植物科学最前線 6:31 (2015) . @P HR HXPUNRHXU FLLXH HR(e ( h)(& . ( h)& . -( s Involvement of phytohormone and cell wall metabolism on the tissue-reunion of incised tissue of plant. Masashi ASAHINA1, Weerasak PITAKSARINGKARN2 and Shinobu SATOH2 Keywords; Arabidopsis, cell division, incised stem, phytohormone, tissue-reunion 1; Department of Biosciences, Teikyo University. 1-1, Toyosatodai, Utsunomiya, Tochigi, 320-8551, JAPAN. 2; Faculty of Life and Environment Sciences, University of Tsukuba. 1-1-1, Tennoudai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8572, JAPAN. - / g k m ALPK HUK AV (& f t x l j r y vx p l x v y p p v p y f kp r x k FHSRLX /- 1 B VKKHXK 5 SS /.&1 VSSTHUU HUK 9SV RTHUU /. 1 BPLNLS HUK ELXILRL /./1 HU KLX B VV L HS // 1 AP LXK VU L HS //,1 FHUN HUK VSSTHUU //, f p x x (&&)1 ALPK HUK AV x x (& 1 ;RL y v P L HS (& ) f p 8SHP THU L HS p k p x v p /. a d (& 1 x o BH (&&&1 VSSTHUU b o (& ) f n o v c m gp 9SV RTHUU 3 H PUH L HS k y kf M. Asahina et al-1 BSJ-Review 6:31 (2015) 植物科学最前線 6:32 (2015) 1 v g nk k x x p p v r p y j o y f v y k (3 o s x 3 H PUH L HS (&&( (&&, (&&-1 (&& f M. Asahina et al-2 BSJ-Review 6:32 (2015) 植物科学最前線 6:33 (2015) yoy v j k y x p p k y x p v p o (4 v p C;43 XPPVKVILU VP H PK p x v p o 6A 009DB p y f BHIH PUP L HS /// y k v p x y y y k 3 H PUH L HS (& y nt p o f z p 6A 009DB n x 5 4009DB ) f o j v p f fv v v 3 H PUH L HS (& p y f nt k k o f y TT y A 3 M. Asahina et al-3 BSJ-Review 6:33 (2015) 植物科学最前線 6:34 (2015) y k f y y y k v p e5A7B C :PXH y o p x p x o 1 3 0 p fv v v fv 0 o x p p 3 H PUH L HS (& v y 3 o y f 1 p 7A8 3@( f k v k v o n ) 3 H PUH L HS (& L HS (&&) k v p x p 0p o 8 89 v 1 35 3 x o v 3 k v 1 v 0p x v p (& ) f 2 3 nk 027 n 027 p s n y k v o k y f M. Asahina et al-4 BSJ-Review 6:34 (2015) 植物科学最前線 6:35 (2015) M. 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