KS-4067 / November 2014 ご注文承り中!! 【経済学、開発経済学、インド経済】 関心高まるインドの経済開発に関する重要論文集 インドの経済開発 全 4 巻 The Economic Development of India. 4 vols. Nayak, Pulin B. (ed.), The Economic Development of India: Critical Concepts in Economics. 4 vols. (Critical Concepts in Economics) 1611 pp. 2015:4 (Routledge, UK) <604-482> ISBN 978-0-415-82470-5 hard set 近年、インドの開発の経験が注目を集めています。インド独立後の中央集権的計画 経済による穏やかな経済成長ののちに、1980 年代の部分自由化によって、経済成長は 加速しました。1991 年の市場志向の自由化と重要な経済改革導入以降はさらに勢いを 増し、ここ 10 年間は目覚しい経済成長率を記録しています。しかしながらここで強 調すべきは、これが単なる急激な経済成長であることではなく、公平あるいは分配的 正義を伴う成長であるという点です。 本書はインドの開発問題に関する重要論文を収録しています。第 1 巻は「開発の思 想」、「何人かのインド人の視点」、 「飢饉、貧困、不平等」、第 2 巻は「国家と市場」 、 「二つの州の経験」 、「政治的関心」、 「平等」 、「通貨と財政の問題」、 「ジェンダー、持 参金、男児選好」 、第 3 巻は「開発への視点」、 「いくつかの理論モデル」 、 「労働市場 と排除」 、第 4 巻は「生態学的関心」、 「改革、成長、貧困」、 「農業、産業、インフラ」、 「教育と保健」、「人間及び児童の剥奪状態」 、「カーストと企業家精神」の部より構成 されています。 本書を経済学、開発経済学、インド経済に関心のある研究者・研究室にお薦めいた します。 <収録論文明細> Volume I Part 1: Thinking about Development 1. Gunnar Myrdal, ‘The Beam in Our Eyes’, 1968 2. Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen, ‘India in Comparative Perspective’, 2013 Part 2: Some Indian Perspectives 3. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, ‘Unto This Last: Sarvodaya’, 1987 4. Jawaharlal Nehru, ‘The National Planning Committee and the Congress and Industry: Big Industry Versus Cottage Industry’, [1946] ,1982 5. Rajani Palme Dutt, ‘India in the Modern World’, 1940 6. M. Arumugam, ‘Socialist Strategy of Development’, 1978 7. Planning Commission, ‘Self-Reliance and the Perspective for Development’, 1996 8. ‘Evidence Before the Southborough Committee’ [1919], 2008 9. M. L. Dantwala, ‘Trusteeship: An Alternative Ideology’, 1996 10. Sukhamoy Chakravarty, ‘Development Economics and the Indian Experience’, 1994 11. Benjamin Zachariah, ‘The Debate on Gandhian Ideas’, 2005 12. Baldev Raj Nayar, ‘National Planning for Autarky and State Hegemony: Development Strategy under Nehru’, 1997 Part 3: Famines, Poverty, Inequality 13. Amartya Sen, ‘Ingredients of Famine Analysis: Availability and Entitlements’, 1981 14. Peter Lanjouw and Nicholas Stern, ‘Poverty in Palanpur’, 1991 15. M. S. Ahluwalia, ‘Rural Poverty and Agricultural Performance in India’, 1978 16. K. Sundaram, and Suresh D. Tendulkar, ‘Poverty Among Social and Economic Groups in India in 1990s’, 2003 17. Angus Deaton and Jean Dreze, ‘Poverty and Inequality in India: A Re-examination’, 2002 18. Martin Ravallion and Gaurav Dutt, ‘Why has Economic Growth Been More Pro-poor in Some States of India Than Others?’, 2002 Volume II Part 1: The State and the Market 19. Amartya Sen, ‘Markets, State and Social Opportunity’, 2001 20. B. S Minhas, ‘Public Versus Private Sector: Neglect of Lessons of Economics in Indian Policy Formulation’, 1991 21. Mrinal Datta-Chaudhuri, ‘Market Failure and Government Failure’, 1990 22. Pulin Nayak, ‘The State and the Market’, 1996 Part 2: Experiences from Two States 23. Prabhat Ghosh and Shaibal Gupta, ‘Economic Growth and Human Development in Bihar’, 2010 24. P. K. Michael Tharakan, ‘Kerala Model Revisited: New Problems, Fresh Challenges’, 2007 Part 3: Political Concerns 25. Atul Kohli, ‘Politics of Economic Growth in India 1980–2005, Parts I and II’, 2006 26. Sony Pellissery and Armando Barrientos, ‘Expansion of Social Assistance: Does Politics Matter?’, 2013 27. Bob Currie, ‘Poverty, Politics and the Political’, 2000 Part 4: On Equality 28. Gunnar Myrdal, ‘Equality and Democracy’, 1968 29. Jagdish Bhagwati, ‘Education, Class Structure and Income Equality’, 1973 30. Vamsi Vakulabharanam and Sripad Motiram, ‘Understanding Poverty and Inequality in Urban India Since Reforms’, 2012 31. Sabyasachi Kar and S. Saktivel, ‘Reforms and Regional Inequality in India’, 2007 ㈱極東書店 2 KS-4067 / インドの経済開発 Part 5: Monetary and Federal Fiscal Issues 32. Y. V. Reddy, ‘Monetary and Financial Sector Reforms in India: A Practitioner’s Perspective’, 2004 33. M. Govinda Rao, ‘Indian Fiscal Federalism in Globalizing Environment: Trends and Reform Challenges’, 2010 Part 6: Gender, Dowry, Son Preference 34. Sunny Jose, ‘Women’s Paid Work and Well-being in Rajasthan’, 2012 35. Siwan Anderson and Debraj Ray, ‘The Age Distribution of Missing Women in India’, 2012 36. Sonia Dalmia and Pareena G. Lawrence, ‘The Institution of Dowry in India: Why it Continues to Prevail’, 2005 37. Rohini P. Pande and Nan Marie Astone, ‘Explaining Son Preference in Rural India: The Independent Role of Structural Versus Individual Factors’, 2007 Volume III Part 1: Perspectives on Development 38. Syed NawabHaider Naqvi, ‘Development Economics as a Paradigm’, 2002 39. Amartya Sen, ‘Development: Which Way Now?’, 1983 40. Paul N. Rosenstein-Rodan, ‘Natura Facit Saltum: Analysis of the Disequilibrium Growth Process’, 1984 41. Sukhamoy Chakravarty, ‘Development Economics in Perspective’, 1997 42. Pranab Bardhan, ‘Economics of Development and the Development of Economics’, 1993 43. Deepak Lal, ‘Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation’, 1998 44. Amit Bhaduri, ‘Predatory Growth’, 2008 45. Prabhat Patnaik, ‘Some Implications of Contemporary Globalisation’, 2011 Part 2: Some Theoretical Models 46. Amit Bhaduri, ‘A Study in Agricultural Backwardness under Semi Feudalism’, 1973 47. Kaushik Basu, ‘The Emergence of Isolation and Interlinkage in Rural Markets’, 1983 48. Partha Dasgupta and Debraj Ray, ‘Inequality as a Determinant of Malnutrition and Unemployment: Policy’, 1987 49. A. K. Dasgupta, ‘Keynesian Economics and Under-developed Countries Again’, 1987 50. V. K. R. V. Rao, ‘Investment, Income and the Multiplier in an Underdeveloped Economy’ [1952], 2008 51. A. K. Dasgupta, ‘A Framework of Economic Planning for India’, 1968 52. Jagdish Bhagwati, ‘International Factor Movements and National Advantage’, 1979 Part 3: The Labour Market and Exclusion 53. Jayan Jose Thomas, ‘India’s Labour Market During the 2000s: Surveying the Changes’, 2012 54. J. C. B. Annavajhula, ‘Labour Abuse in Buyer- and Producer-Driven Supply Chains’, 2013 55. Katrin Uba, ‘Labor Union Resistance to Economic Liberalization in India: What Can National and State Level Patterns of Protests Against Privatization Tell Us?’, 2008 56. Supriya Roy Chowdhury, ‘Labour and Economic Reforms: Disjointed Critiques’, 2005 57. Jan Breman, ‘Politics of Exclusion’, 2007 ㈱極東書店 3 KS-4067 / インドの経済開発 Volume IV Part 1: Ecological Concerns 58. Partha Dasgupta, ‘Nature and the Economy’, 2007 59. Sourish Jha, ‘Radical Politics and Environmentalism against Taungya in Dooars’, 2012 60. Rucha Ghate, Suresh Ghate, and Elinor Ostrom, ‘Can Communities Plan, Grow and Sustainably Harvest from Forests?’, 2013 61. Amirtharaj C. Williams, Asir J. T. Johnsingh, and Paul R. Krausman, ‘Elephant-Human Conflicts in Rajaji National Park, North Western India’, 2001 62. Vinod Kumar Sharma, ‘Environmental Challenges of Development Strategies in India’, 2011 Part 2: Reforms, Growth, and Poverty 63. Arvind Panagariya, ‘Growth and Reforms During 1980s and 1990s’, 2004 64. Kaushik Basu and Annemie Maertens, ‘The Pattern and Causes of Economic Growth in India’, 2007 65. Stuart Corbridge, John Harriss, and Craig Jeffrey, ‘Is the Indian State Delivering on Promises of "Inclusive Growth" and Social Justice?’, 2013 66. Ramachandra Guha, ‘Riches’, 2007 67. Poonam Gupta and Arvind Panagariya, ‘Economic Reforms and Election Outcomes’, 2012 68. Sukhdeo Thorat, ‘Growth, Inequality and Poverty during 1983/2005: Implications for Inclusive Policy’, 2011 Part 3: Agriculture, Industry, Infrastructure 69. Per Pinstrup-Andersen, ‘Reshaping Indian Food and Agricultural Policy to Meet the Challenges and Opportunities of Globalization’, 2002 70. R. Nagaraj, ‘Industrial Policy and Performance Since 1980: Which Way Now?’, 2003 71. Rajarshi Majumder, ‘Infrastructure and Regional Development: Interlinkages in India’, 2005 Part 4: Education and Health 72. Preet Rustagi, ‘Challenges for Right to Education in India’, 2013 73. N. Purendra Prasad and P. Raghavendra, ‘Healthcare Models in the Era of Medical Neo-liberalism’, 2012 Part 5: Human and Child Deprivation 74. Jean Dreze and Reetika Khera, ‘Regional Patterns of Human and Child Deprivation in India’, 2012 Part 6: Caste and Entrepreneurship 75. Lakshmi Iyer, Tarun Khanna, and Ashutosh Varshney, ‘Caste and Entrepreneurship in India’, 2013 ㈱極東書店 4 KS-4067 / インドの経済開発
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