NAOSITE: Nagasaki University's Academic Output SITE Title Studies on Holocephali―I On the morphology and ecology of Chimaera phantasma, and male reproductive organs. Author(s) Malagrino, Giovanni; Takemura, Akira; Mizue, Kazuhiro Citation 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.42, pp.11-19; 1977 Issue Date 1977-02 URL Right This document is downloaded at: 2015-01-31T21:19:16Z Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki No. 42 11∼19 Univ., Studies On the Giovanni on Holocephali-I morphology phantasma, and 11 (1977) and male MALAGRINO, Akira ecology of Chimaera reproductive TAKEMURA, and organs.*1 Kazuhiro MIZUE.*2 The morphological characters and ecology of Chimaera phantasma and male's reproductive organs were investigated. Specimens (115 males, 191 females) were collected at the Nagasaki Fish Market or caught by the authors themselves from September 1975 to October 1976. The variation of proportion percentages compared with body length is not remarkable and the growth curves of the male and female are indicated by the following formula: Male : W = 0.1913L2.2269 Female : W = 0.0376L2.6349 It was observed that the male's condition factor increases with the increment of body length, but no seasonal variation of this factor could be observed. In females no variations of any kind were observed. The diet is basically formed by Crustacea, especially crabs, and teeth consist of three pairs of dental plates. The posterior clasper is trifurcated and has no remarkable appendices. External radii are rigid and the anterior clasper bears 8 serrations in a line. The pelvic girdle consists of right and left cartilages. Sexual maturity in males can be considered to be reached at a body length of 45 to 50cm. There the are many different fields few of them even fewer has research larger, their of study refer on Only characters. new histological, extended to important Holocephali in marine ecology, histology, sources, etc. It is the and has morphology eco- been is equally fishery organs of the to the enhancement authors of the re- to conrange primitive out research and ecology, on the and on the male of one Holocephali species, namely Chimaera phantasma. The morphological and ecological ters of other Holocephali countries have been collected described; characin other Harriotta raleighana by GARRICK(1971, 1975), Chimaera monstrosa, C. colliei, C. mirabilis, and Callo- 1922b), Neoharriota (1966), Harriotta purpose seemingly rhynchus antarcticus by LEIGH-SHARPE(1922a , classification, undeveloped of these by carrying reproductive recent not which animal and about this in Elasmobranches animals become knowledge However, but recently Elasmobranches morphological, interest of fishes, to Holocephali. information concerning to Elasmobranches providing logical tribute publications of carrii by BULLIS et al raleighana hamphus by BEAN et al (1910), callorhynchus and Harriotta and H. chaetirCallorhynchus curtis-jamesi by *1. A part of this study was supported by scientific research fund from the Ministry of Education. *2. Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Nakano, Tokyo, Japan. 12 G. Malagrino and A. Takemura and K. Mizue : Studies on Holocephali−1 BEEBE et al (1941). species could be caught every month in As for the Holocephali species in Japa− the same waters. At the sarne time, it nese coastal waters, brief morphological seems that the number of C. phantasma and ecological studies have been made on landed at the fish market depends on the Chimaera phantasma, C. (Phasmichtys) mitsu− state of commercial fishery. This species kurii, and Rhinochimaera pacifica by DEAN does not appear to be so important econom− (1904a, 1904b), and on Holocephali in gen− ically; it is caught only accidentally by eral by TANAKA (1905). the fishermen whose real aim is to catch According to MATsuBARA (1955), only sea bream and other expensive fishes. C. nine species of Holocephali are known to phantasma is utilized in the same way as be in Japanese coastal waters. Among sharks. lt is eaten mainly as boiled fish them, two species, Chimaera phantasma and paste or parboiled. Phasmichtys mitsukurii, are frequently found In the present paper, the specimens were while the others are rarely caught. collected and examined in order to inves− At the Nagasaki Fish Market, Chimae− tigate their morphological and reproductive roids are seldom landed except for C. phan− characters, and to compare them with tasma, which can be collected throughout those of other Holocephali already descrided the year together with the subdeep sea and of Elasmobranches. shark, Heptranchias perlo. Nevertheless, the Materials and Methods number of specimens is usually not large, specially during the winter season and August. According to our own catches, Many individuals of C phantasma (Fig. 1) approximately the same number of this are landed at the Nagasaki Fish Market Fig. 1. Chimaera phantasma together with Heptranchias perlo throughout saki Fish Market or by the authors them− the year, especially from April to July and selves in coastal waters off Nagasaki from September to October. The amount Prefecture from September 1975 to October varies according to the fishing activities 1976. According to the fishermen, C. phan− which decrease during August and are tasma is caught in waters 200−300m deep, switched to different fishing grounds in along the continental shelf of the East winter. China Sea. The fishing ground is shown Materials were collected either at Naga一 by the dark area in Fig. 2. 13 Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki UniV., No. 42 (1977) 130eE 1250E Number of specimens of C. 。 phantasma in each month ノ Kyyshu 0ct. ノリ Nov. Dec. Jan.’76 Feb. ・愈... 30eN Fishing Mar. Apr. ground May. 麟難轡 Jun. 側_、 Jul. Aug. D Sep. Oct. .,...,.1““g“ 謡,、。、 ゴ Total 191 115 Tota1 4 1 0 5 0 448639949 0 143ワ飼39側 Sep.’75 .●●齢、 外 Male QJームー 雪⊥−⊥ Xtw’ “・…1 00f Female 1 1 152421 0 4 0 7・2 220 298 臼−← しなニもサロロ ロサくココ ぴ㌣ムv Month 30010240587528 嬬tW く、講欝欝 鰭 . 、 県 〈 i> Table 1. 306 the posterior base margin・bf the anal fin 250 b m (Fig. 3, No. 14). Results and Discussions Fig. 2. Fishing ground The authors’ operations were carried out on the research boat ““Kakusui”, of Naga− saki University, in the same area at depths 1.・ Growth Proportional dimensions of 30 parameters were measured, as shown in Fig. 3. Table 2 8 ranging from 100m to 600m (Fig. 2−B). 7 6 Angling by means of bottom long line or 5 4 3b vertical long line was generally’used, 2 や 1 because this species lives at depths greater than the usual fishing grounds of commer− ⊃ 1 found in gill nets of fishermen. Table 1 ’ ⇔ 噛 一 ’ ● ’ 2 −1 9皿 cial bull trawling. This species is rarely 13 14 in each month. The specimens were meas− 謬藺 shows the number of specimens collected ured and dissected in the laboratory. Mor− phological characters were investigated, and ta ik2E}×= x rnxF{11 ¢ 12,’, 20:ヨ1 reproductive organs, content of digestive Ls T, organ, liver, dorsal spine and teeth were taken out for examination. Since the long iz27一 and flexible tail was often found broken, the body length is given in terms of the length between the tip of the snout and Fig. 3. 猶 Proportions of external measurements 14 1. 3B. 4. 5., 〃〃〃〃〃〃 〃〃〃〃〃〃 3A. 〃〃〃〃〃〃 From snout tip to anterior margin of eye; posterior margin of eye; 〃〃〃〃〃〃 2. G. Malagrino and A. Takemura and K. Mizue : Studies on Holocephali−1 rils; 18. ’origin of first dorsal fin; 6. 19. origin of secon,d dorsal fin; 20. base of second dorsal fin コ コ 〃〃 〃〃 〃〃 〃〃 コ 9臼9臼9︼ 245 コ 1/ 11 // 1/ anterior margin of anus; 〃 ‘ ‘..〃 〃 〃 origi血..of posterior claspef; ii ii ii ii diverging point.of poste− rior clasper; post号rior margin of pecto− 〃〃〃 〃〃〃 〃〃〃 の コ コ つ 234567 26. ral fin; 〃〃〃 7 8QVO噌⊥ ■⊥可⊥ 1←i⊥−←1ーユー⊥ base of pectoral fln end; ll 11 /1 11 posterior margin of po$te− rior clasPer; origin of pelvic fin; base of pelvic fin end; 27. base of anal fin end; !1 1/ 11 11 anterior margin of gono− pore; 28. Length of dorsal spinel , 29. From snout tip to anterior margin of nostrils; り Table 2. 11 11 ll ll anterior margin of anterior clasper; Total length; From snout tip to origin of pectoral fin; posterior margin. ii ii /i ii anterior margin of gill opentng; 21. origin of upper caudal fin; ll // ll ll ii ii i/ ii posterior margin of labium mandibulare; base of first dorsal fin end; end; !/ !1 /1 11 ii ii ii ii anterior margin of labium mandibulare; tip of frontal clasper; 30.・ 盾?@nost一 Width of pouch of anterior c14sper;, Length of frontal clasper; Tip of snout to base of caudal fin end; Proportional measurements of C. phantasma at intervals of 10cm body length proportional dimentions in percent of body length (No. 14) No. female (cm) male (cm) O−49 コ コ ロ コ コ の ロ ロ コ コ コ サ の ロ ロ ロ コ コ サ コ の 1⊥ −⊥ 1⊥ B 。 . 9 ・ 。 ● ●.。 ・ ・ 。 ・ ふ ・ . . 9 ● ● ・ ・ . 幽 ■⊥ サ コ コ コ コ の ロ サ ロ リ ロ サ ロ コ ロ ロ コ コ .−⊥ 446 12蹟認翻翻3910n1213皿拓1617181920212 76 26 02 30 57 792 76 53 17 59 806 97 07 6 0 11 24 926 225 44 010 12 9801367 12 680 10 0 6 6 3 4 8 78 86 22 00 93 74 .8 1 1 2 4 i ⊥ 9 4 2244501 11 36 76 83 508 4 6 41 9 1 09 8 3 1 92 2 90 3 62 7 11 242 99 5. 28 57 45 10 9 1 2 O−49 50−59 60−69 2.0 2.8 2.5 1.8 3.0 2.7 118.0 104.7 50−59 60−69 70−79 80−89 10.0 10.7 10.6 10.7 11.9 15.7 14.3 15.9 15.9 16.7 22.0 22.1 22.4 22.1 25.6 41.3 41.2 40.4 41.2 42.3 99.6 100.0 99.8 98.5 99.7 159.9・ 138.4 143.8 135.1 125.1 25.6 23.0 23.8 23.0 23.6 26.6 27.0 27.2 27.2 28.2 55.5 55.5 53.9 53.7 55.0 47.9 49.2 49.8 49.1 50.4 60.4 52.4 53.1 51.5 53.2 100.0 100.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 22.8 I9.2 17.9 16.4 15.8 7.8 7.6 7.1 7.6 7.7 9.1 8.8 7.9 7.8 8.4 11.2 10.4 9.8 9.9 10.4 13.1 12.6 11,7 11.8 12.7 23.7 20.9 20.6 20.3 21.3 55.9 49.4 49.7 49.2 50.0 51.5 51.9 52.6 51.8 52.7 58.0 51.4 54.2 53.0 52.9 115.7 105.2 111.2 Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ., No. 42 (1977) 15 shows the ratio between proportion measu− seasonal variation can be observed, the rements and body length expressed in value being larger in summer and smaller percentage for individuals grouped at in− in winter. However, the variation of the tervals of 10cm. condition factor with the season is smaller As for the number of specimens observed, than that with the body length. ln the 5 females were of the body length less female, this factor remains almost constant than 50cm, 54 in the range of 60−70cm, 77 for both season and body length. in the range of 70 to 80cm, and 36 in the In both sexes, the hepatosomatic index range of 80 to 90cm. ln the male, 1 was × 100 shows no difference less than 50cm, 62 in the range of 50 to 60cm, and 48 in the range of 60 to 70コ口, Data on specimens of both sexes less than 50cm in body length is scarce and therefore, for information, not valid, how− ever this data is indicated only because all of these specimens were found to be still inmature. liver weight body weight by body length or season. 2. Teeth In Elasmobranches teeth are usually present in large number in both jaws, with the characteristic of being renewable, and they play an important role in their classification. The tail and the dorsal spine were often found broken so data on both shows some discrepancies among individuals of similar body length. It may be observed from Table 2 that the increment of body length in males is accompanied by a proportional increment of pelvic and anal fin, while the thorax and trunk region proportion remains almost unchanged. The head, by contrast, shows a slight decrease. In the case of females less marked changes in the proportions are observed for each region. The relation between body length (L cm) and body weight (W gr) is indicated by the following formulas. Male :W = O.1913L2・2269 Female:W = O.0376L2・6349 Fig. 4. Teeth, A: Frontal view of tooth, B: Ridges of vomerine plate, C: Three pairs of dental plate 1n the male. the condition factor ’ 謡織審×…sh・w・at・nd・n・y・f The teeth of Holocephali (Fig. 4) are entirely different, being larger in size and decreasing with the increase of body length; not numerous but equally sharp and strong, it is about 9 for individuals of 50cm in with knobs and ridges embedded in them. body length, and it decreases to about 7 The function of the teeth of C. phantasma for individuals of 70cm. Moreover, a small is quite similar to that of globefish, well 16 G. Malagrino and A. Takemura and K. Mizue : Studies on Holocephali−1 adapted to crush strong bodies like crusta− age, but so far they seem to have failed ceans or bivalves. Because of this strength, to serve the purpose. we somel.t/. rne$,,..,,.found the n,ylon gut.of p, ur bottom long line cut and we had to use 5.’ Content of digestive organ wire as gut. The content of the spiral intestine was As described by TANAKA (1905), they ’ examined in 101 males and 171 females. consist of three pairs of dental plates: the ’vomerine plates and palatine plates in the [H目]♂ 75 upper jaw and the lower plates in the lower jaw. These plates are thick at the base and thin ’at the top, specially the Φo⊆o﹂8αξ↑O台5コ9﹂L vomerine and lower pairs, and are support− ed by cartilage. With the mouth closed, the lower plates fit ’the gap between vomerine and palatine plates. As a conse− O 25 quence of repeated bitings, the tip of the inner surface of those plates is defaced. On the inner Surface of each vomeripe plat’ ?@there are ridges as shown in Fig. 4−B, whose number is ustially the same for 謂 ’” .ω 誘’ 葦1ξll∼ll舘.1.董一: both Plates. Fig. 6. Frequency of appearance of intestinal content of C. phantasma “’ 20 ウ0で一匡£↑①oト り。 The frequency of appearance of intestinal, content by kind is shown in Fig. 6. The む 0 t“ ‘ 宅 O o o o o {P o o oarasite” is Gyrocotyle sp. Sometimes four, or five individuals can be found−in one specimen of C phantasma. lncluded in tt nthers” are occasional’remains of squidpi starfish, seaweeds, and sea anemones. lt 500 600 700mm Body Length (No.14) Fig. 5. Relationship between body length and teeth ridges was difficult to define the species because the content almost always was found in an advanced stage of digestion. From Fig. 6 it is clear that C. phantasma It seems that these layers could be of both sexes feeds mainly on crustaceans, related to growth (Fig. s> but not to age. specially crabs with a carapace . length of At the same time, the above mentioned about 3−4cm. Other kinds of conterit were defacement prevented us from. a reliable also of similar size. They were mostly counting of ridges. Other body dimentions bentie animals, like crabs, shrimps, amphi− like skeleton length, number of dorsal pods, shellfish, starfish, sea anemons, with spine・serrations, and eyeball diameter were no or rather limited swimming ability. This examined to look for a clue to determining fact strongly suggests that C. phantasma 17 Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ., No. 42 (1977) mainly lives at the Sea bottom. According ln general it can be said that though to DEAN (1904a), movements are sluggish Holocephali have far less species than when kept in shallow water. But the AnteTior Clasper presence of small−fish bone indicates C. phantasma could actively swim in his natural habitat in search of food・ ko ? K O一〉 Pelyie Girdle 4. External clasper e Metapterygium bb o 。お ォ n。l sexu。1。,g。n。 a p。i,。f。h。,act・,i、ti・ ぷ‘ claspers. Holocephali have, in addition to 8 Join重 Car重ilage this, a pair of anterior claspers and a Be重aC. O Males of Elasmobranches have as exter− Propterygium “rscys.Nss“N.5 Ra’ р奄≠P C. frontal clasper (Fig.7). The posterior clasper (Fig.8) quite Stern C. resembles externally that of Elasmobran。 ches, and so are its skeleton and the ske1− eton of pelvic fin. As described on Chimaera spP.,()allor:ynchus sp. and Harriotta sp. by GARRIcK(1971,1975), DEAN(1904a,1904b) and LEIGH−sHARpE(1921,1922),many differ− ences can be accounted between the clasper Fig. 9. Right skeleton of pelvic fin and posterior clasper, Right: ventral of Holocephali and that of Elasmobranches. view, Left: dorsal view Elasmobranches, they present a great− er variety in the morphology of their clasper. The clasper of Elasmobranches is not divided but in some species of Holocephali it is divided into two or three. ln C. phantasma, the posterior clasper bifurcates into external and internal radii. The external radius ’ Fig. 7. Frontal clasper in its turn, bifurcates into two (Fig. 9). Unlike k−those of C. monstrosa, described by LEiGH−sHARpE (1922a), radii of C. phantasma are not flexible. The tips of these radii have no dermal hooklets or accessory organs as Elasmobranches do. The dorsal basement of each poste− rior clasper is covered by muscle and is fleshy. Near each base there Fig. 8. Posterior clasper, Right: ventral view, is a small pouch. On C. monstrosa, Left: posterior view LEiGH−sHARpE (1922a) describes a 18 G. Malagrino and A. Takemura and K. Mizue : Studies on Holocephali−1 clasper cavity in this dorsal swelling that at the basement region, each radius looking opens at the diverging poirit of the poste− like a scroll. The radial cartilage of this rior clasper. No’ @presence of clasper cavity species is formed by 15.cartilages. can be found in C. phantasma. The tip of the outer border of the ante− 6. Relationship of body length with teste’s rior part of the clasper is covered by loose weight and with clasper length and denticled skin. Many capillary vessels Almost all 115 males, collected at the are present in this body. Nagasaki Fish Market and caught by our− The anterior clasper of C. phantasma has selves, were more than 50cm in body no conspicuous differences from other length, with the exception of one individual Chimeroids. They bear 8 spines in line on measuring 44.3cm caught in June. its inner border. The pouches are widely, The smallest specimen in the range of open in a transverse axis with the body. 50 to 60cm, had a body length of 51.4cm, The frontal clasper nearly resembles that the differnce between these two individuals of other Holocephali and is usually kept being not so large. HoWever a striking in a small depression of the skin as shown difference can be appreciated in clasper in Fig. 7. lt is strongly denticled on its length. We considered as clasper length of inferior surface, as described by LEiGH− the outer clasper only. sHARpE in C. monstrosa and Callorhynchus 轡 antarctzcus. e 評凶 O 呪競 錦押 O 。。轟 0 O 8 between Holocephali and Elasmobranches. The skeleton of the pelvic fin and clasper εO⊆の﹂﹂oαω06 general structure of pelvic fin and clasper O殖 5 There are not so many differences in Om O 5. Skeleton of Pelvic Fin and Clasper e O O O O o o ’consists of pelvic girdle, propterygium, metapterygium, radial cartilages, joint carti− lage, beta cartilage and stem cartilage (Fig. 9). 500 600 700mm Body Length(No.14) Fig. 10. Relationship between body length and posterior clasper length The pelvic girdle is connected to the While the clasper length in the smallest anterior clasper at its anterior margin by’ specimen is 1.7cm, it is around the average a ligament. The biggest difference from (9.5cm) for all other specimens (Fig. 10). Elasmobranches is found in the pelvic On the other hand, the difference be− girdle which consists of left and right tween the testes weight of the small indi− cartilages in C. phantasma but only one vidual and that of specimens in the range cartilage in most sharks. A complex system of 50 to 60, is not so remarkable as the one of small bones is at the tip of the stem observed in clasper length (Fig. 11). Nev− cartilage in many kinds of sharks; there is ertheless, it can be easily appreciated that, none in C phantasnza. LEiGH−sHARp (1922) though in large individuals increment of described dermal hooklets at the tip of the testes weight with body length is slow, it stem cartilage of Rhinochimaerd atlantica. does increase rapidly from the small indi− Moreover, stem cartilage ,is trifurcated vidual to the small ones in the large group. Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ., No. 42 (1977) Smithosonian 2. 19 Institution, 37, 661-663. BEEBE, W., and TEE-VAN, J. (1941). Zoologica, Scientific Contribution of the New York Zoological Society, 26(3), 245-280. 3. BULLIS,H. R. JR., and CARPENTER, J. S. (1966) Copeia, 3 443-450. 4. DEAN, B. (1904a). J. Coll. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, 19 (3), 1-9. 5. DEAN, B. (1904b). J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, 19 (4) 1-20. 6. Fig. 11. Relationship and From from the the between testes all caught in July weight, we can contrast in ingly, we phantasma body the results, other had observe conspicuous Accord- can fairly consider that 45 and maturity LEIGH-SHARPE, W. H. (1922a). J Morph., 36, 199-220. 221-240. C. at of Research, 9, 159-167. 10. LEIGH-SHARPE,W. H. (1922b). J Morph., 36, maturity. sexual 9. testis sexual between of the Royal GARRICK,J. A. F. (1975) N. Z. Journal Marine and Freshwater 18 speci- bigger a 8. and the reaches length 31 (3), 35-40. GARRICK,J. A. F. (1971) Journal 7. Society of N. Z. 1, 203-213. mentioned that mens length weight above fact body DEAN, B. (1912). Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 11. MATSUBARA, K. (1955). Fish Morphology a Hierarchy. 50cm. and Ishizaki shoten, Tokyo, 143-145. 12. OHTA N. (ed). (1974). World Animal Encyclopedia, 159, Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo, 4. 13. TANAKA, S. (1905), dobutsugaku References zasshi, 17 (206), 353-369. (In japanese). 14. TANAKA,S., TESHIMA, K., and MIZUE, K. 1. BEAN, A. B., and WEED, A. C. (1910). Proceeding of the U. S. National Museum, (1975), This Bull., 40, 15-22. 全 頭類 の研究―I ギ ン ザ メ Chimaera phantasma の 形 態 と雄 の生 殖 器 官 に つ い て ジ ォ バ ニ ・マ ラ グ リ ー ノ ・竹 村暘 1975年9月 体(雄115個 ・水 江 一 弘 か ら1976年10月 に か け て長 崎 魚 市 に水揚 げ され た り,著 者 らが長 崎県 沿 岸 で 採 捕 した ギ ンザ メ306個 体,雌191個 体)に つ い て,形 態 学 的 に,雄 につ い はは 生殖 生態 につ いて も調 査 した。 成 長 に伴 う各 部 の外 形 プ ロポ ー シ ョンの 割 合 は ほ ぼ一 様 で あ る。 また,雌 雄 の成 長 式 は 次 式 で示 され た。 雄:W(g)=0.1913L(cm)2.2269 雌:W(g)=0.0376L(cm)2.6349 雄 の肥 満 度 は成 長 に伴 い 減 少 す るの が観 察 され た。 歯 は非 常 に強 固 な三 対 の歯 板 よ りな り,主 と し て底 棲 動 物 を 捕 食 し,中 で も小 型 の カニ を 最 も多 く捕 食 して い る。 Posterior external radii は屈 曲 しな い。 Anterior clasper 二 つ に 分 離 し て い る。 本 種 の 雄 は 体 長(No.14)45cmか clasper は三 叉 し,先 端 は 顕 著 な 附属 物 は な く, の 内縁 に は 一 列 に並 ん だ8個 の 棘 が あ り, Pelvie ら50cmで 成 熟 に達 す る。 girdle は左右
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