Toyosu Price List

Price List
(Tax included)
(Tax included)
Admission Fee
Annual Fee
My Gymメンバーは世界中のMy Gymでクラスを受けることができます
My Gym Members are able to take classes at any My Gym location in the world.
Will be charged annually. (Will be automatically renewed after a year)
(Tax included)
Starting Package
ユニフォーム2枚とMy Gym バックのセットです
This is a package with 2 uniforms and a My Gym bag
☆ フィットネスコース ☆ Fitness ☆
⽉月4回の該当クラスとJungle Time*をご利利⽤用頂けます
Once a week Class
(Tax included)
This includes 4 classes per month and Jungle Time.
Twice a week Class
(Tax included)
This includes 8 classes per month and Jungle Time.
Little Bundlesコース
Littles Bundles Class
(Tax included)
This includes 4 Little Bundles classes per month and Jungle Time.
Private Class
(Tax included)
60min private class. You can also have a class with friends belonging to different age groups!
(Tax included)
40min. private lesson
Personal Class
⽉月8回の該当クラスとJungle Time*をご利利⽤用頂けます
⽉月4回のLittle BundlesクラスとJungle Time*をご利利⽤用頂けます
☆パーティー (90分~貸切)☆Party (90min~)☆
My Gym Party
Baby Mymo's Party
⼊入会時のお⽀支払 / Initial Payment:
⼊入会⾦金金 + 年年会費 + ⼊入会⽉月⽉月謝 + 翌⽉月⽉月謝 + ⼊入会セット
Admission fee + Annual fee + Tuition Fee(1st mth) + Tuition Fee (2nd mth)
+ Starting Package
*Jungle Timeとは、ジムを開放しマイジムメンバーの保護者様とお子様でジムを自由にご利用いただける時間です。
*Jungle Time is a free play session open to My Gym members and parents.
‐兄弟割引もございますので,詳細はスタッフまでお問合せ下さい/Sibling discount available. Please see My Gym staff for detailed information.
※3ヶ月目以降のお月謝は、銀行からの引き落としとなります/The monthly tuition will be deducted from your bank account from the 3rd month.
My Gym Toyosu
E-mail: [email protected]