Title Author(s) Reliability Studies on MOCVD Grown AlGaN/GaN HEMT on Si Substrate MOCVD法によるSi基板上AlGaN/GaN HEMT の信頼性に関する研究 Frank Wilson, Amalraj Citation Issue Date URL 2014-03-23 http://repo.lib.nitech.ac.jp/handle/123456789/21739 Rights Type Textversion Thesis or Dissertation ETD ・名古屋工業大学学術機関リポジトリは、名古屋工業大学内で生産された学術情報を 電子的に収集・保存・発信するシステムです。 ・論文の著作権は、著者または出版社が保持しています。著作権法で定める権利制限 規定を超える利用については、著作権者に許諾を得てください。 ・Textversion に「Author」と記載された論文は、著者原稿となります。 実際の出版社版とは、レイアウト、字句校正レベルの異同がある場合もあります。 ・Nagoya Institute of Technology Repository Sytem is built to collect, archive and offer electronically the academic information produced by Nagoya Institute of Technology. ・The copyright and related rights of the article are held by authors or publishers. The copyright owners' consents must be required to use it over the curtailment of copyrights. ・Textversion "Author " means the article is author's version. Author version may have some difference in layouts and wordings form publisher version. Reliability Studies on Grown MOCVD AIGaN/GaN HEMT on Si Substrate (MOCVD法によるSi基板上AIGaN/GaN HEMTの信頼性に関する研究) March Frank Wilson 2014 AmalraJ ● Contents Contents Chapter I Introduction 1.1. History 1.2. Group 1 orGaN III-Nitrides 1.3. Substrate 3 optlOnS high 1.4. AIGaN/GaN 1.5. Application electron of Gallium 1.6. Reliability issues l.6. 1. Inverse l.6.2. Hot 1.7 Research 2 mobility 4 Nitride 8 HEMT 8 of GaN pleZOelectric 9 effect effect 10 thesis outline ll electron objectiveand transistors References 12 Chapter II Growth, device fabrication 2. 1. MOCVD growth 2.2. Structural and characterization 15 method optical 2.2. 1. X-ray and 19 characterization Diffraction Analysis 19 2.2.2. Hall Measurements 20 2.2.3. Raman Spectroscopy 22 2.2.4. Atomic Force 25 Microscope 2.2.5. Electroluminescence 2.3. AIGaN/GaN HEMT fabrication 26 27 process 2.3. 1. Photolithography 27 1 C ontents Surface 2.3. 1.2. Photoresist So允-bake Mask 28 preparation 28 coatlng 29 process alignment and 29 exposure Development 30 Post-bake 30 2.4. Fabrication process 2.4. 1. Mesa-isolation passivation 2.4.3. Ohmic metal 2.4.4. Schottky device 31 etching 2.4.2. Device 2.5. Basic 31 procedure contact 31 and 32 alloylng 33 gate metallization 33 characterization 2.6. Stress-test methodology 35 2.7. Summary 38 Reference 39 Chapter III Reliability Studies on AIGaN/GaN HEMT on Siwith Different Buffer Thicknesses 3. 1. Introduction 41 3.2. Experiment 41 3.3. Results and Discussions 43 3.3.1. Critical voltage 47 3.3.2. Electroluminescence 52 3.4. Summary 54 Reference 55 s ll Contents IV Chapter Origin Appearance and IIEMT§ of Defective Pits at the Gate-Drain Region of AIGaN/GaN Si on 4. 1. Introduction 4.2. Step-stress 57 59 measurement VD_sf,ess 4.2.1. - 4.2.2. ON-state 4.3. Step-stress 4.4. Cyclic 0 state bias stress 59 bias stress 60 at high measurement stress drain bias 62 stress 68 measurement 4.4.1 VG_sf,ess 4.4.2 VG_sl,ess - -10 - -10 breakdown 4. 5. Three-teminal V and VD_st,ess - 100 V 68 V and VD_sI,ess 150 V 69 - 73 characterization 4.6. Summary 75 Reference 76 Chapter s V Innuence of GaN Stress on Threshold Voltage AIGaN/GaN HighElectron Mobility Transistors 5. 1. Introduction 77 5.2. Raman analysis 78 5.3. Results and Discussions 79 5.4. Summary 87 Reference 88 s 111 C ontents Chapter VI Conclusions Acknowledgement Authors Accomplishments 1V Abstract AIGaN/GaN for potential its high AIGaN/GaN last years, from are of GaN GaN the material transient In order to tackle thickness to moves stressed positive GaN and of the epitaxial at off-state GaN the preventlng reliability・ In the processes, properties startlng at aimed degradation・ electrical the from We stressed GaN devices MOCVD grown the understand by layer. varylng because We the device have strained of fわund layer buffer thickness, change in 2DEG were observed・ Ram?n spectrum found tensile bias condition on Si is undesirable on films strain in GaN changes to thickness quality the strain of the GaN. GaN out carried grown increaslng Upon f♭rtensile devices. One of failure mechanisms in GaN epltaXial density in the out stress crack-free dislocation carried and understanding approach the crystal thickness. the strain measurement to causes to understand today buffer and Though promlSlng electrical problem different buffer tensile to grow buffer better more optimization of surface collapse a systematic Si with on it that it is possible out a Large the deterioration carried the control various great amplifiers・ obstacle its limited exhibit needed. study, failure mechanisms. concentrations, to greatest lS subjectto the current is urgently HEMTs superlattice been phenomena, this AIGaN/GaN technology power substrate, Si is The cost. this reliability problem, HEMTs In have properties, reducing of GaN HEMT HEMTs low and (HEMTs) RF and different on grown Transistors devices switching of its large availability deployment Mobility Electron power HEMTs because wide High that to we increase The compressive. reveals and as more that threshold negative the buffer stepIStreSS voltage tends fわr compressive A comparison buffer thick and buffer thin leakage to the was VD-st,ess Rd and fro甲the doesn't show was slgnificant on 130 V・ The carried out and SiO2 Also source and pltS With a leakage There electrical widely AIGaN/GaN to HEMTs we cannot on a Si. strong and the avoid GaN the of (3TBV) These depth shows to the at the Although of buffer the a there in gm-peak were found spots the removlng to be increase gate leakage 100 in the current the appearance of It is evident that drain side edge which is degradation is degradation in gate-edge on Though found between measurements. reg10n・ influence found observed SEM/AFM VD-s.,ess10n the results out・ and devices・ the not in ends degradation observed fわrmed was buffer thick voltage carried in addition 3TBV Were was their average and correlation the pltS occurs, from formed contributes degradation be orlglnated addressed is we increaslng voltage high at this voltage edge on edge Were current thick current, drain the breakdown befわre the gate degradation believed Si with gate in IDmax reduction Si -with this critical voltage interrupted gate the pltS breakdown・ the at spot a on at in the the critical voltage show HEMTs thin Si with on increase obseⅣed even Si with on HEMTs sudden characteristics voltage why on were towards terminal substrate for the device HEMTs found we critical understand measurements mlgrate three of a We AIGaN/GaN in the gate leakage found PaSSivation nm・ failure・ To change around and Whereas I-V HEMTs AIGaN/GaN i・e is irreversible・ devices・ our AIGaN/GaN study increaslng for all slgnificance device careful no V degradation・ of critical voltage which beginnlng・ any catastrophic existence AIGaN/GaN on out the device observed 100 - carried was understand shows current above study device the Chat)ter Ⅰ:Introduction - Chat)ter I: Introduction - 1.1 History ofGaN In 1932, by reacting decades al. ammomia In Following by a two layers transistors (HEMTs) frequency, high number by U・ K・ Mishra [10 says a short current-voltage devices teⅢn and (I-り a long today term GHz a high 1 lattice fabrication in early for the first time between Khan AIGaN applications intensively were HEMTs at 40 a including based current currents・ high pursued by overview 2・4 W/mm at GHzand a of 220 GaN like recent GHz,and cut10fffrequency leakage constant novel W/mm instabilities GaN qualityof highelectron mobility [19].However, characteristics,and In based of the GaN at energy. debated・ crystalline GaN for material widely at the interface towards 10・5 at room of were period operations GHz, of 400 LED et that the presence accommodate AIGaN/GaN on performance at 30 frequency maximumoscillation (2DEG) gas temperature RF 13・7 W/mm GaN same performance high 18]. In - the fastest GHzand then, research power,and of groups electron improved of Junction [8].Duringthe et al. dimensional first p-n to eV direct band concluded reported, layer nucleation The substrate・ [9].Since [6,7] groups to 3・39 promising its wide to [5] a n-type conductivitywhich AIN lnSertlng Montgomery et al. reported by Akasaki GaN shown Akasaki of sapphire was it due as gap four by Mamska characterized the band GaN Almost temperatures・ were predicted applications and to high determined [4] laser leads et al.and et al. observed 60 they Ilegems in GaN Yoshida mismatch [3] where nitride (GaN) compounds gallium of GaN properties Bloom the丘rst galliumat optical 70's, this in 1973, improved and metallic devicesand defects native et al. early luminescencent 90's with gas Pankove temperature. was [1]prepared later in 1969/1970 [2]and 1983, et al. Johnsonn devices have collapse of This urges DC a ter I: Introduction - comprehensive important reliability studies investigate optical to characteristics fabrication teclmology・ 112 Group III-Nitrides The the the cause main throughdetailed aluminum (AIN), nitride electronicand or the main one of GaN HEMT pu叩OSe (GaN),and has big that optoelectronic a i.e electricaland material nitride device to growth indium (InN) nitride be to potential thesis. It is O「血s degradation investlgationsfrom gallitlm Ill-mitrides available semiconductor power/temperature it is and in high used devices. S' 4) 冒 ゝ亡 i= ⊂〉 ⊂) 3X .1= 400 Etil ロ) l= q) l (勺 500 l⊃) 聖 窒 lt⊃ ⊂ d 【□ 0.30 0.35 0.ら5 Lattice Fig1 1 1 Energy band ・ The eV for AIN crystal WZ energy as structures has of inversion such of the band gap shown as most varies in Fig・ a hexagonal zinc-blende symmetryand from structure, unit celland or rocksalt displays constant important 1・11 Group -1rZite (WZ) structures.・ structure gap 0.60 0.65 [nm] semiconductors O・9 eV for InN III-nitrides zinc-blende their lattice parameter versus 3・4 eV through and rocksalt structures. is thermodynamically more [20]. The wurtzite structures pleZOelectric for GaN cancrystallizeinthree effect・ Ga-N bond to 6.2 possible The stable than structure is highly is GaN other has lack polarized ter Ⅰ:Introduction - the with are atoms the cationsand (Ga or nucleation GaN the other at the atoms on substrate (a) top) (b) The choice of the the change polarlty heterostructure devices GaN III-nitrides. GaN parameters From Of in the [23]. mordant substrate, is an is given power device layerand Polarlty to in Table much either top), depending candidate its wide 1.1 for the and gap. commonly I.1, it is evidentthat applicatic-ns. polarityand method innuenclng the on operation A resume used GaN charges will subsequently by role the investigation fわr device energy with important an and interest GaN the grov^h Plays defects of excellent in Table the data reported for high GaN. created due enviroI-ment canhave one N-T8Ce (b) N-faced and nucleation formation has layers, SLJbstrBte Ga-faced of(a) the [10] (See Fig. 1.2). Su bstr8te Fig. 1.2. Structure [22】,where of GaN at the crystalgrown G計face common most hexagonal surface atoms The plane spaced crystal N-polarity(N or isthe GaN which closely The withanions. (0001) basal to Of two [21]. atom nitrogen is no-al in bilayers consistlng arranged Ga-polarity the near mostly direction or hexagonal growth with located electrons growth performance amongl in high of血ese semiconductor of of final theall other temperature and semiconductor teclmologleS・ has the highest figure of merit Chapter Ⅰ:Introduction - Table 1 1 Semiconductors material properties flgure Of merit ・ Material Property Bandgap energy GaN Eg (eV) field Eb, Breakdownelectric Esat saturated electricfield Electron Mobility Hole 〟 mobility saturation electron Maximumdriftvelocity Thermal Maximum T temperature Relative dielectric The gallium (oC) (BFOM - best choice a of itself・ GaN nitride concentration, stress, lattice constant mismatch・ layer forelgn on growth of GaN thermal conductivityand are for RFand high power favorable GaN conductivity, other FL *Ebr3) 3.5 0.4 0.25 15 25 3 8 2000 700 8500 1350 300 120 330 450 2.5 2.1 1.3 1 3 2 2 1 1.5 4.9 0.56 1.5 700 600 300 300 9 10 12.5 rl.9 24.6 3.1 9.6 1 substrate f♭ra GaN substrate or The problems offers good control low main disadvantages thermal expansion with size・ Hence The The physical of GaN growth but to the successful applications very 4 forelgn on that theyare are is Sic, with of GaN growth Substrate for the like; lattice mismatch, available substrates sapphire is not thermal conductivity・ expensive・ substrates also especially in possible血egration a of various its poor with dopant of polarity, substrates be considered properties associated GaN based devices device application due lattice mismatch to is only coefrlCient mismatchand Substrates is inevitable・ In chooslng factors and device growth all very substrate for microwave low GaN available in large cost・ ・2・ epitaxial eliminates to epitaxia1 layer several Table・ 1 shownin s* of GaN zero not expensiveand epitaxial 4 for GaN hetero-epitaxy・ Homoepitaxy very 1.ll c, constant Baliga figure of merit 1.3 Substrates (W/cmK) 1( 1:43 (107 cm/s) ud conductivity (107 cm/s) vsa. velocity Si 3.25 (103v/cm) (cm2Ⅳs) GaAs 3.49 (106v/cm) (cm2Ⅳs) 〟 + 4H-Sic in terms good Si promises matured favorable The most of thermal advantages Si electronics. over ter I: Introduction - Table. 1.2 Physical Substrate Lattice Sic to GdN Sapphire a: 7.5 c: 8.5 4.9 [W/cm.K] conductivity 17 4.08 [1016K-l] expansion Si 14.1 [%] [inch] Size for the growthofGaN of available substrate for GaN mismatch Thermal Thermal properties 1.5 0.2 -0.5 2-3 2-4 2-12 Expensive LowprlCe Very Cost Expensive Output Overall Very power sapphire Good rating This is due to its availability and has substrate, lattice mismatchand strain leading layers already Sem high to cracks iconductor a thermal quality coefficients was Very good wafers (12inches), cheaper Disadvantage thermalconductivity. grow瓜But Good Moderate in largearea moderate inthe higher nowadays grown Moderate good mismatch uslng achievedand a causes which System crack thanSiC/ is the higher strong Of intermediateand free structures tensile buffer have been [24,25]. I Sem iconductor u I Semiconductor Semicollductor Vocuum如l Fig. 1.3. Energy band diagram forwide (I)and narrow (II)band gap semiconductor lI ter I: Introduction - 1・4 AIGaN/GaN highelectron AIGaN/GaN HEMTs are crystal direction (0001)with top GaN of between buffer layer・ two functions contact discontinulty ln in the conduction bottom at也e Fig. band side,也e voltage,血e bandand conduction creates triangular a dimensional two diagramof work different two is reached band valence gas in are by linlng up is fc'rmed. The to the near quantumwell,and electron on is formed Eg, permitivities占も, equilibrium in is deposited different semiconductors two these layer heteroJunCtion or band energy deposition vapor AIGaN Athin band-gaps energy Fig.1.3(a).When level and chemical heterostructure XSI The aFlnity bias boundary surface・ diHerent Of extemal discontinulty r with electron a metalorganic a general, in the absence the Fermi shownin In is shownin semiconductors grownby galliumface semiconductors q¢s,and transistors mobility is fbmed (2DEG) as 1.3(b). 11{. AJGc]N 二こ-'-=ごT EF // / // , / / Su bsTrole Fig・ 1・4・ AIGaN/GaN direction from Subslr(コIe based of the spontaneous Whenthewide the donor band / structure and gap atomsand Ga-polarity・ with Polarization the piezoelectric polarization 2DEG at the interfTace is highly semiconductor collected as 2DEG induced sheet (left); electron (right). dopedthen channel charge accumulation dens】ty with the and formation of the electronsare in the quantumwellunder separated the Chat)ter Ⅰ:Introduction - heterointerface・ to a high and leads The on a This in the and ionicity the (Psp) piezoelectric coefficients in many from two and spontaneous AIGaN/GaN and interface by is a and minimum that the AI concentration the 2DEG along III-V with channel the bond (PpE) are semiconductors. in spontaneous strained AIGaN. piezoelectric the high AIGaN Hence, the polarization total thickness in the AIGaN layer [28]. 7 density necessary determines spontaneous larger charge AIGaN of -1013 induce the charge cm12 both of in 2DEG charges arises and GaN field polarization to the along of magnitude between induces two (Fig. 1.4.).The an order a and large a occur polarization charge boundary GaN band energleS, almost The is grown lack of symmetry The c-axis polarization sheet to near in wurtzite hexagonal the barrier in band-gap layer scattering [26]. the AIGaN difference GaN the of of III nitrides effect polarization that there shown oriented in the chamel velocity is created by electrons. the difference pleZOelectric to the coulomb reduces is created when of the covalent of traditional sources: saturation Due part channel polarization than layer・ upper conductive c-direction high a and GaN drastically of electrons heterostructure thick occurs dimensional mobility AIGaN/GaN relatively bending separation at the [27]. It was charges in 2DEG sheet denslty ln ter I: Introduction - l・5 Applications of Gallium ln the recent ・5・ This decade, GaN for application characteristics 1 Nitride GaN shows is in high a frequencyand itself positioning semiconductor as a next material with devices high power generation attractive power 〔77Gl甘1 [29]. D[g触TerreRrEaI BroadcastlJlg StatlorlS Operatng Temper血re Radar showninFig. semiconductor for E(eetrlc nverter5 and llybrld Vehlcles AJltkorlts[on as physical R由y 帆Ⅶe pp H.Tgh G8ien8山bHrier ;::て■予て?:'1 Power Converter E)ovvJle[zJq Broadbarld 仙川FEekl NoJse VI・'由gop LDrN L仇V Ctrctn CarRfrミ亡dtモロrLg rlミ叫eTLCV Eロ〇5 A-.\・`鵡F 9・^rFcTr'3 []nL/eTter51 A@ 旨.与1:. I ---I ■■--一 wlrモre68 net楢Ork 8y9temミ〉 F19tJre I-NF) I ⊃○ヽ:CB S6rVICO Maxlmurn lbTLaX) Currer)I Abx[m L(m OscIEJathg ト血hitoTeTrT.:Ild Frequency 、●-:コ‥.: ∴・乳・・・ H吋h Capacity CommtlrttCi)tJon to 1AlterFlative Fig・ 1.5. Application 1・6 Reliability properties starting aimed years, from the improvlng phenomenon, the current criticalareas in AIGaN/GaN process as of GaN based 一軒 Satelllte Systems llaVellng-Wave †ube s) semiconductor issues In the recent processes, areas I we11・ There GaN have materialproperties, device collapse HEMTs are HEMTs performance, problems which been to subjectedto the control breakdown various of voltage, and electricaldegradation・ are related possibilities that Scho血yand to buffer surfaceand transient reducing Fig・ epltaXialgrowth Ohmic optlmization contacts 1 ・6 depicts qualityand degrade and ノ ter - I: Introduction imperfect layer passivation dispersionand lagging effects In designing AIGaN/GaN electric field (- due to inverse Localized 6 and substrate Fig. I between ・61 Presently is large, Schematic there piezoelectric I.6,1 Inverse effect electric even should pay attention growth condition,and GaN bending. can In occur [30] and worse as hot electron degradation cancause dislocation fig above thermal high Fig. 'due mostly can also acts resulting ln between mismatch 1.6). to as large GaN described in Fig. 1.6. (h). showing of degradatic・n streams the conceming materialgrowth, case, HEMTs ofAIGaN/GaN main aRer cause which (see (d) and (e) in (i),(g)inthe see down cooling cracks two critical areas mechanism of device degradation explanations: inverse [31,32]. effect del Alamo field, additional effects (a),(b),and (c). see hot electrons to material wafer pleZOelectric Johand one 1.6. generate substrateand representation are device During to the Fig. shownin effectand native defects -due strain due tensile as charging under the gate atthe drain side which MV/cm) for degradation. polnt for parasitic responsible HEMT piezoelectric lattice mismatch a are [33] tensile proposed a strain generated mechanism, intheAlGaN as a result bamier of applied high due to the lattice Chapter I: Introduction - between mismatch effect・ The piezoelectric the drain at the several improved device 1.6.2 Hot electron By thermal is turned or thus authors are changes further ion etching, increase the on in the hot lS trapped the high the device on [34]. Moreover AIGaN barrier than energy leads to 1n they and can of the results lattice the electric field when surface, degradation [31]・ Some hot electron interface and responsible RF the influence trap density Pavlidis stress at the recess, the device the AIGaN barrier traps also generate discussed by various depth, recess They of AIGaN surface of negative formed by reactive that concluded charge drastic a heterointerface resulted from AIGaN/GaN induces mechanism an early the faster the degradation・ studied AIGaN/GaN for the observed involves accumulation HEMTs・ Another [41]have on With of gate in GaN meaSurement・ the larger the and reg10n, degradation stresslng degradation the show of gate-drain [40] have studied Ⅵ11izadeb trapplng field opens effect higher with from energy trapping experiments potential ofIDS; the effect of DC in the strain gate below probe electron degradation piezoelectric electrons tO the reversible charge addressed et al・ be may rlSe glVlng are get kinetic can the surface [39]・Jha inverse the under that the maximumelectric reveals in consequently stress electromechanical reduce electrons electrons Kelvin elasticity'and [35-38]. hot They promoting crystal inverse cause which effect Hot in the buffer that reported de丘nition on・ The created・ buffer GaN and beyond injectionand reliability energy・ layer simulation electron have authors be can during side for possibility barrier total strain exceeds defects crystallographic edge AIGaN the adopting HEMTs: degradation 10 they noise in both measurements and study that hot electron concluded DC to RF tests. Coffie et Chapter al. Ⅰ:Introduction - [42] observed a the induced degradation however, that there - 1.05 1.7 Research now is few only HEMT In This In Chapter comparison studies out. to get carrier be stressed, that many authors positive 4, DC insight relationship between summarizes the conclusions the out activation together into stress and on and As of on Si on studies the understand device HEMTs of GaN device terminal the血eshold was HEMTs buffer thick carried fabrication were discussed・ were out the early at different bias Electricaland presented・ breakdown First, thicknesses to detect perf♭med were degradation ll to thin and buffer thick of this dissertation. HEMT reliability their results were experiments with血ee respective systematic methodology grown grownon deployment・ followlng: as measurements step-stress HEMT GaN experiments in AIGaN/GaN AIGaN/GaN on thicknesses stress and achieved to its wide growth, HEMT Electroluminescence characterizations perfわrmed with been out carried details of MOCVD AIGaN/GaN on has carried buffer various 3 degradation for AIGaN/GaN conditions HEMTs Still a bottle neck have characterization In Chapter degradation・ of GaN thesis will be organized 2, the discussed. lS studies we Si with device carried It should mecbanism・ advancement reliability study, on Chapter HEMT that hot and concluded in power outline device reliability failure mechanisms. su血ce thesis In this research AIGaN/GaN of output in the literature, and this topic degradation teclmologlCal much were on agreement activated oC 205 to 155 degradation dominant objectiveand there process, from degradation for the energy eV perfわrmance, substrate. were no -2・O Although HEMT is the thermally reported energleS activation junction temperature varylng have negative voltages modes・ Chapter 5 voltage shi氏・ Finally were presents Chapter the 6 g垣pte卜Ⅰ: Introduction References [1] W・ 36 C・ Jolmson, J・ B・ Parsons,and M・ C・ Crew: The joumalofPhysical Chemistry, (1932) 2651. 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Later, reactor Recently,・ specific of the precursors carrier composition till date. produced occurrlng MBE growth. widely pressure quality rate growth doping, MOCVD [14]. system elucidated for GaN devices fllms GaN to grow chemical to be based deposition v叩Or most popular is the MOCVD years atmospheric (APIMOCVD) of The in the (HVPE) [1-4], expensive, successful quality used very to their most offers high used vacuum. of GaN to report one has also been detailed thermo-dynamics as first chemical of thickness, in recent quality The epitaxy which are ultra-high the highest nature organic control due progress done. phase teclmiques lmpreSSive applications been teclmique of GaN growth MOCVD detailed of III-Nfilms need of very remarkable vapor M・etal good a has the disadvantages described (LP-MOCVD) frequency years, growth with by employing pressure high of the oldest one the demonstration to Hydride are simple and quality al., have et characterization techniques [5-11],and it is et al., is the III-N The well growth has produced atmospheric as epitaxial Nevertheless, fわr the high Nakamura growth growth growth Amano MOCVD recent epitaxial layers: Interface. MOCVD quality In energy. high-qualitylayers technique and led and gap epitaxy GaN and have for high-power [4-6,12]. HVPE (MOCVD) The devices for GaN used its alloys and GaN of fabrication method band wide development device GaN in electronic results fabrication and characterization two-flow pressure [15]. the MOCVD kinetics reaction and and substrate employed, and reactor geometry. Chapter ⅠⅠ:Gro紬brication - Hydrodynamics This can for the true The employed・ by tbe丘)1lowing a also play is especially generally and characterization Al 良 is organic The have they gas and used important for GaN vapor in this alkyls conveniently is described growth (2.1) a column compound room-temperature・ of high Ga, atoms, quality semiconductors delivered uslng canreadily The most H2 epitaxial device since Carrier commonly (NH3). An gallium(TMGa)andAmonia in the growth III metal (methyland ethyl derivatives)aredost of III-N near extremely structure is the sources. (CH3)3Ga(g) + NH3(g) Temary temperatures growth N. case pressuresand is Trimethyl consideration of the purity high temperatures source C2H5'M 0r selected for the growth reasonably source CH3 III metal column the precursors oRen high the of experiments. ME(s)+3Rh(g)† - radical, typically simple result of growth [4,16]: E is a colurrm V atoms, In.and or a results reaction fわrIII-V bin∬y compounds R3M(g)+EH3(夢) Where as nitrides general equations role in the血al strong alloys such simultaneously TMGa with TMAl of the composition AIGaNand as InGaN as and GaN(s) - canbe described TMGa + (2.2) obtained by combining in equation TMAl or (2.3).Adjusting the the TMIn or 3(CH3)HT and TMGa TMIn gas-phase the solid controls composition. + x(CH3)Al(g) However, strongly done the exact depends by using Magnesium 1-x(CH3)Ga(g) + NH3(g) control of the composition the experimental on Silicon AIxGal-xN(s) - conditions・ Doping [16118],Germanium, [19-20]and Zinc [7]for ofthefi1m Sulphur, p-type. 16 + (2.3) x(1-x)CH4(g)T in such (x)obtained of GaN Selenium,and in MOCVD Tin reactions has been for n-typeand ter - II: Growth device fabrication and characterization I} 0 O こウ V 」■ e こJ q) 」■■■■ 也 t= ・ト・・■ ∽ -B (一( ⊂) ≡ cd ∈: ⊂) N l= O 」= (.H O 4) ∃ 」= (J i O q= ■- こロ ⊂= qJ ⊂ ⊂ 也 」= O i ○ G ∼ t: cd コ 【コ` '巨 岩喜 qJ 古 く.H O CLO ⊂ =当 也 L.. pて⊃ ・B 亡弓 ≡ ∽ U 」= O ⊃ こ/〕 Iロ a) [⊥1 rー1 ぎ Chapter - II: Growth, Dopants device SiH4 lab, Taiyo installed to in a suppress unifb-lty, steel chamber・ themal convection, NH3 top now their carrier gas and The upstream the reglOnS D凪1Sion starts gases of the a at the flow and affect the wafer is heated or and (Pyrolytic contact to corrosion glass, gr叩hite, Nitride) melt Of the the fumace is used as is this pyrolytic glassy carbon, silicon gases are electrically The nitride nitride, 18 or more whereas aluminum into through dopant on growth concentration The of total gas it can since In other stable to order really The ceramic material material can be avoid than surfaces Insulating nitride and concentration・ oC・ other these laminarflows. plate crucial 1200 PH3) beater. boron to up of ammonia interior, and In this in Fig. 2.1. the stream・ very the shape nOW・ shown liner, the along rate, organometallics isolation In this flow is in order growth and formed of the edge heater the reactions, structure that composition, resistance gases injected,as stage increases Injected of 2.1 glass liner;is adopted III element of group nozzles of quartz gas our Figure quality・ veloclty In threellayer a reduction high achieve three a gradually alloy the separately reactor. dissociation of to are flow gas of GaN・ has liner made undesirable at the starts rate, carbon unwanted Boron the a suppress organometallics. which acceptable cause may three of the three growth by flow liner has substrate balance uniformlty, uncontrolled solution the The to the via reg10n near reactor・ inert gas organometallics organometallics flow ln)eCted downstream the designed flow Of the reg10n with its carrier gas, mixture and used growth or dopants p-type was machine which carefully was and A thin restricted quality・ In order system, and MOCVD stainless linear MOCVD the yielded three-flow n-type growth hydrides through reactor common MOCVD that and丘1m now of the the most Sanso laminar to transported are teclmology a shows Cp2Mg Nippon flat flow be can Si2H6, 0r fabrication and characterization the PBM in direct like quartz corroded by device fabrication and characterization Chat)ter - II: Growth the meltand thus 2.2 Structural and This optlCal optical properties Atomic Force X-Ray out impurities. unwanted characterization the of the sample. diffraction Microscope in the solutionwith pollution section describes carried non cancause main Though (XRD), (AFM). methods various Hall All these to characterization measurement, teclmiques methods present concept ofanX-Ray 19 available the advantage diffraction Fig・ 212・ Basic structuraland we Ramanspectroscopy,and destructive. 2.2.1 X・Ray the characterize di缶actometer of being Chat)ter The to XRD their verify detemine by has been widely crystalline lattice the diffracted a selected influence to importance thin丘1ms・ density this, because of in turnaffects (n),electrical The Hall resistivity effect its simplicity, low We is employed α'-scan X、peれ I Crystal directly can line width・ the Figure the determine to need (LL)of mobility relatively simple fast turnaround and for Philips use The by in the semiconductor technique characterization cost, a is unit. (R), and provides and sample method the FWHM is supported effect to epl-Structure diffraction ofXIRay Hall the the On (HR-ⅩRC). cuⅣe and relationships grownAIGaN/GaN which of in semiconductors・ indispensable in GaN densities measurement doing diffraction rocking 2.2.2 Hall carriers X-ray X-ray the pictorial representation carrier [21].The MOCVD 2・2 shows accurately implngeS density our study by the line defect The beam of the samples quality epitaxial X-ray family plane high十reSOlution quality丘om An the crystalline identifythe to orientation, dislocation diffractometer to probe used parameters・ the血eading measurlng X-ray device fabrication and characterization II: Growth - for method It is time. industry the an and in research force [22],which laboratories. The- basic is an a of two combinatory moves electron principle direction convention・ With velocity curled on an a electron an force fわrce hand, can by X llV be the fingers into the direction dete-ined is the Lorentz fわrces: the electric fわrce and magnetic open is then Effect the electric field direction its magnetic of and separate along field, it experiences the Hall underlying B normal detemlnlng are polnted by opposite 20 direction to uslng applied The magnetic both directions. the right the direction along of the magnetic丘eld・ the to an perpendicular acting fbrce・ When the magnetic hand The rule of the carrier fわrce direction magnetic that the thumb is polntlng・ ter The device - 1l: Growth Lorentz resulting fabricationand fわrce F is therefわre, Fニーq where, characterization q is the elementary (E charge + VB) (2・4) is l・ 602 which is 10-19 c, E isthe electric field・ V field・ B is the magnetic the particle veloclty,and x ( n瓜l・dirlalp S〉pitem ILL 、 Fig・ 2・3・ Principle Hall The constant the sample. measure The 1 and 3 and也e contacts 2 and be calculated a constant sample the Hall voltage Hall 4. Once from consists measurement I and current a a of measurements series Fig・ 213 represents Cu汀ent voltage VH(- the Hall voltage of voltage field B applied magnetic shownin VH, ofHall the Hall I is fbrced血ough也e is measured V24) VH to the perpendicular measurement is acquired, the sheet the method・ remaining carrier (2.5) ns=拓 21 pair densityn.T theknc-wnvalues. IB plane of To pair of contacts opposlng across a with measurements of Can Chapter II.・Growth - 2・2・3 Raman Spectroscopy The place device fabrication and characterization of light which scattering an when [23125] incident light ray material (Solid,liquid, gas)・ As electron orbits frequency ( co ) as in results induced a the with periodic dipole separation but the redirection encounters an this incident constituent the electric is nothing in obstacle, light ray of light that takes our interacts case agitated periodically fleld of the incident ray. The agitation of charge within the the with are molecules scattering molecules, the ma,tter, with the of electron same cloud is called which of an moment. ■---■- --一l- ㍗ Vi 1e ド ■■■■--- E= -■---■- 一 i 「 i i 」 i】 】 Real levels 」 Strokes (w.- wvib) Fig・ 2・4・ Energy inelastic level diagram ln general, there scattering・ When are two the Rayle igh Anti W。 (W.+ sbowlng types maJOrlty the state involved of scattering Of 22 stroke s w Wvib) in Raman slgnal i・e・ elastic scatterlng available light scattered - is emitted at the and identical Chapter II: Growth. - frequency a). -a)vE・b at different dipole induced frequencies・ The light ray are Which , first scatterlng higher丘equencies at results in frequency and scatterlng frequencies two as anti-stroke Bond noted that vibrational condition scatterlng・ he cases to as referred C・ V was or is referred Ar-+B ヨ巳 vibrational mode results in scattering a to was as Raman change in the is that the Raman prlZe atoms With the down frequency describe this type of inelastic in 1930・ It has to in physics to corresponding polarizability must term∂7iQ 23 scatterlng, position up-shifted and the丘rst of the equilibrium about scatterlng, the noble length Bond -L-Q. Strokes awarded く旨] =〉 length ofA-B displacement the for Raman hence to lower shi氏ed -L light in these for which scatterlng, three compression E=E length frequency same prOCeSS・ B Fig・ 2・5・ Vibrational displacement shifted a)., frequency, are Equilibrium -L+Q. scatterlng namely these at to the incident =〇 くぎpansion The Fig・ 2・4・ shows frequencies, radiation corresponds the other The additional Maximum Maximum Bond frequency・ distinct three therefわre inelastic scatterlng are Whereas elastic scattering・ inelastic called created (Rayleigh),while it is elastic scattering is called frequencies moments a). +a)vlb and , fabrication and characterization incident the ( a)o)of light is scattered the device and be hence non-zero・ to referred a be to particular ●the necessary Chapter ⅠⅠ: Growl九device - fabrication and characterization 0 -Q. Fig・ 2・6・ Polarizability A-B of as +Q. function of diatomic molecule a displacement vibrational about equi 1ibrium For let example, vibrational displacement expansion, the electrons separation from length・ atom the other In contrast, when us consider (〕。as are a in shown readily displaced more Hence atom・ AIB atom's relative about position the the electron cloud fわrminimum by incident an position (at dQ - 24 are is A-B is increased is at maximum therefore length・ not depend that the value hence the a as agitated will bond from It is apparent electric丘eld non-zero, to the greater for maximum the electrons the Fig・2・6 0) maximum electric field due an bond It is apparent丘om of the atoms・ equilibrium and the with When compression, nucleus Therefわre, the polarizability is reduced agltate by the polarizability is at maximum feel the effects of the other ability to Fig.2.5. the A-B, or given much. that the on ∂ fundamental the ter - device fabrication and characterization 1Ⅰ:Growth of the vibrational mode 2.2.4 Atomic The Force Microscope atcmic force tunneling scanning much in common used to scan three-dimensional that is used surface, images. to lead to into proximity a defkction scanthe of or也e a is (AFM) (STM)andthe the sense AFM Ramanactive a'o and would a'. + a'vib - ,and a'vib ・ variations specimen surface. curvature surface, cantilever a of onthe of the The a has both generate (probe) tip sharp SP are and sample, cantilever SP in血e stylus cantileverwith is typically the tip the tip andthe sample at or silicon order ofnanometers・When force between IS surface Hookeヲs law・ to according (SP)・ The profilometer and也e of the of the principles combination stylus consists sample a tip in the STM The tip radiusof silicon nitridewitha brought The frequencies two the be would [26] STM. wi他山e the at microscope microscope AIB molecule inelastically scattered light generate its end diatomic Detector Last.r Fig. 2.7. Schematic Along with representation of the force, additionalquantities may 25 an AFM slmultaneously setup be measured through the Chapter use - II: Growth device fabrication and characterization types of specialized from spot reflected 2・7 shows contact the top surface the typlCal depending the on mode setup is prone deflection quite to done does cantilever not few the contact 1 extends the surface This above decrease a maintains tip-to-sample allows 10 to nm in the constant excess to decrease or amplitude the a sample, with distance image be can at oscillated is typlCally forces, are which fわrce which range of the feedback by the the tip of the is instead the static is almost of oscillation frequency topographic AFM frequency resonance force mode, long s boost to attractive other mode, of used der waals any into In contact static mode van tip-to-sample to construct are cantilever combined divided the measurement the amplitude the Figure of modes, are In non-contact or number is vibrated. Thus The the su血ce frequency Measuring SO氏ware creation electrons above acts 2・2・5 Electroluminescence of the a modes cantilevers [26].The picometers oscillation the scannlng The where nm imaglng surface. Just above resonant distance・ to the surface. to a few strongest丘om surface sample or down nanometers stiffness in laser a uslng of photodiodes・ be operated can the fわrce is repulsive・ where array signal. Because low the is measured an the cantilever feedback to close either its resonant丘equency a a the tip to "snap-in" in contact into possible where driR, and However, slgnal・ strong, causlng always as AFM general, mode is used noise The In non-contact and the deflection of the cantilever ofAFM. application. the static tip deflection slgnal Typically, of probes・ cantilever・ loop system adjustlng the average at (Ⅹ,y)data each of the sample point surface・ spectroscopy excess of electron-hole holes and recombination process light emission is referred may recombine, palrS and result in the emission to as luminescence・ 26 in of by direct a absorption. Eventually, pboton photon・ band The Electroluminescence gap materials general is the the property of process of chapter ll: Growth - generating device emission photon electric current fabrication and Characterization by caused injectionelectroluminescence, The light diode phenomenon・ In these directly photon lntO is a diagnosis sound distribution design, mesa diced schematic 2.3.1 versus diode fわrm a are a of by created both probe p-n JunCtion・ COnVerted ionization EL this of 1S current, the localized an of concemed example lmpaCt can spectroscopy and the energy Si substrate fわr the pleCe olmic with HEMT various process in to five major device passivation, On fabrication transistor is classified that involves representation to across electroluminescence・ called ionization mobility grown small holes and result will be mainly injectlngCarriers in the energy, a bias conditions. etching, into [27-30]・We laser is carriers excess of Junction tO the so rlSe of HEMT epIStruCture and Electron of impact fabrication AIGaN/GaN taken glVlng p-n electric highelectron The structure the and energy・ of carriers 2.3 AIGaN/GaN the result of devices radiatively, recombine excitation applied electric filed an with emitting the when stages divisions contact, gate metallization・ buffer various process・ and The in the HEMT particularly thicknesses Fig・ 2・8・ shows were the process・ Photolithography photolithography surface a of is the process The silicon wafer・ + Surface preparation ◆ Coating (Spin casting) ◆ Pre-bake (So氏bake) ◆ Alignment/ ◆ Development ◆ Post- bake of transferring steps involved geometric shapes in the photolithographic (wafer cleaning) Exposure (Hard bake) 27 on a process mask are to the Chapter ◆ Post process cleaning Surface The as as well organic any traces uslng de-ionized with dirt and unwanted Photoresist A water the and a humidity case, to Further, control, types and light wherever impact were samples all the remove Will and and the underlying was the samples were negative. material The In positive at control, high is speed and large number a and speeds of the PR uniformlty, where spln The a uniform1ty control. times, and dispensed, resist role in the resist thickness as such slgnificant applied uslng baked in dry a Spln oven In these temperature, exhaust, effects resist, the PR is to be removed. 28 tumtable volume important an o洗en have photoresist COatlng. dispense, controlled well of spln thickness dynamic play a specific, in this process, PR Speeds. Cleanliness a on of the spln Operation, aspects cleanlng, done spln a at Of thickness on or the substrate splnner positive the of practical Carefully of PR: cleanlng process spun attention much static dispen?e each (PR) requlrement slgnificant of the resist, and Was This these in of the process. simple is then Stringent between choice a氏er organic coatlng Then cleanlng immersed was sample each. N2. photoresist which to be glVen have can unifbmity. two has accelerations properties of wafer/sample, denslty is Initially organic The on by blowlng by the seemlngly low of parameters bath. water fわr 5 min dried uniformcoating the desired film. There hot and impurities. metallic the surface on matter particulate coating producing defect and propanal and to remove particle that affects the quality thin, onto poured bath and is accomplished thickness 10nlC, of organlC, acetone Cleanlng cleaned chemically ultrasonic solvents rinsed are ● Wafer or prepa_ration wafers done were device fabrication and characterization II: Growth - on the PR. The COater. at 90 is exposed In spln oC・ There with resists, exposure our are the UV to the chapter uv light changes the developer・ 1eavlng the chemical The The of the resist structure resist is then exposed of the bare Windows removed". on device fabrication and characterization 1I: Growth, - therefわre, contains mask, exact an by away washed In other material・ underlying that it becomes so copy the words, orthe more in soluble developer solution, "whatever exposed, pattem is to remain which the wafer. resist behave Negative the causes negative negative developer solution photoresist therefore, Soft-bake A鮎r The Reducing By time・ with polymerized and su血ce exposed the UV to difficult more Masks portions・ and for used light dissolve・ to it is exposed, wherever the negative be transferred・ of the patternto the resulting丘1m coating, Exposure process drying Of the solvent maJOrlty The after spln 20 40 % by removlng this Properties of the film - coat is to stabilize the changlng content the PR, will contain the photoresist the solvent temperature・ at room stable Pre-bake baking manner・ the inverse contains involves the only opposite the on remains removes or PR so允-bake solvent・ resist just the become to resist Therefわre, in is removed Of solvent removlng from by the film and PR a weight film solvent・ excess becomes four glVe major effects. 1. Film 2. Post-exposure 3. adhesion 4. film becomes thickness Typically the PR bake development and is improved, pre-bake fllm, processlng・ is reduced There are and soft-bake sufficiently changed and less tacky or are properties small several thus less susceptible to particulate process to keep methods leave film the that between can 29 stable be used contamination 3 to 8 percent during to bake residual subsequent PR・ The solvent lithographic most obvious in Chapter -+II: is an method 2・3・1・4 alignment One film metal transferred previous A mask on one intenslty exposure important most or Once the a square is aligned mask Each surface・ mask has mask been glass photolithography plate after the first through a with the wafer, with accurately is exposed the photoresist in the steps is photomask side・ The ultraviolet patterned emulsion of that the patterncan so one must aligned the pattem is mask process with be aligned to the the patternon the mask on be the a with high light・ Development The the PR must last steps in the photolithogr叩hic process be developed・ bases the photoresist・ The process・ extent and the wafer onto surface, the of pattern・ wafers fabrication and characterization bake. oven Mask aligrment・ device Growth No-ally Development is undoubtedly of the characteristics the shape aqueous of the photoresist one resist developer profile and more are are of the development・ used as a most developer critical steps interactions importantly Once dete-in° the linewidth exposed, to remove in the PR to a large control. 2.3.1.伝 Post-bake The the harsh post-bake environments is used to harden of implantation the丘nal or etching・ 30 resist image so that it will withstand chapter device Il: Growth, - 2.4 Fabrication process 2.4.1 Mesa-isolation fabrication and characterizatiop procedure etching lnitially the samples in soaking deionized with the 90oC in dry a light developer suitable immediately watts, reflection duration Device by which was holder inside out carried conditions: 200 removes approximately The sccm・ Then 10 = etching GaN until the underlying nm the based BC13 3 Pa, power 10 - rate OPtlmal uslng by - at set up fわr 30 min・ chamber pressure 0, and BC13flow - one samples at 90 oC a by subjectlng exposed done baked then one coated tO aligner the was post-bake then are mask developlng the fわllowing under the mesa-isolation, done for depositing deposited deposition vacuum uslng unifわrmly and the with passivation Was cleanlng siO2 min, aligned coater spin samples rinsing layer is reached. A鮎r set up (RIE) etching of the sample 30 was buffer 2.4.2 (plasma) ion etching reactive cooled (MF3 19).The solution dry area a using and is followed This exposure・ (S1800) by then were 2-proponal and is fわllowed samples cleaned the baked the isolation under The (45 cycles/min)by vibration (CH3COCH3) This each・ solution fわr 20 min・ oven N2・ uslng polymer photoresist approprlately uv dried and ultrasonic acetone namely fわr 5 min consecutively water cleaned under solvents organic (cH3)2CHOH, are was was for 1 min・ SiO2 in the order of6 The uSlng 100 carried organic nm out - electron at a at an 9 x was sample beam then substrate evaporation rate in order 31 loaded agaln into temperature o川・4 attain a and 0・6 - a of A/sec, HCI additionally chamber evapor?tion teclmique・ evaporation constant 10-03 pascal done Was cleanlng The 150 with uniformpassivation thickness oC・ The of SiO2 the chamber film・ ter 1Ⅰ:Growth - device fabrication and characterization Gate meta]1ialion (Pd/ Ti/ All) 聯∴.,l}.,_巨匪 Samples Alter l他ography in RIB etched uslng gate mask P血otoresi5t remOV(∋d chanber All Tl/ A】/ N〟 20/ 72/ 12/ 40 Atier Photoresist before applied USIT)i Source-drain dram lithography SOurCe- uslng left ollt PR with mask mask. nm r一丁こ・、i ;;ど -・、TTl iiL・・且 ∴Lと Fig・ 2・8・ The 2・4・3 0hmic metal T血ese aligrLment post bake + then Al/ the out has been - 15/ samples were -40 are camied ml) PaSSivation loading也e 12/ 40 HEMT process alloying into metallization 72/ ofAIGaN/GaN once photolithography 'NH4F befわre loaded same etching SiO2 remove and paSSivated 14 ml - ca汀ied Ni/ Au SiO2 has done, wet etchand were contact followlng CH3COOH to detailedflowchart nm) agaln procedure out as mentioned using buffered HF until foranoptimumtime in the olmic samples into chamber consecutively 32 region alone・ for depositing to 30 Again optimal ARer (HF - 2 ml see)ino,de, HCI chamber・ Ohmic mask above. solution (15 metallization under f♭r ohmic prepared cleaning The sample metalstack pressure. once (Ti/ the Chapter Il: Growth - has evaporation device been Rapid thermal of ohmic hardening, and recoverlng samples is 850 Again gate oC・ until the samples ARer gate finger HCI cleanlng・ 1 min cleanlng into ・the metallization 2.5 Basic The device gate annealing amealing was main (Wg), another formation, The parameters, 40/ 20/ 60 - basic some in this section. length gate to proportional frequency A good are and then uslng buffer contact etchant after HCI immediately gate fわr process丘nally metal The stack・ nm・ important terms, basic The (Lg),source the gate to width・ limits of the device・ gate devices loaded fわr depositing chamber etched Was were samples width devices are fわr evaluation geometrical drain Dimension width photolithography SiO2 the directly small seconds is reached・ temperature drain relatively fわr 30 out by the earlier fわr GaN-on-silicon temperature ca血ed the radiation alloying, of the devices damaged (Lsg),and gate-dr;indistance (Lgd).The maximal metal - for samples characterization will be described width contact The through Pd/ Ti/Au are used device drain room went by stacks source these on out carried pattemed the sample・ on pads underlying metallization followed gate metal The these contacts・ was process・ gradually gate (RTA) the remove contact the electrical properties etching 2.4.4 Schottky i.e to and drain source contact assisted to cool allowed the annealing formation substrate lift-off is done completed thereby defining photoresist plasma fabrication and characterization flowing utilized Lg device throughthe current, fわr power low noise applications, are distance is critical in determinlng for low and of HEMTs (Lsd),gate-source spacing current Therefore parameters of HEMT is the application large gate used. power device is that which allows 33 switching as large current as possible, Chapter on and - II: Growth, fleld limited 2DEG A HEMT on voltage to hence the essentially ns・ current- Si substrate is shown reglOnS: linear reg10n Nonllinear constant Fig・ 2・9・ Illustration gate and region in Fig・ 2・8・ The Where and polntS high divide the drain voltage reg10n available due to the Vsat product. ns・ carrier mobility I-V 34 curves large but The as a system・ of is plotted the output is small Where an AIGaN/GaN agalnSt the drain characteristics and of microwave into ID is proportional the current remains ofVD. On from limited veloclty characteristic drain current saturation the in the GaN can the is independent of operation We voltages・ than and (I-りoutput voltage HEMTs is not current denslty field present current based important more carrier polarization DC fixed high drain the maximumoutput maximum In GaN the maximum is to obtain possible; to sustain is desired・ LI Product the of the strong for various main VD; the provides typical Therefore swlng resistance, as resistance resistance. voltage access channel consequence three the and of the values large load aS this load device the across ofrlng across power device fabrication and characterization power amplifiers Chat)ter device II: Growth. - The (Vknee)and drain onset the saturation devices more large power high IDmax, output Threshold device voltage by totally depleting Vth -VFIB The drain ID [mA/mm]. the As is the corresponding in the Fig・ 2・8・ In such are voltage in and VDsat is shown - and explain the be measured to available the breakdownvoltage in class-A can operation. - the gate source the 2DEG voltage to necessary mobile by the transconductance (2.7) flow gm deflneS in the current carriers. Cox the current the stop J2gsqNA∼ + +2vB (2.6) channel丘om ability of the gate to modulate expressed high current voltage (IDmax).The it is given saturation ofIDsat Vknee, and is maximum so knee to as (VBV.OHVhee ) - (nth) is the and power IDmax Pout locus densities The capaclty・ The Wg, width both is referred reg10n density current channel negative, current the maximum estimate to decrease・ voltage both drain proportional bias becomes gate in the non-linear voltage corresponding depicted typically fabrication and characterization between the source and the drain is aS aIDsat g∽ 2.6 Stress test ∂㌦∫。∫ methodology ln this thesis, on Si substrate・ temperature, parameter (2.8) = Figure which of interest either monotonically we have fbcused 2・10 shows the shows such or as with so called recovery reliability studies typical some voltage, a DC on stress current period 35 or RF to approaches measurement power in between・ AIGaN/GaN on stresslng is stepped flXed at in which approach, Stress HEMT in recovery some the cyclic mode, type Chapter II: Growth. - device fabrication and characterization of experiments in which the degradation of the device is fわllowed stress how and specific stress bias in the recovery phase while experiment, removed a by a it recovers recovery from is applied the degradation・ in the the device is pe血rmed period stress phase, to study In this type this and of is stress is characterized. く+■ i} ■ヽ l・・・・・■ >^ Stress time Stress time く+■ i■ ■ヽ ト・・{ >R Stress time Fig・ 2・10・ devices・ electronic and Examples of The typical time-dependence is varied parameter of with time stresslng with protocols voltage, current, fわr IIトV RF power others. In stepIStreSS current is stepped device・ From the strength experiment, up with inteⅣal the regular this measurement, a great of the stress of smaller insight 36 parameter value into physical to larger either voltage value degradation in a or slngle mechanism Chal)ter be can can available namely; be also Under measurement・ fabrication and characterizatiorl Combining addressed. experiments power device II: Growth - this the In studied・ bias this thesis we are bias stress, step stress recovery on step-stress stress condition focus mainly there On-state stress, the method measurement step-stress Off-state two above various 0 state, and VD-st,ess - high state・ VDS-0 Fig・ 2・11・ Stress bias polntS: The more severe state, we wherein shown power way・ By can study negative of the device are high ONIState, state is used investigating where gate voltage simultaneously high the the both a ends stressful is applied・ with the RF on study most low state, power OFF-state, power current in Fig. 2.ll. 37 but a high line, ON Also, occurs・ In this condition, VDS amplifying of the load point and we can voltage・ operation state and in a OFF 0 state, the both sides VDISt,eSS stress 0 state・ = All these = conditions Chapter II: Growth, - device fabrication and characterization 2.7 Summary In this chapter characterization characterization we have discussed The teclmique・ tec血ique were in detail device on the growth fabrication also discussed introduced. 38 and丘nally technology process stress and and test its various basic methodology device was Chapter II: Growth - device fabrication and characterization References ・ [1] H. 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In Si with on formation. and different of the in the gate be very degradation evaluating this chapter, reliability studies buffer the It is contact can microscopy been AIGaN/GaN increase permanent has where in the the gate which effects increase stress defect at operating mechanism, strain Electroluminescence breakdown HEMTs a power the sudden crystallographic showlng on electrical [7] proposed RF and mechanisms during increase does is irreversible・ detectlng on out thickness were their and discussed. were results reglOn in off-state bias stress mechanisms carried del Alamo Strain relaxation begins which HEMTs and power [4-5].Recently, industrial fわr the polntS high degradation temperature that the critical voltage HEMT useful gate-drain ln demonstrated AIGaN/GaN on key the are various charmel [6-14]・Job resulting accepted leakage high current attention have that subjectedto are lSSueS reliability HEMTs [1-3],but performance high quality 3.2 Experiment The thickness (TGaN) metal-organic was layer thermally of 100 heterostructure AIGaN/GaN were chemical cleaned nm AIN, on grown vapor at a with 4" deposition oC 1100 followed different (111) p-Si (MOCVD) in H2flow・ The by of 40 nm 41 buffer substrate system growth AIGaN. (TBuf)and thickness using (SR 4000). started To with understand GaN horizontal a The substrate the nucleation the device 1II: ReliabilityStudies chapter Thicknesses degradation, waferwith were The grown・ 25 nm-thick a high at Figure 3・ I shows and GaN Fig. intentionally doped that 3.1. Cross-sectional thicknesses keeping process temperature All the metals at metals Pd/Ti/Au metals evaporated is varied and 2・5, 4・0, and 5・O O・5 to l・5 pm our free final layers from were cracks・ different buffer Si with on LLm) and All these were HEMTs studies. SiO2 paSSivated remaining kept of the from samples andthese of AIGaN/GaN startedwith HEMTi AIGaN/GaN constantand (b) Si on varying oC・ 150 followed Ohmic by the filaJnent were deposited heating by contacts by lamp (40/20/60 nm) exceptAlwere isolation by BC13-based mesa deposited passivatedwithSiO2 (20/72/12/40 nm) Gate view ・25, Buffer (a) GaN the the rest constant・ device etchingand substrate oC, used in were varied 1 - Different with flXed foral1 the samples・ 1130 of Si on (TBuf thickness were the device structure thicknesses The GaN top layers temperature buffer layer thickness ion different buffer thicknesses Alo.26Gao.74N grown HEMTs onAlGaN/GaN annealing formedusing by electron technique・ 42 The beam electron were plasma reactive with evaporation patternedwithTi/A打Ni/Au at 850 oC for 30 s in N2ambient・ conventionalphotolithography・ beamevaporation, AIGaN/GaN HEMTs whereas with AI was device chapter III: - Studies Reliability HEMTs AIGaN/GaN on Si on Different with Buffer Thicknesses+ dimensions of - process unless kept 60 Si (TGaN width at was 1.0 - our buffer kept were 1・5 - were LIm, source-drain for this study・ used the same血oughout our study we have Initially and we - The out. out two chose 5 to 45 V 1 V with from values 5.0トLm) temperature at room different the stress shows there buffer were diffraction XIRay thickness measurement with The interval of time GaN Van samples - the above on thickness calculated i・e・ TBuf drain HEMTs with and these on a AIGaN/GaN densities (VGS) was voltage・ step for on study dislocation out carried device血eshold the 1.25, 2.5, 4.0 and (TBuf (FWHM) carried from bias voltage the gate-source Initially the comparison out. carried were below available, measurements testing, where increased thickness were pm) study - step-stress is well which carried measurements for V -10 at half maximum Table・3・1・ (Lg) 4・O pm (Lgd) spacing different was (VD_st,ess) different on length gate parameters bias stress OFF-state voltage seconds device several constant stress Llm, particularly・ Though an 200 - gate-drain and condition mentioned employed (Wg) width 9.5 Ltm, and (Lsd) spacing The gate full using der pauw and 1・25 Hall reported in and 5・0トLm, mentioned stress conditions. 3.3 Results and The Also, shows figure in drain increase discussion resistance gm_peak Shows no 3・2 slgnificant a steady change (RD).The decrease with is a continuous sub-threshold the with the increase 43 decrease current shiftin slope threshold in step stress in the shows voltage voltages・ IDmax a With positive (Vth)・The an shift・ IGS Chapter m: - Thickne ReliabilityStudies on HEMTs AIGaN/GaN on SiwithDifferent Buffer s ses 100 I 0-Ol ≡ 看10 月60 3 < ∈ 140 02 10-03 I: ∈ 10-04 Gnu -守 10 05 1 0'06 0 2 4 (I VDS 8 10 12 -6 -2 0 2 (V) 盲1 0 読1 05 ≡ !10107 孟 -普 -6 3.2. condition of VGS (V) ≡ ≡ Fig. -4 1 min. -4 in Change was The characteristics VGS 2 -6 (V) device shownat (a) 0 -2 characteristics at each Vb_st,essニー10V; VD_5t,eSS output and (d) gate - characteristics, current -4 step the 5 to 45 V; step (b) sub-threshold characteristics for TBuf 44 in VGS - 12 (V) off-state - stress l V and time period (c) transfer characteristics, 1.25トLm bias devices. Chapter Thickne 111: - Reljability Studies HEMTs AIGaN/GaN on on Siwith Different Buffer sses 100 I 0-Ol i`,円 ≡ ≡ 才10 < 02 ≡ 80 署lo-03 a v,u t: ■・「 1 0-04 40 1 0-05 10106 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 γ♭s(V) 16 -4 -6 -4 VGS -2 0 2 0 2 (V) ∈30 こ′: 与20 ∈ bc -4 Fig. The (a) output characteristics and (d) thick The There and 3.3. VGS buffer (TBuf - 0 -2 (V) characteristics, gate 3.3 shows, there is change observed IGS doesn't TBuf thickness current (b) sub-threshold characteristics VGS 12 (V) characteristics, f♭r AIGaN/GaN HEMTs (c) transfer on Si with 5.0トLm) devices. figure no 2 showany is a small increase in gm-peakand a IDmax With negligible 7(th Shift, sub-threshold either. This significant changes the device shows inthe degradation. negligible 45 likely show drain on change in RD・ current increasing slope the Chapter Thicknes く⊃ - ReliabilityStudies III: Buffer E3 賢 ∈ こ{ 「Be 、主1.0 j I.0 E] 91 J-I ∈ b心 j 0.5 0.5 10 0 20 Fig・ 314・ Comparison withdifferent 3.4 RD,and gm-peak・ The TBuf be noted丘om 20 30 VD_stress 40 50 HEMTs ofAIGaN/GaN shows the Change each increases that a before change gm-peakand inthe IDmaxfrom image behavior. and is a present have in the GaN similar behavior HEMT dislocation density on Was Si with high Si on on in device thin buffer - for TTBuf slope・ on 1.25 pm 46 as - trend drain current 1.25 llm. 1t is - It has is due our LLm). Also shown in Table fわr been be RD reported a steady Will show to the presence finding suggested 1.25 also observed will the IDmaxand as Slope, were Sithere Si substrate. From (TBuf transfer cu汀ent degradation test and operation is IDmax, compared seen, stress current stress AIGaN/GaN on characteristicsand that this behavior HEMT for TBuf such HEMT proposed was in sub-threshold no Ofthe that it canbe a洗er sub-threshold the beginnlng They As obseⅣed Whereas obseⅣed. in output test. stress test step-stress figure of merit etal., [12] that for AIGaN/GaN defectthat AIGaN/GaN key RD in IDmax, RD, S. Demirtas The after 3.2 of the all results 5.0トLm. 314 in gm-peak 5・0トLm that,there Fig・ Fig. steady decrease vlrgin 1.25and - decreasesand significantly mirror 10 gm-peak degradation over beforeand characteristics decrease 0 50 RD, and sbows也e with - 40 ofIDmax, HEMTs TBuf 30 VD_stress bufferthickness. Figure a Different く=) a; ーち Qく by Si with on I.5 ニ to IiEMTs AIGaN/GaN on se§ to be of found we by [12] for noted that, the 3・1 confirms that it is Reliability Studies Chapter Thicknesses IIl: the defects that present in the vlrgin gm-peak for AIGaN/GaN and AIGaN/GaN HEMT influence of Since did not we 1.25and 5.0トIm Siwith defects virgin - thickness Table. 3.1. Halland (TBuf 2.5and - 45 V, in the gate Buffer decreaseinIDmax, RD, Whereas, in the case densityreveals device leakage at higher out carried of that the performance. for TBuf current VD_st,essfor two - other 4.0トLm) devices. data listed for AIGaN/GaN XRD Different in good results changes have we 1・25トLm・ - in dislocation which slgmificant uP tO VD_stress TBuf reduce reduced Si with on this continuous Si with on was HEMTs causes thick buffer observeany buffer device HEMT on AIGaN/GaN on HEMT grownon different buffer thickness 50 1.25 1.0 776 8.72 x 1012 925 1.22Ⅹ 109 5.02x 1010 100 2.50 1.0 737 8.79 x 1012 968 1.52x 109 4.05Ⅹ 1010 160 4.00 1.0 687 7.97x 1012 1150 1.71 Ⅹ109 2.79x 1010 200 5.00 1.0 1058 6.57Ⅹ 1012 883 1.50Ⅹ 2.49Ⅹ 1010 is very lmpOrtantly 3.3.1 Critical The discussed at a current and voltage phenomenon (IG_Off)and irreversible this during reported for AIGaN/GaN AIGaN/GaN HEMT DC sapphire under on Sic substrate [12, 13]. In one (i) gate current namely, Critical Various have to 70 leakage V reported to reported 80 have authors between voltage [6, 7,17],70 [18, 19], 25 as, (ID),increasesignificantly conditions. substrate 47 widely both, or drain they and is defined (Vc,it) pinch-off case considered critical voltage one phenomenon. HEMT Si substrate voltage stress critical voltage on term (VDS) where (ii)sub-threshold on on studies. The draiヮ-sourcevoltage reported HEMT of critical voltage in reliability especially specific 109 20 V 30 to reported V for for AIGaN/GaN the Vc,it delayed beyond chapter III: Reliability Tbicknesses 100 V on current electrical different buffer thickness withtwo [20]・Hence, stacks during HEMTs AIGaN/GaN on the gate metal changing leakage the gate Studies (TBuf - stress, 2.5 and to have we 4・O Si on obseⅣe Different with Buffer this sudden increase AIGaN/GaN HEMT selected in Llm). Gi■i ≡ 10 ≡ i ≡ 10 -3 巴!■llコ q) -ど 一■■ヽ ≡ 10 ≡ 2 I-・ー i ≡ 10 I- 3 O -ど 100 10 Time Fig・ 3・5・ Increase vD_s.一ess at VGSニー10 vD_s(Tess - 140 V, (b) in IG-∼.res Observed V. Sudden TBuf- during increase 4.0トLm device (sec) continuous biasing in the IG_st,esis observed burnout 48 1000 occurs s of600 for = at VD-st,ess for increaslng (a) TBuf 230 V・ = 2・5 LLm at Chapter IIl: - ReliabilityStudies HEMTs AIGaN/GaN on Si with on Different Buffer Thicknesses The VD_st,essStarted Each this step voltage changed cases, data sampling devices grounded 4.0トtm reported that unsteady and 2.5トIm then failure found a slow Vc,it. For subjected Figure the occurs increase 3.5 increase to in IG_stressWith at VD_sl,ess - current 140 V without any more several The at room stress TBuf become should increase permanent indication in of TBuf case in VD-st,essand noise In VD-st,ess・It was In the the increase obtain VDISt,eSSfor both Vc,it-like phenomenon・ a s. of gate increaslng [14].This of 600 and the behavior with until the measurement. in dark out leakage stress gate to V thickness, step-stress increasing with span buffer shows degradation reflects to of 20 lower much carried biasing found or every were measurements continuous biaslng in IG_sf,essObserved increase were 10 V to in steps fわr a time stressed 20 precise in pemanent resulting continuous there a devices. IG_st,essWas before IG-st,essduring from measurements. during (IG_st,ess) current 2.5 and - the increased gradually step voltage wafers and fわr all these temperature leakage different two was identify can which from substrate Vand of critical voltage. occurrence fewer at 20 a as - sudden in shown Fig.3.5(a). was This sudden obseⅣed well irreversible. 120 V. As transistor・ broad such the increase below permanent current found burnout increase of VD_stressranglng Vc,it like phenomenon phenomenon・ the discu占sed later, the device This was occurred It is to be noted 140 - the device Moreover distribution device in IG_st,essat VD_st,ess compliance this voltage in IG-st,essWas from observed, confirmlng 140 as 180 shown the that the IG-stressbecomes 49 of the a increase permanent current gate 3・5(b)・At device had devices - a with a 4・0トIm, VDISt,eSS = undergone before as operate for TBuf in Fig・ unsteady is VD_st,essi.e. VD_st,ess for all the V. Whereas that which still continues.to Observed to that is up to the prlOr recoverable at V 230 nO V, breakdown this device burn III: Chapter Th icknesses The out occurs. out mark, not obseⅣe as surface Studies view AIGaN/GaN on increase the sudden bum a Different with having out mark TBuf- biasing continuous a with Buffer the device a氏er this confirmed in JG_stressduring by Si on 3.5(b).For devices the inset ofFig. shownin HEMTs the microscope using breakdownaccompanied undergoes 230 Reliability 4.0 um, burn we did rather, this device of VD-stressfrom variation to 260V 300 250 盲200 喜60 ≡ 毒150 王 、′、 ≡ て40 b4 100 ∼.A 50 -6 -4 -5 -3 VGS -2 0 -1 (V) 1 2 16 14 -5 13 - 12 VGS 1 1 0 (V) 1 010] 10 02 1 0'03 ≡ j! 10 04 < 主10-05 ∼? 10-06 10'07 10 08 16 Fig. 3.6. The voltage We VDS Varied = observed the transfer measured from 4 Vand and -3 - -2 VGS measured 1 0 1 2 (V) after every stepIStreSS Offstress bias 2.5トIm. - 0 to the transfer shows VDS transfer characteristics for TBuf -4 15 10 V characteristics VGS found in steps - 16 a to characteristics of2 V in which measured 2 VI There negligiblechange a洗er every VGS after each is a in the 50 Vth Shift from SWePt off-state small decrease as measurement, step-stress 16 bias stress in IDmax shownin to 2 V, Fig. and Fig. 3.6 at voltages gm-peak Was 3.6(a)and (b) III: Chapter Thicknesses ReliabilityStudies __.........................._..........................-...---■・・■・・・・・----------------------------・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・--・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ for TB。f V -5 2.5トIm. - termed This The case. For TBuf drastically increase with a ■■ a in IG_.ff, the transistor V is referred 140 - less than as Buffer 4 V - VGS and V was step-stress shown in Fig. 3.7. in our increase observed to V・ After this sudden ideal IDS an show - entire to a critical voltage VDISt,eSSOf 140 measured characteristics the 140 V - after VD-st,ess IG-off measured for at VD_st,ess 140 VDS at 3.6(c) Fig. increase - with (IG_.ff) measured from IG_。ffmeaSured Different with 「 current sudden Si on ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ in the IG_.ff at VD_sI,ess compared pinch ■■ summarized IG_.ffShows 2.5 pm, - leakage off-gate increase sudden ■■■■'■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ IG_.ff is as measurement. The ■・ HEMTs AIGaN/GaN on VDS - Curve off voltage. Eid ≡ 10 ≡ 5 亘10 6 ヒ ⊂) l h苧 0 50 150 100 250 200 300 VD_sf,ess(V) Fig・ 3・7・ change - 2・5 pm resulting at because increase VD-sI,ess - in device This 140 burnout confirmed of the sudden V no and - that the increase limit and - -5 V normal 230 a bum FET at higher out 4 V・ Vcrit - is observed for TBuf observed were for TBuf 4・O pm = V・ operation in IG_.ff. In the even VDS and increase abrupt at VDIStreSS in the IG-.ffObserved breakdownvoltage at VGS inIG-.ffObserved was case 51 of TBuf VD-st,ess・At noticed・ of the device - 4.0トIm, 230 Therefore, V, the was not is there device Vc,it Was affected no sudden reaches Observed the only Chapter IIJ: - Tbickne ReliabilityStudies HEMTs AIGaN/GaN on on Siwith Different Buffer sses for HEMTs TJhf- grownon 2.5トImand not for HEMTs TBuf- grownon 4.0ト【m. 3.3.2 Electroluninescence Electroluminescence leakage of gate been i.e., installed SIICCD For was [21]・ In example, CCD SO in K., enabled cooled 皿, K. lateral a which is obseⅣable with TBuf- Fig1 3181 Electroluminescence due to [8]. strength has reg10n Of the The by (SIICCD) noise emission with by 90% of the HEMTs in the high-field low the hot ca汀ier real-time Hamamatsu has camera characteristics high position to compared Si-CCD the path canmonitor in AIGaN/GaN CCD time wavelength we PHMOSinstrument sensitivityand the detection detectable (a) TBuf= (b) the the low-intenslty slashes The field electric the high that the electroluminescence [14, 22, 23] of hot carriers silicon-intensified to observe the Si-CCD camera. transition tool where field [8, 14].EL observeduslng this system, us electric the to related electroluminescence Photonics strong intraband to the attributed device, or current isanimportant (EL) ranges a been of the accuracy, conventional from 0.3 to iT一tbe AIGaN/GaN 1.1 HEMT PHEMOS. 2.5 pm 4.0 Ltm shows a spottyanduniformemission 52 for TBuf - 2.5 and III: Chapter Thicknesses 4.0トIm, feature as of PHEMOS ones packaged During was the buffer TBuf on shown in Fig. in Fig. - 2・5トLm high Buffer fbⅢned were as a Show was in Fig. shown of further caused The by large field at the gate for HEMTs in the grownon in spot case the gate-drain a emission dislocation fわllowed density of the drain TBuf - 4・0トLm, 53 (3.6 x side the a hot new 109 resulting leakage luminescent as cm ln distribution as grown in gate spot 2)which nOn as shown to be observed HEMTs increase identified were that 3). The was the 4・O LLm, = Observed VD-st,ess,the emission nOn-recoverable paths Was reglOn until with TBuf on grown Shown Observed Was reg10n also aS but as weak biasing, observed, new V, were reglOn, continuous spots and 100 = intenslty at a new during a of HEMTs case emission ofHEMTs 3.8(b)(frames 2 1・e・, edge hot 4.0トtm and at this voltage EL new 2.5 - at VD-st,ess appear the of for both 3・8. In the obseⅣed of 1 80 V increased leakage spotty as condition TBuf on altogether trace new throughout critical voltage, images・ visible no was further to increased, and entirely began spots the critical voltage emission devices the 60 frames/s with at off-state in Fig. spots voltage in IG_sf,ess,there unifわrm electric Whereas, Different that on-wafer so grown shown emission 3.8(a) (frame 3).Whereas generations voltage emission stress in IGISf,ess,an uniform, micro-EL as respectively the biased was for HEMTs emissions 3.8(b)(frame 1).With and HEMT the EL spots increase and weak The new in Fig. weak EL 2・5 pm, As increase in Fig. The inside, probe a of the electroluminescence movie AIGaN/GaN the 3.8(a) (frame 2). At sudden shown Si with on easily・ 3.8(a)(杜ame 1).The and the sudden a - non-unifbm. increased a and unifわrm, grown and be measured can thickness. spotty is that it has measurements, while captured were HEMTs AIGaN/GaN on reSpeCtively・ Another well ReliabilityStudies at on TBuf current・ dots in the the critical increases the uniformemission・ of the electric fleld is Chapter IIl: - ReliabilityStudies HEMTs AIGaN/GaN on Si withDifferent on Buffer Thicknesses believed to be at high uniformeven VD_st,ess,and this,inturn, the prevents occurrence of critical voltage. 3.4 Summary ln summary, for condition AlGaN/GaN different HEMT characteristics The 100 V VD_sf,ess - HEMT edge substrate be to pm due TBuf grownon - of the biasing continuous drain increaslng to electric field at the gate-drain layer reg10nand not Onincreaslng burnout the observe absence 54 transfer presentinthe device. Vc,itWas Observed did not VD_stress - the 230 observe V. The EL throughout the HEMTs dispels the existence of Vcrit. above this Vc,iffor AIGaN/GaN umiformemission that AIGaN/GaN thickness at The modes. in10utPutand VD_st,ess,We occurred weakand side. It is believed buffer did failure reduction shows the off-state under different the vlrgindefects we shows a shows 2.5 pm - 4.0 LLm devices. found and 1.25 - in IG_sl,ess;rather, device during with is believed TBuf suddenincrease gate TBuf measurement step-stress thicknesses for all its devices.Whereas grownon measured buffer HEMT the studied grownon which AIGaN/GaN have we grownon of a a non-uniform Si III: Chapter Thicknesses ReliabilityStudies HEMTs AIGaN/GaN on Si on Different with Buffer References [1] Y. F. Wu, S. M. in lnt. Electron Milligan: [2]S. Nakajima L. Finer: [4] G. Meneghesso, [5]R. [6]J. Joh, [7]J. Joh [8] G. [9] E. Meetlng, E. Zanoni: IEEE M. Tech. Electron Trans. Device Meneghini, Device [10] J. A. del Alamo and [11] ∫.Job, F. Gao, T. Palacios, J. 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T; 2 Chapter-IV: Grown Origln Thick on Appearance and of Pits in the Gate-Drain HEMT Of AIGaN/GaN reglOn Buffer Chapter-IV: Origin AIGaN/GaN HEMT Grown Thick on ● of Pits in the Gate-Drain Appearance and reglOn Of Buffer 4.1 Introduction Several scanning evidence in the AIGaN as in that the defects investigation electroluminescence not observed out on exclusively is microscope, pro丘lometer where (AFM) microscope We step-stress was useful and end This and to study HEMT (VG_st,ess-5 - to during -45 V), origin and Si with and 57 the uses microscope 5 to 45 layers. buffer・ thick image various A Keyence capabilities - 3D of observed. we conditions laser light and is was In this chapter, at laser an optical light white Atomic fわrce of the defects・ the magnitude TBuf critical voltage the critical voltage measurements crlSp OptlCal on - - 0 V SEM. buffer it combines where V, VD_st,ess (VG_s1,ess-10 - tool resolution also used defect denslty current, found and thick grownon in 3 different conditions measurement VD_st,ess an AIGaN/GaN chose (1)0ffstate (2) high both HEMT an which stress cyclic leakage the on Si with on and AIGaN/GaN defects crystallographic dislocation and buffer thickness HEMT step-stress located edge barrier layer, defects resulting imperfections to the gate obtained in splte Of their low edge in the AIGaN discussed we for different microscope source side of the gate reveal (AFM) [6-10]. chapter in AIGaN/GaN studies (TEM), microscopy below generated of these due i-GaN through and carried drain are electron fわrce microscopy atomic defects generated In the previous have [1-5]. Most at the these more require layer cracks leakage excess growth suggesting from denslty.Apart transmission using (SEM), and barrier pits and studies microscopy electron physical such structural 5.0 pm and carried out the namely: V). (Discussed in chapter-3, Fig・3・2・) Chapter-IV: Grown on Origin Thick (3) On-state Appearance and (VG_st,ess 0 - V, VD_st,ess - dimensions: Wg/ Lg- All experiments were The drain measured a洗er every extracted gm-peak and 5 to 45 2・0トLm V) and 1 V step and time with Lgd in the dark HEMT at the room and and Some measurement. 1 min. 3・0/4・0トtm・ - (IDS-VDS) characteristics step-stress - temperature. transfer of the characteristics parameters below IDmax= measured RD 200/ perfbⅡned current-voltage mentioned Of AIGaN/GaN reglOn Buffer Device our of Pits in the Gate-Drain at VGS from - 1.5 V of ID the slope IG-off meaSured and at VDS VS - VDS VDS 1V 5V, - (forVDS and VGS 58 1V) < - 16 V in the linear region. were plotted・ extracted were are Chapter-IV: Grown Origin Thick on 0 state bias - VD_st,ess variation in RD in Vknee. Initially the IDmax and stress the current foundthat, we measurement, stress gm-peak slope, threshold sub-threshold leakage H王MT Of AIGaN/GaN region stress bias increaslngthe on increase small 0 state - observed thereafter Gate-Drain measurement VD_,t,ess In the of Pitsinthe Buffer 4.2 StepIStreSS 4.2.1 Appearance and there observed voltage Was an no found shi允(Vth)and at 5 V a is a stress increase whereas Observed, voltage decreased there voltage and in the IDmax. Also, changes observed decrease small negligible a in in the gate (IGS)・ EJ‖ ≡ 才10 ≡ 苛 02 署lo-03 ≡ I: ∈ cncT 10-04 .ぞ 10 05 10-06 0 2 4 6 VT)S 8 10 12 -6 -4 (V) 0 -2 VGS 2 (V) ≡ョo 〔/〕 呈20 三 初 VGS Fig. 4.1. Change condition. -2 in device VG_st,essWas -4 (V) characteristics StePPed丘om -5 to at each 145 59 V step in 1 V inthe step VGS (V) Vb-st,ess (1min - per 0 V step). bias stress Chapter-Ⅳ: Grownon Origin Thick Step-Stress bias In the ONIState no at RDand change of Pits in the Gate-Drain HEMT Of AIGaN/GaN reglOn Buffer 4.2.2 0NIState observed Appearance and condition stress Vknee・ There found in sub-threshold observed found that, there is we measurement, a decrease in IDmaxand Vth and slope, IGS are no significant change there gm-peak・Whereas is in Fig. 4.2. Shown 100 10 01 ‖ ⊂_. ≡ 才10LO2 ≡ < ? ≡ 80 10103 亡 5 v)cr 1 j 0-04 40 1 0-05 10-06 0 2 4 6 VDS 8 10 12 -6 -4 VGS (V) 10 0 -2 2 (V) 0】 I 0103 盲- ≡ョo o-o5 LJつ !wo7 且20 ∈ b々 ・ご 16 Fig・ 4・2・ -4 Change VGS in condition. VDIStreSSWas upper-1e氏corner (c)transfer 0 -2 2 StePPed 5 to 45 (clockwise): (a) output characteristics, and at characteristics from (a) gate 09 10 11 16 (V) device 10 V each in 1 V characteristics, current 60 step 14 -2 VGS (V) in the ON-state steps (1 min per (b) sub-threshold characteristics. bias step).From stress the characteristics, Grown Thick on of Pits in the Gate-Drain Appearance Originand chapter-IV: Of AIGaN/GaN region HEMT Buffer ⊂) ■ヨ L,a メ0.8 0.6 10 o 20 40 30 VD_stress/VG_st,ess(V) 10 50 30 40 20 VD_sけess/VG_s(,ess(V) 50 こ、 : 早 10107 ? 一、 実..-o8 t3 Ll= iZ 0.8 。主 10 Fig・ 4・31 Change 30 20 VD_stress/VG_sI,ess (V) in IDmax'RD'gm-peak 40 50 o 20 10 二iO 40 50 VD_sb・ess/VG.st,ess (V) and On-state IG-off at Off-state, and VD-stress - 0 V sta暮e. these across the were stress conditions sわurce-drain obseⅣed measurement (-VG_st,essandVD_st,ess - under as reglOn nor shoⅥ′n in Fig・ for higher drain stress 45 SigniflCant degradation 4・3・ This voltages・ 61 result V) neither on motivated the formation IDmax, Rd, gm-peakand us to do血e of pits IG-off step-stress Chapter-lV: Grown on Origin Thick Appearance of Pits in the Gate-Drain HEMT of AIGaN/GaN regton Buffer 4・3 StepIStreSS Off-state and meaSuren)ent -10 V; (VG-st,ess ≡ stress highdrain at bias stress VJ)-st,es草 5 to 200 V; step = - 5 V; tin)e 600 = s) ≡ ≡ Uウ ≡ ≡ aO 0 4 2 6 Vds 8 6 10 -4 -5 (V) -3 0 -1 -2 Vgs 1 (V) 1 0十03 1 0+01 ≡10 E Ol IO103 < < 呈10103 且10-05 ・ぞ .や 1 0-05 I0 07 16 Fig・ 414, VD-sけess -3 0 -2 _1 Vgs (V) the shows sub-threshold = 4 -5 (a) output 5 to 200 V; step 2 16 5 V; time gate 600 - current s -5 (b) characteristics, (d) characteristics,and - 1 14 -3 12 Vg5 transfer 1 _1 2 (c) characteristics, characteristics for AIGaN/GaN (V) VG_st,ess at HEMT - V; -10 TBuf- grownon 5.OLtm. The summary of characteristicsand characteristics observed gate an show characteristics, transfer current characteristics initial increase in VD_s1,ess there withtheincrease There output a small increase is in the drain no are characteristics, shownin cu汀ent further increase in the drain resistance 62 and Fig・ sub-threshold 4・4・ shi氏in current theknee I-V device, But than that of丘esh in the drain The observed. voltage・ The Origin Chapter-lV: Grown transfer the which further reveals - 130 V the V a increasedand gm-peak decrease sudden in VD_sl,ess.The increase the shi氏in the sub-threshold negative there is but there is show characteristics - a 130 VD-st,ess decreasedwith found there vD_stress gm-peak・ At same initially that show characteristics remained Of AIGaN/GaN region HEMT Buffer Thick on of Pits in the Gate-Drain Appearance and a no significant much in gm-peak Vth・ in the turn10N change difference signiflCant Was sub-threshold slopeand after it there characteristics The current gate voltage observed Observed at observed towards negative bias. ⊂〉 ''昌 一ー ;::I:I 10 =:こ.I.二・ 益ig 10-4豆 Liこ享 3盲 1015j ∈ .ど 0 50 150 100 200 VD_s1,ess(V) Fig. 4.5. Change OFFIState bias stress Figure bias off-state withoutany reduction in gm-peak show measurement device Shows Was no nOted・ the critical voltage the orlgln understand was halted a undergoes it is clearly 63 out the 130 SEM at at every VD-st,ess Vand Step Of 200 = a mirror Rd Shows HEMTs i・e・ reduction camied IG-off aner that fb∫ all obseⅣed f♭rAIGaN/GaN Ofdegradation Vand to measurement step)・ failure IDmax and up Changes phenomenon a氏er 130 per catastrophic IG-off・The signiflCant Hence, step, 10 minutes of IDmax, Rd, gm-peakand increaseinthe signs Ofsudden gm-peak V; 5 V the behavior The stress・ and buffer. To (VD_st,ess 51200 - 4・5・ shows behavior did not It)max, Rd, gm-peak and IG-otr in step-stress in normalized image beyond which, devices our Si with on in gm-peak around V we thick 130 V, the in the gate-drain reglOn・ ChapteトIV: Grown Origin Thick on found We was Figure location shows in continued new images were recorded fわund and Fig・ already these of oxides spots SiO2 throughout spot, SiO2 PaSSivation Figure was 4・8 shows that all these shown no Were pltS pltS, Showed in the Fig・ a 4・9・ Thus, when such spots were were taken aRer of the drain of 100 and mlgrate spaclng fb-ed and the devices 64 travels and at the nm SiO2 in were gate edge・ some cases stressed The a at a the the orlgln Of by SEM It is apparent remOVal・ towards heap at spotted understand towards out a revealed facilitate re-inspection etching as carried to gate-drain pit depth and by wet in Fig・ formed area defects or images were images at the cracked a observed spots AFM is were spots further images or The Shown Shown To at the edge generated there VD-stress・Several the cracks that measurementsI the AFM in between generated evident these removed that the pits initially formed Were No aS aS reglOn new fresh device the microscopic more some out carried PaSSivatiop・ voltage of 600 reglOn it is evident voltages occurred・ a at different The gate-drain gate-drain cases into interval time a PaSSivation. or increaslng on in Fig・ 4・7・ AFM the spaclng pltS fewer breakdown among AFM・ 4)・ In befわre device shown the at the stress enlarged as SiO2 this stress obseⅣed increasing 3 & VD_st,essfor values aRer became gate-source and spot on spots generated measurement the developed formed of the spots in either gate-source V, hence a 4・6・(frame existing on our image the devices with on When reglOn・ reglOn・ the increased With crack 130 - 4・6・(丘ane2)・ Similarly were or spots VD-stress in the gate-drain seen reg10n gate-drain in VDISt,eSS,this crack the laser microscopic captured no at shownin =EMT Or AIGaN/GaN reglOn in the further increase were 4.6.(framel).From degradation were cracks layer PaSSivation with the gate-drain absolutely Fig. SiO2 4・6 shows across These sec・ the on In addition, crater・ of Pits in the Gate-Drain Buffer cracks measurement Appearance and gate・ Also gate few It is edge・ AFM carried out depth of 400 n皿aS constant time on with Chapter-lV: Growron Origin Thick increasing = 4.6. increasing 130V Appearance of Pits in the Gate-Drain SEM 0 V images VD_stress.On spot observed fourth丘ame) region Of AIGaN/GaN HEMT Buffer VD-st.ess,it led to the formation VD_st,es, Fig. and of degradation in the formof pits. 130V show &esh the evolution there is not device (second frame)and in the gate-drain of spotunderanoff-state region further observed. 65 spot new observed spots at bias (flrStframe). stress with At VD_stres, different location (third& - Chapter-lV: Grown on Origin Thick Fig. 4.7. AFM and Appearance of Pits ir)the Gate-Drain reg10n HEMT OfAlGaN/GaN Buffer images takenwithSiO2 PaSSivation 66 V, (VG_st,essニー10 VDIS.less - 160 V). Origin Chapter-IV: Grown on Thick Fig. 4.8. AFM gate-drain and Appearance of Pits in the Gate-Drain reglOn AIGaN/GaN Of HEMT Buffer images spaclng and taken of SiO2 a氏er the removal at drain edge were moved stress. 67 Pits paSSivation・ towards gate edge on were formed increaslng at bias Chapter-IV: Grown on Origin Thick Appearance and of Pits in the Gate-Drain reglOn Of AIGaN/GaN HEMT Buffer ロ 2 6 ∠1 8 [LJn] Fig・ 4・9・ AFM 4.4 Cyclic 4.4.1 image stress VGIStreSS ′ - depicts the (a) originand (b) depth traveling of pit,and of the pit. measurement Ilo V and VD_sf,ess = 100 V \ く=) 、一号・・T ー⊇ 芸篭 ≡ ≡ liiZI < ≡ =;:ラ ヽ_.■・ 匡⊆ 実孟 こ .ど ∈ ・ぞ Fig・ 4・10・ Changes time reveals there were periods negligible degradation・ no The (1, in IDmax, Rd, gm-peak,and spots devices 10, 20, fわrmed under were 30and The constant IG-off at COnStant SEM images voltage also stressed at constant 60 mins)・ Inthis 68 voltage as taken after 60 with increasing VD_sI,ess meas'urement, - 100 we stress V did the function time (inset) for different not that reveal min of time observeany Chapter-IV: Grown Origin Thick on VG_sI,ess Framel : Fig・ 41 I 1 V VJ)_st,ess time, stress time, severalspots SEM images 1 50 V. The - For of devices stress of■stress as VDISt,eSS the appearance some V spots of spots existlng generated was from increased even no defective after 60 mins pits of in Fig・ 4・1 1 The ・ 69 spots spots at getting increaslng V, the spots numbers bigger gate-drain reglOn・ the beginning with VDISt,eSSOf 150 time. new of found only observed shown 100 - Also spot spots at higher stressed time new show number one shows a氏er 30min, The EMT inset. shows apart丘om , H 150 V = and Fig・ 4・10・ Shownin this at region after 20min, at vD_s.Tess increase -10 IG10ffaS in Fig. 4.10 shown after lOminstress Frame4: beginn-ng as a洗er lmin : Frame2: Frame3 = Rdand gate-drain stress continuous 4.4.2 in IDmax, in the appeared Of AIGaN/GaN reg10n Buffer change significant Of Pits in the Gate-Drain AppeararLCe and were of spots Of the Stress stress time time・ formed from the increased wi也也e Chapter-IV= Grown on Origin Thick Fig1 4・12・ AFM places and Appearance of Pits in the Gate-Drain reg]on ofAlGaN/GaN the heap of oxides HEMT Buffer images takenwithSiO2 PaSSivation in gate-drain reg10n. 70 reveals at various Chapter-ⅠⅤ: Origin Grown on Thick Fig・ 4・13. AFM middle and Appearance of Pits in山e Gate-Drain reglOn Or AIGaN/GaN HEMT Buffer images of gate-drain taken spaclng without and SiO2 traveled PaSSivation towards 71 revealsthe gate edge. pits formed in the ChapteトⅠⅤ: Origin Grown Thick on The image at various places identi丘ed the AFM towards the devices gate edge and layer due devices edge Sic on or HEMTs for VDISt,eSS leakage current increaslng sapphire, 130 - but the stress a V・ Hence, decrease we voltage results in further decrease fewer cases defective AIGaN up to 400 orlglnatlng at the gate drain did not in gm-peak Was an ofgm-peak・ nm buffer and edge drain, seem by a be mlgratlng 72 V is caused of towards 12 in stress which for AIGaN/GaN in the nm our fわr case drain at the increase in the and not i-GaN to be 100 This above. only nm the gate edge on in and means, Also on edge by the top 25 buffer. gate Also voltage・ of pit at the drain found was 130 part defects/pits appeared sudden in results in the AIGaN beyond were at this at the stress reports, in number - but also a observed which However, observe VD_st,ess and 20 V nm pit depth a pit depth defects - of these the pits increase The for higher to of 13 mechanical recorded pltS at VD_st,ess were pits width measurement. thick observed 50 V. These observed to reliability degradation pltS contributing between has were These reglOn. originated In all these current. stress we were and the pits the structural in the formation one Si with which it went no nm 4. 13 reveals period. between that high results reliability grownon of 8 leakage gate during reglOn AIGaN/GaN stress for the paths grown gate-drain high-voltage - believed was time defects or spots reveals of gate-drain middle at VD_st,ess and that of oxides Figure voltages. PaSSivation pit defects depth a stress the stress VIShaped have in Fig. 4. 12. No the correlation reveal in the IG1.ff. It the cases degraded to reported to the as acted highly some increaslng on [2,3]. The were Increase sharp in and studies electrical degradation of SiO2 the heap reveals Shown at higher even reglOn gate few Recently, and HEMT Of AIGaN/GaN reglOn PaSSivation reg10n after the removal drain edge traveling the SiO2 with in the gate-drain taken at the found taken at gate-source images formed of Pits in the Gate-Drain Buaer AFM present were Appearance and the the nm pltS increaslng Chapter-IV: Grown Origin Thick on and at the generated the gate increase current of this leakage Fig. 4.14. shows HEMT on believed to be breakdown in drain the various the pits occur the i-GaN orlglnatlng丘om are voltage. The been voltage. were layers・ ca汀ied out The leakage possible leakage by the sumof biasing were currents currents measured or (Is.u,ce substrate lbuf7er)and current is (Id,aim) current are leakage lgate, Isou.ce,and Isub・ The Fig. 4.14. shownin leakage have the drain leakage source (Igate), current gate degradation measurements increasing drainleakage (Isub).The results that before characterization fixed voltageand leakage current paths breakdown lVi血the measured our three-temillal a gate at from drain side which 4.5 Three-termillal Tbe HEMT Of AIGaN/GaN region Buffer VD_st,ess.It is evident the of Pits in the Gate-Drain Appearance current pathways in 3-TBV forAlGaN/GaN Si. Three terminal the sample in an off-breakdown inert liquid voltage Fluorinert measurements (FC-40) 73 were to avoidany carried out atmospheric by immerslng innuence in Chapter-TV: Grown Origin Thick on Appearance and V 200/4 - voltage at which average 3TBV 4・1 5 shows Llm, Where gate grounded. Our the drain of 273 V breakdownvoltage current was significant gradual increase reglOn breakdown of was for Lgd Here up case I{EMT AIGaN/GaN Of Isubsuateinfluencethe device be Vand to HEMTs breakdownin current Foral1 thatthe three 273 bufferthat then and 130V an terminal Isou,ceand final breakdownat Si withthick on devices Increases beyond of -5 drain-source our the imitially therea氏er a voltage the as During noted (3TBV) voltage sub-threshold is defined 4・0ト皿I - leakage 130 breakdown observed. it should to ofAlGaN/GaN at a voltage I mA/mm the gate change terminal maintained in the Is.urceand lsubst,ateleading in the understood was observed measurements, showany the three bias tillthe breakdownoccurs. saturates didn't Figure Si substrate with Gate-Drain Buffer 血e gate一血ain region・ for Wg/Lgd of Pits inthe I,ubs1,ate there V is It is well ls.urce and to Igate・ addition 丘、 l= != 10 2 10 4 葛看 ヽ- ‡= 1 0-6 」= く弓 ゝ■ (⊃ 0 50 100 Drain Fig・ 41 1 5 ・ Three-terminal with Wg/ Lsd with increasing - 200/ 4トLm・ The voltage inset shows voltage observed 250300 (Ⅴ) for AIGaN/GaN the linear increase HEMT on Si in the breakdownvoltage Lgd・ Recently, initiated by breakdown 150200 Meneghini the increase et. al have in drain-source reported leakage 74 a mechanism, current where [11】.This the breakdownis is another a indicalion ChapteトⅠⅤ: Origin Grown Thick on As we increase sudden increase pits at GaN Of AIGaN/GaN reglOn 130 VDISt,eSS 130 V - around voltage all these of off-state device case lsubst,ateat Is.u,ceand reglOn (Fig・6 inset)・In increased linearly devices, V HEMT breakdown・ to corresponds a resulting BV the images・ in microscope gate-drain spacing Isubst,ateinitiate for device that Is.u,ceand Shows in the上gd, breakdown 15 pm - in the be eliminated carmot Ofdefective for Lgd 1 5トLm leakage this beginnlng of Pits in the Gate-Drain Buffer that the buffer Moreover Appearance and of 1060 varies from V 4 to breakdown1 4.6 Summary We have studied the appearance and 3TBV degradation devices from IG-off・Defective and same pltS the wafer were formed Were case above. in addition The 3TBV to Igate・From reliability degradation drain, but also from reveals in the gate-drain with part ofi-GaN only by buffer. 75 at its relation and Si on no showed reg10n the increase VD-st,ess - in VD-st,essWith 25 nm AIGaN several increase 130 V in the and these the pit depth the device that the defective the top to electrical substra土e sudden Isubsf,ateinfluence that Is.u,ce and not defect HEMT and results, lt is evident these is caused a of AIGaN/GaN stepIStreSSed pits increased in numbers defective nm the In of structural of 100 breakdown pltS contributing between gate to and Chapter-ⅠⅤ: Origin Grown Thick on Referen c es [1]J・ L・ Jimenez [2] P・ [3]S・ C・ Floresca, Balistreri, and A・ [5] M・ M・ D・ R・ Jolmson, J・ W・ [6]S・ L・ [7] H・ Phys. 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Cibin, D. chat)ter-V: Influence of GaN Stress Innuence Chapter-V: IIEMT§ AIGaN/GaN Stress GaN of Vblta紬MTs Threshold on Threshold on Si on Voltage Shift in Si on 5.1 Introduction Though different is considered substrate growth GaN of layer made of strained crack [1].Large tensile it understood that polarization arlSlng formation Raman the the crystal built-in strain in the device of two-dimensional is measurement [2-8].Also, reliability a useful difference applied extemally, the performance fllms chapter it and study defect by [13].We the varying discusses how influences over the strain and found that there is a have the change device the carried out GaN to the the epltaXy threshold electrical [9-12].When would to influences 77 the GaN fわr the [3,4]・ GaN-on-Si the and electric field is high critical value crack-free. thicknesses characterization in the of the AIGaN/GaN grow We spo山aneous lattice mismatch a exceed buffer voltage. between large to is widely interface AIGaN/GaN the of is responsible growth, deterioration superlattice in GaN correlation with the strain/stress that it is possible layer together and HEMT GaN epitaxial (TBuf) [14]・ This the strain that involved used Raman to study a and because [2]・ It due layer AIGaN leading found strained Si and is undesirable at the concern large bowing layer a鮎r (2DEG) form1ng and epitaxial the to evaluate bigger strain in the strong gas between formation of heterostructure a prevent pleZOelectric, method becomes coefficient through quality for the attention (SLSs) to Si and large-scale glVen epi-layers on grown electron thermal relaxes in GaN be to the Si growth, cost involved strain structures superlattice stress to causes the epitaxial of its low that has elements Si is understanding on because suitable and key buffer deterioration the most fundamental The availability・ be to available for the GaN are substrates spectroscopy the strain/stress and in to Vth Shi氏・ We Vth Shift・ Chapter-V: Influence 5.2 Raman Analysis Raman experiment spectrometer device the In general, CCD)・ scattering spectrometer岳are light to developed high be stray light rejection, making laboratories also but Notch/ environment・ laser light from scattered laser light the on high phonon mechanical The selective sample over use of different probing layer formation averaged wavelength be studied to and in or a the sample (argon laser: using UV layer 488 excitation GaN thickness 514 nm, with nm, and bandgap can be (Hec° wavelengths 78 pm elastically focuses laser light resolution. experiments of whereas nm) metal material under over a contact properties visible excitation surface due allows averaged for optimlZlng laser: 325 industrial an XYIStage・ either probed in only of spatial maps of 3・4eV, nm), not spatial been achievlng scattered motorized properties, a 532 the in Raman layer, for example, while ln the recording wavelengths have to prevent l12 with uslng material scattered optlCal microscope collects allows sample therefore surface For semiconductors・ over a of laser excitation of phonon thickness areas extended and experiments systems elastically monitoring an While scattering possible, systems Often issue. concepts systems than Raman light throughput in Raman study Raman the a coupled weaker considerable enable process used the under stability of such properties and being a of Raman use the spectrometer・ entering material Can high a retain f♭r growth are of magnitude light・ Alte皿ative stray to be can laser, a charge the elastic scattering耳nd the wider (micro-Raman system), allowing The light multicharmel Si on typically source, is orders lntenSlty via able filters edge a commonly stray light to years light signal intensity in scattering Raman the most to separate used HEMTs Volta2こeShiftin AIGaN/GaN mOnOChromatic hence lntenSlty, in recent research the the Raman mismatch dominate a (nowadays generally large the slgnals, Threshold on requlreS detector a and elastic Stress of GaN properties can to the absorption laser UV the of (0001) on the in 3.1. Schematic GaN thicknesses. bufferand spectrum measurement, obseⅣed at highlighted peaks were 1・25, 520.7 using Shi允in AIGaN/GaN forthe case, and grov^h phonon selectionrules at 567.5 stress cm-I and and crystalline linewidth・ the E2 Phononfrequencyand AIGaN/GaN on Si spectroscopy The mode information visible・ The on spectrum Raman monitoring. Al(LO) HEMTs microIRaman used・ Mostly was E2 and measurements GaN buffer and epl-StruCturewithvarious laser Raman star spectra which sign identi丘ed and carried as shownin of 532108 2・5, 4・0,and cm-1 were thicknesses a the room-temperature - e discussion and TBuf for process representation different a our wavelength clearly from Ramanspectra for nm Volta In sample. were extracted Fig. 5.3 Results the for GaNwiththe surface, canbe Threshold on relevance respectively, cm-1, quality has surface (0001) 734.5 light Stress laser of 532.08 a measurement, on of GaN Innuence ter-V: With is fわund and the various also right 79 3.1. was (high) mode shownfigures・ (Fig.3.2. Fig. wavelength or the E2 5・0岬I inall showed nm for AIGaN/GaN out epi-structure Forthe used. and micro-Raman Figure Al(LO) TTGaN thicknesses・ some o也er small The side) with E2 peaks (high) mode higher at 3・2 shows line obseⅣed The or and magni丘cation・ Si peak Si were At(LO) ∫ ter-V: Influence of GaN Stress Threshold on Volta e Shi允in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si ⊂ .言 ∃ J⊃ h cd 、-■■■ と、 'a ⊂ q) i 岩 qJ EL ⊂ .≡ コ .`⊃ h d ヽ一 之、 '= ⊂ 4) ■■・J ⊂ I5d o3 也) FL. 言 ⊂ ⊃ 」⊃ ゝ■ cd 、-■ 三・ 'a ⊂ O ◆■▲ ⊂ ig q) a.∼ ⊂ .⊇ コ h ,占 cd \ヽ_/ =・ ∴転 t= 4J E≡. ⊂ 上土 く弓 C} Fh 200 300 400 Raman Fig. 3.2. Raman also showed peak 500 shift 600 800 550 800 600Ram6a5nOshi孟o(ocm-17 (cm-1) for various (Le允side). The 700 peak buffer thicknessesand shift shownin 80 a clear variousGaN manner thicknesses (rightside). were of GaN ter-V: Innuence there increases which is no much a a peak shi氏in 1.25, 2.5, and 5.0ト皿aS properties averaged excitation the over strain/stress present phonon at 567.5 peak ノ inthe GaN TBuf general the E2 layers. A the E2 (high) 4・O tim, = TGaN it further, we 0・5トIm) = plotted GaNwith band a gap be can (high) phonon probed eV GaN to shows - material under is used peak typical unstrained of3・4 the TBuf Si (111) substratewith grownon layer血ickness sample 15]. h wavelength[3, epilayers Si on It is also to be notedthat Tounderstand Fig. 3.3. For Shownin foundalongwith was (except cases. each HEMTs Shift in AIGaN/GaN in TTGaN thicknesses. intensity for lト皿-thick GaN Ramanspectra e satellite peak increase in the peak change found there whereas withthe Volta Threshold on Fig. 3.2, it is clearthat From mode, Stress visible studythe E2 (high) [4,6, 16]. cmJl \ コ i 土・ 'G 〔コ q) +J ‡= .1 (弓 O FL Fig. 3.3. Raman spectra buffer The thickness・ We thicknesses. observed The GaN 400 Raman 300 200 obtained inset shows the E, to 500 E2 findthe (high) modes peak 700 800 shift (cm-I) the phonon phonon 600 (high) phonon peak shift for different shift in GaN at 565.97, 81 peak 567・4l with , and the 568・9 shi氏with buffer to thicknesses・ change cm-] respect were in buffer recorded Chat)ter-V: for TBuf AIN 1.25, - along observed of GaN 1nnuence 2.5, Stress and 5.0 E2 withthe (576.69 cm l) [17]. The ofAlNthat is present amount 565 Threshold on Ltm, VoltaEe is believed peak intensity satellite peak in the buffer Tensile (Fig.3・3 inset).A respectively (high) phonon HEMTs Shift in AIGaN/GaN to be increases due to increase Ti L仙- G_a_N_ GPa +0.02 芸 10.08 GRa 7J ー0.1 \ != (6 :GIpai -0,3 2 GPa ●′・● 7.io \ ∼1 t<T-1 ′.■ ≡ ;pair..?I l -GP+,"ニ-- 〔弓 こ∠ ・〈. J?7 GPa -0・47 0.5 Compressive 0 1 2 Buffer Fig. 3.4. The residual (1) for various understand the amount stress was bufferand the 3 thickness, TGaN shi允s of the E2 (high) mode stress 4 TBuf for the GaN calculated (Llm) E2 (high) phonon peak shift thicknesses. that strain/stress of residual 〃1Tl stress 571 peak in也e layers. - 568 calculated of stress Unstrained O Tb the presence G蕗-I10'17fGPa+...,孟J Trr、よ-± i二て:I阜ご0=01_3f_GP_チ -tL- 567 eq. was satellite peak wi也the +0.35 using Si on is present in the samples inthe Raman in by spectra GaN the using血e using the we epilayers, measured pbonoTl equation[4, 16, 18] below △a'- where, Ao theoretical =・ K,101,r isthe difference in the measured peak position ofanunstrained peak GaN 82 position (567・5 cm of the Ramanpeak 1)IThe strain coemcient and the ( K, ) here selected +o.35, is 4.3 cm +0.02,and To further with of GaN Innuence ter-V: that GaN TGaN. -0.32 GaN strain/stress Thus, from stress calculated 1.25, 2.5,and for this study as key a Play shows reSPeCtively・ Were epIStruCtureS with (1) eq. 5.0トIm, grown Fig. 3.4. We shownin tensile to compressive TGaN using Si on found in TBuf and the change role in the strain modulation during the downprocess・ the cooling growthand GaN HEMTs Shi氏in AIGaN/GaN strain/stress, various thicknesses changes e TBuf- in GaN change in TBuf and changes Vo]ta for HEMTswith GPa buffer and Threshold on [4, 18].The 】GPaー1 understandthe different Stress 0.32 0.28 0.24 . ・ rJ ≡ 0.20 E:. 0.16 :i 0.12 →-∫ .?w o.o8 -1.5 Gate Fig・ 3・5・ Transfer The V were step The (VG_st,ess -10 V) under - was voltage, Vgs source AIGaN/GaN HEMTs on off-state bias a stress, set these of Was measurement stepIStreSS dark condition. The to HEMTsfor applied tested until its parameter fabrication processand device in chapter-3. mentioned of 11.5 0 10.5 (V) Si with GaN various device?. strain/stress stress characteristics 012.5 -0.5 duration similar devices of600 reliability data were rested 83 from at off-state for 30 min obseⅣed. before it is bias 5 to 70 Vwith In this measurement were as same out Carried VD-st,essranging s. kept were several On carrylng 5 devices completion or Out dc normal 1nnuence of GaN Ids-Vdsand transfer characteristics (VTth)isthe gate-source ter-V: mobile Stress Threshold on the 2DEG HEMTs ShiftinAIGaN/GaN e the device to obtain at which voltage Volta Threshold rate・ recovery is completely channel Si oll voltage depletedfrom carriers. The transfer Fig1 shownin built-in 315・ GaN determined of the The from VTR Shiftwith the Vgs increase reduction as in was a drain small Fig. shownin in the tensile (VDS 3.5. Figure GaN compressive bias GaN in the change VT.hンof the wafer・ << as epilayers observedwiththe as-grown by applying of lds VerSusthe VTth ShiRwiththe negative VTth Shin different these on measured inthe present the linear region root were in the change strain/stress square positive characteristics device was VGS), and 3.5(a) plot the shows the straill/stress, Whereas strairL/stress is shownin Fig・ 3.5(b). ー3 -2 -1 Gate source voltage, Fig・ 316・ AIGaN/GaN stress, IdsIVgs the VDISt,eSS,Show HEMTs characteristics that the It is believed influencingthe on change Vth Shins Si substrate were out 1 positively・ that the built-in GaN in the +O135 GPa GaN ・25 pm show devices,and on丘esh after every withTBuf- carried 0 Vgs (V) strain/stressthat VTR Shi氏・ During 84 off-state bias present stress, in the epilayers there occurs a is high chapter_V: vertical acquired the increase with bias・ The to positive vlh Shi氏with increaslng on 70 V・ Hence, - for HEMTs are with tensile respect strain/stress a strong difference the device created strain/stress degradation a between correlation during that occurs tensile strain through from with on fresh device, a at VDIStreSS were to -1・60 observed・ -1・84 V, and Vth Shi氏・ It is negligible of AIGaN/GaN in the change devices 1・25トLm HEMTs through a with bias stress・ This of strain/stress in GaN and Shi氏and off-state electrical present owlng tO in GaN the distortion 85 thicknesses・ vertical It has electrostatic epilayers compressive suggests the suggests for tensile is different stress the strongly different 10, 30, and HEMT those the the type - that the AIGaN/GaN Vth with Vth at VD-st,ess the shiftin It is evident positive in VD-st,essfor HEMTs of the shift in threshold voltage are negative resulted in ll ・66 V observed shows Vth Shift aRer negative in the polarity of traps compressive a was the increase figure device・ show be -1・79 V Vth Shifts negatively V from were Vth Shifttowards that noted and TBuf- on curves [19]. effect to a丘・esh to electrostatics in Vth Shift with strain/stress show the affects is found HEMTs Vth Of11・28 in Fig・ 3・7・ The shown with additional strain changes 70 V nature 2・5トLm, be Ids-Vgs voltage TBuf with in the Ids and reduction to shift positively 5・0トLm, - of piezoelectric epilayers is TBuf source it should 1・25 pm Vth Shi氏for on GaN The TBuf- the gate a HEMT The stress・ Si on in both the AIGaN generated ofAIGaN/GaN bias show VDISf,ess・Here, on positive TBuf- that combination This in was curves off-state characteristics VD-st,ess,Vth tends a on evident there transfer for HEMTs whereas aRer HEMTs Shift in AIGaN/GaN strain/stress in VDISt,eSSby sweeplng increase the Voltage the transfer and bias・ V.h for HEMTs positive and 3・6・ shows before measured Threshold on and additional Figure reg10nS・ 1・25トLm - Stress electrostatic丘eld, GaN and of GaN Influence Vth Shi氏・ that the strain/stress been that reported and that fleld that introduces of the crystal lattice in the AIGaN barrier, ter-V: Innuence inaninverse resulting chaJmelwidth, a In the increasing in the GaN our group TBuf for the growth -1.0 VD_sT,ess (:jL,:::?i L」 と_1.2 VD_stress- ■●▲ J ●▲ 」= 10 - leads strain HEMTs established Si on 30V l b TGaN 」ニ densities in were + TGaN pm 1.0 Llm - 1.5 Llm L? r 盛11・4 2DEG increase withthe -0.5 ^TGaN- Vt)_stress-70 V I in the change [14]. l l V a dislocation that Si on ofGaN to densities carrier Fresh Device ■●▲ 一\ ShiflinAIGaN/GaN e 2DEG the changes past, Volta [16]. effect change in tum which on Threshold on piezoelectric thickness・ reduced Stress believe that We buffer of GaN l l cd ヽ-■ I 'S -1.6 > ▲ 'て) ▼・・・・・・・・・・・■ ⊂) A -1.8 ,=帆 O i: ー2.0 ト Vds=10V -2.2 -0.8 Fig・ 3171 GaN stress variousHEMT threshold vs structures grown Asdiscussed in strain/stress is created HEMTs TBur on - dislocation density [20, 21]・ This in the decrease Ids and positive voltage the devices, Llm produces of the electron VTth Shi氏・ These GaN the TGaN bias Which electrons 86 were for measured tensile additional field, In the strain/stress become inthe inthe channel stress an tensile for electrons concentratic-n 0.6 thicknesses. stress, a with tr叩StateS, centers trapped bias off-state in verticalelectrostatic acceptor-like the trapping 0.4 (GPa) TBur and off-state increase 0.2 shi免on different with [16], during with 1125 increases 0 -0.4-0.2 GaN stress -0.6 recovered and of large negatively charged channel resulting 2DEG leading case to a reduction fully by keeping in the the cha13ter-V: Influence of GaN device 30 at for rest dislocation densities compressive stress traps, causlng During [15].After effect and Vth of TBuf which 30 operates vD_stress,results less GaN mins 2・5 pm, in a in a to found with a more Vth Shi氏・ negative reduction in Ids Similar in the cha皿el interface, a with partial recovery are and relaxed to necessary and the kink explain the HEMTs GaN Ids degradation, 1n GaN, to that of the unstrained that the relaxed for the negligible can Vth Shift・ Whereas, negative of the AIGaN/GaN believe GaN at the gate/AIGaN studies stress/strain Vth Shi氏・ We the of acceptor-like that electrons argue the elastic energy within and they For stress・ Vth Shiftwith negative Further is responsible good leading Ids Showed GaN devices, Ltm in the number reduction time, strain/stress negligible strain/stress VIh Shi氏results GaN the device a the AIGaN, recovery・ 5.0 - compressive injectedin recovery no a and in which the compressive - is a observed to be Showed behind mechanism case we TBuf on Si on ヽ show that there reported by other authors buffer GaN Shi氏仰=正MTs HEMTs of to fill the 2DEG electrons energy case and it is believed more sufrlCient achieve the low were ThlreShold Vbltage on In min. off-state bias stress, to results the Stress on high strain/stress a and or negligible reliable performance・ 5.4 Summary we have buffer various importance HEMTs・ of and GaN Raman buffer shi氏and and GaN strain/stress reveal thicknesses. We strain/stress. The less Ids degradation device the thicknesses spectra GaN GaN evaluated with uslng fわr the the change found GaN the negligible with bias Off-State degradation in the that there is Vth Shi氏during stress・ and GaN minimum 87 HEMTs of AIGaN/GaN reliability a The strain results reliability. of strain/stress strong on Si with illustrate the AIGaN/GaN the change with correlation between or strain results relaxed off-state bias stress・ in the Vth in 叫/GaN I正MTs Si on References [l]T・ Egawa: [2] K・ W・ ULVAC Kim, Phys. [3]A・ Saura, [4]E・ and Lett. 98 H・ Ji, M・ Appl・ K・ S・ Im, J・ K・ Lee, Phys. O・ Manaresh Kuball: (2006) Breach, and S・ J・ Chua, Shen, J. Uren, T. Martin, Anal. P・ Chen, T・ Takahashi, H. S. Kwack, S. Beck, and K. J. Nash, K. P. Hilton, R. and 103502. Semiconductors: Sur£ Inte血ce [6] S・Tripathy, [7]X・ Q・ M・ Lett. 88 (Cordon B. J. Kwon, (2011) 141917. Kuball, T・ Yu, in Ill-VNitride [5] M・ 101 (2013) 18. 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These is negligible believed or voltage・ due reveals different voltage step-stress current gm-peak Ofthe there stress fわrce microscope, framework This gm-peak, IG-off and buffer various experimental developed・ with temperature・ in IDmax, RD, and above HEMTs with high failure mechanisms. at that particular For grown been substrate An different breakdown at room in the gate irreversible GaN atomic developed voltage has experiments on out discussed. of AIGaN/GaN reliability silicon like IDmax, RD, our terminal the device understand grownon HEMTs parameters of electrical are of GaN electroluminescence, images (HEMT) device were conditions study MOCVD using the reliability studying systematic transistors mobility thicknesses a the bright to be due devices present devices also shi氏in the to the from occurs in the vlrgin the critical voltage pm, spot Si grownwith on at the increase show threshold sudden in high was voltage increase TBuf- 1・25 pm, the beginnlng device・ decrease a a In the case observed in IIV and observed. in the and gate it is believed higher at transfer The to be HEMT ofAIGaN/GaN drain bias stress but characteristics electroluminescence leakage electric fleld at the gate edge 90 the degradation current・ This of the drain is side ChapteトⅤⅠ: Conclusion ln resulting nOn TBuf on grown unifbm electroluminescence was no slgni丘cant off-state, ON-state The 4.0 and shows a - HEMT On observed・ HEMTs and the pit depth that apart from AIGaN improved. GaN changes・ in buffer shiftof the tensile and shi氏more VIh Shifton further pit depth of 100 found that and on that The GaN GaN thicknesses・ from This compressive strain, respectively. fresh device the buffer strain changed Vth Shi氏tends and negative・ the buffer varylng devicel・ The positive is also influenclng increaslng on However, to On GaN tensile positive applying with and also a氏er electrical bias 400 as The leakage depicts This degradation・ of GaN the strain compressive reflects negative. for nm・ substrate thicknesses electrical minimum stress. to was of pits the quality strain and the number the device GaN and edge observed current. thickness in GaN change moves 91 and leakage drain current was high as source the gate with voltage that reveals at the V under 45 V. bias 130 increased that the reveal buffer in stress nm There 5・0トIm - leakage in the gate at this VD-st,ess increase breakdownalong It is also found change On drain in pit formation increase gm-peak degradation a of TBuf case higher at results abrupt/sudden barrier the GaN it was Further 5.0トIm - characteristics initiates the device current no out Also observed. the gate-drain reglOn. gm-peak in the carried TBuf on increased. The breakdown throughout and was voltage HEMT - 5.0 um. - Critical AIGaN/GaN of the case 0 state condition up to VD_st,ess/ -VG_stress stress Hence, TBuf grownon in the bias the contrary, three-terminal was - grown instead of gate edge. nO unifわrm emission VD_st,ess and in the 5.0トLm, in the IDmax, RD, change off-state AIGaN/GaN Whereas emission. on for GaN stress strain shows the with Vth the with Vth tend to negligible Acknowledgement l give all the glory life to live in this world・ do opportunity to Teclmology, Japan・ out doctoral my I thank my doctoral Not only course Him with degree He and to Lord thanks and me gave Christ heart all my to created He and Nagoya finish gave lnstitute led constantly successfully me this wonderful me esteemed this opportunity, strength who for glVlng this highly at me gave Jesus of through degree at my me the right time. I thank career and is indeed my was a big support a blesslng I thank me me 丘nancially laboratory・ JOumey Egawa research He Of my doctoral the helper. She sacriflCed her journey of my Vimala) for their valuable Mrs. and a Egawa, in my doctoral life・ I thank my God period. She prayers, Almighty for Center for He constantly teclmicalknowledge year・ I thank towards Akio Research of from Apart showed me favor and he support, fわr his I tha止God me・ Wakejima, him encouraged goodness, fわr introducing in his eyes・ initially who me guided and reliability studies・ S・ Lawrence degree his student・ as my血st Professor director the life and showed real blesslng doctoral me period・ he pa血towards Dr・ is Takashi that Associate I thank out throughout support me血oughout generoslty I thank and fわr accepting my supported Takashi my System throughout Professor shown (Mr・ Amalraj Professor and and comparable parents. thank kindness through my me. counseling Nano-Device fわr me parents wonderful I guided for my encouragement, glVlng (Jerline)for being wife SelvaraJ ln my program・ life・ He More 92 him Without constantly than a guide I wouldn't guided he took me end up through personal ln out this the interest in my life, encouraged I thank for two my years and NGK and supported Insulators reduced my me Ltd in various aspects of life・ (Nihon Gaishi) for providing financial pressure research. 93 which helped me the scholarship to concentrate more on AUTHORS ACCOMPLISHMENTS A. Publications in lnternational 1. reliabilitystudies "Step-stress Thickness 2・ Frank Phys. "Influence Wilson, Appl・ 6 of GaN 3・ Frank Phys. 4・ Phys. Wilson, Akio 6 on Silicon with Buffer =Evaluation Voltage Off-State Wakejima,and of Defective of AIGaN/GaN Akio 6 Takashi Egawa, Shiftin AIGaN/GaN Electrical Bias" Takashi Egawa, HighElectron (2013) 086504. Wilson, Express, Threshold Siunder on Measurements Frank Wakejima,and on Appearance Reliability AIPl・ HEMTs (2013) 056501. Stress Express, "0riginand Amalraj Akio Express, MobilityTransistors Amalraj AIGaN/GaN on Dependence" Amalraj Appl・ Journals: Pits High Wakejima,and the at Electron Takashi Gate-DrainRegion Mobility during Transistors on Si門 Egawa. (2013) 116601. of Electron Trapplng of AIGaN/GaN HEMTwith ReaトTime ,Speed Electroluminescence Akio and Wkejima,Amalraj Pulsed I-V Measurements門 Frank Wilson, Takuya Egawa, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 60 (2013) 3 183. 94 Joka, SuguruMase,and Takashi B. International 1 ・ conferences: "Step-stress and reliability studies Frank Wilson, Heterostructure "Step-stress Thickness Amalraj Labor "Effect Amalraj ssDM, Akio Grown Wakejima,and Microelectronics AIGaN/GaN Takashi (TWHM), reliabilitystudies HEMTs on Sapphire 28th August AIGaN/GaN on Egawa: Topical Workshop on 20 1 1 Japan. HEMTs , on Silicon withBuffer Dependence" Frank Wilson, solid State Devices 3. MOCVD Silicon" Amalraj 2. on Center Wakejima,and Materials (WINC AICHI), of Buffer Frank and Akio Thickness Wilson, 26th september Akio 2012, on (SSDM), Nagoya, Egawa 28th september 201 1 Aichi Industryand HEMTs Si" , Japan. Degradation Wakejima,and Kyoto Takashi ofAIGaN/GaN Takashi Intemational 95 on Egawa, Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan・
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