RSNA 2013 The Power of Partnership Education Award Winners Magna Cum Laude LL-GIE 2732 Morphology and Invasiveness : How CT Colonography Can Help to Identify Which Lesions Need Treatment Soonest 椎野(小田)麻生(国立がん研究センター中央病院放射線診断科)ほか LL-GIE 2810 Multi-modality Imaging and Management of IPMN and MCN of the Pancreas Based on New International Consensus Guidelines 2012 60 P 椿 愛子(奈良県立医科大学附属病院放射線科)ほか LL-PHE-WE10A Current and Novel Imaging Technologies in Coronary Computed Tomography : What the Radiologist Needs to Know 町田治彦(東京女子医科大学東医療センター放射線科)ほか 61 P Cum Laude LL-GIE 2690 Applications of the Fast kVp Switching Dual Energy CT for Hepatopancreato-biliary Imaging 兵頭朋子(近畿大学医学部放射線医学教室)ほか LL-NRE 4373 The Role of MR Imaging in Tongue Cancer Based on Therapeutic Outcomes 関谷浩太郎(国立がん研究センター東病院)ほか LL-NRE 4412 Mimics of Hemorrhage on Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) Taha M. Mehemed, 山本 憲(京都大学大学院医学系研究科放射線医学講座)ほか LL-OBE 2268 61 P 62 P Female Pelvic Masses with Adipose Tissue : Spectrum of Disease and Radiologic-pathologic Correlation 小川真代(奈良県立医科大学 / 済生会中和病院放射線科)ほか 63 P Certificate of Merit CL-NME 4127 IgG 4 -related Disease (IgG 4 -RD) with Whole Body FDG-PET/CT : Image Characteristics and How to Differentiate from Other Diseases 藪崎哲史(北海道大学医学部放射線科)ほか CL-NME 4132 Fortuitous Detection of Additional Tumors at 18 F-FDG PET/CT : Incidence, Tips for not Overlooking Their Presence, and Clinical Significance 63 P 古本大典(広島大学病院放射線診断科)ほか LL-BRE 2448 Diagnostic Usefulness of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) for Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC) 内山菜智子(国立がん研究センターがん予防・検診研究センター)ほか LL-CHE 3091 Spectrum of Progression Curves for Subsolid Nodules : Detection in Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screening and Prospective Observation for 8 Years 柿沼龍太郎(国立がん研究センターがん予防・検診研究センター)ほか LL-CHE 4233 Explore the Heart“without”ECG-Gating! : A Practical Approach to Evaluate Cardiac Function on Non-ECG-Gated Thoracic CT 石山光富(聖路加国際病院放射線科 / ワシントン大学放射線科)ほか LL-CHE 4278 Endovascular Repair for Ulcer-like Projection in Patients with Intramural Hematoma of the Aorta : Indications and Serial Changes 末吉英純(長崎大学病院放射線科)ほか LL-CHE 4294 64 P Pleurodesis : Indications and Radiographic Appearance 65 P 園田明永(University of Maryland Medical Center)ほか LL-CHE 4311 The Usefulness of Evaluating Pulmonary Veins in Diagnostic Various Lung Diseases 江頭玲子(佐賀大学医学部放射線科)ほか LL-GIE-SU 11 A Complicated and Uncomplicated Meckel’ s Diverticulum : Spectrum of CT Appearance 河本里美(Johns Hopkins School of Medicine The Russel H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science)ほか 58 INNERVISION (29・2) 2014 65 P 67 P LL-GIE 2698 Gastrointestinal and Mesenteric Manifestations of Hematologic Malignancies : Multidetector-row CT Findings RSNA 2013 LL-GIE 2707 Colloid Carcinoma of the Pancreas Associated with IPMN (Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm) : Spectrum of CT Appearance and Comparison with Conventional Ductal (Tubular) Adenocarcinoma 河本里美(Johns Hopkins School of Medicine The Russel H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science)ほか LL-GIE 2761 Novel Application of MR Flow Evaluation : Direct Visualization of Pancreatic Juice Movement and Its Clinical Impact 杉田礼児(仙台市医療センター 仙台オープン病院放射線科) LL-GIE 2799 66 P Cholangiolocellular Carcinoma : Comparison between Hemodynamic Pattern of Dynamic CT and Histopathologic Findings 67 P 67 P 鶴﨑正勝(近畿大学医学部放射線医学教室)ほか LL-GIE 2849 Combined Low-kilovoltage Scan and Iterative Reconstruction at Dynamic Abdominal CT : Improved Image Quality and Reduced Radiation Dose 山村定弘(熊本大学医学部附属病院画像診断・治療科)ほか LL-GIE 2862 Pictorial Review : Whole Body Fusion Imaging between Diffusion-weighted Imaging and 3 D Fat Suppressed Contrast-enhanced T 1 -weighted Imaging (FDWI) 堀越浩幸(群馬県立がんセンター放射線診断部)ほか LL-GIE 2896 70 P Slice Dropping in Clinical Image Interpretation with Stack-mode Viewers : How to Cope with This Problem 70 P 八上全弘(京都大学医学部附属病院放射線診断科)ほか LL-MKE 2107 Paraneoplastic Syndrome: Musculoskeletal Manifestations 北村範子(東邦大学医療センター佐倉病院放射線科)ほか LL-MKE 2133 MR Imaging Findings of the Superficial Soft Tissue Masses of the Extremities : Correlation with Histopathologic Features 長田周治(久留米大学医学部放射線科学教室)ほか LL-MKE 2214 3 D MR Myelography at 3 T : Technical Aspects and Imaging Features 原田祐子(山口大学医学部放射線科)ほか LL-NRE 3145 How to Avoid Ischemic Spinal Cord Complication after Thoracoabdominal Aortic Surgery : State of the Art Concept, Technique and Radiological Imaging 高木英誠(東北大学病院放射線診断科)ほか LL-NRE 4392 69 P CT Gastrography with Dual Source Dual Energy CT : Typical Imaging Findings and Image Intepretation of T Stage Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer with Three-dimensional Imaging and Two-dimensional Iodine Map 白神伸之(東邦大学医療センター大森病院放射線科)ほか LL-INE 3178 68 P Imaging of the Ethmoid Sinus : Critical Zone of the Sinonasal Cavity 71 P 72 P 72 P 73 P 藤田晃史(自治医科大学放射線医学教室)ほか LL-NRE 4463 Review of Hyperintensity in Intracranial Extra-Axial Space on FLAIR : Artifact and Diseases 関根鉄朗(日本医科大学付属病院放射線科)ほか LL-NRE 4514 Pictorial Review of Dysphagia in Head and Neck 74 P 齋藤尚子(埼玉医科大学国際医療センター画像診断科)ほか LL-NRE 4569 Pediatric Maxillomandibular Lesions 金田 隆(日本大学松戸歯学部放射線学講座)ほか LL-OBE-MO 7 A Diagnostic Strategy for Cystic Masses in the Female Pelvis : A Comprehensive Review and Diagnostic Impact of Advanced MR Techniques 竹内麻由美(徳島大学医学部放射線科)ほか LL-OBE 2300 Uterine Sarcomas : Challenge for Preoperative Diagnosis by MRI 北井里実(東京慈恵会医科大学放射線科)ほか LL-OBE 2305 Many Faces of Ovarian Teratomas : Usual, Unusual Imaging Manifestations, Pitfalls, and Problem-solving MR Techniques 竹内麻由美(徳島大学医学部放射線科)ほか 74 P 75 P 76 P 77 P 76 P INNERVISION (29・2) 2014 59 日本人受賞一覧 古谷清美(国立病院機構九州医療センター放射線科)ほか
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