氏名 澤田和彦 所属と職位 医療保健学部保健栄養学科 教授 主な資格と学位 プロフィール 研究分野 研究テーマ 主な所属学会 主な担当科目 主な著書・論文 博士(理学) 埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科博士後期課程 修了 日本ロシュ株式会社研究所研究員(毒性病理) 徳島大学医学部助手(解剖学第二) 徳島大学医学部助教授(機能解剖学) 神経解剖学 脳の形態形成の系統進化 日本解剖学会(学術評議員) 日本先天異常学会(評議員) 日本神経科学学会 北米神経科学会 人体の構造と機能Ⅰ(保健栄養学科) 人体の構造(理学療法学科・看護学科) 運動器系・神経系解剖学(理学療法学科) 医療英語 《著 書》 吉岡利忠、菊川忠裕、澤田和彦、杉野一行・編 (2013) 生物・解剖生理学~栄養管理と生命科学シリーズ~ 理工図書 《学術論文》 ■Sawada K, Hikishima K, Murayama AY, et al. (2014) Fetal sulcation and gyrification in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) obtained by ex vivo magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroscience 257: 158–174. ■Horiuchi-Hirose M, Saito S, Sato C, et al. (最終著者) Cerebral cortical hypoplasia with abnormal morphology of pyramidal neuron in growth-retarded mouse (grt/grt). Acta Neurobiole Exp (Wars) in press ■Sawada K, Saito S, Horiuchi-Hirose M, et al. (2014) Enhanced heat shock protein 25 immunoreactivity in cranial nerve motoneurons and their related fiber tracts in rats prenatally-exposed to X-irradiation. Congenit Anom Kyoto 54(2): 87-93. ■Sakamoto K, Sawada K, Fukunishi K, et al. (2014) Postnatal change in sulcal length asymmetry in cerebrum of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Anat Rec (Hoboken) 297: 200–207. ■Sawada K (2014) Application of gyrification stages of primates to gyrencephalic non-primate mammal, ferret (Mustela putorius). Adv Studies Biol 6: 1–6. ■Sawada K, Horiuchi-Hirose M, Saito S, Aoki I (2013) MRI-based morphometric characterizations of sexual dimorphism of the cerebrum of ferrets (Mustela putorius). Neuroimage 83: 294–306. ■Sawada K, Saito S, Horiuchi-Hirose M, et al. (2013) Dose-related cerebellar abnormality in rats with prenatal exposure to X-irradiation by MRI volumetric analysis. Congenit Anom (Kyoto) 53(3): 127–130. ■Hikishima K, Sawada K, et al. (2013) Atlas of the developing brain of the marmoset monkey constructed using magnetic resonance histology. Neuroscience (2013) 230: 102–113. 主な社会活動 e-mail ■Sawada K, Fukunishi K, et al. (2012) Fetal gyrification in cynomolgus monkeys: a concept of developmental stages of gyrification. Anat Rec (Hoboken) 295: 1065–1074. ■Sawada K, Watanabe M (2012) Development of cerebral sulci and gyri in ferrets (Mustela putorius). Congenit Anom (Kyoto) 52(3): 168–175. ■Sawada K, Fukunishi K, et al. (2012) Neuroanatomic and MRI references for normal development of cerebral sulci of laboratory primate, cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Congenit Anom (Kyoto) 52(1):16-27. ■Sawada K, Sun X-Z, Fukunishi K, et al. (2011) Development of corticocortical long associative fibers in cynomolgus monkey fetal cerebrum analyzed using DTI: its relation to sulcal formation. Adv Studies Biol 3: 133-150. ■Fukunishi K, Sawada K, Kashima M, et al. (2011) Correlation between formation of the calcarine sulcus and morphological maturation of the lateral ventricle in cynomolgus monkey fetuses. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars) 71(3): 381-386. ■Imai N, Sawada K, Fukunishi K, et al. (2011) Sexual dimorphism of sulcal length asymmetry in cerebrum of adult cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Congenit Anom (Kyoto) 51(4):161-166. ■Sawada K, Fukui Y (2010) Cerebellar abnormalities based on chemical neuroanatomy in Cav2.1 mutant, rolling mouse Nagoya. Adv Studies Biol 2:159-178. ■Sawada K, Sakata-Haga H, Fukui Y (2010) Alternating array of tyrosine hydroxylase and heat shock protein 25 immunopositive Purkinje cell stripes in zebrin II-defined transverse zone of the cerebellum of rolling mouse Nagoya. Brain Res 1343: 46-53. ■Sawada K, Sun X-Z, Fukunishi K, et al. (2010) Ontogenetic pattern of gyrification in fetuses of cynomolgus monkeys. Neuroscience 167(3): 735-740. ■Sawada K, Fukui Y (2010) Zebrin II expressing Purkinje cell phenotype-related and unrelated cerebellar abnormalities in Cav2.1 mutant, rolling mouse Nagoya. ScientificWorldJournal 10: 2032-2038. ■Sawada K, Sun X-Z, Fukunishi K, et al. (2009) Developments of sulcal pattern and subcortical structures of the forebrain in cynomolgus monkey fetuses: 7-tesla magnetic resonance imaging provides high reproducibility of gross structural changes. Brain Struct Funct 213(4-5): 469-480. ■基盤研究(C):フェレット大脳における脳溝形成への連合線維の役割 (平成 23~25 年度) 研究代表者 ■基盤研究(C):カニクイザル大脳の正常発生過程における脳溝・脳回 の形成~7tesla MR 画像を用いた定量的解析~(平成 20~22 年度) 研 究代表者 ■Current Neurobiology, Editorial board member ■Human Genetics and Embryology, Editorial board member [email protected]
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