『いただきます』 Hyogo Boys : どうも、Hyogo Boys です。よろしくおねがいします。 Ryuji: Now we are studying Japanese, right? Masato: Yes, Japanese is pretty hard, but it’s interesting. Ryuji: We’ve just learned about some greetings in Japanese, haven’t we? For example, Japanese people always say something particular before eating. Did you know that? Masato: Of course. Ryuji: OK. I always say it before I eat. So, let’s give it a go! I will pretend to be your mother and you will be my child. Masato: You will be my mother? It’s hard to imagine. Ryuji: What’s the problem? Let’s give it a go! Masato: ただいま。 Ryuji: おかえり。 Masato: I’m hungry. Ryuji: Hang on a minute. Masato: I can’t wait. Ryuji: Just wait! Masato: She is so scary. Ryuji: It’s dinner time. Masato: Oh, looks good. Ryuji: Yes, it does. I’m going to die. テリヤキチキンです。 Masato: I’m happy. Ryuji: Yes, you are. Masato: I’m starving. Ryuji: Wait. What are you doing now? Before you eat, you have to say something, don’t we? Masato: Oh, sorry mum. I forgot that. Ryuji: Please put your hands together. Masato: いってきます。 Ryuji: なんでやねん! Where are you going? いってきます is what we say when we leave home. Masato: いってきます is what we say when we leave home. Sorry, mum. My mistake. Ryuji: Just stay here. Don’t go anywhere. Masato: OK. Ryuji: Please put your hands together. Masato: いらっしゃい。 Ryuji: なんでやねん! Who came to your home? いらっしゃい is what we say when somebody comes to your home. Like “Welcome to my home!” Masato: What? My stomach is welcoming food. That’s why I said it. Come on, mum! Ryuji: Wait. That might make sense…No! You can’t say that in this case. Do you understand? Masato: I understand. Ryuji: Please put your hands together. Masato: ごちそうさまでした。 Ryuji: もうええわ! Hyogo Boys: どうもありがとうございました。
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