fccj news ● Bulletin from the Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan 在日フィンランド商工会議所ニュースレター Volume 16 Issue 4 - August 2014 The Prince Villa Karuizawa by Honka Prior to the opening of “The Prince Karuizawa Villa”, supplied by Honka Japan, a press conference and opening reception was held on 2 July in attendance of Ambassador Manu Virtamo. In the tape-cutting ceremony participated Ambassador Virtamo (center), Honka Japan Inc. President Marko Saarelainen (left), of the Seibu Group/Prince Hotels and Honka customers. e.g. Mr. Takeda, Chairman of the Japan Olympic Committee (second from left). The Prince Villa Karuizawa, built on the grounds of Prince Grand Resort Karuizawa, is a luxury lodging facility that combines rental cottages and hotel services. “The Prince”—which is the Prince Hotel’s flagship brand—offers quality facilities and services to high-end customers, and Honka Log Homes has been chosen as a quality brand worthy of “The Prince” name. Celebrating its 55th anniversary this year, Honka has sold about 80,000 houses in more than 50 countries, including over 4,000 houses in Japan. Honka Japan Inc, established in 1991, has been engaged in joint projects with the Seibu Group—a Japan-based conglomerate with its principal business areas in railways and hotels (Prince Hotel)—as early as the 1970s. 『ザ・プリンス ヴィラ軽井沢 』 by Honka ホンカ・ログホームによる『ザ・プリン ス ヴィラ軽井沢』のオープンに先立ちま して、ホンカ・ジャパンは7月2日にオープ ニング・レセプションおよび記者発表会を 株式会社プリンスホテルと共同で行いまし た。 新緑の美しい季節に、スカンジナビアン ・レッドが映えるセンターハウス前でテー プカットのセレモニーが執り行われまし た。マヌ・ヴィルタモ駐日フィンランド大 使、オーナー様代表を始め、プリンスホテ ル様、西武建設様、ホンカ・ジャパン代表 の5名がテープにハサミを入れ、『ザ・プ リンス ヴィラ軽井沢』のオープンを祝い ました。 オープンに先立ってコテージに滞在した ヴィルタモ大使からいただいた祝辞では、 名器ストラディヴァリウスとホンカのログ ホームを比べ「どちらも厳しい自然環境で 育ったため、年輪が密になった木を用いて 作られたもので、それぞれの分野で最高級 である」ことを述べていただきました。 For more, see page 2. Finnish Decoration to FCCJ Board Member Yoshinori Sano Mr. Yoshinori Sano, Board Member of Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan (FCCJ) was bestowed the Insignia of the Knight, First Class, of the Order of the Lion of Finland by the President of the Republic of Finland, Mr. Sauli Niinistö, for his long-term contributions to strengthen business ties between Finland and Japan. He is a certified public accountant and licensed tax accountant. On 15 July, about 20 people including Mr. Sano’s wife Noriko, his family members as well as his friends both Finnish and Japanese, attended the ceremony held at the Embassy of Finland in Tokyo and the dinner that followed it. Prior to the bestowal of the decoration, Ambassador Manu Virtamo congratulated Mr. Sano: “Through your expertise in taxation, accounting and legal issues in general, you have been of a great help for the Finnish companies in entering the challenging Japanese market. You are also a long-time active member of the Board of the Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan. Your contribution for the work of the Chamber is highly appreciated.” Over 30 years, Mr. Sano has been supporting leading Finnish companies to do business in Japan. In 1989, he was deeply involved in establishment of Nokia Japan, then, his clientele began to include many Finnish businesses. He has been an FCCJ board member since 2001. In his acceptance speech, Mr. Sano said that having long-term friendship with Finnish people, he has come to develop his own image of Finnish people. “You are warmhearted, mature and large-hearted,” he said adding that he is determined to act as a bridge between the two countries also in the future. FCCJ役員佐野氏にフィンランドから勲章 サウリ・ニーニスト・フィンランド共和 国大統領は、在日フィンランド商工会議所 の役員で、公認会計士・税理士の佐野義矩 氏に、フィンランド獅子勲章騎士一級章を 授与した。 7月15日、東京の駐日フィンランド大使館 で行なわれた伝達式と夕食会には日本・フ ィンランドの知人が招かれ、、佐野氏の徳 子夫人や家族など約20人が、温かな雰囲気 の中で佐野氏の功績を称え、受勲を共に祝 った。 マヌ・ヴィルタモ大使は、「この勲章 は、フィンランドと日本のビジネスの促進 にご尽力いただいた労をねぎらい、功績を 称えるものです。税務、会計、そして法 律と多岐に及ぶ佐野様の知識のお陰で、フィンランド企業は、参 入が厳しいといわれる日本市場で販路を拡大することが出来まし た」と称え、長年の同商工会議所における貢献にも謝意を表した。 佐野氏は30年以上にわたり、昇降機メーカーKONE社をはじめ多く のフィンランド企業をサポート、特に、1989年、ノキアの日本上 陸の際には深く関わり、その後も日本とフィンランドの関係強化 に尽力した。2001年からは、同商工会議所の役員会のメンバーで もある。 受勲のスピーチで佐野氏は、「長期にわたるお付き合いを通じ、 私なりにフィンランド人のイメージが出来上がりました。フィン ランド人は温かくて広い心を持ち、大人の対応をする人たちだと 感じています」と話し、今後も二国間の架け橋になりたいと抱負 を述べた。 from the boardroom ...more about Karuizawa Prince Villas Back in Japan - is Japan back? Finally back in Japan after relatively long trip to Europe. Summer heat is wading and my favorite season, autumn, is showing its first signs. Last week our chamber closed summer season with the annual yakatabune cruise along the Sumida River – now we are ready for autumn. During my combined business and summer vacation trip to Europe I had a chance to visit three countries – Finland, Czech Republic and Austria. One common concern in each country respectively was and still is the ongoing Ukraine crises. Crises in Ukraine or possible negative effects to its economy do not pose significant threat to world economy but for many European countries Russia’s involvement with its import embargo on food products is a hard hit. In Finland food industry and especially dairy sector pressed the panic button and started lay-offs for their labor. In supermarket you could buy heavily discounted “Putin cheese” with 50% discount. This raised a question if food is too expensive in Finland -and it is -as it is more expensive than average food in EU. In Prague, Czech Republic, life was pretty much as usual. After some difficult years there are some positive signs in economic recovery. Consumption is recovering, unemployment rate lowering, and export volume showing some positive signs among others. And of course Czech’s big pride: tourism. Prague is the one of the most visited cities in Europe and one of the most beautiful and photographed cities in the world. And last but not least beer was good as ever. Czech Republic`s beer consumption per capita is said to be No.1 in the world and I can believe that. Even in a market place where local farmers were selling vegetables beer stalls were everywhere and from the very early morning. Our final destination was Vienna, Austria, some 4,5 hour train ride from Prague. According the latest survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Vienna is the second best place to live in the world after No.1 city Melbourne. And I can believe that – clean, beautiful, sophisticated etc. And what a location Austria has. It is bordered by the Czech Republic and Germany to the north, Hungary and Slovakia to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the west. I think at least Finns and most likely also Japanese envy Austria for its location (and maybe for economic situation as well) But now back in Japan and few words about Japanese leisure business. As featured on this FCCJ news Prince Hotels and Resorts has just opened their latest leisure facility The Prince Villa Karuizawa. My company, Honka, sold and delivered 20 premium villas and combined reception/ club lounge building to our long time customer Seibu Group. I had a great honor to represent Honka as 3rd generation member of Honka owners, Saarelainen Family, during the negotiations, contract and opening ceremony. My grandfather started our company’s exports to Japan and to Seibu Group in early 70’s. Now when strong expectations for economic recovery in Japan is taking place leisure business should also strive strong and not least in Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture. Karuizawa entrepreneurs are eagerly waiting next spring when Hokuriku Shinkansen will be extended to Kanazawa no doubt bringing extra boost to Karuizawa economy. Train is called “Kagayaki” meaning brightness and maybe augurs well not only for Karuizawa but whole Japan. Latest economic data tells different story but let’s hope it was only because of raise in consumption tax and last call spending spree before that. I believe Japan is back but more sure is that I am back in Japan. Marko Saarelainen FCCJ President President, Honka Japan Inc. The Center House The Prince Villa Karuizawa will consist of 20 Villas, available for long-term stays and Center House, a facility for providing services exclusively for Villa guests. The Villas consist of three types of cottages: one-story type “Terrace” (maximum occupancy: six people), two-story type “Maisonette” (maximum occupancy: eight people), and two-story type with a private hot spring bath “Maisonette Spa” (maximum occupancy: eight people). All buildings will use the latest laminated logs Honkarakenne Oyj introduced last year. A laminated log is a glued lumber made of two or more natural wood pieces or lamellas, developed for increasing both durability and workability as well as for stabilizing quality. Laminated logs MLL 134N, consisting of four lamellas, will be used for 20 Villa houses and multiple laminated logs MLL 182N, consisting of six lamellas, will be used for the Center House building to create sleek and stately log homes. テープカット後には、ご参列の皆様にオープン前の真新しいコテージ 施設を内覧いただきました。ホンカの最新ログMLL134(マルチプルラミ ネートログ)が採用されたコテージ内は、さわやかな木の香りと温もり が感じられる、洗練されたインテリアとも相まってリラックスできる空 間が演出されています。平屋建てのテラスはセンターハウスと同じレッ ド、二階建ての「メゾネット」「メゾネットスパ」は落ち着いたブラッ クで塗装され、緑の中に際立つ色となっています。「メゾネットスパ」 タイプのコテージは、プライベート空間をより大切にし、露天で温泉を 楽しむことができます。 一方、センターハウスは、MLL182 の重厚なログが採用され、天井高が ある大空間で、宿泊者専用のラウンジとしても使われます。センターハ ウスではレセプション が行われ、軽井沢プリ ンスホテルの北爪雅信 総料理長が腕を振るっ たパーティ料理がふる まわれました。地元信 州の素材を使った料理 にフィンランド料理も 並び、ご参加の皆様に はおいしい食事も楽し んでいただきました。 new members 新メンバー Oy NIT Naval Interior Team Address: Phone: Contact: Email: Oy NIT Naval Interior Team Ltd 2F, 1-13, Manzai-machi Nagasaki-shi, NAGASAKI 850-0033 090-4266-3647 Mr. Kari Liippala, Project Manager [email protected] 住所: 〒850-0033 長崎県長崎市漫才町1-13 2F 電話番号:090-4266-3647 担当者: カリ・リーッパラ、プロージェクト・マネージャ eメール: [email protected] Profile: プロファイル: NIT Naval Interior Team (ネイバルインテリアチーム)社 は、2000年に設立され、ターンキーベースでの新しい船舶や 改修プロジェクトのためのクルーズ客船の両方の内部ぎ装を 専門としています。 我々は、高品質の素材およびプロの仕事力を使って、今新し い市場を得るために革新的なアプローチを試みております。 NITの本社はフィンランドのピーキオ市にあり、さらに長 崎、トゥルクおよびラウマ(フィンランド)、パペンブルグ (ドイツ)に支店オフィスがあります。 NIT was established in 2000 when three project managers decided to do things better. The basic idea of continuous improvement has remained for these days, even though the company has grown from the start considerably. NIT specializes in the interior outfitting of cruise and passenger ships both for new buildings and refurbishment project on turnkey basis. We use high quality materials, professional work force and take innovative approach for new areas. NIT is headquartered in Piikkiö, Finland with branch office in Nagasaki and offices in Turku, Rauma and Papenburg, Germany. ウェブサイト: http://www.nit.fi Web site: http://www.nit.fi Sano CPA Office Address: Setagaya Business Square Hills II 2F 4-10-3, Yoga, Setagaya-ku, TOKYO 158-0097 Phone: Contact: Email: 03-6447-9040 Fax. 03-6447-9041 Mr. Yoshimichi Sano, Certified Public Accountant/Licensed Tax Accountant [email protected] 佐野公認会計士事務所 住所: 〒158-0097 東京都世田谷区用賀4-10-3 世田谷ビジネススクエアヒルズⅡ 2F 電話番号:03-6447-9040 ファックス:03-6447-9041 担当者: 佐野 義倫、税理士・公認会計士 eメール: [email protected] Profile: プロファイル: 約10年間のアーサー・アンダーセン会計事務所(東京 およ びロンドン)での勤務を経て2000年より日本進出を目指す多 様な業種の外資系企業に対して会計・税務サービスを提供し ております。フィンラド企業に関しては、MOS税理士法人 と業務提携しています。 Providing bilingual accounting and tax services to overseas companies from various industries in Japan since 2000 after 10-year working experience at Arthur Andersen Tokyo and London. For services to Finnish companies, we keep a close business alliance with MOS Tax Corporation. Web site: http://www.sanocpa.jp ウェブサイト: http://www.sanocpa.jp JMEC - Japan Market Expansion Competition Looking for Fresh Ideas and a Business Plan — for your Market Entry, New Product, or Business Expansion? Hire Your Own JMEC Team! Think Fresh. Accelerate Business. Save Money If you are a company manager, business owner or entrepreneur looking to launch a new product, expand or revitalize your existing business—or make a new market entry—having a business plan made by a JMEC team could be your best option. Established in 1993, JMEC (Japan Market Expansion Competition) is an intensive business training program based in Tokyo. Operated by 17 foreign Chambers of Commerce in Japan, JMEC teams have since inception produced business plans for 190 companies, entrepreneurs and other organisations. JMEC is organized as a competition—for motivation and best results. JMEC participants are English-speaking business professionals—Japanese and foreign nationals—working in Tokyo, who join the program to learn new business skills. They have a diverse range of professional backgrounds—engineers, accountants, designers, sales managers, and others—and typically 15-20 different nationalities are represented in each program. How You Benefit from Using JMEC to Make Your Business Plan • Diverse professional and multi-national backgrounds of 4-6 member JMEC teams help generate fresh ideas and ‘out-of-the-box thinking’ —shedding new light on your business. • JMEC teams provide analysis and recommendations independent of in-house perspectives. • You get an additional resource of ~1,600 work hours of market research and analysis, to help accelerate your business development. • All at a cost substantially lower than you typically pay using commercial consultants. JMEC 21 Program Schedule 8 November: Program starts, with a series of lectures and workshops on Saturdays. 10 January: Teams formed, projects allocated and teams meet their Project Clients. 30-31 May: Oral team presentations to JMEC judging panel. 1-9 June: Oral team presentations to JMEC Project Clients. Project Client Fees & Deadlines Project Client Fee: ¥1,200,000 Apply & pay by November 30,2014. ‘Early-Bird’ Discount Fee: ¥990,000 Apply & pay by September 30, 2014. For more information contact JMEC Program Director Trond Varlid: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 080 4368 2025 www.jmec.gr.jp Now Inviting Participants for JMEC 21! Application Deadline: 15 October, 2014 JMEC 21 Information Sessions for prospective participants will be held on September 3, 11, & 25, and on October 2, from 19:00-21:00. You can also meet and talk to former JMEC participants at these sessions. All are held at offices of Fusion Systems, a JMEC Sponsor—at Daiwa Azabudai Bldg. 8F, 2-3-3 Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0041. 4 minutes walk from Kamiyacho Station, Exit 2, Hibiya Line. For more information check the JMEC web site. Scandinavian Christmas Ball 2014 Friday, 12 December 2014 - The Westin Tokyo Hotel The Greatest Ball in Town! The Nordic Chambers of Commerce in Japan have organized a joint Christmas Ball since 1993. This, the 22nd event organized for the 9th time at The Westin Tokyo, is expected to attract 325 participants. For you and your partner, colleagues and clients! This is the perfect occasion for you and your significant other to start off the Christmas Season. It is also a perfect opportunity to invite your business partners to an unforgettable Scandinavian style Christmas event that they have never experienced before. The Ball also provides you with a perfect setting for your company’s Christmas or bonenkai party. No need for you to make any arrangements, we do it all for you at a cost which is much less (19,000 yen per person) than you would have to pay for your own party at the prestigious venue, taking into account what is included. Promote your company! Without the continuous support from a large number of companies and organizations, we could not have made this event as enjoyable as it has been throughout the years. As the donations subsidize this event by approximately 3,000 yen per participant, we strongly urge companies that plan to reserve company tables to sign up as sponsors, thereby we can also guarantee you full tables. The sponsors get prominent visibility on the dedicated web site, in all printed material and at the ball itself. A 5.5 hour Extravaganza! A Scandinavian style five course dinner a wide variety of drinks to raise your spirit, great entertainment and lotteries for fabulous prizes followed by dancing to live music until the lights go out. All included in the 19,000 yen participation fee. The best value in town for your money! event calendar イベント予定 Thursday, 18 September 9月18日(木) Friday, 10 October 10月10日(金) FCCJ Evening Event at Nokia FCCJイベントーノキアにて スピーカー:JP・タカラ氏、ノキアソルーションズ& Speaker: JP Takala, VP of Japan Region, ネットワークス株式会社代表取締役社長 Nokia Networks, NOKIA 時間: 18:30~20:30 Time: 18.30-20:30 ノキアネットワーク、六本木ヒルズ森タワー 25F Venue: Nokia Networks, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower 25F 会場: 参加費: メンバーのみ、 無料(ノキアのご好意により) Fee: free for members (courtesy of NOKIA) The 12th Mercedes-Benz Japan Cup The North America - Europe Golf Challenge in Japan Venue: Atsugi Kokusai C.C. Kanagawa Prefecture Cost: 24,700 yen More info:www.dccgolf-japan.com Friday, 17 October 第12回メルセデスベンツジャパンカップ 北米・ヨーロッパゴルフマッチ 場所: 厚木国際C.C.、神奈川県 参加費: 24,700円 詳細: www.dccgolf-japan.com 10月17日(金) the chamber Office: Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan Forest View Meguro 101 5-11-17, Shimomeguro Meguro-ku, TOKYO 153-0064 Tel. 03-5725-9596, Fax. 03-5725-9597 Executive Director: Clas G. Bystedt Assistant: Yoko Marukawa E-mail: [email protected] President: Marko Saarelainen, tel. 03-3479-4169 Vice President: Hirokuni Yoshida, tel. 03-5449-8311 Other Board Members: Masaoki Fujita, tel. 043-259-0151 Tuomo Kuuppo, tel. 03-3239-5271 Pekka Laitinen, tel. 080-5172-5984 Shigeyoshi Noto, tel. 03-5531-5080 Yasuyuki Oda, 03-5456-5191 Sakari Romu, tel. 080-4125-2920 Marko Salonen, tel. 03-6859-6810 Yoshinori Sano, tel. 03-6420-3031 Jan Grönblad, tel. 03-3266-9610 Hiroaki Sugawara, tel. 03-3456-3933 JP Takala, tel. 03-5474-6400 FCCJ Luncheon Meeting FCCJ昼食会 スピーカー:小泉愼一氏、東レ株式会社特別顧問 (元副社長) 時間: 12:00~14:00 会場: グランドハイヤット東京、ドローイングルーム2F 参加費:メンバー 6,000円、ゲスト 8,000円 Friday, 28 November 11月28月(金) Sweden-Finland Golf Challenge in Japan Time: 08:00-17:00 Venue: T.B.C. Fee: T.B.C. ストゥーラエンソカップ SCCJ対FCCJゴルフコンペ 時間: 8:00~17:00 会場: 未定 参加費:未定 Friday, 12 December 12月12日(金) Time: 18:30 - 24:00 Venue: Westin Tokyo Hotel Cost: 19,000 yen More info: www.fcc.or.jp/xmas 北欧合同クリスマスボール 時間: 18:30~24:00 会場: ウェスティンホテル東京 参加費:19,000円 詳細: www.fcc.or.jp/xmas Published bimonthly by the Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan Edited and printed in-house. For latest information, visit our web site. 最新のイベント情報に関してはウェブサイトをご覧下さい。 Editors: Clas G. Bystedt and Yoko Marukawa Speaker: Shinichi Koizumi, Senior Advisor (Former Executive Vice President), Toray Industries Inc. Time: 12.00-14:00 Venue: Grand Hyatt Tokyo, Drawing Room, 2F Fee: Members 6,000 yen, Guests 8,000 yen Stora Enso Cup Joint Scandinavian Christmas Ball FCCJ Web Site address: http://www.fcc.or.jp/ fccj news
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