「How to make the UN relevant to yourself」

This lecture is for the students
who are interested in working at UN
in the future.
根本かおる氏(国連広報センター所長) Lecturer
Ms. Kaoru Nemoto,
Director of the United Nations Information Centre in Tokyo, Japan
「How to make the UN relevant to yourself」
根本かおる氏は、現 在、国連広報センター所長として、国連と日本の架け橋と
relevant to yourself というテーマで、根本氏のご経験をお話しいただきます。
国際関係論修士号を取得。1996 年から 2011 年末まで UNHCR(国連難
しての広報実務に取り組んでおられます。当日は、How to make the UN
ディネートを担当。WFP(国連世界食糧計画)広報官、国連 UNHCR 協
About the Lecture :
Ms. Kaoru Nemoto is currently engaged in public relations work as the Director of the
United Nations Information Center, acting as a bridge between the UN and Japan .
On the day of the lecture, Ms. Nemoto will be speaking to us about her experiences
based on the theme: “How to make the UN relevant to yourself” .
Those who:
1) intend to get a job at an international organization;
2) are facing difficulties as you work in an international environment;
3) are wondering how you should nurture personnel who can play an active role in the
global arena;
are encouraged to participate, as this will be a great opportunity for you to come up
with excellent ideas to improve your situation.
会事務局長も歴任。フリー・ジャーナリストを経て 2013 年 8 月より現
Kaoru Nemoto
Director, United Nations Information Centre in Tokyo
After working as a TV Asahi announcer and reporter, Nemoto joined UNHCR
(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) in 1996. In her career at
UNHCR till end 2011, she was active in the field to assist and protect
refugees as well as in developing policies and managing fund-raising from the
private sector at the Geneva headquarters. Nemoto also worked as
spokeswoman for WFP (World Food Program) and Executive Director at
Japan Association for UNHCR. She assumed her current position in August
2013. Her publications include “Refugees Finding Japan: Strength to Survive,
Strength to Support” (Eiji Press). She earned Law degree from University of
Tokyo and Master’ s degree in International Relations from Columbia
場所:早稲田大学22号館1階 WGG 内セミナールーム
Date&Time:10:40 – 12:10Thursday, 6 November
Place: Seminar Room, WGG, 1st Floor, Building 22, Waseda University
Contact:Center for International Education TEL:03-3203-6427 / e-mail: [email protected]