文部科学省「女性研究者研究活動支援事業(連携型)」 国際雑誌への採択率を高める英語論文執筆セミナー(文系研究者向け) “Wri$ng to be published (and cited) in the social sciences ” 男女共同参画室では、平成 26 年度採択の文部科学省「女性研究者研究活動支援事業(連携型)」 の一環として、女性研究者の研究力強化を図るための様々なセミナー等を実施しています。 今回は、 「国際雑誌への採択率を高める英語論文執筆セミナー(文系研究者向け)」を下記要領で開催します。 (※別途、理系研究者向けの「国際雑誌への採択率を高める英語論文執筆セミナー」も開催します。) 日 時: 2015 年 2 月 23 日(月) 10:30〜12:00 会 場: 国際開発研究科8階 多目的オーディトリアム 対 象: 名古屋大学の文系女性研究者が主な対象ですが、男性研究者、女性・男性大学院生も歓迎します。 講 師: Dr. Richard Howi:, Professor of Human Geography, Department of Geography & Planning, Macquarie University, Australia 使用言語:英語 申し込み・問い合わせ:名古屋大学男女共同参画室 E-‐mail: kyodo-‐[email protected]‐u.ac.jp 受講希望の方は、所属・職名・氏名をご記入の上、件名を「英語論文執筆セミナー(文系)」として、メー ルにて男女共同参画室までお申し込みください。 受講者多数の場合は、先着順で定員(約50名)にな り次第締め切ります。 セミナー概要 Publish – or perish: pressure on scholars to succeed in publishing in internaVonal journals is constant and increasing. PublicaVon in English is necessary – but far from easy. This workshop will discuss how to succeed. It addresses: preparing papers for submission; piZalls to avoid (including a discussion of predatory and vanity publishing models); responding to reviewers and editors; construcVve reviewing; and ways to get cited. The top social sciences journals look for papers that say something significant, say it clearly and support it with evidence. That sounds easy, but most scholars have a ‘bo:om drawer’ of unfinished, rejected or unrevised manuscripts that might have been great. This workshop encourages you to review your own work in progress and develop strategies for successful publicaVon. Key Words: Social Science Publishing, InternaVonal Journals, WriVng, Peer Review, 講師紹介 Richie Howi: received the Australian Award for University Teaching (Social Science) in 1999 and Macquarie University’s Vice-‐Chancellors Award for Higher Degree Research Supervision in 2013. Having mentored early career staff in geography, law, anthropology, sociology and biology, he has developed sound strategies to develop good wriVng strategies. He has 25 years’ experience in teaching, research and academic governance. His research addresses Indigenous rights and community well-‐being in landscapes of difference and diversity. He advocates deep integraVon of social, environmental and economic dimensions of jusVce into local governance systems for just and sustainable outcomes and has been working as Director of Macquarie’s innovaVve partnership relaVonship with Ryde City Council in Sydney for several years.
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