3/19(Wed)Special Symposium ワークショップ 1 Workshop 1 WS2D-1 3/19 (Thu) Room D 8:00 ∼ 9:00 神経細胞機能の操作と観察の最新技術による脳機能の解明 Manipulation and imaging of neuronal function: An inseparable pair to solve mysteries of the brain 小山 隆太(東京大学大学院薬学系研究科 薬品作用学教室) Ryuta Koyama(Lab. Chem. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci., Univ. Tokyo) 藤澤 茂義(理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センター) Shigeyoshi Fujisawa(RIKEN BSI) WS2D-1-1 光遺伝学による神経細胞構造の形成メカニズムの研究 The use of photoactivated adenylyl cyclase (PAC) for the study of neuronal morphogenesis ○小山 隆太、周 至文、池谷 裕二 東京大・院薬・薬品作用 3/19(Thu)Workshops ○Ryuta Koyama, Zhiwen Zhou, Yuji Ikegaya Lab. Chem. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci., Univ. Tokyo WS2D-1-2 中枢神経傷害後の神経−血管相互依存性の分子実体の解明 Molecular mechanism of neurovascular coupling in pathological central nervous system (CNS) ○村松 里衣子 1,2,3、山下 俊英 1,2 1 大阪大・医・分子神経科学、2JST CREST、3JST さきがけ ○Rieko Muramatsu1,2,3, Toshihide Yamashita1,2 1 Dept. Mol. Neurosci., Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka Univ., 2JST CREST, 3JST PRESTO WS2D-1-3 3/19(Wed)Joint Symposium 光ファイバーを用いた自由行動下マウスの脳深部カルシウム活動計測 Fiber optic calcium recording in the ventral striatum in freely moving mice ○夏堀 晃世 1、高田 則雄 1、関谷 敬 2、三村 將 1、田中 謙二 1 1 慶應大・医・精神、2 東大・医・薬理 ○Akiyo Natsubori1, Norio Takata1, Hiroshi Sekiya2, Masaru Mimura1, Kenji Tanaka1 1 Dept. Neuropsy., Sch. of Med., Keio Univ., 2Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. of Med., Univ. of Tokyo WS2D-1-4 大規模細胞外電気生理記録と光遺伝学を用いた領域間ネットワークの 相互作用解析 Combined techniques of large-scale electrophysiological recordings and optogenetics for studying inter-regional neuronal interactions ○藤澤 茂義 理研・脳総研 ○Shigeyoshi Fujisawa RIKEN BSI Outline of Symposium It still remains a mystery how neurons are orchestrated in the functional brain. One reason has been the lack of techniques for precise manipulation of single neuronal function and simultaneous observation of multiple neuronal activities. Recent advance of optogenetics and other techniques has been providing us methods to unravel causal relationships between neuronal circuit computations and cognitive behaviors, through manipulations of targeted neurons. Here, we will introduce up-to-date studies that utilize optogenetic, recording, and imaging techniques to understand the brain function in health and disease. 130 WS2E-2 3/19 (Thu) Room E 8:00 ∼ 9:00 in vivo 循環機能評価法 Methodologies for the study of circulatory system in vivo 冨田 拓郎(自然科学研究機構・岡崎統合バイオサイエンスセンター 心循環シグナル研究部門) Takuro Tomita(Div. of Cardiocirculatory Signal., Okazaki Institute for Integrative Bioscience (NIPS), NINS) 松永 直哉(九州大学大学院薬学研究院 薬剤学分野) Naoya Matsunaga(Dept. Pharmaceutics, Facl. Pharmaceutical Sci., Kyushu Univ.) WS2E-2-1 Physical medicine の科学的エビデンス構築と有効な疾患モデル Application of physical medicine to the prevention of chronic diseases 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia ワークショップ 2 Workshop 2 ○甲斐 広文 熊本大・院生命科学(薬)・遺伝子機能応用 ○Hirofumi Kai WS2E-2-2 冷却誘発性血管収縮に関連した皮膚微小循環障害モデル Cutaneous microangiopathy model associated with cold-induced vasoconstriction ○石田 裕丈、齊藤 真也、石川 智久 静岡県大・院薬・薬理 ○Hirotake Ishida, Shin-ya Saito, Tomohisa Ishikawa Grad. Sch. Pharm., Univ. Shizuoka WS2E-2-3 慢性腎不全 (CKD)時の腎−肝−腎連関における分子時計の影響 Influence of the molecular clock in the kidney-liver-kidney axis under chronic kidney disease (CKD) 九大・薬・薬剤 ○Naoya Matsunaga, Satoru Koyanagi, Shigehiro Ohdo Dept. Pharmaceutics, Facl. Pharmaceutical Sci., Kyushu Univ. WS2E-2-4 マウス心不全モデルを用いた新たな治療戦略の構築 Establishment of a novel therapeutic strategy using mouse models for heart failure ○北島 直幸 1,2、冨田(沼賀)拓郎 1,3、西村 明幸 1,3、西田 基宏 1,2,3,4 1 岡崎統合バイオ(生理研) ・心循環シグナル、2 九大・薬・創薬産学官連携、3 総研大・生命科学、4JST さきがけ「疾 患代謝」 ○Naoyuki Kitajima1,2, Takuro Numaga-Tomita1,3, Akiyuki Nishimura1,3, Motohiro Nishida1,2,3,4 1 Div. of Cardiocirculatory Signal., Okazaki Institute for Integrative Bioscience (NIPS), NINS, 2Dept. of Translation. Pharm. Sci., Grad. Sch. of Pharm. Sci., Kyushu Univ., 3SOKENDAI (Sch. of Life Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), 4JST, PRESTO 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposium ○松永 直哉、小柳 悟、大戸 茂弘 3/19(Thu)Workshops Dept. Mol. Med., Kumamoto Univ. Outline of Symposium In the field of pharmacological research, development of animal model which recapitulate human diseases is fundamental. However, simple productions of transgenic animals are insufficient to reveal the importance of target molecules in most cases. Therefore, there are strong demands for animal models able to represent the physiological relevance of specific genes and proteins clearly. In this workshop, in vivo methodologies to study various circulatory system will be presented. Furthermore, a novel physical therapy with disease model mice will be introduced. 131 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium ワークショップ 3 Workshop 3 WS2F-3 3/19 (Thu) Room F 8:00 ∼ 9:00 ヒト iPS 細胞由来心筋細胞シートの電気薬理学的特徴 Electropharmacological characteristics of human iPS cell-derived cardiomyocyte sheet 安東 賢太郎(東邦大学医学部 医学科 薬理学講座) Kentaro Ando(Dept. Pharmacol., Fclt. Med., Toho Univ.) 松尾 純子(株式会社新日本科学 安全性研究所) Junko Matsuo(Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories, Ltd.) WS2F-3-1 ヒト iPS 細胞由来心筋細胞シートにおける伝導能の電気薬理学的特徴 Electropharmacological characterization of the conduction property of a human iPS cell-derived cardiomyocyte sheet ○中瀬古 寛子、安東 賢太郎、杉山 篤 東邦大・医・薬理 3/19(Thu)Workshops ○Hiroko Izumi-Nakaseko, Kentaro Ando, Atsushi Sugiyama Dept. Pharmacol., Fclt. Med., Toho Univ. WS2F-3-2 薬物の心筋再分極過程に対する作用:ヒト iPS 細胞由来心筋細胞シート での評価 Effects of a drug on the repolarization phase in cardiomyocytes - assessment using an iPS cell-derived cardiomyocyte sheet ○松尾 純子 1、宮本 憲優 2、小島 敦子 2、諫田 泰成 3、澤田 光平 2、有村 由貴子 1、鈴木 晶子 1、 吉福 智子 1、関野 祐子 3 1 (株)新日本科学・安全性研究所、2 エーザイ(株)・グローバル CV 評価研究部、3 国立衛研・薬理 ○Junko Matsuo1, Norimasa Miyamoto2, Atsuko Ojima2, Yasunari Kanda3, Kohei Sawada2, Yukiko Arimura1, Akiko Suzuki1, Tomoko Yoshifuku1, Yuko Sekino3 3/19(Wed)Joint Symposium 1 Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories, Ltd., 2Global CV Assessment, Eisai Co., Ltd., 3Div. Pharmacol., Natl. Inst. Hlth. Sci. WS2F-3-3 ヒト iPS 細胞由来心筋細胞シートにおける収縮と細胞外電位の相関: モーションベクトル法を用いて Relationship between mechanical contraction and field potential in the human iPS cell-derived cardiomyocyte sheets: By using motion-vector method ○中村 裕二、安東 賢太郎、杉山 篤 東邦大・医・薬理 ○Yuji Nakamura, Kentaro Ando, Atsushi Sugiyama Dept. Pharmacol., Fclt. Med., Toho Univ. Outline of Symposium Human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPS)-derived cardiomyocytes (CM) are commercially available now. In the result, topics of interest in hiPS are moving to its medical and industrial applications from the cell differentiation and/or induction. In this workshop, we will introduce the electropharmacological research with hiPS-CM sheets on its automaticity, excitability, conductivity and contractility by experts. We will also discuss the utility and limitation of hiPS-CM sheets especially at applications in drug development and provide new information to researchers, who want to begin to use iPS-CM sheets. 132 WS3C-4 3/20 (Fri) Room C 8:00 ∼ 9:00 現場の研究者に聞く先端イメージングのための秘伝 Tips Secrets and tips for cutting edge imaging-tutorials by skillful researchers 大久保 洋平(東京大学大学院医学系研究科 細胞分子薬理学) Yohei Okubo(Dept. Cell. & Mol. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Med., Univ. of Tokyo) 塗谷 睦生(慶応義塾大学医学部 薬理学教室) Mutsuo Nuriya(Dept. Pharmacol. Keio Univ. Sch. Med.) WS3C-4-1 動物個体を用いた大脳皮質の蛍光イメージング:仕組みと実際 In vivo fluorescence imaging of the cerebral cortex: Techniques and applications 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia ワークショップ 4 Workshop 4 ○関谷 敬 1、北島 奈美 1、高木 美貴 1、瀧川 健司 1、佐藤 要 1、山澤 徳志子 2、金丸 和典 1、 田中 謙二 3、廣瀬 謙造 4、飯野 正光 1 1 東大院・医・薬理、2 慈恵医大・分子生理、3 慶應大・医・精神科、4 東大院・医・神経生物 1 Dept. Pharmacol., Univ. Tokyo Grad. Sch. Med., 2Dept Mol. Physiol., Jikei Univ. Sch. Med., 3Neuropsych, Keio Univ. Sch. Med., 4Dept. Neurobiol., Univ. Tokyo Grad. Sch. Med. WS3C-4-2 蛍光だけじゃない!多光子現象を応用した新規顕微鏡法 Non-fluorescent multiphoton microscopy ○塗谷 睦生 1,2 1 慶大・医・薬理、2 横国大・環境情報 ○Mutsuo Nuriya1,2 3/19 (Thu)Workshop ○Hiroshi Sekiya1, Nami Kitajima1, Miki Takagi1, Kenji Takikawa1, Kaname Satoh1, Toshiko Yamazawa2, Kazunori Kanemaru1, Kenji Tanaka3, Kenzo Hirose4, Masamitsu Iino1 1 Dept. Pharmacol., Keio Univ. Sch. Med., 2Grad. Sch. Env. Info. Sci., Yokohama National Univ. WS3C-4-3 ここでしか聞けない!?イオンチャネル1分子蛍光イメージングのコツ Tips for single molecule imaging of ion channels 名古屋市大・院薬・細胞分子薬効解析 ○Yoshiaki Suzuki, Hisao Yamamura, Yuji Imaizumi Dept. Mol. Cell. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci., Nagoya City Univ. 3/20 (Fri)Workshops ○鈴木 良明、山村 寿男、今泉 祐治 Outline of Symposium Recent development of fluorescence imaging techniques opens the new era of pharmacological studies. However, it is often difficult to apply and reproduce the cutting edge imaging techniques only by referring the description in published articles. There seems to be unpublished secrets and tips which first authors consciously or unconsciously make full use of. In this workshop, we will discuss details of actual imaging experiments in depth with skillful young researchers to uncover and share secrets and tips for cutting edge imaging techniques. 133 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium ワークショップ 5 Workshop 5 WS3D-5 3/20 (Fri) Room D 8:00 ∼ 9:00 はじめての行動薬理学 Behavioral pharmacology for beginner scientists 山口 拓(長崎国際大学薬学部 薬理学研究室) Taku Yamaguchi(Dept. Pharmacol., Fac. Pharmaceut. Sci., Nagasaki Int l. Univ.) 井手 聡一郎(北海道大学大学院薬学研究院 薬理学研究室) Soichiro Ide(Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.) WS3D-5-1 行動薬理学概論 Introduction to behavioral pharmacology ○山口 拓 長崎国際大・薬・薬理 ○Taku Yamaguchi 3/19 (Thu)Workshop Dept. Pharmacol., Fac. Pharmaceut. Sci., Nagasaki Int l. Univ. WS3D-5-2 抑うつ・不安関連行動の行動薬理的評価法 Behavioral pharmacological assessment of animal models of depression and anxiety ○辻 稔、宮川 和也、武田 弘志 国際医療福祉大・薬・薬理 ○Minoru Tsuji, Kazuya Miyagawa, Hiroshi Takeda Dept. Pharmacol., Sch. Pharm., Int. Univ. Health and Welfare WS3D-5-3 認知行動の行動薬理的評価法 Assessment of cognitive function in animal models ○小谷 定治 エーザイ・ニューロサイエンス&ジェネラルメディスン創薬ユニット 3/20 (Fri)Workshops ○Sadaharu Kotani Neuroscience & General Medicine PCU, Eisai Co., Ltd. WS3D-5-4 疼痛行動の行動薬理的評価法 Behavioral pharmacological assessment of animal pain models ○中川 貴之 1,2 1 京大病院・薬剤部、2 京都大院・薬・生体機能解析 ○Takayuki Nakagawa1,2 1 Dept. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., Kyoto Univ. Hosp., 2Dept. Mol. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceu. Sci., Kyoto Univ. Outline of Symposium Behavioral pharmacology is a science to research the interaction between drugs and neuropsychiatric function and contributes the development of therapeutic drugs. Moreover, behavioral pharmacology also plays the important roles to elucidate the novel neuropsychiatric functions and develops animal behavioral models. In this workshop, for beginner scientists, we will introduce the validation and important note in behavioralpharmacological evaluation methods, focusing on the emotional function/anxiolytics/antidepressants, cognitive function/nootropics and sensory function/analgesics. 134 WS3E-6 3/20 (Fri) Room E 8:00 ∼ 9:00 少子高齢化に向けた革新的なイノベーションと薬理学 Innovation science and technology for Japanese aging society and pharmacology 吉山 友二(北里大学薬学部 臨床薬学研究・教育センター 臨床薬学(保険薬局学)) Yuji Yoshiyama(Div. Clinical Pharmacy, Kitasato Univ., Sch. Pharmacy) WS3E-6-1 少子高齢化に向けた革新的なイノベーションと薬理学 Innovation science and technology for Japanese aging society and pharmacology ○吉山 友二 北里大・薬・臨床薬学 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia ワークショップ 6 Workshop 6 ○Yuji Yoshiyama Div. Clinical Pharmacy, Kitasato Univ., Sch. Pharmacy センターオブイノベーション(COI)プログラムトライアル拠点の紹介 ―安全高品質な漢方 ICT 医療を用いた未病制御システムの研究開発拠点― Introduction of a trial site for “The center of innovation (COI) program” - Research and development center for the control of disease-oriented states using safe and high-quality Kampo medicine with ICT - ○小田口 浩 北里大・東洋医学総合研究所 ○Hiroshi Odaguchi Oriental Med. Research Ctr., Kitasato Univ. 3/19 (Thu)Workshop WS3E-6-2 WS3E-6-3 機能性食品としての腸溶性ビフィズス菌カプセル Enteric capsules containing Bifidobacterium for functional food, using multi-layered seamless capsule technology ○河野 麻実子 Morishita Jintan Co., Ltd. WS3E-6-4 産学官連携コンソーシアムによる日本型生薬生産システムの構築 Build a medical plants production system by the industry-academia-government collaboration consortium ○後藤 一寿 農研機構 ○Kazuhisa Goto 3/20 (Fri)Workshops 森下仁丹株式会社 ○Mamiko Kohno NARO Outline of Symposium In this symposium, we will discuss Innovation Science and Technology for Japanese aging society and Pharmacology. Research and development on the stage before actual disease (Mibyou satge) control system using safe and high quality Kampo medicine and information and communication technology is useful for the Center of Innovation (COI) program by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Kampo medicine involves caring for one’s health at the Mibyou stage and is believed to prevent various disease. The objective of this symposium is that understand the necessity of a pharmacological knowledge in the innovation science and technology for Japanese aging society. 135 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium ワークショップ 7 Workshop 7 WS3F-7 3/20 (Fri) Room F 8:00 ∼ 9:00 疾患バイオマーカー研究の新展開 New evolution of disease biomarkers 神沼 修(公益財団法人東京都医学総合研究所 花粉症プロジェクト) Osamu Kaminuma(Allergy Immunol. Proj., Tokyo Metropol. Inst. Med. Sci.) 細見 直永(広島大学大学院 医歯薬学総合研究科 脳神経内科学) Naohisa Hosomi(Dept. Clinical Neuroscience and Therapeutics, Hiroshima Univ. Grad. Sch. Biomed. Sci.) WS3F-7-1 汎発性膿疱性乾癬のバイオマーカー Biomarkers for generalized pustular psoriasis ○杉浦 一充 名古屋大・医・皮膚病態学 ○Kazumitsu Sugiura 3/19 (Thu)Workshop Depr. Deramtol., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. WS3F-7-2 心原性脳塞栓症の補助診断バイオマーカー Supplemental biomarker for differentiating cardioembolic stroke from the other ischemic stroke ○細見 直永 広島大・院・医歯薬学総合研究科・脳神経内科 ○Naohisa Hosomi Dept. Clinical Neuroscience and Therapeutics, Hiroshima Univ. Grad. Sch. Biomed. Sci. WS3F-7-3 免疫療法の治療効果を予見するバイオマーカーセット Biomarker sets for the efficacy of immunotherapy ○神沼 修 都医学研・花粉症 3/20 (Fri)Workshops ○Osamu Kaminuma Allergy Immunol. Proj., Tokyo Metropol. Inst. Med. Sci. WS3F-7-4 尿路上皮がんの新しいバイオマーカーの同定 Identification of a novel biomarker for urothelial cancer (UC) diagnosis ○越川 直彦 1,2 1 神奈川県立がんセンター・研・がん生物、2 東大医科研・腫瘍細胞社会学分野 ○Naohiko Koshikawa1,2 1 Div. Cancer Cell Res., Kanagawa Cancer Cent. Res. Inst., 2Div. Cancer Cell Res., Inst. of Med. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo Outline of Symposium Biomarkers reflect the development, progression and healing process of diseases. Even though tones of efforts have been poured into biomarker studies so far, almost all of those attempts have concentrated into individual target diseases. Therefore, the difference and similarity of biomarkers among diseases have been poorly investigated. By comparing the latest biomarker studies in cancer, cerebrovascular, skin as well as allergic diseases, and those for diagnosis, pathogenesis as well as responsiveness to therapy, this session proposes a practical and pharmacological application of biomarkers. 136
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