Fee : FREE GUNMA UNIVERSITY The 2nd International Symposium of Gunma University Program for Local Area Open Innovation R&D Human Resources The 1st Joint International Symposium The 1st International Symposium of Gunma University Initiative for Advanced Research (GIAR ) Date Venue Friday, Friday y, 13th, February, Februa ary, 2015 2015 9:00 9:00 17:10 17:1 10 (Doors (Doo ors open open n at at 8:30) 8:30) SAKURA SAK KURA HALL HALL @ Maebashi Maeb bashi Chamber Chambe er of Commerce Com mmerce and and Industry 1-8-1 1 Hiyoshi-cho, Hiyoshi-ch ch ho,, Maebashi-city, Mae eba b shi-city y, Gunma Gu a 371-0017 37 71--00 0 17 2015 9:00 ∼ 9:20 Maebashi, Gunma Outline Welcome address 9:20 ∼ 11:35 【Part1】 The 2nd International Symposium of Gunma University Program for Local Area Open Innovation R&D Human Resource: Towards collaboration ‒ Activity of Medical Innovation in Wallonia in Belgium‒ 12:30 ∼ 17:05 【Part2】 The 1st International Symposium of Gunma University Initiative for Advanced Research 17:05 ∼ 17:10 Closing remark Registration Capacity 100 people Registration Limit February 3rd, 2015 Fee Free Contact [email protected] Registration shall contain ① Name ② Belongs ③ e-mail ④ Phone Number ⑤ Registration Category (Part1/Part2/Both) Local Office 【for Part1】 Tel. 027-220-7794 【for Part2】 Tel. 027-220-8116 第 2 回群馬大学地域オープンイノベーションR&D人材養成事業国際シンポジウム 第1回群馬大学未来先端研究機構国際シンポジウム 合同国際シンポジウム 参加申込案内 会期 平成 27 年 2 月 13 日(金) 会 場 前橋商工会議所会館 サクラの間 参加費 無料 群馬県前橋市日吉町 1−8−1 申込 方法 ①氏名 ②所属先 ③メールアドレス ④電話番号 ⑤参加するシンポジウム ( 地域オープンイノベーション / 未来先端研究機構 / 両方 ) ①∼⑤までをご記入の上、下記メールアドレス までお申し込みください。 [email protected] 締切 平成 27 年 2 月 3 日(火) ※ただし、先着100 名の定員になり次第、受付を終了いたします。 お問合せ先 群馬大学地域オープンイノベーションR&D人材養成事業 (Tel)027-220-7794 群馬大学未来先端研究機構 (Tel) 027-220-8116 Program of the 1st Joint International Symposium Welcome address 9:00 9:10 Dr. Kuniaki Takata (President of Gunma Univ.) 9:10 9:20 Guest Speaker (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) The 2nd International Symposium of Gunma University Program for Local Area Open Innovation R&D Human Resource: Towards collaboration ‒ Activity of Medical Innovation in Wallonia in Belgium‒ ≪Part1≫ 9:20 10:05 Seeds discovery and incubation strategies for the development of new targeted therapies in cancer Dr. Vincent Castronovo(GIGA-CANCER (CRCE), University of Liège) 10:05 10:50 Activity of GIGA: Research, Technology Platforms, Technology Transfer, Business facilities, and Training Dr. Jacques Piette (GIGA-Research, University of Liège) 10:50 11:35 [Panel Discussion] University of Liège Dr. Vincent Castronovo, Dr. Jacques Piette, Dr. Andrei Turtoi Gunma University Dr. Yasuki Ishizaki, Dr. Masahiko Nishiyama The 1st International Symposium of Gunma University Initiative for Advanced Research ≪Part2≫ Greetings 12:30 12:35 Dr. Hiroshi Hiratsuka (Supervisor of GIAR / Vice President of Gunma Univ.) 12:40 13:25 13:30 14:15 Current status and prospects of ion beam radiotherapy Dr. Hirohiko Tsujii (National Institute of Radiological Sciences) Charged Particle Radiation Biology Research at MGH and Expectations for GIAR Dr. Kathryn D. Held (Harvard Medical School/ Massachusetts General Hospital) Session 1 Session 2 14:25 15:10 Protein cancer biomarker discovery; Development & characterization of monoclonal antibodies as targeting tools for cancer therapy and diagnostics (Temporary) Dr. Andrei Turtoi (GIGA-CANCER (CRCE), University of Liège) Session 3 15:20 16:05 Progress in eicosanoid research Dr. Jesper Z. Haeggström (Karolinska Institute) Session 4 16:10 16:15 Introducing GIAR Researchers 16:15 17:00 Quest for the elixir of life: What can we learn from Cellular Signal Transduction? Dr. Satoshi Yoshida (Research Program for Signal Transduction, GIAR) Comments from Advisory Board 17:00 17:05 The Trend of Life Science Research and Expectations for GIAR Dr. Takao Shimizu (Research Institute National Center for Global Health and Medicine) Closing remark 17:05 ∼ 17:10 Dr. Takashi Izumi (Chairperson of GIAR / Dean of Gunma Univ. Graduate School of Medicine)
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