長野ブラックホール天文教育研究会(銀中祭り) 2014年11月15日 銀河系中心方向の重力レンズ現象 大西浩次 (長野高専) 0. Introduction 0-1 Photo by Kouji Ohnishi Lensing toward Galactic Center I 0-2 Microlensing Observer Lens Bulge Photo by Kouji Ohnishi Lensing toward Galactic Center II 0-3 Microlensing Sgr A* Cluster, Pulsar Observer Lens=Black hole, Neutron star, Photo by Kouji Ohnishi 1. Introduction Lensing toward Galactic Center IV 0-5 Astrometric Microlensing around Sgr A* Lens Sgr A* Source=Star Observer Photo by Kouji Ohnishi 2. Gravitational Lens by Sgr A* 2-1 Einstein Ring RE DOS DOL 原図 大西浩次 作図 星ナビ2007年2月号 2. Gravitational Lens by Sgr A* 2-2 Lens images ~20mas 2. Gravitational Lens by Sgr A* 2-3 Sgr A* の重力レンズの特徴的なサイズ Sgr A* M=4*106Msun R0=8kpc Photo by Kouji Ohnishi Schwarzschild半径 Rs=2GM/c2=15Rsun=6*10-2AU Θs=Rs/R0=9μas ΘE =(2 Rs(DLS/DSDL) )1/2 Einstein Ring = 1.7” (13600AU @SgrA) @ DLS è ∞ = 20 mas (160AU @SgrA) @ DLS=1pc = 0.4 mas (3AU@SgrA) @ DLS=100AU Ds Observer DL Sgr A* Star DLS 2. Gravitational Lens by Sgr A* 2-3 Sgr A* の重力レンズの特徴的なサイズ M=4*106Msun Sgr A* Photo by Kouji Ohnishi R0=8kpc Schwarzschild半径 Rs=2GM/c2=15Rsun=6*10-2AU Θs=Rs/R0=9μas ΘE =(2 Rs(DLS/DSDL) )1/2 Einstein Ring = 1.7” (13600AU @SgrA) @ DLS è ∞ = 20 mas (160AU @SgrA) @ DLS=1pc = 0.4 mas (3AU@SgrA) @ DLS=100AU Sgr A* Star Ds Observer Idea! DL DLS Like a Exoplanet Search by microlensing 6. Lensing toward Galactic Center V 6-1 Macrolens of the Galaxy QSOs Observer Photo by Kouji Ohnishi What is Macro Lens? Gravitational Deflection in Galactic Center Individual Star Astrometric Microlensing 0-4” Group of Stars Macro Lens This Talk Lensing toward Galactic Center III 0-4“ Photo by Kouji Ohnishi Astrometric Microlensing @ Distance Measurement QSO Lens=Star Sgr A* Observer Hosokawa,Jauncey,Reynolds, Toioumis, Ohnishi, Fukusima ApJ(2002) Lensing toward Galactic Center III 0-4 Photo by Kouji Ohnishi Astrometric Microlensing @ Distance Measurement QSO Sgr A* Lens=Star Observer SgrA* 8kpc Reid et al. ApJ(1999) et al. Lensing toward Galactic Center III 0-4‘ Detection of Galactic Rotation of Solar System phase-referenced to QSOs J1748-291(W109) J1745-283(W56) u Reid et al. 1999 VLBA 43GHz,2yr u Backer & Sramek 1999 VLA 4.9GHz, 17yr u Reid et al. 2004 VLBA 43GHz,9yr b 1° SgrA * 8kpc W56 GC441 0.7°=100pc SgrA* 1° -1° W109 -1° 6mas / yr = 220km / s 8kpc VLBI observation of SgrA* =>6mas/y Gravitational Deflection by Axis Symmetric Mass Distribution Pass of ray Column Total Mass Illustration of Shift by Bulge Motion Lens Source Plane Lens Plane Adopted Galactic Model Alexander & Sternberg (1999) Core+Bulge+Disk ρ core (r ) = 1+3(ρr / r ) o Characteristic Length Scale Bulge Core 0.38pc 667pc disk 3kpc c 2 ρ o = 4 × 10 6 M SUM pc −3 , rc = 0.38 pc ρ bu lg e = 3.53 K 0 ( rr ), b rb = 3000 pc Disk contribution is negligible Effect of Core Motion b μc μc~4μas/10yr Effect of Bulge Motion 7 b μ ~2μas/10yr B μB 3 Motion of SgrA* referred to QSOs b 1° GC441 W56 SgrA* 1° -1° W109 100pc 220 km/s 6 mas/yr = 8 kpc -1° ç Galactic Rotation 6. Lensing toward Galactic Center V 6-6 Internal Motion b + 2 µas/10 yr GC441 W56 SgrA* − 2 µas/10 yr + 2 µas/10 yr W109 1° コメント:Sgr A*近傍にQSOが見つかると、非常に楽しい。 Parameter Dependence Effect of Core Motion ⎛ L ⎞ ⎟⎟ µc = 4µas/10yr⎜⎜ ⎝ 100pc ⎠ −1 ⎛ ⎞⎛ a ⎞ ρc ⎜⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎟ 6 3 ⎟⎜ ⎝ 4 ×10 Msun /pc ⎠⎝ 0.38pc ⎠ 2 ⎛ V ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 220km/s ⎠ Effect of Bulge Motion ⎛ ⎞⎛ V Σ0 ⎞ ⎟ µ B = 2µas/10yr⎜⎜ ⎟ 6 2 ⎟⎜ ⎝ 6 ×10 Msun/pc ⎠⎝ 220km/s ⎠ Column Density of Core and Bulge 1. エ 10 6 500000. Core Msun/ pc^2 100000. Log Σ 50000 100pc Column density Bulge 10000 5000 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000 Log Log (Impact parameter [pc]) 6. Lensing toward Galactic Center V 6-4 Total Effect 10° 0.7°=100pc 10° -10° 2 ⎞⎛ a ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ L ⎞⎛ ρc V ⎞ ⎟ ⎟⎟⎜⎜ ⎜ ⎟ µc = 2µas / 10 yr ⎜⎜ ⎜ ⎟ 6 3 ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 100 pc ⎠⎝ 4 ×10 M sun / pc ⎠⎝ 0.38 pc ⎠ ⎝ 220km / s ⎠ ⎛ ⎞ Σ(100 pc ) ⎜ ⎟ µ B = 2µas / 10 yr ⎜ 6 2 ⎟ ⎝ 6 ×10 M sun / pc ⎠ 6. Lensing toward Galactic Center V 6-5 Total Effect 10° J1700 J1713 J1751 -10° 10° W56 79mJ@5GHz J1820 ATCA&VLA, 5GHz,8GHz Roy, Rao & Subrahmanyan (2006) 4 Apparent Motion SgrA* QSOs Secular 6 mas/yr Galactic Rotation Secular 0.6μas/yr Macro Lens Periodic 250μas/yr Annual Parallax Random (several years) 10μas/yr Microlens 7. Summery 7-1 銀河系中心方向の重力レンズ効果 1.マイクロレンズ効果・・・・MOA Project èDark matter, 系外惑星探査 2.SgrA*近傍の星質量BH,中性子星、・・によるレンズ。 è SgrA*のDark matterの量、・・・ 3.銀河系内の星によるAstrometric microlensingでQSO基準 座標系が揺らぐè意外と高いOptical Depth 4. SgrA*による弱重力近似のレンズ 5.SgrA*による強重力場近似のレンズ 6.銀河系によるマクロな重力レンズ Photo by Kouji Ohnishi
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