39th Asia Expert Meeting on Regulations relating to Electric Vehicle Including Measurement of net power (R85), Date Place : 21 November 2014 (FRI) : VIETNAM REGISTER, Ministry of Transport 18 Pham Hung Rd., My Dinh, Tu Liem, Ha Noi 8:30 - 9:30 Registration 9:30 - 9:40 Opening address: from VR 9:40 - 9:50 Message: from JASIC 9:50 - 10:00 Photo Session 10:00 - 10:30 Technical Requirement for Electrical Vehicle : from Mr. Takashi HIRAI Q & A & Discussion 10:30 - 10:50 Coffee Break (20 minutes) 10:50 - 11:50 R85 General Information, Technical Requirements & Testing : from Mr. Yoshihiro SAKAGUCHI Q & A & Discussion 11:50 - 12:00 Closing address: from VR Electrical Vehicle Regulation November 21st, 2014 Takashi HIRAI Chief Representative, JASIC Jakarta Office JAPAN Point1: Application for Safety Regulation in Japan (#1) ROADVEHICLESACT(LawNo.185ofJune1,1951) Article41(SystemsandDevicesofMotorVehicles) Nomotorvehicleshallbeusedforoperationunlessitconformstothetechnical standardsforsafety,environmentalpollutioncontrolandenvironmentalconservation setbytheMLITOrdinanceconcerningthesystemsanddevicesenumeratedineachof thefollowingItems: *“operation”shallmeantheuseofaroadvehicleincompliancewiththeproperuseofthe devicethereof(excepttheuseinplacesotherthanonroads),forthetransportationof personsorgoodsorotherwise. Article99(ApplicationMutatisMutandisofProvisionsofSafetyRegulations) TheprovisionsofArticles40to42inclusiveshallapplymutatismutandistotheuseof thosemotorvehiclesusedinplacesotherthanroads whichcarryagreatnumber ofpersonsorareotherwiseparticularlyimportantforpurposesofsafetyorpollution controlorotherenvironmentalconservation,asprovidedforbytheCabinetOrder. 2 Point1: Application for Safety Regulation in Japan (#2) ENFORCEMENTCABINETORDERFORROADVEHICLESACT (CabinetOrderNo.254ofJune30,1951) Article13(MotorVehiclestowhichProvisionsofSafetyRegulationsApply MutatisMutandis) ThemotorvehiclesofArticle99oftheActshallbemotorvehiclesequipped toaccommodateelevenormorepassengers. 3 Point2: Basic Concept of Regulations for EV [point‐1] UN/ECE Regulations are Regulations for Type Approval. Technical requirement for non‐type approved vehicle such as modified vehicle, hand‐made vehicle etc. may be regulated by each government. “1958 Agreement” [Article 3] Wheeled vehicles, equipment or parts for which type approvals have been issued by a Contracting Party in accordance with Article 2 of this Agreement and manufactured either in the territory of a Contracting Party applying the Regulation concerned, or in such other country as is designated by the Contracting Party which has duly approved the types of wheeled vehicles, equipment or parts concerned shall be held to be in conformity with the legislation of all the Contracting Parties applying the said Regulation through type approval. [point‐2] Basically, same technical requirements should be applied to Both EV and non‐EV for type approvals. However, some of them could be added or relaxed for EV. 4 What is Basic Concept of Regulations for EV in Vietnam? [Point‐1] WhatVehiclesshouldberegulated? ① InJapan,VehicledrivenonpublicRoadandMotorVehicleswith elevenormoreaccommodationforpassengers.Forexample,Golf CartisoutofthescopeofSafetyRegulationinJapan. [Point‐2] WhatTechnicalrequirementshouldbeappliedforEV? ② Fortypeapprovedvehicle,thesevehiclesshouldberegulated similartotherequirementforordinaryvehicles.Ofcourse,some requirementswouldbeaddedorrelaxedforEV. ③ However,fornon‐typeapprovedvehiclesuchasmodifiedvehicle, hand‐madevehicle,itisimpossibletobeappliedthesimilar technicalrequirement.(EG:Crashtest) 5 The Scope of Today’s presentation [Point‐1] WhatVehiclesshouldberegulated? ① InJapan,VehicledrivenonpublicRoadandMotorVehicleswith elevenormoreaccommodationforpassengers.Forexample,Golf CartisoutofthescopeofSafetyRegulationinJapan. [Point‐2] WhatTechnicalrequirementshouldbeappliedforEV? ② Fortypeapprovedvehicle,thesevehiclesshouldberegulated similartotherequirementforordinaryvehicles.Ofcourse,some requirementswouldbeaddedorrelaxedforEV. ③ However,fornon‐typeapprovedvehiclesuchasmodifiedvehicle, hand‐madevehicle,itisimpossibletobeappliedthesimilar technicalrequirement.(EG:Crashtest) 6 What is the UN/ECE Regulation for EV? SpecialRequirementforEV UN‐R100 UN‐R12 UN‐R94 UN‐R95 UN‐R85 R13H ・・・・・ ELECTRICPOWERTRAIN STEERINGMECHANISM PROTECTIONOFTHEOCCUPANTSINTHE EVENTOFAFRONTALCOLLISION PROTECTIONOFTHEOCCUPANTSINTHE EVENTOFALATERALCOLLISION MEASUREMENTOFENGINEPOWER BRAKING(M1) *SeveraltestconditionandrequirementisregulatedinsomeregulationssuchasR13H NoRequirementforEV EmissionRegulation 7 Contents ‐ Overview of R100, R12, R94, R95 ‐ Technical Requirements 1. In‐use Safety(R100 Part Ⅰ) a. Protection against Electrical Shock b. Functional Safety 2. Post‐crash Safety(R12, R94, R95) a. Protection against Electrical Shock b. REESS Requirements 3. REESS Safety(R100 Part Ⅱ) 8 Overview of R100, R12, R94, R95 ‐History Japanese Regulation UN R WP29 1997 R100-00 2007 Approval of ELSA Attachment1102) ELSA1) Main Issue : Electrical Shock Attachment1113) In-Use Discussion Post-Crash Discussion 2010 R100-01 R100-01(Part Ⅰ) 2011 R12-04 R94-02 R95-03 R12-04 R94-02 R95-03 2013 R100-02 R100-02(Part Ⅱ) 1) 2) 3) Main Issue : Battery Informal Group on Electric Safety Technical Standard for Protection of Occupants against High Voltage in Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles Technical Standard for Protection of Occupants against High Voltage after Collision in Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles 9 Overview of R100, R12, R94, R95 ‐Scope UN R Scope R100 Series 01 Safety requirements with respect to the electric power train of road vehicles R100 Series 02 Part Ⅱ Safety requirements with respect to the Rechargeable Energy Storage System(REESS) of road vehicles R12 Series 04 Safety Requirements with respect to the electric power train of road vehicles after full-wrap frontal collision(5.5) R94 Series 02 Safety Requirements with respect to the electric power train of road vehicles after frontal offset collision(5.2.8) R95 Series 03 Safety Requirements with respect to the electric power train of road vehicles after lateral collision(5.3.7) Comments Dedicated to EV, HEV, and FCV Post-crash safety regulations applied to all the vehicles Additional requirements dedicated to EV, HEV, and FCV 10 Overview of R100, R12, R94, R95 ‐Objective Parts High Voltage Cables High Voltage ↓ > 60 Vdc or > 30 Vac Integrated Box - On-board Charger - DC/DC Converter Inverter High Voltage Battery Charging Inlets - Normal - Quick Other High Voltage Components - Air Compressor for HVAC - PTC Heater Traction Motor 11 Overview of R100, R12, R94, R95 Basic concept for the Protection against Electrical Shock Electrical Shock : The passage of an electric current through the human body by direct contact or indirect contact with 2 points which have different electric potential(voltage) Direct Contact : The contact of persons with live parts(the conductive parts intended to be electrically energized in normal use Indirect Contact : The contact of persons with exposed conductive parts + + + + - - - - Direct Contact Indirect Contact 12 Overview of R100, R12, R94, R95 Basic Concept for the Protection against Electrical Shock (1) Protection against direct contact with live parts of the powertrain (2)Protection against indirect contacts with exposed conductive parts of the powertrain Prevention by insulation and/or by the use of barriers, enclosures, or others Ensure occupant safety by 3 approaches (3) Maintenance of 500Ω/Volt or higher insulation resistance Potential equalization resistance between exposed conductive parts and electrical chassis be below 0.1. Minimum insulation resistance of 500/volt, which eliminates occupant harming risks. Insulation resistance will be harmonized with related standards based on the latest studies. 13 R100 Part Ⅰ Technical Requirements 1. Protection against Electrical Shock Protection against Direct Contact <Requirement> The protection against direct contact with live parts1) shall comply with - IPXXD2) inside the passenger compartment or luggage compartment and - IPXXB3) in areas other than the passenger compartment or luggage compartment. These protections (solid insulator, barrier, enclosure, etc.) shall not be able to be opened, disassembled or removed without the use of tools. 1) 2) live parts : the conductive parts intended to be electrically energized in normal use. IPXXB, IPXXD : protection degrees <Purpose> to prevent human body from touching “high voltage”. <Measures> barrier, enclosure : ex. aluminum casting case etc. exception : connector, service disconnect 14 R100 Part Ⅰ Technical Requirements 1. Protection against Electrical Shock Protection against Direct Contact the passenger compartment or luggage compartment IPXXB – 80mm standard finger cannot touch live parts ( IPXXD –100mm wire cannot touch live parts ( IPXXB – 80mm standard finger cannot touch live parts ( Connectors (including vehicle inlet) areas other than the passenger compartment or luggage compartment 15 R100 Part Ⅰ Technical Requirements 1. Protection against Electrical Shock Protection against Direct Contact <Requirement> The symbol shall appear on or near the REESS. The symbol background shall be yellow, the bordering and the arrow shall be black. The symbol shall also be visible on enclosures and barriers, which, when removed expose live parts of high voltage circuits. This provision is optional to any connector for high voltage buses. This provision shall not apply to any of the following cases: (a)Where barriers or enclosures cannot be physically accessed, opened, or removed; unless other vehicle components are removed with the use of tools; (b) Where barriers or enclosures are located underneath the vehicle floor. Cables for high voltage buses which are not located within enclosures shall be identified by having an outer covering with the colour orange. <Purpose> to prevent users from opening, disassembling, removing unconsciously. 16 R100 Part Ⅰ Technical Requirements 1. Protection against Electrical Shock Protection against Direct Contact EUR/US ASIA RUSSIA ARABIA 17 R100 Part Ⅰ Technical Requirements 1. Protection against Electrical Shock Protection against Indirect Contact <Requirement> For protection against electrical shock which could arise from indirect contact, the exposed conductive parts, such as the conductive barrier and enclosure, shall be galvanically connected securely to the electrical chassis by connection with electrical wire or ground cable, or by welding, or by connection using bolts, etc. so that no dangerous potentials are produced. The resistance between all exposed conductive parts and the electrical chassis shall be lower than 0.1 ohm when there is current flow of at least 0.2 amperes. This requirement is satisfied if the galvanic connection has been established by welding. <Purpose> to prevent human body from getting an electric shock even if isolation resistance between the live parts and the exposed conductive parts decreases. 18 R100 Part Ⅰ Technical Requirements 1. Protection against Electrical Shock Protection against Indirect Contact <Requirement> In the case of motor vehicles which are intended to be connected to the grounded external electric power supply through the conductive connection, a device to enable the galvanical connection of the electrical chassis to the earth ground shall be provided. The device should enable connection to the earth ground before exterior voltage is applied to the vehicle and retain the connection until after the exterior voltage is removed from the vehicle. Compliance to this requirement may be demonstrated either by using the connector specified by the car manufacturer, or by analysis. <Background> The grounding of the electrical chassis of the vehicle lowers the risk of the electrical shock during the charging. 19 R100 Part Ⅰ Technical Requirements 1. Protection against Electrical Shock Isolation Resistance <Requirement> If AC high voltage buses and DC high voltage buses are galvanically isolated from each other, isolation resistance between the high voltage bus and the electrical chassis shall have a minimum value of 100 ohms/volt of the working voltage for DC buses, and a minimum value of 500 ohms/volt of the working voltage for AC buses. <Purpose> simultaneously to prevent arespectively leak current from passing through the human body. ※ sufficiently lower than the internal resistance of the human body AC≧500Ω/V Motor DC≧100Ω/V Inverter Isolated Battery AC+DC≧500Ω/V Motor Inverter Non-isolated Battery R100 Part Ⅰ Technical Requirements 1. Protection against Electrical Shock Isolation Resistance <Exception for Fuel cell vehicles> If the minimum isolation resistance requirement cannot be maintained over time, then protection shall be achieved by any of the following: (a) Double or more layers of solid insulators, barriers or enclosures that meet the requirement in paragraph 5.1.1. independently; (b) On-board isolation resistance monitoring system together with a warning to the driver if the isolation resistance drops below the minimum required value. <Reason> difficult to keep isolation resistance of FCVs 21 R100 Part Ⅰ Technical Requirements 1. Protection against Electrical Shock Isolation Resistance <Requirement> For the vehicle inlet intended to be conductively connected to the grounded external AC power supply and the electrical circuit that is galvanically connected to the vehicle inlet during charging of the REESS, the isolation resistance between the high voltage bus and the electrical chassis shall be at least 1 megohm when the charger coupler is disconnected. During the measurement, the traction battery may be disconnected. <Reason> Same as IEC requirement. electrical circuit ≧1MΩ Charger REESS vehicle inlet to the grounded external AC power supply R100 Part Ⅰ Technical Requirements 2. Functional Safety Indicator for “Ready to Run” <Requirement> At least a momentary indication shall be given to the driver when the vehicle is in "active driving possible mode". However, this provision does not apply under conditions where an internal combustion engine provides directly or indirectly the vehicle's propulsion power. When leaving the vehicle, the driver shall be informed by a signal (e.g. optical or audible signal) if the vehicle is still in the active driving possible mode. <Background> This requirement follows the provision in R100-00, but the exemption is added in consideration of hybrid vehicles. 23 R100 Part Ⅰ Technical Requirements 2. Functional Safety Prevention against Vehicle Movement with Charging Connection <Requirement> If the on-board REESS can be externally charged by the user, vehicle movement by its own propulsion system shall be impossible as long as the connector of the external electric power supply is physically connected to the vehicle inlet. This requirement shall be demonstrated by using the connector specified by the car manufacturer. <Purpose> To prevent a vehicle from tearing off the charging cable. 24 R100 Part Ⅰ Technical Requirements 2. Functional Safety Indicator of the drive direction <Requirement > The state of the drive direction control unit shall be identified to the driver. <Background> Electric vehicles normally control the drive direction only by the traction motor control, not by mechanical devices such as reverse gear . 25 R12, R94, R95 Technical Requirements Background R100 requires not to get an electrical shock even if one failure occurs. ※ For example, if the insulation resistance becomes low, but the potential equalization still comply with the indirect contact requirement, there are no risks of having the electrical shock. This technical regulation aims to provide the requirements for postcrash safety, then it considers minimum requirements for the protection of occupants of a vehicle. The condition of the electrical shock includes not only the direct contact, the indirect contact, the insulation resistance, but also the voltage and the energy of the electrical shock circuit. 26 R12, R94, R95 Technical Requirements 1. Protection against Electrical Shock <Requirement> After the impact at least one of the four criteria specified 1. Absence of high voltage 2. Low electrical energy 3. Physical protection 4. Isolation resistance <Background> Explained in the previous slide. 27 R12, R94, R95 Technical Requirements 2. REESS Requirements Electrolyte Spillage <Requirement> In the period from the impact until 30 minutes after no electrolyte from the REESS shall spill into the passenger compartment and no more than 7 percent of electrolyte shall spill from the REESS except open type traction batteries outside the passenger compartment. For open type traction Batteries no more than 7 per cent with a maximum of 5.0 liters shall spill outside the passenger compartment. <Purpose> to prevent electrolyte from catching fire. 28 R12, R94, R95 Technical Requirements 2. REESS Requirements REESS Retention <Requirement> REESS located inside the passenger compartment shall remain in the location in which they are installed and REESS components shall remain inside REESS boundaries. No part of any REESS that is located outside the passenger compartment for electric safety assessment shall enter the passenger compartment during or after the impact test. <Purpose> to prevent persons from getting hurt by REESS. 29 R100 Part Ⅱ The Structural Feature of the Regulation Technical Requirements Part Ⅰ : Vehicle requirements regarding the electrical safety (= the requirements of R100-01) Part Ⅱ : Safety requirements for REESS (= the requirements added in R100-02) Approval Provisions Part 1 : Vehicle type approval including REESS Part 2 : REESS type approval 30 R100 Part Ⅱ The Selection of Test Method (Vehicle / Component) At the manufacturer's choice the test may be performed as (a) Vehicle based tests or (b) Component based tests <Background> Vehicle manufacturers can secure the REESS safety by whole vehicle(the control system, vehicle body structure). It is difficult for some of REESS suppliers to test the REESS system as a part of vehicle. 31 R100 Part Ⅱ Battery Management System(BMS) SOC SOH Operational Limit Diagnosis 32 R100 Part Ⅱ Technical Requirements 1. Vibration(Component Based Test) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. to verify the safety performance of the REESS under a vibration environment during the normal operation of the vehicle. Thermal Shock and Thermal Cycling(Component Based Test) to verify the resistance of the REESS to sudden changes in temperature. Mechanical Shock(Vehicle Based Test(R12, R94, R95) or Component Based Test) to verify the safety performance of the REESS during a vehicle crash. Mechanical Integrity(Vehicle Based Test(R12, R94, R95) or Component Based Test) to verify the safety performance of the REESS during vehicle crash situation. Fire Resistance(Vehicle Based Test or Component Based Test) to verify the resistance of the REESS, against exposure to fire from outside of the vehicle. External Short Circuit Protection(Component Based Test) to verify the performance of the short circuit protection. Overcharge Protection(Component Based Test) to verify the performance of the overcharge protection. Over-discharge Protection(Component Based Test) to verify the performance of the over-discharge protection. Over-temperature Protection(Component Based Test) to verify the performance of the protection measures of the REESS against internal overheating during the operation 33 Emission(No need for Lithium ion battery) Ref. Current Activities in WP29 for EV 34 1. UN GTR on EV (Electric Vehicle) June 2011 The US (NHTSA, EPA), the EC and Japan agreed to co‐sponsor such a group. November 2011 The US, EC and Japan presented the draft proposal to establish 2 working groups to address safety and environmental issues of EVs. March 2012 AC3 agreed development of UN GTR on EVS. Organization WP29 GRSP Electric Vehicles Safety (EVS) GRPE Electric Vehicles and Environment (EVE) 35 1.1 Electric Vehicles Safety (EVS) Technical sponsor: Chairman: Co-vice chairpersons: Secretary: EU, Japan, USA, China Mr. Nha Nguyen(NHTSA, USA) Mr. Johan Renders(EU), Ms. Chen Chunmei(MIIT, China) Mr. Kazuyuki Narusawa (NTSEL, Japan) Object of the proposal The GTR will cover high voltage electrical safety, electrical components such as electric connectors and inlets, and REESS-- in particular those containing flammable electrolyte. The provisions will address the safety of electric vehicles, both in-use and post-crash. The key items a. In-use: a) Protection against electrical shock b) Safety requirements for conductive and inductive charging including connectivity c) Safety requirements for REESS risks, including thermal shock, thermal cycling, mechanical shock, over-discharge, isolation resistance, over-charge, vibration, fire resistance and short circuit, etc. b. Post-crash: a) Protection against electrical shock b) REESS crashworthiness including the limitation of electrolyte leakage, physical battery retention, and the maintenance of essential safety performance. c) REESS safety assessment and stabilization procedure. December 2015: Submit draft GTR as informal document to GRSP May 2016: Submit draft GTR as formal document to GRSP June 2016: Submit draft GTR as informal document to WP.29 November 2016: Submit draft GTR as formal document for a vote at WP.29 36 1.2 Electric Vehicles and Environment (EVE) Technical sponsor: Chairman: Co-vice chairpersons: Secretary: EU, Japan, USA, China Mr. Michael Olechiw (EPA, USA) Mr. Kazuyuki Narusawa (NTSEL, Japan), Ms. Chen Chunmei (MIIT, China) Mr. Stéphane Couroux (MOT, Canada) The key items It is important to provide a forum for sharing information about developing techniques for such important considerations such as measuring the energy efficiency of future electric vehicles, battery durability, cold start performance, and recharging performance. TOR of EVE Scope The term and the work in the groups will cover both battery electric (BEV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) (including plug-in hybrids (PHEV)) within the range of the1998 Agreement. The co-sponsors aim to Exchange information on current and future regulatory requirements for electric vehicles in different markets, Minimize the differences between these regulatory requirements, with a view toward facilitating the development of vehicles to comply with such requirements Where possible, develop common requirements in the form of one or more UN Global 37 Technical Regulations (GTR) 1.2.1 The new mandate of EVE IWG (Approved in Nov.2014) Part A (by June 2015) further develop the recommendations for future work outlined in the Electric Vehicle Regulatory Reference Guide. Part B (needs to be approved by WP.29/AC.3 after June 2015) in the case that not all gtr(s) identified in Part A work are suitable for development by other WP.29 informal working groups, develop new gtr(s) identified in the workplan. Timeline [Part A] June 2015 Report the Status of Part A and proposed gtr request fot Part B to GRPE and WP29/AC3 If AC.3 approves gtr development to go forward, the following timeline could be considered: [Part B] November 2015 January 2018 June 2018 November 2018 Approval of the Part B work by WP29/AC.3 Submit the draft gtr based on an informal document by GRPE Approve the gtr based on a working document by GRPE 38 Final adoption of the gtr by WP.29/AC.3 2. QRTV (Quiet Road Transport Vehicles ) Measures Ensuring the Audibility of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles At 145th WP29 (June 2008), National Federation of the Blind (NFB) made a presentation regarding the possible danger for blind people caused by “quiet cars”. WP29 agreed to establish an informal group for this issue under GRB. GRB Informal group on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles (QRTV) 2010-2011: Discussion in GRB March 2011: WP29 adapted new RE3 including QRTV Basically Japanese guideline 39 2.1 Current status US proposed for Global technical regulation (UN GTR) on QRTV at 55th GRB (February 2012) Informal document GRB-55-12-Rev.1 Establish an informal group for this issue under GRB. Chairman : US, Vice- chairman : JAPAN Working schedule September, 2011 June, 2012 18-20 July, 2012 December, 2012 16-18 April, 2013 16-18 July, 2013 10-12 December, 2013 November, 2015 : Provide a status report to the GRB : AC3 agreed to develop the UNGTR : 1st meeting, Washington D.C., USA : 2nd meeting, Berlin, Germany : 3rd meeting, Brussels, Belgium : 4th meeting, Washington D.C., USA : 5th meeting, Tokyo, Japan : Provide a draft GTR on QRTV to WP29 NHTSA issued NPRM in January 2013, which will be also reflected to QRTV GTR Informal Group on QRTV https://www2.unece.org/wiki/display/trans/GTR+for+QRTV 40 Thank you very much! JASIC Jakarta Office lenovo BNI Elevator hall <Address> Wisma 46 – Kota BNI, Suite 19.08, 19th Floor Jl.Jend.SudirmanKav.1,Jakarta10220 <Phone&FAX> Tel.+62‐21‐251‐3255Fax.+62‐21‐251‐3256 <E‐mail> [email protected] UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 21 Nov.2014 JASIC Yoshihiro Sakaguchi 1 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER Both vehicle models has been approved by UN regulations as show below. i-MiEV OUTLANDER plug-in hybrid EV Front motor Rear motor 2 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER Contents 1. What’s UN No.85 ? 2. Explanation of the test equipment. 3. Explanation of the certification test method. 3 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 1. What’s UN No.85 ? UN No.85 outline Uniform provisions concerning the approval of internal combustion engines or electric drive trains intended for the propulsion of motor vehicles of categories M and N with regard to the measurement of net power and the maximum 30 minutes power of electric drive trains. As positioning of an organization, It belongs in “The Working Party on Pollution and Energy” of WP29. WP29 : World forum for harmonization of vehicle regulations. It belongs to UN/ECE and affiliated with the committee and the 6 working parties. It carries out a discussion and voting of a proposed standard which was studied technically by the working party. 4 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 1. What’s UN No.85 ? United Nations (UN) U.N. Economic Commission for Europe WP29 World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations. GRSG GRSP *GRPE : The Working Party on Pollution and Energy GRPE* GRRF GRB GRE UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF NET POWER 5 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 1. What’s UN No.85 ? About Mutual recognition If the test of UN No.85 is certified by a country adopting the regulations, additional certification by the other countries, joining the agreement and applying the same regulations, is not necessary. Individual Recognition Mutual Recognition Vehicle Manufactures and Vehicle Parts maker Vehicle Manufactures and Vehicle Parts maker Certification by the government C Certification by the government A Certification by the government A Certification by the government B market A market B market C market A market B market C 6 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 1. What’s UN No.85 ? The countries which have adopted UN No.85 Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Hungary, Czech Republic, Spain, Serbia, United Kingdom, Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Greece, Ireland, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Belarus, Estonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Turkey, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, ・・・ 7 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 1. What’s UN No.85 ? Contents of UN No.85 1. Scope 2. Definitions 3. Application for approval 4. Approval 5. Specifications and tests 6. Conformity of production 7. Penalties for non-conformity 8. Modification and extension of approval of the drive train type 9. Production definitely discontinued 10. Names and addresses of technical services responsible for conducting tests, and of administrative departments 8 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 1. What’s UN No.85 ? Contents of UN No.85 ANNEXES Annex 1 - Essential characteristics of the internal combustion engine and information concerning the conduct of tests Annex 2 - Essential characteristics of the electric drive train and information concerning the conduct of tests Annex 3 - Communication concerning the approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval or production definitely discontinued of a drive train type pursuant to Regulation No. 85 Annex 4 - Arrangements of approval marks Annex 5 - Method for measuring internal combustion engine net power Annex 6 - Method for measuring net power and the maximum 30 minutes power of electric drive trains Annex 7 - Checks on conformity of production 9 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 1. What’s UN No.85 ? Today's candidate for explanation This regulation is described about the power test of a internal combustion engine and an electric motor. Today, we focus on the electric motor, I will explain about how to test and overview of the test. Internal combustion engine Electric motor 10 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 2. Explanation of test equipment. Electric motor test bench Dynamo Torque, Speed meter Testing Motor 11 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 2. Explanation of test equipment. The connection of the component. Test bench system DC Power source (Input Voltage) Wiring Cooling system : Water Water Pump Voltage meter Water hose Dynamo Torque/ Speed meter Testing Motor Motor controller Radiator Torque request Dynamo control unit Dynamo control PC and Data acquisition PC Speed request Motor control PC (Commercially available software ) 12 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 2. Explanation of test equipment. Problem of the cooling system In the bench test, the construction will be as shown when the motor is cooled by a radiator.. However, in an actual vehicle , other components are also set in the same line. heat up motor controller-A Radiator Water pump motor-A motor controller-B motor-B another component Coolant water line Bench cooling system system Actual vehicle cooling system(example) 13 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 2. Explanation of test equipment. The connection of the component. Test bench system DC Power source (Input Voltage) Wiring Cooling system : Oil Voltage meter Oil Pump Oil hose Water tub Dynamo Torque/ Speed meter Testing Motor Motor controller Oil cooler Torque request Dynamo control unit Dynamo control PC and Data acquisition PC Speed request Motor control PC (Commercially available software ) 14 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 2. Explanation of test equipment. About cooling system. The oil cooling system of the test bench vs the actual vehicle. Oil temp characteristics when a programed cycle test is carried out on the test bench. Example of “cycle test”. JC-08, UN No.84, NEDC, etc. Measurement of Fuel Consumption Oil temp characteristics when the cycle test is carried out by the actual vehicle. 15 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 2. Explanation of test equipment. About Auxiliaries Auxiliaries to be fitted The auxiliaries necessary for the drive train operation in the intend application shall be installed in the same position as in the vehicle. Auxiliaries to be removed Air compressor for brakes, Power steering compressor, Suspension system, Air conditioner system, etc. Where accessories cannot be removed, the power they absorb in the unloaded condition may be determined and added to the measured power. 16 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 2. Explanation of test equipment. The document which should be prepared By preparing these kind of documents in advance, the certification test will proceed smoothly. 1 Test motor and controller 2 Auxiliaries (cooling system) 3 Measuring equipment Model type, ID no. , Serial no. etc. Model type, ID no. ,Serial no. Manufacturer, Inspection date, Expiration date etc. 17 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 2. Explanation of test equipment. The document which should be prepared We have submitted a information concerning the conduct of tests to the certifying officer. Annex2 and Annex3 Annex 2 Essential characteristics of the electric drive train and information concerning the conduct of tests 1. General 1.1. Make: ......................... 1.2.Type: ........................... 1.5 Test Voltage: …………. ----2. Motor 2.1. Working principle 2.1.1. Direct current (DC)/alternative current (AC)1 number of phases: ……… 2.1.5. Number of poles of the motor: ............. ----3. Motor controller 4. Cooling system 18 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 2. Explanation of test equipment. Accuracy of measurements DC Voltage source : Maximum voltage drop is 5%. periods of less than 10sec, excluded. Torque : +/-1% of measurement torque. The accuracy in the lower half of the measuring range of the dynamometer bench may be +/-2% of measured torque. Motor speed : 0.5% of measured speed. Motor inlet air temp. : +/-2K 19 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. The certification test in a UN No.85 regulation require only the NET power test to a internal combustion engine. However, the test of an electric motor require the following two data. 1. Determination of the NET power. 2. Determination of the maximum 30minutes power. 20 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Outline of the determination of the NET power 1. Measure the maximum power of a full motor load. This test shall consist of a run at full setting of the power controller. 2. Measurements shall be taken with a sufficient number of motor speed points to define the power curve correctly between zero and the highest motor speed. 3. Whole test shall be completed within 5minutes. 4. The application value of the power should not have a difference over +/‐2% to a measurement value. 5. Just before beginning the test, the motor shall be run on the bench for three minutes delivering a power equal to 80% of the maximum power at the speed recommended by the manufacture. 21 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Warm up of a motor before the NET power test Just before NET measurement, it needs to be warmed up will 80% of the maximum output for 3 minutes. This output characteristic is the PMSM permanent magnet synchronous motor. Maximum power 80% of the max, power Motor Speed Input Voltage Shaft Power = 80%of max, power Measurable power and speed range Shaft Torque 3min. 22 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Data of 3minutes warm-up 3 minutes 23 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Determination of the NET power The item of the data which should be measured. The shaft power value is calculated in the following formula. P 2∗ ∗ ∗ 60 ∗ 1000 P : Shaft power [kW] N : Motor revolution speed[min-1 (rpm)] T : Torque[Nm] π : Circle ratio (The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter) Therefore, motor speed and torque are measured. And voltage is also measured in order to prove that the value has not changed. 24 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Determination of the NET power In order to record the voltage and the rotational speed and the torque, we will prepare tables and graphs like this when measuring the NET. 2.Examination table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Torque Shaft Power Input Voltage Nm 200.5 200.2 200.1 200.0 199.6 199.5 191.6 176.8 164.5 144.0 128.4 115.3 96.3 82.3 71.4 63.8 61.9 36.5 1.0 kW 2.1 10.5 20.9 41.9 52.3 57.5 60.2 60.2 60.3 60.3 60.5 60.4 60.5 60.3 59.8 60.1 60.0 36.4 1.0 V(DC) 300.2 300.2 300.1 300.2 300.2 300.1 300.1 300.2 300.2 300.1 300.1 300.2 300.1 300.1 300.1 300.1 300.1 300.2 300.2 80 240 Shaft Power Shaft Power (kW) No. Revolution Speed min - 1 100.1 500.1 999.7 1999.9 2500.1 2750.0 3000.0 3250.2 3500.1 3999.9 4499.7 5000.4 6000.2 6999.9 8000.1 9000.0 9250.1 9500.2 9750.4 Torque 70 210 60 180 50 150 40 120 30 90 20 60 10 30 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Torque (Nm) Motor controller Electric motor Target Speed min - 1 100 500 1000 2000 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 4000 4500 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 9250 9500 9750 0 9000 10000 Revolution Speed (min-1) 25 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Determination of the target speed for NET power test 2. Measurements shall be taken with a sufficient number of motor speed points to define a power curve correctly between zero and the highest motor speed. → A sufficient number of target motor speed needs to be decided. 2.Examination table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Motor controller Torque Shaft Power Input Voltage Nm 200.5 200.2 200.1 200.0 199.6 199.5 191.6 176.8 164.5 144.0 128.4 115.3 96.3 82.3 71.4 63.8 61.9 36.5 1.0 kW 2.1 10.5 20.9 41.9 52.3 57.5 60.2 60.2 60.3 60.3 60.5 60.4 60.5 60.3 59.8 60.1 60.0 36.4 1.0 V(DC) 300.2 300.2 300.1 300.2 300.2 300.1 300.1 300.2 300.2 300.1 300.1 300.2 300.1 300.1 300.1 300.1 300.1 300.2 300.2 240 80 Shaft Power 70 Shaft Power (kW) No. Revolution Speed min - 1 100.1 500.1 999.7 1999.9 2500.1 2750.0 3000.0 3250.2 3500.1 3999.9 4499.7 5000.4 6000.2 6999.9 8000.1 9000.0 9250.1 9500.2 9750.4 Torque 210 60 180 50 150 40 120 30 90 20 60 This power characteristic is the PM synchronous motor. 10 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 30 0 9000 10000 Revolution Speed (min-1) Note : Above data is an example . 26 Torque (Nm) Electric motor Target Speed min - 1 100 500 1000 2000 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 4000 4500 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 9250 9500 9750 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Determination of the NET power Actual speed and the maximum torque are measured at each target speed. Then a shaft power is calculated by multiplying the speed and the torque . 2.Examination table Electric motor Motor controller 120 330 Torque Shaft Power Input Voltage 110 Nm 300.3 300.2 300.1 300.1 300.1 299.0 278.3 255.7 219.1 191.7 170.8 153.5 128.1 109.5 95.3 85.0 51.6 26.5 1.0 kW 3.1 15.7 31.4 47.1 62.8 78.3 80.1 80.3 80.3 80.3 80.5 80.4 80.5 80.3 79.8 80.1 50.0 26.4 1.0 V(DC) 250.1 250.0 250.1 250.2 250.2 250.3 250.1 250.1 250.2 250.1 250.1 250.2 250.1 250.1 250.2 250.1 250.1 250.2 250.3 100 300 90 270 80 240 70 210 60 180 50 150 40 120 30 90 20 60 10 30 Note : Above data is an example . Shaft Power Torque Torque (Nm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Revolution Speed min - 1 100.1 500.1 999.7 1500.1 1999.9 2500.1 2750.0 3000.0 3500.1 3999.9 4499.7 5000.4 6000.2 6999.9 8000.1 9000.0 9250.1 9500.2 9750.4 Shaft power (kW) No. Target Speed min - 1 100 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 2750 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 9250 9500 9750 0 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Revolution Speed (min-1) In the case of the PM Synchronous Motor 27 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Determination of the NET power Other controlled motor Maximum Power In the case of the PM Synchronous Motor 28 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Determination of the NET power Other types motor Maximum Power In the case of the Induction Motor 29 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Outline of the Maximum 30 min. power test 1. The maximum power value that can be outputted by continuation for 30 minutes. 2. The electric drive train shall run at the bench at a power which is the best estimate of the manufacturer for the maximum 30 minutes power. 3. The speed must be in a speed range, which the NET power is greater than 90% of the maximum power. This speed shall be recommended by the manufacture. 4. The power must be in a range of +/‐5% of the power value at the start of this test. 5. The application value of the power should not have a difference over +/‐2% to a measurement value. 30 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Determination of the measurement point 90% of max. power Maximum power Measurable area NET power In the case of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor 31 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Determination of the measurement point Temperature rise of the coil due to the current. Upper limit of the motor coil temp. Motor coil temp. motor speed torque power 32 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Determination of the measurement point Example of when the applied torque is too large. motor coil temp. Upper limit of the motor coil temp. motor speed Overrun torque power NG Over +/-5% 30min. 33 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Determination of the measurement power, so that the motor coil temp. does not exceed the upper limit. Higher coil temp. rise Upper limit of the motor coil temp. Coil temp. of each power Higher power (Larger torque) Each power 34 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Determination of the measurement point Examples of items to limit the motor torque 1. Motor coil temp. The purpose of having many coils inside the motor is to excite magnetic field, therefore the coil will heat up when applying high current. Copper wire that make up the coil is divided into insulation class in the table below. 2. Temp. of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor(IGBT) in Controller Same as IGBT inside motor controller, high current flows will generate heat too. Normally, the upper limit temperature is set by the transistor maker. Thus, temperature limit are set on motor and controller, respectively. If this limit starts, the torque of motor will be reduced, in order to lower the temperature. IEC 60085 Thermal class(℃) 90 105 120 130 155 180 200 220 250 35 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Maximum 30min. power test sheet. (example) In order to record the voltage and the rotational speed and the torque, We will prepare tables and graphs like this when measuring the Maximum 30minutes power. 2.Examination table ( hr :min :sec ) min-1 1 Start 2 05min. later 3 10min. later 4 15min. later 5 20min. later 6 25min. later 7 30min. later Average (7points) Torque Input Voltage Nm kW V(DC) 90 30 25 Shaft output power (kW) Time No. Motor controller Shaft Power 60 20 Torque (Nm) Electric motor Revolution Speed 15 30 10 Shaft Power 5 Torque 0 0 Start 05min. later 10min. later 15min. later 20min. later 25min. later 30min. later Time 36 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER 3. Explanation of the certification test method. Example of a Maximum 30min. power test We will measure the motor speed, torque, power, and voltage at the start of the test. And 5minutes later, 10minutes later, We will record similar items. In this example, the interval is 5 minutes. 2.Examination table Time ( hr :min :sec ) -1 Motor controller Torque Shaft Power Input Voltage Nm kW V(DC) 96.3 50.4 250.2 1 Start 16:11:44 min 4999.8 2 05min. later 16:16:44 4999.7 96.1 50.3 250.1 3 10min. later 16:21:44 5000.1 96.0 50.3 250.2 4 15min. later 16:26:44 5000.5 95.9 50.2 250.0 5 20min. later 16:31:44 5000.6 95.8 50.2 250.2 6 25min. later 16:36:44 5000.1 95.6 50.1 250.1 7 30min. later 16:41:44 4999.8 95.5 50.0 250.2 5000.1 95.9 50.2 250.1 Average (7points) 80 120 70 100 60 80 50 60 40 30 40 20 Shaft Power 10 Within 2% of the applicant value. Torque 20 0 0 Start Note : Above data is an example . Torque (Nm) No. Revolution Speed Shaft power (kW) Electric motor 05min. later 10min. later 15min. later 20min. later 25min. later 30min. later Time 37 UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER Summary 1. Many countries have Introduced UN No.85. 2. UN No.85 belongs to UN regulations. 3. A test bench is necessary to measure an power characteristic of an electric motor to pass a certification test. 4. An extra cooling system may be introduced when necessary. 5. UN No.85 certification test has two test. Determination of the NET power. Determination of the maximum 30minutes power. UN No.85 MEASUREMENT OF ENGINE POWER Thank you very much for your attention. Danh sa.ch can be) tham gia Hoi nghi chuyen gia Chau A Ian 39 ye Xe dien Ha NOi, 21-11-2014 TT Ho va ten (64,narnR,) Dun vi PI . ) Ghi chti (rz;:y. 1. Takashi Hirai JASIC - Jakarta Office 2. Yuki Toba General Safety Subcommittee 3. Yoshihiro Sakaguchi 4. Dang V* Ha_ General Safety Subcommittee Peludy ard,,ibtal Pker..61/ Ab,,,,„ , PhO Cuc twang Icy' 5. Nguy6n Dong Phong Phong VAQ 6. Nguy6n Van Platrung Phong VAQ 7. NguyL Manh Twang Ph6ng VAQ 8. Doan Manh H' Ph6ng VAQ 144.- ---- 9. To Hoang Tung Phong VAQ I.4 ' 10. TrAn Ngoc Trung Ph6ng VAQ le 11. Nguy6n Manh Thuan Ph6ng VAQ 12. TrAn Huy Khanh Phong VAQ 13. TrAn Trung HiL PhOng VAQ 14. Nguy6n Dire thanh PhOng VAQ 15. Pham Minh Thanh Trung tam VMTC 16. Pham Minh V* Trung tam VMTC 17. NguyL Gia Thinh Trung tam VMTC 18. WI Dire Chi6n Trung tam VMTC 19. Dao Huy Hai Trung tam VMTC iCiccii„v gy-(j --- I ,.--"L titl ------ _ - 7__ 2 A ., 20. Le Dirc Chung Trung tam VMTC 21. NguyL Hodi Bac Trung tam VMTC 22. va Thanh Niem Trung tam VMTC 23. Nguy'L Cham Anh Trung tam VMTC 24. Dinh Quang va Trung tam VMTC 25. Le Wong Hai Trung tam VMTC 26. NguyL Minh Manh Trung tam VMTC 27. Cu Huy Son Trung tam VMTC 28. 1-16 vie't Hai Trung tam NETC 29. Hoang Van Minh Trung tam NETC 30. Trinh Ti'L va Trung tam NETC 31. Nguy'L Van Truyen Trung tam NETC 32. Nguyen Thai Duang PhOng VAR 33. NguyL Phuong Nam PhOng VAR 34. Hoang Xuan Thao PhOng VAR 35. NguyL Hitu Phan Ph6ng HTQT 36. va Thi Thu PhOngHTQT 37. .9 cf 13,itz'u( ,Mo 1- l/ 38. 1)&3 (1,442, Xot, VtiVi.- 39. 11/ vidii.:-/tc.a7 1/(A424: Iii-!- Mr 40. 1/074 1a;✓ (I,,f fiii/ A441— / //1----- ____Toutrffe__ " ALT, it L-____, . „____--- f C)'%.._-/-7J VT _ 13.o 6-7v,--- r i_aii„ VA, r C.- V --dlil Or /?/'/-- Le- /W1 (c-rs _ • Ceide.s, vitiTc) fr0Ai V.&47a4p/edionta ktdoev Ueha %s Cep v_04c1 4AI -cadie,77, ner,7t P.zeina°77 109 M- ,cate7-7, . /Mg- 2-e‘okzeicei rapiy Insfeelie-)-1/ ,a7d. 第 39 回アジア専門家会議(電気自動車の規制動向、R85)報告 2014/12/8 最終 日時:2014 年 11 月 21 日(金)9:00~11:30 場所:ハノイ・ベトナム登録局(Vietnam Register)9F 会議室 出席者:(VR) Mr. Dang Viet Ha, Deputy General Director Mr. Nguyen Dong Phong, Vehicle Certification Department Deputy Director Mr. Nguyen Van Phuong, Vehicle Certification Department Deputy Director Mr. Nguyen Huu Phan, Director International Cooperation Department Ms Nguyen Viet Huong ほか約 25 名、別紙参照 (日本)坂口(三菱/JASIC)、平井(JASIC ジャカルタ)、戸羽(JASIC) (概要) ・冒頭、VR の Deputy General Director より挨拶。JASIC より本会議開催にあたり VR と出席者に謝 辞。 ・続いて JASIC ジャカルタ事務所長の平井より電気自動車に対する日本の規制状況、国連での規制動 向及び関連情報について、坂口氏(三菱/JASIC)より R85 の電気モーターでの馬力測定法について講 義を行い、質疑を行った。 ・ベトナムでは電気自動車を環境に優しい車として普及を促進する活動を行っており、電気自動車全般 に関して幅広く関心がもたれている印象。 (講義内容、質疑詳細) Technical Requirement for Electrical Vehicle 平井所長よりプレゼン。 ・ベトナム政府からのリクエストで EV 関係の法規について専門家会議を開催することになった。まず EV に必要とされる規制全般について解説する。 ・まず日本の電気自動車に対する規制の適用状況について説明する。日本の法規はまず公道を走行して よい車両の要件という観点から規制されており、公道を走行しないノンロード車についてはカバーし ていない。ただし、ノンロード車両についても、道路運送車両法の第 99 条、同施行令第 13 条で乗員 11 人以上の車両に対しては、保安基準を適用することが明記されている。 ・また、UN 規則は型式認証対象車両のための法規であり、型式認証対象ではない単品のハンドメイド 車両や改造車などについては各国政府が国内法規において個別で規制を行うことになる。 ・VR から事前質問のあったゴルフカートのような車両は、日本においては「公道を走行」せず「11 人 以上の乗員」にも該当しないので規制対象外の扱い。 ・EV に適用される技術要件は従来のガソリン車などと基本的には同じであるべき。 ・また、単品のハンドメイド車や改造車については、たとえば衝突要件などを量産車と同様な要件を適 用することは不可能なのでなんらかの措置が必要。 ・UN 規則では技術要件については EV もノン EV も基本的には同じ。ものによっては EV の特性に合 わせて要件を緩和したり、EV のための追加要件を規定するケースもある。今日はそういった EV 特有 の部分について、型式認証対象の車両の技術要件にフォーカスして説明する。 <UN 規則に規定されている EV 特有の要件> ・UN 規則で EV 特有の技術要件が含まれるものは R100、R12、R94、R95、R13H などがある。EV はガソリン車と違いエミッションを出さないのでエミッションの規則はない。 ・衝突安全要件はガソリン車と異なり EV 車については高電圧による危険性が懸念される。またバッテ リーの安全性も担保が必要なため、そのための要件が R12、R94、R95 に規定されている。日本は UN 規則にこういった規定が入る前から国内規制を導入してきた。UN 規則はこういった規制を既存法規 を段階的に改正する形で導入した。 ・高電圧保護規定の基本コンセプトは、乗員が直接・間接的にふれるポイントについての電圧規定と保 護、絶縁抵抗要件。 ・機能安全要件としては ready to run インジケーターの規定がある。ガソリン車はエンジンが作動して いるかどうかすぐわかるが、EV のモーターが作動状態にあるかどうかを音で判別することが難しいた め、走行可能な状態であることをインジケーターで表示する。また、外部充電中に車両を動かすこと を防ぐため、充電状態を示す。EV はギアなどのメカニカルな手段ではなく traction motor control で 制御するため、走行方向についてもインジケーターで表示する。 ・R100 ではカバーされていない衝突後の安全要件については R12、R94、R95 で規定している。 ・REESS については R100 および衝突後の要件について R12、R94、R95 で規定している。 ・R100 の認可については車両ベース、コンポーネントベースいずれかをメーカーが選択できる。 <参考情報・最近の WP29 の活動から EV 関連のものについて紹介> ・1998 年協定下の GTR 検討において、2011 年から日米欧が共同スポンサーとなって EV に関する GTR 検討を始めた。安全・環境の二面から検討を行い、EVS の GTR を作ることが 2012 年 3 月の WP29 で承認された。 ・EVS インフォーマルグループは EU、日本、US、中国がスポンサー、US 議長のもと EU、中国が共 同議長、日本が事務局。US と中国は 1958 年協定の締約国ではないが、世界的な国際基準調和のため には US 中国も含めた活動は重要。走行中の高電圧安全と衝突要件がメイン。2015 年 12 月 GRSP に ドラフトを提出し、2016 年 11 月 WP29 での採決をめざしている。 ・一方環境面については、EVE インフォーマルグループが検討を行っている。こちらは各国の現行規 制や将来規制の情報交換がメインで、検討対象課題としてはエネルギー消費効率測定法やバッテリー の耐久性など。先週の WP29 で新マンデートが承認された。その内容は、レファレンスガイドでまと めた課題について今後 GTR の検討の可能性について継続検討するためのもの。2015 年 6 月まで検討 を行い、その結果 GTR を検討すると結論づけた項目については 2018 年 11 月の WP29 での投票をめ ざして GTR のドラフティングを行う予定。 ・もう一件、EV に関するトピック。EV や HV はモーター走行時の音が静かなため、視覚障害者にと っては危険性を伴うという指摘があり、そういった車への対策として音による接近通報装置の検討を WP29/GRB で行うことになった。日本はすでにこういったガイドラインを世界に先駆けて導入してお り、日本の業界はそれに沿って自主的に接近通報装置を搭載している。発生させる音については実際 に視覚障害者を対象とした体験会を行って評価のうえ決定した。WP29/GRB では日本のガイドライン をベースとした国際ガイドライン成立後、GTR の検討を始めた。2015 年 11 月の WP29 に GTR ドラ フト提出をめざしているが、US の国内法規制定プロセスの都合から議論に遅れが生じている。先週の WP29 で GTR と並行して UN 規則の検討を始めることが承認され、GTR よりも早く UN 規則が成立 する可能性が高い。EV、HV は一定速度以上で走行していればエンジン音がなくともタイヤ騒音など で存在が確認できるので、モーターのみで低速走行する時に後付の音によって車両の存在を歩行者に 知らせることが接近通報装置の目的。 R85 General Information, Technical Requirements & Testing 坂口氏(三菱/JASIC)よりプレゼン。 ・WP29 の枠組みでは R85 採用国同士では認可証が相互承認を行うため、同一型式車両を複数の国に出 す際に個別認証の手続きが不要。多くの国が R85 を採用して相互承認が成立している。日本は R85 をまだ採用していないが現在検討中。 ・R85 では ICE と電動モーターの両方をカバーしているが今日は電動モーター部分に特化して試験装 置と試験方法について説明する。 <試験装置の説明> ・電動モーターの特性を計測する試験機はダイナモ、ダイナモ制御装置、回転計測、トルク計、電圧計、 電流計、電力計、 模擬バッテリー等で構成されている。R85 では,モーターとコントローラーを冷却 するための冷却システムに実車の冷却システムを使用する事を要求している。EV の場合、台上試験で は他のコンポーネントからの発熱影響が考慮されず実車より高い冷却性能が出力されるため、実車の 冷却能力への補正が必要となる。そのため、オイルクーラーを水槽で冷却するオイル冷却システムに よりシステムのオイル温度を制御するシステムを開発し、認証官の了承を得たうえで活用している。 場合によっては、ベンチ設備に追加して冷却システムの設備を準備する必要があるということ。 ・試験時に使用する補機、取り外すべき補機についての規定、認証時に提出するドキュメント、測定精 度は R85 に明記されている。 <試験法の説明> ・NET パワーと 30 分間最大出力の両方を試験する必要がある。 ・NET パワーの試験概要は以下の通り。 1. 試験モータの最大負荷時の出力の最大値。アクセル制御が最大となる制御でトルクを印加する。 2. ゼロから最高回転数まで出力曲線を描くために、十分な回転数計測点でデータを取得すること。 3. 計測は 5 分間で終了させる必要がある。 4. 申請値は、計測値に対して+/- 2%以上の差が無いこと。 5. NET 計測前に最大出力の 80%の出力で、メーカの推奨する回転速度で 3 分間モータを駆動させる こと。 ・上記 5 にあるように、NET 測定の前に 3 分間のウォームアップが必要。3 分間のウォームアップ試験 結果はエビデンスとして認証官に提出する。 ・ウォームアップの直後に NET パワー測定。モーター出力を計測するため、トルクと回転数と電圧を 計測する。 ・30 分間最大出力値の測定方法は以下の通り。 1. 30 分間連続で出力することが可能な、最大の出力値。 2. 電気式ドライブトレーンは、30 分間最大出力についてメーカーが最適とみなす出力で、ベンチ上 で運転するものとする。 3. 回転速度は、最大出力の 90%を超えるような速度範囲になければならない。この速度はメーカー によって推奨されるものとする。 4. 出力は、テスト開始時の出力に対して、+/-5%の範囲内になければならない。 5. 申請値は、計測値に対して+/- 2%の差が無いこと。 ・事前に計測する回転数を決定する必要があるため、計測するポイントを見つけ出す準備の試験が必要。 (全体を通して質疑) Q1:平井さんに質問。EV、HV の視覚障害者に対する措置はどういったものか? A1:国際ガイドラインは既に存在しており、EV と HV が 20km/h 以下の速度で走行する際に、従来の ガソリン車等と同レベルの音を出す装置を装着することを推奨している。視覚障害者への注意喚起 のため、静かな車に音を出す装置を装着するということ。 Q2:その装置が出す音について具体的な技術要件はあるのか。 A2:ガイドラインにはないが、現在検討中の GTR と UN 規則では音量、周波数要件などを検討してお り、2015 年に提案される予定のドラフトには盛り込まれる。 Q3:どのメーカーが EV、HV を市場に出しているのか。なかなか普及しないのはどういう原因がある か。 A3:EV を量産しているのはどういったところか。という質問に対しては、日本メーカーでは日産、三 菱など、日本メーカー以外では BMW の i3 など。普及が難しい理由については、まずインフラの 問題。即ちバッテリー充電のための設備が必要になるが十分でないこと。また、バッテリー充電に かかる時間も重要。何時間もかかるのでは普及はむずかしく、充電時間が短縮されないかぎり大幅 な普及は難しいのでは。日本は PHEV を出しているが。また、暑い地域ではエアコンが必須でそ の分バッテリーの消耗が早くなるため、一充電走行距離が一定のことも問題だろう。 Q4:EMC についてはどのように評価するのか。 A4:EMC の要件は当然 EV にも適用されるが、EV 特有の要件が何かあるわけではないので、本日の 説明には含めなかった。 Q5:バッテリーの廃棄についてはどう処理されているのか。 A5:使用済みバッテリーの廃棄の問題も重要な問題。日本では、地方自治体やガソリンスタンドなどで 回収するのが一般的。また、一部の事業者では、リサイクル・バッテリーとして再利用するケース もあると聞いている。 Q6:HV のエミッション規制はどういう法規なのか。また、日本では今 HEV はどのくらい普及してい るのか。 A6:HEV の試験法は従来のエミッション規則の中に盛り込まれている。今日は EV 特有のものに特化 して説明したのでふれなかった。ふたつ目の質問については今具体的な情報が手元にないが、HEV 台数が増加していることは確か。 Q7:EV についてはベトナムでも Green Car のためのインセンティブ政策をとっている。日本ではどう いった取り組みをしているのか。目標台数など定めたりしているのか。 A7:EV、HEV を含めた環境に優しい車に対し、日本は補助金と税制優遇措置をとっている。EV 自体 の価格はまだ高いが、補助金と減税措置によりユーザー負担を減らすことで、EV の普及に努めて いる。 Q8:R85 について。30 分間の最大出力というのはどういうことか。 A8:モータは発熱により温度が上昇すると、パワーが低下する。エンジンであればファン等の冷却によ り温度バランスを保てるが、電気モーターでは温度バランスを保てない場合があり、パワー低下に 至るため、冷却システムが安定して作動しなければいけない。それを担保するため、30 分間高負荷 継続状態のパワー低下が 5%以内であるよう規定を定めている。冷却システムが適切に作動してい ればきちんと温度管理ができ、パワーの低下を防ぐことができる。 Q9:日本には REESS の基準はあるか。REESS に不具合があったらどうするのか。 A9:REESS システムに不具合があればメーカーがリコール措置を取る。 VR:電気自動車はベトナムで非常に関心が高い。また電動二輪車についても大きな問題となっている。 今後も JASIC と VR 間で情報交換など続けたい。興味深い講義をしてくれた JASIC の専門家、今 日の出席者全員に感謝。 以上
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