, providing a boundary for the d this case the density dependence of the by Γη1′+2 (ρ ) = Γη1′+2 (ρ0 )[ρ /ρ0 + (ρ /ρ0 )2 ]/ using this density dependence gives rise to different values of Γη1′+2 (ρ0 ) as in Fig. 2 upwards. The best agreement with the Γη1′+2 (ρ0 ) = 17–27 MeV. The similarity of transparency ratio measurement 2.3. Results and discussion Cross sections were measured for the four targets and the re-150 -100 -50 COSY-11 0 sulting transparency ratios were normalized to carbon, according to Eq. (4). The transparency ratio as a function of the nuclear mass number A is shown in Fig. 2 for three different incident photon energy bins, namely: 1600–1800 MeV, 1800–2000 MeV and 2000– 2200 MeV. These curves are calculated using Eqs. (1) to (7) for different values of the in-medium width Γη′ (ρ0 ) of the η′ -meson in Eq. (7), ranging from 10 MeV to 40 MeV. The magnitude of Γ A0 , the normal nuclear matter density, is used in what follows at ρ when we refer to the in-medium width. transparency ratio ( A T = A· ( N X) X) 12 V (=m COSY-11 -10 CBELSA/TAPS chiral unitary Fig. 6. (Left) Transparency ratio for different mesons – η (squares), η′ (triangles) a cut on the kinetic energy for the respective mesons is shown with full symbols. Th data. Only statical errors are shown. The impact of photon shadowing on the dete not been corrected for in the published data for the other mesons. (Right) α param η′ and ω ([34], this work). This figure is an updated version of a figure taken from → Γ=15−25MeV at ρ=ρ0 -20 for <pη′>~1.05GeV/c Γ Because of the near constancy of one would expect (see ′ Eq. (9)) a rise of σinel towards lower η momenta, as indicated by the data in the lower panel of Fig. 5 (right). An increase o σinel for low η′ momenta has in fact been predicted in [7], rathe independent of the η′ scattering length. The theoretical predic Fig. 2. Transparency ratio relative to that of 12 C, T A = T˜ A / T˜ 12 , as a function of the nuclear mass number A, for different in-medium width tions follow qualitatively the trend of the data and may even be incident photon energies. Only statistical errors are shown. The systematic errors are of the order of 20% but tend to partially cancel since cro compatible with the experimental results, allowing for the large systematic uncertainties in the determination of σinel due to the 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理 unknown strength of two-body absorption processes, discussed NJL linear QMC Nanova et al., PLB 710, 600 (2012) Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV W (=-Γ ” @ Tohoku Univ. Fig. 5. (Colour online.) Differential cross sections for η′ photoproduct (middle), and above the threshold (right). The calculations are for ση′ N All calculated cross sections have been reduced by CBELSA/TAPS Collaboration / Physics density, Letters B respectively. 727 (2013) 417–423 excitation function and momentum distribution -150 -100 -50 COSY-11 0 13 V (=m COSY-11 -10 ′ photoproduc Fig. 6. (Colour Left: for ηcross Fig. 4. (Colour online.) Left: Total cross section for η′ photoproduction off C. The experimental data areonline.) extracted byMomentum integratingdistribution the differential sections ′ and for potential depths V = 0, − 25, − 50, − 75, − 100 and − ′ N =MeV and by direct measurement of the η yield in the incident photon energy bins of width " E γ = 50 MeV (open circles). The calculations are for ση150 11 0.75 (see text). Middle: The experimental data and the predicted curve potential depths V = 0 MeV (black line), −25 MeV (green), −50 MeV (blue), −75 MeV (black dashed), −100 MeV (red) and −150 MeV (magenta) at nor andis presented linear scale. The colour code isonly identical to the o density, respectively, and using the full nucleon spectral function. The dot-dashed blue curve calculated on for acorrelated intranuclear nucleons (high-momen contribution). All calculated cross sections have been reduced by a factor 0.75 (see text). scenarios. Middle: The experimental data and the predicted curves for V = −25 −100 and −150 MeV divided by the calculation for scenario of V = 0 MeV and presented on a linear scale. Right: χ 2 -fit of the data with the calculated excitati for the different scenarios over the full incident photon energy range. V0=−(40±6) MeV chiral unitary CBELSA/TAPS V0=−(32±11) MeV Within the model used, the present results on the re the potential are consistent with an attractive η′ ′ -nucle be σinel = 11 mb, consistent with the result of transparency ranucleons contribute only about 10–15% to the η yield tial with a depth of −(37 ± 10(stat) ± 10(syst)) MeV. T cident energy regime above 1250 MeV. The observed cro tio measurements [11]. The total nucleon spectral function is used implies the first (indirect) observation of a mass redu enhancement can therefore be attributed mainly to the in the parametrisation given in [30]. Thereby, the contribution of pseudoscalar meson in a strongly interacting environm of the η′ mass in the nuclear medium. η′ production from two-nucleon short-range correlations is taken ′ ρ normal conditions (ρ = ′ 0 , T = 0). The attractive η -nu A real part of the η -nucleus potential depth between into account. The calculations are improved with respect to [13] tential might even be strong enough to allow the for −25 MeV′ is confirmed by comparing the experimenta as the momentum-dependent optical potential from [31], seen by bound η -nucleus states. The search for such states is e distributions with the corresponding calculations. Fig. 5 the nucleons emerging from the nucleus in coincidence with the ′ [11 η by the relatively small in-medium width of the comparison for incident photon energy ranges below, at a η′ mesons, is accounted for as well. ments are proposed to search for η′ -bound states via mis the free production threshold, respectively. As for the The calculations have been performed for six different scenarspectroscopy [35] at the Fragment Separator (FRS) at G ′ real potential at normal nuclear function, the highest sensitivity to the potential is η assuming depths of the ios Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理 ” @ Tohoku Univ. depth a semi-exclusive measurement at the BGO-Open Dipol ( low incident energies, while at higher energies the mea matter density of V = 0, −25, −50, −75, −100 and −150 MeV, -20 V0=−(37±10stat±10syst) MeV NJL linear QMC Nanova et al., PLB 727, 417 (2013) W (=-Γ P. Moskal et al.r Phy elementary process : pp→ppη′ P. Moskal et al.r Physics Letters B 474 (2000) 416–422 COSY-11-50It Moskal, presentation at “Hadron -150 -100 in Nucleus” preliminary pp→ppηꞌ COSY-11 0 14 421 is interesting to note that in proton-proton collisions at much higher momenta Ž450 GeVrc. the h and hX mesons seem to have a similar production mechanism which differs from that of the p 0 one w48x. However, close to threshold the data show similarities between hX and p 0 mesons rather than between the h and hX . V (=m COSY-11 Acknowledgements 1 σ= F We appreciate the work provided by the COSY operating team and thank them for the good cooperation and for delivering the excellent proton beam. The research project was supported by the BMBF Ž06MS881I., the Bilateral Cooperation between Germany and Poland represented by the Internationales ____ J.P. Naisse, Nucl. Phys. A 278 (2997) 506 ŽPL-N-108-95 ., and by the DLR for theZ.BMBF ¨ Druzhinin ---- Buro B.L. et al., Phys. A 359 (1997) 205 Ž41266606 . from the FFE-grant 41266654 …. R. Shyam, U. Mosel, Phys. Lett and B 436 (1998) 1. Forschungszentrum Julich. One of the authors ŽP.M.. ¨ acknowledges financial support from the ForschungsX 0 ηFig. zentrum and the Foundation for Polish Sci′N Julich ¨ h< < p0< h < < . < . < 5. The ratios of a M0 r M0 and b M0 r M0p < extrac ence. from the data, assuming the pp-FSI enhancement factor depic CBELSA/TAPS Fig. 4. Total et crossal., sections for the pp 416 pph reaction as a chiral Moskal PLB 474, (2000) function of the center-of-mass|M| excess~ energy. Open| squares and |M | |M w7x, respectively. Filled circles triangles are from Refs. w8x and unitary |Re aη N|measurements < 0.8fm indicate the results of the COSY-11 reported in this 2 dVps |M|2 X 0 2 FSI 2 ′ |2 ~ |M |2 |M |2 |M |2 |M pp givenp1η’ p2η’1. numericalFSI values are in Table letter. Corresponding Statistical and systematical errors are separated by dashes. The solid line shows the phase-space distribution with the inclusion of proton-proton strong and Coulomb interactions. -10 -20 γp→η′p @ LEPS2? |a | ~ 0.1fm QMC W Moskal et al., PLB 482, 356 (2000) (=-Γ SOLID LINE (CFS) DASHED LINE |Re_a| = 0.3 +0.1 -0.2 [fm] |Re_a| = 0.2 +-0.2 [fm] scattering factorizing p-p 0 Im_a = -0.1length +- 0.1 approximation, [fm] Im_aby= -0.0 +- 0.1 [fm] by the dotted line in Fig. 2. < M0p < was calculated by interpolati X and h -p FSI, resulted in a rather modest estimation the points of Fig. 4a. X Hiroyuki Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理 ” @ Tohoku Univ. of the real partFujioka of the (Kyoto h -proton scattering length: NJL linear η′ optical potential: state of the art -150 -100 -50 COSY-11 0 |Re V| > |Im V| search for η′ bound states! NJL linear σ V0 [MeV] (=mη′(ρ0)-mη′) COSY-11 -10 V0=W 0 CBELSA/TAPS chiral unitary 15 QMC exp. (η′A int.) exp. (η′N int.) theory -20 W0 [MeV] (=-Γ/2) Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. 16 spectroscopy of η′ mesic nuclei at GSI Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. um level referred to as the UA !1" anomaly [1,2]. One the huge !0 mass is believed to have a v e most important subjects in hadron physics at present tion to the UA !1" anomaly, the !0 mas eveal the origin of the hadron mass spectra and to find should provide us with important inform he quantitative description of hadron physics from tive restoration of the UA !1" symmetr • Egg like shape LEPS2/BGOEGG BGO-OD@ELSA [3]. medium. • TotalInvolume cently, there have been several important developthis study, we consider missing m s for the study of the spontaneous breaking of chiral which was proved to be a powerful to • Total weight metry and its partial restoration at finite density. To only) bound states formation in the studies tigate the in-medium behavior of spontaneous chiral pionic • Two typestates. In this spectroscopy, one metry breaking, the hadronic systems, such as pionic photomultipliers emitted particle in a final state, and o s [4 –6], !-mesic nuclei [7–10], and !-mesic nuclei differential cross section d2 $=d!=dE – 11,12], have been investigated in both theoretical and the emitted particle energy. In order to c type) imental aspects. Especially, after a series of deeply priate reaction for this system, we show – d pionic atom experiments [13,14], Suzuki et al. re• -region d the quantitative determination of pion decay con500 (a) (γ,p) f# in medium from the deeply bound pionic states in – Without housing material otopes [5] and stimulated many active researches of – Only400with 3MBE=0 small momentum transfer film reflector. artial restoration of chiral symmetry at finite density pion BE=50 MeV 300 15–17]. BE=100 MeV wever, as detection for the behavior the UA !1" of of η→2γ, 6γ anomaly by BGOin BE=0 200 BE=150 MeV uclear medium, the present exploratory level is rather BE=50 M (main channel: η′N→ηN) Although some decay theoretical results have been re100 BE=100 pion d, there exists no experimental information on the BE=150 0 ble effective restoration of the UA !1" anomaly at fi0 2 4 6 8 0 2 Eγ [GeV] density. Kunihiro studied the effects of the UA !1" Fujiokaat(Kyoto “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理 ” @ Tohoku Univ. aly on Hiroyuki !0 properties finiteUniv.), temperature using the q [MeV/c] BGO EGG (γ,p) photoproduction: 17 ρN ρ(r) = , r−R 1 + exp( a ) 1 3 12C(p,d) (8) reaction where R = 1.18A − 0.48 fm, a = 0.5 fm with nuclear number A, and ρN a normalization factor such that !mass d 3 rρ(r) = A. In the following sections, we show the (p,d) spectra with potential depth from V0 = 0 to −200 MeV and W0 = −5 to −20 MeV to discuss the observation feasibility, where W0 is the strength of the imaginary part of the optical potential at ρ0 . Alternatively, we also use the theoretical optical potentials for the η′ -nucleus system obtained in Ref. [19] by imposing 12 theoretical η′ N scattering lengths [20] and 11using the several standard many-body theory. There the two-body absorption of the η′ meson in a nucleus together with the one-body absorption has been evaluated so that we can decompose the spectra into the different final states by using the Green’s function method as discussed below. We obtain the in-medium Green’s function by solving the Klein-Gordon equation with the optical potential Uη′ in Eq. (5) ❖ with the appropriate boundary condition and use it to evaluate the nuclear response function R(E) in Eq. (1). We❖estimate the flux loss of the injected proton and the ejected deuteron due to the elastic and quasielastic scattering and/or absorption processes by the target and daughter nuclei. C C separation energy from the neutron single-particle level jn Sn (ground) indicates the separation energy from the neutro level corresponding to the ground state of the daughter nucleus E0 is the η′ production threshold energy. 18 η’ intense proton beam available FIG. 2. (Color online) Momentum transfer of the 12 C(p,d reactions as functions of the incident proton kinetic energy Tp . Th thick solid and dashed lines correspond to η′ meson production wit binding energies of 0 and 100 MeV. Thin solid lines correspond t η, ω, and φ meson productions with a binding energy of 0 MeV, a indicated in the figure. relatively large momentum transfer ‣ population of large ℓη′ states near threshold 045201-3 ‣ different rigidities between protons and deuterons (from an experimental point of view) Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. theoretical calculation ❖ elementary cross section : dσ/dΩ(pn→dη′)=30μb/sr ❖ relatively large momentum transfer ‣ 19 population of large ℓη′ states near threshold Nagahiro et al., PRC 87, 045201 (2013) Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. GSI accelerator facility 20 Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. GSI-S437 experiment 22 ! 4 1 0 2 Letter of Intent for GSI-SIS , y l u Spectroscopy of η mesic nuclei J n i d with (p, d) reaction e l u d e sch ′ — Interplay of UA (1) anomaly and chiral restoration in η ′ mass — Collaboration K. Itahashi, HF et al., PTP 128, 601 (2012) K. Itahashi1 , H. Outa, Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, RIKEN, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, 351-0198 Saitama, Japan ❖ ❖ H. Fujioka2 , 10 Division of Physics and Astronomy, Kyoto University, KitashirakawaOiwakecho, Sakyo-ku, 606-8502 Kyoto, Japan intense proton beam from SIS-18 (~10 /spill) H. Geissel, H. Weick3 , GSI - Helmholtzzentrum f¨ ur Schwerionenforschung GmbH, D-64291 Darm12 stadt, Germany 4g/cm2-thick C target V. Metag, M. Nanova, II. Physikalisches Institut, Universit¨at Gießen, D-35392 Gießen, Germany ❖ ❖ R.S. Hayano, S. Itoh, T. Nishi, K. Okochi, T. Suzuki, Y. Tanaka Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, 1130033 Tokyo, Japan high resolution measurement of deuteron by FRS S. Hirenzaki, H. Nagahiro, Department of Physics, Nara Women’s University, Kita-Uoya Nishi-Machi, 630-8506 Nara, Japan 2 overall missing-mass resolution : σ < 2MeV/c D. Jido, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, KitasirakawaOiwakecho, Sakyo-ku, 606-8502 Kyoto, Japan and K. Suzuki Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. Stefan Meyer Institut f¨ ur subatomare Physik, Boltzmangasse 3, 1090 Vienna, experimental setup 2.5 G eV p 23 S0-S2: momentum-compaction or achromatic S0-S4: dispersive (~4cm/%) roto n S1 12C target 2.7-2 S2 S3 .9 Ge V/c d eute ron (pro ton) slit plastic scintillator S4 p/d separation on-line: aerogel Cherenkov counter MWDCx2, plastic scintillator, off-line: TOF between S3 and S4 aerogel Cherenkov counter (diff. by ~10ns) Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. expected spectrum w/ 4.5-day DAQ 285000 (V , W0)=−(150, 5) MeV (V , W0)=−(100, 5) MeV (V , W0)=−(200, 10) MeV (V , W0)=−(150, 10) MeV (V , W0)=−(100, 10) MeV (V , W0)=−(200, 20) MeV (V , W0)=−(150, 20) MeV (V , W0)=−(100, 20) MeV 0 0 0 counts/2MeV 280000 (V , W0)=−(200, 5) MeV 24 275000 270000 265000 260000 285000 0 0 counts/2MeV 280000 0 275000 270000 265000 260000 285000 0 0 counts/2MeV 280000 0 275000 270000 265000 260000 255000 -40 -20 0 20 -40 -20 0 20 -40 -20 0 20 Excitation Energy [MeV] Excitation Energy [MeV] Excitation Energy [MeV] Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. structure-finding probability in GSI 20 100 25 (%) 90 18 80 |W | [MeV] 16 14 12 70 extend sensitivity in semi- exclusive measurement at FAIR 60 50 40 10 30 20 8 10 6 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 |V | [MeV] 0 95% C.L., 4.5-day DAQ Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. FRS optics cs Simulation with GICOSY o 30 dipole target S1 ton am S4 S3 S2 D1 e 26 D3 D2 ETA-S2-ACHR-5 X-direction ETA-S2-ACHR-5 quadrupole BEAM PLOT EXPRESSION PLOT SC1 D4 MWDC SC2 AC XX.XX.XXX YY:YY:YY X-MAX 0.240 X-MAX 0.200 m m X-MAX 0.2 m suppression of “unphysical” BG at S2 XX.XX.XXX YY:YY:YY MQMQ MQMQ MQMQ MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MQMQ MQMQ MQMQ MQMQ MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR pro gre ss MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MQMQ MQMQ MQMQ gicosy/ 0.0 MQMQ Y-MAX 0.200 m % 5 cm/% +5.00 MQMQ [X,δ] MQMQ MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MQMQ MQMQ MQMQ MQMQ MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MQMQ MQMQ MQMQ Dispersion in 4 cm/% large momentum acceptance = small dispersion throughout FRS +71.8 m TA S4 -5.00cm/% -5 10 m Expression: 10.000 m 10.000 m 9 [X,D] Y.K. Tanaka, H. Weick Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. aerogel Cherenkov counter (HIRAC) 27 270×270×20 mm3 aerogel pieces with n=1.168−1.174 manufactured by M. Tabata (Chiba U.) mirror reflector 6080 white reflectance or millipore, teflon coating (Labsphere) Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. mini-HIRAC 28 will be installed at S2 for on-line p/d separation (in the early stage of beamtime) 60×60×20 mm3 aerogel tics Simulation with GICOSY pieces with n=1.183 30 dipole target o S1 r roton ] eam S4 S3 S2 D1 de D3 D2 ETA-S2-ACHR-5 X-direction ETA-S2-ACHR-5 quadrupole BEAM PLOT EXPRESSION PLOT SC1 beam D4 MWDC SC2 AC XX.XX.XXX YY:YY:YY XX.XX.XXX YY:YY:YY X-MAX 0.240 X-MAX 0.200 m m X-MAX 0.2 m MQMQ MQMQ MQMQ MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MQMQ MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MQMQ MQMQ MQMQ MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MQMQ pro gre ss MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MQMQ MQMQ MQMQ MQMQ MQMQ MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MQMQ MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MQMQ 5 cm/% +5.00 MQMQ [X,δ] MQMQ MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MQMQ MAGNETIC MAGNETIC SECTOR SECTOR MQMQ MQMQ Dispersion in 4 cm/% Y-MAX Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. Test Experiment @ COSY (Jülich) MWDC proton 2.738 GeV/c 1.471 GeV/c 29 MWDC mini-HIRAC HIRAC TORCH 27/Jan − 10/Feb, 2014 Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. 30 semi-exclusive measurement at FAIR Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. from FRS to Super-FRS target FRS proton beam o 30 dipole S1 S4 S3 S2 D1 quadrupole D2 D3 32 SC1 D4 MWDC SC2 AC Super-FRS target dispersive focal plane Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. (V0 , W0 ) = −(−42.8, 19.5) MeV [34], and the φ-nucleus optical potential is (V0 , W0 ) = −(30, 10) MeV [35–38]. The thin solid line shows the η′ production, and the dashed and dot-dashed lines indicate the ω and φ meson productions. The contributions of mesonic states with partial waves up to ℓ = 6 for each meson are included in the calculation. the experimental data [39]. As we can see in the figure, the contribution from the φ meson is negligibly small owing to the large momentum transfer for the φ meson production. In contrast to the φ meson, we find that the ω meson production gives larger contribution to the η′ bound region. Although it is still unknown whether the ω-nucleus interaction is attractive or repulsive, we consider the case that the ω-nucleus optical potential is repulsive as Vω = −(−42.8 + 19.5i)ρ(r)/ρ0 MeV [34,40] because in the repulsive case the quasifree ω contribution above the ω production threshold is enhanced and then it overlaps the η′ bound region [15]. The elementary cross section of pn → dω in the laboratory frame with Tp = 2.6 GeV is estimated as 27 µb/sr by using the experimental data [41]. As shown in Fig. 5, although the contribution of the quasifree ω is large, the strength of the tail around the η′ threshold, where we can see the clear peak coincidence of decay particles ❖ 33 one-nucleon absorption: η′N→ηN, (πN) LEPS2/BGOEGG, BGO-OD two-nucleon absorption: η′NN→NN η-PRiME@FAIR this low-energy scattering wave of η′ closer to the daughter nucleus, enhancing its overlap with the nucleon wave functions and consequently producing a larger cross section. Therefore, we can consider this enhancement to give an indication of the❖attractive η′ -nucleus interaction if observed. We find that, even in a large imaginary case of −(150, 20) MeV, we can see a clear peak corresponding to this threshold enhancement, indicating the attractive nature of the η′ -nucleus optical ‣ potential. In the Appendix, we show various cases of the higher energy than in any mesonic processes Nagahiro et al., PRC 87, 045201 (2013) FIG. 6. (Color online) Calculated spectra of the 12 C(p,d)11 C ⊗ η′ reaction for the formation of η′ -nucleus systems with proton kinetic energy Tp = 2.5 GeV and deuteron angle θd = 0◦ as functions of the excited energy Eex . E0 is the η′ production threshold. The η′ -nucleus optical potentials are evaluated in Ref. [19], which correspond to the η′ scattering lengths |aη′ p | = (a) 0.3, (b) 0.5, and (c) 1.0 fm, respectively. The thick solid lines show the total spectra and dashed lines show subcomponents as indicated in the figure. The inset figure in panel (a) shows the structure of Fujioka the subcomponents in closeup. Hiroyuki (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. high-energy protons from η′ mesic nuclei 34 p d η 100 d π p d N ×103 η′p→ηp 80 counts (a.u.) p p Detection of high energy protons (Tp= 300−600 MeV) η′N→πp η′pN→pN 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 proton kinetic energy [MeV] 700 800 Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. high-energy protons from BG 35 ×103 500 counts (a.u.) 400 300 200 100 η′p→ηp η′N→πp 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 proton momentum η′pN→pN 1 1.2 [GeV/c] 1.4 0.8 0.6 cos (Lab.) 0.4 0.2 simulation by a microscopic transport model (JAM) 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Y. Higashi work in progress -0.8 -1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 proton momentum [GeV/c] 1.4 Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. range counter for proton detection ❖ 36 just conceptual… ‣ ‣ ‣ 10 layers of Sci/Brass sampling calorimeter p/π separation by use of neural network? l a u t p s e d ) n ig e c on (c work in progress Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. 37 inclusive measurement at FAIR Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. all-in-one readout board ❖ one order of magnitude higher trigger rate ❖ R&D of 64ch readout board for MWDC 38 ‣ ASD + FlashADC + TDC ‣ originally developed for Belle-II CDC ‣ sub-trigger module for trigger distribution H. Yamakami Taniguchi et al., NIM A732, 540 (2013) Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ. Conclusion ❖ possible existence of η′-nucleus bound state, due to partial restoration of chiral symmetry in medium ❖ inclusive measurement of (p,d) reaction at GSI/FAIR ❖ ‣ high statistics and high resolution ‣ near-threshold structure = signature of attractive int. ‣ scheduled in 03.07.2014 − 09.07.2014 (GSI S437) ‣ DAQ upgrade in progress for higher statistics at FAIR 39 semi-exclusive measurement planned at FAIR ‣ high-energy proton from η′pN→pN in coincidence Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto Univ.), “GeV 領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理” @ Tohoku Univ.
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