A guide to the submission of “ Permit Request for Use of Fire/ Works with Hazardous Materials ” 1 Work that requires the submission of“ Permit Request for Use of Fire/Works with Hazardous Materials ” 2 for Use of Fire/Works with Hazardous Materials ” 3 flammable hazardous materials 4 5 Submission deadline for“ Permit Request Precautions on the use of Other precautions Reference A guide to the submission of “ Permit Request for Use of Fire/Works with Hazardous Materials ” Any installation/set-up work on the premises of Academyhills which we specifically deem to be dangerous and designate as dangerous work requires the submission of our “ Permit Request for Use of Fire/Works with Hazardous Materials. ” If such work is conducted without prior submission, we may require you to halt the work. We will not bear any responsiblity for the resulting delay or discontinuation in work. We advise you to consult us (details of work/use of tools, etc) prior to beginning work. Forum Group Academyhills section Mori Building Co., Ltd. 1 Applicable work for the prior submission of “ Permit Request for Use of Fire/Works with Hazardous Materials ” ❶ Work using tools/equipment which emit fire (sparks)/smoke or involve flammable substance (gas, etc.). ❷ Work using hazardous materials (flammable minerals, petroleum products, coating materials, preservative substance, etc.) ❸ Work that may generate odor (including the residual odor of perfume/ deodorant). ❹ Work with accompanying noise (over 75db) or vibration (likely to affect the neighboring spaces/stairs below). ❺ Work that alters the main disaster prevention equipment (emergency guidance display, sprinklers, automatic fire alarms, smoke ventilation switchboard, emergency broadcasting system, etc.) of the building. ❻ Other work for which Mori Building considers the submission of Permit Request for Use of Fire/Works with Hazardous Materials to be necessary. 2 Submission deadline for “ Permit Request for Use of Fire/Works with Hazardous Materials ” The designated form must be filled and submitted by the organizer (or the agents of the Ꮏಽ 䋺 䊁䊅䊮䊃 䊶 ౝⵝ 䊶 ▤ℂ 䊶 ⸳⸘ 䊶 ቛᡷୃ 䊶 ᬺㆇ༡ 䊶 䌔䌍 䊶 䈠䈱ઁ ᐕ ೨ᬺዯ 䊎 䊦 䉝䊷䉿䉶䊮䉺䊷㪋㪐㪝 ႐ ᚲ 㪋㪐㓏 ળ႐ฬ 㨬ળ႐ฬ㧦 ᣣ organizer/builder) to the person in charge for arrangements at Academyhills more than one week prior to the date of such works. ળ ␠ ฬ ᬺ 䉕 䈘 䉏 䉎 ડ ᬺ ᭽ 㨭 ฃઃ㷗 㪑 ᚲ 㔚⇟ภ ᬺ⽿છ⠪ ශ ✕ᕆㅪ⛊వ䋨៤Ꮺ䋩 ᬺઙฬ ᬺᣣᤨ ●Notice of Work to be Undertaken 䉟䊔䊮䊃䈮㑐䉒䉎ᑪ䈩ㄟ䉂ᬺ ਅ⸥䈱ౝኈ䈮䈩ᬺ䉕ⴕ䈇䉁䈜䇯 㪉㪇㪈㪊ᐕ 㪉㪇㪈㪊ᐕ 㪉㪇㪈㪊ᐕ 䋨↳⺧ᓟᄌᦝ䉕ⴕ䈇䈢䈇႐ว䇮ฦᛂว䈞ᜂᒰ⠪䈻䈗ㅪ⛊䉕䈍㗿䈇⥌䈚䉁䈜䇯䋩 䌾 ᣣ 㪘㪤 㪆 㪧㪤 㪘㪤 㪆 㪑 㪑 㪑 㪘㪤 㪆 㪧㪤 㪘㪤 㪆 㪧㪤 ᣣ ᣣ એਅߩ㗄⋡ࠍ⸥タ㗿߹ߔޕ 䌾 䌾 㪑 㪑 㪑 㪧㪤㪆 㪘㪤 㪧㪤㪆 㪘㪤 㪧㪤 This form can be downloaded from the Academyhills website: http://academyhills.com/ ٟࠗࡌࡦ࠻ฬ㧦 ٟᬺߩౝኈ㧦 ᬺౝኈ ٟᄢ߈ߥ㖸ߩࠆ ᬺ㧦 ٟᬺੱᢙ㧔ᢙ㧦 ή ੱ ̪⽿છ⠪એᄖߩੱᢙࠍ⸥タߒߡਅߐ 䇼Ἣ᳇↪䊶ෂ㒾‛ᬺ⸵น㗿䇽 Ἣ᳇䋨Ἣ⧎䋩䊶ᾍ䉕⊒↢䈘䈞䉎⸳䉇ౕེ䊶ᒁἫᕈౕེ䋨䉧䉴╬䋩䉕↪䈜䉎ᬺ ෂ㒾‛䋨นΆᕈ㋶‛䊶⍹ᴤຠ䊶Ⴃᢱ䊶㒐⣣╬䋩䉕↪䈜䉎ᬺ ⥇᳇䋨㚅᳓㪆⧐㚅䈱ᱷ⥇䉅䉃䋩䈱⊒↢䈏 ᔨ䈘䉏䉎㗄 䈠䈱ઁ䊎䊦䈏䇮䇸Ἣ᳇↪䊶ෂ㒾‛ᬺ䊶⻉⸳ᠲ⸵น㗿䇹䈱↳⺧䈏ᔅⷐ䈫䈚䈢 ៝ 䊶ή ᚻ⛯ᷣ 䊶 ᚻ⛯ਛ 䊶 ᧂᚻ⛯ 䊶 䊶 䊶 䊶 ή ή ή ή 䊶 ៝ 㪉㪇㪈㪈ᐕ 䊶ή ᣣ 䌾 㪉㪇㪈㪈ᐕ 䉥䊕䊧䊷䊃ᜂᒰ⠪ 㶎䉝䉦䊂䊚䊷䊍䊦䉵ᜂᒰ⠪⸥ 㪆 䉮䊷䊂䉞䊈䊷䊃ᜂᒰ⠪䋺 䊶ή 㛍㖸䋨㪎㪌䌤䌢એ䋩䊶ᝄേ䋨ㄝળ႐㪆㓏ਅ䋩䈻䈱ᓇ㗀䈱䈉ᬺ 䊎䊦ᧄ㒐ἴ⸳䋨㕖Ᏹ⺃ዉ␜䊶䉴䊒䊥䊮䉪䊤䊷䊶⥄േἫἴႎ⍮ེ䊶ឃᾍ䉴 䉟䉾䉼䊶㕖Ᏹㅍ⸳╬䋩䉕ᠲ䇮ᡷୃ䈜䉎ᬺ ᣣ ౝ✢䋺 ⠨ 㪤㪛㪝ቶౝᬺ䊶ㅢା㑐ଥᎿ䈱႐ว䈲りಽ⸽䈱⏕䉕䈘䈞䈩㗂䈐䉁䈜䇯 ឭᚻ㗅 䋯 䈍ቴ᭽ᛚශᓟᜬෳ䈱䇯 ឭᦼ㒢 䋯 ᬺ㐿ᆎ 䋳༡ᬺᣣ೨ 䈠䈱ઁ 䋯 㙚ౝᬺ⠪෩㗄䇮䈶ฦ⒳ዯ╬䈱⺑ᦠ䈲䇮䉟䊮䉺䊷䊈䉾䊃䈎䉌ᚻน⢻䈪䈜䇯 䊎䊦▤ℂㇱ䊶ቛㆇ༡ㇱ 㒐ἴ䉶䊮䉺䊷 䊶▤ℂቶᰣ ฃઃ 䈍ቴ᭽ᛚ ౝⵝㇱ䊶⸳⸘ㇱ ฦㆇ༡ቶ䋨䌔䌍䋩 ቛᡷୃ䌇 䈍ቴ᭽䊶ᆔ⸤ ᝲශᰣ 䊎䊦▤ℂㇱ䊶ቛㆇ༡ㇱᛂว䈞⠪ฬ䈱⸥䉕䈍㗿䈇䈚䉁䈜䇯 䊎䊦▤ℂㇱ䊶ቛㆇ༡ㇱᛂว䈞⠪ 3 Precautions for flammable hazardous materials ❶ Please avoid using flammable hazardous materials and fire or substance that may react to the flammable hazardous materials in the same hall. ❷ In order to prevent the facility or your equipment from catching fire, be sure to implement sufficient protective covering and fire-prevention measures and evaluate the possible use of fire near the site before conducting work. ❸ Please specify the storage location of hazardous materials in the remarks column in the Notice of Works to be Undertaken. 4 Other precautions ・ Prior submission of Permit Request for Use of Fire/Works with Hazardous Materials is required for undertaking relevant work under any circumstances. In the case of work that arises and must be conducted on the same day, please consult the person in charge of facilities. Work can only be conducted after completing the application and receiving approval. We may have to reject certain applications depending on the circumstances. ・ Even for approved work, please take the necessary safety precautions and take noise/vibration prevention measures before starting a work. ・ During and after work, the organizer responsible (or the organizer s agent) must perform the necessary safety checks. (The same safety checks are necessary for work without the use of fire.) ・ Regardless of approval, or use or non-use of fire/hazardous materials, we may request for an immediate halt of the work if complaints arise from the surrounding rooms or floors (especially downstairs) or when we consider the work to be inappropriate. Please take sufficient precautions against noise/vibration prevention measures such as the following when moving and setting up or installing equipment, machinery, etc. ❶ Use of soundproof mats and protective covering. ❷ Put equipment, etc. down gently on the floor. (Do not drop or throw.) ❸ Do not hit (hammering, etc) materials under construction in the direction of the floor. 5 Reference Use of following tools on the premises of Academyhills requires prior submission of the Permit Request for Use of Fire/Works with Hazardous Materials. * The following is only a partial list and there are other tools requiring application. * A typical example [related to cutting]: Wooden panel/wood building materials, etc. * Wooden materials are subject to application as smoke detectors could react to dust, etc. Iron/steel cutter Electric cutter High-speed cutter Handsaw Baby sander (and other sanders) Small electric cutter Reciprocating saw Impact wrench Hand grinder Disk grinder Tacker Nail gun
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